Biographies Characteristics Analysis

1 lesson in chemistry. How to make chemistry class interesting

Developed by the teacher MOU secondary school No. 1

Topic: The subject of chemistry. Substances. Properties of substances.

Educational tasks: To give students a first understanding of the subject of chemistry. Repeat the concepts of “substance”, “pure substances” and “mixtures” (connection with natural history). Learn to identify and describe the properties of certain substances.

Educational tasks. Show the role of chemistry in scientific and technological progress, to acquaint with the successes in the field of chemistry and related sciences: everything that has already been created and will be created is the result of human activity, the fruit of his work, talent, and intellect.

Motivation. The answer to the question: "Why do I need to study chemistry at school?"


1.Oil collections,” Coal”,”Plastics”

2. Albums “Country chemistry; chemistry and life; science overtaking a dream; it's interesting” and others demonstrating the importance of chemistry in life.

3. Items of laboratory equipment and household items that allow you to show the same products made from different substances(glasses made of glass, porcelain, metal, plastic, etc.), and various products from one substance (glass flasks, funnels, test tubes, tubes, refrigerator, etc.).

4. Substances for conducting experiments (indicated in the text).


With a call I enter the class, I introduce myself, clearly. I draw the attention of students to the equipment of the chemistry room. In this regard, I am talking about the rules of conduct in it and what you need to have with you at every lesson. I write on the board:" width="34" height="36 src="> Pen Let's work hard!

For the next lesson, I ask the guys to bring two thin notebooks in a cage (for practical and test work). I show reference literature on chemistry and advise, if possible, to purchase books to read on chemistry. I show textbooks, according to which you can study chemistry not only at school, but also when preparing for a university and passing the exam.

After solving organizational issues, I proceed to the main part of the lesson. I propose to think: why do they start studying chemistry in the 8th grade?

The guys answer that “this is a complex science”, “requires a great mind”, “first you need to study biology, physics and then chemistry”, etc.

I bring to the idea that the answer can be given after understanding the main WHAT CHEMISTRY STUDIES, i.e. what is the subject of chemistry?

I write the topic of the lesson on the board, and the students - in a common notebook. We recall what is the subject of study of botany, physics and natural history. We note: all changes occurring in nature are natural phenomena, for example: rain, fall autumn leaves, the murmur of a stream, the singing of a starling, etc. Chemistry, together with biology and physics, studies nature and relates to natural sciences; it explains what and how happens in animate and inanimate nature.

Pick up a piece of bread, “one of greatest achievements of the human mind”, in the words - this wonderful product, necessary for the continuation of life on Earth, inhale the finest, incomparable bread aroma. The Bulgarian poet Ahsan Bayanov spoke beautifully about him in the poem “Bread”:

From childhood, I remember forever:

Bread is earth. Bread is air. Bread-water.

The solar luminary lives in it,

The soul of native fields lives in it,

The tenderness of my good mother.

Life is from bread and from bread is strength.

Bread that accompanies each of us from the first steps to last days, is generated on the field.

They threw seeds into the fertile land. How and what processes occur in plants in the light during photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and water in chlorophyll grains and how are formed organic matter This is the science of chemistry. I draw a green leaf on the board (or I prepare the drawing in advance with colored crayons) and schematically show the process of formation of organic substances in green leaves.

I give the definition of the science of chemistry (it is written on the board):

“Chemistry is the science of substances, their properties and transformations, as well as the phenomena that accompany these transformations”

Then we turn to the question of the difference between the concepts of “physical body” and “substance”.

All objects that surround us are called physical, and what they consist of is called chemicals.

demonstrating different bodies, made from one substance (material) - glass, and, conversely, I show glasses made from different substances (materials).

I appeal to the students so that from the following list of objects they write out separately the names of substances and the names of bodies (objects): sugar, key, soda, ice floe, books, buttons, capron, candle.

There are a lot of substances in nature - more than 10 million. In the process of so-called transformations, some substances are able to pass (turn) into others.

I show experiences.

Experience 1. When filming, especially "action films", blood flows like a river. To obtain a “bloody stain”, the interaction of ferric chloride and potassium thiocyanate is used.

Experience 2. Obtaining "raspberry syrup"

Add a colorless alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein to a dilute alkali solution.

Experience 3. Nature led a person (I demonstrate rusty objects).

So, substances are characterized by certain features - color, smell, etc.

We give definitions to the properties of substances: the properties of a substance are the signs by which they differ from each other or are similar to each other.

Work with the textbook (diagram 1, p. 5).

About the meaning of such a seemingly small detail as a forged nail, he told in a comic poem:

There was no nail - the horseshoe was gone,

There was no horseshoe - the horse was lame.

The horse limped - the commander was killed,

The cavalry is broken, the army is running.

The enemy is advancing into the city, not sparing the prisoners,

Because there was no nail in the forge!

