Biographies Characteristics Analysis

National Research University Moscow Energy Institute. Distance additional education

Today, MPEI has 12 institutes, 70 departments, 176 research laboratories, a pilot plant, a television center, the largest library in the country, the Energia stadium, and the Palace of Culture. Teachers - 10 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 359 doctors of sciences and professors, 1024 candidates of sciences. Educational buildings are located in the Lefortovo district of the city of Moscow. Dormitories for students, a sanatorium, canteens, cafes are located on the campus along Energeticheskaya, Lapina, Energetichesky proezd, 1st Sinichkina streets. The corporate newspaper Energetik is published. MPEI has trained more than 200,000 specialists in various fields of science and technology. The nearest metro station to the institute is Aviamotornaya.


In 1929, the November Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks decided to create specialized universities that would train specialists for individual industries National economy, including for energy.

MPEI appeared as a result of the merger in 1930 of the corresponding faculties of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman and the current Russian Economic Academy. G. V. Plekhanov in connection with the need to prepare a large number engineers for the country's power industry. Already on November 4, 1927, the first issue of the institute's newspaper "Proletary at Study" was published, in 1937 it was renamed "Energetik".


Since 1935 MPEI has evening uniform education at the evening faculty in the specialty - electrical equipment industrial enterprises. The Radio Engineering Faculty (RTF) was established in the year.


In 1940 MPEI was awarded the Order of Lenin "for success in training highly qualified engineering, technical and scientific personnel".

June 27 first large group MPEI staff and students went to the front. Following this, another large detachment from MPEI entered the ranks of the people's militia. At the end of June 1941, at the end of the exams, a thousandth detachment of junior students left for 3 summer months to build defensive fortifications on the outskirts of Moscow in the area of ​​Vyazma, some of the students, upon completion of these works, voluntarily transferred to civil uprising. In the autumn of 1941, nursing courses were organized at the institute. The MPEI team arrived in Leninogorsk on November 20, 1941, and from the first days of December, training sessions began at three faculties: electrical power (dean - professor A. A. Glazunov), heat engineering (dean - professor L. I. Kertselli) and electrical engineering (dean - Professor A. Perekalin). in the 1942/43 academic year, 600 students studied at the Leninogorsk branch of MPEI. The MPEI branch was housed in the building of the Mining and Metallurgical College and its dormitories.

In February 1942, training sessions were resumed in the remaining Moscow branch of the MPEI, whose director was appointed G. I. Fomichev. In the 1942/43 academic year, the contingent of this department consisted of 753 students in two faculties - energy and electrical engineering. And at the end of 1942, when the front stabilized at a considerable distance from Moscow, it was decided to return the evacuated MPEI department back to Moscow.

On January 5, 1943, the Leninogorsk branch of MPEI, along with laboratory equipment and a library, arrived in Moscow by special train. To provide food for students, the Bolshevik state farm was attached to the institute in Yaroslavl region. The institute was allowed to accept 1200 people for the 1st course.

Main building.

In 1943, an 8-storey building No. 13 on the street was transferred to the institute. Krasnokazarmennaya under the laboratory building of MPEI. There are no stairs in the building (a smooth transition of the floor between floors in a round tower), paternoster-type elevator cabins (8 cabins down and 8 up) without doors and move between floors non-stop up and down. Particularly curious students drive into the attic in booths to see the horizontal movement of the booths. The elevator on the 1st floor vigilantly monitors that students do not call in the basement.

In 1945, the construction of the main academic building of MPEI was completed (architect D.N. Chechulin). 10 buildings on the street were transferred to the MPEI balance sheet. Lefortovsky Val, from which all residents and third-party organizations were evicted.

The accelerated development of MPEI is explained by the fact that all energy institutions (Leningrad, Kyiv, Kharkov, Lvov) ended up in the zone of German occupation or in the war zone and could not provide the country with the necessary number of specialists for energy.


In 1951, a training heat and power plant was launched. On the equipment of the MPEI CHP were carried out and are currently being carried out research work. In the lobby of the main building, after the first march of the wide staircase, sculptures one and a half times the life size were installed next to Molotov, after the exposure of the personality cult, a large head of Lenin will be installed in this place. The construction of the main educational building, house No. 17, has been completed.

In 1953, the Institute organized the Sector special works MPEI (renamed OKB MPEI in 1958) to participate in work on rocket technology, where at first Academician V. A. Kotelnikov was the head, and after his departure Bogomolov A. F. was appointed head. large territory near Moscow near the village. Long Ledovo (Bear Lakes). The Center for Space Communications of OKB MPEI "Bear Lakes" was created there, where radio telescopes with full-rotation reflector antennas were installed, the largest of which has a diameter of 64 meters, with modern transceiver equipment, devices for processing and presenting information, a computer center and internal and international communication lines. On their basis, a data receiving point was created, which provided scientific information from the automatic interplanetary vehicles Venera-15, Venera-16, Vega, Phobos and others. Radio telescopes communicate with spacecraft working in outer space. At OKB MPEI, students have an internship.

