Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Five ways to win the trust of the target audience. Professional chips to keep the attention of the audience

A few words about smart books

The views of marketing pioneers Dale Carnegie and Robert Cialdini differ, but, in general, their works are devoted to the same thing. They were among the first to describe what we all understand, but cannot explain.

I think many would agree that some people are adept at persuasion. We follow such individuals, buy their products, vote for them, without even knowing why. Carnegie and Cialdini managed to uncover the secret of influence and explain with scientific point vision, what invisible power gives such people the ability to convince.

The trouble with many marketers is that after reading smart books they hope to become millionaires soon. However, without patience and honing the learned techniques in practice, their dreams are in vain. The same applies to workers in the event business.

If the target is not satisfied with the event, it is unlikely that he will have the desire to come to your party next time. This is the basic rule of any business.

event- note to managers

Unfortunately, many event managers seriously believe that knowledge of marketing is useful only at the stage of preparation for the event. This is a big misconception! You will need the ability to correctly use marketing tools at the stage of preparation, during the event itself and after it.


Feeling of self worth

One of the most famous theories Dale Carnegie is based on human need in recognition and respect. Every action we take needs approval.

So, the first step towards winning over an audience is to give people the opportunity to experience own importance. Despite the fact that this rule has become a kind of cliché in the business world, few people manage to correctly apply it.

There are many ways to show guests that they matter. First of all, you need to take care of high-quality customer service. Often, event managers save money on services, forgetting which important role he plays.

Let's think about what needs to be done to make potential or existing visitors feel like they are being treated with respect:

  • Take care of customer service in all possible social media. Answer every question quickly and to the point.
  • Allow the audience to send emails with questions and suggestions. Respond to emails as quickly as possible, addressing each client by name.
  • Train staff on polite and respectful communication before, during and after the event.

Audience Needs

Quite often, the attention of the organizers is riveted to their own needs, to thoughts about the upcoming success, profits, sponsors, while the needs of customers go by the wayside.

Of course, all parties in this process are equally important, but think about it, will the event take place without visitors?

Why would someone buy a ticket to your event? What might influence his choice? Education? Environment? Interests?

Imagine yourself in the role of a client and answer a couple of simple questions:

  • I want to attend an event that will help me _____
  • After attending this event, I will become more _____
  • I want to attend a conference that _____

When you understand the needs of customers, the priorities will be set correctly.

genuine interest

One of Carnegie's most important and powerful tools of influence is interest.

Let me ask you, how well do you know your audience? Do you know their names? Have you already spoken to anyone in the audience? Or do you just not have enough time to communicate? Are you constantly in the park and do not have time to spend even a couple of minutes talking with customers?

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to pay attention to every visitor. Just for such purposes, there are social media resources that help to learn a lot about people who have purchased a ticket.

Information about visitor preferences, education, interests and hobbies can help organize large events. Try to analyze your customer base and take it seriously.

Address by name

With the pronoun "your" Userconf emphasizes the significance of the event for each individual participant. If the conference we will talk it is about how to keep “your” customers that a potential visitor will certainly be interested in the offer.


The longer the audience will be curious about the upcoming event, the large quantity tickets will be sold out.

Just don't delay the surprise! Ultimately, the client's curiosity must be satisfied, and this must be done in time.

The master of creating intrigue is SecretCinema. Information about the place and time of the next show is kept in the strictest confidence until the last moment, while arousing the passionate curiosity of the audience.


Organizers like to bombard visitors with surveys and questionnaires after the event itself. Sometimes this just annoys the audience, especially if the impression of the event is not very good.

Try to offer a questionnaire immediately after buying a ticket. According to studies, this helps to establish contact with the client. In this way, you demonstrate respect for the person and his choice, instilling confidence that the event will take place exactly as he expects.


Customers are tired of the words "Reliable", "Free" or "Buy Now!". Intrusive slogans have become so boring that they no longer attract the attention of the public. Instead, shine with originality. Be extravagant! No wonder the book, authored by marketing guru Seth Godin, is called "Purple Cow" ("Purple Cow") - marketing can be extravagant.

Reverse psychology

Reverse (or reverse) psychology is an excellent tool for manipulating people of any age and status. It works on the principle: "Tell a person what he should not do, and he will do it with pleasure."