One of the tasks of chemistry is substances, their properties and applications in the national economy.

Another task is to get various substances. (I show the collections “Oil”, “Coal”, “Plastics, Metals and Alloys”.)

Unusual successes in applied (practical) chemistry have been achieved in a relatively short time separating us from the era. The secrets of the chemical process that allowed nature to turn organic substances into useful ones, for us today oil and gas, have been unraveled.

The properties of synthesized substances often surpass the creations of nature. All of them are obtained thanks to the talent and painstaking work of chemists of several generations. These miracle materials have imperceptibly and firmly entered our everyday life.

In the early 1970s inquisitive and ubiquitous geologists discovered the Lykov family in a remote place of the endless Siberian forests, who lived far from cities and villages for several decades in complete isolation from civilization.

These are the Old Believers. What struck the hermits most of all among the things brought by geologists? Transparent polyethylene film. “Glass, but crumpled,” the gray-bearded head of the family said admiringly.

Chemists are now able to obtain substances with predetermined properties; frost-resistant and heat-resistant, hard and soft, hard and elastic, hygroscopic and moisture-proof, etc.

I show the book "The World of Chemistry". I draw the attention of the students to the epigraph written on the board:

“Chemistry spreads its hands wide in human affairs…..”

I dwell on statements prominent people about chemistry.

Passionately promoted chemistry: “First of all, and most carefully, study chemistry. It's amazing science, you know. Her keen eye (sight) penetrates into the fiery mass of the Sun and into the darkness earth's crust, into the invisible particles of your heart, and into the secrets of the structure of the stone, and into the silent life of the tree. She looks everywhere and, discovering harmony everywhere, stubbornly seeks the beginning of life .... And she will find it, she will find it. Studying the secrets of the structure of matter, she creates in a glass flask living matter"(M. Gorky. "Children of the Sun").

Zelinsky January 16, 1941 Addressed the youth on the radio: “Throughout my life I was fond of chemical science, and my passion has not weakened at all, but, on the contrary, has deepened even more at the present time. Chemistry has often endowed me with the greatest pleasures of knowing the still unexplored mysteries of nature. I am sure that none of those who are interested in chemistry will regret choosing this science as their specialty. So, chemistry can do a lot, but not everything. And do not blame chemistry and chemists for the fact that polymers cannot yet completely replace metals, and synthetic fabrics - wool, that antibiotics, often necessary to save a person, can be harmful to health, that pesticides and fertilizers to preserve and increase crops , falling into the water, destroy the fish.

You have to blame yourself. It is not chemistry that is dangerous, but its ignorance. Immeasurable, unreasonable enthusiasm always brings harm. Not chemistry, but we ourselves are to blame for the fact that, having made it work for ourselves, we did not think about possible consequences. And yet, chemistry brings people more joy than grief.

Chemistry is not a virgin land, but it is also not a blooming garden. As you can see, there is a lot of work in it for those who choose it as their life's work. But, entering her beautiful and mysterious world, do not forget to learn about the scientists who created it. Be sure to get acquainted with their life, with their accomplishments in chemistry. Let your teachers be...


Gabrielyan. 8th grade. M.: Bustard, 1997. Koltun M. World of Chemistry. Children's Literature 1988.

Chemistry lesson in 8th grade

(introductory lesson presentation)

Meet Chemistry!

Chemistry teacher

Zagirova Irina Nikolaevna

year 2014

Lesson #1

(Introductory lesson - presentation)

"Chemistry has an irresistible appeal

thanks to the vast, limitless power that

she bestows upon those who know her.”

W. Collins

Topic: "Meet Chemistry!"


To develop cognitive interest in 8th grade students in the subject of chemistry.


    to acquaint students with the history of the development of chemistry, to give the first ideas about this science;

    to update students' knowledge about substances, to begin to form ideas about the properties of substances and their transformations;

    develop analytic skills students.


Thematic wall newspapers, cards with formulas

substances and chemical reactions, chemical beakers,

flat-bottomed flasks, dark glass pitcher, matches,

dry fuel, demonstration table, crucible

tongs, handkerchief, porcelain crucible, collections of metals and plastics.


Freshly prepared solutions of potassium iodide and lead acetate,

phenolphthalein, soda ash, sodium hydrogen sulfate,

ethanol, norsulfazole tablets, ammonium dichromate.

During the classes

I . introduction teachers.

There is science in the world, without which today it is impossible to realize the most fantastic projects and fabulous dreams. This is CHEMISTRY. In her piggy bank there are a lot of such miracles, before which the fantasies of the best storytellers of the world turn pale: as if Cinderella into a princess, she turns graphite into a brilliant diamond, gives paper the strength of metal, and metal gives memory. It is not for nothing that she is called a sorceress and a miracle worker: she feeds, waters, clothes, heals, washes, extracts minerals, allows her to rise into space and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Each of you, without knowing it, carries out chemical reactions every day, without even leaving your home: lights matches and gas, cooks food. Yes and myself human body- a large chemical factory in which many chemical reactions take place.

