Biographies Specifications Analysis

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich love lyrics. Nekrasov's love lyrics: general characteristics

1. Nekrasov's innovation.
2. "Panaevsky cycle" of poems.
3. The theme of the family in love lyrics.

That heart will not learn to love, Which is tired of hating.
N. A. Nekrasov

The love lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov are not as widely known as civil ones, but even here the poet is an innovator. What were love poems about before him? They sang happy or unrequited love. Nekrasov, on the other hand, wrote about her down to earth, introducing into the lyrics an everyday understanding of love, relationships from all their sides, with all the nuances. Before Nekrasov, no one wrote about quarrels and everyday little things in love, about women's tears and women's deceit.

Oh, women's tears, with an addition
Nervous, heavy dramas!
You have been my task for a long time,
I blindly believed you for a long time
And endured a lot of rebellious torments.
Now I know at last:
Not the weaknesses of gentle creatures, -
You are their crown of power.
Rather hardened steel
You strike hearts.
I don't know how much sadness you have
But despotism has no end!

The poet writes about women who do not hesitate to abuse tears in order to get what they want. He calls love myopic, concluding that this woman was not worth loving, because with her a man becomes a slave. About the letters of the former beloved, the poet says that they should be disposed of or never read, otherwise

Start with a lazy smile
Like nonsense innocent and empty,
And you will end with jealous anger
Or painful sadness...

“There is little truth in them,” the poet writes, “but they are sweet as flowers from the grave of youth.” The most intimate poems about love are contained in the so-called Panaev cycle - under this name, literary critics have combined twelve poems dedicated to A. Ya. Panaeva. This Russian writer was Nekrasov's common-law wife for about fifteen years. Mutual love brought them both happiness and experiences. It was a romance not just between a man and a woman, but between writers, employees, co-authors - for that time it was an unusual relationship. The poetic novel, according to N. N. Skatov, a researcher of Nekrasov’s work, was a product of a life novel: “... The novel was produced not only literary, but also life, everyday.” These relationships were accompanied by complex conflicts, because Avdotya Yakovlevna was the legal wife of I.I. Panaev, and after her departure to Nekrasov, all three continued to live virtually under the same roof. A beautiful, intelligent, educated woman, she was drawn more to Nekrasov than to the lightweight Panaev. Nikolai Alekseevich called her his second muse.

I do not know closer union
Similar to desires and passions -
With you, my second Muse...

For the poet, the union with Panaeva was "a free, heartfelt union." In a poem of 1847, he calls on his beloved to this union, not being afraid of rumors and slander: you need to free yourself from "shameful bonds", "when the fire of real love burns in your blood." About what Avdotya Yakovlevna had to endure before meeting with the poet, Nekrasov wrote:

The heavy cross went to her share:
Suffer, be silent, pretend and do not cry;
To whom and passion, and youth, and will -
She gave everything - he became her executioner!

“A person was created to be a support for another, because he himself needs support,” Nekrasov is convinced. He considered the same principle in family relationships. The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." was first published in 1851. It says that "prose in love is inevitable", but after a quarrel, reconciliation is sweeter. Quarrels flare up easily, and at such a moment, in the heat of the tongue, "an unreasonable, harsh word" can break loose. The lyrical hero offers his beloved:

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be angry openly:
The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

In this short poem, we see the everyday life of a family, the life of a couple in love, not always peaceful, but it common occurrence, because people have different characters, and you need to go towards each other in order to save love. The poet says that love helps people survive. He has an unusual view of the relationship between a man and a woman for his time.

...How strange I love!
I wish you happiness and pray
But the thought that the longing of separation oppresses you,
My soul softens the torment ...

His beloved is not an incorporeal romantic ideal, but an earthly woman, a person with complex nature having its own opinion, its own view of things. She is "a friend of the difficult, hard days"," a friend of a dark fate, "the support of the hero in life, his support, like-minded person. Again and again, he relives the story of the beginning of their relationship:

Subduing, I experience again
And the first movement of passion
So violently agitated blood,
And a long struggle with myself
And not killed by the struggle,
But every day stronger seething love.
How long have you been harsh
How you wanted to believe me
And as I believed, and hesitated again,
And how I fully believed!
Happy day! I distinguish him
In a family of ordinary days;
From him I count my life
I celebrate it in my soul!)

A couple in love grows spiritually in the process moral quest. This is the relationship of two intellectuals. In these relations there is no monotony, rigidity. Nekrasov writes about the personal, expressing in his poems the wisdom and experience of family life.

I don't like your irony.
Leave her obsolete and not alive
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still retaining the rest of the feeling -
It's too early for us to indulge in it!

It was his fatal passion. In 1856, he tries to part with Panaeva, accompanying this attempt with the poem “Forgive me! Do not remember the days of the fall ... ”, where she bequeaths to her to remember only moments happy love, forgetting the days of "longing, despondency, anger."

The poem "For a long time - rejected by you ..." (1855) shows us three stages of love, memories of which are associated with one place, a cliff by the river. The first is when the rejected hero wants to throw himself into the waves, not thinking of life without his beloved. The second is when the lovers are together and happy, and the beloved blesses the waves that rejected the hero in moments of his despair. The third stage is connected with the decline of love. After many years, the hero lost his love and again returned to the waves, which no longer repel him, but beckon. The poet amazes us with the depth of expression of his feelings in the poem, where the biographical, poetic and psychological are mixed in depicting the dynamics of love. The poem “Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...” also speaks of the intense flow of love. Life was filled with anxieties and losses, even a temporary separation of lovers was inevitable, but it brought devastation to the soul of the hero:

But since then, everything around me is deserted!
I can't give myself to anything with love
And life is boring and time is long
And I am cold to my work.

Love and faith are the true values ​​that the hero cherishes. But he also understands that a woman has the right to decide her own fate, she deserves happiness. Such a depiction of heroes, as well as the appearance of the theme of the family in love lyrics, was unusually new for that time. Nekrasov's love is real, earthly, and not sublimely romantic. He shows the reader the prose of love, the complex relationships of people who love each other, becoming a pure lyricist in this topic.

Discussing the work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, an outstanding 19th poet century, we first of all recall that he entered Russian literature as a "singer of freedom", "poet and citizen", who dedicated the lyre to "his people", tragic fate of their homeland. Throughout creative way poet in the center of his attention was folk russia with its troubles, sufferings, hardships; with its aspirations, hopes, dreams and constant struggle. But do not forget that Nekrasov is great not only for his freedom-loving views and mastery of incarnation folk thoughts. His poetry is filled with high and deep feelings, lyricism, tenderness and passion, many lines are dedicated to beauty. native nature and such wonderful feelings as love and friendship.

