Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Computer technologies in teaching iya. Games in foreign language lessons; design methodology; computer teaching a foreign language

Especially a lot is said, since they are designed to significantly improve the process of perception, understanding and deep assimilation of the studied material. The use of such computer technologies in practice has proved the effectiveness of their use.

Anyone who has ever used a computer will agree that this device is intrinsically interactive. Thus, the computer is the most suitable assistant in teaching a foreign language, the purpose of which is interactive communication. Particularly successful systems for teaching a foreign language using a computer began to develop in Lately with the advent of CD-ROMs and the popularization of the Internet. These truly revolutionary developments have turned foreign language learning into a living, creative process. The invention of the speech synthesizer and the use of interactive video have led to the creation of beautiful realistic programs that offer students great amount stories that not only stimulate interest, but are also of great pedagogical value.

Computer-assisted language learning has many advantages. Let's combine them into several groups.

First of all, I would like to point out psychological and pedagogical feature computer method: on the one hand, the student is given freedom of action, there is no constant guardianship on the part of the teacher, but on the other hand, there are higher requirements that are calculated on the student's ability to effectively organize their activities.

Computer training brings a huge motivational potential. To make learning more entertaining, the programs include elements of well-known computer games, skillfully modifying them for educational purposes.

The computer guarantees confidentiality. Thus, the student's self-esteem does not decrease and a psychologically comfortable atmosphere is created in the classroom.

Another and most significant group of advantages lies in the methodological advantages of computer learning. More than 10 years ago, teachers began to use the ability of a computer to instantly respond to input information to create simple training programs in the form of exercises. The computer provides a large degree interactivity learning than working in a classroom or in a language laboratory. This is ensured by the constant and direct response of the machine to the responses of the students during the exercise.

Computer training is the best fit for the principles individual training.

The great importance cannot be underestimated practices when learning a foreign language. In the educational process, it is not enough to pronounce the phrase once, it must be repeated several times; it is desirable to change it language design so as to more clearly identify the content. Here, too, a computer can help: programs that include databases allow you to repeat such constructions, changing only individual components or context.

Let's talk about technical advantages learning a foreign language using a computer. Over the past few years, computer learning has attracted the attention of artificial intelligence specialists, and attempts have been made to create programs that can successfully handle machine translation. It should be noted that now there are several programs that perform translation quite accurately. However, there are some problems with machine translation, namely, the illiterate use of computer translation programs and electronic dictionaries. If it is clear to the teacher that phraseological turn However, neither idioms nor many other realities of life can be translated “automatically”, then students, for various reasons, often resort to such methods, which often adversely affects the quality of translation.

As for learning oral speech, which for a long time remained a weak point in computer-aided learning of a foreign language, a sharp shift has been noted in this area after the development of multimedia - a number of devices that significantly expand the capabilities of a computer. In particular, the use of CD-ROMs makes it possible to store and use much more information than before, so that a computer can now play back a recording of individual words, phrases, and entire texts. Sound cards even allow you to record your speech, and then listen to it and compare it with the pronunciation of native speakers or see a diagram of your recording on the monitor. Most programs also allow you to vary the pace of the speech "pronounced" by the computer. The graphic capabilities of the computer further distinguish this method of learning from the traditional ones and allow you to present any type of activity in the form of pictures or animation. This is especially important when dealing with new vocabulary, since the image on the monitor allows you to associate a phrase in a foreign language directly with an action, and not with a phrase in your native language.

multimedia programs help to form, improve, correct listening skills, automate lexical skills, as well as improve, systematize and fill in gaps in grammatical knowledge.

The advantage of such programs is the sound, image, processing and storage of large amounts of data.

Everyone who has studied a foreign language probably remembers the difficult period of mastering the rules of pronunciation. These difficulties, first of all, are connected with the fact that it is necessary to learn to recognize by ear and articulate new sounds in one's own speech, most of which differ significantly from the sounds of the Russian language; and it is also necessary to master a specific intonation; learn how to correctly stress the word and phrase. And for students who study French directly, they also have to learn two phonetic phenomena "Liaison" and "Enchaînement" without which the French language loses its euphony.

All these difficulties increase with the transition to mastery of reading. So, for example, most letters of the French language are "forced" to be read differently in various combinations and positions. Moreover, different reading options are typical not only for vowels, but also for consonants. So, for example, the letter E can be read, depending on its position and the presence of accents, as the sound [e], [ə], as well as [œ], and [ø] when combined with other letters. Certain difficulties are caused French letter H, since by itself this letter is unpronounceable, and when combined with other letters, it gives the sounds th-[t], ch, ph-[f].

Full-fledged speech in a foreign language is unthinkable without automated pronunciation skills that allow a person not to think about how a single sound is articulated. This is especially important in cases where the sound quality has semantic properties and can lead to a distortion of the meaning of speech in a foreign language. So, for example, in French, vowels are divided into open and closed. The word "paume" (palm) has a closed sound, and the word "pomme" (apple) has an open sound.

One of the most favorable and effective forms of teaching pronunciation, after creating an orienting basis for action, is individual training in recognizing and reproducing the sounds of a foreign language in isolation or in context. This type of work allows you to determine the required number of repetitions. In the learning process, it is also essential to control the quality of the formed pronunciation skills. To solve these problems, the most effective just seems to be the use of multimedia tools.

Multimedia tools “help not only hear and see the standard, but also record and then listen to your own pronunciation; see on the screen the similarities and differences in the sound of the standard and your speech using graphs and speech signals, where the boundaries of each phoneme are marked. Comparing the graphs of the sound of your speech with the speech of a native speaker, you can hear and see your mistakes and successes.

Visualization of speech makes the process of work not only productive, but also exciting.

So, multimedia programs can be characterized as follows:

They occupy a certain place in the system of teaching aids;

They perform the functions of forming auditory and lexical and grammatical skills;

All channels of perception are productively used: auditory, motor, visual;

Built entirely on authentic learning material;

Combine teaching and control functions;

Form skills independent work;

Enrich vocabulary;

Contribute to the formation of spelling skills;

They offer a fascinating interactive form of work that enhances the learning effect and increases the motivation for learning in general.

Nowadays, in many universities of the country (including NSTU), work is underway to introduce distance education, interactive learning methods are used, in particular, audio and multimedia, Internet technologies, electronic educational publications, computer tutorials, dictionaries. Various forms of information exchange are widespread: e-mail, Internet, TV and video conference, teleconference, electronic library.

