Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are the types of human activities. Human activity and its main forms

Activities can be divided into stages. Can be classified as stages

  • the process of involvement in activities,
  • goal setting process
  • action design process,
  • the process of taking action,
  • the process of analyzing the results of actions and comparing them with the goals set.

First in Soviet psychology author and developer of a multi-level concept of the organization of behavior, Psychology of activity, psychology of personality and psychological theory development of the subject in activity and in communication, which was developed later by S. L. Rubinshtein, V. S. Merlin and A. N. Leontiev, was M. Ya. Basov].

Participants of the Moscow logical circle and the Moscow methodological circle (G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others) developed a system-thought-activity methodology (SMD-methodology) - categorical apparatus for research, organization and management of systems of thinking and activity. =)


Types of activity in relation to the subject to the implemented object

Types of activity are distinguished according to the types of relationship of the subject to the world of objects implemented in these forms of activity:

  • Practical activity is aimed primarily at transforming the world in accordance with the goals set by man.
  • Cognitive activity serves the purpose of understanding the objective laws of the existence of the world, without which it is impossible to perform practical tasks.
  • Aesthetic activity associated with the perception and creation of works of art involves the transmission (transmission) of meanings, which are determined by value orientations any society or individual.

see also

  • activity structure


  1. Gulyakhin V. N. Logical and philosophical analysis of some conceptual problems of the theory of activity // Bulletin of Volgogradskogo state university. Series 7. Issue. 3. 2003. S. 23 - 28.
  2. Petrovsky A. V. Personality. Activity. Collective. Moscow: Politizdat. - 1982. - 255 p.
  3. Podolets V.V. social activities as highest form self-organization of material systems//Self-government in society: origin, essence, development. Dis. …cand. philosophy nauk.- L.: Leningrad State University - 1988. - 179 p.
  4. Podolets VV Self-organization, activity and human problems // New understanding of philosophy: problems and prospects. - M.: RAN. −1993. - S. 116-118.
  5. Podolets VV Activity as a social form of self-organization//The Russian Idea and the Idea of ​​Globalization. - 1993 .
  6. Podolets VV The Russian Idea and the Idea of ​​Globalization//Philosophy, Man, Civilization: New Horizons of the 21st Century. Part I. - Saratov: Scientific Book publishing house LLC. - 2004. - S. 171-175.

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In human activity, his needs are completed. They also activate it. That is, in the process of activity, actual needs are satisfied, new ones are formed. However, in this case, not only a change in needs occurs, but also a change in the individuality of a person. What other influence does activity have on human development? Let's figure it out.

Activity is a form of human activity aimed at cognition, transformation of the surrounding world, oneself and the conditions of one's existence. This is what distinguishes a person from an animal, emphasizes the social in human nature.

  • Activities are not limited to satisfying needs.
  • It is determined by the goals and requirements of society.
  • Actions are associated with the development of personality, human consciousness (including self-awareness).
  • This is a consciously regulated process of human interaction with the world.

In activity, a person acts as a creator, a creator. In the process, they develop:

  • intellectual abilities of the individual;
  • creative imagination;
  • worldview;
  • system of ideals and values;
  • emotional and aesthetic attitude to the world.

As a member of society, a person is valuable when he leads an active working, social life, performs actions and bears responsibility for them.

Subject of activity

Activity is always subjective. The subject is what it is aimed at. It can exist independently or be created in the course of the activity itself.

Operating principles

The activity is based on the principle of functionality and the principle of consistency.

  • The first involves reliance on the already developed mental elements that are mobilized to achieve the goal.
  • The principle of systemic presupposes inclusion individual qualities personalities, on the basis of which several blocks in the structure can be distinguished.

Activity structure

There are six blocks. Each of the elements is interconnected with others, interpenetrating.

This is where they get to work. A motive is an objectified need. The desire to satisfy a need, that is, to receive specific subject encourages activity. Activity is impossible without a motive.


Main element. It has two forms of manifestation:

  • as a result presented by a person;
  • as the desired level of achievement.


A person decides what and how he should do, that is, it is the choice of methods and means, the assessment of his own resources. The work includes cognitive, motivational, executive spheres.

Information base

Its efficiency depends on the adequacy and completeness of information data on the conditions of activity.

Making decisions

One of the alternative options is selected, mastered, rules and criteria for achieving the goal are developed.

Personal qualities significant for activity

These are character traits, inclinations and other individual characteristics that will help you achieve your goal.

Activity Components

The activity is always inner plan and outward manifestation between which there is an inextricable link. From external operations with objects (objective thinking), information, being transformed by the psyche, turns into internal images, ideals ( creative thinking). This process of transition is called internalization.

The reverse action (creating something materially through internal representations) is exteriorization.

