Biographies Specifications Analysis

Old city of aleppo syria. The Curse of the Syrian Pearl

Syrian population: number, national and religious composition, big cities

Syria populationon July 1, 2017 is 18,270,000 people or 0.25% of the world's population (according to data 3 - Wikipedia:Assessment (forecast) of the Department for Economic and social issues United Nations on July 1, 2017).

Syria populationfor 2011 was 22,517,750 people. Of them: 11 441 978 people - men and11 075 722 people women.According to the Syrian Central Bureau of Statistics.

For other counters (excluding civil war):

Syria populationas of October 1, 2015is 23,404,834 people (according to data 3 - Wikipedia: official Syrian population counter - estimated before the civil war in Syria. Losses are estimated at more than 200,000 people until the end of November 2014).

Syrian Civil War

According to the UN Middle East Agency, the population of Syria has decreased by 8% during the civil war in the country.

The actual population has decreased by about 5 million due tocivil war in Syria2011. Of these, over 4 million refugees and at least 210,000 killed .

Dynamics of the Syrian population by years

1937 2,368,000 -
1950 3,252,000 +37.3%
1960 4,565,000 +40.4%
1970 6,305,000 +38.1%
1980 8,704,000 +38.0%
1990 12,116,000 +39.2%
1995 14,186,000 +17.1%
2011 22,517,750 n.a.
2015 18,502,413 n.a.

1937-1995 source. 2011 and 2015 - the data given above.

Syria population statistics

The share of the urban population is 56%.

The population growth rate in 2010-2015 will be 1.7%.

Most of the population is concentrated along the banks of the Euphrates and on the Mediterranean coast. Population density - 103 people / km².

Age structure: 0-14 years old: 35.2% (men 4,066,109 / women 3,865,817); 15-64 years old: 61% (male 6,985,067 / female 6,753,619); 65 years and older: 3.8% (men 390,802 / women 456,336)(2011 est.)

Average age: Total population: 22.1 years, 21.9 years male, 21.7 years female 22.1 years. (2011).

Population Growth Rate:-0.797% (2012 est.)

Fertility: 2.35 births/1000 population (2012 est.)

Mortality: 3.67 deaths/1000 population (July 2012 est.)

Net migration rate:-27.82 Migrants/1000 population (2012 est.)

Sex ratio:at birth: 1.06 m/f; up to 15 years: 1.06; 15-64 years old: 1.05; 65 years and older: 0.89; Total population: 1.05 (2009)

Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 71.19 years; men: 69.8 years; women: 72.68 years (2009). According to other data: men 74 years old; women 78 years old.

United Nations estimates

Periodwas bornDiedGrowthCBRCDRNCTFRIMR
1950-1955 187 000 75 000 112 000 51,2 20,5 30,6 7,23 180,1
1955-1960 212 000 77 000 136 000 50.1 18.1 32,0 7,38 150,5
1960-1965 241 000 76 000 165 000 48,5 15.3 33,3 7,54 121,8
1965-1970 275 000 74 000 201 000 46,8 12,5 34,2 7,56 98,8
1970-1975 322 000 70 000 252 000 46,3 10.1 36,2 7,54 77,3
1975-1980 373 000 69 000 304 000 45 8.3 37,0 7,32 63,1
1980-1985 417 000 66 000 351 000 42,8 6.7 36.1 6,77 49,9
1985-1990 440 000 61 000 379 000 38,4 5.3 33.1 5,87 36,2
1990-1995 441 000 58 000 383 000 33,3 4.3 28,9 4.8 26.1
1995-2000 447 000 58 000 389 000 29,7 3.8 25,8 3.96 20,8
2000-2005 451 000 62 000 389 000 26 3.6 22,6 3.39 17,4
2005-2010 465 000 69 000 396 000 23,9 3.5 20.4 3.1 15
Where CBR = Total Fertility Rate (per 1,000 people); CDR = total odds mortality (per 1000); NC= natural increase(per 1000); TFR= overall ratio fertility (number of children per woman); IMR = coefficient infant mortality per 1000 births.

Population density

Population density 1993. .

