Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to adapt to time zone changes. Do you feel how the World is changing? Fear of upcoming changes in life is natural.

Question to a psychologist:

Olesya, Good evening! I have an older brother, he is thirty-three years old. He never got along with girls, probably because he is silent and very complex, still withdrawn into himself. All this is hidden in hyper-neatness and cleanliness in clothes and shoes. He is constant in everything, rarely anything changes in life, unless life itself forces him. For example, he worked for a very long time, where he didn’t like it, and in the end he was fired, although he intended to do it himself for two years. He doesn’t like his profession, but he’s been sitting at home for four months now, reading to prof. literature, almost never comes out. In response to any talk of changing your life, he gives arguments that everything will be bad anyway. My mother and I just have a cry from the heart, what should we do? I know this is a problem from childhood, he was always told that he was not like everyone else, in a negative way. I think that he won’t be able to open up with a consultation with a psychologist, but I hope I’m wrong. Please tell me, if I help pay for his training, then where should he start? Or what else can I do for him? Deep down there is a fear that this could lead to suicide.

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

I understand your concern for your brother. He is now going through a really difficult period in his life - a period of change. Your brother is now in under stress and has difficulty adapting.

Your brother does not leave the house because constant surroundings calm him down. The fact is that in a situation of stress, one or another form of deep-seated fear is activated in a person. For people prone to constancy, the main deep fear is fear of the new and fear of change. Your brother is one of those people who needs more time to cope with change than someone who, say, has a fear of constancy. It's neither good nor bad - it's simple its characteristics of response to stress. Other people - with other forms of underlying fear - have different ways of responding to stress.

Fear of upcoming changes in life is natural.

Your brother can be helped. There are proven psychological ways to deal with stress properly. Firstly, he must know that fear of change is natural. There are no people who cope with life changes easily. For some it’s a little easier, for others a little harder. But in such cases all people have typical stress reactions- either a feeling of fear, or a feeling of anxiety (everything will be bad) and depression.

Very important in stressful situations track your anxiety and depression levels with clinical tests. If the level is more than 48 points on the Zung test and more than 57 points on the Shihan test, you will need to additionally consult with a psychotherapist in person. If the level of anxiety and depression does not exceed these figures, then you can cope with stress in psychological ways, without drugs.

It takes time to adapt to change

Every person needs some time to adapt and get used to a new situation. Try not to rush your brother, give him time to recover and adapt to the situation. Let him take two, three or four months to think about how he wants to live in the future. Let him ask himself questions: where does he see himself in five to seven years? Does he want to have children and a family by this time? How much money will he need to support them? What kind of car does he want to drive at this point? Does he want to live separately or continue to live with his parents in 5-7 years? Perhaps he had never thought about it, never asked himself such questions. Perhaps your brother simply doesn’t know that you can build your life, but actively influence the circumstances of your life. Answers to the above questions will help him understand his desires and give him strength. take the first step to the future.

You can control the speed of change using a strategy of small steps

Our decisions in a situation of change are very similar to the decision to swim in an unfamiliar river. Agree that jumping into the water from a bridge without knowing either the depth of the river or the temperature of the water is perhaps reckless. You can always do things differently. For example, go to the shore and put your palm in the water. Think and only then decide whether to put your whole hand there or not. There is no need to “jump off a bridge” in either your girlfriend or work relationship. You can try, then understand whether you like it or not - only then make a preliminary decision. If move towards change slowly and in small steps- it is easier to avoid failure.

Support from loved ones in situations of uncertainty gives a person confidence in the future.

Your brother will feel better if he understands that he is loved and support in the family always: both when everything is going well for him, and when everything is not going well. Don't demand great achievements and quick 100% success from your brother. He will have all this, just for him it takes time to prepare.

Your brother may be very worried about the possibility of failure, and By emotional reasons refuse actions when there is no guarantee of a 100% successful result. He can reproach himself for not being able to be ideal person, which easily and quickly solves a problem of any complexity. Don't demand "perfection" from him.

It is important to learn to have a courageous attitude towards failure.

After every failure you need rise up, then take one small step forward. This is perhaps the most important skill that will help your brother get out of stress and start taking action. To make your brother believe in himself and his capabilities, you can advise him to read Nick Vujicic’s book “Life without Borders.” This book helps you understand how cope with despair, feelings of failure and stress from change. You can also watch Nick's lectures on and learn his difficult story. Nick has inspired more than five million people with his experience. His way of getting back up after difficult experiences touched the hearts of many people. Perhaps this video will give courage to your brother too.

You can read the book by M. J. Ryan “This year I... How to change habits, keep promises or do what you have long dreamed of.” This book is about how not to be afraid of change and find your own “success formula” in order to make your life better, achieve your goals and implement your plans. It's about how to recognize negative beliefs that prevent you from taking action.

After reading this book, if your brother wishes, he can consult a psychologist. The task of the psychologist is through support and disclosure strengths, help him believe in himself.

A psychologist can help with career guidance and systematic life planning.

It would be much easier for your brother if he used special exercises to reducing stress from uncertainty. In his case, the following sequence of sessions with a psychologist may be useful. First, do “Career Guidance” so that the psychologist looks at his inclinations, abilities, skills and I selected activity options that would suit him. Then go through the Systematic Lifestyle Planning program. And then go through programs on personal effectiveness “Correction of self-esteem”, “Self-confidence”. These programs are needed so that your brother can resolve the issue of his professional self-realization and get a job that is psychologically suitable for him.