In 1955, a book was published describing the first 50 years of the institute's activity - "50 years of the Moscow Order of Lenin of the Energy Institute named after V. M. Molotov 1905-1955", Belkind L. D., Elizarov P. P., Meshkov V. V. et al., Moscow, 1955

A recreation center for MPEI students and teachers near Moscow in Firsanovka was built. At the recreation center, dedications to MPEI students are held.

In 1952, the construction of the educational building D MPEI, the sports building was completed. In 1954, the House of Culture of MPEI was opened, a canteen for 400 people, a winter swimming pool. Since 1958, a computer center has been operating at MPEI. In 1959, a sports and health camp MPEI was opened on the Black Sea coast near Alushta.

A large number of students from China studied at MPEI.


The building of the administrative building No. 14

On the campus, a monument was erected to students, teachers and employees of MPEI, who gave their lives for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

A recreation center for MPEI students and teachers was built in the Crimea near the city of Alushta.

in the central educational building MPEI earned a cafe - machine.

The educational television center MPEI has started working. The classrooms are equipped with TVs to demonstrate experiments and teaching materials. The television center hosts laboratory classes students of the radio engineering faculty. The Computing Center of the Institute operates with the fastest computers BESM-6.

MPEI has been granted the right to accept doctoral and master's theses for defense.

In the educational process, special attention is paid to the study of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, especially for foreigners.

In 1966, the Institute was transferred to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education. special education THE USSR. The Institute was approved by the basic flagship university, providing a generalization of the experience of the country's universities, writing textbooks, testing new teaching methods. In the next 8 years, MPEI professors and teachers published 176 textbooks, 175 monographs, 1400 study guides.

MPEI House of Culture hosts Lefortovo amateur song contests.

MPEI student construction teams work on construction sites in the city of Gagarin, on the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. MPEI students knead concrete on Lake Baikal and the Far East.

In 1971, 25 MPEI honors students became delegates to the 1st All-Union Student Meeting in Moscow and were awarded medals "For Valiant Labor".

In 1975, a delegation of MPEI students, members of the CPSU (married), was present in the USA (Cape Canaveral) at the launch of the Apollo spacecraft under the Soyuz-Apollo program. In 1976, the tenth Faculty of Energy Physics (EPF) was formed at MPEI.

In 1976, the book dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the institute's activity - "50th Anniversary of the Moscow Order of Lenin of the Energy Institute" was republished and supplemented.

In the 70s, 25 thousand students studied at MPEI annually, 1.8 thousand teachers worked, including academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. A. Kirillin, V. A. Kotelnikov, A. A. Styrikovich, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences USSR A.F. Bogomolov, G.N. Petrov, Boris Sergeevich Petukhov B.S. Petukhov, V. I. Siforov, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. A. Fabrikant, 140 professors and doctors of science, over 800 associate professors and candidates of science. More than 50 collections of papers were published annually based on the results of scientific research.

By 1975, MPEI had prepared and published 708 textbooks and monographs, established the MPEI book of honor, and created a council of war veterans.


House of Culture MPEI

The faculty of nuclear power engineering was opened. MPEI Alumni Club established. The club organizes meetings of university graduates, talks about the events and lives of MPEI staff and students, a website for the club has been created.

A traffic light has been installed along Krasnokazarmennaya Street between the MPEI educational buildings.

The institute has organized and effectively operates a system of training and retraining centers for specialists in the advanced training program and professional retraining(CPP). Students can also continue their education in postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Institute.

Since 1984, the hang gliding club of MPEI has been operating. The flight base of the club is located at the Korobcheevo airfield in the Kolomensky district of Moscow. region Summer gatherings of club members are held annually on Mount Klementyev in the Crimea (Feodosia).

In 1982, a new multi-storey hostel was built for students and graduate students at the address: Moscow, st. 1st Sinichkina, 3, bldg. 1a.


On May 1, 1993, the Tourist and Search Club "Horizon" was created at MPEI (headed by Taranin B.L.).

Training is conducted on day and evening forms of education.

Student life at MPEI

The lot of the student - lectures, seminars, laboratory works. Lectures are given by presenters scientists of the country- academicians, professors. For poor progress (3 deuces in exams) - expulsion from the institute. For a triple - deprivation of a scholarship. The scholarship in the 60-80s was 45 rubles for 1-3 courses, 60 rubles for 4-6 courses, in 2010 - 2200 rubles, in 2011 - 2600 rubles. Mandatory participation in community service, except for members of the MPEI operational team. Sports at the stadium "Energy". Study 5 times a week with one day (Saturday) for self-study. The deferment from the army of MPEI graduates has been cancelled. Deferral after study is preserved if you continue your studies in graduate school, doctoral studies, get a job as a specialist at RSC Energia in Korolev. Although with a delay in the 50-90s, all graduates were called up to serve as officers.

