Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Summary of autumn motives. Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

Summary of the lesson "Autumn motives" (senior preschool age)

Problem: " Artistic originality autumn as a season and the literary fantasies of children.

Game motivation: to help children in hot India understand the peculiarities of Russian autumn.

Target : development creativity children in the process of resolving a specially modeled problem situation.


    develop in children the ability to create expressive artistic image through vocabulary, visual activity and design;

    encourage children to word creation, relying on a set of stylistic means (riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, etc.);

    continue to form the ability to correlate the transmitted image with the characteristic features of a particular period of autumn, supplementing it with appropriate details, elements, associations;

    encourage children to transfer to created images mental mood and features characteristic of a particular age of a person;

    develop artistic taste;

Lesson progress

1. "Postman" transmits a telegram from a kindergarten in India. Children read the text:

“We received as a gift the book “Russian folk art". We really liked fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes. Our autumn is not like yours. Help us understand what kind of autumn you have"

2. The teacher invites the children to find India and Russia on the map and compare the climate of these two countries.

Dialogue conversation

Educator: What is the weather like in India? Children: It is very warm in India, the winter is not like ours, it rains incessantly in winter.

    Does India have an autumn like ours?

    Are the same changes happening to plants as we do? Why?

    And what happens in autumn with plants?

-Let's remember what autumn was like this year: September - sunny, warm, harvest of apples, nuts, mountain ash, mushrooms;

October - gold autumn, “a forest, like a painted tower, lilac, golden, crimson ...”, leaf fall; november - birds fly south, cold, rains, the day is shorter - the night is longer, the first frosts and snow fall - pre-winter.

3. Formulation of the problem:“How to introduce the children of hot India to our autumn?”

Discussion of the problem. Children offer to come up with fairy tales, stories, poems, nursery rhymes, draw signs of autumn.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the need to reflect in the drawings characteristic features each period of autumn (beginning, middle, end), leading children to create a certain image, suggests creating collages (in in large numbers there is no need for drawings, since the image of autumn will not be clear to the one to whom they are sent).

-How do we convey the image of autumn? You can create collage portraits of each period of autumn.

    Children are divided into groups, they agree on who will depict what period. An educator, teachers of fine arts and design are connected to them.

    Work in subgroups: discussion of the stages of work and productive activity and design. The work is accompanied musical composition from the album P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

    Collage presentation. One of the participants in each subgroup presents his collage (name, emphasis on features). Children's statements are recorded on a voice recorder.

7. Educator: A magic box will help us to complement the portraits of autumn. Fantas are in it. Each fanta is given a specific task.

(Children take out forfeit leaves: linden leaf - riddles, leafmaple- poems, oak leaf- incantations, rowan leaf- count talks.)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the leaves, the colors of which characterize the depicted periods: green - the beginning of autumn, yellow - the middle, light brown - the end.

As a warm-up, the children are given the beginning of the quatrain and are invited to compose its end.

Children compose poems, riddles, incantations, counting rhymes (depending on the stretched forfeit), teachers write them down on leaves and attach them to collages. (Work on word creation is carried out simultaneously in 3 subgroups.)

Educator: Here are our collages. In them you showed what our Russian autumn is like. What do you think, what can be added to the images you created?

    Song about Russia (at the choice of children). The performance of the song is recorded on a voice recorder.

    Statement of a new problem

Educator: Our package is ready to ship. What other season do you think might be of interest to children from India? Why?

Children together with the teacher formulate new problem: to help the children of India understand the peculiarities of the Russian winter and Russian winter folklore.

Then they, together with the educator, determine ways to implement the problem:

    winter collages;

    writing a winter fairy tale;

    staging a performance and recording it on videotape.

Word creation of children under the project "Autumn motives"





We have a generous autumn

You fly, fly, leaf,

Ducks walk in the swamp

Brings gifts.

Through the west to the east.

Getting ready to take off

Fields and orchards give crops.