A psychologist can find the cause of difficulties in the area of ​​personal life.

In order to advise him on the correct sequence of programs to create healthy relationships with a girl, the psychologist will need to talk to your brother personally. If it turns out that your brother's relationship difficulties are due to... lack of communication skills- it will be possible to limit ourselves to the “Confidence in Communication” and “Building Partnerships” programs. If the roots of the problem are deeper, for example in childhood, then you will have to start with “Correction of negative child-parent programs”, then “Liberation from codependency” and move further depending on what is revealed during personal communication with a specialist.

How to prepare for stress and how to prevent stress?

Stress can be caused by positive changes in life: the birth of a child, a wedding, a promotion and others. Such positive stressful situations can be predicted in advance and prepared for the expected stress. However, situations happen in life that we do not expect at all and that can arise completely suddenly: accidents, death of loved ones, loss of work, natural phenomena and others.

In addition, there are also stressful situations that we provoke ourselves through our behavior, acceptance or non-acceptance certain decisions, planning for desired situations, regardless of whether they are positive or not. This could be a job change, moving to another city, divorce and other situations. Each of these situations, even though we have planned for it, can cause serious stress.

Therefore, a person must learn to adapt in order to have enough strength to survive the most difficult situations in life and withstand any tests. We can learn adaptation on our own by putting into practice special exercises. For example, you can prepare for expected stress and prevent its negative effects on the body by following these recommendations:

  • Collect objective and reliable information about possible events.
  • Consider several options for preventing perceived dangers, as well as several options for mitigating them if negative events occur.
  • Do not rush to make decisions when you are in an excited state. First, calm down, and only then start collecting facts. You will make a decision after you finally calm down.
  • Try to maintain a sufficient supply of vitality and energy in your body so that difficult situation take advantage of them. If inner strength will be enough, the body will actively resist stress. If you let the situation take its course, give up, events will get the better of you. Therefore, it is better to be proactive in a stressful situation than to let stress take over you.
  • Serious negative changes in life must be accepted philosophically, knowing that they are as inevitable as positive changes. Therefore, if you cannot change anything, it is better to accept the circumstances as quickly as possible and adapt to them.
  • Lead active image life, work, get carried away, communicate, play sports. If you have a job that you love, it will be easier for you to cope with any stress.
  • How can you prevent stress?

    We can all influence the processes occurring in our body, thereby preventing a stress reaction. To do this, you can use relaxation methods, learn how to properly plan your daily routine, and analyze the causes of stressful situations that unsettle you.

    How to understand and detect our response to stress? In fact, it is very important to prevent stress by learning to identify your own response to stress. Moreover, this reaction different people may vary significantly.

    But there are general prerequisites that help prevent stress and reduce its development:

  • You should be calm about the fact that stressful situations can gradually turn into periods of active intense activity and assume this state;
  • You must develop methods and means of removing yourself from stressful situation and relaxation of the body under severe tension.
  • Try to maintain good relationships at home and at work. Show mutual respect, calm and balance.
  • Remember that your activity and work should give you not only a livelihood, but also moral satisfaction.
  • The work schedule must be planned in such a way that periods of intense work are replaced by equilibrium periods of calm.
  • Try to replace positive emotions all negative experiences.
  • Play sports, go to the gym, watch your diet, stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Try to enjoy your daily activities.
  • Normalize your sexual relationships.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously - look at everything with humor.
  • Your attitude towards stress can be changed, just as you can prevent the severe effects of stress on your body. To do this, you need to understand more deeply own personality, sample various techniques relaxation.

    How to adapt to stress?

    From a medical point of view, stress is physiological, psychological and emotional reaction person to external factors. Both negative and positive factors and events can cause stress. In particular, even marriage, the birth of a child, or success in building a career can serve as an impetus for stress.

    American researchers have compiled a special scale that indicates the degree of adaptation and reaction to various life events. Among the strongest stressors are death of a loved one, divorce. Stress can also be caused by a robbery, being held hostage, rape, home robbery, news of a fatal disease, natural and man-made disasters. Completely unsettles a person deprivation of work. A stressful situation is also retirement. Such pleasant events as vacations, holidays and special events I am also stimulated by stress. Stressogens also include housewarming and admission to college.

    According to the methodology developed by American researchers, in order to determine the risk of becoming a victim of anxiety and depressive disorders, it is necessary to evaluate each event in points from 1 to 100 depending on its impact and compare it with critical values.

    Each person has his own level of resistance to stress. By the way, susceptibility to stress is largely determined by profession. The greatest tendency to stress is typical for doctors, teachers, journalists, trade workers, law enforcement officers, drivers public transport, political figures whose professional activities involve communicating with people.

    The main stress factors for doctors are the combination of a large number of patients with limited time to see them, responsibility for the life of another person, and, of course, the publicity of the medical profession. According to foreign experts, doctors quite often have an even higher level of anxiety than their patients.

    Psycho-emotional stress has Negative influence to all body systems without exception. Excess emotions are especially unfavorable for the heart and blood vessels. Many people note sleep disorders: Some people find it difficult to fall asleep, others just can’t get enough sleep. Stress is often accompanied stomach and intestinal spasms, exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Stress-related disorders can manifest themselves immediately (within 2-3 days after exposure to a stressor, this is the so-called acute stress reaction), or after several months or even six months (post-traumatic reaction). Researchers medical school Huston experimentally proved that stress can cause disorders in the genetic apparatus and increase the risk of developing oncological diseases.

