Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Mysterious events that will never be explained (7 photos). The Last Words of the Dying Greats

In our world, there are many mysterious and terrible events that we are unlikely to ever be able to find an explanation for. For example, here are six such riddles:

Before his death at Princeton Hospital, Albert Einstein said his last words. They were accidentally heard by a visiting nurse. Unfortunately, Einstein said these words in his native German. The nurse did not speak this language. Therefore, the last words of a genius have remained a mystery forever.

2. Little Miss

At the site of a fire in the Hartford City Circus in 1944, the body of an unknown girl who died in the fire was found. This case was investigated for several decades, the photo of the girl was printed in newspapers across the country, but the police were never able to identify her. On the girl's grave is written "Little Miss" and the numbers "1565" - the number that her corpse was assigned in the morgue.

3 The Brutal Murder Of Glena Sharp's Family

In 1988, in a resort town near the Sierra Nevada, Glen Sharp and their children, who were spending their holidays there, died a terrible death. One morning, Glena's 14-year-old daughter came to her house from a girlfriend with whom she spent the night, and found a bloody scene: blood was everywhere, the bodies of her mother, older brother and his girlfriend were tied and mutilated. Later, three younger girls were found hiding in the house, who, fortunately, were not injured. The little ones said that some terrible people tortured the family with a kitchen knife and a nail puller. Surprisingly, the neighbors claimed that they did not hear any suspicious sounds, although the nearest house was only five meters away and, judging by the battered walls and broken furniture, the noise should have been decent.

4. The man who forgot his native language

Michael Bowwright, 61, was found unconscious at the motel. In the hospital, he woke up, but spoke only Swedish and claimed his name was John Eck. He not only forgot his native language but didn't even recognize his own face. Apart from this strange amnesia, everything else in Boatwright's in perfect order. To this day, no one knows what happened to him.

5. Senseless massacre in the bowling alley

A strange incident occurred in 1990 in a bowling alley in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Two men massacred there, many people died. After they broke into the office and stole five thousand dollars, then set fire to the club and fled. They were never found. Whether it was an act of some kind of revenge, or they simply eliminated witnesses to the theft, remained unknown.

6. Kyle Benjamin Mystery

On August 31, 2004, an unconscious middle-aged man was found in the backyard of a Georgia fast food restaurant. When the unknown came to his senses, he could not remember who he was or where he came from. There were no documents with him. Just like Bowwright in Story 4, he didn't even recognize his own face. The police ran his prints through all the bases, including the most secret military - no results. Photographs in newspapers and participation in TV shows also did not give any results. Even DNA analysis has not shed light on this mystery. 10 years have passed since then, and this poor fellow (he chose the name Kyle Benjamin) is still a phantom. This is the only American citizen who is listed as missing, although he is constantly in front of the public.

The last words of the dying have always been treated with special trepidation. What does a person who is on the verge between two worlds feel and what does he see?... Last words great people were simple, mysterious, strange. Someone expressed their greatest regret, and someone found the strength to joke. What did Genghis Khan, Byron and Chekhov say before they died?

The last phrase of Emperor Caesar went down in history slightly distorted. We all know that Caesar allegedly said: "And you, Brutus?". In fact, judging by the surviving texts of historians, this phrase could sound a little different - it did not show indignation, but rather regret. They say that the emperor said to Mark Brutus, who rushed at him: "And you, my child? ..."

The last words of Alexander the Great were prophetic, the ruler was not without reason known as an excellent strategist. Dying of malaria, Macedonsky said: "I see there will be big competitions on my grave." And so it happened: built by him great empire was literally torn to pieces in internecine wars.

"Batu will continue my victories, and the Mongol hand will stretch over the universe," Genghis Khan said on his deathbed. The last words of Martin Luther King were: "God, how painful and scary it is to go to another world." "Well, I went to bed," said George Gordon Byorn, after which he fell asleep forever. According to another version, before his death, the poet exclaimed: "My sister! My child ... Poor Greece! ... I gave her time, fortune, health ... And now I give her my life." As you know, the rebellious poet spent the last year of his life helping the Greeks in liberation struggle against Ottoman Empire. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was dying of consumption in a hotel in the German resort town of Badenweiler. His attending physician felt that Chekhov's death was near. According to the old German tradition a doctor who has given his colleague a fatal diagnosis treats the dying man to champagne. "Ich sterbe!" ("I'm dying!") - said Chekhov and drank the glass of champagne served to him to the bottom.

