Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Material production. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas


Marxism is the belief system and teachings of Marx. Marx was the successor and brilliant finalizer of the three main ideological movements of the 19th century, belonging to the three most advanced countries of mankind: classical German philosophy, classical English political economy and French socialism in connection with French revolutionary teachings in general. With an integral and consistent system of his views, Marx laid the foundation of modern dialectical materialism and scientific socialism as a theory. this work is relevant even now. But rather, especially now - after a while, after the “gilding” of the party’s ideology has come off from Marxism, and it can be considered soberly, only as a system of views and statements.

The purpose of this work: is to consider Marxism as a scientific theory.

Object: political teachings.

Subject: political doctrine - Marxism.

The following methods were used in the work: study, generalization, analysis. As well as source works of such authors as: Lenin V.I., Marx K., Engels F.

Material production: concept and basic elements

Without a constant process of production, society could not exist, much less develop. The meaning of social production is that in this process the historically determined reproduction of man as a social being is carried out. Social production, or, what is the same thing, production public life, has its own structure, covering both spiritual production, and the production of the person himself, and material production. Material production is a fundamental element in the structure of social production, because it is in it that the material conditions of people’s existence are reproduced as a fundamental condition of the actual human history and the very ability of people to make history. The life of society, therefore, cannot be likened to a river in which all the drops play an unambiguous role. There is one in it decisive force, which ultimately determines everything down to the refined sphere of the spirit, is the production of material goods. Moreover, the process of production of material goods is always of a social nature: the production of an isolated individual is as meaningless as the development of a language without people living together. The joint labor of individuals is the first basis for the social nature of production, on the basis of which collective forms of social relations, the way of life and the entire way of life of people are born and improved.

What is material production itself?

In order to live, people must have the necessary means of subsistence. It is clear that even in order to possess this necessary minimum, people must work: everything is created for mortals by the care and labor of man, the ancients said. Man cannot be content with what nature gives him ready-made. By combining their labor with what is given by nature, using its laws, people create something that is not there. In this process, material goods are created, and this is the process of material production. Consequently, material production is the process of labor activity of people who, using appropriate means, carry out the transformation of nature in order to create material goods aimed at satisfying human needs.

The activity of people, no matter what sphere of social life it takes place, is directed by certain needs of material production and at the same time serving as a subjective stimulus for it. further development. Need is nothing more than the state of an organism, personality, social group, class, society as a whole, expressing their dependence on the conditions of their existence and acting as a motivating force for life activity that is always directed in a certain way; it expresses a subjective request to objective reality, the need for such objects and conditions that would help maintain the state of equilibrium of the system necessary for normal functioning and development.

However, the presence of a need alone is not enough to carry out an activity. To improve it, a certain goal is necessary, because no activity is possible without goal-setting, as well as the means to achieve it. When the goal coincides with the need, then the activity takes on a strictly goal-oriented character, and the need itself, now existing as a certain synthesis, as a goal-need, turns into a stable conscious interest. Interest is, in essence, a steadily directed incentive motive for activity, colored by an emotional-value attitude. It is he who helps to find means of satisfying needs and achieving goals.

Since the subjects of socio-historical activity are individuals included in certain social systems(groups, parties, classes, etc.), insofar as their activities are always based on a hierarchy of interests - from personal and individual to the broadest social ones. It is public interests that determine the degree of intensity and social significance of the entire scale of interests of a particular individual or any other subject of activity, starting with small group, the collective, because they are the ones who are most oriented towards the real conditions and the general direction of development of the social system, thereby contributing to its preservation and progress. It is characteristic that hallmark social systems is their ability to purposefully form and mobilize socially significant interests. The loss or deformation of interests indicates an unfavorable state of the system (organism, society, etc.). The nature of interests is an objective, extremely subtle indicator of the state of the social system, its health.

Needs and interests - both personal and social - have a complex historical structure, ranging from biological and material to the most sophisticated spiritual - cognitive, moral, aesthetic, etc.

Social needs and interests constitute a kind of spring social mechanism: they determine the direction and content of actions of both individuals and society as a whole.

In the totality of all public interests, the leading role belongs to the interests in the system of material production. Development economic sphere society is the basis for its progressive progressive development, therefore its improvement to a large extent depends on the improvement and development of needs and interests in this area, as well as on the skillful combination and harmonization of personal needs with social ones. One of the levers for stimulating the growth of material production is to increase the material and moral interest (in other words, the mobilization of interests) of everyone in the results of their work and the common cause. After all, where there is no interest, there can be no real business.