They covered the earth with a carpet,

Because in the morning

(Sveta S.)

Take the birds on the road.

Ice floes float in 1 1 ore.

Ripe apples in the garden

(Dima N.)

(Marina J.)

And big pears.

Golden, golden

So that autumn does not get wet,

Harvest all the harvest

Leaves underfoot.

Not sour from water

And eat with friends.

Let's collect the last bouquet

The puddles turned into glass

(Zhenya S.)

And give mom!

The gardens have become snowy.

Let's go to the forest early in the morning

(Nastya B.)

(Anna S.)


And we'll get mushrooms.

Night. The streets fell asleep.

In November, in November

Let's bring it home

Just do not sleep cloud.

The forest is getting ready for winter.

Let's make the holiday big.

Hush, cloud, hush!

The squirrel changed its coat

(Alyosha S.)

Loud raindrops

He will sleep in his hollow.

Don't drop it on the roof.

(Nastya G.)

(Masha G.)

The rain turned into snow

Slippery on the track.

I'm dressing up today

New boots.

(Anna S.)


leaf fall


Stands on one leg

The golden rain is pouring, but

Who painted sharp corner

matryoshka, in green

does not wet us with you.

in the sky.


(Dima A.)

(Andrey B.)

(Nastya L.)




Flies, but not a bird.

Gray ran in the summer -


Grows on a succulent tree,

(Alyosha L.)

Late autumn has come

round, sour.

became white.

(Anton A.)

(Marina J.)


Late fall

On one leg stands a small

Old woman timid dark


clothed the whole earth with a covering.

Covered with a hat

(Series A.)

smiles at passers-by.

(Vasya 3.)

One, two, three, four, five,

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two - autumn has come.

Let's go pick apples.

Let's collect the leaves.

Three four - rains


I'll pick up the pears.

Maple leaf, oak leaf...

roads washed out.

Here, Vanyusha, eat.

Who does not know, beware!

Five, six - to the birds


(Lena K.)

(Dima A.)

nothing to eat.


Seven, eight - fly them away


(Lida G.)

September, you guys

October - bright color,

You are a jerk

S a

invite, fruit juice

Give us an autumn bouquet!

Noyabrinushka, do not be sad,

t I

treat me!

(Nastya L.)

Wait for winter with us!

(Nastya L.)

Christmas trees, pines, turn green,

(Alyosha 3.)

Weeds, wilt, dry up!

(Masha Ya.)

Lesson summary

"Incredible adventure on a desert island"

(senior preschool age)

Problem: How to survive on a desert island.

Game motivation:"Help a little Robinson to survive on a deserted island."

Target: activation of thinking in the process of resolving specially created problem situations.


1) to develop the search activity of children:

    the ability to define tasks based on the problem posed;

    the ability to plan the stages of their actions, to argue their choice;

    ability to find non-standard solutions identified problematic situations, come up with new variant ways of using ordinary things;

    to develop in children the ability to create a specific product;

    improve the level of accumulated practical skills:

    experimentation with objects of animate and inanimate nature;

    creation of substitute items, supplementing them with appropriate details, elements, associations;

    activate speech;

    improve the style of partnerships.

Lesson progress

1. An experienced sailor brings a bottle with a strange letter and asks the children to help read it. Children decipher a note with a picture: a seven-color flower with torn petals, from the last petal of the arrow to the drawing of the island with a palm tree and a little man, and from it - an arrow to a little man asking for help.

Sample text notes:“I found a seven-colored flower, made various wishes and did not notice how, with the last petal, I made a wish - to be on a desert island. There are no more petals left. Save!!!"

Sailor: I think I know where this island is. I start immediately rescue operation. Saying goodbye to children.

2. Refinement of the problem. Setting goals. (Dialogue conversation)

Educator: What is an island?

Children: It is dry land surrounded by water on all sides.

Educator: If there are no people around, then what do you think on the which island did the hero hit?

