Biographies Characteristics Analysis

My future profession is a biologist. Is it easy to get a job


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Biology is the science of life in all its manifestations. She stood out from the natural sciences in the 19th century, when scientists began to notice that living organisms have certain characteristics common to all. However, the origins of biology can be found in Ancient Greece, Rome, India and China. Aristotle in the IV century BC for the first time tried to streamline the knowledge of nature, highlighting 4 steps in it: the inorganic world, plants, animals, people.

Today, the practical developments of biologists are used in many areas: medicine, agriculture, industry, and others.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession biologist is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession in the labor market. Biologists have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

The biologist is engaged in research of the flora and fauna of the Earth. He studies all aspects of the life of living organisms on the Earth, their structure, growth, development, origin, evolution and distribution on the planet. He classifies and describes living beings, studies the interaction of species with each other. The activity of this scientist depends on his specialization. Botanists study vegetable world, zoologists - animal, anatomists and physiologists - the human body, microbiologists - unicellular organisms, and this is not all directions. In addition, he must have knowledge from the field of chemistry, physics, ecology, medicine, as well as basic knowledge Latin language.

Most often, a biologist's working day takes place indoors: in a laboratory, clinic, at work. He collects the necessary materials, substances and samples of materials. Applying different kind instruments and equipment, conducts experiments and studies, the results of which will be applied in a particular industry. Except laboratory work possible work in natural conditions and business trips to places of growth certain types plants and animal habitats. Sometimes it can be hard-to-reach areas with unusual natural conditions.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

rare profession

Representatives of the profession biologist really rare these days. Not everyone decides to be Biologist. There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, so the profession biologist may be called a rare profession.

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What kind of education is needed

Two or more (two higher, additional vocational education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies)

In order to work Biologist, it is not enough to graduate from a university and receive a diploma of higher vocational education. future Biologist you need to additionally obtain a diploma of postgraduate professional education, i.е. complete a postgraduate, doctoral, or internship.

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Job responsibilities

The biologist develops and carries out the tasks entrusted to him laboratory experiments, experiments and research. For the experiment to take place, he must develop his plan, prepare the necessary materials and equipment. Observing the progress of the study, the biologist registers the readings of the instruments, makes the necessary changes. After that, he analyzes the received data, writes a scientific report and sends it to the enterprise or company that ordered this study. In the report, he should give practical recommendations for improving production conditions.

like anyone scientist biologist must constantly improve their skills and introduce new technologies into their work, use modern equipment.

The duties of a biologist may include teaching activities if he is an employee of an educational institution.

Type of labor

Mostly mental work

Profession biologist is a profession of predominantly mental labor, which in more associated with the reception and processing of information. In work biologist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical work is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Specialist biologists can find work in research institutes, environmental organizations, in the field Agriculture And Food Industry. They can teach biological disciplines in educational institutions.

The career growth of a biologist depends on his place of work, the quality of his duties and self-education.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Biologists have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend on the person at all, just a profession biologist does not have a career path.

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Working with viruses in a medical laboratory, teaching at schools and universities, cooperating with museums, organizing research trips and expeditions - this is a wide range of activities of a biologist. It is quite natural that the profession of a biologist is closely connected with science, because a person only knows all the living things that surround him, and at the same time, quite pragmatically, seeks to subordinate him to his will.

Work as a biologist

What a biologist does is generally clear to everyone, while not everyone is ready to delve into the particulars. That is why the uninitiated is little aware that a botanist will not understand a molecular engineer, and unites them under one concept - biologists. But given that there are different profile specializations, a biologist can be employed in a wide variety of fields of activity. Probably, he is better versed in the structure of cells, the structure of DNA and chemistry, so he works in a research center, or he loves zoology, so he went on a long expedition to Far North. Even the great biologists have never tried to grasp the immensity and have long specialized only in their own narrow field.

So there is a large number of places where a biologist can work. Perhaps in everyday world, far from subtle matters and science, the KDL biologist is most in demand - a laboratory employee who studies the analyzes of patients from various clinics. It is on the basis of his verdict that the patient is given an objective diagnosis and treatment is prescribed. A biology teacher is another vacancy that a graduate of the Faculty of Biology can get, in addition, highly qualified biologists as teachers are also in demand in universities. The position of a biologist is also on industrial facilities, its task there is to monitor the level of pollution and the state of the environment of the city in which the enterprise is located.

At the same time, few people know what a biologist does on hikes and expeditions. Its task is not only to study the composition of the fauna and flora of the region, but also, in close cooperation with ecologists, to establish what kind of phenomena that are harmful to nature and humans can occur in the area under study. Everything from chemical composition tree sap and down to the size of the bird population, can tell them what kind of processes are taking place in this region. This is especially important when studying protected areas where endangered species of animals live and rare plants grow.