Needs and interests in their orientation can be both objective and functional, when they express the subject’s focus either on the final result of an activity or on its process. Functional needs and interests are no less important for activity and the labor process, since they contain a powerful stimulus in the form of the aesthetic, moral and creative-intellectual sides of the labor process itself. If the activity process does not fall into the sphere of interests of the subject, then the result - the quality of the product - suffers from this. Thus, it is clear that functional and objective needs and interests are too closely intertwined and dependent on each other. In the end, society is not indifferent to the process by which its goals are achieved. It is not indifferent to every worker who is interested in the final results of his work, in the quality and quantity of products. When interest is directed to the labor process itself, the latter ceases to be an externally coercive force, turning into art, sometimes reaching true peaks aesthetic creativity, becomes an internal need.

Needs and interests, fading away in the results of activity, are revived in it for more high level. The dialectic of the growth of interests lies in the fact that their very satisfaction gives rise to new needs and interests, as well as the means of satisfying them, which serve as the main determinant of the development of production. Identification and strictly scientific accounting and study of social and personal needs and interests is an essential condition the right choice directions of development of various industries National economy, science and culture. Highest form manifestations of public interest is the interest in developing productive forces, increasing labor productivity and improving the entire system of production relations, which constitutes a decisive criterion for the historical progress of mankind, as well as improving the essential forces of man himself, revealing and elevating his spiritual and creative potentials.

Material production has two sides: productive forces and production relations. People carrying out the production process act as the subject of labor. They constitute the main and decisive element of the productive forces. But, in addition, to carry out the production process, a source material, or an object of labor that is processed, is required. It can be land, minerals, metals, etc. But in order to influence the object of labor in order to transform it into the necessary product, it is necessary to use tools of labor. Tools of labor are objects created by man with the aim of influencing the outside world and transforming it in the interests of society. The ever-increasing complexity of tools is an indicator of the achieved level of production and, as a consequence, the degree of development of society. Production also requires appropriate buildings, warehouses, transport, etc. All this, together with the tools of labor, forms the means of labor.

The totality of means and objects of labor forms the means of production. The system of means of production, primarily tools of labor, constitutes the so-called material and technical base of society, which is the subject-energy part of the productive forces. This part represents past, or materialized, labor. But in order for the means of labor to enter into the production process, it is necessary again and again to use labor power, that is, living human labor. Thus, in the structure of production there are two types of labor - living and materialized.

No less important element The structure of the productive forces is production technology. Solution technological tasks is largely determined by factors such as the nature and tools of labor, the development of fundamental and applied science and the degree of its implementation in production, level scientific organization labor, etc.

The complexity of modern production is such that it is already unthinkable without its scientific organization, which includes such main areas as rational use means of production, management and planning. Science is increasingly entering the structure of the productive forces, becoming a direct productive force, and production - the technological application of science. At the current level of technological development, advanced training of workers is possible only if they receive the necessary level of scientific knowledge. Moreover, we are talking here not only about natural science and technical knowledge, which goes without saying, but also about broader scientific knowledge. After all, the influence humanities on the general spiritual, moral, intellectual and creative potential is no less important for social production. And if we consider the formation of a person as a subject of labor extremely broadly, then in addition to all types of science, it will be necessary to talk about the influence on him of the entire spiritual culture of his time, embodied in various artistic, aesthetic, ethical, philosophical values ​​of his existence.

However, neither the complexity modern technology and technology, neither various shapes Organizations and production management should not obscure the main thing from us - people. The person is not simple force along with the machine, but the spiritualizing beginning of the entire process of social production, which has absorbed experience world history humanity.

Production is not an end in itself for the development of society, but ultimately serves only as a means of its development. main value- person. It is in the labor process that the reproduction, improvement and self-affirmation of man as the highest value are carried out.

So, the productive forces are people (the human factor), who have absorbed the cultural experience of all previous generations, who have production skills for work and carry out the production of material goods; the means of production created by society, as well as the organization of labor, production technology, technology and scientific achievements. An indicator of the level of development of the productive forces of society is labor productivity, measured not only by the quantity of products created per unit of time, but also by its quality, and even more so by the development and improvement of the human factor, that is, everything that serves to satisfy the constantly evolving needs and interests of society .


production social economic capitalism

At the core of any given society, i.e. social organism, lies specific system economic, industrial relations. This system of relations, constituting economic system of a given society, determines all other existing in it public relations, determines historical type society, i.e. its belonging to one or another socio-economic formation. Therefore, analysis of the development of industrial relations and their impact on the economic structure of society is very important in social sciences. Only such an analysis can provide the key to understanding a given social organism, its past, present and future, and to revealing the patterns of its development.