Today is your first acquaintance with this amazing science. And the presentation will be held by students of the 9th grade. They will tell you about the history of the development of the science of chemistry, show you a lot interesting experiences, and at the end of the lesson, by answering the quiz questions, you will be able to purchase entrance tickets to the express train, which will rush you across the wide expanses of the planetChemistry - 8.

II. Learning new material. Demonstration of experiences.
First presenter

In the 8th grade, you begin to study a new subject for you.chemistry -the science of substances and their transformations.All substances around us are made up of chemical elements, of which there are now more than 110. When combined, atoms of different elements form more than twenty million substances.

To know the properties of substances is necessary to find their application. Yes, our distant ancestors, appreciated the extraordinary hardness of silicon and used it to make weapons and tools. Some substances you already know: iron, aluminum, water, chalk, sugar, oxygen, carbon dioxide, plastics and others (demonstration of collections of metals, plastics). Not only substances on Earth, but the entire Universe consists of the same elements that scientists have discovered one after another on our planet.

In chemistry lessons, you will learn a lot of interesting things about chemical elements. And today we want to briefly introduce you to the history of the development of chemistry.


As a rule, most historians of chemistry distinguish the following main stages of its development:

1. Pre-alchemical period: until the III century. AD

In the pre-alchemical period, the theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge about matter developed relatively independently of each other. The origin of the properties of a substance was considered by ancient natural philosophy, practical operations with a substance were the prerogative of handicraft chemistry.

2. Alchemical period: III - XVII centuries.

The alchemical period, in turn, is divided into three sub-periods -Alexandrian (Greek-Egyptian)Arabic and European alchemy. The alchemical period is a time of searching philosopher's stone, which was considered necessary for the implementation of the transmutation of metals. In this period, the birth of experimental chemistry and the accumulation of a stock of knowledge about matter took place; alchemical theory, based on ancient philosophical ideas about the elements, was closely connected with astrology and mysticism. Along with chemical-technical "gold-making", the alchemical period is also notable for the creation of a unique system of mystical philosophy.

3. The period of formation (association): XVII - XVIII centuries.

During the formation of chemistry as a science, its complete rationalization took place. Chemistry freed itself from the natural-philosophical and alchemical views of the elements as carriers of certain qualities. Along with the expansion practical knowledge about the substance began to develop a unified view of chemical processes and make full use of experimental method. The chemical revolution that completed this period finally gave chemistry the appearance of an independent (albeit closely related to other branches of natural science) science, dealing with experimental study the composition of the bodies

4. The period of quantitative laws (atomic and molecular theory): 1789 - 1860.

The period of quantitative laws, marked by the discovery of the main quantitative laws of chemistry - stoichiometric laws, and the formation of the atomic-molecular theory, finally completed the transformation of chemistry into an exact science based not only on observation, but also on measurement.

5. The period of classical chemistry: 1860 - late XIX in.

The period of classical chemistry is characterized by the rapid development of science: periodic system elements, valency theory and chemical structure molecules, stereochemistry, chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics; applied inorganic chemistry and organic synthesis. In connection with the growth in the volume of knowledge about matter and its properties, the differentiation of chemistry began - the allocation of its separate branches, acquiring the features of independent sciences.

6. Modern period: from the beginning of the 20th century to the present.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a revolution in physics: the system of knowledge about matter based on Newtonian mechanics was replaced by quantum theory and the theory of relativity. Establishing the divisibility of the atom and creating quantum mechanics invested new content in the basic concepts of chemistry. The advances in physics at the beginning of the 20th century made it possible to understand the reasons for the periodicity of the properties of elements and their compounds, to explain the nature of valence forces, and to create theories chemical bond between atoms. The emergence of fundamentally new physical methods research has provided chemists with unprecedented opportunities to study the composition, structure and reactivity substances. All this together led, among other achievements, to the brilliant successes of biological chemistry in the second half of the 20th century - the establishment of the structure of proteins and DNA, the knowledge of the mechanisms of functioning of the cells of a living organism.

Second presenter

Chemistry originated in Egypt. Name« chemistry » comes from the word hemi, or huma (black), which the ancient Egyptians called their country. So the word "chemistry" means egyptian art which dealt with various minerals and metals. Chemistry was considered a divine science, was in the hands of the priests and was hidden from the uninitiated. The Arabs added to the word "chemistry" the prefix "al" characteristic of the Arabic language. The term "alchemy" and "alchemist" appeared. Now alchemy is called the period of development of chemistry withIV on XVI centuries AD

The research of alchemists was aimed at searching for the "philosopher's stone" supposedly capable of turning any metal into gold. Kings and kings kept alchemists in their palaces to get gold for them. See how the alchemists worked.