National composition of Syria (Ethnic composition)

Syrian Arabs (including about 400,000 Palestinian refugees) make up about 90% of the country's population.
Kurds - 9% ( Most Kurds live in the north of the country, many still use the Kurdish language. There are also Kurdish communities in all major cities).

Other ethnic groups - about 1%: The third largest ethnic group in the country are the Syrian Turkmen.
Circassians, who are descendants of Muhajir settlers from the Caucasus, who are mainly engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Before the War doomsday and the destruction of the city of El Quneitra, half of the Circassians lived in the governorate of El Quneitra; many of them moved to Damascus. by the most small people Syria are the tribes of the senior zhuz of the Kazakhs - Sirgeli, immigrants from Kazakhstan. There are also large communities of Armenians and Assyrians in the country.

The religious composition of the population of Syria
Muslims - about 86% of the population of Syria.Of the Muslims, 82% are Sunnis, the rest are Alawites and Ismailis, as well as Shiites, whose number has been constantly increasing since 2003 due to the flow of refugees from Iraq.

Christians - 10%. Among Christians, half are Syrian Orthodox, 18% are Catholics (mainly members of the Syrian Catholic and Melkite Catholic Churches).There are significant communities of the Armenian Apostolic and Russian Orthodox Churches.

Druze - About 3%. Some researchers rank as extreme Shiites.

More than half of the Syrians are Sunnis, however, there are significant communities of Twelver Shiites, Nizari Ismailis and Alawites (16%), different denominations of Christianity (10%) in the country.The official language is Arabic.

According to :

In 2011, the Syrian population consisted of 70-74% Sunni Muslims (59-60% Arabs, 9-11% Kurds and 2-3% Turkmens) and 16% other Muslims (including Alawites 10%, Shia and Ismailis ( Shia and Ismaili)), 2-3% Druze. Various Christian denominations made up 10-12% of the population and there were several Jewish communities in Aleppo and Damascus.

Map of the ethno-religious composition of the population of Syria in 1976. Wikipedia source: , , , .

And the capital of the "gray" (ash-Shahba) province.
"Gray" not only in name, but also gray in the absence of greenery.
In the center of the city rises a hill, on which, according to legend, Abraham stopped on his way to Egypt.
The legend also tells that Ibrahim, the prophet of Abraham, lived here, and he had a gray (shahba) cow, he milked the cow and distributed milk to poor people. Every evening these people asked:
"Haleb Ibrahim al-baqr ash-shahba?" - "Did Ibrahim milk a gray cow?"
Hence the name of the city: Aleppo (Khale bash-Shahba).
Now on the hill rises the Citadel, which is the symbol of Aleppo.
Apart from the Arabs Aleppo there is a large Armenian colony: Armenians moved to the northern regions after the massacre in Turkey in 1915-16, Aleppo even received the nickname "Mother of emigration").
Aleppo is the oldest city, the first mention of it refers to early III in. BC Later, the city was conquered by the Hittites, and in the VIII century. BC. came under the rule of Babylon.
The heyday of Aleppo fell on the IV - I centuries. BC. At this time, Aleppo was rebuilt and received the Greek name Beroya. Then the Greek layout of the city took shape, the acropolis appeared, trade area Agora and temples.
During the Roman and Byzantine periods, the layout of the city did not change much.
In 637, the city was captured by the Arabs. Aleppo was major center first the Umayyad provinces, and then the Abbasid Caliphate.
From the 11th century the city became the main center on the famous Great Silk Road, connecting the East with the West.
The crusaders never managed to capture Aleppo, but in 1401 they could not resist the invasion of Tamerlane's troops.
In 1516 Aleppo became part of the Ottoman Empire. But even this did not affect the economic and intellectual level cities. Allepo stayed for a long time largest city Syria. After the end of World War I, Syria passed from Turkish rule to French mandate.

Summer 9.00 -18.00
Winter 9.00 – 16.00
Ramadan 9.00 -15.00
Day off - Tuesday

Citadel. Aleppo.