The relevance of the work is beyond doubt, since knowledge and correct use the laws of development of production relations and productive forces, as well as the relationships between them, form the fundamental prerequisite for the management of economic development. Their importance is increasing literally every day, since in connection with economic integration the scale is expanding and the dynamism of economic processes is increasing.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the mechanism and dynamics of the development of industrial relations, as well as their impact on the economic life of society. Based on the goal, the following tasks were identified:

Study these economic categories as relations of production and productive forces

Describe their relationship

Analyze the evolution of industrial relations using the example of five socio-economic formations

Make an analysis of the dynamics of production relations and productive forces

Review condition economic relations in modern Russia

Determine measures to eliminate the structural crisis associated with the discrepancy between productive forces modern level industrial relations.

The object of research is the economic system.

Item course work- production relations in their relationship with production forces.

When writing the course work, the literature on the research topic was studied, as well as periodicals print. Particularly noteworthy are books such as “Dialectics of productive forces and relations of production” by V. Eichorn and “Capital” by K. Marx.

The methods used in this work to solve the problems are description, system and comparative analysis, comparison and presentation of statistical data, as well as cause-and-effect analysis and the historical method.

Industrial relations and the economic system

The social nature of production

Any economic system cannot exist without production. It permeates all threads of the economic process and is a natural condition human life, forming its material basis. It is to production that humanity owes its development.

Production is the process of human influence on the substance of nature in order to create material goods and services necessary for the existence and development of society.

The production process includes, first of all, material production, because without the production and reproduction of material conditions and means of life, human life itself is impossible. It also includes spiritual production, the production of people as social individuals and the production of “the very form of communication” Marx K. Capital. Criticism of political economy. In 2 volumes. - M.: Politizdatelstvo, 1983., i.e. certain type social connection of people. This approach allows us to consider it as the production of social life, an expression of the organic integrity of human activity.

Production has two interconnected sides. On the one hand, this is the relationship of people to nature, in which people modify the substance of nature to satisfy their needs. Man's dominance over nature is characterized by the level of development of the productive forces and, above all, the means of production. This reflects the material content of production, its technical side.

On the other hand, it includes the relationship of people to each other in the production process, or the relationships of people in the production process. This is nothing more than the production relations of people, the central place among which is occupied by property relations. This is the social side, the social nature of production. It is the production and reproduction of individuals in their relationships, which, in turn, is inseparable from the creation by people of the material and spiritual conditions of their life, and constitutes the main content of production when considered in relation to society as a whole. In other words, production is social primarily because its final product is always society.

As part of the interaction analysis components structure of social production, it is necessary to note the following. Of course, the basis of the social nature of production is the joint labor of individuals, on the basis and within the framework of which consciousness and collective forms of social communication and life activity arise and develop. In addition, as a person moved from the appropriation of finished products to labor, the formation of human consciousness and the mechanisms themselves conscious activity. Thus, the production of consciousness is included directly in the real process of production by people of the conditions and circumstances of their lives. In addition, the objective basis for the formation and development of the structure of social production is the division of labor. Social production is a combination of various industries and productions that arose as a result of the general and private division of labor. With the social division of labor, a process of separation occurs various types specific labor into independent spheres of activity, in which producers specialize in the manufacture of products in certain industries and types of production and are interconnected by the exchange of results of labor activity.

The category of social production gives an idea of ​​the integrity of the very basis of social life, noting the unity and interaction of the material and spiritual processes of people's lives. The foundation of this unity is the activity of people in the production and reproduction of the conditions of their existence, and the criterion of the social nature of production is the development of man as a social being.

The concept of social production, as a set of ideas about the practical nature of social life, the objective-active nature of man, as well as the holistic nature social activities people, becomes important fundamental principle, which considers the whole historical process as a whole, where all moments and factors are interconnected with each other.