Even Lomonosov, as a biologist, noticed that the slightest changes in biosystems can lead to irreparable consequences for entire regions, for example, the spread of a new type of weed plant did not allow the former crop to be obtained from the fields. Foreign and Russian biologists of the 20th century developed these ideas, in fact, founding new science- ecology.

biologist salary

English for biologists will be useful only when they, having sufficient knowledge, are ready to go abroad in search of better work and salaries, those who work in the field of molecular biology are well received there. Then how much does a biologist earn in Moscow and the regions? Does the salary of a biologist in Russia suit the few?

Those who work in the provinces earn from 9 thousand rubles a month, in the capital a little more - from 12 thousand. Employees of research institutes, in addition to wages all kinds of grants and incentives from the state are put. Therefore, the requirements for a biologist who is on the staff research centers, much higher than to employees of nature reserves, museums or industrial enterprises.

How to become a biologist

Everyone is aware of where to study as a biologist - at the Faculty of Biology of any university specializing in the study of natural sciences. Educational institutions with faculties of biology are open in all regions of Russia, and the specialty biologist is considered a profession accessible to the general population. Professional retraining biologists is also carried out by universities, as well as advanced training of biologists. In any case, in order to get the coveted diploma, you will have to try hard: after all, chemistry and molecular biology- not the easiest science.

A biologist refers to himself as a teacher of this discipline at an educational institution, a specialist in the field of genetic research, an employee of a botanical garden or a zoo. So what is a biologist anyway? What is this profession? Who is eligible to be considered a biologist? The answers to these questions are in our small study.

Biology is science

The science that is associated with the study of all life on the planet, from microscopic bacteria to physiological processes human life.

Homo sapiens has long been interested in the processes of life, the similarities and differences of living forms, differences in the living conditions of plants and animals. True, during the period of the dark Middle Ages, for too visible interest in research, one could go to the stake. Another thing is the Renaissance. then they became in high esteem, whole scientific schools, and the first museums of natural history appeared.

Who is a biologist in antiquity? It could be a herbalist, an alchemist, and the founder of the first menagerie. The very term "science biology" appeared only in the 19th century, when everything related to the study of living forms of existence on Earth was united into one stream ("bio" - life, "logos" - science).

Directions of biology

Biology is the science of life. This is the generalized concept. Depending on the specific subject studies distinguish individual:

  • Zoology is the science of the animal world.
  • Botany - studies the world of plants.
  • Physiology and anatomy are the sciences of life processes and the structure of the human body.
  • Microbiology and virology. The subject of their study is visible only under a microscope.
  • Morphology - studies the structure and shape of living species.

In turn, the main areas were gradually divided into narrower specialties and specializations, which are becoming more and more as science develops. Today, more than seventy areas of biology are known. Ocean biology, anthropology, cytology, neuroscience, ecology are just some of them. The profession of a biologist unites all representatives of certain specializations and directions related to one science.

Relationship with other sciences

In the course of the development of world science and technology, thanks to the penetration of scientists into the deep spheres of knowledge, a deep connection between biology and other disciplines was revealed. Who is a biologist modern world? In addition to the traditional zoologist and botanist, he is a biophysicist, biochemist, specialist in biometrics, labor, and bionics. A modern biologist can be a good engineer, doctor or mathematician at the same time.

What does a biologist do?

With theory, everything is more or less clear. But who is a biologist in practice? Where is it workplace? The answer is ambiguous and extensive, as is the list of biology majors. It all depends on the chosen direction. A graduate who graduated from the relevant faculty of the university can become a teacher in a secondary educational institution, or can continue his connection with science and devote his life to studying other living organisms. Zoologists successfully work with animals in zoos, botanists in greenhouses and botanical gardens. Breeding biologists are working on the invention of new crop varieties. Virologists study new and old microorganisms, their effect on the world Ecologists keep the environment clean. Biologists of a new formation are in great demand in the modern world - geneticists, neuroscientists, space biologists, bioenergetics. A biology specialist can be a veterinarian, agronomist, landscape designer, laboratory doctor.

The main qualities of a biologist

A successful profession of a biologist will be for those who feel themselves part of the mysterious world of living organisms, who are interested in communicating with nature, studying the environment.

The love of nature becomes paramount when a biologist spends long months traveling and on expeditions to study new species of flora and fauna.

Perseverance and an analytical mind are needed by workers in laboratories and research centers.

Depending on the specialization, a biologist may need a good relationship with physics, astronomy, mechanics, chemistry and other sciences.

