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Elchin Safarli accent. Touching books: Elchin Safarli, a list of works by a sincere writer of the East

New book about happiness and love

He writes in Russian, talking about traditions Eastern culture, about modern life, while raising the problems of both traditional and non-traditional love. Safarli's novel "I want to go home", published in August by the Russian publishing house "AST", continues to break sales records. This is Elchin's eighth book.

The book has already been recognized as a bestseller in the CIS countries- in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. At a meeting with a popular Azerbaijani writer in Almaty, there were many fans of his work, they asked questions, shared their opinions with the writer and received Elchin's sweeping autographs as a keepsake.

Quotes from Safarli books spread by word of mouth and on the Internet. Someone found in them the answers to their questions. Its readers are mostly women. They see themselves in his works, find support and ... continue to buy his books.

Many are inclined to the fact that you can not delve into the plot of their books, and most importantly - to catch the main idea of ​​the author. It's more like a magical influence. Elchin himself is not inclined to consider himself a great writer, he often hears criticism addressed to him, but abstracting himself, he continues to create.

"I want to go home" is a story about happiness and love, about home and freedom. Two, a man and a woman, write letters to each other and are sure that they are destined to be together. Both dream of being in a place that is very dear to them - a small village on the coast Aral Sea becomes not just a pleasant childhood memory, not a point of an unscheduled meeting, but a metaphysical home that embodied the entire Universe.

A book about Safarli's childhood in Absheron, about the history of this land, its traditions and culture. The author tells about his grandmothers who baked shekerbura and shor-gogals, about how she and her grandfather built a pavilion-kulefrengi with a view of the Caspian Sea, and about the color of the Absheron village of Khil (now Amirjany), from where the roots of Elchin himself originate.

History lives in people

Before the conversation, Elchin opens his new book and brings it up to his nose to inhale the smell of fresh printing ink. It was as if I had just now seen my book, although it had already become a bestseller.

I rarely see my books. I don't keep any of my books at home. Why? Because this is my other life. I don't want to mix it with my inner world, with my space. There is Elchin at home, and there is Elchin at work.

After the release of a new book, the publisher allocates me author's copies. I do not give them away, but transfer them to the Moscow charitable foundation"Nastenka", whose employees help children with cancer. They sell them at their events, the proceeds from which go to the treatment of children. I have all my books handwritten version. It's enough. Ask, what about the story?History is in people.

Look for your people

The world is within us.There is hell, and heaven, and prison and freedom. Therefore, you need to put things in order in the soul, and not try to forget yourself in the outside world, which is full of chaos.

I was born in Baku, I work in Moscow, I live in Istanbul. City of my soul. There are people and places that are in tune with your inner world. Istanbul is just like that for me.

I try not to let anything close to me that can disrupt my sound. Starting from "not my" people and ending with things.

Don't confuse solitude with loneliness. Appreciate and take care of it. It is in solitude that the answers to our questions come.

During these seven years that I have been writing books, my life has changed little in a purely external aspect. Here is the internal - yes. I try to work on myself, to hear myself.My books are a reflection of my inner world. If you are reading a book full of chaos, then he is inside the author.

It is important to live your life, and not the life that your parents, relatives or friends impose on you. Take care of your uniqueness. It’s also important to wait for “your” person. My A new book about it. “Your” is the one next to which you become better.

It is important for a fish what kind of water it swims in. The nature of each of us consists of both positive and negative qualities. There are people next to whom the light that is in us increases. Therefore, take care of them and stay away from those who influence you badly.

About the Turkish-Russian conflict

My life is inextricably linked with Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey. My parents live in the suburbs of Baku, on the Absheron peninsula. We have a house there, a dog, olive trees. My parents live their measured life, and I often visit them and Absheron. A significant place for me, an energetically strong land.

What is happening in the world now, of course, worries me too. Over the past weeks, I have received many questions from journalists about whether I am afraid of losing my readership in Russia, as I have written many books about Istanbul, Turkey. It is foolish to consider creativity with political point vision. Those who understand this will go further with me. There will be those who will leave - this is normal. Don't be afraid to be non-massive. Change is part of life.

Karma in Kazakhstan

I am inspired by meeting people, including my readers. I started writing my stories on the Internet in the LiveJournal network, and it was my subscribers-readers who inspired me to collect the texts into one file and send them to publishers. This is how the “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus” appeared.