About Nekrasov's "poetry of the heart" for a long time they did not write or speak, finding it not a word specific to this artist. And it’s completely in vain, because the lyrics of love are distinguished by the same innovation and originality as all the poet’s work.

The love lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov can be conditionally divided into several cycles, which are distinguished by their originality and correlate with various periods of his work. Poems of the 1830s are imbued with the spirit of romanticism and depict, for example, the flight from the “disasters of life of the stormy” blameless soul of the “young maiden to the azure land”, where she will certainly meet another, kindred soul. But the lyrical play of 1847 "You are always good incomparably ..." was already written in a completely different, realistic manner.

This poem is dedicated to the woman with whom the poet was close before meeting his future wife, A. Ya. Panaeva, and is a portrait of the lyrical hero's beloved, with whom he shares "real grief." This work is all permeated with light, caress and tenderness, contrasting the "dark sea of ​​life".

In each line, one feels genuine admiration for the heroine, admiring her beauty, youth, and love of life. A tribute is paid to her mind, deep gratitude for her kindness, for her tenderness, for understanding and support.

A special place in the love lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov is occupied by the so-called "Panaev cycle", which includes poems dedicated to A. Ya. Panaeva, an alliance with which lasted about 20 years. Avdotya Yakovlevna was a smart, talented and beautiful woman, so next to the lyrical hero is now the image of the heroine, who is distinguished by a strong character, strong-willed and independent. The love lyrics of these years are like a dialogue in which two people participate, he and she - extraordinary people, endowed with modern views involved in creative work.

The poem "When the fire is in your blood ..." (1848) is a kind of contract about those new relationships that must be established between two lovers who enter into an alliance. This is love-passion, burning with fire, and at the same time the union of like-minded people who adhere to advanced views. This is "real love", a union "according to the heart", based on the unity of convictions, on freedom, on the unconditional equality of men and women. After all, "If passion ... is weak and conviction is not deep," then a woman finds herself in the position of an "eternal slave" when feelings cease to be sublime, and relationships are perceived as a "violent burden" of "shameful" bonds (the author deliberately enhances the contrast bright epithets). But if a woman is aware of her human dignity, has equal rights with a man and enjoys them, that is, is truly free, then such a union is not afraid of either the slander of envious people or people's rumors ...

In the lyrics of the "Panaev's cycle" quite complex relationships are revealed. The poems show how the relationship between two loving people is gradually changing, becoming more and more tense and difficult. "Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ..." - the poet confirms, but his poems are filled with more feeling, the stronger "the restless heart beats."

In the poem "I do not like your irony ..." (1850), the lyrical hero experiences complex, conflicting feelings.

Not so long ago, two "so passionately loving" hearts united, the hero admits that "rebellious jealous anxieties and dreams are still boiling" in him, but he already anxiously feels the inevitability of a denouement. The irony of his beloved is unpleasant for him, he wants to look to the future with hope, but "secret coldness and longing ..." have already settled in his heart, which cannot be hidden behind external "boiling" and the visible fullness of "thirst". This “thirst” is “last”, like the last warm days of the outgoing autumn, which is emphasized in the last five lines by a vivid comparison of cooling feelings with the autumn “turbulent river”, which rolls still raging, but already cold waves.

N. A. Nekrasov was not a singer perfect love, without quarrels, disagreements, mutual torments and partings, his "prose" and "poetry" are inseparable in love. The lyrical confession "You and I are stupid people ..." (1851) is an eloquent confirmation of this. And then a call for a full and frank manifestation of their feelings:

Speak when you are angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

"Prose" - "unreasonable", spoken in the hearts of the "harsh word". However, the poet conciliatoryly notes, "if prose is inevitable in love," one can take "and from it a share of happiness":

After a quarrel so full, so tender

The return of love and participation ...

And in order not to be too bitter, he gives advice to "be angry openly", then reconciliation is easier and the quarrel "will rather get bored."

The lyrical miniature "Forgive" (1856), written with the intention of reconciling with A. Ya. Panaeva after a quarrel, is full of a variety of feelings.

This poem is very emotional, the words come from the heart, each verse ends with an exclamation. The lyrical hero simultaneously confesses, recalls the past days, asks to forgive him for the offenses inflicted before; pleads to forget, not to remember "longing, despondency, bitterness", "storms", "tears", "jealousy of threats", but to keep in memory everything bright and beautiful that connected loving hearts.

The break with A. Ya. Panaeva, the inevitability of which the poet foresaw from the very beginning, occurred in 1863, but these relations will echo more than once in the poet's work, in particular in the dramatic Three Elegies (1874).

The love lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov are complemented by lyrical appeals to "Zina" (F. A. Viktorova), with whom the poet married shortly before his death. They are imbued with a feeling of boundless gratitude to the young woman for her affectionate, gentle and compassionate attitude towards her sick husband (“My moans echo in your heart”), for her sensitivity, responsiveness and selflessness.

Of course, the poet who dedicated his lyre to the suffering people, his hard fate, bright lines about love and tenderness are not so frequent. But, nevertheless, they are and they are beautiful in their own way. These lines contain strong feelings: love and tenderness, dreams and hopes, sadness about the unfulfilled, the joy of meeting, the pain of parting, gratitude for like-mindedness and compassion, regret for mistakes and sincere repentance. They have such piercing sincerity and frankness!

I think Nekrasov's "poetry of the heart" deserves our close attention today more than ever.


Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with the heartfelt poems and poems of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nekrasov. His work occupies a special place in Russian literature and in world culture. Most readers know this poet as a singer folk life. With love, sympathy and understanding, deep penetration Nekrasov drew to the very essence of life common man. He noticed in him a lively mind, intelligence, talent, great human dignity.

But few people are familiar with Nekrasov's love lyrics, which, in my opinion, can be put on the same level with love poems Pushkin, Fet, Tyutchev. Due to the high artistry and deep penetration, Nekrasov's works about love can be called the pearls of Russian love lyrics.

Love for Nekrasov is a complex and contradictory feeling:

I don't like your irony.

Leave her obsolete and not alive

And you and I, who loved so dearly,

Still retaining the rest of the feeling -

It's too early for us to indulge in it.

Despite the fact that the poet resorts to the use of past participles, the reader does not get the feeling of departed feelings. And this idea is affirmed in the last two lines of the work.

Nekrasov's love is an earthly feeling. Most often it is devoid of ideality and airiness:

You and I are stupid people:

What minutes, then the flash is ready!

Relief of an agitated chest,

An unreasonable harsh word.

