Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Qued: education. Training of specialists in the field of technical education

Education in Russia plays a decisive role in the process of personality formation. Its main goal is the education and training of the younger generation, their acquisition of knowledge, skills, competencies and the necessary experience. Various types of education in Russia are aimed at professional, moral, intellectual and physical development children, teenagers, boys and girls. Let's look at this in more detail.

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

According to this document, educational process is a continuous, sequentially connected system. Such content implies the presence of certain levels. In the law they are called “types of education in Russia”.

Each level has specific goals and objectives, content and methods of influence.

Types of education in Russia

According to the law, there are two large levels.

The first is general education. It includes preschool and school sublevels. The latter, in turn, is divided into primary, basic and complete (secondary) education.

The second level is vocational education. It includes secondary, higher (bachelor's, specialist and master's) and personnel training highly qualified.

Let's look at each of these levels in more detail.

About the preschool education system in Russia

This level is intended for children under seven years of age. Basic goal - general development, training and education of preschool children. In addition, it implies monitoring and caring for them. In Russia, these functions are performed by specialized preschool education institutions.

These are nurseries, kindergartens, centers early development or at home.

About the secondary education system in the Russian Federation

As noted above, it consists of several sublevels:

  • The initial one lasts four years. The main goal is to give the child a system of necessary knowledge in basic subjects.
  • Basic education lasts from fifth to ninth grades. It assumes that the child’s development should be carried out according to the basic scientific directions. As a result, secondary educational institutions must prepare teenagers for the State Examination in certain subjects.

These levels of education at school are mandatory for children in accordance with their age. After the ninth grade, the child has the right to leave school and study further by choosing special secondary educational institutions. In this case, it is the guardians or parents who are legally entrusted with full responsibility for ensuring that the process of acquiring knowledge is continued and not interrupted.

Complete education means that the student spends two years in the tenth and eleventh grades. The main purpose of this stage is to prepare graduates for the Unified State Exam and further education at the university. Reality shows that during this period they often resort to the services of tutors, since school alone is not enough.

More information about secondary vocational and higher education in our country

Secondary vocational educational institutions are divided into colleges and technical schools (state and non-state). They prepare students in their chosen specialties in two to three, and sometimes four years. IN most A teenager can enroll after the ninth grade. The exceptions are medical colleges. They accept students with complete general education.

To any higher education educational institution In Russia, you can enroll in a bachelor's program only after the eleventh grade. In the future, if desired, the student will continue his studies in a master's program.

Some universities now offer a specialist's degree rather than a bachelor's degree. However, in accordance with Bologna system, higher professional education under this system will soon not exist.

The next step is the training of highly qualified personnel. These are postgraduate studies (or postgraduate studies) and residency. In addition, specialists with higher professional education can undergo an assistantship-internship program. It's about on the training of highly qualified pedagogical and creative figures.

Distance education

This system is a new, specific form of education, which differs from traditional ones. Distance education is distinguished by other goals, objectives, content, means, methods and forms of interaction. The use becomes predominant computer technology, telecommunications, case technologies, etc.

In this regard, the most common types of such training are as follows:

  • The first one relies on interactive television. When implemented, there is direct visual contact with the audience, which is located at a distance from the teacher. Currently, this type is not well developed and is very expensive. However, it is necessary when demonstrating unique techniques, laboratory experiments and new knowledge in a particular area.
  • Second type distance learning relies on computer telecommunication networks (regional, global) with various teaching capabilities (text files, multimedia technologies, video conferencing, Email And so on). This is a common and inexpensive type of distance learning.
  • The third combines CD (basic electronic textbook) and the global network. Thanks to the great didactic possibilities, this type is optimal for both university and schooling, as well as during advanced training. A CD has a lot of advantages: multimedia, interactivity, availability of a large amount of information with minimal financial losses.

Inclusive education

Law "On Education in Russian Federation" highlights as one of its priority tasks the creation of favorable conditions for the education of persons with disabilities disabilities. Moreover, this is reflected not only in form, but also in content.