Action is a tool to achieve a goal

Action is a part of the activity aimed at achieving intermediate result in specific conditions. Consists of operations - methods of execution according to the conditions.

physical actions

These are external, motor actions with objects that consist of movements.

Smart Actions

Internal mental actions with images and concepts based on external actions with objects.

The psyche is the regulator of activity

The reflection of the world by the psyche occurs consciously, that is, in the process of actions a person:

  • is aware (partially or fully) of the purpose of his actions;
  • represents the result;
  • perceives and evaluates the conditions in which one has to act;
  • builds step by step plan, algorithm of operations;
  • makes volitional efforts;
  • supervises the process;
  • experiences success and failure.

Knowledge, skills, habits

Knowledge, skills, or ZUN is the basis responsible for the organization and management of practical activities.


These are images of sensations and perceptions, further processed into representations and concepts. Without them, conscious purposeful activity is impossible. Knowledge increases the effectiveness of actions.


This is the mastery of the method of performing an action that does not require reinforcement by exercises. Conscious individual control is the main difference between skills. They are closely related to thinking and are impossible without active intellectual activity. Skills allow you to find a way out of non-standard situations, respond to changes in external conditions.


Skills are actions brought to automaticity. Success depends on skills. Skills are formed through exercises - repeated repetition of a specific action (actions). The skill is based on a dynamic stereotype, that is, a neural connection between the elements of an action. This happens uncontrollably, but if there is some kind of inaccuracy, then the person immediately notices it. The stronger the nerve connection, the faster and better the action.

Skills are motor, mental, sensory, behavioral. A skill is formed in several stages:

  • introductory (comprehension of actions, familiarity with the methods of implementation);
  • preparatory (conscious, but inept performance of an action);
  • standardizing (unity and automatism of actions);
  • situational (mastering the arbitrariness of action).

Learning new skills is always influenced by old ones. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it hinders. In the first case we are talking on the coordination of skills, in the second - on interference (contradiction). Skills are consistent when:

  • the system of movements of one skill coincides with the system of movements of another;
  • one skill is a means of better assimilation of another;
  • the end of one skill is the beginning of another and vice versa.

Accordingly, interference occurs under the reverse conditions.


A habit is an action that has become a need. There are also habits. Habits, like skills, are based on dynamic stereotypes. Habits are formed through:

  • imitations;
  • multiple random repetition;
  • conscious purposeful learning.

They can be an engine or an inhibitory factor in the performance of activities.


There are many types of activities, but in psychology it is customary to distinguish 4 main ones.

Communication is the first activity in which a person participates (intimate-personal communication with the mother). In this form of activity, the first development of personality takes place.

The purpose of communication is to establish mutual understanding, personal and business relations, providing mutual assistance, teaching and educational influence of people on each other.

It should be noted that some researchers do not consider communication independent activity, but rather call it a means for the implementation of another activity, the achievement of the goals of another activity. However, in infancy this is the type of leader.

A game

Play is the main activity childhood, but also at subsequent age stages it persists. Allows you to learn social experience human activity and human relations. For adults, the game is relaxation, stress relief.

Playful activity prepares a person for further education and labor. She develops:

  • thinking,
  • memory,
  • imagination,
  • Attention,
  • capabilities,
  • will.

And also determines the formation of character.


Educational activity stood out from labor. Assumes:

  • assimilation of information about the properties of the surrounding world (knowledge), techniques, operations (skills);
  • development of the ability to choose techniques and operations in accordance with the goals and conditions (skills).

AT learning activities there is an assimilation of knowledge, development of skills, abilities, development of abilities.


Labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially significant product. Labor is the basis of human existence, his mental and personal development.

There are other types of activity, but they all line up within the framework of one of the four named or at the junction of several types. The choice depends on the strength, quantity, originality of the needs of a particular person.

However, at each age, a person performs several types of activities at once, and only one remains the leader. For example, for an adult, this is work.

Individual style of activity

This fixture nervous system person and the characteristics of the organism to the activities performed. At the core individual style situated:

  • skills;
  • skills;
  • experience.

The purpose of this adaptation is to achieve best result at the lowest cost. Temperament determines the success and failure of a person in a particular activity.


Conscious purposeful activity is the difference between people and animals. In its process, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, ensures the progress (although sometimes regression) of society, influences nature (preserves or destroys).

Any activity is a creative way beyond the natural, work on oneself and the world. Man not only consumes, but also creates. With it, he influences his life.

Thanks to her, mental development personality. However, at the same time mental processes(, attention, imagination, memory, speech) are components and even certain types activities.

Human activities- a rather subjective concept, since, if desired, they can be described on more than one page, but most psychologists and sociologists have decided on three main specific types: learning, play and work. Each age has its own main activity, but this does not mean that adults do not play, and schoolchildren do not work.