After the 1st, 2nd, 3rd courses - work in construction teams, in September - the collection of root crops in the fields of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region (working out in the fields remained in the 20th century). After 3, 4, 5 - industrial practice at the enterprises of the city. Members of the Komsomol Committee were trained in the social. countries. From the 3rd year onwards, all students worked in the departments of the institute, carried out scientific work there, and received a salary - part-time engineer (60 rubles). After the 5th year, the men went to military training with the oath and the rank of lieutenant. After the fees - exams military training. Mandatory job distribution after graduation - 3 years.

Much attention was paid to raising the cultural level of students. Meetings of students with Nobel Prize winners, academicians, people's artists of the USSR, free tours of Moscow and its environs, excursions to Moscow enterprises, free tickets to theaters and museums of the city were organized. Every year a sports competition is held between the faculties in 9 sports. The contest "Miss freshman", "Miss MPEI", KVN, faculty evenings, discos is held.

Students can additionally receive a second higher education, take courses foreign languages, in numerous sports sections, in amateur performances, to relax at MPEI recreation centers.

Education of foreigners

Foreigners, starting from the 50s, entered MPEI without entrance exams.

In connection with low level education in high school abroad and in order to bring their knowledge to the level of domestic students, courses were organized for foreigners at MPEI pre-university training. At these courses, foreigners studied the Russian language, specialized subjects.

In the future, during the entire period of study, foreigners studied Russian. The study of the main programs was carried out according to individual plans. Special attention devoted to the study by foreigners of the subjects of Marxist-Leninist theory.

Students from 66 countries of the world study at the institute. Graduates working as teachers can continue their studies at the Institute at the Faculty of Advanced Studies (FPKP) and undergo a long-term, up to 10 months, scientific internship.

Organizational structure

In order to introduce technical university education, MPEI faculties were transformed into institutes

Faculties and educational institutes

  • Institute for Energy Efficiency Problems (IPEEf)
  • Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE)
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (IET)
  • Humanitarian and Applied Institute (GPI)
  • Institute of Management and Economics in Energy and Industry (IMEEP)
  • Faculty of Military Education (FVO)
  • Faculty of pre-university training (FDP)
  • Faculty of advanced training of teachers and staff (FKPS)
  • Training Center "Institute of Linguistics" (TsP IL)
  • Training Center "Russian-German Institute of Business and Industrial Automation" MPEI-FESTO "" (TsP MPEI-FESTO)


  • Branch in Volzhsky (VF MPEI), Volgograd region opened in 1995. 1 faculty, 6 specialties. About 800 students study.
  • Branch in Smolensk (SF MPEI), opened in 1961. There are postgraduate studies, retraining courses, a hostel, 3 faculties (Faculty of Energy and Electrical Systems, Faculty computer technology and Electronics, Faculty of Economics and Management). 3000 students are studying.

Independent enterprises

  • MPEI Publishing House
  • MPEI Printing House
  • Center for Space Communications "Bear Lakes" (OKB MPEI)
  • Pilot plant MPEI (OPZ MPEI)
  • Repair and Technical Center MPEI (RTC MPEI)
  • House of Culture MPEI (DC MPEI)
  • Combined Heat and Power Plant MPEI (TPP MPEI)
  • Polyclinic No. 100
  • Sanatorium "Energia"

MPEI also includes the Energia Stadium, a cold store, a swimming pool and many other departments and enterprises (see the MPEI website).

MPEI Partners

  • Institute of Electronics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • China Industrial Corporation " Great Wall»
  • Iranian company MATN INTERNATIONAL CO
  • Kenya Industrial Research Institute
  • Association of Masters and Engineers of Mongolian Energy
  • Association of Nepalo-Russian Friendship
  • Ministry of Culture and Education Islamic Republic Iran
  • Korea Institute of Electronic Technology
  • Shanghai Transmission Line Institute

MPEI (TU) takes part in the implementation international programs: TACIS, COPERNICUS, INTAS, etc.

For a long time MPEI (TU) has been an official member of the International Association of Universities.