I perceive each city through people. It can be not only my readers, but ordinary people- an airport employee, for example. I define the spirit, the culture of the city by its inhabitants.

I came to Kazakhstan on a personal initiative. The fact is that for two years I had to perform in Almaty, posters were hung out, people were waiting for me. But the arrival had to be postponed, I had an operation on the spine. And so, when the plane landed in Almaty, I breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and told my agent: “The karmic duty is done, I am finally here!”. From the very first books, I felt that I was expected, loved in Kazakhstan. It's inspiring. AT next year We will definitely visit Astana.

man and books

Money - main part life, but not the main one. While working on the first book, I didn't think about how much I would be paid. Moreover, by the standards modern publishing houses, the manuscript was an absolute "non-format" - the volume is small, the lack of a dynamic plot, and so on. But they noticed and believed. Believe in your dreams!

Creativity for me was and remains an impulse of the soul. The book "I want to go home" came out after three years of silence. For publishers, this is a decent pause, they are afraid that the author may be forgotten during this time. Judging by the meeting with readers in Almaty and the sales figures, I have not been forgotten. Overcome fears - they are just thoughts, nothing more! Smile at them and move on!

What is my outlet? Walks. I put on sneakers (I have a whole collection of them) and just go, go, go. I am silent, I observe myself and the world around me, I fix problems in myself. Walk in fast pace great for the brain. Do not lie back on the couch with a box of eclairs in your arms, move and travel. Going to the nearest town or district is also a journey, albeit a small one.

There is no right or wrong choice. There is only our choice and its consequences. How we live the time allotted to us is also a choice. I want to live my life good writer but a worthy person.

Even the best psychotherapist in the world will not help you if you do not want to help yourself. If you find yourself at the bottom, don't be afraid. Relieve this condition, and then push off from the bottom and swim out to the sun.

I do not call myself a writer, a big responsibility. I am a storyteller.

Photographer: Georgy Chumakov

There is more love in this book than words. Love will shimmer with all shades: killing, desperate, shocking, painful, inspiring, bright and pure ...

Even if you are single now, be sure to remember that love is everywhere.

Just keep believing and waiting. Love appears suddenly and changes the world.

One thousand and two nights. Ours in the East (compilation)

The East is like a noisy, bright carnival market, an endless holiday and magic. There is a lot of open and mysterious, dark and light. Life in the East is different: neither good nor bad. And the authors of this collection will now tell you their stories.

By the way, this is where you will read the infamous story "Ban on yourself" by Elchin Safarli.

May your journey through the East be warm and happy.

self ban

Childhood is the beginning big book life. How the plot will develop depends on the very first years.

Of course, it is impossible to rewrite memories, to change the course of events - too.

But you can try to soften, supplement, and then in the future you will avoid tragedy and will not find yourself on the edge of the abyss.

When I am without you ... (compilation)

Three stories about love and obstacles that sometimes have to be overcome for the sake of their feelings.

“I'll be back” is about the love of an oriental man and a Russian woman. Between them - different countries, social statuses, upbringing and mentality, but lovers are ready to go through all the trials to be together.

"No Memories Without You" is a novel about vivid feelings. Long-awaited, all-consuming and so languid…

“You were promised to me” is a story of pain. A man who suddenly lost his wife and unborn baby is trying to return to life and overcome everything ...

There without back

Her life was not easy: poverty, betrayal, brother's arrogance, mother's death...

You can try to escape from this horror in Istanbul. And become a prostitute. Lust, debauchery, strange men.

But she does not stop believing in love and tells the story of life on the pages of her diary: day after day, healing her spiritual wounds.

Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus (2006)

Line by line - and you are in Istanbul. In a city with tart hot air, spicy aromas and an oriental fairy tale.

Pictures of the Bosphorus at night flash before my eyes, and the soft wind of autumn is felt on the skin.

All these sounds, smells, landscapes are woven into the author's memories of peace, love and family.

I'll be back... (2008)

The heart is always looking for love, happiness, serenity.

She came to Turkey from cold Moscow to gain strength and be nourished with warmth, but she met HIM. And it became a salvation. Now they are admiring the Bosphorus, wandering through the markets smelling of spices, wallowing in the room, completely forgetting that they will soon have to leave.

They are from different worlds, different social strata, and in the cold Russian capital she has a husband ...