Once upon a time there was a Greek acropolis on the site of the citadel, Byzantine church, muslim mosque. The citadel suffered from earthquakes and sieges more than once.
The fortress acquired its current appearance in late XIIearly XIII in. under the son of Salah ad-Din Malik Zahir Gazi, who ordered to dig a moat and cover the slopes of the hill with stone lining.
The fortress is surrounded by a 30-meter moat. The entrance to the citadel is guarded by two towers. The bridge tower, 20 meters high, was built in 1542 and protects the bridge, based on 8 arches and forming a staircase, under which an aqueduct passed, supplying the fortress with water. The bridge leads to the gate tower, which is the only entrance to the citadel.
The fortress is a grandiose superbly fortified structure. A narrow street runs through the entire citadel, along which there were buildings (little remains of them), underground premises of the Byzantine period were used to store water, and a prison was also located underground.

Citadel. Aleppo. Syria.

There were two mosques in the citadel: the small mosque or the mosque of Ibrahim, built in 1167. The mosque stands on the site of the church, and so - on the site of a stone, where, according to legend, Ibrahim liked to rest. The Great Mosque built in 1214 was destroyed by fire in 1240; a stone mihrab and several rooms have been preserved from the original building.

Citadel. Aleppo.

Citadel. Aleppo. Syria.

The throne room of the Mamluk rulers (XV-XVI centuries) has been preserved. The hall is arranged in the upper tier of the gate tower.

The busy Jami al-Omawi street leads from the Citadel.

On it is Khan al-Wazir- the largest and most famous caravanserai of Aleppo, built in 1682.

Khan al-Wazir (left) and the Jami al-Fustok Mosque (1349) (right). Aleppo. Syria.

At the end of the street is the main mosque of the city - Mosque of Jami al-Omawi (Umayyad). The mosque was built on the site of Saint Helena in 715, modeled on the Damascus Umayyad Mosque. The building often suffered from fires and destruction, modern building refers to 1169.

Not far from mosques Jami al-Omawi there is a mosque-madrasah Khalyaviya - it was the oldest Cathedral Aleppo, erected in the VI century. in honor of Helena, the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine.

Aleppo is famous for its covered markets, which cover the Jami al-Omawi Mosque on three sides and stretch for a total of 9 km. Markets began to take shape in the 16th century. and include shops, workshops, hamams, mosques.

ancient and incredible beautiful country, in which Christianity and Islam are closely intertwined, as well as many cultures and peoples, this is Syria. Aleppo (or Aleppo) is the second largest city of the state, it is also one of the most ancient settlements on our planet. Once upon a time, the famous Silk Road passed through it, and today tourists from all over the planet come here to get acquainted with the most ancient monuments of our civilization, which gave rise to world religions and cultures.

Aleppo is a city that is located closer to the north of the country. You can get there directly from Moscow in just a few hours, but such flights run only on Mondays. On all other days, tourists reach this historical center through the capital - Damascus, and from there, using domestic airlines, they fly to Aleppo in an hour. It should be remembered that, like the whole of Syria, Aleppo is far from a beach holiday city. Most often people come here in order to carry out ordinary tourist tours or religious and pilgrimage tours. Therefore, the country has a well-developed railway network. Trains will take you quickly and comfortably to any other city. Similarly, you can travel by bus or by rented car.

What does Aleppo look like today?

As mentioned above, the country-monument in which the holy of holies of almost all mankind is kept is Syria. Aleppo is one of those ancient centers where great amount mosques and Christian temples, ancient covered markets and oriental baths. Almost the entire city is a historical center, and new buildings here can only be found on the outskirts. Conventionally, the city is divided into two main areas of Jade and Taiba, in which all these attractions are located. All this is covered by a medieval citadel, made in the Arabic fortification style. The main attraction here is a huge hole in the floor, into which criminals were thrown from a height of 20 meters.

Religious sights of the city

If you want to see this magical and sacred country in fuller colors, then your program, of course, should include its capital. Syria is a living museum, where in every city there is some kind of monument of religion or architecture, and in megacities there are just a lot of such places. There are caravanserais, the famous hammams, mosques and tombs. Well, local guides will kindly offer a camel ride to anywhere in the city, which will allow you to plunge not only into the life of the Middle East, but also into its past.