2.1. The social nature of production

Production is a natural condition of human life, forming its material basis. Production is the activity of creating material and intangible goods (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Production structure

Ultimately, production comes down to the “metabolism” between nature and society in order to satisfy human needs. Social production includes two sides: 1) the process of human interaction with nature and 2) the set of relationships that arise between people in the process of this interaction. There are two sides of production - productive forces and production (economic) relations. In interaction, they form a mode of production characteristic of a given stage of development of society (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Production method diagram

Productive forces reveal the content of the method of production. They characterize the degree of human impact on nature in the production of goods. They reflect the relationship between society and nature. The structure of productive forces includes workers, means of production, means of labor and objects of labor.

What a person uses to influence the object of labor is the means of labor. Means of labor are objects or instruments of labor used by people to produce the goods of life. Whether a given thing will be a means of labor or a tool depends on how a person will use it. Means of labor are divided into active and passive. Active are machines, machines, automated lines, equipment, i.e. all mechanical devices that are directly involved in the production process. They are also called instruments of production. Passive buildings include buildings, structures - all those means of labor that contribute to the production process, but do not themselves directly participate in it. The universal means of labor is land. The means of labor transfer their value to the created product in parts, as they wear out. With the help of means of labor, people influence objects of labor.

In a broad sense, means of labor include all material working conditions. This includes land, industrial buildings, structures, roads, communications, etc.

Objects of labor are everything that human labor is directed towards and that is processed. Objects of labor are either given by nature, for example coal, oil, or are products of labor - wood, flax, cotton. Therefore, objects of labor are divided into two types: directly extracted from nature and raw materials or raw material. Objects of labor participate in the production process once, so they immediately transfer their value to the created product. For example, as a result of refining 1 ton of oil, 700 kg of fuel oil is obtained. The cost of used oil is included, along with other costs, in the cost of fuel oil. With the development of society, the range of objects of labor increases, its structure changes, and it becomes more diverse.

The totality of means of labor and objects of labor used in the process of producing vital goods forms the means of production. They are part of the country's national wealth. The means of production have a valuation. By combining with labor power in the labor process, the means of production create the vital benefits people need.

Labor power represents a person’s ability to work, being the totality of his physical and spiritual forces used in the production process. In other words, the labor force characterizes the capabilities of the economically active, able-bodied population. With the development of tools of production, a person’s ability to work also develops, his skills improve, experience accumulates, and skill grows.

The means of production and human labor are inextricably linked. They cannot exist without each other. In this unity appears the total labor, consisting of past labor and living labor. Past labor is embodied in tools. They are created by people and used for many years. Living labor is represented by the direct labor process. Therefore, every labor combines past and present labor.

A person adapts objects of labor to satisfy his needs. With their help, he creates food, clothing, housing and other material goods, called personal consumption items. In addition, consumer goods are also created. These include tools, auxiliary materials, raw materials and other means of production.

This differentiation allows us to draw two significant conclusions:

firstly, all labor is productive;

secondly, the labor process is a production process.

As for production (economic) relations, they constitute a social form of production. As already noted, these are the relationships between people in the process of production, as well as distribution, exchange and consumption of goods.

Production relations are based on forms of ownership in relation to the means of production, on the differentiation of people according to social groups and forms of product distribution. Under the conditions of the dominance of private ownership of the means of production, the lower social strata are forced to work for those who own machines, mechanisms, industrial buildings and structures.

In conditions of public ownership of the means of production, when society fully owns them, cases of equalization are not uncommon. But here everyone works for themselves, for their society. History knows both forms of ownership. It is believed that the best possible option is a skillful combination of them.

Distribution relations are determined by production relations. Distribution links production and consumption. There is personal and industrial consumption. Personal consumption is the satisfaction of human needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc. Industrial consumption includes the use of means of production to create material goods.

The distribution of labor products depends on the ownership of the means of production. If the means of production are privately owned, then the distribution of labor products satisfies only the needs of these owners and partly the hired personnel. If the means of production are concentrated in the hands of society, then the products of labor are distributed in the interests of the whole society.

Exchange relations are also determined by the nature of production. Depending on the relations of production, exchange can be planned or spontaneous. In addition, it can be associated with direct distribution, and also take the form of commodity transactions.

Consumption relationships are one of the the most important forms economic relations. Consumption does not exist outside of production and vice versa. Even if we imagine the opposite, then both the process of production itself loses all meaning, because without consumption there is no production, and the process of consumption, since without production there is nothing to consume.