- I will show you the experience "Turning water into gold.

One beaker contains a freshly prepared solution of potassium iodide, the other contains a solution of lead acetate. Both solutions are poured into a beaker with a larger capacity. A bright yellow precipitate of lead iodide occurs (showing a card with a chemical reaction).

2 KI + Pb (CH 3 COO ) 2 = PbI 2 + 2 KCH 3 COO

In subsequent lessons, we will learn what such records of equations of chemical reactions mean.

Third host

But the alchemists never succeeded in turning metals into gold. Alchemy has been banned in many countries. People who were engaged in alchemical research were accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. But science cannot be banned. Scientists discarded the prefix "al" from the word "alchemy" and got a new name - chemistry. That's what it's called nowa science that studies the substances around us, as well as their properties and transformations.

today products chemical production occupy a dominant position in our Everyday life. Chemical research are carried out in the laboratories of research institutes, at plants, factories, etc. Each school has a chemistry room and a chemistry lab.

Now let's get acquainted with some substances and chemical transformations.

First laboratory assistant

- I will show you the experience "Turning water into raspberry syrup".

For the experiment, four chemical beakers and a dark glass jar are used. The first beaker contains phenolphthalein, the second contains sodium carbonate, the fourth contains sodium hydrosulfate, and the jug contains water. The third glass contains nothing.

In a jug of dark glass is ordinary water, pour it into four glasses. Then pour the water from the glasses, except for the last one, back into the jug, leaving the last glass as a control. Pour the water from the jug back into the glasses. Look: the solution has become bright crimson, like syrup! Pour the "syrup" into a jug, dilute it with "water" from the last glass. The last time we pour the water from the jug into the glasses. Look, the "syrup" turned into water again.

It seems to be a miracle! No, just in one glass there was phenolphthalein, in the other - a solution with an alkaline environment. When they are mixed, a raspberry-colored solution is formed. Remember:phenolphthalein in alkaline solutions always crimson. In order for the color to disappear, I added a little acidic solution. The acid neutralized the alkali and the solution became colorless.

Name the chemicals used in this experiment.

Second laboratory assistant

- Many of you love fairy tales and fantasy. Now you will see how the Alien or simply the Serpent Gorynych is born from the cocoon.

(Music sounds, the Pharaoh Serpent experience is demonstrated)

Experience Description

Grind a tablet of dry fuel and put it in a slide on a stand. Place three norsulfazole tablets on top of the fuel. Ignite dry fuel. Use a metal rod to correct crawling "snakes". After the end of the experiment, put out the fire by closing the plastic lid.

First laboratory assistant

- Now I’ll take the handkerchief in my hands, first I’ll soak it with spring water and set it on fire with the flame of a match.

(The experience "Fireproof scarf" is demonstrated)

Experience Description

Rinse the handkerchief in water, then wring it out lightly and soak it well in alcohol. Grab the handkerchief by one of its ends with crucible tongs and, holding them in an outstretched hand, bring a long splinter to the fabric. The alcohol will immediately flare up - it seems that the handkerchief is on fire. But the burning stops, and the handkerchief remains unharmed, since the ignition temperature of a wet cloth is much higher than for alcohol.

C 2 H 5 Oh + 3 O 2 = 2 CO 2 + 3 H 2 O

Name the substance that supports the processes of combustion and respiration. What do you know about the properties of this substance?

Second laboratory assistant

- At the end of our meeting, I will show an experiment called "Volcano". Of course, you know what a grandiose sight it is - a volcanic eruption. In ancient times, the volcano Vesuvius covered the city of Pompeii.

(Music sounds, experience is demonstrated.)

Experience Description

Insert a crucible or porcelain cup into the neck of the conical flask. The flask can be covered with plasticine, giving it the shape of a mountain, or a model of a hill can be made. Place a large sheet of paper under the flask or mockup to collect chromium oxide (III). Pour ammonium dichromate into the crucible, moisten it with alcohol in the center of the mound. The volcano is ignited with a burning splinter. The reaction is exothermic, proceeds rapidly, together with nitrogen, hot particles of chromium oxide fly out (III). If you turn off the light, you get the impression of an erupting volcano, from the crater of which incandescent masses pour out (showing a card with a chemical reaction).

(NH 4 ) 2 Cr 2 O 7 = N 2 + Cr 2 O 3 + 4 H 2 O

(chromium oxide( III) collect and save for other experiments).


Here are some interesting chemical transformations you had to watch in class today.

A chemical reaction can be judged by its signs - a change in the color of substances, the appearance of a smell, precipitation, the release of light and heat, the formation of a gaseous substance.

- What signs of chemical reactions can you name in the experiments demonstrated?

