Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to remove psychological clamps. Muscle cramps and how to get rid of them

IN Lately very often everyone around talks about how to remove psychological blocks, fears and clamps on their own. But few people know what it is, or they often confuse the concepts of a psychological block with a complex or fear, or a clamp. Today you can find a lot of information and even more pseudo-specialists, with the help of which, of course, for a lot of money, you can get rid of all your inner demons. And yes, people get rid of, but here main question for how long, and whether they save them from those blocks?

We will try to understand all the nuances and give precise definitions, we will learn how to diagnose psychological blocks in ourselves, we will deal with internal fears and human constrictions. And most importantly, we will find out how to remove all blocks, fears and clamps on our own.

Before diagnosing psychological blocks in yourself, you must clearly understand and be aware of what it is. The psychological block is not just internal obstacle, this is a very serious internal barrier that prevents a person from living and developing, preventing flows vital energy. A person changes life values he sees some important aspects under a different lens. Do not confuse psychological blocks with stress, clamps, complexes, phobias, etc. Blocks are much more serious, more dangerous.

For example, you have a fear of a relationship with a man. In this case, you simply will not be able to get to know the person you like, but still you will have some sympathy for him. In the case of a psychological block, you will not even pay attention to this person, you will pass by him, he will not interest you, you will not even notice him. A person at the subconscious level excludes the possibility of falling in love. Such blocks are fraught with loneliness for life.

How to define a psychological block? It is extremely difficult to do this on your own. All because man given state takes it for granted. For him, it is quite acceptable and even normal, for example, to live all his life alone. To determine the blocks, so to speak, to diagnose, it will be better for specialists.

But in order to remove them, just the work of a specialist will not be enough, you yourself will have to work on yourself and try in every possible way to get rid of the blocks. Psychologists, unfortunately, are not fairies, and they cannot wave a magic wand and save you from years of accumulated blocks, fears, complexes, clamps and phobias. This is hard, first of all, your work.

Psychologists divide psychological blocks into:

  • Wish blocks.
  • Happiness Blocks.
  • Energy blocks.
  • Blocks of love.

You can often meet psychotherapists who promise to remove the blocks with a "waving of a magic wand." So - these are real charlatans who want to increase their material wealth at your expense. If you are really sure that you have a blockage and have found a specialist to help you get rid of it, before you start working, ask how your therapist will remove the block. And if this is self-hypnosis therapy, then be prepared to fight not only with psychological problems but also depression.

Suggestion therapy works instantly, but not for long. And when everything returns to normal, then a person develops a terrible depression. And all because suggestion is not enough. The work of the patient himself is needed, and most importantly, constant self-control, so as not to repeat all the actions and processes that led to such a difficult psychological state.

The basis of any block is a subconscious protest reaction to a certain event. In order for you to have at least a little idea about what are the reasons for the occurrence of blocks, you need to give examples. A prime example psychological block there is a subconscious awareness of marriage through pain. That is, a person has such a wonderful event as marriage and family life, is associated exclusively with pain and mental suffering. Or success with misfortune.

In order for you to have at least approximate guidelines, you can consider the following blocks:

  • The reaction of protest to various events at an unconscious level. Negative anchoring (when your mind connects directly, for example, concepts such as marriage and pain, joy and sorrow, based on experience, which makes it difficult to find a life partner or achieve success in the future).
  • transformation destructive way attracting attention to oneself (for example, mutilating oneself) into a constantly operating mechanism of interaction with people.

The revenge of life is everything that is carried out or not carried out "in spite" of someone, something or life itself.

The cause of the blockage can be absolutely any stressful event that, as a rule, a person experiences in childhood. The block does not occur immediately. At first, it may simply be a rejection of the situation, then a complex, perhaps even fear, which as a result becomes a psychological block. It is difficult to say exactly why blocks occur. But this is definitely the result of stress and psychological trauma.