Children: To the uninhabited. What do you think about the climate on this island? (Hot, because a palm tree is drawn.)

Educator: What should the hero do first of all in order to survive and wait for the rescuers?

Children! Need:

a) find water to drink;

b) find food;

c) build a house.

3. Definition of the final product.

Educator: What can we do so that everyone who gets into similar situation, did not lose his head and survived until rescuers arrived. (Discuss the options proposed by the childrenantes. Decide to diagram the sequenceactions in the form of a "Tape of Survival".)

4. Step-by-step problem solving.

Explore the island being careful. List the safety rules. (Stick at the beginning of the tapea picture of the island, a figure of a man, draw a semicircular

arrow and signs warning of danger: snake, poisonous spider, etc.)

Look for items washed ashore by a storm,

which may be useful in the future. (Selected from beforefalse items; paste a picturecoast and beyond- bottles, cans, etc.)"

Craft primitive tools. Children choose sharp shells, stones, lids from cans, try to sharpen a stick with a pebble, (on the "Survival Tape" stickerthere are drawings of a bow, knife, hammer, etc.)

Imagine and draw different types housing.(They come up with and sketch types of housing: a hut, a tent, a house fromcoastal stones, dugout, etc.)

Prepare food utensils. (Made from foundon the coast plastic bottles, weaving from rodskov, halves of coconut, leaves, etc. On "Survival Tape"stick a picture with dishes.)

Discuss the problem of finding water.(Sea water is not suitablefor drinking, you need to look for spring or lake water.And if there is neither a lake nor a stream on the island, then what kind of water canuse for drinking and cooking? Suggestoptions: assemble rain water or snow on top of a mountain.“Is it possible to drink such water immediately?”- "Not. She's dirty."They are experimenting with filtering water and melted snow. Debark the conclusion that filtered water is a mustboil. come up with symbol for dataoperations. Attach the scheme of experiments.)

Find food- search for familiar edible plants. Children's suggestions: bananas, oranges, nuts, etc., fishing (with hands, shirt or stick with a pointed end), collecting shellfish, crabs, collecting bird eggs.

The game "Guess by smell" - to determine the suitability for tea. (Cut and paste pictures of fruits, fish, mussels.)

Get fire. Prepare food. You can eat washed fruits, familiar edible plants, you can boil fish in water on a fire or bake in coals or sand, brew tea using the leaves of familiar berries and fruits.

Assumptions of children on making a fire: found a lighter, matches - dry, direct through the lenses of glasses Sunbeam on dry blades of grass, to make fire by friction, carving a spark with flint; collect dry branches and plants for a fire. (Stick the picture of the fire on the tape.)

Free circle on the Survival Tape. Children are encouraged to fill it out at their own discretion. (Someone suggestedem mark it as a circle of rest; someone- like a circleresearch, swimming on the beach, and someone decides to buildraft or boat to go to another island ormainland.)

    Presentation"Tapes of Survival". Dance "Robinson"

    Statement of a new problem

Children, together with the teacher, formulate a new problem: to create an encyclopedia "The ABC of Survival", a video film, a play and a book of stories "Unusual adventures on a desert island".

Distribution of activities by stages of the project "Adventures on a Desert Island"


The activities of the educator and teachers

Children activities





1 . Formulates a problem. Target: help little Robinson survive on a desert island until rescuers arrive.

When setting a goal, determines the product: "ABC of Survival", "Tape of Survival".

2. Introduces into a game (plot) situation: “We tear off the petal of a semi-flower and make a wish: to be on a desert island.”

3. Formulates tasks. What can a person not live without? (Water, food and shelter.)

1 . Get in trouble.

2. Get used to the game situation.

3. Accept tasks.

4. Clarify the objectives of the project.


1. Leads to problem solving.

2. The educator and teachers help children plan activities (find a solution to the problem through experimentation, brainstorming; to embody the found solution in productive activity, schematically display it on the “Survival Tape”).