Thus, production, distribution, exchange and consumption are a single process of reproduction. The basis for unity here are the relations of ownership of the means of production. Consequently, the relations of production themselves are determined by the individuals who possess this property. Subsequently, these relations extend to the entire system of relations in the spheres of production, distribution, exchange and consumption, determining their nature. Moreover, production relations shape the social structure of the entire society, dividing or uniting it.

The nature and level of development of productive forces determine the economic relationships of people. The social form of development of productive forces is production relations. Thus, production relations always exist in conjunction with productive forces.

Factors of production play a major role in the production process. Factors of production refer to the conditions of production activity. In a narrower interpretation, factors of production are represented by primary resources that become elements of the production process. They enter economic system from outside. Economic science knows two approaches to the classification of production factors (Fig. 10).

Marxist political economy distinguishes labor, the object of labor and the means of labor as factors of production. Labor is a personal factor of production. The subject of labor and the means of labor, embodied in the means of production, form material factors. Personal and material factors combine to form complex system relationships. In it, the leading role is played by property relations, which form the social principle of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

Rice. 10. Various approaches to identifying factors of production and their classification

Marginalist classification 1 includes land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial ability and computer science as factors of production.

The earth acts as a natural factor. The “land” factor refers to all natural resources: natural resources, forests, agricultural land, all natural resources that can be used in the production process. It is believed that the quantity of this factor is conditionally fixed, and the demand for it is derived, i.e. depends on the demand for the products produced with its help. This factor, unlike others, is not the result of human activity.

Labor is the most important factor of production. It can be qualified as a process of conscious, purposeful human activity, with the help of which he modifies objects of nature and adapts them to meet his needs. According to Jevons, labor is any mental or physical effort undertaken in part or in whole with the aim of achieving some result, other than the satisfaction derived directly from the work itself. The labor process includes three aspects: the labor itself, the object of labor and the means of labor with the help of which a person influences the object of labor. Labor personifies labor power and its carriers – workers. IN modern world The qualifications of the workforce are of great importance. The higher the qualifications of the labor force, the greater the potential of its bearer, the higher the level of vital benefits created by such labor. Labor can be classified as follows (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Types of labor

Abstract labor represents the expenditure of physiological energy of commodity producers, which does not take into account the specific conditions of commodity production. According to the labor theory of value, abstract labor creates the value of a commodity.

Specific labor is associated with the expenditure of energy in a certain useful form, which creates use value. Concrete labor forms a dialectical unity with abstract labor. In market conditions, concrete labor is private labor, and its social character is expressed through abstract labor. Here, however, there is a contradiction, which is expressed in the social nature of production and the private capitalist form of appropriation.

Living labor is the expenditure of human mental and physical energy aimed at creating material and spiritual benefits. It is divided into necessary and surplus.

Past labor is materialized labor embodied in the means of production and consumer goods.

Labor producing goods is simple if it does not require special training. This includes the labor of unskilled workers. Complex work is any work for which the worker must be specially trained. Complex work is skilled work. It can be expressed by multiplying simple labor.

Capital as a factor of production implies tangible and intangible assets created by people: buildings, structures, equipment, machines, mechanisms, tools, vehicles, computer programs, patents, property rights, etc., as well as funds used in the production process. This is one of the most difficult economic categories.

Entrepreneurial ability is a set of human qualities and skills that allows him to rationalize the combination of resources for the production process. This is a special type of human capital, represented by activities that combine all factors of production. It is associated with the ability to make intelligent, consistent decisions, create and apply innovations under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Entrepreneurial ability is realized in the ability to organize a business.

Land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial ability are the traditional factors of production. New factors of production include information. Through information, the efficiency of using intangible levers in production is increased. Information systematizes knowledge, facilitates making the most profitable decisions for production purposes, and optimizes marketing strategies.

Each economic system is differently endowed with factors of production. Differences in the relative abundance of factors of production are determined by an indicator called factor saturation . It determines the resource potential of society. It is also possible to determine the relative intensity of the use of various factors in the production process. This indicator is called factor intensity. The result will show the level of technological development of society.

The factor saturation indicator determines the country's provision with production factors.

The progressive development of production is based on shifts in productive forces. In an effort to produce more and better, people improve the means and tools of labor, and through them the objects of labor. This leads to changes in the production appearance of workers.

The new state of the productive forces affects production relations. They also undergo transformations and adapt to new conditions.

Production relations depend on the productive forces. If they correspond to the latter, then they open up scope for their development and, therefore, scope for the development of production. If they become outdated, they turn into a hindrance to economic activity.