Down with psychological blocks

As mentioned above, getting rid of blocks is very difficult, but possible. Doing it yourself is almost impossible. Here you can not do without the help of psychologists. Only an experienced therapist can give guidance and advice on dealing with your ailments. And only individually. There are many ways to deal with blocks. One of which is meditation. But only a specialist has the right to say how to meditate correctly. This is because the methods of meditation, self-persuasion are different, depending on which block.

Things are completely different with human fears and phobias. Everything is much simpler here than with psychological blocks. Fighting them is possible without the help of a specialist. There are many ways to deal with fears. Consider the most effective. But first you need to define the concept and the occurrence of fears.

There is no person who does not know what fear is. Everyone knows this feeling. Fear can occur in absolutely everyone, regardless of age. A more aggravated form of any fear is nyctophobia or obsessive fears. This is a very common occurrence.

There are many, many types of fears. And it is simply necessary to fight them, as they poison a person's life. What is obsessive fear? This is the same fear, only in a more aggravated form. That is, a person understands perfectly well that, for example, there is nothing wrong with a praying mantis, but a person feels fear for him. Signs of such fears are:

  • Suffocation.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Dizziness, weakness, darkening of the eyes.
  • Sweating.
  • Fever.
  • Numbness of the limbs, numbness of the whole body.
  • Dispersion of thoughts.

What is the cause of fear no one knows. It can be absolutely anything. No one can understand why and for what this feeling arises in our minds. We only know that there is always a cause.

Ways to deal with fear

There are many ways to fight. Consider them, but do not forget that all methods and techniques are a very individual matter. And if something does not suit one person, then another may be just right:

  1. One of the most effective ways to fight on your own is to change the environment, not just the environment, but the way of life. For example, if you have a fear of public transport look for work near home. But this way to get rid of fear is impossible. At the same time, you still need to work on yourself with the help of meditation or other techniques.
  2. Before you try to overcome your fears, determine what you are afraid of. Think carefully about the reason for your fear. After understanding the reason, you must realize the fact that all thoughts up to this point (regarding your fears) were not correct. There is an opinion among experts that people who are evil, wrong-thinking, greedy are more prone to panic fears. Therefore, analyze your actions and thoughts. After introspection, it's time to take action. Force yourself to do what you fear. But here you need to be extremely careful. Since some fears threaten life. Therefore, without fanaticism.
  3. There are many more effective way Wrestling is a hobby. It should be your destination.
  4. You can also overcome your illness with the help of communication. start driving more active image life. Chat with new people, make new acquaintances, spend a lot of time with friends. And it will help you get rid of your phobias.

Techniques for dealing with psychological blocks, fears and clamps

There is also a technique with which you can get rid of fears, it can be practiced if you are diagnosed with a psychological block:

These techniques are very simple and effective, you will not notice how your fear or block will remain in the past, and you will start a new bright life. But at the same time, do not think that once you have worked through the technique, you will get rid of psychological illnesses forever. This technique requires diligence and patience. Only then will you get the result.

Clamps and how to deal with them

Moral clamps, shyness compared to fears and blocks are not a problem at all. But still with this psychological illness need to fight. Since it can develop into more serious physical and moral problems.

There are several ways to deal with your clamps:

  1. Ask a passing person on the street what time it is. Ask people outside for the time every day. Reach out to at least five people. If you find it difficult to do this, imagine yourself as an actor.
  2. Speak with a stranger. It's easier to do it on the go. Start a conversation and tell him about yourself. Ask him what you don't know. Practice conversation with strangers needed often.
  3. Another way to get rid of your tightness is an anonymous conversation. It is easier to get it on the phone by dialing an unfamiliar number and try to talk to the person on the other side.
  4. Love yourself and find in yourself what others do not have. Once you find it, show it to everyone, everywhere.
  5. Another very effective way getting rid of your internal ailments is very simple and effective. You need to get acquainted with the opposite sex, start a conversation, and most importantly, arrange another meeting.