III. Quiz for students

- Well, guys, did chemistry conquer you with its miracles? And now you also try to answer the quiz questions, which will be, as it were, entrance tickets for you to wonderful world substances and transformations.

Quiz questions

    The most common substance on earth. (Water)

    It does not sink in water, does not burn in fire, exists only at temperatures below zero degrees.(Ice)

    Name a metal that is liquid at room temperature. (Mercury)

    Without this gas in the world

Animals and people would not live.

Children can name it

After all, he is called ....Oxygen

5) I live known in the world, In the thirteenth apartment. I am soft, light, malleable, Sparkling in the package. (Aluminum )

6) This gas is formed during lightning discharges. There is it in a pine forest, where it is easy to breathe.

And it does not leave a taste in the water at all, For that it disinfects it well. (Ozone )

Well done, all questions answered correctly.

What chemicals can you name now?

IV. Summing up the lesson

Did my assistants prove to you that chemistry is an interesting science? What helped you make sure of this? What experiments can you repeat at home to surprise your loved ones? But don't forget about safety.

But chemistry is one of the complex sciences included in the section of natural science. Millions of substances, and, therefore, millions chemical formulas, chemical reactions, many laws and regularities. And you have to study these laws, the laws of chemistry, the laws of the universe. Anyone who devotes himself to this science can contribute to unraveling the mysteries of nature, creating new substances and materials that do not exist in nature.

During school year, from lesson to lesson, we will gradually conquer the planet - Chemistry 8, which we can only master with the help of our knowledge.

I wish you success in this difficult, but interesting way! Good luck!

V. Homework

    According to the textbook: Preface. Introduction. Chapter 1.§one The subject of chemistry. Substances. The transformation of substances.

Prepare reports (optional) on the history of chemistry: “Chemical knowledge of ancient peoples”, “Alchemy”, “Iatrochemistry”, “ Practical chemistry in ancient Russia.

The lesson was developed for UMK G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman.

The main purpose of this lesson is to generalize and consolidate students' knowledge of the initial chemical concepts; activation of cognitive activity and increasing the motivation of students to study chemistry. Development of students' interest in chemistry and activation of their cognitive activity, using non-standard game forms learning activities. The lesson is held in the form of a tournament.

The lesson uses ICT, the need to use computer presentation dictated by the following reasons:

  • Organization different types activities of students.
  • Means for providing visibility and compaction of the material.
  • Organization of self-examination without spending lesson time.
  • Helps save class time

Methods: verbal, visual, use of ICT, problem-search.

Game Goals:

  • repetition of the studied chemistry material to fill gaps and to prepare for the planned control work;
  • development and strengthening of interest in chemistry, broadening the horizons of students, raising the level of their culture;
  • development of communication skills, confidence and looseness in communication;
  • fostering a responsible attitude to collective activity.

The target audience: for grade 8

This development can be used in the study of redox reactions in grade 11. It contains a description for laboratory work, demonstrating the visual effect of the transformation of chromium and manganese compounds in various media.

Also, the development will help the teacher explain to students how the oxidation states of chromium and manganese change depending on the solution medium and what compounds of these elements are formed when different conditions. The development contains tasks to consolidate the material.

Development of a chemistry lesson in grade 8. The objectives of this lesson are:
systematize the meaning of names and composition complex substances;
to form students' knowledge about the composition of the bases, the valence of the hydroxo group, physical and chemical properties alkalis, their production;
to develop the ability of students to compare substances, highlight common features in the composition and properties of bases.
Lesson Objectives:
development of skills to characterize the composition of bases by formulas and distinguish them from other complex substances;
testing the correctness of compiling and recording the equations of chemical reactions, including the neutralization reaction;
formation of skills for accurate work with chemicals in accordance with the rules of safety. This lesson created according to the teaching materials of the author E.E. Minchenkov.

Target audience: for teachers

This development of the lesson on the topic " Periodic Law and the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev in the light of the theory of the structure of the atom ”is compiled for the UMK Gara N.N., the textbook Chemistry-11 (Rudzitis G.E.). The lesson is designed for 11th grade students. Methodical development includes a summary of a chemistry lesson in grade 11 + presentation.

The presentation includes an illustrated theoretical material and control and measuring material for the control of knowledge and skills.

Outline of a chemistry lesson in the 10th grade according to the TMC Gabrielyan O.S. with a presentation with active links to video experiences.

Lesson Objectives:

  • study the chemical properties of monobasic carboxylic acids on the example of acetic acid;
  • recall mutual influence atoms in carboxylic acid molecules, nomenclature;
  • develop logical thinking the ability to generalize and draw conclusions; repeat the basic safety rules; develop skills in handling laboratory equipment;
  • educate the culture of speech, the ability to listen and correctly express their thoughts.

