Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Magnetic storm forecast for 15 days. Extended geomagnetic forecast

How often do we hear the excuse for feeling unwell: “Yes, these are magnetic storms, probably.” Is this process really to blame for everything? According to scientific research During the period of geomagnetic manifestations, the number of complaints about one’s health increases by 1.5 times. Agree, I would like to predict such an event in advance. For this, in principle, you need a special forecast, in which you will find a schedule of magnetic storms for today or tomorrow. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

What are magnetic storms

Magnetic storms occur due to solar flares, due to which we get natural hydration magnetic field Globe. The consequence of such a push is that the Sun ejects charged microparticles. They usually reach Earth within a few days. The magnetic field of our planet protects us from the effects of this flow, but perpendicularly located particles are still able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the Earth. It is precisely this protective reaction of our planet that is commonly called magnetic storms.

How to prepare for magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are undoubtedly stressful for the body, but if you prepare for it correctly, the losses will be minimal.

  • remember that metropolitan residents are exposed to more strong impact. Therefore, if you live, for example, in Moscow, or St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), or in another big city, then during this period try to pay more attention to your health than usual;
  • during unfavorable days be sure to review your diet - give up fried, fatty and unhealthy foods;
  • Don't neglect walks. For example, if it takes half an hour to walk from work to home, then it’s better to refuse public transport and spend this time on fresh air;
  • Avoid any stress. Probably each of us has heard the expression that all diseases are caused by stress. This is partly true, therefore it is better to avoid what depresses and upsets you;
  • People who are weather sensitive are also at particular risk. Therefore, if you belong to this category of people, then you better think about your health in advance and prepare well for magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms online monitoring for 3 days

  • 0 - 1 point- in this case, you don’t have to worry, there will definitely be no magnetic storms.
  • 2 -3 points- the probability of magnetic storms is quite low, and even if something happens, it will not affect your health.
  • 4 - 5 points- and in this case, the possibility of a magnetic storm increases, but it should not cause much harm. Only weather-dependent people can feel a slight malaise.
  • 6 -7 points- these indicators already indicate a strong magnetic storm, which means that some of the population of our planet may experience a deterioration in their health. But, as they say, best medicine- this is competent prevention.
  • 8 - 9 points- but these coefficients already indicate a very strong magnetic storm. During this period, you need to closely monitor your well-being, as there is a possibility of migraines, nausea, decreased performance and attention, increased blood pressure, or severe weakness.
  • 10 points- solar activity, one might say, is at its peak, which means that magnetic storms are the most pronounced in their impact. If possible, it should be avoided physical activity, contact with big amount people, it is advisable not to drive, and in general, ideally, it is better to wait out this period at home.

Forecast and monitoring of magnetic storms for a month

Geomagnetic storm level

The graph below shows the geomagnetic disturbance index. This index determines the level of magnetic storms.

What is he more topics the disturbances are stronger. The schedule is updated automatically every 15 minutes. The time indicated is Moscow

State of the magnetic field depending on the Kp index

Kp< 2 - спокойное;
K p = 2, 3 - slightly disturbed;
K p = 4 - perturbed;
K p = 5, 6 - magnetic storm;
K p = 7, 8 - strong magnetic storm;
K p = 9 - a very strong geomagnetic storm.

A magnetic storm is a disturbance in the magnetic field of our planet. This a natural phenomenon usually last from several hours to a day or more.

Where are the aurora visible now?

You can view the aurora online.

In the image below, you can observe the emission of radiation flows from our Sun during flares. A unique forecast of magnetic storms. The earth is indicated by a yellow dot, and the time and date are indicated in the upper left corner.

State of the Solar Atmosphere

Below is provided brief information according to condition solar atmosphere, the Earth’s magnetosphere, as well as a three-day forecast of magnetic activity for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Good afternoon everyone! Today I decided to write something unusual interesting article about magnetic storms. In general, before, I had never felt any action on myself and did not even think about this question, what it is and in general how they affect humans and our Earth.

But time has passed, and now I feel more and more often these magnetic fluxes. Sometimes I feel bad, but it turns out that magnetic days are one of the reasons.

Let's figure out what it is. I won’t go into great detail, so in this note, I just want to give you small recommendations and publish a schedule of magnetic storms by day for the month. May I warn you against troubles related to your health.

Magnetic storms: what are they? The influence of magnetic storms on humans

Flares constantly occur on the Sun, some of them more powerful, some weaker. And when particularly strong flares occur, a stream of charged particles rushes into different sides, including towards the Earth. After a day, or maybe two, they reach the Earth and begin to influence the natural magnetic field of our planet.

On Far North this can be seen from the state of the atmosphere and a phenomenon such as the Northern Lights occurs. So that's when distortion happens geomagnetic field this is reflected in the human condition.

So, in normal conditions blood moves through the capillaries quite quickly, but when the geomagnetic background changes, the movement of blood slows down through the capillaries, our red blood cells in the blood stick together and move very slowly because of which, the body is forced to increase blood pressure, there is an increased release of adrenal hormones, hormones stress is both cortisol and adrenaline. The level of melatonin in the blood, which is responsible for the body’s adaptation, changes, and increases in 75% of cases of myocardial infarction.