3. Teachers solve the problem of organizing activities.

1. Plan activities. 2. Unite in working groups.

3. Distribute roles.


1. Teachers organize work on the project in stages: finding solutions, experimenting, productive activities, a schematic representation of the stage on the “Survival Tape”, using pictures of your choice, supplementing them with your own drawings).

2. Render practical help(if necessary).

1. Looking for a solution to the problem.

2. Select the necessary materials for experimentation and productive activities. 3. Together draw up a scheme of the stage. As the work progresses, they confer and make changes. and additions (if necessary), conclude that work on the Survival Tape has been completed.


1. The teacher takes part in the defense of the Survival Tape project (helps if necessary).

1. Agree on the protection of the project.

2. Represent the product of the activity.


1. Puts forward a new problem: "Survival School for Toddlers" (problem solving in extreme conditions).

1. Determine the goals of the new project: - create an encyclopedia "The ABC of survival", a book of stories "Unusual adventures on a desert island"; - make a video film, put on a performance.


Refine and reinforce children's knowledge of seasonal changes in autumn nature, clarify the signs of autumn, the name of the autumn months. Continue to learn to listen to music, poetry, look at pictures about autumn, determine their character and mood in connection with changes in nature. To consolidate the ability to compose a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a story from personal experience using figurative expressions in his speech; select comparative epithets, exercise in education various forms verbs and comparative degree adjectives. Develop the ability to answer clearly, give complete answers. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

Preliminary work:

  • Examining pictures about autumn.
  • Compilation of descriptive stories on landscape and plot pictures about autumn.
  • Learning poems by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the autumn of the original ...”, A.S. Pushkin “ sad time!…”, S. Yesenin “Fields are compressed, groves are bare…”, A.A.

Materials for the lesson:

Reproduction of the painting by Konchalovsky "First Snow", Shcherbakov "Autumn Time"

Lesson progress:

Children enter the room.

Educator:- Guys, today we have an unusual lesson with you.

Musical director:- Guys, in what mood did you come to the lesson?

Children:- Good, funny, sad.

Musical director:- And now we will check it. Autumn leaves are on the table. Red leaf - joy, fun, brown - sadness, discontent, and yellow is a good, calm mood. Now choose a leaf that matches your mood.

(Children choose and show)

Musical director:- You have now expressed your mood. Do you know what mood is? Mood is how you feel, the state in which you are now. Often our mood is influenced by the weather, the music, or the person with whom we are talking. The mood can be expressed in different ways: movement, facial expressions. Now we will try to show the mood piece of music movements, dance with autumn leaves.

"Dance autumn leaves", music. Filippenko (Children move with leaves around the room.)

Musical director:- You see, there was only one music, and it evoked its own emotions in everyone. Some have joy, some have sadness, some have peace, some have fun.

Educator:- And now, children, sit on the chairs, and we will continue our lesson.

What season is this piece of music about?

Children:- About autumn.

Educator:- What time of year is it now?

Children:- The season is autumn.

Educator:- And by what signs did you determine that the season is autumn?

Children:- The leaves turned yellow, leaf fall, it is cold, the day is shorter, the night is longer, frosts at night, the sky is gray, it often rains, birds fly to warmer climes, animals prepare for winter, people harvest, insulate their homes.

Educator:- Yes, one of the first signs of autumn will be - yellow strands in the foliage of trees, some leaves are still green, others are golden, others are fiery red, birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes, and animals are stocking up and preparing for hibernation, people warm their at home and store crops in the future. People love autumn, especially fruitful and warm. From time immemorial, people have noticed: “If snow falls when the trees have not yet shed their leaves, then it will soon melt.” Do you know folk autumn signs?

Children:- "Thunder in September to warm autumn"," In autumn, a cobweb for clear weather, "" Clouds go low, it will soon get colder."

Educator:- Well done. Autumn signs you know. And what three periods can be divided into autumn?

Children:- Early, golden, late.

Educator: What autumn months do you know?