Target audience: for grade 10

thought experiment, as one of the most unusual tasks in final certification students, causes significant difficulties in implementation. Job conditions often include a description of a specific chemical phenomenon accompanied by certain characteristics. For the most complete execution of tasks of this type students are required to have knowledge of the chemical properties of substances, their names, that is, an understanding of any chemical terminology and the ability to express ongoing processes in the form of a record of reaction equations. It is important for the teacher, in the course of preparing for this form of the exam, to be able to bring students to an understanding keywords in the description of the experiment. This methodological material is devoted to preparing for the implementation of tasks of this type.

Target audience: for grade 11

The methodological development of a lesson on the topic "Acid" includes a presentation and a summary of the lesson. Lesson learning new material on the topic, introduces students to the class inorganic compounds- acids, their general formula, classification, distribution in nature. Also, students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the main inorganic acids.

8th grade

Lesson 1

"Subject of Chemistry"

Lesson objectives. Educational:introduce students to the subject of chemistry; give an idea of ​​chemistry exact science, not devoid of lyrics; present points of view on the origin of the word “chemistry”; show the relationship of chemistry with other sciences.

Developing: development cognitive interest to the subject; familiarization of students with achievements modern science, with biographies of great chemists.

Educational: fostering love for one's Fatherland, pride in the achievements and successes of our country in the field of science; upbringing careful attitude to your health; fostering respect for different points the eyes of other people.

Equipment and reagents.portraits of J. Ya. Berzelius, D. I. Mendeleev, R. Bunsen, F. A. Kekule, N. N. Beketov, S. Arrhenius, R. Wood, N. N. Zinin; racks with test tubes, chemical cups, crucible tongs, spirit lamp, porcelain cup, conical flask, splinter; water, solution ammonia, acetic acid solution, ethyl alcohol, gasoline, salt, sugar, starch, flour, ice cubes, cotton wool, river sand, sawdust, paraffin, blue vitriol, iron filings, copper shavings, red phosphorus, sulfur, KI solutions, Pb(NO 3 ) 2 , KOH, CuSO 4 , NaOH, FeCl 3 , Na 2 SO 4 , BaCl 2 , HCl, Na 2 CO 3 , CaCl 2 , litmus, phenolphthalein, ammonium dichromate.

1. Organizational moment.

Introduction to the class.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

What associations does the word “chemistry” evoke in you?

What group of sciences does chemistry belong to?

Do you already know how the words are translated: “geography”, “geometry”, “biology”, but how is the word “chemistry” translated?

3. Information.

There are several points of view on the origin of the word "chemistry".

a) Hmi (Egyptian) - "black" land. The ancient name of Egypt, where the science of chemistry originated.

b) Keme (Egyptian) - "black" science. Alchemy as a dark, diabolical science (compare with the sorcery - witchcraft based on the action of evil spirits).

c) Huma (ancient Greek) - "casting" of metals; same root and Greek humos - "juice".

d) Kim (Old Chinese) – “gold”. Then chemistry can be interpreted as “gold making”.

4. Warm up.

Although chemistry is a complex science, you already know a lot from other sciences, from life experience. We will see for ourselves: you are offered questions from various topics of the chemistry course of the 8th, 9th, 10th grades. Who wants to answer?

Questions of the quiz “Is Chemistry So Difficult?”

Why do we blow on a match when we want to put it out?

(Exhaled air contains CO 2 .)

Why can't gasoline fires be extinguished with water?

(Gasoline is lighter than water and does not mix with it.)

How to carry 1 liter of water in the palm of your hand without spilling a drop?

(Freeze in ice.)

Which is warmer: three shirts or a triple-thick shirt?

(Three shirts.)

In which sea can you not drown? Why?

(In the Dead Sea, it is very salty.)

Which is heavier: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton?

(They are equal.)

From 1 g of what metal can a wire 2.5 km long be drawn?

(From gold.)

Is it possible to fill only half of the balloon with air?

(It is forbidden.)

What does the expression "water off a duck's back" mean?

(Waterfowl feathers are not wetted by water.)

What metal compounds give the planet Mars a red tint?

(Compounds of iron.)

Three identical burning candles were simultaneously covered with three jars with a capacity of 0.4 l, 0.6 l and 1 l. What will happen?

(The candle will go out the earlier, the smaller the volume of the jar.)

So what is chemistry?

Chemistry - this is the science of substances, their properties, transformations and the phenomena that accompany these transformations

Substance - it is what the body is made of.

Body is a part of matter limited in space.


  1. From the list below, determine the substance or body:

nail, glass, glass, funnel, iron, ruler, starch, Al wire.

  1. Specify the substances from which the bodies are made:

horseshoe, fork, ruler, test tube, pen

  1. What substances can be said about:

A) at normal conditions- colorless liquid without taste, smell, t bale = 100°C, hardens at 0°C. Why?