Most of the students who come to our university today are familiar with the basics of programming. They know how to use many software products and where to get necessary information. Already today, huge layers of information are obtained by students in the course of independent work. In this regard, the primacy belongs, of course, global computer network, which makes it possible to work not only with textual material, but also with graphics, audio and visual series. An important point is the distribution of such software products as computer encyclopedias, guides, e-books, reference books, dictionaries, textbooks. The Internet provides access to colossal and diverse sources of linguistic and non-linguistic (cultural) information. Regular use of the Internet makes the learning process more attractive for students, as they get unlimited access to interesting regional studies materials that compare favorably with static texts in a textbook. With the help of the Internet, you can, first of all, increase your lexicon and, secondly, improve spelling.

The educational value of the Internet includes two aspects:

1. Support communication with subscribers all over the world;

2. access to remote sources of information and international libraries.

Another promising innovation in computer technology is interactive video.“The program is a film in a foreign language. Students react to the situations offered by the computer (they answer the questions of the film characters, guide their actions), and thus change the script of the film and, as it were, participate in the development of events.

For the first time, the use of computer technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​interested me in 1998, when, together with a teacher at the Department of Informatics of the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College, where I worked as a teacher of English and French at that time, a computer program was compiled for the final control of students' knowledge in the form of tests . The jointly created program was presented by me to other teachers of foreign languages ​​at an open lesson. The test was designed for students studying French during the year and controlled the knowledge of students in the field of grammar.

The use of the test as a means of knowledge control showed then that the use of computer programs reduces the time of the test, minimizes the time spent on checking, and also makes it possible to accumulate statistical information about the results and mistakes made by students. The analysis of this information made it possible to draw a conclusion about the quality of assimilation of the material by students.

Computer testing - one of the elements of educational technologies that are widely used in universities, colleges and even schools for training, intermediate and final control of knowledge. In comparison with a traditional survey, testing improves the result, saves time in processing the results, activates the process of studying the material, making it more interesting for both the teacher and students.

In conclusion, I would like to say that “the concept of scientific, scientific, technical and innovation policy in the education system of the Russian Federation calls one of the main goals the provision of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the level of world qualification requirements. The active participation of Russia in the life of the world community, the emergence of international scientific and technical projects, the development of exchange programs for students and teachers make a foreign language a necessary subject for successful professional activity. Foreign language proficiency is now necessary condition successful work specialist. The use of new information technologies, including computer ones, contributes to improving the quality of teaching a foreign language.


1. Bibolite means as a component of the teaching materials "Enjoy English" for high school. - IASH. - No. 3. – M., 1999. – P.95.

2. Makarevich of the Internet at a German lesson. - IASH. - No. 5. - M., 2001. – p. 40

3. All Russian materials. scientific method. conf. "Foreign Languages ​​and Teaching Technologies in the 21st Century", St-P, January 22-23, 2001, Publishing House St-P gos. University of Economics and Finance, 2001

4. Shtemenko training: pros and cons. - IASH. - No. 3. - M., 2002. - S. 10.

CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning

In applied linguistics, there is a section on the theory and methods of teaching a foreign language. Exist different approaches to learning a foreign language:

1. Grammar-translation method. The main goal is to read texts and translate them into their native language and study grammar.

2. A direct method of teaching foreign languages, the essence of which is the refusal to teach the system, incl. grammar, i.e. "immersion" of a person in the language environment. Based on it, audiolingual and audiovisual methods were developed, the essence of which is the presentation of the language through ready-made structures and their memorization with the help of technical means. Learning grammar here is from examples to rules.

3. Communication-oriented approach. Essence: a reflection of the speech intentions of a person. (i.e. studying not by topics, but speech situations-discourses, usually taken from the practice of native speakers. Assuming the study of regional studies and features of communication among native speakers.

On the basis of these methods, various methodological techniques were developed, containing elements of a particular method, none of the methods was dominant.

In computational linguistics, there is new technology CALL (see above), i.e. technology that combines existing methods teaching foreign languages ​​and it is now promising, because. allows you to use multimedia technology, which fully allows you to simulate an environment that imitates the linguistic and communicative reality, as well as activate the basic methodological principles of teaching foreign languages, i.e. acquisition of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. An important condition for the successful use of a computer in language learning is the creation of powerful support tools, which should consist of teaching computer courses, electronic dictionaries, machine translators, various kinds of directories, text programs, spelling systems, etc. Hypertext-technology can serve as a binding basis for the organization of CALL - environments.

Well established in language teaching the following types tasks: Close the gap exercises (semantics + grammar), crossword puzzles and vocabulary games, assembly exercises (mix), exercises using e-mail (creating various letters or electronic stories - maze) word-hunting; exercises on machine translation of texts and their subsequent processing; computer test various kinds of grammar sections with an assessment system; use of standard CDROM tutorials, e.g. phonetic sections with the ability to record and recognize speech.

The most famous computer training courses in Russia
Computer training courses are divided into different types of users (eg children, business English, phonetic course, etc.).
"Reward" is a very good level course, for several years of study, for adults, universities.
"Professor Higgins - English without an accent". It is considered a good phonetic course. BIT, with the participation of Cambridge professional announcer Bill Sheffard. Moscow.
"English Tutor" - International Center, Moscow. Approved by Academician Kitaygorodskaya G.A. Specialist. disc - tutor for adults.
"English for All" - multimedia course for schoolchildren
"Euro Plus" - known abroad for students studying
English language. America. (systematic study of the language for 3 years).
"Complete English" - 2 parts. everyday language + language for communication. Computer version of Ignatova's course.
Alice Through the Looking Glass for Children New Media Generation
Alice in Wonderland

On the Internet you can find a lot of information on teaching foreign languages ​​using computer environments (especially a lot on foreign sites).

Issues for discussion:

· Functions of technical teaching aids in a foreign language lesson. Technical teaching aids at the stage of presenting new knowledge, at the stage of consolidating and testing knowledge.

· Personality-developing technology of teaching a foreign language.

· Method of projects in teaching a foreign language.

· Multi-level teaching of a foreign language.

· Computer teaching a foreign language.

Functions of technical means in teaching a foreign language.