"Hope! ... Hope! Hope! ... Damned!" - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky shouted before his death. Perhaps the composer was delirious, or perhaps desperately clinging to life. "So what's the answer?" asked the American writer Gertrude Stein philosophically as she was wheeled into the operating room. Stein was dying of cancer, from which her mother had previously died. Receiving no answer, she asked again:

"What then is the question?" She never woke up from the anesthesia. Peter the Great was dying unconscious. Once, having come to his senses, the sovereign took the stylus and began to scratch with an effort: "Give everything back ...". But to whom and what - the sovereign did not have time to explain. The monarch ordered to call his beloved daughter Anna, but was unable to say anything to her. The next day, at the beginning of the sixth hour of the morning, the emperor opened his eyes and whispered a prayer. Those were his last words. It is also known about the dying suffering of King Henry VIII of England. "The crown is gone, the glory is gone, the soul is gone!" exclaimed the dying monarch. Vaslav Nijinsky,

Anatole France and Garibaldi before their death whispered the same word: "Mother!". Marie Antoinette behaved like a real queen before her execution. Climbing the guillotine on the stairs, she accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot. Her last words were: "Excuse me, monsieur, I didn't do it on purpose." Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she rose on pillows and threateningly asked: "Am I still alive ?!" But before the doctors had time to be frightened, the situation "corrected" - the ruler breathed her last.

They say that Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov, brother last emperor, before the execution, he gave the executioners his boots with the words: "Use, guys, after all, royal." The famous spy, dancer and courtesan Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her with playful words: "I'm ready, boys!" Dying, Balzac remembered one of the characters in his stories, the experienced doctor Bianchon. "He would have saved me," he sighed. great writer. The English historian Thomas Carlyle calmly said: "So this is what this death is like!" The composer Edvard Grieg turned out to be just as cold-blooded.

"Well, what if it's unavoidable," he said. It is believed that the last words of Ludwig van Beethoven were: "Applause, friends, the comedy is over." True, some biographers cite other words of the great composer: "I feel as if up to this point I have written only a few notes." If a last fact- True, Beethoven was not the only great man who, before his death, lamented how little he managed to do. They say that, dying, Leonardo da Vinci exclaimed in despair: "I insulted God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

One of the famous cinematographer brothers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere said: "My film is running out." "Dying is a boring occupation," he finally quipped Somerset Maugham. “Never do this!” Dying in the town of Bougival near Paris, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev said something strange: “Farewell, my dears, my whitish ones ...”.

The French artist Antoine Watteau was horrified: "Take this cross away from me! How could Christ be depicted so badly!" - and with these words he died. The poet Felix Arver, hearing a nurse say to someone: "This is at the end of the corridor," moaned with his last strength: "Not a corridor, but a corridor!" - and died. Oscar Wilde, who was dying in a hotel room, looked longingly at the tasteless wallpaper and ironically remarked: "These wallpapers are terrible. One of us must go." Einstein's last words, unfortunately, remained a mystery to posterity: the nurse who was near his bed did not know German.

On April 18, 1955, at about one in the morning, the aorta burst and the heart of the author of the famous Theory of Relativity stopped. Quietly, in the presence of only those closest to him, his body was cremated near Trenton, New Jersey. At the request of Einstein himself, the burial of the ashes was carried out in secret from everyone.

There is a legend that the ashes of the manuscripts of his last years were buried with him. scientific works, burned by Einstein before his death. He believed that this knowledge so far can only harm humanity.

What were these works? The answer, alas, great physicist took forever with him. An attempt to unravel their mystery forces one to step on the shaky ground of assumptions, assumptions, eyewitness memories, in the absolute reliability of which one can never be sure. But there is no other way today.