Despite some ordinariness of this feeling, love still remains a struggle between two people. It is distinguished by their desire for each other, on the one hand, and rejection, on the other. According to Nekrasov, it is impossible to live forever with your beloved in peace and harmony:

Speak up when you're angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

Let us, my friend, be angry openly:

The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

The poet cannot imagine the world of love without the prose of life, considering it a part of human relations. Life is inevitable, but in many ways it contributes to the strengthening of feelings:

If prose in love is inevitable,

So let's take a share of happiness from her:

After a quarrel so full, so tender

Return of love and participation.

For Nekrasov, love is suffering and pain. It enriches a person, makes him better, more valuable his inner world. But, at the same time, a person becomes dependent and weak internally. This is the law of love:

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall,

Longing, despondency, anger, -

Don't remember the storms, don't remember the tears

Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

The lyrical hero turns to the object of his love and asks him to forget all the difficulties and difficulties of this feeling. Reading these lines, you understand how many obstacles are faced loving people. But there is another side to this feeling:

But the days when love shone

Above us gently rose

And cheerfully we made the way, -

Bless and don't forget.

Thus, the lyrical hero of all that love brought with him calls to remember only the best, sincere and pure.

In the poem “Stricken by an irretrievable loss,” we are presented with a picture of the death of love by the will of fate. The beloved of the lyrical hero leaves the life. The poet draws a person who is very dependent on his feelings. The loss of a close, dear being makes him weak and weak-willed. But love cannot be returned, just as time cannot be turned back. It is very difficult for a lyrical hero to understand such laws of the universe:

She doesn't care - the cold twilight of the coffin,

Shame, glory, hate, love -

And the saving malice went out,

That warmed up the blood for a long time.

A person is alone in his grief, and no one can help him, only feelings of hatred and love replace each other.

In my opinion, Nekrasov's poems about love are distinguished by reality and inconsistency. It is always suffering, but suffering that ennobles a person.

The theme of love in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov


This work is devoted to the originality of N.A. Nekrasov. The choice of topic is not accidental. The main reason for addressing this topic was a personal interest in the work of N.A. Nekrasov. In addition, the theme of love is an eternal theme in Russian literature, arousing interest at all times among people of different generations.

The theme of love is solved in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov is very peculiar. It was here that his artistic innovation was fully manifested. Unlike his predecessors, who preferred to portray the feeling of love "in beautiful moments", Nekrasov did not ignore the "prose" that is "inevitable in love" ("You and I are stupid people ..."). However, in the words of the famous non-krasovologist N. Skatov, he "not only prosaiced the poetry of love, but also poeticized its prose."

The purpose of the work was to analyze the features of the disclosure of the theme of love in the lyrics of Nekrasov.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

get acquainted with the biography of N.A. Nekrasov;

determine the addressees of the love lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov;

to study the innovation of the poet's love lyrics.

The structure of the work is determined by its purpose. The first chapter tells about the life and main stages of the creative path of N.A. Nekrasov. The second chapter is dedicated to the beloved N.A. Nekrasov, who became the addressees of his poems. The third chapter analyzes the innovation of N.A. Nekrasov. In conclusion, conclusions are presented based on the conclusions from the chapters. The list of used sources contains 10 names.

1. Biography of N.A. Nekrasov

Russian poet and literary figure Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Vinnitsa region.

The future poet was born into the family of an officer who came from noble family, mother, nee Zakrevskaya, was the daughter of a wealthy possessor of the Kherson province. In 1824, his father retired and moved to his estate in Greshnev (Yaroslavl province), where he began to lead the usual life of a small-scale nobleman, who had only 50 souls of serfs at his disposal. Little is known about the family and life in Greshnev, partly due to the contradictory evidence, partly due to the efforts of the poet himself, who created a myth about his biography all his life. In his autobiographical notes, N.A. Nekrasov talks all the time about the cruelty and despotism of a semi-literate father, about the humility and downtroddenness of his mother, giving his biography a tragic connotation.

In 1832 N.A. Nekrasov entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he graduated from 5 classes. At the insistence of the father, who wished for his son military career, went in 1838 to St. Petersburg to enter the military service, however, he did not go to the service, but instead began active preparations for surrender entrance exams to university. Exams N.A. Nekrasov failed and signed up as a volunteer at the Faculty of Philology. The father, enraged by the act of his son, left him without material support. ON. Nekrasov faced an acute need, earned money by tutoring, rewrote letters for illiterate senders, wrote reviews of performances and books, poetic parodies, notes published in the Literary Supplement to the Russian Disabled Man and in the Literary Gazette, feuilletons and vaudevilles, which were successfully were staged at the Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theatre.

In 1840, N.A. Nekrasov published a collection of his poems, written under the tangible influence of romantic poets. Before publication N.A. Nekrasov brought the manuscript to Zhukovsky, he advised the novice poet not to print poems, but it was too late to cancel the release of the collection, and the book “Dreams and Sounds” signed by N.N. still saw the light.

So the book comes out famous poet“Dreams and Sounds” - with a very loud and pretentious title, but under the modest initials N.N. Seven reviews were written for the collection, and two reviewers - the critic V.G. Belinsky and poet V.S. Mezhevich - they reacted very dismissively to the creation of a certain N.N.

V.S. Mezhevich concludes that the author of the book "Dreams and Sounds" is an adherent of conventional turns of romantic poetry; that N.N. extremely distracted, and that he is not at all familiar with the feelings that he cultivates. Naturally, this is explained by the fact that in the early 1840s “new influences dawned in the literary atmosphere,” and the review by V.S. Mezhevich, as well as the review by V.G. Belinsky, was quite adequate response on the early works of N.A. Nekrasov.

More disarming was the review by V.G. Belinsky: few people know that in a very short, less than a sheet, article, the critic smashed the young N.A. Nekrasov. Moreover, the author of the collection is mentioned only in the last phrase: “Mediocrity in poetry is unbearable. These are the thoughts Mr. N.N.'s Dreams and Sounds led us to think. However, the critic admits that in N.N. there is "smoothness and sonority".

Criticism reacted ambiguously to the first book of N.A. Nekrasov. But for us, the important fact is that, gravitating towards romanticism and imitation, Nekrasov outlined his future self: echoes early creativity will be guessed in his mature realistic works. And in the collection "Dreams and Sounds" N.A. Nekrasov is a thing, but so far a thing in itself.

In the early 1840s. ON. Nekrasov collaborated with Literaturnaya Gazeta and Otechestvennye Zapiski, where he critical articles and reviews were very popular.