According to ambulance observations, on those days when there are magnetic storms, then by 20% emergency situations becomes larger than usual.

How to protect yourself and how to help yourself survive a magnetic storm?

While preparing in this article I found very interesting material from the program “Live Healthy” I would really like you to watch this video. In it, Elena Malysheva and her assistants show and explain everything very clearly and clearly, using experiments, and at the end they give valuable recommendations.

Therefore, if you want to help yourself, then do not deny yourself this important advice, which is given at the very end:

  • on such days, reduce physical activity and any emotional stress in general;
  • never get up abruptly from the bed or from the sofa, this will worsen the headache;
  • It is undesirable to travel anywhere, especially on airplanes and subways, and even more so to drive a car;
  • You need to take sedatives, tea with mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, if you have anxiety and irritability, as well as insomnia.

Yesterday I came across a video that was filmed in the program “About the Most Important Thing” and you know, a lot struck me there, it turns out that some people themselves are often to blame for the fact that they cannot cope with magnetic storms, and do you know why? Take 15 minutes of your time and watch this video, which is based on real facts and two life stories of young women.

And then you will definitely feel better!

Magnetic storms in March 2019 (schedule by day)

I would like to note that all magnetic fluxes are given from preliminary data and should be taken as exact information no need. After all, our world does not stand still, some earthly and cosmic phenomena cannot be predicted or seen. Perhaps in the future they will invent something like this in order to guess with 100% probability))).

Of course, not all of us will delve into these schedules, so I first wrote briefly the dates and then provided the schedule.

Important! In the future, stay tuned for site updates; information will appear monthly online. Therefore, I suggest adding the site to your bookmarks and when it is convenient for you, view this data.

The schedule for this period of time will be as follows. Pay attention to the red and yellow bars, if you see them on this chart, be alert to these dates:

How to understand this table and graph? To help you, I have compiled the following reminder:

With this I finish writing this post. In conclusion, I want to say, take care of yourself and your loved ones! After all, health comes first! If you have health, everything will happen! All the best and kindness! See you!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Magnetic storms have a huge impact on human health. To stay informed current state magnetosphere we present for you a graph - magnetic storms today, as well as a forecast of magnetic storms for the week, month and year.

Magnetic storm forecast for the coming week.

Magnetic storms in March 2019— forecast of magnetic storms for the next month.

Schedule of magnetic storms in March 2019

Magnetic storms today

Magnetic storms today

Levels of magnetic storms and solar flares

solar activity during the month and for today

Magnetic storms today and magnetic storm forecast for the next 3 days in March 2019

Magnetic storm forecast for the next 3 days

Interpretation of the K index

K5 - weak magnetic storm

K6 - average magnetic storm

K7 - strong magnetic storm

K8 - very strong magnetic storm

K9 is an extremely strong magnetic storm.

Magnetic storms online monitoring

For a more accurate forecast, online monitoring magnetic storms today is carried out on the basis of data coming from various systems monitoring magnetic storms. GOES radiographs are used to track solar activity And solar flares, affecting magnetic storms on Earth.

magnetic storms online monitoring (three-day schedule)

Magnetic field disturbance level - Magnetic field components

Dependences of Schumann resonance frequencies in hertz on local time.
Dependences of variations in magnetic field components on local time.
Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLDV). TLDV=UTC+7hours.

Magnetic storms and sunny wind — Change in magnetic storms from the sun towards the Earth

Solar activity online

Solar wind and magnetic storms

One of the largest magnetic storms in 2019 is taking place on Earth. This was reported on Tuesday on the website of the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory Physical Institute them. P. N. Lebedev RAS (FIAN).

“The Earth is experiencing one of the largest magnetic storms of this year,” the report says. As scientists note, fluctuations in the magnetic field began on Monday around 20:00 Moscow time, then the storm reached a level of Kp=5 (out of nine possible), which corresponds to a weak magnetic storm. It was supposed to end before Tuesday morning, but by 08:00 it intensified into a medium-level magnetic storm, reaching Kp=6.

“The event, as is generally characteristic of space weather, is of a planetary nature and is now being observed by several world magnetic observatories located on different geographical coordinates. On currently the storm is the second most powerful this year and is second only to the magnetic storm of August 26, when the Kp index reached level 7. Thus, with an interval of only 2 weeks, the Earth experienced the two most powerful cosmic impacts of this year,” astronomers note.

It is noted that the Earth is currently passing through a dense stream of solar wind with complex structure. According to scientists, it will take at least 2-3 days to exit the flow.

How to make yourself feel better during magnetic storms?

You should not overwork, avoid stress, intense physical activity. On the day when a magnetic storm occurs, pay attention to your diet - it should be balanced, without fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Introduce fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamins, into your diet.
During magnetic storms, it is advisable to refuse bad habits, strict diets, alcohol. Spend more time outdoors with your family.

In addition, if you have the opportunity to rest during a magnetic storm, it is better to sleep. During sleep, fluctuations affect the body less than during work.