In the process of teaching foreign languages ​​in modern school lighting and sound equipment are used. Lighting equipment (film projectors, overhead projectors, frame projectors, overhead projectors, filmoscopes) provide visual information that can perform a variety of functions during training:

Serve as a support for understanding speech structure;

To be a link between the semantic and sound side of the word and thus facilitate memorization;

Project various situations on the screen to facilitate speaking in a foreign language;

Act as feedback in the form of keys.

Sound equipment (tape recorders, electrophones, audio passive and audio active devices of language laboratories) allow for all types of sound visualization when teaching pronunciation, have the ability to present educational information in a natural speech form when teaching listening and speaking, and contribute to the intensification of the educational process.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, actively researched learning opportunities technical means. great attention they are given in the works of K.B. Karpova, A.S. Lurie, M.V. Lyakhovitsky and other Russian and foreign methodologists. As a result of summarizing the experience and results of the studies, it was found that the rational use of technical means allows:

Compensate for the lack of a natural foreign language environment at all stages of education;

To better implement the important didactic principle of visibility;

To carry out training taking into account the individual typological characteristics of each student;

Create Better conditions for programming and control;

Provide accelerated formation and development of auditory self-control skills;

Make the most of the analytical and imitative abilities of students, mobilize their internal resources more fully;

More or less accurately determine the quality indicators foreign speech students in magnetic recording;

Perform many active types of exercises with all students at the same time, including speaking.

The creation of an artificial foreign language environment in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​is one of the important problematic issues of modern methodology. First of all, it is connected with the implementation of the mass, i.e. with the active simultaneous participation of a large number of students, teaching two of the four main types speech activity: listening and speaking (conditionally communicative or communicative). How great the role of technical means in solving these problems is evidenced by the fact that earlier - before the advent of technical means - these tasks were not even set, since the methodology lacked the necessary means for their practical solution.

The appearance of sound recording as a specific educational tool was the beginning new era in the teaching of foreign languages, thanks to technical means, unlimited possibilities have opened up for creating an artificial foreign language environment at any time of learning: in the classroom, in the laboratory, at home, and even in natural sleep conditions.

The rational use of technical means gives the teacher the opportunity to load the speech and auditory channels of students to any reasonable limits and activate their speech activity in the required direction.

So, the need for the widespread introduction of TSS in teaching a foreign language is due to the fact that their application opens up great opportunities for the implementation of one of the most important didactic principles - the principle of visibility. Technical teaching aids have firmly entered the educational process, have become the present day of the school. At the same time, we must not forget that a lesson with the use of technical teaching aids inevitably affects subsequent lessons on this topic, the stability of knowledge depends on its quality - after all, a lesson with technical teaching aids is the most saturated both in educational and informational and emotional terms. What are the main problems the teacher should solve when organizing a lesson using technical teaching aids?

The feasibility of using technical means is the first problem. The use of technical teaching aids should be determined by the content of the topic, the materials of previous and subsequent lessons. The expediency of using technical means is decided, firstly, by the content of the studied material and, secondly, by the specific features this tool or a set of funds. The appropriate selection of technical means for a particular lesson is determined by the learning goal this lesson. TCO should not be applied for the sake of form.

Second important problem standing in front of the teacher is the place of technical teaching aids in the lesson. The method of constructing a lesson with the use of technical teaching aids largely depends on the correct solution of this problem. The content of the film or program inevitably affects the construction of the lesson. Therefore, it is very important to determine the exact place of the technical means in the lesson. There can be no exact single recipes, recommendations given once and for all. In determining the place of the technical teaching aid in the lesson, in addition to the content of the topic, the content and specifics of the manual, it is especially important for the teacher to take into account such features as the ability to comment on the film, the ability to organize and maintain a conversation-discussion on what has been watched or heard.

Technical teaching aids at the stage of presenting new knowledge and at the stage of consolidating and testing knowledge.

The teacher should keep in mind the proven and substantiated psychological principle of attitude. It is the attitude that will help turn sensation into purposeful observation, into perception, into the process of selecting facts, sorting and evaluating them. Perception of any educational information necessarily connected with the experience of students, with their knowledge and horizons. Experience in the minds of students lives in the form of representations and takes part in classes, in the work of students. How will it proceed educational process how the assimilation of new material will take place depends largely on the state of the students, on their interest, on their readiness (attitude) for independent work. Therefore, before starting to show a film or listen to a sound recording, it is necessary to clearly and precisely formulate the purpose of viewing or listening. When determining the purpose of viewing or listening, the teacher must clearly formulate the task and give no more than one task. The perception of a broadcast or a film is a complex, difficult process for students, requiring simultaneous tension of both auditory and visual analyzers (when listening to a sound recording or radio broadcast, the visual analyzer is not involved, which makes the process easier for students). If these analyzers, psychologists say, work simultaneously on the same task, then the effect is guaranteed; if received for simultaneous solution different tasks require intensive work of different analyzers, then there is a danger of their (analyzers) mutual inhibition, which negatively affects the process and quality of information perception.

Technical teaching aids at the stage of consolidating knowledge play an equally important role. In a lesson with the use of technical means, the teacher should strive to ensure the stability and strength of knowledge. Physiologists say that our knowledge is based on temporary connections that arise in the cerebral cortex. The strength of these connections largely depends on the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. In turn (in relation to learning), the processes of excitation and inhibition are associated with the experience of schoolchildren, with their activity at the time of obtaining knowledge. The more active the students at this moment, the stronger their knowledge. However, the resulting connections will quickly fade if they are not consolidated and strengthened. Science has proven that in the process of consolidating connections, and therefore, strengthening knowledge, the importance of visual aids, especially dynamic ones, is great. That is why it is very important to organize work in the classroom after watching, to be able - at least in the imagination of students - to restore what they saw or heard once again, to revive the images. However, the meaning of repetition depends on what the student does in the process of repetition, how reinforcement is organized. In the process of questioning with the help of technical teaching aids, it is possible to make a film, filmstrip, sound recording material practical application students' knowledge - such a test is more effective, much more accurate than the usual retelling of a memorized paragraph from a textbook. Experimental testing of schoolchildren's knowledge, organized with the help of technical means, sometimes gives unexpected data.

Game in a foreign language lesson.