Corner of Her Round House (2009)

Losing loved ones, we ask ourselves the question: why did this happen? and why with me?

Why do the most beloved, most dear to us people from life leave?

But, you know, no one leaves without a trace: we are left with memories and a piece of the soul. memories without you (compilation) (2009)

Two incredibly touching and subtle stories about love.

This book is literally saturated with colors, tastes, aromas, landscapes of love. The shell, brought from the depths of the Bosphorus, becomes a symbol of the experiences of the heroes.

As touching as Elchin Safarli, no one will write about love. As if with watercolors, he paints the history of far from perfect people.

Where it should be ... (2010)

He sits opposite. At the same time alien and own.

Once he was the center of my Universe, and now he is my past. Thoughts, memories cover me, but I try to hold on, drown out my emotions. I can’t say that love for him passed without a trace: it would be too simple and frivolous an explanation.

But I will try to understand myself, to open up to something new. In future.

I was promised you (2011)

Is it possible to fill the void that was formed inside after the loss of the most expensive? We know what emotions women experience, but how does a man experience the pain of loss?

How does one cope with grief, whose pregnant wife died in an accident? Will he be able to feel the taste of life again and learn to see its colors?

A poignant and emotional book.

Legends of the Bosphorus (compilation) (2012)

This book includes three novels by Elchin Safarli - completely different in content, but united by a unique oriental flavor.

The book about strong feelings, The book about hard life women of easy virtue in Istanbul and a book about unbearably beautiful happiness.

The whole gamut of emotions, experiences and feelings for those who want to spend
unforgettable evening.

If you knew... (2012)

A girl with a very cold name Sever wants to hide from the whole world in order to calmly live out the last weeks. She recently learned that she was terminally ill.

But the past does not let go: corrodes the soul, takes sleep. What does a girl feel after parting with her beloved? Anguish, dull pain?

But everything will pass and someday peace will surely come.

Recipes for happiness. Diary of an Oriental Cook (compilation) (2014)

Three years of life: endlessly dreary and at the same time joyful, calm, anxious.

Wise reasoning and life stories mixed with recipes for oriental dishes. You will not argue that the familiar taste of food sometimes awakens our memories more than old photos.

Summer joy with the taste of ice cream ...

I want to go home (2015)

In every line of this book, you can feel the salty smell of the sea, the cries of seagulls, the taste of exotic dishes and the aromas of oriental spices.

Listen to Oriental wise reflections and poignant stories from the life of Maryam, Dmitry, Eda.

Elchin Safarli is a modern oriental prose writer and journalist, author of books in the genre of romance novels.

Future famous writer was born on March 12, 1984 in Baku, Azerbaijan in the family of a pilot. Even as a child, the boy liked to invent unusual stories, which were willingly published by local youth publications, so after graduating from school, Elchin became a student at the Faculty of Journalism of the Azerbaijan international university. Soon Safarli got a job as a journalist, first on television in Azerbaijan, and later in Turkey.

However, the desire to devote oneself literary creativity did not leave Elchin, and in 2008 the AST publishing house published the debut novel of the beginning writer, Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus. Bright oriental flavor of the book, easy, sincere manner of narration, eternal problems relationships between people of different generations, the search for and comprehension of happiness - all this contributed to great success novel by critics and readers, and its author was named "literary discovery of the year" and compared with the laureate Nobel Prize Orhan Pamuk. Soon, one after another, new books by young talent “There without back”, “I'll be back”, “... There are no memories without you”, “You were promised to me”, “Where it should be”, “Legends of the Bosphorus”, “Recipes happiness". According to Elchin Safarli himself, it is very pleasant to be a writer, because books are the second, completely separate life of the author, and the main task each story or novel - to show readers the fate ordinary person- the one who is nearby. In 2011, director Sergei Sarakhanov made a short film about Elchin "Alone with Everyone". Safarli is married, has a daughter, and free time writes a culinary Internet column and walks along the seashore.