Magnetic storm calendar for 2019

January 4-6 – weak magnetic storm;
January 14 – average fluctuations;
January 24 – a strong storm is expected;

February 1-3 – magnetic storms of medium strength.
February 19-22 – magnetic storms of medium strength.

March 1-2 – weak magnetic storm;
March 8-10 – magnetic storm of medium strength.
March 27-28 – magnetic storms of medium strength.

May 9 – weak magnetic storm;
May 20 – average fluctuations;
May 2, 27 – severe storms are expected.

August 3.29 – weak storms;
24-26 – strong magnetic storms that will pass one after another.

Magnetic storms affects the well-being of people, the majority of the retirement age population is dependent on solar flares, so for your convenience we also monitor such a parameter as.
Magnetic storms today are directly dependent on solar flares, therefore, for your convenience, we also monitor this parameter as it is based on detailed forecast geomagnetic storms.

Add this page to your bookmarks and on your social networks - Information about magnetic storms is updated daily! Only here you will find out what kind of magnetic storm there is today and whether there are any magnetic storms today

In professional slang, magnetic storms are one of the types of geomagnetic manifestations. The nature of this phenomenon is closely related to active interaction Earth's magnetic sphere with solar wind flows. According to statistics, about 68% of the population of our planet feel the influence of these flows that from time to time enter the Earth. That is why experts recommend that people who are especially sensitive to changes in the atmosphere find out in advance when magnetic storms are expected; the monthly forecast can always be seen on our website.

Magnetic storms: what are they?

If we talk in simple language, this is a reaction globe to flares occurring on the surface of the Sun. As a result of this, vibrations occur, after which the Sun releases billions of charged particles into the atmosphere. They are picked up by the solar wind, carried away enormous speed. These particles can reach the Earth's surface in just a few days. Our planet has a unique electromagnetic field, which performs protective function. However, microparticles, which at the moment of approaching the Earth are located perpendicular to its surface, are capable of penetrating even into the deep layers of the globe. As a result of this process, a reaction occurs in the earth's magnetic field, which changes its characteristics many times over a short period. This phenomenon is usually called a magnetic storm.

What is weather dependence? If you feel unwell for no apparent reason, do not rush to the doctors, wait an hour or two. You may have become hostage to a magnetic storm caused by a sudden change in the weather. To make sure of this, study the 3-day magnetic storm forecast. Weather changes include differences atmospheric pressure, temperature and degree of air humidity, as well as background geomagnetic radiation. As for atmospheric pressure, it is the main factor in the development of weather dependence. Those who do not particularly respond to changes in the weather are called weather stable. This means that serious operational disruptions internal organs and these “lucky ones” have no systems. Their body is in excellent shape, easily adapting to sudden atmospheric changes. Thus, certain painful reactions of the body are dependent on meteorological indicators.

Attention! You have the opportunity to find out whether magnetic storms are expected today online. To do this, use the chart, which allows you to online monitor weather indicators indicating the imminent onset of a geomagnetic storm.

Magnetic storm forecast for today and tomorrow: online monitoring

  • 0 - 1 point- there is no magnetic storm.
  • 2 -3 points- weak magnetic storm, does not affect well-being.
  • 4 - 5 points- medium magnetic storm, slight malaise is possible.
  • 6 -7 points- a strong magnetic storm, weather-sensitive people should take care of their health.
  • 8 - 9 points - very strong magnetic storm: headaches, nausea, increased blood pressure are likely.
  • 10 points - extreme magnetic storm: best to spend the day at home, driving is dangerous.

The influence of magnetic storms on well-being

The most typical reactions to changes in weather are headaches and increased heart rate. These manifestations may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased activity;
  • increased fatigue.

People can feel the approach of a geomagnetic storm within a few days. The resulting malaise, in addition to the listed symptoms, is also explained by the fact that during a storm, blood thickening occurs. This interferes with normal oxygen metabolism in the body. Hence the loss of strength, ringing in the ears and dizziness.

Why is it important for weather-dependent people to monitor the forecast of magnetic storms? Doctors strongly advise people who are meteorologically sensitive to study the schedule of magnetic storms for tomorrow. Certainly, ideal option will be tracking the forecast several weeks in advance, since sudden changes meteorological parameters have an impact direct influence on the functional capabilities of the body. Increases in blood pressure are considered the most dangerous reaction to magnetic storms. After all, this condition can cause cerebral hemorrhage. Those who do not suffer from serious illnesses should not worry. People with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system are at risk.

How to prevent the onset of “weather” illness? Prevention of illness as a result of exposure to magnetic storms is very important. On the eve of meteorological “surprises”, in order to avoid manifestations of metesensitivity or at least weaken them, you need to take appropriate medications.

How to weaken the influence of magnetic storms on the body? These questions should be answered by your attending physician, who is familiar with the characteristics of your body. Important! Upon appointment medicine the specialist must take into account clinical picture, as well as the dynamics of your chronic diseases. Do not take any medications that may cause significant changes in the functioning of the body, without prescriptions from a specialized doctor.