Suppose that the questionnaire contains the question “Will you come to our event?” and answer options:


One of the great satirists, S. Johnson, once said about his contemporary: "He is not only boring in himself, but with his very appearance makes those around him bored." This statement can be considered fair in relation to many speakers. Very often everything becomes clear after the first uttered sentence, and if it is unsuccessful, then it becomes impossible to attract the attention of listeners.

That is why the problem of the "image of the speaker" arises. We don't mean real person speaking in front of an audience. It's about about constructing the image that the speaker needs, about the certain impression that the speaker makes on the listeners with his speech.

It is very important to address the listener. Many people find it difficult to know exactly how to address their listeners. If earlier the address was long and ornate, with exaggerated deference, with multiple enumerations of those present, now the situation has changed. AT recent decades the appeal, like the speech itself, has become simpler and more businesslike.

Contact with listeners is established in a frank and friendly manner, but at a distance. If the listeners are unknown, then the address should be respectful, but not servile, and in order to use it correctly, some experience and a kind of fine flair are needed.

In addition, it is very important listening attitude,

to the audience. Both underestimation and overestimation should be avoided. It is always easier to speak to a homogeneous group of listeners. It is much harder to speak in front of a heterogeneous audience.

Some speakers, having brilliantly mastered academic speech, do not know popular language, which prevents them from easily adjusting and communicating freely in any audience.

You should always put yourself in the position of a listener, especially if there is a certain opinion in the speech. It is important for the speaker not only to imagine the listener, but also to feel him. What are these people who listen to me? What do they think, what do they feel, what do they know, what would they like to hear and what should I tell them? Will what I want to say be new to them, or am I knocking on an open door?

As conditions maintaining attention to the performance is traditionally distinguished by the following.

  • 1. The content of the speech- new information unknown to listeners or original interpretation known facts, interesting ideas, problem analysis.
  • 2. Availability of information- presentation of the material taking into account the cultural and educational level of the students, their life experience. Remember: many people only hear what they want to hear.
  • 3.Empathy and trust- they arise when the speaker enthusiastically describes events that affect the feelings and interests of the audience, linking the subject of speech with own experience, own thoughts.
  • 4. Casual style of presentation manifested in the posture, gestures, facial expressions, the sound of the speaker's voice.

Gestures coming "from the heart" enhance the effect of speech, make it more expressive. After all, during the performance you have not only listeners, but also spectators. It is best when the posture and gestures during the performance are calm, and not careless and defiant. When the listener sees a rushing figure in front of him, he becomes irritated. Gestures are the foundation of any language. Don't be afraid to use them, but remember:

  • 1) about 90% gestures needs to be done above the waist. Gestures made with hands below the waist often mean uncertainty, failure, confusion;
  • 2) elbows should not be closer than 3 cm from the body. A smaller distance will symbolize the insignificance and weakness of your authority;
  • 3) gesture both hands. The most difficult thing is to start using gestures.
  • 5. The confidence and emotionality of the speaker, which not only keep the listeners' attention on the problem, but also allow to infect the audience with their attitude towards it. Eastern wisdom says: "You, the speaker, will not convince anyone when you do not have in your heart what comes off the tongue."
  • 6. pauses- it is during the pauses that the comprehension of what has been said occurs, it becomes possible to ask a question.

It must be remembered that a person can listen actively for an average of 15 minutes. Then you need to pause or digress, bring some interesting fact.

as special tricks, allowing not only to keep the attention of the audience during the speech, but also to convey the main idea to them, experts in oratory call the following.

  • 1. Dramatization speeches are an emotional and visual representation of events related to the topic.
  • 2. Repeat- repeated repetition of the same word or phrase in order to highlight the most significant in the phrase.

Exist a large number of main types of repetitions: verbatim repetition ("No one, absolutely no one has the right to do this!"); partial repeat ("I rebuked my opponent once, I rebuked him a second time"); extended repeat.

For example, Cicero did not limit himself to a mean statement of fact: "Everyone hates you, Piso." He continued further, detailing: "The Senate hates you<...>, Roman horsemen can't stand your sight<...>, the Roman people want your death<...>all Italy curses you."

Here is another example of an extended repeat.