Educational game - is one of the forms of organization of the speech situation used in educational purposes. The learning game is based on the organized speech communication of students in accordance with the roles distributed between them and the game plot. The very term "game" in various languages ​​corresponds to the concepts of joke and laughter, lightness and pleasure, and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. The pinnacle of the evolution of play activity is the learning game, in the terminology of L.S. Vygotsky "imaginary situation". The discrepancy between the content of the game action and its constituent operations leads to the fact that the child plays in an imaginary situation, thereby generating and stimulating the process of imagination: work with images that permeates the entire gaming activity,
stimulates thought processes. According to M.F. Stronin, the game is special organized occupation requiring emotional and mental stress. The game always involves making a decision. But for children, the game is primarily an exciting activity. This game attracts teachers. Everyone is equal in the game. It is feasible even for the weakest students. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of tasks - all this gives the children the opportunity to overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using the words of a foreign language in speech, and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes.

Impossible to pinpoint exactly historic moment when the learning game first appears. It may be different for different peoples depending on the conditions of their existence and the forms of transition to a higher stage of development. In the early stages of development human society When the productive forces were still at a primitive level and society could not feed its children, and the tools of labor allowed them to directly, without any special training, include their children in the work of adults, there were no special exercises in mastering the tools of labor, let alone educational games. Children entered the life of adults, mastered the tools of labor and all relations, taking a direct part in the work of adults. At a higher stage of development, the inclusion of children in the most important areas of labor activity required special training, which took place on tools that were reduced in shape.

Thus, we can formulate the most important proposition for the theory of learning play: learning game arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system public relations. It is therefore social in origin, in nature. Its emergence is connected not with the action of any internal, innate instinctive forces, but with the quite definite social conditions of the child's life in society.

Psychological studies show that in the period from 4th to 10th grade, when a foreign language is being studied, the development of schoolchildren goes through several age stages. The younger school age, at which the study of a foreign language begins, is preceded not only by an earlier, until school age noah period, but also an earlier form of leading activity - the game. At the age of 7-11 years, teaching becomes the leading activity. This age is characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are happy to participate in any activity proposed by the teacher. The very novelty of the student's position provides an emotionally positive attitude towards it. The main thing is that the teacher constantly reinforces this attitude with an approving assessment of each child and his activities. In adolescents at the age of 11-15, the leading activity is associated with communication in the process of educational and labor activity. In adolescence, the child experiences a demonstrative dissociation from childhood, constant and active self-affirmation. Therefore, it is in vigorous independent activity that adolescents see a means of approaching the ideal of adulthood. This period is characterized by the rise of fantasy, restructuring emotional sphere, which leads to a radical change in the perception of the surrounding world.

The content of the leading activity of high school students at the age of 15-18 is educational and professional activities, the formation of a worldview (D.B. Elkonin). This age is characterized by aspiration to the future, the search for the meaning of life. Senior schoolchildren are on the threshold of choice: professions, life path, and often created family. Therefore, they are characterized by an orientation towards society, towards their future role in society. At the same time, reflection and self-deepening are enhanced. Hence - the increased selectivity of communication, its emotional richness. All these age-related psychological characteristics should be taken into account by teachers in the learning process. Such age periodization is not established once and for all. Changing the conditions of education and upbringing (education of children with more early age) introduces a change in the content of the leading activity, shifts the boundaries of the periods of development of students. The transition from one leading activity to another takes place in the form of interaction between old and new modes of behavior. Previously formed personality traits are preserved during the period when new personal properties appear and are actively formed, and during the period of the most full development the latter create the prerequisites for the emerging personality traits corresponding to the transition to a new leading activity and the next age stage. The game as one of the forms of reflection of the leading activity can correspond to the reached age, return to earlier forms of behavior, get ahead of the corresponding age stage and contribute to the preparation for a new leading activity. The educational game can be effectively used in foreign language lessons, taking into account the main provisions of the theory of leading activity and content age periods development of schoolchildren, research of problems of communication and speech activity:
- Primary school age: story role-playing game fabulous content;
- middle school age: plot role-playing game of domestic content;
- high school age: simulation role play cognitive content; simulation role-playing game of ideological content; imitation business game; role-playing game of everyday content (speech etiquette and culture of behavior).

Functions of educational games.

The role-playing game performs in the educational process four main functions: motivational-incentive, teaching, educational, orienting.
Being a model interpersonal communication, the role-playing game causes the need to communicate in a foreign language, and in this sense it fulfills motivational and incentive function. The educational game determines the choice of language means, promotes the development of speech skills and abilities, allows you to simulate the communication of students in various speech situations, in other words, a role-playing game is an exercise for mastering the skills and abilities of dialogical speech (DR) in interpersonal communication. In this regard, the game provides learning function.

It is difficult to overestimate the educational value of the educational game, its comprehensive influence on the teenager. Games bring up conscious discipline, diligence, mutual assistance, activity of a teenager, readiness to join in different types activity, independence, the ability to defend one's point of view, take the initiative, find optimal solution under certain conditions.

Here we are talking about educational function educational games.
The educational game forms the ability of schoolchildren to play the role of another person, to see themselves from the position of a communication partner. It focuses students on planning their own speech behavior and the behavior of the interlocutor, develops the ability to control their actions, to give an objective assessment of the actions of others.

Therefore, the learning game performs orienting function.
Structure of educational games.

In the structure of the educational game, it is customary to distinguish the following components: roles, initial situation, role-playing actions.
1. Roles. The roles that students perform in the classroom can be social and interpersonal. The former are determined by the individual's place in the system of objective social relations (professional, socio-demographic), the latter are determined by the individual's place in the system of interpersonal relations (leader, friend, rival, etc.).

2. initial situation- acts as a way of organizing it. In teaching a foreign language, speech situations are used, that is, those that cause a speech reaction of students. It is also necessary to proceed from the distinction between natural speech situations that arise on their own, and educational speech situations (URS), which are created artificially. M.V. Lyakhovitsky and E.I. Vishnevsky identify the following components of the situation: 1) the subject, 2) the object (subject of conversation), 3) the attitude of the subject to
the subject of conversation, 4) the conditions of the speech act.
As the dialogical skills of schoolchildren develop, the degree of development of each of the components of the URS may decrease. There are 3 levels of development of the ERS: the most complete, when the teacher describes in detail all the components of the ERS; the second is intermediate, when the conditions of the speech act are guessed by the students themselves; the third is minimal, where only the relation of the subject to the object is indicated. Corresponding to the identified levels of development of the LRS, the degree of independence of schoolchildren in the role-playing game also changes. So, URS is a constructive basis of role-playing games.
3. Learning activities that students perform while playing a certain role. Learning actions as a kind of game actions are organically linked with the role - the main component of learning games - and constitute the main, further indecomposable unit of the developed form of the game (D.B. Elkonin). They include verbal and non-verbal actions.