B) a reddish solid, conducts well electricity, possesses high plasticity, allows to produce a thin wire.

So, we are talking with you about the properties of substances

Properties - these are signs by which some substances differ from others or are similar to each other.

Properties are physical and chemical.

Physical - color, taste, smell, state of aggregation, electrical and thermal conductivity, melting and boiling points, density.

5. Game “Guess the substance”.

What is chemistry without experiments? Of course, you yourself want to "chem"! Do you know substances? Can you tell them apart?

Let's check…

There are three trays of substances on the teacher's demonstration table -

in one colorless transparent liquid,

in the other only white solids,

in the third, multicolored solids.

V e s e s t v a

1st tray. In small cups: water, ammonia solution, acetic acid solution, ethyl alcohol, gasoline.

2nd tray. Solids in small cups white color: salt, sugar, starch, flour, ice cubes, cotton wool.

3rd tray. In small cups there are solid multi-colored substances: river sand, sawdust, paraffin, blue vitriol, iron filings, copper shavings, red phosphorus, sulfur.

We need three volunteers as experimenters who will try to determine the proposed substances, necessarily explaining their actions.

The teacher warns students about the observance of safety rules when performing the experiment.

Students try to identify substances.

6. Information. Interesting Facts from the life of chemists.

Portraits of scientists are shown.

Berzelius' cook.

Residents of a small town in which the famous Swedish scientist J.J. Berzelius lived and worked once asked his cook: “What, in fact, does your master do?”

“I can’t say exactly,” she replied, “He takes a large flask with some kind of liquid, pours it into a small one, shakes it, pours it into an even smaller one, shakes it again and pours it into a very small one ...”

"And then?"

“And then he pours everything out!”


For the experiment, 4 flasks of different sizes are taken. A colorless alkali solution is first poured into a large flask, a smaller flask is pre-moistened with a solution of phenolphthalein. The alkali solution is poured into a flask with phenolphthalein, the solution turns crimson. In the third flask, even smaller, pour a little solution of hydrochloric acid more high concentration than an alkali solution, and then a colored alkali solution is poured into it. In the third flask, the solution becomes colorless. And when the whole mixture is poured into a very small flask, in which there is a little concentrated alkali solution, the solution again acquires a crimson color.

Suitcase master.

D.I.Mendeleev loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and make suitcases. He usually made purchases for these works in Gostiny Dvor. One day, while choosing the right product, he heard behind him: “Who is this venerable gentleman?” “You need to know such people,” the clerk replied with respect in his voice. “This is the suitcase master Mendeleev!”

Good friend.

One day a colleague came to Robert Bunsen. They talked for an hour and a half. And the guest was about to leave, when suddenly Bunsen said: “You cannot imagine how weak my memory is. After all, when I saw you, I thought that you were Kekule!” The visitor looked at him in amazement and exclaimed: “But I am Kekule!”

Svante Arrhenius.

Svante Arrhenius began to gain weight very early. He told a story related to his overweight. Once scientists gathered in the central hotel in Berlin for another debate. Arrhenius left his coat in the cloakroom and opened the door to join his colleagues, but the cloakroom attendant stopped him with the words: “You are going the wrong way, sir, the butchers corporation is sitting nearby!”

At work.

American physicist Robert Wood began his career as a laboratory assistant. One day, his boss went into a room filled with the roar and clang of pumps and equipment, and found Wood there, engrossed in reading a criminal novel. The chief's indignation knew no bounds.

- Mister Wood! he exclaimed, inflamed with anger, “you ... you allow yourself to read a detective story ?!

- For God's sake, I'm sorry! Wood was confused. - But with such noise, poetry is simply not perceived!

Heroic amusements of Professor Zinin.

Was assault applied to students in Russia? Rough violence was not, but the teachers, although rarely, used cuffs. The well-known academician N.N. Zinin not only scolded negligent students, but also beat them. Nobody was offended by this, because. it was allowed to give change to the academician. But there were no hunters to take retaliatory measures. Zinin had a great physical strength and could so squeeze the enemy in his arms that he could not come to his senses for a long time.

7. Do-it-yourself miracles.

There are racks with two test tubes on the students' tables.

You yourself are excellent experimenters, with the help of simple tricks you can work wonders. Your task is to mix the contents of the test tubes with each other.

The teacher explains to the students the safety rules for the experiment.

The solutions are selected in such a way that in each case either precipitates of different colors fall out, or gas is released, or the color changes.

The students perform the experiment, observe the changes taking place. (For example, solutions of potassium iodide and lead (II) nitrate; potassium hydroxide and copper (II) sulfate; sodium hydroxide and iron (III) chloride; sodium sulfate and barium chloride; litmus and hydrochloric acid, litmus and sodium hydroxide; acetic acid and sodium carbonate, etc.)