"Please take seriously our position on this issue. Then, only then, only then is it possible to find a common solution."

However, it is very important to remember that a small dose of repetition is encouraging, and too much is drowsy or disappointing. The art of oratory consists in presenting repetition as if it had just been born;

  • 3. Citation- references to authorities that decorate the speech, if quotations are not abused.
  • 4. opposition- should be clear, but unexpected for the listener.

For example, the American politician R. Nixon had big success, when in one of his speeches he announced: "Khrushchev shouted to the Americans:" Your grandchildren will be communists! ". We answer this:" On the contrary, Mr. Khrushchev, we hope: your grandchildren will live freely!

5. Hint- a spectacular technique that clarifies, sharpens the statement.

For example: "I don't need to explain to you in detail what consequences this event will have...", "You already know what I'm getting at."

  • 6. Provocation- a statement that causes the audience to disagree (and therefore attracts its attention), and then allows the speaker, together with the listeners, to come to constructive conclusions.
  • 7. Humor- a classic technique with which you can relieve emotional tension.

However, a sense of humor natural gift. And if it is not developed, one must at least be aware of it. It becomes embarrassing when you see a person on the podium, who makes himself laugh hard. When resorting to a joke, one should not forget the words of Pisarev: "When laughter, playfulness and humor serve as a means, then everything is fine. When they become the goal, then mental debauchery begins."

All the techniques listed here interact with each other through multiple connections, and sometimes one tool is built into another. It should be borne in mind that they are not recommended to be applied too closely, otherwise their action becomes dull.

Many of the speakers use these tools unconsciously, but when preparing a speech, you need to consciously build them into its structure. Oratory techniques must be presented in full in speech.

Many speakers like to use proverbs, sayings, catchphrases. Indeed, they not only decorate our speech, but. most importantly, accurately, concisely and expressively able to convey the most complex meaning: "A man was angry with the master for three years, but the master did not know", "If the heart is black, then the golden tongue will not help", "They kill with a knife in a deserted place, they kill with a word in public", etc.

"Never, no words
you don't force readers
to know the world through boredom"
- Alexei Tolstoy

Do you know this situation: you diligently prepared for public speaking. But then a quarter of an hour passes, and you notice: someone is already considering a neighbor's new phone; another secretly yawns and looks up at the ceiling; and the third even smiles at his thoughts. Movements, conversations and hum begin in the hall. How to be?

It is important to always remember: only captivating speeches sharpen the attention of listeners, allowing the speaker to succeed. Knowing your audience and impeccable speech is the first step towards recognition.

In this article, we have collected and systematized the best techniques for you. oratory:

Technique 1. Use a question-and-answer speech plan

Feel free to think out loud about the task assigned to you. Ask the audience questions, tell a lot of new ones, unknown facts, put forward possible doubts, come together to certain conclusions. This technique encourages each listener to delve into the essence of the issue under consideration.

Note: in a small audience, from the speaker to more expect direct, lively communication, rather than a long monologue.

Tactic 2: Address Different Weather Conditions

When talking about an event, strengthen your speech by referring, for example, to warm, sunny, dry weather: "... even nature rejoices on this solemn day with us."

Tactic 3. Add some humor

Quite often, jokes, etc. are introduced into a serious, business-like speech. Humor - the best remedy relaxation of stiffness, revitalization of the listener's attention. After a good joke most of of those present begins to smile, to trust the speaker, the audience becomes interested in speech.

Keep in mind: people in large audiences, as a rule, solidarize, unanimously either approve, accept the speaker, or, on the contrary, criticize. And this, despite the fact that from the very beginning each of the listeners was differently tuned in to speech.

Technique 4. Refer to the speech of the previous speaker

To reach an understanding with the audience:

  • quote the previous speaker;
  • play with his expressions and words;
  • agree or disagree with his opinion.

Tactic 5: Cite Authoritative Sources

Statements of prominent scientists; sayings of prominent figures; reference to popular publications - they will support you in your position in the best possible way - they will inspire confidence, captivate the listener.

Reception 6. Choose a topic and words of appeal, taking into account the situation

A speaker who has not considered the plan of speech often "leaves" from main topic report. A well-thought-out text eliminates repetitions, hitches, and makes speech more confident. Please rate your performance for:

  • setting;
  • the age of the listeners;
  • audience settings;
  • the level of knowledge of the listeners.