Syria, Aleppo - the city and its history

In the Mediterranean country of Syria, Aleppo is a city of history that cannot fail to attract tourists from all over the world. In addition to the mild climate, proximity to the sea coast and the warm sun, Aleppo is also home to whole line architectural monuments that have thousand years of history. Many of them are living witnesses of the era of laying the Great Silk Road, Roman conquests and the reign of procurators. Like any other eastern city, Aleppo (or Aleppo, as the locals call it) can tell us the history of not only the Eastern Mediterranean peoples, but European ethnic groups who repeatedly conquered it, erecting their monuments and buildings there.

At the moment, Aleppo (like almost all of Syria) has become a large entertainment center, where tourists from all over the world are welcome. All kinds of hotels, cottage villages and hostels are located on the territory of the eastern metropolis. Along with this service, the entertainment business is flourishing in the city, which invites everyone to visit casinos, restaurants, clubs and cinemas and spend more than one fine evening in this way. ancient city. It is worth noting that all modern institutions that were built in Aleppo are designed in a single oriental style, so they are in perfect harmony with ancient buildings, and the city has a holistic and beautiful appearance.

The main attraction of the city is the citadel of Aleppo. Syria recognized this only in the 20th century. architectural structure, which for many years was the main city, architectural monument on a global scale. These giant walls, which were previously considered a fortress, were erected by the joint efforts of the crusaders and local residents as early as the first century AD. Within the fortress there was a whole city, on the territory of which a mosque, a mausoleum, palaces were located. ruling dynasty and settlements for the troops of the state of Syria. Aleppo, enclosed by this fence, is now considered the old part of the city, as well as its main attraction.

Among historical important places in Aleppo one can also name numerous caravanserais, which were erected over the centuries so that wanderers traveling through the desert could rest, sleep and gather strength for a new path.

These caravanserais are surrounded by oriental markets where you can buy a variety of local products, fruits and vegetables, as well as all sorts of souvenirs and trinkets that will always remind you of this wonderful city in southern country Syria Aleppo.

The city of Aleppo has had a proud status for many years - the Northern capital. Syria, like many other states, has both an official (main) city and a historical one, which is Aleppo. It is here that tourists can buy such souvenirs that are not made anywhere else, and among them are handmade carpets, earthenware jugs in an old oriental style, custom-made shoes, talismans and drugs, as well as everything that Syria is rich in. Aleppo is a city whose memories will never be forgotten, and this is exactly the place where you always want to return.

In Syrian Aleppo, the historic center of the city is on fire

During the fighting between the military and the rebels, fire engulfed the streets where one of the largest covered bazaars in the Middle East is located, online media reports citing opposition figures.

Earlier in Syrian city Homs, units of government troops managed to find a tunnel used by supporters of the overthrow of the authorities to attack army checkpoints. Through a secret passage, opponents of President Bashar al-Assad supplied weapons to sabotage groups that continued to resist in the village.

Special Forces on the eve pursued the rebels in the Sulaymaniyya region. In addition, battles were fought in the cities of Aleppo and Rastan. According to the authorities, government troops managed to destroy several dozen rebels. On the outskirts of Aleppo, columns with jeeps and pickups were put out of action.

It was also reported that the Syrian army on the eve repulsed the decisive offensive of the rebels in Aleppo. FSA fighters wanted to break into the city center, where most of public institutions, however, they failed - the Syrian troops drove the attackers back. The militants, having suffered losses, retreated. The most fierce fighting took place in the Kurdish region of Sheikh Maqsoud located in the north of Aleppo.


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Aleppo remains one of the ancient cities humanity. People settled here several thousand years before our era. All this time, the city was considered an important point among the most different peoples and rulers.

Ancient city

Mentions of the fortress appear in Hittite sources that date back to the third millennium BC. AT different time Aleppo was the capital of several ancient principalities. It becomes a wealthy city during the Babylonian era, when neighboring Mesopotamia became a center of human culture and science. Also in ancient times, the city was claimed by the Egyptians and the Hittites.