Children:- September October November.

Educator:- Now try to guess what period of autumn the poets describe.

1 child:

Is in the autumn of the original

short but marvelous time -

The whole day stands as if crystal

And radiant evenings ...

(F.I. Tyutchev)

2 child:

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold.

(A.S. Pushkin)

3 child:

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare

Fog and damp from the water.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

(S. Yesenin)

Educator:- And now let's play the game "Autumn Words". I'll call keyword, but must come up with adjectives or nouns that are close in meaning.

Keywords: Autumn, Mood, Leaves, Sky.

Children: - Autumn (golden, dull, naughty, sorceress, artist, rainy, cold); Mood (happy, sad, joyful, sad festive),

Leaves (variegated, golden, autumn, crimson, crimson, carved, purple, burgundy), Sky (gray, gloomy, rainy, cloudy, clear, clear, blue, transparent)

Educator:- Artists and poets, musicians often express their emotional condition, mood in his paintings, poems, musical plays. picture native nature artists especially feel. Look at these pictures. Autumn on them is depicted in different sad and cheerful, sunny and cloudy, golden and gray. These pictures are already familiar to you, let's remember what they are about. Here is the first picture, in what genre is it depicted?

Children:- It's a landscape.

Educator:- Who drew it?

Children:- Artist Shcherbakov

Educator:- What is it called?

Children:- This picture is called "Autumn Time"


Children:- The artist depicted the season of autumn.

Educator:- How did you know that the artist depicted autumn?

Children:- Yellow leaves on the trees, withered grass, transparent blue sky etc.

Educator: What mood does this picture evoke in you?

Children:- Joyful, cheerful.

Educator:- Why?

Children:- The artist used bright, warm colors.

Educator:- And now there will be such a task: come up with a story based on this picture, but give the picture its own name. What would you name this painting?

Educator:- And here is another painting by its artist Konchalovsky. What is the name of this painting?

Children:- The painting is called "First Snow".

Educator:- Why is it called that?

Children:- The artist depicted the first snow on it.

Educator: What genre is it in?

Children:- It's a landscape.

Educator: What time of the year is depicted on it?

Children:- The artist depicted the season of late autumn.

Educator:- How did you determine that the artist depicted autumn?

Children:- Yellow leaves on the trees, fallen leaves, snow on the roofs and on the ground. Gray cold sky.

Educator: What mood does this picture evoke in you?

Children:- Sad, dull, gloomy, not fun.

Educator:- Why?

Children:- The artist used gray cold tones in the picture.

Educator: Who will write a story based on this picture?

(Children make up one or two stories.)

Phys. a minute to the music. "La Traviata", music. Verdi

Educator:- Have a rest, that's nice. And now let's talk about the main thing, sit down in your seats.

Educator:- Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine an autumn day to the music of Korenevsky "Autumn".

(Children listen to music with their eyes closed.)

Educator: Now, if you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you draw when you heard this music? Maybe someone would draw an autumn day, how he walks in the autumn park, and someone sits at home and looks out the window at the autumn streets, etc.

(Children tell two, three stories.)

Educator:- Writers and poets also glorify autumn nature in their works in different ways. Children learned poems about autumn famous poets. The poem will be read by Kharchenko Masha.

1 child:

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.


Children:- Joyful, cheerful.

Educator:- Why?

Educator:- The poem will be read by Khanchieva Vlad.

2 Child:

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard ....

(A.S. Pushkin)

Educator:- Children, what mood did this poem evoke in you?

Children:- Sad, sad.

Educator:- Why do you think so?

(Children's answers.)

3 child:


Gloomy rainy autumn has come,

They took off all the cabbage, there is nothing to steal.

The poor bunny jumps near the wet pines,

It's scary to fall into the clutches of a gray wolf ...

Thinks about summer, presses his ears,

Looks sideways at the sky - you can’t see the sky ...

If only it would be warmer, if only it would be drier ...