Do not forget to repeat the appeals from time to time according to the situation:

  • Dear friends!
  • Young friends!
  • Ladies and gentlemen!
  • Dear colleagues!

Use different wording.

Reception 7. Voice receptions

Monotonous speech - lulls. Very fast speech - makes you want to stop listening. One is a pause - it gives meaning to what has been said, it holds attention.

  • raising the tone of voice;
  • changes in voice volume;
  • change in speech rate.

Example 8: Give examples from personal life or fiction

Easily enliven performances: proverbs, sayings, examples from fiction or just out of life.

Each of your listeners is a person with their own temperament, character traits, their own life attitudes, state nervous system. You are faced with a very difficult task - to keep the attention of the audience until the end of the speech. We hope you find the right decision how to interest everyone and everyone - how to establish contact with any audience.

What oratorical techniques do you know? Leave your comments on the line below.

Good luck with your performances!

The audience usually does not expect any speaker with open arms. It, as a rule, needs to be "stirred up", "knocked out" to it. The audience tends to resist the influence that the speaker is trying to exert on them, due to the desire of each personality to resist suggestion. During the performance, a number of interferences may also occur. However, the attention and trust of any audience can be won. Here are some practical tips.

The same thought can be expressed both orally and in writing. You can distribute a written text to familiarize the audience with your ideas, or you can speak to them and present the same ideas orally. In which case will you achieve the greatest effect? Of course, with oral presentation.

Let's formulate the main advantages oral speech before writing:

  1. Oral speech is the most ancient and most mastered by mankind type of speech. Many people find it difficult to put their ideas into writing, but they can talk about them easily. Spoken language is a way of communication that varying degrees everyone owns, including children; Not everyone is fluent in writing.
  2. Oral speech contains a rich arsenal of additional communication tools: facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation. As Bernard Shaw noted, there are 50 ways to say "yes" and "no" and only one way to write them.
  3. In oral speech, it is easier to convey emotion and emotional condition speaker.
  4. In the conditions of oral speech, the personality of the speaker, his appearance, manner of communication, emotionality and conviction additionally influence.
  5. In oral speech, numerous duplication and repetitions of thoughts are allowed, which enhances its influencing power, facilitates understanding.
  6. In the process of oral presentation, the speaker, as a rule, has feedback with listeners; he monitors how he is listened to, understood or not, he can take into account the reaction of the audience and change his speech so that he is better understood.
  7. Oral presentation is often easier for listeners to understand - after all, you can ask the speaker a question, and he will clarify the incomprehensible place; you can interact with the speaker.
  8. Oral presentation is faster than written; it can be prepared faster and often takes less time to implement.
  9. Oral presentation is characterized by ease of implementation - no material costs, special writing tools, text copying, etc. are needed.

The main difficulties of public speaking

Good public speech- this is art. Why is it so hard to perform well? There are usually several reasons for this: the speaker is worried, he forgets what he was going to talk about, he is afraid of questions, he is afraid that he will not meet the allotted time, he is afraid that he will not be understood, they will not believe him, he is not sure of himself, etc.

A specialist in the field of oratory F. Snell pointed out the following difficulties of the speaker:

  • you can not interrupt the performance when you want;
  • you can’t rely on interlocutors, success depends only on you;
  • it is difficult to understand the attitude of the audience towards oneself;
  • listeners compare you to exemplary speakers; with those seen on TV;
  • you can not behave freely, as you want;
  • according to your performance, an opinion will be formed about you, which will then be difficult to change.

There are many difficulties, so the first performances of people are often unsuccessful. We must learn to analyze and correct our mistakes.

"Struggle" of listeners with the speaker

Speakers know that the attention and trust of the audience must be won. Why is the audience not waiting for any speaker with open arms? Why does the audience, as a rule, need to be “stirred up”, “reached out” to it?

First, the audience is inert. Being gathered together, the audience usually already has a certain opinion, which often explains some of its initial skepticism towards the speaker: “Well, what can he (a) tell us?”. Of course, part of the audience may be interested in receiving information, but such people in the average audience are usually about 30%; about 60% do not have motivation, and they need to be interested, and 10% usually cannot be “penetrated” at all: this is a negative audience that will not be interested or useful from what they hear (for various reasons). Thus, the main part of the audience is inert, which creates the effect of passive resistance of the audience to the speaker.