    Today the center of public interest is syndrome emotional burnout . The main symptoms of this condition are emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. A person complains that work takes all his energy, and he feels like a squeezed lemon.

    Burnout syndrome is a reaction of the body resulting from prolonged exposure to professional stressors. Most often, chronic stress and burnout syndrome are equivalent to adaptation disorder with anxiety-depressive reactions.

    The risk group for developing emotional burnout syndrome includes choleric people with higher education and high intellectual potential, aged 30 to 40 years. Burnout syndrome can be caused by a number of reasons: high workloads, dissatisfaction with work planning, ambiguous management requirements, insufficient moral and material stimulation of work, inability to influence decision-making, monotonous and unpromising activities, the need to outwardly show emotions that do not correspond to internal state. However, the main reason for the development of burnout syndrome is the inadequacy of the individual to the requirements that are placed on him.

    The key ones are the following: signs of burnout syndrome. The development of emotional burnout syndrome is preceded by period of increased activity when a person forgets about his own problems and interests, immersing himself in work. After increased activity comes exhaustion, which is characterized by exhaustion of emotional and physical resources, constant fatigue that does not go away even after a night’s sleep. Another sign of burnout syndrome is special detachment of the employee and even professional cynicism. The third sign of burnout syndrome is low self-esteem. A person is unable to see his own prospects professional activity, he loses a sense of satisfaction from the work performed and loses faith in his professional capabilities.

    It should be noted that emotional burnout is a rather insidious process, since a person is deprived of the opportunity to see himself from the outside and not understand what is happening to him. Psychologists who deal with management problems in organizations note that a person suffering from emotional burnout can cause chain reaction among the rest of the team members, spreading their cynicism and pessimism to those around them. In general, communicate with anxious person requires great mental strength.

    Doctors are no less concerned about syndrome chronic fatigue , which is characterized by such a level of human fatigue that neither weekends nor vacations are enough for him to rest. A person with chronic fatigue syndrome complains of constant malaise, as if after a serious illness. There are several theories explaining the origin of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some believe that it is caused by a chronic viral infection, which has a negative effect on the immune, muscle and nervous system person. Others argue that depression causes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Still others indicate that the disease causes stressful state or a situation that requires significant moral strength from a person.

    Unfortunately, stress has become an integral part modern life. Since it is impossible to avoid stressful situations, you need to learn to resist them.

    Our life experiences can help us deal with stress. In the future, those who have overcome it with a positive balance will have a more flexible mechanism for coping with stress. big number complex life situations. True, we are not always able to draw the right conclusions from the situation. That is why, from the point of view of psychotherapists, there are no negative experiences, but only experiences that we looked at from the wrong side. We must learn some lesson from every situation.

    If you find yourself in a stressful situation, it is recommended to harmonize all channels of perception (this means that you need to look at pleasant things, listen to pleasant things, for example, good music) and harmonize your taste. It is not advisable to give preference only to sweets; the diet should contain salty, sour, and bitter in equal proportions. It doesn't hurt to find your own ways to relax. To come in peace of mind You can use a warm bath, sauna, aromatherapy, massage, physical exercise, breathing exercises, playing sports, dancing, knitting, attending courses and even just pleasant memories. At acute stress Any physical work will help you switch to other emotions: washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning your apartment or working in your garden. Calling your friends will also help - the conversation with them will drown out in your mind internal dialogue, filled negative emotions. Only the appearance of relaxation is provided by alcohol, cigarettes and sleeping pills, which cause quite strong biochemical stress to the body.

    The solution is not to simply put off unpleasant experiences or say that you need to reconcile with fate. It would be correct to set yourself that in this moment there is something more important than these difficulties. Active position Passive is always better. Even crying is better than suppressing your emotions.

    And in conclusion, one more piece of advice - Of all the things to do, you need to choose only the most important ones, praise yourself more often and learn to be proud of yourself.

    How to Adapt to Stress

    In today's complex and rapidly changing world, extremely high and varied demands are constantly placed on managers. The stress that a manager experiences is caused by organizational problems, problems inherent in management, as well as by the personality of the manager himself. A leader must understand a lot and understand a lot about himself in order to determine what his own sources of stress are. A leader who uses the best way to manage their stress levels has the best chance of remaining energized, engaged, and satisfied with life, even in the face of heavy workloads and complex challenges.

    Different people perceive the same events differently in the sense that they define for themselves differently what “stress” is. Coping involves efforts to reduce and overcome the effects of stress and to develop resilience against the stress-causing events. Methods of coping with stress may or may not be adequate in nature.

    Maladaptive coping strategies include the following:

  • give up, give up, “give up”, i.e. the person stops trying to somehow control the impact of the stress source;
  • show aggression towards others, i.e. a person begins to “throw” at people who, as it seems to him, are sources of stress;
  • indulge in excesses such as drinking, overeating, extravagance or gambling;
  • turn on defense mechanisms, such as denying reality or using fantasy to try to cope with problems.
  • If you have unproductive tendencies, you should:

  • learn to watch for possible signs that you are starting to resort to an unproductive approach;
  • Remember that some aspects of non-productive coping strategies can be positive and helpful if used in moderation and selectively.
  • So, for example, “giving up and giving up” may be an appropriate approach if it means stopping work on difficult problem in order to go home early, get enough sleep and the next day, rested, return to solving this problem. Balance and harmony are the keys to finding opportunities to positively use coping mechanisms that are often thoughtlessly labeled as unproductive.