8. Let's play...

Game “Guess what?”

F irst thing

1) This substance in the old days was called the ruler of life and death. He was sacrificed to the gods, and sometimes worshiped as a deity.

(5 points.)

2) It served as a measure of wealth, power, stamina, power, was considered the keeper of youth and beauty.

(4 points.)

3) According to beliefs, it has the ability to help a person in all his affairs, save from troubles and misfortunes.

(3 points.)

4) “He will be born from water, but he is afraid of water.”

(2 points.)

5) It is widely used in everyday life, in cooking, in leather business, in the textile industry and others.

(1 point)

(Answer. Salt.)

S e c o n e

1) The ancient Egyptians called it “vaaepere”, which means “born in the sky”.

(5 points.)

2) The ancient Copts called it “the stone of the sky”.

(4 points.)

3) Products from it were valued more than gold. Only very rich people could have rings and brooches made from it.

(3 points.)

4) Alchemists considered it to be such a base metal that it was not worth dealing with it.

(2 points.)

5) A century is named after him. It is a ductile soft metal.

(1 point)

(Answer. Iron.)

9. “Did you know that…”

Teacher. Now we will learn about the achievements of modern science, about interesting discoveries in the field of chemistry and related sciences.

Nano (from Greek nanos - dwarf) - a billionth of something. The field of science that studies the properties of objects with a size of 10–9 m. Nanotechnologies manipulate individual particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 nm, and also develop devices of similar sizes. Now powders and suspensions have been created that improve the operation of engines and mechanisms. Coatings made of materials made using nanotechnology prevent rust, help the material to self-clean or not be wetted by water. The first nanorobots are able to travel through the body of animals. Hydrogen can be safely stored using nanotubes. In the future, it is possible to design any molecules, create heavy-duty materials. In medicine, it is planned to create targeted drugs that penetrate into the affected tissue or tumor; the use of nanorobots for the diagnosis and treatment of almost all diseases, the cultivation of tissues and organs. In electronics, this is the creation of subminiature electronic devices, flexible displays, electronic paper, new types of engines and fuel cells.

Many glaciologists believe that the thickness of the polar ice sheets declining at an unabated pace. For 5 years, the volume of ice descending into the Atlantic annually has increased by almost 2 times, which is equivalent to a rise in the level of the World Ocean by 0.5 mm per year. Antarctica between 2002 and 2005 lost annually an average of 152 km 3 ice. The ocean level by 2100 may rise by 4–6 m from present-day levels.

Greek and Latin inscriptions made on the stones 2000 years ago are not readable due to the erosion that destroyed them. To restore the inscriptions, scientists used the fluorescence method: when X-rays bombard the surface, the atoms become excited, and then, returning to a state of rest, emit visible light. This makes it possible to determine the traces of lead or iron left by the chisel of the ancient author.

Russian chemists figured out how to recycle plastic bottles, and also synthesized a new filler for rubbers and polymers. Hydrogen fuel will give clean water instead of exhaust gases.

In the USA, a transparent polymer wall covering has been developed to which nothing sticks. It's a type of Teflon. On such a coating it is impossible to write or draw with paints, chalk or felt-tip pen. The coating can be used to protect the bottoms of marine vessels from fouling and the fuselages of aircraft from icing.

10. Entertaining demonstration experiments.

Teacher. Today was your first acquaintance with chemistry. Of course, you are waiting for something unusual, wonderful. I will try to transform into a magician and show you the wonders of chemistry.

The teacher demonstrates experiences.

"Smoke without fire".

Two cups are moistened with concentrated solutions of ammonia and hydrochloric acid, and then they are brought to each other. Observe smoke without fire.

“From one glass - sparkling water, raspberry juice and milk.”

Colorless transparent solutions of hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride and phenolphthalein are poured into three identical beakers. Pour sodium carbonate solution into a porcelain mug. Then sodium carbonate is poured from the mug in turn into each of the three glasses. In the first of them, gas is rapidly released (“soda”), in the second, a white precipitate appears (“milk”), and in the third, the solution becomes raspberry due to a change in the color of the indicator in an alkaline solution (“raspberry juice”).

"Fireproof scarf".

A handkerchief is soaked in water, and then in ethyl alcohol. With the help of crucible tongs, it is brought to a burning spirit lamp and set on fire. Despite the huge flame, the handkerchief remains intact in the end, because. alcohol ignites and burns out before a damp cloth ignites.

Volcano on the table.

A porcelain cup is placed on the neck of the conical flask. A large sheet of paper is placed under the flask. Ammonium dichromate is poured into a cup, slightly moistened with alcohol in the center. The “volcano” is lit with a burning splinter. The reaction proceeds violently, the impression of an erupting volcano is created, from the crater of which red-hot masses pour out.

11. Summing up the lesson.

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