In law this system received the name "inclusive education". Its implementation implies the absence of any discrimination against children with special needs, equal treatment of everyone and accessibility of education.

Inclusive education is implemented in all educational institutions in Russia. The main goal is to create a barrier-free environment in the learning process and provide professional training for people with disabilities. To implement it, it is necessary to perform certain tasks:

  • technically equip educational institutions;
  • develop special training courses for teachers;
  • create methodological developments for other students, aimed at the process of developing relationships with people with disabilities;
  • develop programs that are aimed at facilitating the adaptation of persons with disabilities in general educational institutions.

This work has only just begun to develop. Over the next few years, the set goal and identified tasks must be fully realized.


IN currently the types of education in Russia are clearly identified, the functions and content of each level are revealed. However, despite this, the reconstruction and reform of the entire education system continues.

Structure educational system in Russia.

Structure of the Russian educational system, general principles its functioning and development, as well as the main social characteristics determined by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Currently it includes:

1) Federal Law “On Education” (as amended in 1996);

2) Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (1996);

3) Federal program for the development of education;

4) Federal Law of April 10, 2000 “On approval of the Federal Education Development Program.”

According to the basic law, the Russian educational system is a combination of:

1) educational programs and state educational standards;

2) educational institutions implementing educational programs and government educational standards;

3) educational authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

The term "educational program" implies an integral program of a certain level of education.

There is a hierarchical ladder of educational levels in Russia, built on the basis of relevant educational programs, which includes eleven steps related to six levels of education: Education as a system is a set of institutions different types and level.

7.4.Levels of education. Education (1. preschool, 2. school, 3. additional, 4. secondary special, 5. higher, 6. postgraduate), being a process that shows the structure and features of the development of the entire education system as a whole.

An example is a network of music schools that teach additional programs music education. Children have the opportunity to study in music school in parallel with studying at a comprehensive school. A variety of courses are very popular among students and students additional education, such as computer, economics, foreign language courses that they study on an elective basis, etc. Thus, the basis Russian system education is a combination of basic and additional educational programs.

7.5.Types of educational institutions. The second element which is a component of Russian education - the system various types and type educational institutions.

Educational, according to the Law “On Education,” is an institution that carries out the educational process, i.e., an institution that solves one or more educational problems. There are some features of the established standards.

1. By belonging to organizational and legal forms educational institutions may be state, non-state (private, institutions of public and religious organizations, etc.) and municipal.

2. Each educational institution independently develops and approves educational and methodological documentation, which determines the organization of everything educational process, is an educational program as a whole, its division into hours by academic disciplines and years of study. There is only one normative document in this area, which must be followed when drawing up curricula, is GOST. All other documents are recommended for execution and are non-binding in nature, coordinating the educational and methodological work of educational institutions.

3. Each educational institution that intends to define its mission educational activities and begin teaching schoolchildren or students, must obtain a license to conduct educational activities at a certain level and the ability to issue state-issued education documents. The issuance of such a license is made after the educational institution successfully passes the stages of certification and subsequent state accreditation.

Educational institutions, depending on the level and focus of training programs, can be divided into types and types.

Type of educational institutions associated mainly with the accepted classification of educational programs, which are divided into: basic, additional, general education and professional.

Type of educational institutions depends on the focus of the educational programs implemented by this educational institution, and, as a rule, each type has its own distinctive name. An example can be given secondary schools, among which lyceums and gymnasiums appeared; secondary educational institutions vocational education are divided into schools, technical schools, and colleges. Among the universities there are universities, conservatories, academies, institutes, etc.

The third element in the educational system is education authorities. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, general issues entities are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. This means that on subjects of joint jurisdiction the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation publish, except federal laws, laws and other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them (Article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). At the level of the Russian Federation there are:

1) federal (central) government bodies education management;

2) federal departmental educational authorities.