    Adequate (adaptive) approaches to coping with stress are those methods that work effectively for you without creating additional problems associated with their use. They can be combined into the following groups: statements made in internal monologue; methods emotional processing; physical methods control stress levels; as well as an emphasis on spiritual values.

    Let's look at these four types of adaptive approaches to coping with stress.

    Self-talk statements are what we tell ourselves about what is currently attracting our attention. Inner dialogue is the statements running through our heads, often unspoken. Internal dialogue can be negative or positive.

    When self-talk turns into a series of repeated negative statements, a person is actually programming himself to experience pessimism and a sense of hopelessness. When we allow our minds to continuously engage in negative self-talk, we essentially create a series of visual images that reflect what is being said in that negative dialogue. These visual images turn into a story in pictures, usually a story in which we are not coping well and in which we are surrounded by stress on all sides. With constant playback, these pictures become increasingly clear and distinct. Now we have a whole “storyline” that makes us continue to experience painful emotions associated with these images and this story.

    When repeated over and over again, these stories in our internal dialogue begin to overwhelm our ability to perceive sources of stress in a different, more positive way. Like a broken record, the mournful melody is played over and over again.

    A more positive approach would be to put a more positive tone on your self-talk, but not to unduly develop positive attitude, suggesting that everything will be fine. On the contrary, your goal is to create messages for yourself that are at least more neutral in tone. Such internal dialogue, the tone of which can be described as neutral-positive, has the following features:

  • describes the situation realistically;
  • This approach is based on identifying new perspectives that a situation brings, rather than focusing on problems;
  • The goal of this approach is to create new opportunities that reduce the feeling that a given situation is a dead end or stressful.
  • One of the most important sources of stress is when a person does not see any opportunities. IN similar situations we usually experience a feeling of powerlessness. Find yourself in difficult situation and not have any real power at the same time - this is an extremely negative impact on a person. Some researchers argue that in a situation where a person lacks real forces and opportunities (i.e. with systematic negative impact) a state is formed that psychologists call “learned helplessness.” Learned helplessness occurs when a person begins to feel that nothing he does will help solve the problem. this problem. Experiencing powerlessness, realizing that he cannot influence the situation or correct it, a person is in a state of stress for a long time, as a result, in addition to the emotional state of hopelessness, motor activity is inhibited and initiative is weakened. This process can quickly become chronic.

    Incorporating positive statements into your self-talk may not change the situation or influence the person with the problem, but it does affect how the person experiences the negative situation.

    Self-talk statements that are more positive in tone have a beneficial effect on physical well-being and physiological functions a person as his inner experience begins to be perceived more optimistically. If he consciously includes positive statements in his internal dialogue and repeatedly repeats them, his emotional state will improve, he will begin to have a more optimistic attitude towards reality and will be able to perceive a negative situation more calmly and realistically.

    Methods of emotional processing

    Emotions, feelings, sensitivities, and reactions are all “emotional states” that an individual can experience. During the performance of his work, a person may experience anger, resentment, joyful excitement, happiness, fear, satisfaction or anxiety. His mood may be good or bad, and his emotional and mental energy levels may be low or high. All these emotional states are normal for any area of ​​human life to which a person puts his efforts. In this case, a person faces the following task:

  • understand that these feelings are normal and to be expected;
  • be clearly aware of what feelings you are experiencing at the moment, so that they do not burst to the surface unexpectedly for you or affect your activities;
  • develop specific methods to identify and “work through” these feelings. Such feelings should not remain internalized, increasing the risk of negative moods and states (such as anger, depression or anxiety); inappropriate leadership behavior (for example, when the project manager yells at team members, is unable to hear what they say to him, treats them with cynicism and hostility); somatic problems (such as high blood pressure, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, and sleep disorders).
  • Some people find it much easier to realize emotional level, what their condition is at the moment, than others. This ability to be aware can be developed. Emotional awareness own feelings It allows us to:

    • take active measures to avoid displaying professionally inappropriate feelings;
    • Take active steps to relieve negative feelings in positive ways that reduce stress and discomfort.
    • What steps do you need to take to develop the ability to be aware of your emotional state? This process includes self-observation, which involves monitoring one's own emotional state at specific times, monitoring physical and physiological signs, and active reflective processes such as talking or taking notes.

      Checking your emotional state

      There are many signs that allow us to find out what feelings and emotions are controlling us at a given moment in time. The problem is that during a busy day at work, we rarely take the time to stop and really understand what is going on inside of us. That's why it can be helpful to specifically set aside a few minutes of your workday to step away from the hustle and bustle of immediate affairs and understand what is happening to us on an emotional level.

      It's amazing how helpful these short breaks can be to check in on your emotional state. They help achieve higher levels of performance as well as reduce the risk of chronic stress. If you want to use this method of briefly checking your emotional state, you should consider the following:

    • These checks should not take much time or involve any complex actions like a long walk through a picturesque park.
    • As you begin to use this approach to managing your feelings, take breaks to check in with your feelings, even if you feel like you're only feeling today. positive emotions and don't need any break. Regular breaks to check your emotional state provide an opportunity to practice the skill of assessing your emotional state.
    • It is very important to practice this skill. This is a way to manage stress that can be developed whether you are naturally skilled at it or not.
    • Experiment with these checks - try them at different frequencies and in different places. For some, these checks will be most effective if done every few hours, while others may have greater success if they combine all the checks into one during a long walk during their lunch hour. There is no such approach that can be called optimal. Experimenting with different approaches, you intensify the feeling own strength and your own capabilities.
    • In many cases, physical and physiological signs can give useful information about the feelings you actually experience.