  • 2008 - "Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus" - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-048497-3, 978-5-271-18912-8
  • 2008 - "There without back" - Moscow, "AST".
  • 2009 - "I'll be back" - Moscow, "AST".
  • 2010 - "You were promised to me" - Moscow, "AST".
  • 2010 - "... There are no memories without you" - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-062397-6, 978-5-271-25423-9
  • 2010 - "A Thousand and Two Nights: Ours in the East" (collection of stories) - Moscow, "AST" ISBN 978-5-17-064990-7, 978-5-271-26790-1, 978-5-226-02064 -3
    • story "Where it should be"
    • story "Forbidden"
  • 2010 - The story "The corner of her round house" in the collection "Contour maps for adults" (compiled by Almat Malatov) - AST, Astrel, VKT
  • 2012 - "Legends of the Bosphorus" - Moscow, "AST".
  • 2012 - "If you knew ..." - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-079939-8, 978-5-17-079940-4
  • 2013 - "Recipes for happiness" - Moscow, "AST".
  • 2012 - “When I am without you” (author's collection) - Moscow, Astrel. ISBN 978-5-271-44772-3

Sputnik, Lisa Shelia

His books tell about human experiences, everyday, comprehensive and deep. It is hard to part with the books of the young Azerbaijani writer Elchin Safarli, who is called the most sincere writer of the East, because in them you can find yourself, those experiences and sensations that every person encounters in life. Safarli, in an exclusive interview with Sputnik Georgia, spoke about the dream of living in Tbilisi, about love, about when he is going to return to the sunny capital of Georgia, and about his work, which so agitated the hearts of people.

Elchin, I want to ask you so many questions that hundreds of interviews are not enough. I will try to ask about the most exciting. You wrote your first novel "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus" at work, during your lunch breaks. How did it work? As a rule, writers need silence and a cozy environment. Can you write anywhere?

- I remember well the time when I wrote "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus". It seems like it was yesterday, even though eleven years have passed. I worked for a construction company, a boring and uninteresting job that paid well. The only happy experiences for which I wanted to return to the office were meetings with the novel. Colleagues left for lunch, and I, snacking on an apple, described my Istanbul story, published it in an online diary and did not even think that it would become a book. My Moscow friends read it, advised me to collect the notes into one document and send them to Russian publishing houses. And so he did. A positive response came three days later. Now "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus" seems to me childish babble, sometimes poorly written. This is part of my path - imperfect, changeable, but beloved.

And I write in different places. More often in the silence of the house. Although yesterday I sketched an essay on a ferry across the Bosphorus. I believe in skill and work - these two ways can lead to success. Muse is a fickle substance, it is undesirable to become attached to it.

Anastasia Guz

AT last years there is a growing number of agnostics in the world. This trend also appeared in your first novel. Do you share the same faith as your heroes?

Everyone chooses what to believe in. I think the main thing is to have as much compassion as possible in faith. The relationship between man and religion is now in crisis. A lot of bad things happen under religious cover. It used to be, but in today's world it has become very aggravated. If each of us is tolerant of the other, does not confuse freedom with permissiveness and starts doing more good, we will change the situation for the better.

- In one of your novels you beautifully describe the moon over Tbilisi. What connects you with our capital?

— I love Tbilisi, this is a city where I want to return. It has a cozy intimacy. He sounds beautiful. At the end of October I am going to come again for a couple of days, to recharge with the energy of this land. Tbilisi for me is leisurely walks, delicious food, beautiful people, the stories of Nodar Dumbadze and, of course, music. From the songs of "Orer" to Lela Tsurtsumiya (delighted by her song "Damigamda"). I also have relatives in Tbilisi. Aunt Mzia and her apple orchard.

Anastasia Guz

- Speaking of food. The books make you feel like you're a gourmet. What is your favorite Georgian cuisine?

— Georgian cheeses and wines are my favorites. In Tbilisi, I buy suluguni, spices and wine - you can’t imagine a better gift for friends. I hardly eat red meat, so I don't order khinkali. But I love snacks (oh, spinach pkhali!) and satsivi, it is very difficult to stop (smiles). And after such a hearty meal, you should definitely go for a walk along the streets of Tbilisi with old houses, which, unfortunately, are getting smaller. But this is life. A person must be ready for change.

Are you ready for big changes? Orhan Pamuk called you the future of Eastern literature. What else do you want to write about?

— I want to write about people, about the most simple things that worries everyone. About what inspires, not depresses (a lot is said and written about this even without me - just turn on the TV or open a newspaper). About the beauty of life in spite of difficulties and losses, and about the pointlessness of waiting for the "perfect time". Enjoy life right now, in this moment.