The game also has great learning opportunities:

The educational game can be regarded as the most accurate model of communication. After all, it presupposes the imitation of reality in its most essential features. In role-playing games, as in life itself, the verbal and non-verbal behavior of partners is closely intertwined.

The educational game has great opportunities motivational plan. Communication, as you know, is unthinkable without a motive. However, in educational conditions it is not easy to evoke a motive for an utterance. The difficulty lies in the following mediation: the teacher must describe the situation in such a way that an atmosphere of communication arises, which, in turn, causes students to have an internal need to express their thoughts.

The educational game involves the strengthening of personal involvement in everything that happens. The student enters the situation, although not through his "I", but through the "I" of the corresponding role. And here, as a rule, a very typical attitude of the actor towards the character he plays is manifested.

The educational game contributes to the expansion of the associative base in the assimilation of language material. It should be borne in mind that the educational play is built according to the type of theatrical plays, which involves a description of the situation, the nature of the characters, the relationship between them.

The educational game promotes formation of educational cooperation and partnership. After all, the performance of an etude involves the coverage of a group of students (the role-playing game is based not only on the basis of dialogue, but also on the basis of a polylogue), which must interact smoothly, accurately taking into account each other's reactions, and help each other. When distributing roles, one should take into account both the linguistic and "acting" abilities of students, entrusting some with more verbal, others with pantomime roles, while assigning others to the roles of "prompters", giving them the right to prompt based on the text. Thus, with the correct formulation of the case, the game can be regarded as organizational form contributing to the creation of a cohesive team, and this is its educational value.

Educational game has educational value. Students, albeit in an elementary way, are introduced to the technology of the theater. Any fiction is encouraged, because in educational conditions the possibilities in this respect are limited, and great open spaces are opened up for ingenuity. The reincarnation itself contributes to the expansion of the psychological range, understanding of other people.

Basic requirements for educational games:
1. The game should stimulate the motivation of learning, arouse students' interest and desire to complete the task well; it should be carried out on the basis of a situation adequate to the real situation of communication.
2. The educational game must be well prepared in terms of both content and form, clearly organized. It is important that students are convinced of the need to perform well in a particular role. Only under this condition will their speech be natural and convincing.
3. The learning game must be accepted by the whole group.
4. It is certainly held in a benevolent creative atmosphere, evokes a sense of satisfaction and joy in schoolchildren. The freer the student feels in the learning game, the more proactive he will be in communication.

5. The game is organized in such a way that students can use the practiced language with maximum efficiency in active speech communication. speech material.
6. The teacher himself certainly believes in the educational game, in its effectiveness. Only under this condition can he achieve good results.
7. The teacher's ability to establish contact with the children is of great importance. Creating a favorable, friendly atmosphere in the classroom is a very important factor. During the game, the teacher can sometimes take on some role, but not the main one, so that the game does not turn into traditional form work under supervision. The teacher controls the process of communication. During the game, the teacher does not correct the mistakes, but only writes them down unnoticed by the students in order to discuss the most typical ones in the next lesson.

Thus, learning games can be effectively used in lessons with students. different ages, if the main provisions of the theory of leading activity, the study of problems of communication and speech activity are taken into account. The educational game has great potential in practical, educational and educational terms. Games are ordered according to their intended purpose, according to the level of student independence in providing a foreign language role and according to the subject of management, and are also arranged taking into account the principle of a gradual increase in difficulties, form a methodological typology of educational games.

When referring to methodological typology, it should be borne in mind that in the process of using a learning game qualitative changes The structural components of the game are implemented gradually, so there can be no sharp distinctions between different types of role-playing games.

Methodical typology of educational games.

Let us consider in more detail the methodological typology of educational games. The educational game as a type of socio-psychological training (SPT) has a stable didactic structure, complicated (compared to the structure of children's role play) by introducing educational and professional psychological goals into it, as well as creating socio-psychological and didactic conditions necessary and sufficient to achieve gaming and non-gaming goals. The didactic structure of educational games is understood as a set of its components (goals, content, roles, socio-psychological and didactic conditions, props) and links (stages) that ensure its integrity under various external and internal changes. The educational game is a relatively complete cycle of controlled interaction between a teacher and a student, which consists of 3 stages: 1) preparing a role-playing game; 2) conducting a role-playing game; 3) collective discussion of the results of the role-playing game. Based on the main didactic relationship (the interaction of teaching and learning), let us consider the nature of the relationship between the student as the subject of learning and the main structural components of the learning game: goals, content, didactic conditions. Based on the need to form foreign language speech among students as a means of communication and learning, all learning games can be divided into social and household And professional and pedagogical. The purpose of using social educational games is to develop students' skills and abilities (professional and pedagogical communication in a foreign language, education of their pedagogical tact). The purpose of professional and pedagogical educational games is to develop the skills and abilities of students to communicate in a foreign language, to educate their pedagogical tact.

Let's turn to content educational games. intellectual level and creative possibilities students allow them (especially in group work) to develop and assimilate the semantic, meaningful component of the learning game without significant difficulties, that is, to determine the communicative situation, outline the plot of the game and role relationships, attract additional material, etc. However, the level of independence of students in the development
foreign language aspect of their role behavior during the preparation of the training game, it turns out to be very different: from the minimum to the maximum, which leads to the provision of minimal assistance to them and is conditionally defined as a given (unspecified role in a foreign language plan). To this it should be added that the degree of assignment / non- assignment of a role in a foreign language plan acquires different meaning at various stages of learning foreign language communication depending on the characteristics of the foreign language material, for example, common vocabulary for conversation in the field of social communication or a special terminological minimum for managing the process of preparing and discussing a role-playing game as a model of real pedagogical communication.
The didactic conditions of role-playing games are carried out both along the line of interaction with the educational and communicative situation in the process of conducting a role-playing game, and along the line of managing the process of its preparation, conduct and discussion. The main function in creating educational and communicative situations and in managing the process of preparing, conducting and discussing a learning game can be performed by both the teacher and the student.