      Monitoring physical and physiological signs

      Our own body can become a very useful tool, giving signals about what is happening to us at the emotional level. These signals are many and varied, but require some attention.

      There are a number of physical signals and bodily sensations that indicate the presence of feelings. There is no one-to-one correspondence between specific feelings and the presence of certain bodily signals, but we suggest you think about the following:

    • Muscle tension. Tight muscles, especially in the shoulders and neck, can indicate feelings, especially anger and tension.
    • Feeling of tension and gurgling in the stomach. These bodily sensations can signal anxiety, worry, or fear.
    • Headache or difficulty concentrating. These physical signs may indicate anger or tension.
    • Palpitations or shallow breathing. May indicate the onset of a flight or fight response in the presence of a threatening stimulus.
    • Each person may have their own signs of certain emotions. Determine which signs are specific to you. Observe yourself in stressful situations and notice what happens in your body. In what parts of your body do you feel anger or fear? Where do you “store” anxiety and worry? The more accurately you can recognize the signs of the feelings you are experiencing, the more effectively you will be able to work. Remember that the body, as a source vital information about your emotional state, are often neglected. A clear understanding of the connection between your emotions and bodily reactions helps you avoid becoming a prisoner of your own feelings.

      Journaling is a process you can use to help you release the burden of strong emotions that can build up during periods of hard work.

      The purpose of keeping a diary is to allow you to express and reduce your negative feelings in a confidential and free manner. In this case, the “stream of consciousness” method is used, which allows you to express and reflect any feelings that arise in connection with the problem that has arisen. You should not try to create a coherent story that must necessarily have a beginning, middle and end. On the contrary, the diary writer might say to himself:

      “I’ll try to start by writing down how I feel about this and writing down whatever comes to my mind as I write it. I will not dismiss any of my feelings as unimportant or “wrong.” I will write down whatever comes into my head without editing my response, without trying to write coherently, and without caring whether the feelings I have are “good” or “bad.” For example, when I write about my anger towards this or that person, I will write down everything that I would like to say to this person if I could give myself free rein. I will write as much as I need to, as long as it feels productive to me, and I will not put any pressure on myself about whether I should write two sentences, two paragraphs, or two pages. Every time I write about my feelings, I will write until I write everything I wanted.”

      This free form of journaling, unfettered by any restrictions on style, length, or content, can be an excellent tool for working through strong unpleasant feelings. Having made this kind of recording, a person usually feels better, less stressed, his feelings do not dominate him so much, he can more easily switch and do something else without wasting time on negative feelings. There is no particular need to either retain these records or destroy them. Some people prefer to save their notes and keep something like an ongoing diary, which gives them the opportunity to see how they are constantly developing over a long period of time. existing problems during or track the positive changes that they managed to achieve in the fight against stress and unpleasant experiences. Others feel more confident destroying notes at the end of the day. This gives them greater confidence in confidentiality and that their private matter will remain their private matter. The important thing is not whether a person destroys his notes or keeps them - what matters is that the person takes the time to express his feelings on paper in order to avoid internalizing them.

      Emphasis on spiritual values

      What do you believe in outside of your work and professional responsibilities?

    • The need to help others who are less fortunate in life?
    • In spiritual or religious values?
    • In preserving the environment?
    • Personal beliefs and values ​​are key components that determine our identification and self-image. The more we understand what our beliefs and values ​​are, the better our chances of leading a life of meaning and purpose. A clearly articulated personal meaning gives a person a sense of direction that we can listen to and act upon, which often results in us to a greater extent We experience a sense of well-being and experience less stress.

      So, for example, if a person is engaged in an activity that is personally important to him, he is rewarded with a feeling of satisfaction and a sense that he has a purpose in life. Feelings of satisfaction and purpose in life can reduce work-related stress by reminding us that activities and beliefs outside of our work can give us personal meaning and purpose in life. This insight can serve as a tonic when we start to take the project and ourselves too seriously.

      Understanding what belief or value is important to you personally, and then becoming determined to choose an activity that aligns with that belief or value is a great way to feel better about yourself and develop the emotional flexibility that helps you cope with stress. This activity does not have to be time-consuming or grandiose. global consequences. It is enough that the activity means something to you personally and that it can provide you with the opportunity to come out of your shell and look at the world from a less self-centered point of view, which will help you get through difficult times.

      In today's complex and rapidly changing world, extremely high and varied demands are constantly placed on managers. The stress that a manager experiences is caused by organizational problems, problems inherent in management, as well as by the personality of the manager himself.

      A leader must understand a lot and understand a lot about himself in order to determine what his own sources of stress are.

      When developing his own plan of action, the leader must approach this task creatively and be willing to experiment with various methods and approaches. A passive attitude towards stress puts the project manager in a situation in which he may develop emotional and mental exhaustion due to constant feeling hopelessness that can arise from inaction.

      A leader who uses the best way to manage their stress levels has the best chance of remaining energized, engaged, and satisfied with life, even in the face of heavy workloads and complex challenges.

    From a medical point of view, stress is a person's physiological, psychological and emotional response to external factors. Both negative and positive factors and events can cause stress. In particular, even marriage, the birth of a child, or success in building a career can serve as an impetus for stress.