In 1842 N.A. Nekrasov met the Panaevs. From the memoirs of Avdotya Panaeva: “The first time I saw N.A. Nekrasov in 1842, in winter. V.G. Belinsky brought him to us to read his Petersburg Corners. V.G. Belinsky was expected to play preference by his partners; V.P., who arrived from Moscow Botkin also sat with us. After the recommendation of N.A. Nekrasov to me and to those who did not know him, V.G. Belinsky hurried him on to start reading. I.I. Panaev has already met with N.A. Nekrasov somewhere. ON. Nekrasov was apparently embarrassed at the beginning of the reading; his voice was always weak, and he read very quietly, but then broke up. ON. Nekrasov looked sickly and looked much older than his years; his manners were original: he pressed his elbows strongly to his sides, hunched over, and when he read, he often mechanically raised his hand to his barely protruding mustache and, without touching it, lowered it again. This mechanical gesture remained with him when he read his poems.

In 1854, at the invitation of N.A. Nekrasov, N.G. became a permanent employee of Sovremennik. Chernyshevsky, and then - literary critic ON. Dobrolyubov. But in 1862, after another censorship tightening by government decree, the release of Sovremennik was suspended for eight months, and four years later a decree was issued to ban it. In 1862, after the leaders revolutionary democracy were arrested, N.A. Nekrasov visited his native places.

At the beginning of 1875, N.A. Nekrasov fell seriously ill, neither the famous surgeon nor the operation could stop the rapidly developing rectal cancer. At this time, he began work on the Last Songs cycle (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated to Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova (in the work of Zinaida Nekrasov), last love poet.

2. Addressees of love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov

2.1 Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva

poet nekrasov love lyrics

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva was born in St. Petersburg on July 31, 1820. Her parents served as actors on the Imperial stage: her father - A.G. Bryansky - acted in tragic roles, his mother played various roles in drama, comedy and operetta. A far from ideal atmosphere reigned in the house, which was created by a despotic gambler mother and an avid billiard player, a cruel, eccentric father. “No one caressed me,” Avdotya Yakovlevna recalled, “and therefore I was very sensitive to caresses.” But, apparently, the character still inherited mama's - imperious and decisive.

Live in parental home seemed to the girl a torment, and therefore, before reaching nineteen years old, she married the writer Ivan Panaev. He came from a noble family rich and glorious in cultural traditions (by his father, he is the great-nephew of G.R. Derzhavin; his uncle was a major government official and a well-known idyllic poet). Having lost his father early, also not a stranger literary creativity, I.I. Panaev grew up in his grandmother's house. The mother practically did not engage in raising her son, preferring to live for her own pleasure - widely and without counting money. This passion for a carefree, luxurious life was then passed on to her son.

The service weighed heavily on Ivan Panaev, he loved freedom and managed to successfully combine secular entertainment and literature. A wide circle of acquaintances in all strata of St. Petersburg society, a striking journalistic scent and "ubiquity" ensured his novels and short stories continued success, sometimes with a hint of scandal. His name in the 1840s and 50s was on everyone's lips. Became the talk of the town and romantic story his marriage.

In 1893, the year of the death of Avdotya Yakovlevna, cousin writer V.A. Panaev testified in Russian Antiquity: “Ivan Ivanovich’s mother didn’t even want to hear about her son’s marriage to the actor’s daughter. For two and a half years, Ivan Ivanovich, in various ways and in every possible way, obtained the consent of his mother, but to no avail; finally, he decided to get married quietly, without the consent of his mother, and, having got married, right from the church, he got into a carriage, drove with his young wife to Kazan ... Mother, having learned, of course, on the same day about what had happened, sent a letter to Ivan Ivanovich in Kazan with curse."

“Relatives,” writes literary critic V. Tunimanov, “gloated about the misalliance and arrogantly accepted the plebeian. However, mother I.I. Panaeva did not differ in vindictiveness, she soon reconciled, and the daughter-in-law had to act as a young mistress of the house, which rather resembled a secular aristocratic salon (in the house of the Panaevs they are used to living carelessly, luxuriously, like a lord). For her, romance very soon turned into a stunned at first, and then hardened prose of life. In addition, Ivan Ivanovich understood marital duty in a very peculiar way, not at all intending to abandon the secular-bohemian habits that had long become the norm. I must say that he clearly did not appreciate the strong, proud character of Avdotya Yakovlevna, who was created to reign, to command, and not to play the role of a timid and elegant doll in the salon of a secular writer.

Afanasy Fet recalls his acquaintance with Avdotya Yakovlevna in his memoirs: “Having arrived at five o’clock, I was introduced to the mistress of the house A.Ya. Panaeva. She was small in stature, not only impeccably beautiful, but also an attractive brunette. Her courtesy was not without a hint of coquetry. Her dark dress was separated from her head with expensive lace or guipure; she had large diamonds in her ears, and her velvety voice sounded like the caprice of a spoiled boy. She said that women's society tires her, and that she has only men as guests.

Avdotya, as best she could, restrained their ardor. Therefore, 22-year-old Nikolai Nekrasov, introduced into their house by V.G. Belinsky, received a decisive refusal - as soon as, following the example of many, he warmly clung to her hand.

ON. Nekrasov appeared in the Panaevs' salon in the early 1840s. Avdotya Yakovlevna made a great impression on the beginning and still unknown poet (he was only a year younger than the mistress who charmed him). The young man long and stubbornly sought her love, but she rejected him, not daring to leave her husband. But the newly-minted poet, who had barely dawned on the horizon of Russian poetry and hardened by a three-year half-starved life, turned out to be more persistent than the others.

ON. Nekrasov was just starting to get lucky: he was actively published, critics noticed him, V.G. Belinsky - a master of finding talents - took him under his wing and brought him to the heart of Russian literature, where this incredible woman shone. Convinced that everything can be achieved with perseverance, Nikolai Nekrasov rushed into battle.

However, the fight dragged on. AND I. Panaeva did not believe the eloquent admirer. In every possible way removed from herself, thereby only kindling his passion. Once N.A. Nekrasov rode Avdotya Panaeva in a boat along the Neva and suddenly, far from the coast, resumed his daring courtship, threatening that if he refused, he would jump into the water. And, you can be sure, he would have gone to the bottom - he didn’t know how to swim! The impregnable beauty grunted, and he take it ... yes, jump!

AND I. Panaeva raised a cry throughout the river. The distraught poet was caught and somehow brought to his senses. And he immediately sang his own: if you don’t agree, they say, adored, to answer my feelings, I’ll go and jump again. Yes, so that, be calm, they will not be in time to pull it out. And the icy crust, squeezing Avdotya Yakovlevna's heart, crunched ...

In 1846, the Panaevs, in company with N.A. Nekrasov celebrated the summer months on his estate in the Kazan province. Here the poet discussed in detail with Panaev the plan for the purchase and joint revival of the Sovremennik magazine. And here he finally became close to his wife.