It is known that Albert Einstein actively opposed the development and creation of nuclear weapons working at this time, especially in last years life, over creation unified theory fields. Its meaning, mainly, is to describe the interaction of three fundamental forces with the help of a single equation: electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear. Most likely, an unexpected discovery in this area prompted Einstein to destroy his work. But, apparently, the American military departments managed to use some of the theoretical calculations of the great physicist even before he realized the danger lurking in them.

An experiment was conducted, the results of which were truly tragic. The initial task did not promise anything unexpected. There was a war, and military experts tried their best to make their ships and planes inconspicuous for enemy radars. The idea arose to create an electromagnetic field of such strength that the light rays would curl up into a cocoon, making the object invisible to both humans and devices. Einstein, as the strongest theorist in this field, was assigned to do the calculations.

The ship on which, according to existing version, "invisibility generators" were installed, not just disappeared from the field of view of observers and radar screens, but seemed to have fallen into another dimension and appeared only after some time with a half-mad crew on board. But, perhaps, the main thing, perhaps, is not even in the disappearance of the ship, but in the mysterious consequences that the experiment had on the crew of the destroyer. Incredible things began to happen to the sailors: some seemed to "freeze" - they fell out of the real course of time, others completely "dissolved" in the air, never to reappear...

Stories about the mysterious incident were passed from mouth to mouth, acquiring the most incredible details. And, although the leadership of the US Navy was given a refutation of all the rumors about this experiment, many researchers called the official version a fake. And there are reasons for that. Documents were found confirming that from 1943 to 1944, Einstein was in the service of the Navy Department in Washington. Witnesses appeared, some of whom personally saw how the "Eldridge" disappeared, others held sheets with calculations made by the hand of Einstein, who had a very characteristic handwriting. Even a newspaper clipping of those times was found, telling about the sailors who got off the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Alas, all this can be disputed, because the main thing - the documents - has not been preserved. The logbooks of the Eldridge could explain a lot, but they have mysteriously disappeared. At least, to all requests, the researchers received the answer: "... it is not possible to find, and therefore provide at your disposal." And the logbooks of the escort ship "Fyureset" were completely destroyed by order from above, although this is contrary to all the rules ... The manuscripts of the great physicist, perhaps, could also explain where and how the "Eldridge" disappeared, but Einstein did not want to leave them us.

Skeptics objected: "The ship could not fall into another dimension, if only because no other dimensions except ours exist in nature." If only everything was that simple...

Today it is already an axiom for scientists to assert that a curved space closed in gravitational collapse, forms the so-called "Schwarzschild sphere", or "black hole", in which the whole universe can be enclosed. Few people know that Academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, like Einstein, devoted many of his works to cosmology. Unfortunately, such a work of his as "Multisheet Model of the Universe", published in 1969 in an extremely small edition, and other articles devoted to the properties of curved space, are practically inaccessible to the general reader. But in them, Sakharov admits that, along with the observable Universe, there are many others, many of which have significantly different characteristics ... In our time, the idea parallel worlds already recognized. And many scientists claim that you can get there without traveling in space. They can be penetrated without leaving the Earth, "piercing" the space with a powerful energy impact.

But these are all theories. But in practice? Bit by bit, the experts of the commission "Phenomenon" collected information about real facts the influence of electromagnetic fields on the characteristics of space.

Viewed all physical phenomena, giving powerful energy emissions, including nuclear explosions, which, as you know, are accompanied by electromagnetic bursts.

Here is one of the interesting facts. This is the testimony of a man who atomic bomb exploded underfoot.

Sergei Andreevich Alekseenko worked at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site as a military builder. His duties included restoring engineering structures destroyed during the tests of the next charge. In the summer of 1973, he served under the command of General K. Vertelov (construction troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense). Together with him and another escort, he had to inspect the concrete head of the well, where a charge was laid at a depth of three kilometers, and then from a special bunker to observe the explosion. But something didn't work. And the explosion struck when the "observers" approached the well itself.

"... I felt how my leg hung in some unsupported space," recalls S. Alekseenko. I stopped feeling the ground underneath me, it seemed Earth disappeared ... Then a heavy heavy sigh was heard from somewhere below, after which I found myself at the bottom of a deep ravine - Ivanov disappeared from sight, and Konstantin Mikhailovich was on the edge of the cliff - I saw him, as it were, through a huge lens magnified several times . Then the wave subsided, we all again stood on a flat surface, which trembled like jelly... real power gravity..."