    American researchers have compiled a special scale that indicates the degree of adaptation and reaction to various life events. Among the strongest stressors are death of a loved one, divorce. Stress can also be caused by a robbery, being held hostage, rape, home robbery, news of a fatal disease, natural and man-made disasters. Completely unsettles a person deprivation of work. A stressful situation is also retirement. Such pleasant events as vacations, holidays and special events I am also stimulated by stress. Stressogens also include housewarming and admission to college.

    According to the methodology developed by American researchers, in order to determine the risk of becoming a victim of anxiety-depressive disorders, it is necessary to evaluate each event in points from 1 to 100 depending on its impact and compare it with critical values.

    Each person has his own level of resistance to stress. By the way, susceptibility to stress is largely determined by profession. The greatest tendency to stress is typical for doctors, teachers, journalists, trade workers, law enforcement officers, public transport drivers, political figures whose professional activities involve communicating with people.

    The main stress factors for doctors are the combination of a large number of patients with limited time to see them, responsibility for the life of another person, and, of course, the publicity of the medical profession. According to foreign experts, doctors quite often have an even higher level of anxiety than their patients.

    Psycho-emotional stress has a negative impact on all systems of the body, without exception. Excess emotions are especially unfavorable for the heart and blood vessels. Many people note sleep disorders: Some people find it difficult to fall asleep, others just can’t get enough sleep. Stress is often accompanied stomach and intestinal spasms, exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Stress-related disorders can manifest themselves immediately (within 2-3 days after exposure to a stressor, this is the so-called acute stress reaction), or after several months or even six months (post-traumatic reaction). Researchers at the Houston Medical School have experimentally proven that stress can cause disorders in the genetic apparatus and increase the risk of developingoncological diseases .

    Today the center of public interest is burnout syndrome. The main symptoms of this condition are emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. A person complains that work takes all his energy, and he feels like a squeezed lemon.

    Burnout syndrome is a reaction of the body resulting from prolonged exposure to professional stressors. Most often, chronic stress and burnout syndrome are equivalent to adaptation disorder with anxiety-depressive reactions.

    The risk group for developing emotional burnout syndrome includes choleric people with higher education and high intellectual potential, aged 30 to 40 years. Burnout syndrome can be caused by a number of reasons: high workloads, dissatisfaction with work planning, ambiguous management requirements, insufficient moral and material incentives for work, the inability to influence decision-making, monotonous and unpromising activities, the need to externally show emotions that do not correspond to the internal state. However, the main reason for the development of burnout syndrome is the inadequacy of the individual to the requirements that are placed on him.

    The key ones are the following: signs of burnout syndrome. The development of emotional burnout syndrome is preceded by period of increased activity when a person forgets about his own problems and interests, immersing himself in work. After increased activity comes exhaustion, which is characterized by exhaustion of emotional and physical resources, constant fatigue that does not go away even after a night’s sleep. Another sign of burnout syndrome is special detachment of the employee and even professional cynicism. The third sign of burnout syndrome is low self-esteem. A person is not able to see the prospects of his professional activity, he loses a sense of satisfaction from the work performed and loses faith in his professional capabilities.

    It should be noted that emotional burnout is a rather insidious process, since a person is deprived of the opportunity to see himself from the outside and not understand what is happening to him. Psychologists who deal with management problems in organizations note that a person suffering from emotional burnout can cause a chain reaction among the rest of the team, spreading his cynicism and pessimism to others. In general, communicating with an anxious person requires great mental strength.

    Doctors are no less concerned about chronic fatigue syndrome, which is characterized by such a level of human fatigue that neither weekends nor vacations are enough for him to rest. A person with chronic fatigue syndrome complains of constant malaise, as if after a serious illness. There are several theories explaining the origin of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some believe that it is caused by a chronic viral infection, which has a negative effect on the human immune, muscular and nervous systems. Others argue that depression causes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Still others indicate that the disease causes a stressful state or a situation that requires significant moral strength from a person.

    Unfortunately, stress has become an integral part of modern life. Since it is impossible to avoid stressful situations, you need to learn to resist them.

    Our life experiences can help us deal with stress. In the future, those who have overcome a large number of difficult life situations with a positive balance will have a more flexible mechanism for coping with stress. True, we are not always able to draw the right conclusions from the situation. That is why, from the point of view of psychotherapists, there are no negative experiences, but only experiences that we looked at from the wrong side. We must learn some lesson from every situation.

    If you find yourself in a stressful situation, it is recommended to harmonize all channels of perception (this means that you need to look at pleasant things, listen to pleasant things, for example, good music) and harmonize your taste. It is not advisable to give preference only to sweets; the diet should contain salty, sour, and bitter in equal proportions. It doesn't hurt to find your own ways to relax. You can find peace of mind with the help of a warm bath, sauna, aromatherapy, massage, physical exercise, breathing exercises, sports, dancing, knitting, attending courses and even just pleasant memories. In case of acute stress, any physical work will help you switch to other emotions: washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning the apartment or working in the garden. Calling your friends will also help - talking with them will drown out the internal dialogue filled with negative emotions in your mind. Only the appearance of relaxation is provided by alcohol, cigarettes and sleeping pills, which cause quite strong biochemical stress to the body.

    The solution is not to simply put off unpleasant experiences or say that you need to reconcile with fate. It would be correct to give yourself the attitude that at the moment there is something more important than these difficulties. An active position is always better than a passive one. Even crying is better than suppressing your emotions.