Pros and cons of the profession

For those who love all living things in any of its manifestations, devoting their lives to biology is already a solid plus. Nothing makes a person happy like doing what you love. The profession of a biologist, unfortunately, is not always valued adequately in terms of money - this is a minus. It was low salaries that led to the fact that an interesting profession for many entered the category of unpopular. Those who nevertheless decide to devote their lives to it and stubbornly go towards the goal, sometimes become the authors of new discoveries and scientific sensations.

Biology of new directions, research in the field of genetics, microbiology, new biotechnologies ranks second in the world in the list of promising professions. We are especially glad to such specialists Canada, USA, Western countries who develop new technologies.

Prominent biologists

Speaking of biology as a science, it is worth mentioning people whose names are known to the whole world. Their discoveries have made a huge contribution to the development of mankind as a whole.

  • Vavilov Nikolay (Russia) - a geneticist in the field of agronomy, the founder of the doctrine of plant immunity.
  • Vladimir Vernadsky (Russia) - the founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, studied the biosphere, stood at the origins of the development of biochemistry and biophysics.
  • (Great Britain) - the king's court physician, who was the first to conduct research and describe the circulatory system and the work of the heart and blood vessels in the human body.
  • Charles Darwin (England) - a great naturalist who created a system for classifying plant species.
  • Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek (Holland) is a naturalist who created a microscope, which made it possible to study organisms that were previously invisible to the human eye.

In addition to them, Russians Ilya Mechnikov, Kliment Timiryazev, Louis Pasteur, Carl Linnaeus, Ruslan Medzhitov and many other naturalists glorified science.

Biologists are scientists who specialize in biology.

Biology (Greek bios, "life"; other Greek - teaching) - the science of life (wildlife), one of the natural sciences, the subject of which are living beings and their interaction with environment. Biology studies all aspects of life, in particular the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms on Earth. Classifies and describes living beings, the origin of their species, interaction with each other and with the environment.

In science, biologists use several methods of biological sciences: the method of observation, descriptive, comparative, experimental and historical.

Biologists identify 6 main structural levels life:







Practical developments and discoveries of biologists are important for industry, medicine, agriculture, and security measures.

famous biologists.

Many of those whom we are now ready to call biologists were called doctors, naturalists, naturalists, connoisseurs during their lifetime. natural history. Carl Linnaeus was a doctor, Gregor Mendel was a monk, and in his mature years he was the abbot of a monastery, Charles Darwin was a wealthy gentleman without specific occupations, Louis Pasteur was a chemist, but all of them are revered by modern biologists as classics of their science, as legendary founding fathers. whole areas of biological thought.

Among the prominent biologists are the following names: N. I. Vavilov, Charles Darwin, J. B. Lamarck, Carl Linnaeus, G. I. Mendel, I. P. Pavlov.

Responsibilities of a biologist: to study the species diversity of living beings and plants, systematize, explore general properties and patterns of development of living organisms, prepare and conduct laboratory research in laboratory and field conditions with a previously defined goal. Analyze research results and write scientific reports with specific practical advice to improve conditions in a particular industry, etc.

Biologogists often work indoors (laboratories, clinics, production), business trips to animal habitats and work in natural conditions are possible. Places of work: agricultural industries. Laboratories at the Research Institute. Zoological and botanical gardens. Ecological and environmental organizations. Educational institutions.

Professional qualities of a biologist:

Great interest in the studied objects of nature.


Development of visual color perception.

Skill long time focus and very high powers of observation.

Creation. Patience. Accuracy.

High requirements for analytical-synthetic and logical thinking, ability to extrapolate.

Honesty. Lack of desire for active communication and mobile activities. - propensity for laboratory (research) work.

Occupational diseases.

Allergic reactions to chemicals, plants and animals are possible, as well as severe myopia.

Biology is not only the study of beetles and various kinds insects. Find out more about the work activity of specialists in this field and decide if you want to connect your life with this field of activity.




entry barrier



Biologists specialize in the study of living organisms. The history of the profession is directly related to the origin of medicine and is rooted in antiquity. The first works on the description of various species, physiology and anatomy of both humans and animals appeared in ancient Greece. In those days, philosophers thought about the structure of the world and organisms.

Over time, knowledge in the field of medicine and the structure of the surrounding world gradually increased and developed. People learned about useful properties certain species, learned to grow larger and more nutritious cattle, learned new details about internal arrangement human body.

Everything came to a halt during the Middle Ages. dark times- This terrible time for all naturalists. Having knowledge about the properties of herbs, the structure of organisms and human diseases was equated with the worship of the devil. Doctors, healers, herbalists - all were recognized as servants of Satan and were subjected to purification by fire.