Returning to St. Petersburg, the bohemian trinity settled in the same apartment. And a strange life began. Ivan Panaev is a husband without a wife, an editor without a magazine (N.A. Nekrasov ran all the affairs of a prosperous publication). And Avdotya is the spouse before God and the people of one, in fact and at the behest of the heart - of the other. Avdotya Yakovlevna became the common-law wife of N.A. Nekrasov - in those days it was almost impossible to get permission for a divorce. Rumors and gossip about their "indecent" relationship did not stop for a very long time.

ON. Nekrasov, not always frank in words, poured out all the flood of his feelings on paper. Thus was born the poetic "Panaevsky cycle" - the story of uneven, stormy, painful love. Rarely did a day go by without a scandal. ON. Nekrasov was pathologically jealous. And as passionate as it is fickle. Accusing, suspecting, inflamed and undeservedly insulting, he cooled down and rushed to Avdotya to put up only after her reciprocal accusations.

In 1849 Avdotya and N.A. Nekrasov was expecting a child and, inspired, wrote the joint novel “Three Sides of the World” for nine months. The son was born weak and died a few hours later. In one of the church metric books of St. Petersburg in the section "On the dead on March 27, 1855" it is written: “The retired nobleman, collegiate secretary Ivan Ivanovich Panaev, son John, a month and a half.” It's about about little Ivan Panaev, son of N.A. Nekrasov. AND I. Panaeva was petrified with grief. She urgently needed to put her nerves in order, and she went abroad for treatment.

A N.A. Nekrasov escapes to Rome, to Paris, to Vienna. He cannot see Avdotya, disgusted by her “submissive sadness”. But, unable to bear her absence, he calls to him. And he thinks: “No, the heart cannot and should not fight against a woman with whom so much has been outlived. What should I make of myself, where, who needs me? It’s good that at least she needs it. ” But again he runs from his painful attachment. And confessed in letters to a friend V.P. Botkin: “To tell you a secret - but mind you, in secret! I think I did something stupid by going back to her. No, once an extinguished cigar is not tasty, lit again!

AND I. Panaeva, together with the poet, wrote a large - to fill the pages of the censored "Contemporary" - the novel "Three Countries of the World", under which there were two signatures: Nikolai Nekrasov and N. Stanitsky (A.Ya. Panaeva's pseudonym). There were practically no works written by two authors in Russian literature at that time. Despite the most controversial reviews, the novel nevertheless enjoyed success and went through several editions. Together with N.A. Nekrasov in 1851 by A.Ya. Panaeva wrote another novel - Dead Lake, after which she placed many topical works in Sovremennik. For example, in the novel "The Talnikov Family" she described her joyless childhood and tried to protest against the then education system. Censorship distorted the novel beyond recognition and eventually banned it.

Attacks of furious jealousy and crushing passion alternated with N.A. Nekrasov with cold alienation. Overcome by black blues, he could terribly offend, often in the presence of strangers. AND I. Panaeva suffered and endured. He is a poet, he has a complex nature. But he loves her, loves her, although sometimes he cannot see. And he spins such shameful intrigues that all his friends are ashamed of him and insulting for her.

She was tired. Her beauty, blazing for 40 years, began to fade. The blush faded, eyes faded. In March 1862, I.I. died of a heart defect. Panaev is in her arms, having managed to ask for forgiveness for the torment that he caused. It would seem that the time has come for N.A. Nekrasov and Avdotya Yakovlevna to legalize their marital relations, but it was too late: things were heading for a final break, which occurred in 1863.

Over time, the nerves of Nikolai Alekseevich completely surrendered, and now he often lost his temper over the smallest trifles. After one of the quarrels, A.Ya. Panaeva: “Without oaths and without public coercion, I did everything in the name of love, which I can only do loving woman».

Remembering the disagreements with Avdotya Yakovlevna, N.A. Nekrasov later writes:

You and I are stupid people:

An unreasonable, harsh word ...

If prose in love is inevitable,

The return of love and participation ...

After 15 years of living with N.A. Nekrasov, she lived for another 15 years outside of his existence, occasionally listening to the thunder of Nekrasov's poetry and the echoes of rumors about women often changing in his heart. And another 15 years - after his death, dragging out a poor existence and earning a living literary works.

A N.A. Nekrasov, after the break given to other passions, of course, lived restlessly. And yet he grieved for her, Avdotya, not forgotten to death:

Madman! Why are you worried

Are you your poor heart?

You can't forgive her

And you can't help but love her!

We parted ways,

We parted ways...

In 1863, Avdotya Yakovlevna, by that time the widow of I.I. Panaeva, married the writer Golovachev. A daughter was born in marriage, and everything went as long dreamed and wanted. Alas, their happiness was short-lived, and soon Avdotya Yakovlevna again wore mourning for her husband.

But if the share of A.Ya. Panaeva had at least a short marital happiness, then N.A. Nekrasov was tossed along the waves of worldly storms for a long time.

“People with the temperament of Nekrasov are rarely inclined to the quiet joys of family life,” testified the historian and literary critic A.M. Skabichevsky. - They are very popular among the female sex, they are happy lovers or don Juan, but exemplary husbands and fathers do not come out of them. It is clear that Nekrasov, belonging to this type, did not leave behind any offspring. Only in his old age, when passions began to fade in him, did he turn out to be capable of strong attachment to a woman, whom he married on his deathbed already.

Avdotya Yakovlevna died on March 30, 1893, at the age of seventy-three, in poverty. She was buried at the Volkovo cemetery in St. Petersburg. She lived longer than many of those she wrote about, leaving in the history of Russian literature her name, albeit not very loud, but not lost among others.

.2 Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova

She was young, pretty, kind and cheerful. ON. Nekrasov at this time is already well over forty. He is a celebrated poet and a mature man. Behind him are the difficult years of adversity and deprivation, struggle and suffering. And more and more often, fatigue falls like a shadow on his face, hidden pain flashes in his beautiful intelligent eyes. This union was in many respects unequal. Relatives did not accept N.A. Nekrasov seriously. But Zinaida Nikolaevna has since firmly entered the life of the poet. Her real name was Fyokla Anisimovna Viktorova. ON. Nekrasov began to call her in his own way - Zina, Zinochka. And he even added a patronymic from his own name - Nikolaevna. The poet's acquaintances and friends called her respectfully - Zinaida Nikolaevna.

Having come together, they almost never parted. We visited friends together, went to the dacha in Chudovo together, went to Yalta together, and went abroad. Zina Nikolaevna was always there. And in the Yaroslavl region on vacation, in Karabikha, they also traveled together. They first arrived in Karabikha in the summer of 1870, immediately after they met. Obviously, N.A. Nekrasov was eager to introduce Zinochka to his relatives in Karabikha.

May, on the eve of arrival, N.A. Nekrasov writes to his brother Fyodor: “I am thinking of coming to Karabikha in a week. Please make arrangements for my quarters to be in order, for I will not come alone.”