We will not focus on the words "door to another world", they can be attributed to emotional condition eyewitness, and indeed found himself in a very extraordinary situation. But here is the description optical effects... This is possible only when the light rays are bent. And yet, Alekseenko recalls an unusual illness that from time to time happened to the workers of the Semipalatinsk test site. Among themselves, everyone called it "disintegration", or else "Doctor Zharov's disease."

Dr. Zharov dissected animals that, for the purpose of research, were exposed to close nuclear explosion, and came across a strange effect.

The "crumbled" animal seemed to fall out of life for several days - it did not breathe, did not move, and then suddenly rose and began to move, as if nothing had happened. The same thing happened with the landfill workers.

“Before Zharov’s discovery, those who “crumbled” were simply buried,” Alekseenko says. “Then they were simply allowed to lie down. I myself “crumbled” several times.

Isn't it surprisingly reminiscent of what happened to the crew of the destroyer Eldridge? Remember the statements of eyewitnesses that the sailors "seemed to fall out of the real course of time." By the way, similar mysterious diseases were also observed among the workers of the Lockheed company, who assembled stealth aircraft, which had proven themselves so well during the war in Persian Gulf. According to experts, the "invisibility" of these machines is achieved through the use of special materials, the unusual properties of which may arise after processing them with "invisibility generators", like that that were tested on the Eldridge.

Is it really this secret - the secret of the reality of a breakthrough into another dimension - that Albert Einstein decided to take with him to the grave?

At least this version clarifies a lot. For example, the unusual results of the experiments of the Italian researcher Luciano Boccone, who, using special devices, photographed mysterious creatures invisible to the eye in the sky. According to his theory, these "critters" (which means "creatures") are ethereal life forms that have entered our world from parallel space. Well, if during each nuclear explosion a gap is formed in another world, then the "critters" had many opportunities to get to Earth. Only in the period from 1955 to 1973, the USSR, the USA and Great Britain conducted 960 nuclear tests.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis for now. However, the investigation of this topic by the experts of the commission "Phenomenon" continues. And evidence has already been found of the reality of using Einstein's theoretical works not only to go to other spaces, but also to create an operating model of a time machine.

Let's rejoice! The dreams of mankind, the bold ideas of science fiction writers are finally starting to come true! But why is research in this area hidden from us by a thick veil of secrecy? Is it because their results are again intended exclusively for military purposes? Alas, the fact that the military departments are conducting such studies is confirmed by the facts available to the Phenomenon commission.

One of the most famous people the first half of the 20th century was Albert Einstein. This great scientist achieved a lot in his life, becoming not only Nobel laureate, but also fundamentally changed scientific ideas about the universe.

He is the author of about 300 scientific papers in physics and about 150 books and articles in the most various areas knowledge.

Born in 1879 in Germany, he lived for 76 years, dying on April 18, 1955 in the USA, where he worked for the last 15 years of his life.

Some of Einstein's contemporaries said that communication with him was like fourth dimension. Of course, it is often surrounded by a halo of glory and various legends. That is why there are cases when certain moments of their enthusiastic fans intentionally exaggerate.

We are offering to you Interesting Facts from the life of Albert Einstein.

Photo 1947

As we said at the beginning, Albert Einstein was extremely famous. Therefore, when random passers-by stopped him on the street, asking in a jubilant voice whether it was him, the scientist often said: “No, sorry, they constantly confuse me with Einstein!”

Once he was asked what is the speed of sound. To this the great physicist replied: "I am not in the habit of remembering things that can be easily found in a book."

Curiously, as a child, little Albert developed very slowly. His parents were worried that he would be retarded, since he began to speak tolerably only by the age of 7. It is believed that he had a form of autism, possibly Asperger's Syndrome.

Einstein's great love for music is well known. He learned to play the violin as a child and carried it with him all his life.

One day, while reading a newspaper, a scientist came across an article in which they talked about how an entire family died due to a sulfur dioxide leak from a faulty refrigerator. Deciding that this was a mess, Albert Einstein, together with his former student, invented a refrigerator with a different, safer principle of operation. The invention was called "Einstein's Refrigerator".