Labor activity.

Labor activity ( work) is the transformation by a person of both material and intangible objects, in order to use them in the future to meet their needs. By the nature of the applied actions, labor activity is divided into:

  • practical activities(or productive activity - changing objects of nature, or changing society);
  • spiritual activity(intellectual, creativity, etc.).

It is this type of activity, according to most anthropologists, that is driving force human evolution. Thus, in the process of labor, the purpose of which is the production of a product, the worker himself is formed. Perhaps labor is one of the main types of activity, but there would be no effective labor activity without one more of its types - teaching, or training.

Educational activity.

Learning activities ( training, education) is an activity aimed at obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities. The value of this type of activity is that it prepares a person for work. Teaching is broad concept, which has many varieties. This is not necessarily sitting out your pants at school at your desk. This includes sports training, and reading books, and movies, and TV shows (not all TV shows, of course). Self-education as a type of learning can take place in a passive, unconscious form throughout a person's life. For example, you were flipping through channels on TV and accidentally heard a recipe on a cooking show, and then it suddenly came in handy for you.

Game activity.

Game activity ( a game) - a type of activity, the purpose of which is the activity itself, and not the result. The case when the main thing is participation, that is, the process itself is important. Takovo classic definition. Nevertheless, the game, in my opinion, is, if not a kind of training, then its offshoot, because it, like training, is a preparation for work. A sort of spin-off of study, if you will. A game of dice, Cossack robbers, "Call of Duty" or "Who wants to become a millionaire" - all these games, to one degree or another, teach some kind of mental or physical activity, bring some skills, knowledge, abilities. Develop logic, erudition, reaction, the physical state bodies and so on. There are many types of games: individual and group, subject and story, role-playing, intellectual, etc.

Variety of activities.

The above classification of human activity is generally accepted, but not the only one. Sociologists single out some types of activity as the main ones, psychologists others, historians the third, and culturologists the fourth. They characterize activity in terms of its usefulness/uselessness, morality/immorality, creation/destruction, etc. Human activity can be labor and leisure, creative and consumer, creative and destructive, cognitive and value-oriented, and so on.

Activity- a way of man's relationship to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the goals of man.
Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative and transformative attitude to the world around.
Character traits human activities:

  • Conscious character : a person consciously puts forward the goals of the activity and foresees its results, thinks through the most appropriate ways to achieve them.
  • productive nature : aimed at obtaining a result (product).
  • Transformative nature : man changes the world(affects the environment with specially created means of labor, which enhance physical abilities man) and himself (a man keeps his natural organization unchanged, at the same time changing his way of life).
  • public character : a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.


motive(from lat. movere - set in motion, push) - a set of internal and external conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity (for example, needs, interests, social attitudes beliefs, drives, emotions, ideals).
Purpose of activity- this is a conscious image of the result, to achieve which the action of a person is directed.

GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF ANY ACTIVITY. Find in it the subject and object, motive, goal, select methods and means, describe the process and result.


material activity is the creation of material values ​​and things that are necessary to satisfy human needs. It includes material and production activities related to the transformation of nature, and socially transformative activities related to the transformation of society.
spiritual activity associated with a change in people's consciousness, the creation of scientific, artistic, moral values and ideas. It includes cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activity.
cognitive activity reflects reality in scientific and art form, as well as in myths, legends, religious teachings.
Value-oriented activity is the formation of a person's worldview and his attitude to the world around him.
predictive activity represents the foresight and conscious planning of changes in the existing reality.

There are various criteria activity classification:

  • by objects and results of activity — the creation of wealth or cultural values;
  • by subject of activity - individual and collective;
  • by the nature of the activity - for example, reproductive or creative;
  • according to compliance legal regulations - legal and illegal;
  • according to moral standards - moral and immoral;
  • in relation to social progress - progressive and reactionary;
  • by areas public life — economic, social, political, spiritual.



Basic forms of human activity:

  1. A game- this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation. The game, like art, offers a certain solution in the conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of model of the situation. The game makes it possible to simulate specific life situations.
  2. Doctrine- a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities by a person. The peculiarity of the doctrine is that it serves as a means psychological development person. teaching can be organized and unorganized (self-education).
  3. Communication- this is an activity in which there is an exchange of ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.). The means used are distinguished the following types communication: direct and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal .
  4. Work- a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Characteristic features of labor: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical usefulness, transformation of the external environment.

Creation- this is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, which has never existed before. The most important mechanisms creative activity are:

1) combining existing knowledge;

2) imagination, that is, the ability to create new sensory or mental images;

3) fantasy, which is characterized by the brightness and unusualness of the ideas and images created;

4) intuition - knowledge, the methods of obtaining which are not realized.

Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.