Very unpleasant to walk on the water!

(A.A. Blok)

Educator:- Children, what mood did this poem evoke in you?

Children:- Sad, sad.

Educator:- Why do you think so?

(Children's answers.)

Educator:- Today we saw and felt that autumn can cause people to different mood: bright sadness that a cloudy, quiet, cold autumn day evokes to us, and perhaps warm joy if the day is sunny and fine; perhaps sadness and despondency.

Educator:- I suggest you finish our lesson with the song "Autumn Motif", music. and sl. Smirnova.

Educator:- Nothing that autumn has come

Nothing that goes cold

Nothing that is sad in the heart

Autumn is sad

Autumn is beautiful

But life goes on, winter will come after autumn, which will delight with new colors, but for now there are still a few days of autumn left, let's enjoy their beauty.

Educator:- Children, did you like today's lesson? What did you like and remember the most?

(Children answer.)

Tarkova Marina Vasilievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 393"
Locality: Permian
Material name: Abstract
Subject: Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in preparatory group"Autumn Surprises"
Publication date: 28.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group

"Autumn Surprises"

Tarkova M.V.
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Topic: "Autumn surprises" Purpose: Improving the skill of coherent storytelling. Objectives: 1. Educational: Exercise in compiling a collective story, based on model diagrams; Strengthen the ability to express your thoughts in full sentences. To consolidate the ideas of children about autumn as a season, its signs. 2. Developing: Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, thinking, speech. Develop a common and fine motor skills, coordination and sense of rhythm. 3. Educational: To cultivate the desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature; Cultivate a sense of love for native nature; Cultivate careful caring attitude to the world around us: plants, birds, animals. Preliminary work: consideration of illustrations on the theme “Autumn”, “Migratory birds”, “Living and inanimate nature in autumn”, “People's work in the autumn period”; guessing riddles; observing changes in nature with the onset of autumn, learning finger gymnastics, organization together with the parents of the exhibition "Autumn Fantasy". Equipment: Mailbox, parcel, letter, raincoat, CD with music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn”, diagrams - hints in pictures, a set of pictures for compiling a plot story, a ball, a maple leaf. GO NOD:
1. Organizing time(activation cognitive interest, actualization of knowledge, statement of the problem) Children receive a package with a letter. Educator: - Guys, this morning, when I came to Kindergarten, found this parcel and letter. The letter contains a riddle. To find out who sent the letter, you must solve this riddle. She walked through the meadows Through the forests, through the fields, She prepared supplies for you She hid them in the cellars, in the bins She said that winter would come after me. - Who do you think sent us this letter? (Autumn) - Do you want to know what is written there? Let's open this letter and read it. (Children sit on chairs). The teacher reads the letter. "Guys, hello! I really want to play with you, for this I send you my magic cloak. This cloak is not simple, with pockets, each of which contains tasks with a hint. If you cope with the tasks, you can compose my verbal portrait". Educator: - Guys, what did you understand from this letter? What does Autumn ask us to do? (you need to make a verbal portrait of Autumn, and for this you need to complete tasks) Educator: - Yes, and today we will try to remember all the most important, beautiful and interesting things about autumn. 2. The main part. (The teacher puts on a raincoat). (The teacher offers the child to get a task from 1 pocket) Educator: - Guys, look, in 1 pocket there is a diagram - a hint. What is depicted on it? (music disc) - What do you think music can tell us about autumn? (to convey the mood of this season). - Let's close our eyes, listen to music and determine what kind of mood autumn has?
(music plays). - Listen to what beautiful calm music sounds. This melody was written by the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. - What do you feel when listening to this music? Joy, sadness, sadness? (children's answers) Educator: - Autumn is a dull, but colorful time. The famous Russian poet - A. S. Pushkin wrote many poems about autumn. Sad time! Oh charm! Your parting beauty is pleasing to me - I love the lush nature of withering, Forests clad in crimson and gold. (The child takes out 2 tasks from his pocket) 2 pocket with a calendar. Educator: - What do we have in the second pocket? (calendar) - Why do you think Lady Autumn sent us a calendar? The calendar represents the movement of time. Let's remember how autumn changes over time. What is it like at the very beginning, in the middle and at the end? What are the 3 periods of autumn? (Early, golden, late) - Early autumn to which autumn month applies? (By September; gold - by October; late - by November) - Let's get up in the autumn round dance and once again remember the autumn months. Phys. minute: The leaves on the branches hung all summer. (Hands raised up and swinging left - right) September has come And they turned yellow. (Hands on top, turns with brushes "lantern balls") October brought with it leaf fall. (Slowly lower your hands down)