Enlightenment comes with the Renaissance. The natural sciences are beginning to develop rapidly. Natural history museums open, menageries and hospitals appear. The age of the biological sciences is coming.

However, the term "biology" itself appeared only in the 19th century. Biology is distinguished into a separate science, which combines a lot of branches: zoology, anatomy, physiology, etc. Previously, all these branches of knowledge existed separately, but it was in the 19th century that scientists noticed that all living things have common features, which led to the generalization of all natural sciences under the wing of biology.

Today, biologists have enormous opportunities in terms of technology and capabilities. Modern research mechanisms, a huge store of knowledge of past years, combined with heavy-duty equipment - all this opens new stage in the profession of biologist and the development of science.

Brief description of the profession

The profession of a biologist is quite multifaceted. It is generally classified by industry. biological science:

  • Biologist-botanist. This specialist deals with plants. He studies their properties, looks for new varieties and classifies species. Also, it is this specialist who finds out the influence of plants on humans and animals.
  • Biologist-zoologist. This specialist studies animals and everything connected with them, investigates their diseases and their impact on humans, and searches for new species. Zoologists have a wide range of activities. It is they who point to the reasons for the extinction of species, stimulating people to protect nature.
  • Microbiologist. He is a specialist in the study of microorganisms. He knows everything about bacteria, conducts various studies aimed at combating them and how to useful application. This branch of biological science is rapidly developing and has a number of prospects.

Each of the three main divisions of biological science is classified into 10 types of knowledge, which are even more narrowly focused. A biologist can study everything at once. This is a generalist knowing the mass information about the structure and principles of life of living organisms. It is biology that helps a person to conduct research necessary to discover a panacea for the terrible diseases of our time.

The work of a biologist can be both laboratory and very exciting, associated with trips around the world. the globe. Research biologists are constantly on the move looking for new species and trying to stop massive deforestation.

What specialties to study

In order to be able to work as a biologist, you need to choose one of the following specializations in a higher educational institution:

All of these specializations will entitle you to work as both a biology teacher and a biologist at a research center.

Where to study

In every regional center Russian Federation there is bound to be a higher educational institution, which has the required faculty. The most prestigious are considered to be:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow State University of Food Production.
  • Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  • Russian State agricultural university Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.
  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University).

What you have to do at work and specialization

The job of a biologist is mainly ongoing research activities. The range of daily duties includes:

  • The collection of information that is included in the planning of the study.
  • Preparation of materials for research. A biologist is constantly studying information. This is necessary in order to select methods for effective research.
  • Selection and development of the necessary equipment.
  • Direct research. For this, not only knowledge of biology is useful, but also excellent skills in chemistry.
  • Fixing the results of the study. The biologist constantly records the indicators of the instruments and records all types of reactions and processes.
  • Generalization of results. IN this stage includes their re-examination and processing.
  • Drawing conclusions. This is already an analytical type of work. Based on the research results, conclusions and recommendations emerge.
  • Trips. This is one of my favorite types of work. Biologists study species in natural environment habitats, record the results and describe them.
  • Discovery and description of new species. Many plants and animals are still not discovered by man.
  • Teaching activity. Teaching students and schoolchildren the intricacies of biology and its narrower branches.

The profession of a biologist is an interesting and dynamically developing activity, a business that brings maximum benefit to man and nature.

Who is suitable for this profession

A biologist is, first of all, a great lover of nature and all living things. This profession requires perseverance, accuracy and attentiveness - these qualities will help in conducting research and observations. Analytical warehouse mind will make research activities as effective as possible. A biologist must have a well-developed long-term memory, since quite often any information can come in handy.

Another quality for a good biologist is the lack of allergic reactions on animals and plants. It can interfere with research.


The profession of a biologist is not in demand. Usually vacancies appear only in universities and schools. Few companies on the territory of our state are engaged in research activities. There is a significant decline in interest in biology on the market.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

On average, biologists earn 8 to 60 thousand rubles a month. The level of income depends on the scope of their skills.

Is it easy to get a job

It is quite difficult to get a job, this is not due to high requirements, but to the fact that vacancies appear extremely rarely. When they appear, a diploma is usually not enough. Experience and research practice play a key role.

How is a career usually built?

The career of a biologist is built depending on the scope of knowledge:

  • Teachers can grow up to head teachers, deans and rectors. The main thing is to constantly improve the level of your knowledge.
  • Research biologists often become laboratory directors and project managers. For growth, it is important to prove yourself. Constantly develop, demonstrate awareness and find materials for conducting qualitative research.

Prospects for the profession

The profession of a biologist has long been far from being at the peak of popularity. Most of the research is devoted to physicians and more narrowly focused professors and scientists. There are always opportunities for growth. So biologists can become deans of faculties or heads of laboratories.