It is known that the great physicist had an active civil position. He was an ardent supporter of the civil rights movement and declared that Jews in Germany and blacks in America have equal rights with everyone. “Ultimately, we are all human,” he said.

Albert Einstein was staunch and strongly opposed any Nazism.

Surely everyone has seen a photograph where a scientist shows his tongue. An interesting fact is that this picture was taken on the eve of his 72nd birthday. Tired of the cameras, at the next request to smile, Albert Einstein stuck out his tongue. Now all over the world this photo is not only known, but also interpreted by everyone in their own way, giving it a metaphysical meaning.

The fact is that when signing one of the photographs with his tongue hanging out, the genius said that his gesture was addressed to all of humanity. How can it be without metaphysics! By the way, contemporaries always emphasized the subtle humor of the scientist and the ability to joke witty.

It is known that Einstein was Jewish by nationality. So, in 1952, when the state of Israel was just beginning to form into a full-fledged power, the great scientist was offered to become president. Of course, the physicist flatly refused such a high post, citing the fact that he was a scientist, and he did not have enough experience to govern the country.

On the eve of his death, he was offered an operation, but he refused, saying that "artificial life extension does not make sense." In general, all visitors who came to the dying genius noted his absolute calmness, and even cheerful mood. He was waiting for death, as an ordinary natural phenomenon, such as rain. In this, he strongly resembles something.

An interesting fact is that the last words of Albert Einstein are unknown. He spoke them in German, which his American nurse did not know.

Taking advantage of the incredible popularity of his own person, for some time the scientist took one dollar for each autograph. He donated the proceeds to charity.

After one scientific dialogue with fellow workers, Albert Einstein said: "God does not play dice." To which Niels Bohr objected: “Stop telling God what to do!”.

Interestingly, the scientist never considered himself an atheist. But he also did not believe in a personified God. It is well known that he declared that he preferred humility, corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual awareness. Apparently, until his death, he never decided on this concept, remaining a humble questioner.

There is false statement that Albert Einstein was not very good at. In fact, at the age of 15 he had already mastered differential and integral calculus.

Einstein at 14

Having received a check for $1,500 from the Rockefeller Foundation, the great physicist used it as a bookmark. But, alas, he lost this book.

In general, there were legends about his absent-mindedness. Once Einstein was riding in a Berlin tram, and he was thinking about something intently. The conductor, who did not recognize him, having received the wrong amount for the ticket, corrected him. Indeed, rummaging around in his pocket, the great scientist discovered the missing coins and paid. “It’s okay, grandfather,” the conductor said, “just need to learn arithmetic.”

Curiously, Albert Einstein never wore socks. He did not give any special explanations on this matter, but even at the most solemn events his shoes were shod on bare feet.

It sounds incredible, but Einstein's brain was stolen. After his death in 1955, pathologist Thomas Harvey removed the scientist's brain and took photographs from various angles. Then, cutting the brain into many small parts, he sent them for 40 years to various laboratories for research by the best neurologists in the world.

It is noteworthy that during his lifetime the scientist agreed that his brain should be examined after death. But he did not give consent to the theft of Thomas Harvey!

In general, the will brilliant physicist was that after death he was cremated, which was carried out, but only, as you may have guessed, without a brain. Even during his lifetime, Einstein was an ardent opponent of any cult of personality, so he did not want his grave to become a place of pilgrimage. His ashes were scattered to the wind.

An interesting fact is that Albert Einstein's interest in science woke up as a child. When he was 5 years old, he got sick with something. His father, to calm him down, showed him a compass. Little Albert was amazed that the needle kept pointing in the same direction, no matter how he turned this mysterious device. He decided that there was some kind of force that made the arrow behave that way. By the way, after the scientist became known to the whole world, this story was often told.

Albert Einstein was very fond of Maxims by the outstanding French thinker and politician François de La Rochefoucauld. He read them constantly.

In general, in literature, the genius of physics preferred Bertolt Brecht.