At the same time MPEI (TU) participates in such organizations as: UNESCO, UNIDO, IAEA

  • International Association for Continuing Engineering Education, International Energy Club, International Computer Club
  • International Corporation of Foreign Graduates of Soviet Educational Institutions (INKORVUZ)
  • International association for big electrical systems high voltage
  • International Association for Superconductivity
  • International Wind Energy Association
  • European Association for International Education
  • Association international departments technical universities of Central and Eastern Europe

MPEI buildings

MPEI buildings on Krasnokazarmennaya street

Notable staff and faculty

Such outstanding scientists as the founder of the Moscow School of Electrical Engineering Professor KA Krug worked within the walls of MPEI; Academicians A. F. Bogomolov, V. V. Bolotin, S. I. Vavilov, V. A. Kirillin, V. A. Kotelnikov, Yu. A. Fabrikant, Nobel laureates A. D. Sakharov and P. A. Cherenkov; Professors I. V. Novozhilov (Theoretical Mechanics), E. V. Ametistov (Heat Engineering), K. V. Shalimova (Head of the MPEI Semiconductors Department, MEPhI Rector), E. K. Arakelyan, A. I. Baskakov, A E. Basharinov (radar), L. D. Belkind, S.A. Levitan (physicist), V. P. Vasin, V. Vissarionov, M. P. Vukalovich, S. I. Gamazin, V. G. Gerasimov, P. G. Grudinsky, N. S. Gubonin, L. S. Gutkin , M. E. Deich, L. A. Zhukov, I. L. Kaganov, V. P. Klimanov, N. V. Korovin, L. M. Kunbutaev, V. A. Labuntsov, G. D. Lobov, V N. Malinovsky, G. T. Markov (antennas), R. A. Nilender (electrical engineering), I. N. Orlova, A. A. Radtsig, S. V. Pervachev, A. I. Perov, B. S. Petukhov, Yu. P. Ryzhov, D. M. Sazonov (antennas), A. M. Sedletsky (mathematics), N. V. Skibitsky, V. N. Sushkin (physics), Yu. A. Tevlin, D. L. Timrot, N. N. Udalov, G. M. Utkin, E. F. Tsapenko, A. F. Chaplin (antennas), E. E. Shpilrain, Ya. N. Shpilrein, A V. Shcheglyaev and others.

MPEI directors and rectors

List of honorary doctors of MPEI

The title was awarded during the Soviet era:

  • 1972 VASILEV STEFAN - Chairman of the NRB Committee on the use atomic energy(SVMEI)
  • 1972 CHUCKY FRIDESH - corresponding member. Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1972 BENEDICT OTTO - Academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1972 ANDRAS LEVAHI - Academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1980 BLAZHEY ANTON - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Rector of the Slovak Higher Technical School, Czechoslovakia
  • 1985 BENDA OLDRIH - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Slovakia, Professor of the Slovak Higher Technical School, Czechoslovakia
  • 1985 G. SHTEGMAN - Professor of the Slovak Higher Technical School, Czechoslovakia
  • 1985 MOSH V. - professor at Dresden University of Technology, GDR
  • 1989 SEDLAK JURAY - Professor of the Slovak Higher Technical School, Czechoslovakia
  • 1990 BENDA BZHETISLAV - Academician of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Czech Higher technical school in Prague, Czechoslovakia
  • 1990 KLIMA IRZHI - Academician of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rector of the Czech Higher Technical School in Prague, Czechoslovakia

The title was awarded after 1992.

  • 02.12.93 SCHROEDER DIRK - professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • 05/27/94 ZHANG TUN - President of the China Industrial Corporation "Great Wall", China
  • 06/27/95 Li Peng - Premier of the State Council of China
  • 25.04.97 GENS WOLFGANG - rector of the Technical University of Ilmenau, professor, Germany
  • 05/30/97 BARCH GERHARD - Professor of the Technical University of Berlin, Germany
  • 05/24/97 Leontiev Alexander Ivanovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 03/27/98 MOISEEV Nikita Nikolaevich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 21.04.00 DIMITROV Dimitar - Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria, Rector of the Technical University, Sofia
  • 30.03.01 DULLY BARRIE - technical adviser Research Institute US power industry
  • 03/22/02 KAPOYI LASLO - Chairman of the Board of System Consulting LLC, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 09/26/03 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Most famous alumni

During the existence of the Moscow energy institute produced several tens of thousands of first-class specialists. But not everyone continued their career in their specialty. Among MPEI graduates there are cultural and art figures, athletes, politicians, managers of various levels, etc. Among the most famous, it should be noted:

  • Ali Mammad oglu Abbasov - Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Antropov Mikhail Vasilyevich - mayor of the city of Apatity
  • Ametistov, Evgeny Viktorovich - Soviet and Russian thermal physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Asmolov, Vladimir Grigorievich - Russian scientist thermal physicist, First Deputy General Director of Rosenergoatom OJSC, Chairman of STC No. 1 of Rosatom State Corporation, member of dissertation councils of the RRC "", MPEI; Member of the Board of the Nuclear Society of Russia
  • Sergei Lvovich Baidakov - Prefect of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, former Deputy Mayor of Moscow
  • Alexander Dmitrievich Barshak - film director
  • Batenin, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermal physics, director of the Structural Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of Energy JIHT RAS, corresponding member of the RAS
  • Andrey Alexandrovich Bakhmetiev - Russian electrical engineer, teacher, TV presenter
  • Bogomolov, Alexei Fedorovich - Soviet radio engineer, Hero of Socialist Labor (1958), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Bondur, Valery Grigorievich - the largest scientist in the field of Earth research from space, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Georgy Valentinovich Boos - Russian businessman, governor of the Kaliningrad region
  • Nikolai Petrovich Brusentsov - chief designer ternary computer "Setun", Honored Researcher of Moscow State University
  • Burtsev, Vsevolod Sergeevich - Russian scientist in the field of control systems and the theory of designing universal computers, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Volkov, Eduard Petrovich - a major Russian energy scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Volchkov, Eduard Petrovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermal physics, head of the department of technical thermal physics of NSTU, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Generalov - Russian businessman, manager, in the "golden hundred" of Forbes magazine takes 96th place
  • Dorofeev, Viktor Valentinovich - Rector of the Intercession Church in the village of Kudinovo, Noginsk District, Moscow Region, author of a set of school textbooks on Orthodox culture
  • Vitaly Alekseevich Dubinin - Russian musician, composer, bass player of the Aria band
  • Yuliy Anatolyevich Dubov - Russian businessman, writer
  • Evtikhiev, Nikolai Nikolaevich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of scientific instrumentation, from 1964 to 1998 rector of MIREA, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ion Iliescu - President of Romania
  • Timur Kizyakov - host of the television program "So far, everyone is at home"
  • Kirillin, Vladimir Alekseevich - Soviet statesman and party leader, scientist in the field of energy and thermal physics, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Kiryukhin, Vladimir Ivanovich - Chief Designer of the Kaluga Turbine Plant, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Kopaev, Yuri Vasilyevich - Soviet and Russian physicist, director of the Department of Physics solid body Institute of Physics RAS, Academician of RAS
  • Andrey Nikolaevich Korkunov - Russian entrepreneur, co-chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia", founder of the confectionery factory "A. Korkunov"
  • Kotelnikov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich - the great Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of radio engineering, radio communications and radio astronomy, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Anatoly Iosifovich Lavrentiev - Soviet diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR
  • Levin, Vladimir Konstantinovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of nanotechnology and information technologies, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Li Peng - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
  • Sergey Fedorovich Lisovsky - businessman
  • Lopato, Georgy Pavlovich - creator of numerous machines of the Minsk series, chief designer of the homogeneous multi-machine aircraft Minsk-222 (1966), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Markin - pop singer, TV presenter
  • Matyukhin, Vladimir Georgievich - General of the Army, Director of FAPSI 1999-2003, Doctor technical sciences, full member of the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy Engineering Sciences and the International Academy of Telecommunications
  • Melnikov, Vladimir Andreevich - Soviet designer Computer Engineering, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
  • Mitropolsky, Yuri Ivanovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of high-performance computing systems, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ivan Semenovich Nayashkov - Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries
  • Unknown, Igor Georgievich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of semiconductor physics and physical foundations Semiconductor Devices, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ovchinnikov, Fedor Yakovlevich - Deputy Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR, CEO MHO "Interatomenergo", the first director of the Novovoronezh NPP. Specialist in the field of nuclear energy, author a large number scientific works and books. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Honorary citizen of Novovoronezh.
  • Olkhovsky, Gurgen Gurgenovich - Russian scientist in the field of turbine engineering, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ella Aleksandrovna Pamfilova - Russian politician
  • Viktor Olegovich Pelevin is a modern Russian writer
  • Pospelov, Germogen Sergeevich - Soviet scientist in the field of automatic control, major general, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Rakhimov Stakhan - Soviet pop singer, People's Artist of Russia
  • Ilya Grigorievich Rutberg - Soviet actor
  • Semikhatov, Nikolai Alexandrovich - Soviet scientist in the field of theory, methodology for designing experimental processing and manufacturing control systems for moving objects for special purposes, Hero socialist labor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sergei Evgenievich Treshchev - cosmonaut
  • Alexander Viktorovich Tyutin - actor
  • Filippov, Gennady Alekseevich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of physical and technical problems of energy, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Khlopkin, Nikolai Sidorovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermal physics and nuclear power, Hero of Socialist Labor, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Petrovich Kholstinin - Russian musician, one of the founders of the Aria group
  • Nikolai Dmitrievich Cherny - famous climber, leader of the Russian Himalayan expedition
  • Chertok, Boris Evseevich - an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of astronautics, one of the closest associates of S. P. Korolev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Chubais, Anatoly - Russian economist
  • Sheindlin, Alexander Efimovich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermophysics, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sheremetevsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich - made a great contribution to the field of automation mechanical systems, one of the closest associates of S. P. Korolev, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Shpilrain, Evald Emilievich - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermal physics, Hero of Socialist Labor, professor at MPEI and MIPT, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Shavkat Mukhitdinovich Yuldashev - Uzbek politician, former chairman of the Supreme Council / Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan
  • Fuad Borisovich Yakubovsky - Minister of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR

Studied, but did not graduate from MPEI

Due to the high requirements for MPEI students, not everyone could withstand the intense learning process. About half of the students reached the end of their studies. Discarded and successful in other areas of activity include the following:

  • Timur Nuruakhitovich Bekmambetov is a famous Russian director.
  • Nikolai Nikolayevich Inozemtsev (April 4, 1921, Moscow - August 12, 1982) - Soviet economist and political scientist.

A special group consists of students who were called up in 1953 from graduation courses to the army and enrolled as students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Reactive Weapons of the Military Academy. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, including:

  • Alekseev Eduard Viktorovich - Major General, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the 50th Central Research Institute of the CS of the USSR Ministry of Defense
  • Bordyukov Mikhail Mikhailovich - Major General, Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, candidate of technical sciences, deputy head of NII-4 of the USSR Ministry of Defense
  • Patrushev Vladimir Semyonovich - Major General, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Kazakh SSR, Honorary Citizen of Baikonur, Head of the GUKOS Department of the USSR Ministry of Defense

State awards

Order of Lenin in 1940, Order of the October Revolution in 1980.

The Komsomol organization of the institute was awarded the medal "For the development of virgin lands" (1964)


  • 50th Anniversary of the Moscow Order of Lenin of the Energy Institute named after V. M. Molotov (1905-1955). State Energy Publishing House, Moscow, 1955;
  • Moscow Energy Institute, 1905-1965. Publishing House "Energy", Moscow, 1965;
  • Moscow Order of Lenin Energy Institute, 1905-1975. Publishing house "Energy", Moscow, 1975.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of MPEI, a three-volume book “History. Events. People".

Photo gallery

see also



  • Energetik online - electronic version of the Energetik newspaper
  • JSC OKB MEI JSC Russian Corporation of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Systems
  • Educational site on Theoretical Mechanics, Discrete Mathematics, Methods of Artificial Intelligence
  • All-Russian Scientific and Technical Festival of Youth. prof. Devyanin "Mobile robots"


  • Congratulations from the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev on the 80th anniversary of MPEI
  • Conversation with MPEI First Vice-Rector Pavel Roslyakov (radio Komsomolskaya Pravda)
  • One of the oldest universities in Russia celebrates its anniversary (Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper)


MPEI: for those who dream of more

NRU "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" is one of the largest technical universities in Russia in the field of energy, electrical engineering, electronics and informatics. MPEI prepares engineering and scientific personnel not only for his native country, but also for foreign countries - since 1946. During this time, more than 9,000 foreign specialists have been trained, who work in more than 85 countries. Now 900 students and graduate students from 62 countries of the world study here. For success in training the university was awarded two state orders and six orders of foreign states.

Study - comfortable and prestigious

In the MPEI structure at this moment there are such major scientific and educational centers as the Institute of Power Engineering and Mechanics, the Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Energy, the Institute of Energy Efficiency Problems, the Institute of Electrical Engineering, the Institute of Electric Power Engineering, the Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering, the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, the Institute of Engineering and Economics, the Humanitarian and Applied Institute, Institute of Distance and Additional Education.

The main educational programs are bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. MPEI awards graduates the following degrees (qualifications) - Bachelor of Science (Bch.Sc.), Engineer (Dipl.Eng.), Master of Science (Ms.Sc.), Candidate of Technical and Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.Techn. and Ph.D.Math.&Phys), Doctor of Technical and Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Dr. Sc.Techn. and Dr.Sc.Math.&Phys).

For the most comfortable educational work, the university has a powerful infrastructure: research laboratories, a specialized pilot plant, a network of educational and scientific centers, a design bureau, and one of the largest scientific and technical libraries in the country.

The social infrastructure is no less widely developed: well-appointed dormitories, a sanatorium, canteens and cafes, the House of Culture of MPEI, the Energia stadium, sports halls and playgrounds, tennis courts, a swimming pool and ski base, health-improving and sports camps. A special pride of MPEI is a health camp in the Crimean Alushta, very few Russian universities can boast of having their own base on the sea coast. Separately, it is worth noting the numerous bases of industrial practice, the importance of which for the practical confirmation of educational theory is difficult to overestimate.