So federal central authority is the Ministry of Education, and federal departmental ones are federal ministries and federal departments, which are essentially the founders of educational institutions. Over 95% of all state universities. Only non-state universities do not fall under the jurisdiction of state (municipal) authorities and are managed directly by the founder.

7.6. Distinctive features modern systems education. One of distinctive features modern education systems - the transition from state to state-public education management. The essence of the latter is to combine the efforts of the state and society in solving educational problems. In conditions of support for education from the state and society, the education system must ensure the effective use of its resources - human, informational, material, financial. Features of the education system as an industry National economy is that it has a significant non-market component. The non-market sector in education ensures the maintenance of socio-economic stability, social progress, and satisfaction of the need for such a vital good as education. But along with this, in the absence of any serious competition in the non-market sector of the educational system, it becomes characterized by such negative side, as the limitation of basic types of resources and the impossibility of attracting them in sufficient quantities. In this regard, the education system today is viewed from the perspective of the most effective investment in the future well-being of society - investment in human capital

In concept technical education includes such principles of work, according to which technical universities can prepare high-level engineers in specialties, as well as technicians to work in industrial sector. In addition, specialists who have graduated from universities technical direction ready to work in the areas of construction, communications, transport, forestry, and agriculture.

Technical education is a program of knowledge in a technical direction that allows you to answer questions in the production and technical spheres and also work with the tasks of this area.

Education is divided into three types. It can be auxiliary, general and special. Supportive education provides students with the opportunity to learn necessary knowledge, as well as the skills required to work with machines, technical devices, working mechanisms, which are very often involved in various fields science, culture and education. Also in auxiliary technical education include various sciences, which are studied by students in physics, geology, chemistry and other faculties.

Graduates technical universities capable of handling extensive repair work. And those who are familiar with household appliances can repair non-working and faulty equipment. An example of a company that employs equipment repair specialists can be seen on the website

The importance of auxiliary education increases as the technical base in all areas of science grows. General education can give high school, which during study lays the foundations of knowledge of a technical sample into the base that students need to master. It also gives the rudiments of the knowledge that will have to be applied during polytechnic training, as well as in practice. To a special tho. include mining, metallurgical, geological, energy, forest engineering, instrument making and other types of activities.

Sufficient attention is paid to the economic knowledge of students. Also, a very important role is played by the fact that, according to new program, V training course Universities have introduced many new subjects directly related to improving the quality of technical knowledge, as well as technological knowledge. Among these subjects there are such as automation, automation, electronics. The number of subjects related to mathematics has increased greatly. These are statistics, programming, probability theory, process management. Training in technical universities possible without interruption from work, since there are evening and correspondence universities and technical schools.



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Education - This section includes public and private education at any level and training for any profession, full-time or part-time, as well as by radio and television, via the Internet and by mail. This section includes education that is provided by various institutions within school system education at all levels, as well as adult education, literacy programs and the like. The section also includes the activities of military lyceums and academies, prison schools, etc. appropriate level.

Each level of primary education includes special training students with physical and mental disabilities.

The explanations given in this section regarding levels and degrees of education are based on International classification education (ISCED) 1997. The activities of educational institutions that provide training at the level of international standards ISCED “0” are classified in a class, at level “1” - in a class, at levels “2-3” - in a group, at level “4” " - in the classroom and at level "5-6" - in the classroom.

This section also includes training for interested persons primarily for sporting and recreational purposes, such as tennis or golf, as well as educational support activities.

85.1 Preschool education

85.10 Preschool education

This class includes:

  • preschool education(education that precedes first degree school). Preschool education is defined as initial stage educational organization, created primarily to introduce the youngest children to the school environment.

This class does not include:

  • child day care activities, see

85.2 Primary education

85.20 Primary education

This class includes primary education: basic training in reading, writing and arithmetic, together with common understanding other subjects such as history, geography, natural and social Sciences, art and music.

This education is usually provided to children, but also includes adult literacy programs at the primary level or beyond, which are similar in content to primary education programs but are addressed to persons considered old enough for elementary school (e.g., eradication programs illiteracy for adults).