Einstein at the Patent Office (1905)

At the age of 17, Albert Einstein wanted to enter the Swiss Higher technical school in the city of Zurich. However, he only passed the math exam and failed all the others. For this reason, he had to go to a vocational school. A year later, he still managed to pass the required exams.

When in 1914 the radicals took the rector and several professors hostage, Albert Einstein, together with Max Born, went to negotiate. They managed to find mutual language with the rebels, and the situation was resolved peacefully. From this we can conclude that the scientist was not from a timid dozen.

By the way, here is an extremely rare photo master. We will do without comments - just admire the genius!

Albert Einstein at a lecture

Another interesting fact that not everyone knows. Einstein was nominated for the first time Nobel Prize in 1910 for the theory of relativity. However, the committee considered her evidence insufficient. Further, every year (!), except for 1911 and 1915, various physicists recommended him for this prestigious award.

And only in November 1922 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1921. A diplomatic way out of awkward situation. Einstein was awarded the prize not for the theory of relativity, but for the theory of the photoelectric effect, although in the text of the decision there was a postscript: "... and for other works in the field of theoretical physics."

As a result, we see that one of the greatest physicists, as it is believed, was awarded only the tenth time. Why would it be such a stretch? Pretty fertile ground for conspiracy theorists.

Did you know that the face of Master Yoda from the movie " star Wars» based on images of Einstein? The facial expressions of a genius were used as a prototype.

Despite the fact that the scientist died back in 1955, he confidently takes 7th place in the "" list. The annual income from the sale of Baby Einstein products is more than 10 million dollars.

There is a popular belief that Albert Einstein was a vegetarian. But this is not true. In principle, he supported this movement, but he himself began to follow a vegetarian diet about a year before his death.

Einstein's personal life

In 1903, Albert Einstein marries his classmate Mileva Marich, who is 4 years older than him.

The year before, they had an illegitimate daughter. However, due to financial difficulties, the young father insisted on giving the child to Mileva's rich but childless relatives, who themselves wanted this. In general, it must be said that this dark history physicist in every possible way concealed. Therefore, there is no detailed information about this daughter. Some biographers believe that she died in childhood.

Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić (first wife)

When did it start scientific career Albert Einstein, success and travel around the world affected his relationship with Mileva. They were on the verge of a divorce, but then, nevertheless, they agreed on one strange contract. Einstein suggested that his wife continue to live together on the condition that she agrees to his demands:

  1. Keep his clothes and room (especially the desk) clean.
  2. Regularly bring breakfast, lunch and dinner to the room.
  3. Complete renunciation of marital relations.
  4. Stop talking when he asks.
  5. Leave his room on demand.

Surprisingly, the wife agreed to these conditions, humiliating for any woman, and they lived together for some time. Although then Mileva Marich still could not stand the constant betrayals of her husband and after 16 years living together They've divorced.

Interestingly, two years before his first marriage, he wrote to his beloved:

“... I have lost my mind, I am dying, I am burning with love and desire. The pillow you sleep on is a hundred times happier than my heart! You come to me at night, but, unfortunately, only in a dream…”.

But then everything went according to Dostoevsky: "From love to hate is one step." Feelings quickly cooled down and were a burden for both.

By the way, before the divorce, Einstein promised that if he received the Nobel Prize (and this happened in 1922), he would give it all to Mileva. The divorce took place, but he did not give the money received from the Nobel Committee to his ex-wife, but allowed her only to use the interest from them.

In total, they had three children: two legitimate sons and one illegitimate daughter, whom we have already talked about. Einstein's youngest son Eduard had great abilities. But as a student, he suffered a severe nervous breakdown, as a result of which he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Having entered a psychiatric hospital at the age of 21, he spent most life, dying at the age of 55. Albert Einstein himself could not come to terms with the idea that he had a mentally ill son. There are letters in which he complains that it would be better if he had not been born at all.

Mileva Marić (first wife) and Einstein's two sons

With his eldest son Hans, Einstein had extremely bad relationship. And until the death of the scientist. Biographers believe that this is directly related to the fact that he did not give his wife the Nobel Prize, as promised, but only interest. Hans is the only successor to the Einstein family, although his father bequeathed him an extremely small inheritance.