Leaves fly off And circle in a dance. (Rotation around itself in one direction and the other) November has come, The whole sheet has flown around. (Sit down) And under our feet they rustled. (Three palm on palm, imitating the rustling of leaves) (The child takes out task 3 from his pocket) 3 pocket with a piece of paper. - Guys, what is shown in this diagram - a hint? (Autumn leaf) - Why a leaf? Is something unusual happening to the leaves in autumn? (children's statements) - In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees, because from the cold the juice in the trunk and twigs moves more slowly, and it is not enough for the leaves, the leaves change their color and leaf fall begins. - Now let's play with you. Didactic game "Name the leaf" (The teacher throws the ball and names the tree, and the children call the leaf of this tree) oak - oak maple - maple aspen - aspen mountain ash - mountain ash birch - birch poplar - poplar viburnum - viburnum (Children sit on chairs) (Child takes out task 4 from his pocket) - What lies in 4 pockets? (a picture with animals - animals and birds) - Does something happen to animals in the fall?
(All animals prepare for winter: some hibernate, for example, a bear, a hedgehog, a badger; others make stocks for the winter, such as a squirrel, a chipmunk; in the fall, animals molt: they change summer coats for winter, warmer ones) - Amphibians and insects, Perhaps they also stock up for the winter? (No, amphibians, insects, hibernate until spring) - What changes in the life of birds with the advent of autumn? (there are birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter) - What are the names of the birds that fly away from us for the winter? (Such birds are called migratory) - Why do they fly away? Crows, jackdaws, sparrows remain with us year-round. (And in autumn the sun heats little, it becomes cool, insects become smaller) - How do the birds that remain with us survive? (These birds live next to a person, and so that they do not die of hunger or freeze, you need to feed them, build feeders) - Right. Such birds are called wintering. And, of course, they are waiting for help from us in the winter. And we will definitely build feeders for them together with moms and dads. (The child takes out task 5 from his pocket) 5 pocket (picture - human labor in the fall) - Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? (We will talk about the worries of a person in the fall) - What do you and I do in the fall, your parents, friends and acquaintances, how do we work in the fall? (Children's answers) Didactic game "Give it to another." (Children pass a leaflet and name the types of autumn work: harvesting foliage, harvesting, picking mushrooms, berries, etc.) - And how did you guys work all autumn? (And we cleaned the foliage on the site to help the janitor) - That's right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all her gifts must be collected and processed: conserved or dried, boiled or salted. And this is also a lot of work. (The child takes out task 6 from his pocket) - We continue. What's in pocket 6? (Scheme - a hint with pictures) - Why do you think Autumn sent you these diagrams - hints? (So ​​that we make up a story about autumn) - Look, Autumn put 2 diagrams with pictures.
(Divide into subgroups - a magic bag with a mosaic) (Children go to the tables) Educator: - Pictures are laid out in front of each subgroup, your task is to write a story from the pictures. - Answer in full sentence. (Drafting descriptive story children) (3 minutes) - And now let's listen, what stories did you get? (Each subgroup in turn tells about autumn) - Guys, you will tell now, and I will write down your stories in a notebook to please Lady Autumn. And the postman Pechkin will deliver our letter to her. (The teacher plays up this situation) 3. Reflection. (Children sit on chairs) Educator: - Remember what autumn asked us to do (make a verbal portrait of it) - Do you think we managed to make a verbal portrait of Autumn together? (yes) - I pay attention to the schemes - tips, let's remember what we talked about today? (Children with the help of schemes - hints remember all the stages of the lesson) Q.: - What was difficult? What was easy? - Well done, you showed yourself to be knowledgeable, each of you was able to learn something new for yourself, someone remembered what he already knew.