Secondly, the audience tends to resist the influence that the speaker is trying to exert on them, due to the desire of each individual to resist suggestion. The tendency towards such a confrontation was revealed by B.F. Porshnev in his work " Social Psychology and history." In his opinion, “every speaker inspires”, while the listener, as a person, fights against suggestion, because he does not want to submit to someone else’s influence, does not want to “fall under the charm” of the speaker, wants to maintain his independence in judgments, opinions, emotional sphere.

Three most common ways of such a “struggle” of listeners with speech influence speaker: avoidance, undermining authority, misunderstanding.

  • Avoidance strategy characterized by the following features: the audience is inattentive, passes by the ears important information, seeks and finds a reason to distract from the perception of the speaker's speech, does not look at him, tends to sit away from the speaker, or simply does not appear at his speech. Avoidance is such a "childish" technique as closing the eyes. Avoidance is also manifested in avoiding the perception of goy or other information. For example, articles or lectures about the dangers of smoking are read and listened to by 60% of non-smokers and only 30% of smokers; the remaining 70% of smokers simply avoid them.
  • Undermining strategy is based on the fact that the source of information qualifies as non-authoritative, not an expert in this field, and therefore everything that he says can not be taken seriously. The reason for undermining the authority of the speaker can always be found: either he is young (eggs don’t teach a chicken), or an ordinary person (she is not a psychologist, but a simple mother, which she can give helpful tips), or too fashionably dressed (he thinks only of his appearance), or dressed and looks old-fashioned (he is behind the times), or he is not an expert in this issue(he is a therapist, not a phthisiatrician, how can he judge the dangers of smoking), etc. To undermine the authority of the speaker among the listeners can be too high authority of the other person. A very high authority of one person can lead to a denial of authority to all others except him (God, Tsar, Stalin, teacher, coach, etc.)
  • Misunderstanding Strategy lies in the fact that the audience, listening to a speaker whose idea they do not like, interprets such an idea or his arguments as incomprehensible. On this basis, she rejects the idea itself, refusing to delve into its meaning. In such a case, the audience says, “We didn't understand him; we didn’t understand what he wanted to prove to us.” Misunderstanding here is fictitious, there is simply a refusal to perceive an idea or arguments on the basis of qualifying them as incomprehensible.

The speaker must know and take into account the ways of confronting him from the audience.

Speaker's countermoves

Different genres, like different forms public speaking (lecture, report, speech, etc.) require different methods of preparation. But there is in rhetoric general rules preparation of a public speech - the rules that can and should be applied in the preparation of any speech in any genre. Let's name the main ones.

1. A decisive start to the performance. The first phrase of the speech should be thought out, prepared in advance and well learned. You can't stumble over the first sentence of a speech or think about where you're going to start. The audience will immediately consider such a speaker insecure, incompetent. The first phrase should be clear and understandable to the listeners. It must be prepared in advance and well rehearsed, pronounced confidently and expressively.

2. Drama. This is tension in the text. Drama is created in a performance with a deliberate collision different points point of view by the speaker entering into an argument with any opinion, authority or point of view, while talking about any unusual or tragic events, incidents. As D. Carnegie said: "The world loves to hear about the struggle." Drama must be created in the text at the stage of its preparation.

3. Restrained emotionality. Emotionality is a mandatory requirement for public speaking, an absolutely necessary element of it. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. The presentation should never be monotonous. However, emotionality should be precisely restrained. The listener experiences a sense of embarrassment at the sight of the emotional revelry of the speaker. Let us recall the famous Gogol's statement about one teacher-orator: "Alexander the Great, of course, great person, but why break the chairs? In this regard, it is preferable to cite facts that evoke emotions in the listeners, rather than speak too emotionally yourself.

4. Brevity. Short speeches are considered by most audiences as smart, more correct, containing true information. It is imperative to comply with the allotted rules, meet the allotted time. You have to learn how to speak briefly.