This class does not include:

  • day care activities for children, incl. for day care for students, see

85.3 Secondary education

This group includes the provision of general secondary education, technical and vocational education. This group does not include:

  • adult education, as defined in

85.31 General secondary education

This class includes the provision of education, which becomes the foundation for a person's learning and development throughout his life and provides him with the opportunity to continue his education in the future. Such institutions provide programs with a greater subject orientation, with specialization of teachers, and most often only a few teachers teach classes in their own way. special subjects. Subject specialization at this stage often influences the experience gained during the course of study, even for those who adhere to general program. Such programs are designed to prepare students either for technical education or for entry into higher education without the need to choose a specific specialization.

This class includes:

  • basic general secondary education, which in one way or another corresponds to the period of compulsory schooling
  • complete general secondary education highest degree, basically provides an opportunity to prepare for entry into higher education

85.32 Vocational education

This class includes the provision of such education as generally concentrates on subject specialization and teaching theoretical foundations and practical skills that meet the current or future generation professional activity. The purpose of the program can be different: from preparing the student for a wide range of professional activities to a specifically chosen profession.

This class includes:

  • vocational education lowest degree than the highest education defined in the group

This class also includes:

  • training of tourist guides, tour guides
  • training for chefs, hotel and restaurant business managers
  • activities of schools of cosmetologists and hairdressers
  • computer repair training
  • driving courses for professional drivers (trucks, buses, taxis, flight courses for professional pilots)

This class does not include:

  • vocational education top level, cm.
  • learning art as a hobby, recreation or for self-improvement, see
  • activities of schools for training drivers of cars not intended for vocational training drivers, see
  • on-the-job training as part of social work, without providing a workplace, see ,

85.4 Higher education

This group includes education beyond secondary school, which provides the opportunity to obtain bachelor's and master's degrees. The requirement for entry is a high school diploma.

This group does not include:

  • adult education, as defined in

85.41 Vocational education at the level of a higher vocational educational institution

This class includes the provision of post-secondary education that does not qualify as higher education. For example, providing post-secondary support education to prepare for the second stage of higher education or non-tertiary vocational education.

85.42 Higher education

This class includes:

  • first, second and third levels of higher education

This class also includes:

  • activities of art schools that provide higher education

85.5 Other types of education

This group includes continuing education throughout life to obtain additional knowledge and skills, as well as for the sake of retraining, advanced training, obtaining new profession and self-improvement.

This group does not include educational activities classified in groups - i.e. pre-school education, primary education, secondary or tertiary education. Includes camps and schools that provide sports skills to groups and individuals, teach foreign languages, art, incl. acting, musical art, or special studies, except for the types of education classified in groups - .

85.51 Education in the field of sports and recreation

This class includes sports instruction in groups and individually, such as in camps or schools. Sports 24/7 day camps also included in this class. Not included academic schools, colleges and universities. Training can be carried out in different premises, such as client or company training premises, educational institutions or others. Training within this class is organized officially.

This class includes:

  • sports training (baseball, basketball, cricket, football, etc.)
  • activities of sports training camps
  • gymnastic training
  • riding lessons in academies and schools
  • swimming lessons
  • services of professional sports instructors, teachers, coaches
  • martial arts training
  • learning to play cards (for example, bridge)
  • yoga training

This class does not include:

  • education in the field of culture, see

85.52 Education in the field of culture

This class includes instruction in the arts, drama and music. Institutions that provide this type of study may be called "schools", "studios", "classes" and the like. They provide certain knowledge, mainly as a hobby, for recreation and self-development, but such training does not provide for a professional diploma, bachelor's or master's degree.

This class includes:

  • services of pianists and other music training
  • art training
  • dance training in dance studios
  • activities of drama schools (except academic ones)
  • school activities visual arts(except academic)
  • school activities theatrical arts(except academic)
  • activities of photography schools (except commercial)

This class does not include:

  • teaching foreign languages, see