    And in conclusion, one more piece of advice - Of all the things to do, you need to choose only the most important ones, praise yourself more often and learn to be proud of yourself.

    Psychologists say that in order to live fully, a person needs to take the position of a chameleon, i.e. learn to change color depending on the situation and live with it. However, in practice this is not so easy. Moreover, there are quite a lot of situations when a person has to adapt to a new style and flow of life.

    For example, women have to adapt to new circumstances when they have a child. Moreover, the usual way of life changes so radically that many women begin to experience depression. Its results, as psychologists say, can be simply terrifying - some mothers even throw their newborn children out of the windows, unable to withstand the stress. To prevent such situations from happening, ladies need to prepare themselves for motherhood in advance: try to think through their schedule, discuss with their husband who and how much will help the young mother at first, and many other everyday nuances. Naturally, things don’t always go as planned. But still, having some kind of plan gives the mother the opportunity to more easily adapt to the changes that have occurred in the family.

    You also have to adapt to new life circumstances if you move to another house, city, or country. In every situation, there is a break in patterns, a person parts with the familiar and established world, loved ones, and friends. It is easier to accept the situation and temporary loneliness for those who consciously took such a step and have easy character. If a person does not find it easy to communicate with people who are strangers to him, it will be a little more difficult for him. However, you need to work with yourself and, first of all, at least try to force yourself to go out. For example, it is worth making a plan interesting places cities that you would like to visit (in major cities this is, of course, easier to do) and start your walks. So you can spend your time interestingly, and learn more about the place where you have moved, and, perhaps, find new acquaintances with similar interests.

    If a person changes jobs, it also becomes stressful for him. After all, again you have to adapt to life in a world with different habits, customs and foundations. Here, there is only one recommendation for establishing contact and better adapting to new conditions - to attend all work events - corporate parties, joint trips with colleagues to bowling, outdoors, etc. All this helps you quickly integrate into the team.

    In addition, there are also a number of general recommendations that should help a person settle in life more easily. So, for example, if you find yourself in a new situation or on the edge of an abyss, you should switch to the slow mode, i.e. start doing everything consistently, without grabbing everything in a row. This way, orderliness and stability will appear in life. In addition, slowness and systematization of one’s life processes will help conserve energy that may be needed in the future for great achievements. However, despite the measuredness, you need to be mentally prepared to use your accumulated energy on occasion, and to do it quite brightly and violently.

    Rational distribution of one’s strengths contributes to a faster and more painless merger with one’s life. And this is exactly the skill you need to strive for.

    October 12th, 2016

    I still remember how in a gaming salon in 1998 I first tried to play computer game in a virtual helmet. It was fantastic. Then it seemed to me that in a year or two such helmets/glasses would be in every home like Dandy joysticks. However, for the next FIFTEEN years I have not seen anything like this anywhere among friends, acquaintances, etc. Lately development high technology, close to the “everyday” level began to go faster and faster. I hope that before I retire I will see some real BREAKTHROUGHS that you can not just read about on the website, but touch with your hands from a friend or buy in a nearby store.

    Here's an example of what we hear about virtual reality now:

    A virtual reality

    Do you think that the main problem of modern headsets virtual reality is there a wired connection to the video source? No. This is far from true. One of the main disadvantages of VR these days is the low resolution of displays, through which the visual component is delivered to the user’s eyes. Today, even with the most expensive Vive headset, we can observe the phenomenon of “grainy pictures”. But engineers from the legendary Japanese company Sharp figured out how to deal with this problem.

    Nowadays, the most advanced virtual reality headsets boast a matrix resolution of 2160 by 1200 pixels. And this turns out to be exactly 1080 by 1200 pixels for each eye. Is it good? Not good. In each of the headsets, the pixels on the matrix of the built-in screen are clearly visible.

    Sharp's companies latest version its prototype managed to achieve impressive matrix resolution. For example, a round display with a diameter of only 2 inches (about 5 centimeters) can boast a resolution of 1920 by 1920 pixels. Impressive, isn't it? And just imagine now what VR headset manufacturers will be able to do with this resolution.

    The pixel density on Sharp displays is around 1000 ppi. For comparison: the pixel density on the flagships of famous smartphone manufacturers ranges from 300 to 500 dpi. Yes, there are screens with a density of 2000 dpi in the world, but they are not designed for VR at all, but for completely different needs, so it would be difficult to use them in headsets.

    When a game for catching Pokemon appeared, I immediately thought, well, this is it, this is the beginning of an active march through the world of augmented reality. But of course in a more useful form for humans.

    Augmented reality.

    Remember the Hyperloop project? As you know, the train will move at a speed of over 300 kilometers per hour inside a hollow tube from which the air has been evacuated. But at the same time, many questions remain regarding the comfort of passengers of this vehicle. Will they be comfortable inside a capsule cut off from the outside world, which doesn’t even have windows? The German company RE'FLEKT has proposed its own way to eliminate this annoying flaw in the train design. You just need to equip the Hyperloop capsules with electronic interactive windows.

    Of course, for now all this is nothing more than a concept of an interesting technology. But who knows, maybe Elon Musk will like this idea? The windows on the train will be large screens on which images taken from outside tunnel. No one explained to us how this image would be taken, but we can assume that cameras would have to be placed along the entire length of the route. At any moment, the passenger can darken the image in his “window”, as if lowering an electronic curtain on it.