There are many ways, methods, techniques with which you can deal with fears, clamps, blocks. None of them will give instant results. But if you have enough patience and diligently complete all the points, the result will be amazing. You will get rid of ailments forever, and this is the most important thing in such therapy.

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Static postures during work create a situation where certain groups muscles are in constant tension. Helps to form blocks permanent state stress, various kinds of fears and anxieties. Feeling fear, for example, a person involuntarily “clamps, straining the body.

If negative factors regularly affect someone, this state becomes so habitual for a person that he does not notice that he is tense. But then pains begin in the area experiencing a constant load. Moreover, habitual muscle blocks contribute to a change in the psycho-emotional state of a person. He gets tired faster, the general emotional background, anxiety may appear inexplicable at first glance.

Energy practitioners believe that muscle clamps interfere with the normal circulation of energy in the body, resulting in organs experiencing constant pressure, there is a stagnation of energy, which means that various kinds of diseases develop. But even from the point of view of official medicine, muscle blocks lead to disruption of the normal circulation of blood and lymph in the body, which inevitably leads to health problems.

To successfully remove muscle blocks, you must first learn to feel your body, be able to determine how relaxed it is. Most people don't know how to do this. They feel pain in a certain organ, but pain is evidence of a problem that has already arisen. To remove the clamps, you need to learn how to track the state of your body in a normal, calm and healthy state.

A good practice can be various meditations and auto-training. But one meditation done once a month will not give tangible results. It is necessary to practice this kind of sessions regularly. So, the psychologist and esoteric A. Ray advises daily before going to bed to mentally examine your body for the presence of muscle blocks, to relax it. To do this, you need to close your eyes and mentally move throughout the body, trying to feel and relax your face, limbs, every part of the physical shell as much as possible. By training in this way, you can learn to determine how relaxed your muscles are at any given time.

Help to "make friends" with your body and body-oriented practices. Listening to oneself during exercise, monitoring the tension and relaxation of muscle groups, a person learns to track muscle blocks and consciously work with them. The most famous of these practices is yoga, but there are others. So, for the beautiful half of humanity, it will be useful to pay attention to the “Birth of a Star” gymnastics (author M. Guseva), which gently and gradually contributes to beneficial changes in the female body. You can also pay attention to the original method of synchro-gymnastics by H. Aliyev "Key", which allows you to learn how to easily relax and relieve emotional stress.

Despite the fact that the head and neck do not look like an accumulation of muscle mass, there are still muscles there, which means that muscle blocks can also form, which not only cause physical discomfort, but also affect the psychological state.

4 muscle clamps of the head and neck, which are worth paying attention to in order to harmonize the body and psyche:

  1. Helmet of a neurasthenic: scalp, forehead, occiput.

    Symptoms: sensation of tightness of the head, as if there was a "rubber swimming cap" on the head; girdle headaches; violation of blood circulation of the soft tissues of the head.

    Causes: the helmet of a neurasthenic is typical for a modern person living in a metropolis. It is due to digital thinking, excessive intellectualization - "life in the head." Constant concentration on mental activity, sedentary lifestyle, "not feeling" own body- all this leads to the fact that the muscles of the scalp spasm more and more.

    Psychological consequences : stereotyped, rigidity of thinking - the "carrier" of the neurasthenic helmet loses the ability to accept, absorb new information. Plus to this is added chronic fatigue and irritability.

    Exercises: palpation and self-massage with shifting of the skin will help to diagnose and begin to work out the helmet of a neurasthenic. The goal is to search for seals, immovable skin, tubercles and depressions, painful areas, indicating the presence of a neurasthenic helmet.

  2. Eye block: oculomotor muscles, scalp and neck muscles.

    Symptoms: running or vice versa static look; constant wrinkling of the forehead and between the eyebrows; pain, heaviness, pressure in the eyes (because the vessels that feed the eyes are pinched); deterioration of vision.