IN social psychology roles are traditionally divided into three groups: social, interpersonal and psychological. Social roles, which are of a generalized nature, "prompt" actions within the framework of a well-known stereotype (doctor, patient). The only environment for communication in the classroom is professional and labor (study, training session), and all others act as imaginary: social (to a minimum), family, the sphere of games and hobbies. Social roles can be not only generalized (athlete, singer, composer), but also specific (A. Karpov, A. Pugacheva, N. Ozerov).

Interpersonal Role as if superimposed on the social, introduces certain nuances into the nature of communication: not just a neighbor on the desk, but a friend; not just a classmate, etc. Playing various roles in the learning process, the student trains in expressing his attitude to various phenomena of reality.

IN psychological roles individual personality traits are most pronounced. Psychological roles can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: a) roles that characterize the personality positively; b) neutral roles; c) roles containing a negative personality characteristic. The ability to evaluate events and facts from different positions expands the social experience of students, teaches communication. Such roles can also be generalized and specific. Psychological roles occupy, in a certain sense, an intermediate position between social and personal roles. How social roles they determine the place of the individual in the system of social relations and help to program the content of the utterance and language material; as interpersonal roles, they set the speaker's attitude to the subject of the conversation, to the interlocutor, since each such role contains rich information about the character traits of the character, his actions, biography facts. Fairy-tale characters set the most rigid stereotype of behavior, since they have a clear and unambiguous psychological characteristic. The roles of literary characters also clearly define the stereotype of behavior, although the psychological characteristics here are much richer and more diverse. Characters in textbook texts most often do not have a clear psychological characteristic, but they have another advantage: the text contains real samples of their speech behavior. Realizing the logic of the actions of these characters, students can speculate, develop the situation.

Personality-developing technology of teaching a foreign language.

The personality-developing technology of pedagogical influence of an educating adult is aimed at:

Establishment and creation of emotional and personal contact (first stage);

Development of emotional and personal relationships between the teacher and the child (second stage);

Formation of a harmonious system of relations (the third stage), which become a source of the child's activity, increased motivation to gain knowledge about the world around him in mastering the foreign language, recognizing and asserting his "I" in the ensemble of interpersonal relations.

The harmonious system of the child's relations with adults and peers becomes the source and condition for the development of the child's social activity as one of the indicators of his personal development.

In the modern school, the following facts interfere with the expedient student-oriented organization of the educational process:

Lack of organizational conditions for the realization of personal abilities of students in individual items;

The averageness of the entire learning process;

The need for “equal” attention to all academic subjects;

The priority of assessing knowledge, skills, skills, and not the efforts that this or that student spends on mastering these knowledge, skills, skills, which leads to the restraint of the process of intellectual, creative development schoolchildren.

Method of projects in teaching a foreign language.

The method of projects in teaching foreign languages ​​has recently gained more and more supporters. In the methodological and pedagogical literature, the concept of "method" is given the following definitions - this is a didactic category; a set of techniques, operations for mastering a certain area of ​​practical and theoretical knowledge, this or that activity; the path of knowledge; way of organizing the learning process.

The project method is a way to achieve didactic purpose through the detailed development of the problem. The development should end with a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another.

The project method is based on: the idea that is the essence of the concept of "project"; its pragmatic focus on the result that can be obtained by solving one or another practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real practice.

The project method essentially involves the use of a wide range of problematic, research, search methods that are clearly focused on a real practical result that is significant for the student, on the one hand, and on the other, the development of a holistic problem, taking into account various factors and conditions for its solution and implementation of the results.

The project method has found application in many countries of the world mainly because it allows you to seamlessly integrate the knowledge of students from different areas when solving one problem, makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while generating new ideas.

At foreign language lessons, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to express their thoughts in a foreign language, to reason over possible ways solving the speech problems posed to them in such a way that students focus on the content of their statement, so that the thought is in the center of attention, and the language acts in the function of forming and formulating these thoughts. This is facilitated by the competent use of the method of projects.

For the perception of a foreign language by children as a means of intercultural interaction, it is necessary to look for ways to include them in an active dialogue of cultures, so that children in practice can learn the features of the functioning of the language in a new culture for them. The main idea of ​​this approach to teaching a foreign language is to shift the emphasis from different kind exercises for active mental activity students, requiring for their registration the possession of certain language means. Using the method of projects in the lesson, you can easily implement these tasks.

The following basic requirements for the use of the project method in a foreign language lesson are distinguished:

The presence of a problem (task) that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution;

Practical, theoretical significance of the expected results;

Independent activity of students in the classroom and outside of school hours;

Structuring the content of the project;

Usage research methods: definition of the problem, the research tasks arising from it; putting forward a hypothesis for their solution; discussion of research methods; registration of final results; analysis of the received data; summarizing; adjustment of work; conclusions.

It is customary to define the following stages in the development of the project structure and its implementation in the methodology:

Presentation of situations that allow identifying one or more problems on the topic under discussion;

Proposing hypotheses for solving the problem posed, discussing and substantiating each of the hypotheses;

Discussion of methods for testing accepted hypotheses in small groups, possible sources of information for testing the hypothesis put forward, presentation of results;

Work in groups on the search for facts, arguments, confirming or refuting the hypothesis;

Protection of the projects of each of the groups with opposition from all those present;

Identification of new problems.

International telecommunications projects are of great interest. They allow solving the most difficult and at the same time the most significant task for the methodology - the creation of a language environment and, on its basis, the creation of a need for the use of a foreign language in practice.

Modern computer training programs must meet the following basic requirements:

1) combine training, control and search functions. The last function implies the possibility of accessing various dictionaries and reference books from the training program;

2) rely on learning scenarios that are close to traditional learning;

3) be multimedia, i.e. use text, sound, video, illustrations;

4) have intellectual and objective means of assessing knowledge, i.e. means by which even such a response of the student is evaluated, which is not fully provided for by the scenario;

A certain number of computer training programs, combined into one, can form a training course, a training system or a computer textbook.

A computer training course is a few simple training programs aimed at teaching a particular topic (“Family”, “Traveling”, etc.) or a separate phonetic, grammatical or lexical phenomenon (for example, the formation of tense forms of an English verb) .

The computer training system includes a large number of training programs and serves for detailed teaching of any aspect of the language - phonetics, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, text understanding - using test (controlling) programs.

A computer textbook is a whole complex of teaching and controlling computer programs that provides the opportunity to study a large section of a certain training course or the entire course (for example, a computer textbook in English for students of the 1st year of language universities, a computer textbook of English for the 6th grade of secondary school, etc.).