In 333 BC great commander Alexander the Great captured the citadel of Aleppo. Syria was an important region for him. From here the path went east. It was through these lands that Alexander went to war against Persia, and then reached the borders of India.

Starting from that time, Aleppo was gradually Hellenized, that is, it was influenced by the ancient Greek culture. Foreign scientists came here, philosophical schools were opened. After the Greeks came the Romans, who ruled here for several centuries.

Byzantium and Muslims

At the beginning of our era, Syria became an important center for the spread of Christianity, which could not but affect the confessional composition of the population of Aleppo. After the collapse of the Empire, the power of Byzantium was not recognized here for long, which stimulated the construction of churches and monasteries.

The city's population has grown significantly. New walls were erected that surrounded the citadel of Aleppo. Syria was one of the richest Byzantine provinces, and all thanks to the fact that it was located on the Great Silk Road. Aleppo was an important transit point for merchants from the East. They carried not only silk, but also porcelain, as well as other rare goods for Europeans.

In the 7th century, the Arab threat took place. The Muslims captured the city of Aleppo, Syria completely came under their rule. For several centuries the fortress prospered due to the proximity of Damascus, which for some time was the capital of the caliphs. In the X century, it was occupied by the Byzantines for 14 years, who caused significant damage to the city.


In 1096, Pope Urban II turned to Western European rulers with a request to help Eastern Christians in their struggle against Muslims. At that time Byzantine emperor continued to surrender his provinces to the aggressive Seljuk Turks.

The call was heard. Thousands of knights, soldiers and common peasants flocked from Europe in search of adventure and glory. main goal Crusaders became Jerusalem, which was a holy city for all Christians. The citadel of Aleppo (Syria was nearby) was also on their way. Despite the siege, the city was never taken. Nevertheless, a year later, the crusaders captured Jerusalem. Several Christian states appeared in the Middle East, which constantly threatened Muslim Syria. The second attempt of the crusaders to capture the fortress took place in 1124. She also failed.


In 1138 Old city Aleppo was practically destroyed during a terrible earthquake. Of course, there is no exact data on the number of victims. However, even according to the most rough estimates (more than 220 thousand dead), this earthquake was the fifth largest in the number of victims in human history.

The blows were felt not only in Syria, but also on the territory of modern Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. Aleppo is located on a geological fault, of which the Dead Sea is also a part. It was because of this that the fortress suffered the most. The city was depopulated in one day. Soon the inhabitants returned, but locality for several centuries it could not grow to its former size. Only in the 19th century did the number of inhabitants of Aleppo become the same as on the eve of the medieval earthquake. However, even in relatively modern time epidemics of cholera and plague broke out here.

Wars of the Arabs and Mongols

In 1183, the citadel of Aleppo (Syria) passed to the famous Saladin, who managed to expel the crusaders from Jerusalem and restore Arab rule in the region.

However, it did not last long. In the 13th century they came here Mongol hordes. The army under the command of Hulagu took the city in 1260. The walls of the fortress collapsed after six days of intensive shelling from catapults. The citadel held out for about a month.

In the future, for several decades, the Arabs fought with the Mongols, trying to challenge the rule in Syria. The Mamluk dynasty was the first to rule. Tragedy for the city was its surrender to Tamerlane in 1400. Nearly everything has been cut civilians. As a sign of intimidation, a tower of skulls was built near the city.

Turkish rule

In the 15th century, the situation in Aleppo changed: the Turks were able to capture this city. They remained the rulers of Syria for several centuries. Ottoman Empire spread over three continents. The Arabs found themselves under the rule of a more powerful people.

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and Syria was briefly under British mandate. After it formed Arab state which still exists today.

Syrian Civil War

In 2011, a civil war broke out in Syria. The Arab majority was dissatisfied with the power, which was held by a few Alawites headed by Bashar al-Assad. Aleppo was one of largest cities country, and because of this, fierce battles broke out around him, which continue to this day. In the summer of 2012, battles began between government troops on the one hand and rebels on the other.