They say my stories inspire people. There can be no greater praise for me.

“Love is the engine of life. We are given the freedom to choose: to live life with love or without love. Although there are also such states when you cannot love anyone. I want to lock myself away from the whole world, because I don’t believe in anything. And this is normal and acceptable, we are not robots. Everything passes. One morning you wake up and realize that it has let go, it has passed. And smile at the world again.

Photo: Courtesy of Anastasia Guz

- It sounds as if you understood something very important about life ... What do you dream about?

Live life with dignity. Do as little harm to the world as possible and do as much good for the world as possible. I strive for this every day. At the same time, I live my life the way I want to. And on this journey, it is very important for me not to lose respect for myself - neither now nor in old age. So that, looking at myself in the mirror, I did not want to spit in it.

- You write about it in your novels. What book would you recommend to get acquainted with your work?

- "Tell me about the sea" or "When I return, be at home" - it will be released in October current year. I love the way these stories are written. I like the idea behind them. It will be a pity if a reader who is not familiar with me forms an opinion about Safarli's work by reading the early texts first.

You are truly loved and expected. Before our meeting, I talked with fans of your work. She asked them what impressions they had of Elchin Safarli's books. People answered, I quote: “I cried with delight”, “Goosebumps”, “Every sentence is a quote”, “I fell in love with him”, “He warmed my soul”. And everyone asked me to thank you and asked if you were planning to come to us as a writer.

- I want to come, but exact dates I can't tell yet. You know, I once had a difficult period when I wanted to move to Tbilisi. Hide from everyone (from yourself, of course) in the lanes, get lost on the embankments. That did not happen. But I am grateful to your city for the feelings it gave me at that time. Hugs to my Georgian readers and hope to see you soon.


Elchin Safarli - contemporary writer, journalist. In his books he talks about Eastern traditions, culture, life and love.

Safarli is a professional journalist, winner of a number of youth literary competitions.

For many years he lived in Istanbul, which was reflected in early work writer: the action of his first novels, which topped the sales lists of the Russian book market, takes place in Turkey. The glory of the "second Orkhan Pamuk" Safarli gained immediately after the release of his first book - "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus".

In 2011, a short film “Alone with everyone” was shot about Safarli (directed by Sergey Sarakhanov).


2008 - "Sweet salt of the Bosphorus" - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-048497-3, 978-5-271-18912-8
2008 - "There without back" - Moscow, "AST".
2009 - "I'll be back" - Moscow, "AST".
2010 - “They promised you to me” - Moscow, AST.
2010 - "... There are no memories without you" - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-062397-6, 978-5-271-25423-9
2010 - "A Thousand and Two Nights: Ours in the East" (collection of stories) - Moscow, "AST" ISBN 978-5-17-064990-7, 978-5-271-26790-1, 978-5-226-02064 -3
story "Where it should be"
story "Forbidden"
2010 - The story "The corner of her round house" in the collection "Contour maps for adults" (compiled by Almat Malatov) - AST, Astrel, VKT
2012 - "Legends of the Bosphorus" - Moscow, "AST".
2012 - "If you knew ..." - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-079939-8, 978-5-17-079940-4
2013 - "Recipes for happiness" - Moscow, "AST".
2012 - “When I am without you” (author's collection) in collaboration with Y. Shakunova - Moscow, Astrel. ISBN 978-5-271-44772-3
2015 - "I want to go home"
2016 - "Tell me about the sea" - Moscow, "AST". ISBN 978-5-17-099184-6

Reviews and criticism of creativity

Ekaterina Aleeva, reviewing the collection "Contour Maps for Adults", writes:

The story "The corner of her round house", presented in the collection, cannot boast of an atmosphere. Trying to speak in it on behalf of a woman, Safarli slipped into melodramatic clichés, doused with a sweet syrup of vulgarity. Perhaps Safarli believed that he could turn one of the most popular stories in an unusual way for the reader. … The image of the city is not too expressive either: Istanbul plays such an insignificant role in the story that it is remembered only by two recipes for Turkish dishes that the heroine gives.
- Ekaterina Aleeva

The novel "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus" has earned approval Nobel laureate based on the literature of Orhan Pamuk. The famous Turkish writer, whom Elchin Safarli met at the 11th Congress of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan, gave the book the first review: “When I talk with this talented young man, I am convinced that world literature has a future.”