It is important to emphasize here that after the divorce, Mileva Maric long time suffered from depression, and was treated by various psychoanalysts. Albert Einstein felt guilty for her all his life.

Nevertheless, the great physicist was a real womanizer. After a divorce from his first wife, he literally immediately married his cousin (on his mother's side) sister Elsa. During this marriage, he had many mistresses, which Elsa knew very well. Moreover, they spoke freely on this topic. Apparently, Elsa had enough of the official status of the wife of a world-famous scientist.

Albert Einstein and Elsa (second wife)

This second wife of Albert Einstein was also divorced, had two daughters and, like the physicist's first wife, was three years older than her scientific husband. Despite the fact that they did not have children together, they lived together until Elsa's death in 1936.

An interesting fact is that Einstein initially thought about marrying Elsa's daughter, who was 18 years younger than him. However, she did not agree, so I had to marry her mother.

Stories from the life of Einstein

Stories from the life of great people are always extremely interesting. Although, to be objective, any person in this sense is of tremendous interest. It’s just that more than close attention. We are pleased to idealize the image of a genius, attributing to him supernatural deeds, words and phrases.

count to three

Once Albert Einstein was at a party. Knowing that the great scientist was fond of playing the violin, the hosts asked him to play along with the composer Hans Eisler, who was present here. After preparations, they tried to play.

However, Einstein never got in time, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not even play the introduction properly. Then Eisler got up from the piano and said:

“I don’t understand why the whole world considers a great person who cannot count to three!”

brilliant violinist

They say that once Albert Einstein performed at a charity concert together with the famous cellist Grigory Pyatigorsky. Right there in the hall there was one journalist who was supposed to write a report about the concert. Turning to one of the listeners and pointing to Einstein, he asked in a whisper:

“Do you know the name of this man with the mustache and violin?”

— What are you! the lady exclaimed. “It’s the great Einstein himself!”

Embarrassed, the journalist thanked her, and began to frantically write something in his notebook. The next day, an article appeared in the newspaper stating that an outstanding composer and incomparable virtuoso violinist named Einstein performed at the concert, who eclipsed Pyatigorsky himself with his skill.

This so amused Einstein, who was already very fond of humor, that he cut out this note, and on occasion said to his acquaintances:

Do you think I'm a scientist? This is a profound delusion! In fact, I'm a famous violinist!

great thoughts

Another interesting case is that of a journalist who asked Einstein where he wrote down his great thoughts. To this the scientist replied, looking at the reporter's thick diary:

“Young man, truly great thoughts come so rarely that they are not at all difficult to remember!”

Time and eternity

Once an American journalist who attacked a famous physicist asked him what is the difference between time and eternity. Albert Einstein replied to this:

“If I had time to explain it to you, it would be an eternity before you could understand it.

Two celebrities

In the first half of the 20th century, only two people were truly world famous: Einstein and Charlie Chaplin. After the release of the film Golden fever”, the scientist wrote a telegram to the comedian with the following content:

“I admire your film, which is understood by the whole world. You will surely become a great person."

To which Chaplin replied:

“I admire you even more! Your theory of relativity is incomprehensible to anyone in the world, and yet you have become a great man.”

It does not matter

We have already written about the distraction of Albert Einstein. But here is another example from his life.

One day, walking down the street and thinking about the meaning of being and global problems humanity, he met his old acquaintance, whom he mechanically invited to dinner:

- Come tonight, Professor Stimson will be our guest.

“But I am Stimson!” – exclaimed the interlocutor.

“It doesn’t matter, come anyway,” Einstein said absently.


Somehow walking down the corridor Princeton University, Albert Einstein met with a young physicist who had no merit in science, except for uncontrolled conceit. Coming up with the famous scientist, the young man familiarly patted him on the shoulder and asked:

How are you, colleague?

- How, - Einstein was surprised, - do you also suffer from rheumatism?

He really had a sense of humor!

Everything but money

One journalist asked Einstein's wife what she thought of her great husband.

“Oh, my husband is a real genius,” the wife answered, “he knows how to do absolutely everything except money!”

Einstein quotes

Do you think all that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all.

Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the universe.

Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.

I do not know with what weapon the third World War but the fourth - with sticks and stones.

Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.

Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.