5. Dialogue. The speech should be like a dialogue with the audience. The speaker is not obliged to speak all the time himself, he must ask questions of the audience, listen to her answers, respond to her behavior. Any speech should have the features of a conversation. Questions can be rhetorical, but they make it possible to increase the effectiveness of an oral presentation, first of all, by short dialogues with the audience during the speech itself.

6. Conversation. The style of the speech should be predominantly conversational, the speech should be in the nature of a casual conversation. This is what colloquial style speeches. colloquialism oratory significantly increases the credibility of the speaker, and hence the content of his speech. No need to use many special foreign words, it is necessary to speak more simply - this is also a manifestation of the requirement of colloquialism. You can use (in moderation!) colloquial words, humor, joke.

7. Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience. This requirement is one of the most important. To establish contact with the audience means: to look at the audience during the speech, to follow its reaction, to make changes in your speech depending on its reaction, to demonstrate friendliness, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, to conduct a dialogue with the audience. The audience should be divided into sectors and look at each sector in turn.

8. Clarity of the main idea. The main idea should be conveyed in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech. In the vast majority of cases, the audience loves the conclusions and expects them from the speaker in a formulated form.

9. Decisive end. Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, thought out in advance. The final phrase must be thought out and formulated in advance. It, like the initial phrase, must be rehearsed in order to pronounce it without hesitation, clearly and understandably. The final phrase should be spoken emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands it well and at the same time understands that this is the end of your speech.

Interference in Listener Behavior

During the performance, a number of interferences may occur.

1. active reaction audience to external distractions. The audience, no matter how interesting the lecture or performance, cannot but pay attention to someone's intense cough, extraneous movements, door slam, paper rustle, etc. “The audience cannot resist the temptation to look at any moving object, animal or person,” D. Carnegie rightly noted. Not a single speaker or artist has yet managed to overcome this temptation in the audience.

What to do if, for example, a sparrow flew into the audience? How to distract listeners from it? First, do not notice as much as possible. Secondly, wait out his active actions, pause: the audience long time will not be focused on it, and the listeners themselves will take some action. Thirdly, you can use the “connection” method: pay attention yourself, comment, briefly discuss with the audience, and then say: “Well, enough, back to our work.” Listeners usually perceive this technique well. Fourth, you can get closer to the audience: this will prevent them from being distracted.

2. Listeners are talking among themselves. Do not take it personally at once: their conversations, most likely, have nothing to do with the lecture, and even more so with you personally. Here, too, it is better not to notice the interference as long as possible. You can also get closer to the speakers (this is very effective), look at them longer, talk to them for a while, pause (may be unexpected), ask them a question: “Do you agree? Don't you agree?"

3. Someone yawns in your face. Do not immediately take it to yourself - maybe the listener is just tired. You should not react until you understand that others have already noticed this and are reacting to it. In this case, it is better to say: “Yes, something has become stuffy here, there is not enough air. I see it's hard for some to breathe - maybe we'll take a short break, let's air the room?

4. Listeners get up and leave. People can have the most different reasons to walk away from your performance. Don't react, don't comment on them. On the contrary, you can say: "If someone needs to leave urgently, please leave, just quietly." Don't show that it bothers you.

5. Replicas of disagreement are heard from the place. If these remarks are trivial, pretend that you have not heard or understood. If the listener begins to insist on his point of view, then you need to enter into a discussion, but formally enough: “I understand your point of view. But I have a different one, I will now (or a little later) give more additional arguments. If the objection is not related to personal ambitions, but is really important, then it is better to say: “I will return to your remark, but if you allow it, a little later,” and be sure to keep your promise. If disagreement is expressed in a sharp, categorical form, then it is better not to enter into a discussion, saying: “I understand your point of view. Well, the future will show which of us is right.”

6. Rude, provocative cries and remarks are heard from the place. There may be people with a low culture in the audience who want to show that this speaker is not so good and smart, not so competent. With their remarks, they want to show themselves, stand out, draw attention to themselves (“Moska complex”), How to behave with such people? If the remark was one-time, then it is better not to notice it. If this is not possible, do not show that she hurt or offended you, in every possible way demonstrate your superiority, control over the situation. Say: “Yes! .. Well, there’s nothing to add here!” And after a pause: "Well, we still go further ...".

You can also say ironically: "Yes, I understand your problems ... But, sorry, we need to move on ...".