There are various principles for classifying computer learning tools. They share:

On universal means, which can be used to teach various types of speech activity;

Specialized means that serve to form specific skills and abilities in a certain type of speech activity;

Aids that are designed to support trainees and educators in the learning process.

By type learning activities universal and specialized computer training tools are divided into teaching, controlling, training and combined.

Learning tools usually offer certain theoretical material, training exercises, learning support tools in the form of prompts, clues and correct answers.

Controlling computer tools contain a series of test exercises, as well as means for recording the number of errors, recording the time for completing the proposed tasks, and the possibility of making a final assessment.

Training aids are computer aids used for independent work of trainees.

Combined computer training tools are teaching or training tools that include the possibility of computer control.

Auxiliary computer training tools include various reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, both on electronic media (CD, DVD) and on the Internet.

Taking into account the goals and objectives of teaching foreign languages ​​at a university, among specialized computer learning tools, it is possible to single out funds for teaching:


Computer programs for teaching the phonetics of a foreign language

phonetics, like separate aspect learning a foreign language is a combination of all the sound means of the language that make up its material side. These include sounds, sound combinations, stress, rhythm, melody, intonation, pauses. Speaking about teaching phonetics, it is necessary to define a number of basic concepts related to it.

Phonetic hearing is “the ability of the human ear to analyze and synthesize speech signals based on the distinction between the phonemes of the language being studied” 1 .

Listening skills are the skills to correctly pronounce and understand the sounds of oral speech.

Rhythmic-intonation skills are the skills of intonationally and rhythmically correct formulation of foreign speech (correct stress, compliance with the necessary rhythm, melody, etc.).

Approximate pronunciation is a pronunciation that is close to the correct articulation of individual sounds, which does not significantly affect the process of understanding what was said (words, sentences, etc.).

In the process of teaching the phonetics of a language, two main tasks are distinguished: teaching pronunciation and teaching intonation.

Teaching pronunciation is based on the following main points.

1. A person who starts learning a foreign language already has established automated hearing and pronunciation skills in his native language. This leads to the fact that when perceiving and pronouncing the words of a foreign language, he automatically uses the already existing acoustic-articulatory base. And this, in turn, leads to a distortion of the sounds of the language being studied. They become like sounds mother tongue.

2. When teaching pronunciation, it is not always possible to use descriptions of the phonetic system of the language being studied, which are recorded in textbooks and reference books (for example, a description of the location of speech organs). As a rule, the student is not aware of the principle of their work when reproducing the sounds of their native language and cannot control them. For example, when pronouncing sounds, it is easy to control the tip of the tongue and lips. However, this is much more difficult to do with the velum of the palate, the back or middle of the back of the tongue, etc.

3. When mastering individual sounds and their sequences, knowledge (and practical assimilation) of the most important patterns of pronunciation of the studied language, which differ from the pronunciation of the sounds of the native language, can play an important role. So, Russians studying English should take into account that in English softening of consonants is not allowed, as well as stunning a voiced consonant in the final position or before a deaf consonant.

4. Auditory and pronunciation skills exist in a person's memory in an inseparable unity. Reproduction of the sound stream is necessarily accompanied by the control of the auditory analyzer (hearing). And this means that the speaker's memory must contain the corresponding acoustic images.

When teaching pronunciation, two main approaches are used: imitative and analytical-imitation.

Proponents of the imitative approach consider the mixing of the sounds of the target language with the sounds of their native language as the main cause of phonetic errors in students. In their opinion, normal pronunciation can only be achieved by teaching the correct perception of audible sounds, without filtering them through the norms and rules for pronouncing the sounds of the native language.

The analytical-imitation approach combines the principles of the imitative approach with accessible descriptions of articulation, syllable and phrasal stress, intonation, etc.

The combination of the two approaches gives good results in training. However, mastering the pronunciation of a foreign language is a rather complicated and lengthy process. It is necessary to learn to hear and articulate new sounds in your own speech, most of which differ significantly from the sounds of your native language. Correct and fast speech in a foreign language is impossible without the development of automated pronunciation skills that enable the student not to think about how each individual sound is articulated.

The nature and pace of mastering pronunciation skills and the speed of development of speech skills are individual. They depend on a number of factors: the age of the trainees, their physical ability to perceive and reproduce sounds, specific features of memory and thinking, etc. Therefore, after a theoretical explanation of the nature of the sound or intonation, listening to the standard, a long individual training is necessary in reproducing and recognizing sounds in isolation and in context. Such training does not always give good results if it is based on the repeated reproduction of a phonetic phenomenon without taking into account the mechanisms for the formation of pronunciation, which are laid down by the very nature of man. It is necessary to take into account the psychophysical abilities of students and to model in teaching the basic patterns of oral communication. Usually the teacher has an idea of ​​what the pronunciation qualities of speech should be. He knows how to explain and demonstrate the acoustic and articulatory features of the studied phonetic phenomena, he can teach how to reproduce these phenomena. However, in real communication, speech sounds are merged and mutually influence each other, therefore, in teaching pronunciation, the systemic connection of pronunciation units must be taken into account.

Another feature of mastering a foreign pronunciation is related to the fact that in real communication the communicative orientation of speech largely determines its success. Therefore, the development of acoustic features of sounding speech should be carried out with a focus on a specific direction of speech. “The need to say something pulls, carries along speech flow and materializes not only in presetting for content, but also in the mode of muscles and breathing. Thus, the communicative task that generates the intention to say something ensures the self-regulation of the speech apparatus” 2 .

If we talk about the use of computers in teaching phonetics, then with their help it is possible to form:

Auditory skills of distinguishing the sounds of a foreign language;

Articular pronunciation skills;

Rhythmic-intonational pronunciation skills.

An analysis of the noted features of teaching phonetics allows us to formulate the following requirements for computer programs and systems designed for effective learning this aspect of the language.

1. The system should be able to detect deviations in the student's pronunciation from codified pronunciation options (sound, syllable, word, phrase).

2. Classify such deviations.

3. Show the student the difference in his pronunciation and correct pronunciation and have the means (exercises, graphics, videos) to bring a separate pronunciation implementation to the desired degree of correct pronunciation.

4. Be able to act as a pronunciation trainer.

5. Have a mechanism for assessing the correctness of the results achieved.

Consider individualized learning systems that can be used to teach the skills of distinguishing the sounds of a foreign language.