The more my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, generating evolution.

You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it.

If the theory of relativity is confirmed, then the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.

Mathematics is the only perfect way to fool yourself.

Coincidence keeps God anonymous.

The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

I survived two wars, two wives and.

I never think about the future. It comes by itself soon enough.

Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere.

Never memorize what you can find in a book.

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Albert Einstein was a great genius. The facts about Einstein indicate that this man was able to change our view of the world and turn science around. Everyone has heard the name of this great genius. But few people know interesting facts about Einstein, about the events of his life; about how he reached the heights in the field of science.

1. The facts of Einstein's biography confirm that this person always became irritable when "we" was said in his presence.

2. Einstein's mother in her childhood considered her son inferior. He did not speak until the age of 3, was lazy and slow.

3. Einstein urged to avoid science fiction, because it changes the view of the world.

4. The second wife of Albert Einstein was his second cousin on his father's side.

5. Einstein asked that his brain not be examined after death. But his brain was stolen a few hours after his death.

6. The most recognizable and popular photo of Einstein is the one where he sticks out his tongue. He made it in spite of the annoying journalists when they asked to smile.

7. After the death of the president, Einstein was offered to take his place.

8. The Israeli banknote features a portrait of Albert Einstein.

9. Einstein became the first supporter in the fight for civil rights.

10. At the age of 15, Albert already knew what integral and differential calculations were and knew how to use them in practice.

11. After Einstein's death, we managed to find his notebook, which was completely filled with calculus.

12. Einstein had to work as an electrician.

13. For an autograph, Einstein asked people for 1 dollar. After that, he donated all the money he raised to charity.

14. Einstein could not pay alimony to his wife. He offered her to give all the money if she received the Nobel Prize.

15. Albert Einstein ranks 7th in the "Dead Celebrity Earnings" ranking.

16. Einstein spoke 2 languages.

17. Albert Einstein preferred to smoke a pipe.

18. Love for music was in the blood of the great genius. His mother was a pianist, and he was fond of playing the violin.

19. Einstein's favorite hobby was sailing. He couldn't swim.

20. Most often, the genius did not put on socks, because he did not like to wear them.

21. Einstein had an illegitimate daughter from Mileva, who gave up her career for the sake of the child.

22. The great genius died at the age of 76.

23. Before his death, he refused the operation.

24. Einstein sharply opposed Nazism.

25. By nationality, Albert Einstein was a Jew.

Photo of Albert Einstein with his wife Elsa in the Grand Canyon of Colorado, Arizona, USA. 1931

26. Einstein's last words remained a mystery. An American woman sat next to him, and he uttered his words in German.

27. For the first time, Einstein was nominated for the Nobel Prize for the theory of relativity. This happened in 1910.

28. The eldest son of Einstein with the name Hans was the only one who continued the race.

29. The youngest son of Einstein ended his life in a psychiatric clinic. He suffered from dementia.

30. The first marriage of the great genius lasted 11 years.

31. Einstein always had a sloppy look.

32. Albert Einstein, having his first wife, could bring other women into the house and spend the night with them.

34. Einstein started playing the violin at the age of 6.

35. Albert Einstein is considered one of the founders of the Hebrew University in Israel.

36. God for this genius was a faceless image.

37. Albert Einstein created the general theory of relativity at the height of the First World War.

38. Einstein had Swiss citizenship.

39. Only in his declining years did Einstein meet true love.

40. The gray matter in Einstein's brain was different from all the rest.

41. Albert Einstein was a frequent guest of the bachelor parties, which were held by Janos Plesch.

42. The great genius was always mocked in elementary school.

43. Only study was boring for Albert.

44. Albert Einstein's wife Mileva Marich was called by his mother " middle-aged woman”, although their age difference with their son was only 4 years.

45. After graduating from the institute, Einstein spent 2 years without work.

46. ​​At the end of his life, Albert Einstein was identified terrible disease- aortic aneurysm.

46. ​​A magnificent funeral after the death of a great genius was not arranged.

47. Albert Einstein's schooling ended in Switzerland.

48. Teachers believed that nothing good would come of this person.

49. Einstein had specific type thinking.

50. The last work of Albert Einstein was burned.