    Causes: the eye clamp is formed against the background of fear of the outside world, primarily of society. Often this clamp is formed in childhood, when due to psychological characteristics parents, the child is constantly in suspense, afraid to make a mistake and disappoint them. So one gets used to being in control the world eyes, constantly looking at the reactions of others to his words and actions.

    Psychological consequences: chronic anxiety.

    Exercises: to work out the eye block, any delicate gymnastics for the eyes is suitable. Focusing attention during practice on sensations in the eye area and oculomotor muscles.

  3. Temporomandibular clamp.

    Symptoms: as a rule, this muscle block is not felt and is not realized. However, it can be recognized by two indirect signs: firstly, most often he “goes in pairs” with a clamp in his hands (hands, forearms, shoulders); and secondly, a person with an HF clamp has a clamped articulation - he seems to be speaking “through his teeth”.

    Causes: is a consequence social adaptation, namely the prohibition on the expression of anger. Being angry, but not allowing himself to manifest it, a person reflexively clenches his jaw.

    Psychological consequences: due to the fact that anger is suppressed, and emotional stress accumulates, the so-called passive-aggressive behavior is formed. A person shows his disagreement in detour, manipulative ways. For example, chronically late for work, becoming sarcastic, crisis situations takes the position of the victim, shifting responsibility to others.

    Exercises: to work out this clamp, self-massage is good according to this scheme: we press our fingers tightly on both sides of the jaw joints, then we open our mouth very, very slowly, and with our fingers we counteract - the jaw moves down, and the fingers move the muscles up. We open our mouth to the maximum, and then just as slowly we begin to close our mouth, and move the muscles down with our fingers. We repeat 5-6 times with closed eyes. We direct the focus of attention to the region of the jaw joints.

    For soft static stretching of the jaw muscles, it is necessary to open the mouth as wide as possible and place a suitable retainer between the teeth - for example, a clenched fist (with the knuckles towards you). We remain in this position for at least 2-3 minutes so that the muscles have time to relax.

  4. Throat clamp: muscles of the throat, tongue, deep muscles of the neck, occiput.

    Symptoms: sensation of a lump in the throat; feeling of light suffocation; constant desire to swallow; quiet speech.

    Causes: throat clamp is a consequence of the ban on crying, screaming, resentment, i.e. also socially conditioned. It can form both in childhood and in adulthood.

    Psychological consequences: in the case of a long "wearing" of the throat clamp, the ability to cry and verbalize one's feelings, grievances, opinions disappears. Often, even the ability to recognize one's emotions disappears. As a result, a person looks restrained, laconic, unemotional, but these characteristics are only a consequence mental trauma and muscle contraction.

    Exercises: to work out the throat clamp, development techniques are oratory and speaker's speech. For example, you can loudly pronounce the sounds A-O-U-Y-E, actively including the muscles in the work articulation apparatus. The lion posture (Simhasana) also has a beneficial effect on the opening of the throat clamp.

    In addition to local work on clamps, it is worth paying Special attention warm-up and self-massage of the neck, since the hypertonicity of its muscles is present in all of the above blocks. Warming up the neck should start with a light power load, and then move on to soft traction and massage.


The so-called "muscle clamps" is a state of chronic tension of the entire human muscle. Often muscle groups that are responsible for the expression of emotions. There are synonyms for this word: muscular armor, spasm or block in the body.

Definition and causes of clamps

muscle clamps are the cause of many troubles in people, as well as their indicator. The more of them, the faster the person gets tired. The more negative, the more monotonous and poorer his emotional life.

However, not everything can be called a clamp muscle tension. Normal muscle contraction, as a rule, can meet current needs and stops in time. In contrast, muscle clamp exists for a long time after the situation that gave rise to it. It is difficult to consciously relax, and also increases in response to some emotional stimuli in a person.