The fighting in Aleppo became the focus of attention around the world when the poisonous sarin gas was used in the vicinity of the city. Its use is prohibited by international conventions. This weapon mass destruction caused death civilian population. At the same time, from regular shelling from different parties in Aleppo, there are practically no whole buildings left. Periodically residential areas completely without electricity due to missile strikes. The city's population dropped from 2.5 million to 1 million. Numerous refugees fled the country, triggering a crisis in Europe, where disputes flared over whether or not borders should be closed.

Syria (Aleppo today remains a flashpoint) continues to make headlines in world news agencies as the site of years of bloody civil war. It started as part of when in 2011 numerous Maghreb and disgruntled citizens demanded the resignation of their governments.

The Christian Quarter, built in the 16th century and located in Aleppo, originates from the Old City and extends to the north. It was home to Christian communities in ancient times and has preserved numerous churches and beautiful residences to this day. Also, the quarter is a reflection of the diversity of cultures and religions: Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Gregorians and others.

Among the many residential buildings with low facades, the building of the Museum of Folk Art and Traditions, which reveals the country's valuable secrets, stands out prominently.

Today, the Christian Quarter surprises with its charm, and some of its old houses have been converted into hotels, boutiques selling Western brands and chic restaurants.

Citadel in Aleppo

The citadel is a fortress in the center of the city of Aleppo, which was built in 944-967.

The construction of the first fortifications was carried out by the founder of the fortress, the ruler of Aleppo, Saif al-Dola. During crusades the fortress served as a stronghold for both one and the other side.

At the very beginning of the XIII century, the fortress grew and turned into a rich city. Mosques, palaces, an arsenal, warehouses and many other necessary buildings were located on its territory. The city began to develop outside the walls only after 1516, when the city was captured by the Ottoman Empire.

Unfortunately, the fortress was badly damaged by an earthquake in 1828, the consequences of which are being eliminated in our time.

The fortress is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Ghost town of Rasafa

The dead city of Rasafa is one of the most interesting sights in Syria. The city is located in the east of the country, near the city of Raqqa. Getting to the city is not easy -public transport is not here, and therefore you can get there by car or taxi on a broken dirt road from Al Mansur or Palmyra, or along the modern Raqqa-Aleppo highway.

In ancient times, the city changed its name several times. The last name of the city in the status of inhabited is Sergiopolis ("City of Sergius"). It got its name due to the events connected with the death of one of the Christian saints. - Reverend Sergius, who was brutally murdered in Rasafa during the Diocletian Christian persecution.

Today this city is abandoned. In the XIII century, its inhabitants moved to the city of Hama on the orders of Sultan Baybars.

And although today the city is almost completely hidden under a layer of sand, it makes an indelible impression. By right, it can be called one of the most majestic, mysterious and beautiful "dead cities" of Syria.

The city is built of marble-like limestone, similar to pink mica, so the city simply sparkles and shimmers in the sunset.

The most significant and interesting monuments of Rasafa are the city gates, the cathedral, the basilica, ancient water cisterns, city walls and towers.

There is more than one mosaic museum in Syria, but the museum located in the city of Maarat al-Numan deserves special attention. It has the most diverse and rich exposition compared to others. The building in which it is located is noteworthy - it is a caravanserai built in the 16th century for travelers and merchants.

Territory museum complex occupies several hectares. Here are collected Roman and Byzantine mosaics from the 6th century, brought from nearby dead cities, floor, wall, depicting animals, mythological heroes and gods, everyday scenes, as well as rare mosaic icons and ornamental fragments. Also here you can see sarcophagi and tombstones, pottery, stone doors of tombs.

Photography inside the museum is strictly prohibited, you can only take pictures of the exhibits that are located under open sky, and without a flash - according to the administration of the museum, bright light adversely affects the condition of the mosaics.

Church of St. Simeon

The Church of St. Simeon the Stylite was built by Simeon's disciple, St. Daniel the Stylite, who turned to Emperor Leo the First with a request to perpetuate the memory of his teacher.