This summer in Karabikha was especially happy and fruitful. He was surrounded by warmth and care, next to him was the loving and devoted heart of Zina.

In just 10 days, he wrote the poem "Grandfather" in Karabikha and dedicated it to Zinaida Nikolaevna. It was published in the same year in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski with the dedication "Z-N-Ch-E", i.e. Zinochka.

Returning to St. Petersburg, N.A. Nekrasov wrote to his brother that he spent two months in Karabikha "very calmly and pleasantly." And in subsequent years, N.A. Nekrasov came to Karabikha together with Zinaida Nikolaevna. True, the Karabikh relatives of N.A. Nekrasov did not like her. They remember her sparingly. But the son of Fyodor Alekseevich, the boy Sasha, Zinaida Nikolaevna remembered. Subsequently, Alexander Fedorovich wrote: “I remember perfectly Zinaida Nikolaevna, that blue-eyed blonde with a charming complexion, a beautifully contoured mouth and pearl teeth. She was slender, dexterous, resourceful, a good shot, and rode a horse, so N.A. Nekrasov sometimes took her hunting. Zinaida Nikolaevna really was a good rider and knew how to shoot. Together with N.A. Nekrasov, they often went hunting in Chudovskaya near St. Petersburg, and hunted in other places. In the life of N.A. Nekrasov, who is not a young man, who has experienced a lot, "Zinochka" undoubtedly wrote a lot of bright and beautiful minutes. “Zina was his joy, vivacity, his second youth,” wrote N.M., who knew her well, so rightly. Arkhangelsk. young and blooming woman fell out to take into account to share with N.A. Nekrasov most hard times and the painful dying days of his life. That's when the devoted and disinterested character of Zinaida Nikolaevna was revealed. Anticipating his death, N.A. Nekrasov decided to legalize relations with Zinaida with a church ceremony. She became an irreplaceable person for him. Like a sister of mercy, she was for N.A. Nekrasova was a nurse and almost did not leave the patient's bedside, patiently looked after the dying.

Two hundred days

two hundred nights

My suffering continues.

Night and day in your heart

My moans respond.

Two hundred days

two hundred nights

Dark winter days

Clear winter nights!

Zina! Sleep!

Zina! Close your weary eyes!

There is no doubt about the sincerity of these lines. Once upon a time in a simple and modest girl N.A. Nekrasov was able to discern the features of an outstanding person. And Zinaida Nikolaevna turned out to be worthy of his name. She outlived N.A. for many years. Nekrasov, but remained faithful to his memory.

Zinaida Nikolaevna carefully kept until the end of her days as a priceless relic a volume of Nekrasov's poems with the inscription: "To my dear and only friend, Zina." In one of the poems addressed to Zina, the poet wrote:

You have the right to life.

Quickly I go to the sunset of days.

I will die - my glory will fade.

Do not wonder and do not grieve about her!

Glory to N.A. Nekrasova did not die. And in his pearls lyric poetry beautiful lines are dedicated to his wife and friend - Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova.

In the winter of 1914, Zinaida Nikolaevna's health deteriorated sharply. On the morning of January 27, 1915, readers of the Saratov Vestnik saw an obituary: “Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova, widow of the poet N.A. Nekrasova, died on Sunday, January 25 at 4:30 am. The removal of the body from the apartment (Malaya Tsaritsynskaya, house No. 70, Ozolina's apartment) today, January 27 at 9 o'clock in the morning, to the Resurrection Cemetery.

Departing all her life in black, she bequeathed to bury herself in white.

3. Innovation of love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov

3.1 "Prose of love" in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov

The theme of love is solved in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov is very peculiar. It was here that his artistic innovation was fully manifested. Unlike his predecessors, who preferred to portray the feeling of love "in beautiful moments", N.A. Nekrasov did not ignore the “prose” that is “inevitable in love” (“You and I are stupid people ...”). However, in the words of the famous non-krasovologist N. Skatov, he "not only prosaiced the poetry of love, but also poeticized its prose." In his poems, next to the loving hero, the image of an independent heroine appeared, sometimes wayward and independent ("I do not like your irony ..."). And therefore, the relationship between the lovers became more complex in Nekrasov's lyrics: spiritual intimacy is replaced by a quarrel and a quarrel (“Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...”). Such misunderstanding is sometimes caused by different upbringing, different conditions the lives of heroes. In the poem "Shyness" a timid, insecure raznochinets faces an arrogant secular beauty. In Masha, the spouses cannot understand each other, as they received a different upbringing, have a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main and secondary things in life. In "The Guessing Bride" there is a bitter premonition of a future drama: a naive girl likes in her chosen one the outward elegance of manners, fashionable clothes. But behind this external brilliance, emptiness is most often hidden. Finally, very often personal dramas of heroes are a continuation of social dramas. Nekrasov anticipates Dostoevsky's image of Sonechka Marmeladova in the verses "Am I driving down a dark street at night ...". And although in Notes from the Underground Dostoevsky ironically over the naive belief in the “beautiful and sublime” of the lyrical hero of Nekrasov’s poems “When from the darkness of delusion ...”, this irony, even polemic does not cancel sympathetic attitude the writer to the noble impulses of a person who seeks to “straighten” and save a “fallen soul”. The "Savior" in Nekrasov's poems is well aware of the psychology of the "fallen soul", its hidden complexes. Having himself risen above the painful state of the humiliated person, he tries to save the heroine from him. He knows that she needs to live by herself, and not by someone else's opinion of herself, leading the heroine to secret doubts, depressing thoughts, a painfully fearful state of mind: “Why is it that secret doubt / Are you betrayed hourly? / Crowds of senseless opinion / Are you really conquered?

In fact, we have a female version of the drama " little man”, a humiliated and offended, and therefore painfully proud soul, reminiscent of the future Nastasya Filippovna from Dostoevsky’s “The Idiot”, who also warmed the “snake on her chest”. And the lyrical hero of Nekrasov, with his active and piercing compassion, resembles Prince Myshkin.

I would like to pay the main attention to the "Panaev cycle". Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva is the main addressee of the intimate lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov. Relations with A.Ya. Panaeva became the subject of many poems by N.A. Nekrasov, created for almost ten years. This real romance in verse, which reflects various moments in the life of lyrical heroes. It is lyrical, since, although the cycle has a real biographical basis, the images of lyrical heroes cannot be identified with their literary prototypes. Sam N.A. Nekrasov saw in his poems not just an appeal to a certain woman, but gave them much greater value. He published these works in magazines, which means that he deliberately made them the subject of poetry, the common property. "Panaevsky cycle" is an example of how the personal, intimate in the lyrics becomes universal. In it we almost never find social motives inherent in all the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov. We can say that the poems of the cycle are intentionally asocial, devoid of any specific details and hints. In the foreground here is the psychological motivation, the depiction of the feelings and experiences of the characters, as in F.I. Tyutchev, "fateful duel".