Joint activities of the educator with children
for the development of speech.
Open event for parents.
Concert "Autumn motives".
Educator: T.I. YuvgalenkoGoal:
- to acquaint parents with the theatrical activities of the child in kindergarten;
- fasten correct pronunciation all sounds, work out diction, continue to work on intonation expressiveness speech;
- to form a sense of joy in children by participating in theatrical activities.
- formation of the harmonic structure of speech;
- upbringing sound culture speech;
- development of monologue and dialogic speech;
- vocabulary enrichment;
- form an attack of the voice when pronouncing words. Work on the sounds "R" "L" "S" "Sh" "H" "Sch", etc.
- to improve the ability to convey the emotional state of the characters with facial expressions, gestures, body movements;
- development of fine motor skills;
- to promote emotional rapprochement of children;
- to give children joy, pleasure from joint activities.
- to form in children a sense of confidence, speaking in front of parents.
Materials and equipment:
- decorations on the theme of autumn;
- attributes to the fairy tale "Turnip", "Apple".
Progress of joint activities:
Lenya K. and Nastya An come out. They read poetry.
Autumn walks, autumn wanders,
The wind threw the leaves from the maple,
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly.
A leaf flies, spins,
Flies through the air
He is all children and all guests
Invite to the theatre.
Vlad St. reads a poem by I. Tokmakova "Oak"
rain and wind oak
Not afraid at all
Who said that the oak
It's scary to catch a cold.
After all, until late autumn
He stands green
So the oak is hardy,
So it's hardened.
Poem by I. Tokmakova "Aspen". Reading Nastya A.
Aspen chills,
Shaking in the wind.
Moaning in the sun
Freezes in the heat.
Give Aspen
Coat and boots.
Gotta get warm
Poor donkey.
Sasha S. reads a poem by I. Maznin "Autumn"
Whatever the day, the sharper the wind Tears the foliage from the branches in the forest ... Whatever the day, it’s evening earlier, And it’s getting late.
Anya A. and Lyuba S. are reading the dialogue by P. Tayts “Everything is here”.
The teacher reads the words from the author.
Nadia and her grandmother went to another field. Kolosyev on it is apparently invisible. And they're all a little wobbly. Nadia asked: - Grandmother, what grows here? - Bread, granddaughter! - Bread? And where are the rolls? - And the rolls are here, granddaughter. - And the bagels? - And the bagels are here. - And the gingerbread? - And the gingerbread is here. Everything is here, granddaughter. Nadya looks at the mustachioed ears. He wants to guess: where is the bread, where are the rolls, and where are the gingerbread.
They act out the dialogue "Kisonka-murisonka" Vladik St. and Anya V.
-Kisonka - Murysonka, Where have you been? - At the mill. .-Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!
We show the fairy tale "Turnip" with puppets "Living Hand" in the form of pantomime. From the author tells the tale of Alena V.
Grandfather - Andrey Zv.
Baba - Nastya An.
Granddaughter - Nastya Ak.
Bug - Dima N.
Cat - Lenya K.
Mouse - Anya N.
We present a staging based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple"
Attributes: masks, caps, hare, hedgehog, crow, bear.
From the author tells the tale Sasha S.
Hare - Zhenya Yu.
Crow - Anya A.
Hedgehog - Vladik S.
Bear - Nikita P.
All children go on stage and bow to the audience.
I praise the children for their ability to convey the mood of the characters with their voice and facial expressions. Parents unanimously applaud and praise their children.