Higher and higher

The high prestige of the National Research University "MPEI" is confirmed by the constant strengthening of its positions in solid educational rankings.

In particular, according to the results of the 2015 Round University Ranking (in total, it included 750 universities from 76 countries of the world, including 27 universities in Russia), in terms of the quality of teaching, MPEI ranks 11th among Russian higher educational institutions. And according to the rating of the agency "Expert RA" in 2015, NRU "MPEI" was again included in the list best universities Russia and took the 19th position. In the ranking of the best universities in terms of the demand for graduates by employers, the university occupies the 18th place, in the ranking of the best universities in terms of conditions for obtaining quality education- 16th.

The university also looks attractive in large international rankings. According to the results of QS EECA 2015, he is in position 101-110. According to the criterion of academic reputation in the field of engineering and technology, MPEI took 13th place among Russian universities and 52nd among all participating universities. The updated Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2015 gave Moscow University the 27th place among Russian universities(2539th place among world universities) - thus, MPEI improved its results compared to 2014 by as much as 23 positions. And finally, QS BRICS 2016 shows that MPEI is again included in the list top universities BRICS countries and took the position 121-130.

All this testifies to the unceasing dynamics of the development of the university and its continuous desire to improve educational process and, of course, educational outcomes.

Entered means employed

For students, MPEI is especially valuable because it provides maximum assistance in the employment of graduates. Increasing the competitiveness of university graduates in the market Department of employment and practical forms He considers learning to be his main mission. Including the department conducts comprehensive analysis conjuncture of the labor market of specialists. Far from every Russian and even international university devotes so much attention to this area of ​​activity.

There is also a Career Center at MPEI, which is engaged in the employment of MPEI students and graduates through a variety of career events, including job fairs, company presentations (including key customers and partners of the university, which traditionally become the largest companies, such as Rosseti, RusHydro , Inter RAO, FGC UES, IDGC of Center, Gazprom Energoholding, RAO Energy Systems of the East, MOESK, Power Machines, Mosenergo, GE, Philips, Schlumberger, Siemens, Samsung , Bosch, PwC), technical and business cases, master classes, seminars and trainings from specialists from well-known recruiting agencies, festivals and forums professional development, internships in leading companies in Russia and the world.

Scientists must be

MPEI would not have had the proud status of a Research University if science and innovation were not included in the list of its main areas of activity.

Today, the university conducts fundamental, search, methodological and applied research, development and technological developments for such powerful scientific directions as: thermonuclear, thermophysical and hydro-gas-dynamic problems in the energy sector; electrophysical problems in the electric power industry, electrical engineering and radio electronics; new multifunctional materials for thermal and electrical engineering, radio electronics and medicine; increasing the resource, reliability and safety of operation of thermal and nuclear power plants, heat supply systems and heat networks; non-traditional and renewable energy sources; environmental and global energy issues; modification of functional surfaces of structural materials; mathematical, software and hardware, design tools for computer systems, artificial intelligence systems and computer networks; advanced communication, navigation, location and control systems, etc.

To conduct research in such a variety of topics, MPEI actively operates research centers: NIO "Center for Supercomputer Technologies", Research Laboratory global problems Energy, NIO "Scientific and Technical Innovation Center for Energy-Saving Technologies and Equipment", NIO "Center for Problems of Management in Energy Saving", TsPP "Energy Efficiency", NIO "Research and Production Center" Design Bureau of Radio Engineering Devices and Systems", NIO "Educational and Research center "Modern radio-electronic and telecommunication technologies", NIO "Information and analytical center "Ecology of Energy", Research laboratory "Center for Precision Mechatronics", Educational and Scientific Center MPEI, NIO "Research and The educational center geothermal energy", NRU " Science Center"Improving the wear resistance of power equipment of power plants."

The university commercializes the results of intellectual activity obtained in the course of research and development work, turning them into a competitive product or service by creating small innovative enterprises with your participation. It is here that there is an opportunity to apply computer programs and databases developed by university scientists, inventions and utility models, industrial designs and production know-how.

International programs

MPEI actively participates in the development of international educational programs, the best of which allow MPEI students to study in joint master's programs leading to two diplomas. Double degree programs are implemented jointly with universities such as the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany), Lappeenranta Technical University(Finland), Brandenburg Technical University (Germany), Glyndŵr University (Great Britain), Vietnamese National University in Hanoi, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Almaty University of Energy and Communications (Kazakhstan). with many foreign universities MPEI implements academic exchange programs.

In general, MPEI became one of the first universities Soviet Union where the training of specialists for foreign countries. The first cooperation agreements appeared in 1946 with three universities at once - in Bulgaria with the Sofia Higher Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I. Lenin (today the Technical University in Sofia), in Hungary - with the Budapest Technical University (today the Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and in Czechoslovakia - with the Slovak Higher technical school in Bratislava (today the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava).