Another answer: “I understood your question... (although it was not a question at all, but such a phrase immediately confuses the violator), but now, unfortunately, we cannot dwell on this problem in detail...”. There is no need to put the provocateur in his place - this is already a squabble, and this is all he needs. Respond politely and correctly to any remarks of other people - this will show that you condemn the provocateur.

If you are confident in your abilities, attack immediately, using irony, joke, sarcasm, and therefore keep ready sharp sayings, fables, anecdotes, sayings, stories (“You know, this remark reminded me of a case ...” - general laughter will land you for a long time boor in place, even if what you said has a very indirect relation to his remark).

Another way - try to praise him, find some rational grain in his remark and use it to tell something additionally interesting. Delayed response is also effective. Say: “I understood your thought (question, idea), I will answer you, but, if you will, at the end, otherwise now it will take us aside.” And at the end, when the time for your speech is up, turn to the audience: “Here was another question, should I answer it?”. Surely several people will shout: “No need, everything is clear!” “Well, don’t, don’t. Thank you for attention".

You can ask the provocateur to wait a minute. "Wait a minute, I'll just finish the thought ...". After talking for another 2-3 minutes, no less, turn to the provocateur: “So what did you want to say? Nothing? Well then, let's move on!"

You can admit: “Yes, there is a problem in what you are saying. Unfortunately, we will not solve it now, we need to talk about this separately.”

And one more way - if the remark is very rude, you should say: “Sorry, I did not understand what you said. Please, repeat again louder and slower!” (As a rule, they won’t be able to say rudeness a second time and you won’t have to answer it.) “Well then, let’s move on.”

Sharp expressed disagreement can be taken to the personal level. So, at a lecture on communication in the family, one listener shouted indignantly: “So, in your opinion, your husband shouldn’t make any comments at all?” “I understand your problems,” the lecturer replied. “I’m sure your husband should definitely make comments.” The answer was drowned in the general laughter of the audience, and the listener herself, who asked the question, also laughed.

In conclusion, we note that it is possible to calm the audience and restore discipline by accompanying a quiet speech with pointing gestures in the direction of those who violate discipline, pointing with a hand in their direction, or simply extending a hand towards the violators. A pointing gesture calms even animals. Gesticulation with an outstretched hand, especially if you also approach troublemakers, has a very effective effect on them.

Joseph Abramovich Sternin- Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department general linguistics and stylistics of Voronezh state university; board member of the Russian Rhetorical Association, expert of the center distance education"Elitarium"

Hello dear friends!

Our professional activity can sometimes depend on communication with the audience. Whether it's 5 people or 100, you need to establish yourself as an experienced speaker and make a good impression.

To achieve good result many resort to the help of coaches, trainers, educational literature or even tutoring. For today's article, I have collected a few actionable advice, which will enable you to get a clearer picture of how you need to behave and finally find the answer to the question, how to keep the attention of the audience?

If you think about it, today there are many professions in which the master's chips are applicable for the high-quality involvement of the crowd in their speeches. These are not only teachers and politicians, but also managers, presenters, DJs, but even professional chefs.

It all depends on the sincerity shown with your listener and, of course, the richness of the epic appeal to the masses. People who communicate with people in public on a daily basis have an innate playfulness, a sense of humor and a desire to lead people.

Any appeal, under itself, carries a call, a certain message, a direct reason to start acting, and sometimes it can include. To do this, you need to have significant courage, self-confidence and a desire to be in the lead role of the spectacle, and not hang around backstage.

Of course, many of the skills do not get just like that. This is a colossal work, observation and the desire to improve their abilities. If you feel it's time to take the reins of the audience into your own hands, then I suggest you learn how to use fun tricks and tricks. So let's go?

1. Logic of thought

In order to keep people riveted on your words, you need to monitor how logically your speech is built. Jumping from one topic to another and only you understand verbal appeals, after painful attempts to understand you, can turn into complete indifference.

If the individuals you are addressing do not find a personal response in your speeches, do not so vividly feel everything that you are persistently trying to plant in their brain, then most likely they will pull away.

Before you go out to the audience, analyze their group orientation. If it's ordinary simple people, then you will have to say, respectively, simple, human language without complex definitions. must be consistent, logical and, of course, consistent with itself.