What can be said about these two? He is a reflective person, prone to suspiciousness, suspicion, despondency, anger. However, little is known about him. She is at the center of the "Panaev's cycle". And it was in the creation of the character of the heroine that the innovation of N.A. Nekrasov. This character is completely new, and besides, according to Nikolai Skatov, "it is given in development, in various, even unexpected, manifestations, selfless and cruel, loving and jealous, suffering and making suffer."

The main motives (the motive is a stable, recurring element of the plot, characteristic of several works) of the “Panaev cycle”: motives of a quarrel (“If, tormented by a rebellious passion ...”, “We are stupid people ...”); parting, separation (“So this is a joke? My dear ...”, “Farewell”) or their premonitions (“I do not like your irony ...”); memories (“Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...”, “For a long time - rejected by you ...”); letters (“Burned letters”) and other “Panaevsky” poems are characterized by some pairing (cf., for example, “A hard year - an illness broke me ...” and “I got a heavy cross ...”, “Forgive me” and “Farewell” ).

Thus, the poems of the cycle unite not only a common content, but also artistic features: through images and details; "nervousness" of intonation, conveying almost "Dostoevsky" passions; fragmentation, indicated in writing by dots, which end many poems.

So, the love lyrics of N.A. Nekrasova is unique primarily in that the “prose of love” is manifested in it. His lyrical cycle shows the complexity of human relations: disputes, quarrels, meetings and partings. The lyrical hero sees the advantages and disadvantages of his beloved, it is not easy for him with her. The relationship of the characters is uneven: from mutual insults, reproaches, mistrust - to the former passion. But the gap is inevitable, the hero anticipates it:

Do not rush the inevitable denouement!

And without that, she is not far away:

We boil stronger, full of last thirst,

But in the heart of a secret coldness and longing ...

Each poem of the cycle ends with an ellipsis, as if hinting at some kind of understatement, reticence, and the beginning of the poems is a continuation of the dispute, dialogue, even quarrel that begins again and again.

In the love lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov, there are no attributes of romantic poetry: nightingales, blooming roses, but there are psychological analysis feelings and relationships, shows the inner world of the characters. The lyrical hero seems to evaluate his feeling.

Innovation of love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov consists not only in the novelty of the content (“prose of life”), but also in the fact that the poet finds the appropriate art form: colloquial speech, prosaisms, innovative versification.

In the poems of the "Panaevsky cycle" there are many interrogative, incentive proposals, many appeals to the beloved and to himself.

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall,

Anguish, despondency, anger,

Don't remember the storms, don't remember the tears

Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

This allows you to achieve a depth of introspection and reflect the inconsistency of emotions.

3.2 Analysis of the poem "You and I are stupid people ..."

You and I are stupid people:

What a minute, the flash is ready!

Relief of an agitated chest,

An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

Let us, my friend, be angry openly:

The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

If prose in love is inevitable,

So let's take a share of happiness from her:

After a quarrel so full, so tender

The return of love and participation ...

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “You and I are stupid people”, first published in Sovremennik in 1851, addressed to A.Ya. Panaeva and is included in the so-called "Panaevsky cycle". The poet was 22 years old when he met A.Ya. Panaeva. She was 24 years old. Yesterday's proletarian, a literary vagabond, of course, at first he did not even dare to dream of the favor of such a brilliant lady. Her husband married her when Avdotya Yakovlevna was not yet nineteen, "almost in order to flaunt a beautiful wife in front of friends and walk with her to music in Pavlovsk." It was not easy for N.A. Nekrasov this woman. Out of desperation, he almost rushed into the Volga, but he was not such a person to fall behind. This duel lasted from 1843 to 1848, when she finally became his wife. But by this time A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasov were already completely different people.

The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." is about love, but love is not romantic, enthusiastic. Keywords who talk about the relationship A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasov, - “minute”, “flash”, “excites and torments the soul”, “share of happiness”, “return of love”.

There are two heroes in the poem: he and she, the lyrical hero and his beloved. The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." - the appeal of the lyrical hero to his beloved. ON. Nekrasov uses the appeal (“my friend”), verbs in imperative mood("speak").

This lyrical work can be divided into two parts: 1) a description of life, quarrels; 2) the appeal of the lyrical hero to his beloved (request, offer of compromise).

In this poem, consonant sounds [w], whistling, are repeated. Alliteration helps convey the ardor of a quarrel, indignation, indignation. In addition, hissing and whistling sounds affect the sound of the poem, slowing it down, making it more drawn out. Undoubtedly poetic size- an anapaest that conveys duration - was also chosen by the author not by chance.

ON. Nekrasov long and painfully loved the writer A.Ya. Panaev. He sings in his poems of deep love, mutual understanding and friendship of those who love. However, life is complex and tragic, and N.A. Nekrasov often talk about the dramatic pages of their love. The poet writes about this in the poem "You and I are stupid people ...". Heavy quarrels very often occurred between them, but love won, and they reconciled again. The poet here refers to Panaeva, calling both stupid due to frivolous quarrels that flare up like a match.

He asks her not to collect irritation, anger, resentment in herself, not to accumulate it, but to give them an outlet. It is better to shout out, to speak openly, not to conceal, and then it will become easy on the soul, and there will be no secrets between them. After all, "the world is easier - and more likely to get bored." And if there is a prose of life in love, then happiness can also be extracted from it: after a quarrel, love flares up even more.


ON. Nekrasov, both for his contemporaries and for posterity, is, first of all, a great realist poet, a democrat poet who had a great influence on the entire development of Russian poetry. Indeed, as R. Gamzatov said: “N.A. Nekrasov is a whole poetic state, living according to its own laws.

All works by N.A. Nekrasov is imbued with a very special, reverent and admiring attitude towards a woman. Women's images in his love poetry - strong, resolute, more integral and balanced in comparison with the eternally hesitant, doubting and suffering from his own weakness male heroes. The heroine of the lyrics N.A. Nekrasova is an amazingly wise woman, able to endure the blows of fate, forgive her restless, jealous lover and understand "his sad illness." He often falls into pessimistic moods, indulges in despondency and anger, she always acts as a comforter and friend, comes to the rescue in difficult times and teaches wise humility before the inevitable.

Love dispels sad thoughts, inspires hope in the soul of the lyrical hero, helps him “without the usual fear” to look “into the dark sea” of the future.