One of the latest computer programs for teaching phonetics is the Finnish multimedia program Sanako Media Assistance. It can also be used to teach listening and speaking. The program provides students with the opportunity to perform the following actions with the studied material:

1) multiple oral repetition of the studied text or any of its passages. A special RECALL button allows you to quickly return to the previous sentence or the beginning of a phrase if you are practicing the pronunciation of individual words or phrases;

2) recording one's own speech after repeating the word and phrase after the speaker of the training program;

3) the choice of a listening mode convenient for the student to listen to audio material:

c) the voice of the program announcer and his own voice (this option is very convenient for comparing your pronunciation with the original. This is done by graphical representation of the speech of the announcer and the student on the computer screen);

d) mark with special computer bookmarks (up to 10 bookmarks) the most difficult to understand passages of speech while listening to authentic material;

e) correct pronunciation errors after recording your phrase.

When working with the computer program "Sanako Media Assistance", three types of exercises are used in the process of practicing pronunciation.

1. Exercises like "stimulus repetition". They allow the trainee to repeat the phrase several times after the announcer. These phrases have a graphical representation on the computer screen,

and by looking at the graphical representation of the speaker's phrase, the student can correct their pronunciation.

2. Exercises like "question - answer". The student listens to the speaker's question, answers it orally, compares his answer with a graphical representation of the speaker's correct answer, answers and compares again (this is done three times).

3. Self-correction exercises have much in common with question-and-answer exercises. The student can listen to the question twice and correct himself twice after listening to the speaker's answer.

The computer is an excellent means of interactive communication between different language groups, which is especially pronounced when using a computer network. It can be either a local network that connects several machines in one educational institution, or the Internet - a global network that unites millions of users around the world. The network allows computers to exchange a variety of information: from text to pictures, sound and video.





"Computer technologies in teaching a foreign language"

Kostishina Tatyana Vladimirovna

English teacher

I qualification category

MOU "Khorogochinskaya secondary school"

Tyndinsky district 2010

Telecommunications in international practice is understood as “the transmission of arbitrary information over a distance using technical means (telephone, telegraph, radio, television, etc.)” (Jerry Wellington. Education For Employment. The Place of Information Technology. - London, 1989 - R.19.)

In school practice, when talking about computer technologies, they often mean the transmission, reception, processing and storage of information by computer means (using a modem), either via traditional telephone lines or via satellite communications - these are computer technologies. (E.S. Polat) The transmission and reception of information in computer technologies can be direct and - From computer to computer (synchronous communication) - and through an intermediate computer (asynchronous communication), which allows you to accumulate messages and transfer them to personal computers as requested users.

Everyone who has ever used a computer agrees that this device is essentially inherently interactive. Thus, a computer is the most suitable assistant in teaching a foreign language, the purpose of which is interactive communication. Particularly successful systems for teaching foreign languages ​​with the help of a computer began to develop recently in connection with the advent of CD - ROM (programs recorded on laser discs) and the popularization of the Internet. These revolutionary developments have turned the learning of a foreign language into a living, creative and natural process. The invention of the speech synthesizer and the use of interactive video have led to the creation of beautiful realistic programs that offer the student a huge number of stories that not only stimulate interest, but are also of great pedagogical value.

Computer-assisted learning has many advantages. Let's combine them into

several groups.

First of all, I would like to present the advantages of the computer method from a psychological point of view.

Computer training has a huge motivational potential. Provided that the program is correctly compiled, the computer can help the teacher, and the students will feel the constant presence of the benevolent instructor of the machine. The computer guarantees confidentiality. In the event that the results are not recorded for the teacher, only the student himself knows what mistakes he made, and is not afraid that classmates and the teacher will find out his results. Thus, the student's self-esteem does not decrease, and a psychologically comfortable atmosphere is created in the lesson.

Another and most significant group of advantages lies in the methodological advantages of computer learning. More than 10 years ago, teachers began to use the ability of a computer to instantly respond to input information to create simple training programs in the form of exercises. The computer provides a greater degree of interactive learning than classroom work. This is ensured by the constant and direct response of the machine to the responses of the student during the exercise. Since the students themselves determine the pace of work, computer-assisted learning fits the principles of individual learning as well as possible. Students can make any number of mistakes without testing the patience of the computer, and spend time only on correcting, analyzing their own mistakes and may not listen to the teacher again explaining already familiar material.

Each teacher understands the great importance of practice in mastering a foreign language. In the educational process, it is not enough to pronounce the phrase once, it must be repeated several times; at the same time, it is desirable to change the language design in such a way as to more clearly identify the content. Here, too, computer programs that include databases can help, allowing you to repeat such constructions, changing only individual components or contexts.

As mentioned above, a computer is an excellent means of interactive communication between different language groups, which is especially pronounced when using a computer network. It can be either a local network that connects several machines in one educational institution, or the Internet - a global network that unites millions of users around the world. The network allows computers to exchange a variety of information: from text to pictures, sound and video.

The educational value of the Internet includes two aspects: it is 1) maintaining communication with subscribers around the world and 2) access to remote sources of information and international libraries. A child may have pen pals in all parts of the world. At the same time, the results of scientific research of thousands of educators from different countries and computer editions of international magazines for teachers of foreign languages. On the network, you can get both information about new training programs, and the programs themselves.

One of the disadvantages of computer learning early stage there was little coordination between methodologists and programmers. Teachers tried to introduce computer technologies into teaching without having sufficient knowledge in the field of computer technology, and computer specialists had little idea of ​​the methodology of teaching foreign languages.

The main disadvantage of computer learning is still the impossibility of a direct oral dialogue with a computer. However, technological progress in this area makes it possible to confidently expect that speech recognition programs will soon become an integral part of programs that teach foreign languages.

A small difficulty is the problems that arise at the administrative and teaching levels and are associated with the introduction of computer training into the educational process. In general, this process can be characterized as resistance to change. The use of a computer in teaching requires a change in approach on the part of the teacher and organizational changes on the part of the administration educational institution. Most teachers who have received a liberal arts education do not know how to use a computer, and the thought of the need to use it causes irritation and fear in them. The teacher of a foreign language, apparently, will have to understand that computer learning is intended to help them, free them from long explanations and routine work, but not how not to replace the teacher. By changing the attitude to the computer, the teacher will be able to most dedicate the lesson to exercises that stimulate real communication, which is the goal of a communicative approach in teaching a foreign language.