    A completely reasonable question arises: what to do with the perspective of the image if it is displayed on a flat monitor? And here, RE’FLEKT specialists also found an elegant solution. A special camera will track the position of the passenger's head and eyes, constantly adjusting the image so that the person will feel as if he is actually looking out of a real window. Purely theoretically, it is even possible to implement a passive 3D image using parallax barrier technology. But it is unlikely that it will come to that. Now we just have to wait until we are shown the final view of the interior of the Hyperloop train, and then we will see whether the idea of ​​electronic windows has taken root in the project or not.

    This is what science fiction novels and blockbusters have been written about for many decades. Even my 4-year-old child says: “Well, when will I have my own robot so that it does everything for me.” How is this direction developing now?

    Artificial intelligence

    When Google company first introduced her project Project Loon, her “Internet balls” used static algorithms to change height and stabilize in a certain place. Despite the new and interesting technology, it turned out to be very limited: Google was unable to adapt to unexpectedly changing weather conditions - a common practice at an altitude of several kilometers above the Earth's surface. But today Project Loon is a completely different story.

    The project team said that in currently they use artificial intelligence technology (namely machine learning) to automatically control behavior balloons. The system allows the latter to stay at one point much longer. For example, one of these balloons has currently been floating in the Peruvian stratosphere for 98 days, automatically adapting to changes in wind speed that would otherwise have blown it away long ago.

    Algorithms now contain a huge amount of information. The system reads it from time to time and selects the optimal path and settings to continue completing the task. In one case, for example, balloon temporarily and independently went to the sky above Pacific Ocean to catch the desired wind currents. The system realized that the current flow was insufficient to support flight. Moreover, the new algorithms used allow the balls not only to adapt, but also to make some assumptions about what will happen if they choose one or another route. The same balloon over Peru independently made 20,000 different changes in altitude over a 14-week flight.

    The planned introduction of AI into all the balls of Project Loon will not only allow them to remain in the position in which they will be in the most efficient distribution of the Internet longer, but will also help Google reduce costs and expand reach.

    Internet of Things

    Take a look around and you will see that the number of wearable sensors for health and fitness in our world is constantly growing. Fitbit, Garmin, smart bracelets and watches, many other devices - all of them have already occupied a certain niche in people's hearts. But many people still don’t know that we already use a variety of sensors to monitor the integrity of bridges and buildings, to monitor the movements of insects and other animals.

    The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) shows that by the next decade, tens of billions of sensor devices will be connected into a single network. These connected sensors will automate processes across a wide range of industries from manufacturing to healthcare, increasing productivity and improving our quality of life.

    The basis for these touch devices, which will operate anywhere and everywhere, remains virtually the same: a microprocessor, memory and a wired or wireless interface that connects it to the Internet, as well as a battery or other power source.

    Each IoT application and device will operate in its own unique context, including location, environmental conditions, and behavior of people in that area. Each device will closely monitor and adapt to its context.

    Do you feel how the World is changing?

    I remember how 10 years ago I told my relatives and friends that without basic knowledge computer technology There is nothing to do at any job now. Nowadays, the importance of this has increased manifold. However, not every person in the process of obtaining their professional or higher education acquired sufficient knowledge about the computer, programs, programming principles. Literally five years ago, various courses and training schools were still relevant. People tried to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

    Now, in light of all of the above, I would advise using online services that help you obtain the knowledge you need in the IT field. Firstly, I myself have used this many times to improve my professional skills. And secondly, the level and quality of online learning has already reached sufficient heights to even compare it with learning in a real classroom. But it will cost you less and will be much more convenient in terms of time and effort spent.

    We can consider this process using the example of the Educational IT portal .

    These are basic things that it would be good to know in order to better understand menus, interfaces, program dialogs, etc.

    If I remember my first steps in mastering my profession as a programmer, then at that time I would have really needed a course or, for example,

    In my time there was nothing like this and I had to read everything in books that were not yet of the first freshness and quality.

    It turns out that on the same site there is large collection free webinars on various topics. Interesting master classes, I took note of a few things. I'll definitely take a look.

    If you have already tried training on, share with us your impressions and results. In fact, it would be interesting to know how useful this resource is for both a beginner and an established IT professional.

    When traveling across several time zones, the body's sleep-wake rhythm is disrupted. And it is closely related to the production of hormones, appetite, digestion and muscle tone.

    "Larks" adapt less well to flights to the west, and "owls" - to flights to the east.

    After a flight to the east, you usually feel unwell in the first half of the day, and when flying to the west, in the second half. When traveling west, try to take a morning or afternoon flight. If you're heading east, take an evening flight. Try to get plenty of rest and sleep during the flight. Try to gradually change your bedtime and wake-up times. If you're flying west, try to go to bed and wake up later. When traveling in an easterly direction, you need to fall asleep earlier and wake up early in the morning. Try shifting your sleep-wake rhythm by 2-3 hours, but no more.

    A few hours before the flight, do not overload your stomach with heavy food and alcohol.

    Low-calorie and easily digestible protein foods make adaptation easier: fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, steamed omelet. Remember that during a long flight they may get worse. cardiovascular diseases. If you have hypertension or other chronic illnesses, take all medications recommended by your doctor at your usual time. Don't forget to take your medications with you to the salon.

    On an airplane, immediately change your watch to the time of your destination.

    You can help your body adapt during the flight. Thus, dark glasses help passengers moving from east to west to cope with jet lag more easily. Don't get carried away with coffee and alcohol. It's better to drink on a long flight mineral water or juices.