The originality of the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov is that lyrical isolation is destroyed in it, lyrical egocentrism is overcome: love poems are open to the heroine, who enters the poem with all the richness and complexity of her inner peace. In the lyric cycle N.A. Nekrasov creates the character of the heroine, a new character, in different manifestations, selfless and jealous. Almost all works of intimate lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov ends with dots - which means that the situation is not resolved, not exhausted, to be continued.

The poet, responding with all his heart to the “dear caress”, does not escape from the problems of real life, drawing a love feeling against the background of love for people, for the future, for the homeland. Lyrica N.A. Nekrasova impresses with her universal truth of feeling, the depth of the tragic conflict inherent in her, the psychological richness of experiences.

List of sources used

poet nekrasov love lyrics

1.Bukhshtab B. (in the series: B-ka poet), ed. "Soviet writer", L., 1937; Memoirs: My memories, 2 hours, M., 1890. - 369 p.

2.Evgeniev-Maksimov V.E., Life and work of N.A. Nekrasov, vol. 1-3, M. - L., 1947-52. -286 p.

.Evgeniev-Maximov V.E. and Piksanov N. Nekrasovsky collection, M. - L., vol. 1-5, 1951-73.-412 p.

.Zinina E.A., Bustard, Visual aids. Literature, Themes and motives in lyrics, 2008.-21 p.

.Lebedev Yu.V., Literature. Grade 10. Textbook for general education. institutions. Basic and profile. levels. At 2 pm, Part 1 / Yu.V. Lebedev. - 13th ed.-M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 356 p.

.Nekrasov N.A., Sat. articles. - M., ed. "Nikitinsky Subbotniks", 1929. - 84 p.

.Pokrovsky V., Nekrasov, his life and writings, Sat. historical and literary articles. - M., ed. 2nd, Printing house of G. Lissner and D. Sobko, 1915. - 706 p.

.Skabichevsky A.M., Agraf, "Literary Workshop", 2012. - 504s

1. Love lyrics by N. A. Nekrasov
2. Images of the lyrical heroes of Nekrasov.

4. Dawn and sunset of love and the attitude of the lyrical hero towards them.

Resentment, quarrels, remorse - again pleasure,
- All this is a product of deep love.


It is generally accepted that the main themes of Nekrasov's work are social problems, such as the difficult fate of the Russian people and the civic mission of the poet. But this does not mean that Nekrasov does not pay attention to issues of human relationships at all. love lyrics quite often seen in the works of N. A. Nekrasov.

The object of the poet's attention - love lyrics with her disagreements, mutual misunderstanding, quarrels and mutual reproaches. Turning to this topic, the poet remains true to the truth of life.

In the poem "You and I are stupid people ..." Nekrasov seeks to show us a bright start even in unpleasant events. A quarrel between close people is not so terrible if it is followed by "the return of love and participation."

AT Love lyrics by Nekrasov has two characters: the character of the lyrical hero and the character of the lyrical heroine. Him lyrical heroine- this is an outstanding personality, strong, endowed with a living mind; this is a friend and like-minded person, able to provide support in a difficult moment, find a way out of difficult situation("You are always good incomparably..."). The image of the lyrical hero is most fully revealed in the poem "Shyness". It reflects one of the complex mental states experienced by an embarrassed or oppressed person. The lyrical hero of Nekrasov is smart and observant, but life did not justify his hopes, and he lost faith in the future.

The hero is painfully trying to realize what are the reasons for his "untalented tearful share", his "consciousness of offensive impotence", and finds the following answer: "Terrible poverty crushed me." Nekrasov psychologically correctly shows the experiences of a person who is ready to turn the world upside down for the sake of his beloved, but when he meets her, he seems to feel “iron weights” on his feet.

The surrounding reality is harsh not only in relation to nascent love, but also to shared love. In the poem " Tough year- an illness broke me ... "the world is perceived through the following categories: trouble - happiness, struggle," life without happiness ", enemy - friend, beloved. Beloved was the most reliable stronghold, but still she "did not spare." The reason for this is not so much in herself and her character, but in objective circumstances, in specific life conditions: “Torn out, embittered by the struggle ... / Sufferer! Standing in front of me..."

In love, according to Nekrasov, there is no place for immobility and monotony. For example, his poem "Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ..." captures the power of feeling, the experiences associated with the various stages of love, the very form of expressing one's feelings. The very first lines testify to tension, dynamism love relationships, their dependence on the influence of the environment: "Yes, our life flowed rebelliously, / Full of worries, full of losses." The lovers part for a while; their life in separation is presented to the author as a long but patient expectation of a new meeting:

But ever since everything around me is deserted, I can't give myself to anything with love, And life is boring, and time is long, And I'm cold to my work.

Gradually, the hero's memories draw him the beginning of love. It becomes obvious to him that the development of feelings is inextricably linked with the intensification of doubts.

Of great importance in the union of two hearts belongs to trust, faith. It is no coincidence that the word "faith" or derivatives of it are so often repeated in the text:

How you wanted to believe me
And as I believed, and hesitated again,
And how I fully believed!

The poet discovers eternal, unshakable values ​​in the transient, changeable forms of earthly existence, and one of them is love, which creates, conquers peaks, and can make every day happy.

Nekrasov considers the most different stages of a love feeling, sometimes combining them in one work, as, for example, in the poem "Long ago rejected by you ...". At first, the lyrical hero looks desperate, on the verge of suicide; however, he soon finds happiness again mutual love, and with it the feeling of fullness and joy of being comes back. But in the end, love leaves, and everything around loses its charm. Sublime feelings are in no way protected from the rude invasion of a hostile world, and the unpredictability of fate gives rise to a sense of the tragedy of human life.

In the lyrical miniature “Forgive me”, with its form resembling a spell (due to the repetition of the word “do not remember”), we can trace the connection of love with specific life events:

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall.
Anguish, despondency, anger. -
Don't remember the storms, don't remember the tears
Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

The hero gratefully recalls past happiness, it is bitter for him to part with the past. He wants the days of mutual happiness to remain bright in the memory of his beloved. According to the author, the feeling of gratitude for the departed love helps to overcome the painfulness of the gap. He who has loved must remain attentive and patient; he has no right to leave the heights to which he has been raised by love. The nobility of the heart is manifested both at the beginning of a love relationship and at the sunset of feelings. Therefore, the last lines of the poem "Forgive me" sound like parting words:

But the days when love shone
Above us gently rose
And cheerfully we made the way, -
Bless and don't forget!

"Love shone" is perceived as creature: once it "tenderly ascended", warmed the hearts of the heroes, instilling in them hope for the possibility of overcoming all life's hardships.

Having read even a few of Nekrasov's poems, one cannot but agree with the statement that the poet enriched Russian literature with new poetic discoveries, comprehending in his own way eternal theme love and relationship between two loving people.