2. Desire for dialogue

No one wants to sit like a stone on the benefit of someone's personality. At the time of your performance, try to involve as many active viewers as possible in the process. Firstly, they will create the necessary atmosphere of excitement, and secondly, they will stir up interest in the pretext of a general meeting.

Questions help keep the audience's attention. Have you noticed with what interest in the training? All this is due to the fact that a person wants to get a quality answer directly from the lips of a professional.

I would like to compete with him with my conclusions, conclusions and suggestions. This is an excellent occasion to take advantage of the situation and react in an unconventional way to incoming attacks of questions, fueling interest in your person. This technique helps the public feel needed, in demand, and even the “highlight” of the program. And your success depends on this response of people.

3. Relevance and novelty

Before you go to the podium and pick up a microphone, you need to think carefully about the relevance and novelty of the material that you want to voice. If there aren't enough new ones in your speech, interesting facts, which were not previously discussed, the viewer will quickly feel bored or even disappointed. And who is interested in listening to the same thing in the third circle?

In order not to lose the interest of your audience long before you gather your strength and decide to speak, it is worth conducting an in-depth analysis already existing themes to the material.

Think of a new interpretation of already known facts, sound some bright theories or hypotheses, fill the speech with your own ideas and provocative or rhetorical questions.

4. Expressiveness of speech

A variety of ways to convey information will help to strengthen the attention of those gathered in the hall. The delivery of a speech plays one of the most important roles in a successful speech.

Changing intonations, original and non-trivial comparisons, metaphors, voice amplification and personal examples from life can effectively stir up interest in what is happening.

Lyrical digressions are those moments in a speech when the speaker shares his innermost. These can be stories about the formation of him as a person, complexity, funny stories or even jokes! Diversity means of expression, helps the audience decide on the surprise of what you present to them, therefore close attention you are provided.

5. Correct accents

In order to reach the hearts of those who came to the hall, it is necessary to take into account their interests. Talk about pressing issues or those basic needs that are familiar to many.

You have probably noticed how skillfully any politician can put pressure on the necessary levers: finance, landscaping, medicine, and employment with security. Here are the key points, focusing on which, you will become the star of the evening.

Of course, do not forget about the scope, legality and correctness of the statement. Populism, politics and rhetoric are different things that you don’t need to play with, otherwise, if you go too far, you can get the wrong role.

6. Narrative style

Agree that a casual manner of communication is much more attractive than a dry presentation of facts or thoughts. And if this spectacle is seasoned with stuttering, excitement and incidents, then the whole plan of your speech can fly into a swoon from what is happening.

If the speaker cannot clearly convey his thoughts to the listener and monotonously mutters under his breath only for him hot topics, then it is unlikely that it will be necessary to deserve attention in this case.

The speech is best perceived when the appeal resembles communication between acquaintances or even friends. "Live" reactions, understandable remarks seasoned with professional vision can captivate for a long time and completely.

Such a result can be achieved when the hero of the speech is convinced of the veracity of his words, full of energy, and with the desire to put some of his sincere emotions into the letters.

The “light” in the eyes is always readable, it is impossible to hide or pretend to demonstrate. How interesting to talk, you ask? I will answer this: be honest with your listeners and just do your job well, with full dedication to the maximum!

7. Speed

The speech of the guru should be measured. This does not mean that you need to step on your throat and deliberately drawl. Make sure that the pace is not too fast, but not too slow. By pausing at the right places, you can achieve understanding of what the viewer said and count on understanding the subject of the dialogue.

8. Eye contact

It is very important to support eye contact with those present in the hall during the entire introduction! In this case, you can immediately notice what went wrong and return the former attention of those present.

9. Clock hands

Depending on what topic of the report you have chosen, the time spent on stage also depends. The speaker needs to choose the optimal number of minutes for communication with the listener. You should not try to "shove the unpushable" into the ears of innocent people.

As experienced masters say, it is better to end your triumph a minute earlier than shame a minute later. Watch how the audience perceives the information.

There are times when a break is indispensable. But if you have already managed to convey the whole essence of the report, ideas and thoughts, then on a positive, final note, you should effectively end your speech.

Friends, that's the point!

See you on the blog, bye bye!