However, the church was built under another emperor - Zinon around the 5th century. The building was built in an octagonal shape with a diameter of 30 meters with exedras, and in the middle of the building there is a high pillar on which St. Simeon labored for the last 33 years out of the 47 years he spent on the pillars. The building is covered with a wooden dome in the form of an octagonal pyramid 40 meters high.

In the 10th century, the temple complex was surrounded by fortress walls with 27 towers, which became the beginning of the emergence of Simeon's fortress. In the XII century, the fortress was captured by the crusaders, and a century later the building fell into disrepair. Numerous pilgrims always came here for a piece of St. Simeon's column, which, it was believed, helped against illnesses.

Archaeological site of Sergilla

The dead city of Serjilla (Serjilla) is located 60 kilometers from Aleppo, near the city of Maarat al-Numan. Except Sergilla is scattered here whole network ancient Byzantine settlements, for the most part well preserved. The first houses date back to the 3rd-4th century AD, the flourishing of cities in this area falls on the 4th-6th centuries.

Sergilla attracts tourists and explorers from all over the world. A large-scale archaeological site has been deployed here, excavations continue to this day. On a relatively small area, Roman baths, residential villas, a church built in 372 (the oldest in this region), a necropolis, the tombs of which are carved in stone, oil presses, have been preserved. You can also see watchtowers and a tavern building here. The reason why the inhabitants left the city is still unknown, but all the buildings have been preserved almost unchanged - in some, only roofs and floors between floors are missing.

Sergilla hosts organized excursions with departure from the hotel, but you can come and wander the streets ancient city on one's own.

Al Madina Market

The Al-Madina market, located in the Syrian city of Aleppo, is considered the largest covered market in the world, with a long history. Most souks (covered markets) have existed here since the 14th century. The 13-kilometer-long market also houses caravanserais designed for merchants to live and store goods, many of which are architectural monuments.

It sells luxury goods from other countries and locally produced goods. Prices are much lower than in the famous Al Hamidiya market in Damascus. In the Al-Madina market, you can buy everything from copper jewelry to expensive silks. The best souvenir from Aleppo is natural olive soap, which is produced by local soap factories with 300-500-year-old traditions. You can find it in one of the parts of the huge market called Suq Al-Saboun.

Since 1986, as part of the Old City of Aleppo, the Al-Madina market has been on the List world heritage UNESCO. During mortar attacks in 2012, many parts of the market were badly damaged or completely destroyed.

Armenian Apostolic Church of the Forty Martyrs

The Cathedral of the Forty Martyrs, which belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church, is located on the site of an earlier building (a Christian chapel). The first mention of this cathedral dates back to 1476; the building acquired its current appearance at the beginning of the 17th century. This is one of the numerous temples of the Armenian Apostolic Church located in Syria.

The Cathedral of the Forty Martyrs is remarkable for the icons of ancient and modern writing, special place among which is the Last Judgment (early 18th century). The design of the cathedral is interesting - it does not have a dome, but there are three altars. The interior of the Church of the Forty Martyrs meets the traditions Armenian churches- strict, even ascetic, not distinguished by splendor. The temple was subjected to numerous reconstructions, for a long time it was the spiritual center of the Armenian diaspora in Syria. An entire Armenian quarter has grown up around it, until recently it was lively and prosperous. Now, due to the tense political situation, many residents have left it. At present, the Cathedral of the Forty Martyrs is one of the oldest churches in Aleppo and houses a museum.

Great Mosque in Aleppo

The Great Mosque in the city of Aleppo or the Umayyad Mosque was built in 715. Here, according to legend, is the grave of Father John the Baptist Zacharias.

The Great Mosque is the oldest and largest mosque in Aleppo.

Particularly noteworthy is the 45-meter minaret, which was restored during the time of Abul Hassan Muhammad in 1090. Unfortunately, during its history, the mosque was destroyed after a fire, which allowed Sultan Nur ed-Din Zengid in 1169 to restore and somewhat expand its area.

The minaret is decorated with carved inscriptions and ornaments. The courtyard is famous for its black and white stone pavement, which forms various geometric shapes.

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