Now the number of foreign partners of the university exceeds one and a half hundred. MPEI is a permanent member of the International Association of Universities, the International Association continuing education, International Computer Club and International Energy Association. In 2013, MPEI became one of the founders of the ADEPT International Educational Forum on the Development of Electric Power Technologies, which unites universities from five continents. He is also a member of a partner network of universities for ongoing cooperation in the field of energy supply and energy efficiency - Network for energy supply and energy efficiency.

As part of international cooperation MPEI has the ability to send employees, graduate students and students to advanced training programs and internships in foreign scientific and educational centers in more than a dozen countries.

Thus, an applicant, entering MPEI, can count on receiving the education of several prestigious universities, which means that it will sharply increase the quotations of its diploma among Russian and international employers.

MPEI in numbers:

■ 10 institutes
■ 69 departments
■ 176 research laboratories
■ 31 training and retraining centers
■ 40 research and educational centers
Internship on the basis of more than 1000 enterprises
■ 15 dissertation councils
■ over 15,000 students
■ over 600 graduate and doctoral students
■ more than 11,500 students from energy and industry with more than 1,100 teachers:
■ 7 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
■ 5 Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
■ 323 professors and doctors of sciences
■ 971 Associate Professor and Ph.D.

Student of this university: I'm in my second year here. The university has both advantages and disadvantages.
In order:
1. Admission.
The first thing I encountered upon admission was a large queue of applicants. There were two lines - from those who registered in advance (it went a little faster) and those who did not. It was hot and stuffy.
The registration itself was quick and standard - you give the documents, you get a piece of paper stating that they were accepted.
It's pretty easy to get going. In 2016, 200-220 points were enough. I was very pleased that with a certain number of points, an increased scholarship is awarded.
The situation with admission is easily tracked on the site. You can see who is taller than you and what are your chances. Conveniently.
2. Organization.
At the very beginning, a student-curator is assigned to each group, who explains what and how at the university. At the beginning of September, the group is taken to receive textbooks, guided through the buildings and told about physical education groups.
In addition, there is a non-student curator. Our group, unfortunately, was not lucky with him. I heard the phrase "not my problems" from him several times, in addition, he allowed himself unflattering remarks about some students. Fortunately, I had to meet with him a couple of times a semester.
Each faculty has its own Trade Union Bureau. There are parties, various events (for example, console games or board games). Outside of school, it's also fun.
Scholarship cards (from this year it is also a pass to the university) are also issued at the university. But there are often problems with this - huge queues for Sberbank employees, sometimes you have to stand in vain - it turns out that the card is not ready yet.
The schedule is quite convenient. For a break between couples of 15 minutes, it is easy to get to any building. Between the second and third couple of hours lunch. The official schedule is 6 days, but Saturday is always listed as "self-study day".
3. Hostel.
MPEI has several dormitories and all are located within walking distance from the university. The minimum distance is 10 minutes of walking at a slow pace, the maximum is half an hour. Settled depending on the faculty.
Dormitories are mostly of the corridor type, but there are also block ones. Conditions in block are slightly better.
On the downside: they are very densely populated, denser than before. Three people live in a room designed for two people, four people live in three. There are cockroaches in the hostel.
Check-in to the hostel takes place at the end of August. You need to register on the site and come at the appointed time. Then everything is easy - there is an instruction at the entrance and members of the student council help.
4. The learning process and teachers.
The teachers are different. Someone teaches very well, someone - very mediocre. The programming is disappointing. On the direction of "computer science and computer technology" lectures on programming are completely useless.
On the other hand, pretty good math and physics.
Physical education is divided into several groups - swimming, athletics, aerobics, etc., in addition, there is a special medical group for those who have health problems. Groups study separately and each has its own teacher.
There is a lot to learn. Enough homework. But you still manage to be lazy.
In the first year, colloquia are held - a kind of trial version of the session.
There are also control weeks during which tests are carried out and grades are given for the semester. These grades do not affect anything, but if you get more than three twos, there is a high probability that you will be called to the dean's office. With two unclosed weeks (a large number of deuces), you can get a reprimand. Three reprimands lead to expulsion.
5. Condition of cabinets.
The buildings are in a fairly good condition, they often make repairs. Laboratories are in good condition. Other audiences are different. There are excellent ones, there are with old disgusting desks covered with writing by students.
There is a couple interesting places- a slide instead of stairs in building E, as well as a non-working paternoster (continuous lift).
When looking for reviews about the university, I came across completely different ones - from praise and adoration to angry criticism in the spirit of "the university was stuck in the USSR."
In my opinion, the university is above average. There are drawbacks, as in any other place, but the university is worth it. I do not regret that I entered MPEI.