“Spasms of the first degree of neglect” are those muscle clamps that psychologists talk about and work with. In turn, they are not accompanied by serious changes in muscle tissue. That is, in this case, both muscles and nerve fibers are not functioning properly. But human brain gives incorrect commands to control the muscle tone of the spasmodic area. IN similar situations intensive psychological training allows you to straighten people's brains, thereby solving a sore problem.

Unfortunately, muscle clamps of the “second degree of neglect” also come across. With them, in a person, the connection of organs and tissues with nervous system affected area, and muscle fibers partially atrophy.

How are fears formed?

As a rule, muscle tension in the human body occurs if some situation in the soul, that is, in the body, caused a reaction of fear. Often, in response to fear, such tension occurs in the collar zone (when the head is pressed into the shoulders), in the muscles around the eyes (as if they were glazed), in the diaphragm (breathing stopped) and in the hands (when a person's hands tremble). If the reaction of fear is repeated or lasts, then the muscle tension turns into a clamp - a kind of "storage of fear". Sometimes it stretches for hours, days and even years.

If a muscle clamp has formed in you, then you begin to feel fear, even when nothing terrible is happening around you. This is due to the fact that your body memory simply works, which forms general feeling anxiety. And also a sharp feeling of fear when something similar to dangerous situation appears next to you. Where people with a “clean body” will not be afraid or the fear will be weak and easily overcome, a person with severe muscle clamps will be seriously afraid. In some cases - to nausea and complete paralysis of the whole body.

Clamps in children

As for children, even the body of a newborn is not completely free from them. Already from birth, almost every person receives his own unique set of birth defects during the period of fetal formation. They, in turn, immediately acquire muscle spasms that balance them. These things, along with genetics, affect further development character and ability of the child.

However, unlike genetics, they can be corrected. Methods here are specific: manual therapy, stretching, massage and the like. In addition, you should start even before the onset of pregnancy. Adequate physical training mothers in most cases are able to reduce the number of birth injuries in the baby.

Ways to relax

Relaxation of muscle clamps is beneficial. As a rule, this leads to the restoration of mental balance, a person has a feeling of complete and deep rest. First of all, it is reflected in his face. In addition, blood circulation improves, lymphatic and venous outflow normalizes, skin and muscle elasticity is restored. It's great when people are able to independently realize and learn to relax muscle clamps.

But often they do not feel the tightened muscles and cannot relax them with a conscious effort. At the same time, most people intuitively feel the need to relax them. They touch their face with very characteristic and precise movements, trying to relieve tension in this way. Take off with your hands literally words.

Surface clamps help to remove auto-training. And deep - using other techniques. For example, the Rosen method or holotropic.

Holotropic Breathwork is one of the most effective of the techniques.

Let's relax a little. Sit comfortably and close your eyes:

1) Breathe deeply and slowly

2) Next, you need to walk with your inner eye over your entire body. Start from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Or in reverse order. Then find the places of greatest tension. Often these are lips, mouth, jaws, nape, neck, shoulders,.

3) Try to tighten the clamps even more until the muscles tremble. You need to do this while inhaling.

4) Now feel this tension.

5) Drop it sharply - already on the exhale

6) Do this 5-6 times.

In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness. But if the clamp cannot be removed, especially on the face, then try to smooth it out. WITH with the help of a lung self-massage in a circular motion fingers. You can make various grimaces - surprise, anger, joy, and so on.

Exercises to release bodily clamps and loosen up should be an integral part of every public speaking and acting skills. Release from muscle clamps in the body is one of the indirect ways to liberation from psychological clamps. Such exercises are warming up and should be given at the beginning of the session.

Attention and muscle freedom are in constant dependence on each other. A speaker or actor is free if he is truly focused on some object and at the same time distracted from others. However, on the other hand, the lack of muscular freedom does not give the speaker the opportunity to fully focus on the desired object. It follows that both attention and muscle freedom are closely intertwined. They accompany the process of stage action and are necessary condition acting and oratory. Thus, exercises for the liberation of muscles and attention can be combined into one group.