Production is social in nature. People work and organize production activities together. Workers are one way or another connected in their work with each other, mutually dependent, and act on the basis of a broad division of labor.

There is a natural division of labor (by gender and age of people) and a social division of labor caused by the development of production.

The social division of labor is in constant development. Due to this, production capabilities increase.

From the standpoint of scale, three levels are distinguished: general, specific and individual.

General division of labor - implies the interaction of large spheres and branches of activity: production and non-production spheres, industry, agriculture, construction, transport and various types of labor (physical, mental, skilled and unskilled, manual and machine).

Private - distribution of activities within large spheres, between narrower industries and sub-sectors (mining and manufacturing industries, crop production and livestock production).

Single – division of labor within enterprises, workshops, areas.

There are also territorial, international, professional and other types of division of labor.

Production needs infrastructure. Infrastructure, as a rule, is understood as a complex of production and non-production industries that provide conditions for reproduction. Infrastructure includes the service sector, those industries and organizations that create general conditions for production activities, as well as production infrastructure, which includes roads, communications, water pipelines, energy and hydraulic structures, ports, airfields, gas pipelines, storage facilities, telecommunications, scientific research and design and engineering institutions.

In addition to the production infrastructure, there is an institutional (training) and social infrastructure that provides social services for production (schools, hospitals, clubs, shops). There is also a distinction between information infrastructure and service infrastructure. Information infrastructure is a set of channels and repositories of information technologies, the legal, financial and economic basis for the activities of the information community, as well as other methods and means that support information activities. The infrastructure of the service sector is expressed in a complex of activities that support the production and sale of services, including trade, transport, marketing and information components.

The concept of infrastructure can be applied to many economic processes and phenomena. The market has a unique infrastructure, which will be discussed below.

Production is a concept that characterizes a specifically human type of metabolism with nature - the process of active transformation of nature by people in order to create the necessary material conditions for their existence. Unlike animals, who satisfy their needs with the help of what is given by nature, man produces everything he needs for life - food, clothing, housing, etc. Production, therefore, is an eternal natural condition of human life - the basis throughout human history.

Three elements are needed to produce any thing:

  1. an object of nature from which it can be made;
  2. the means of labor with which this production is carried out;
  3. purposeful activity of a person, his work.

Production always has a social character, both because people cannot produce alone, and because, by producing the means of life they need, people indirectly produce both their social relations and themselves as social subjects with your own abilities and needs.

K. Marx viewed social production as the unity of material and spiritual production, in which material production is the determining aspect, the basis for the development of society. Material production is, first of all, the relationship of people to nature. But people do not produce material goods alone. They create them together, entering into certain production relations. Therefore, the production of material goods is always social production. Production has two sides: productive forces, which express the relationship of society to the forces and objects of nature, by mastering which people obtain material goods, and production relations, which characterize the relationships of people with each other in the production process. Production, considered as the unity of productive forces and production relations, constitutes the method of production of material goods, which determines the character of a given society.

Production in the narrow sense is organically connected with the distribution, exchange, and consumption of what is produced. Production and consumption are two different and at the same time interconnected poles of social life, constituting a dialectical unity, therefore we can say that distribution, exchange and consumption are aspects of social production as a whole, interpenetrating and transforming into each other. Indeed, production is simultaneously consumption (both labor power and means of production), and consumption is production (human production).

The determining factor in this interaction between production and consumption is production, which not only creates an object of consumption and determines the method of consumption, but also serves as the basis for the emergence and development of human needs. Production is related to consumption through the distribution of the produced product, which depends on the nature of existing production relations. “Without production there is no consumption, however, without consumption there is no production, since production would then be pointless.”

“...It is absurd to single out “distribution” and “consumption” as some independent departments of science corresponding to some independent processes and phenomena economic life. Political economy is not concerned with “production” at all, but with the social relations of people in production, social order production. Once these social relations are clarified and analyzed to the end, the place in production of each class is thereby determined, and, consequently, the share of national consumption they receive.” .

In class antagonistic formations, the owners of the means of production - slave owners, landowners, capitalists - appropriate the surplus product, and sometimes even part of the necessary product, while the working masses (slaves, peasants, proletarians), since they are completely or partially deprived of the means of production, are forced to be content with a minimal share the wealth they produced. The socialist revolution eliminates this injustice. With the establishment of collective property and the elimination of the exploiting classes, the production process is subordinated to meeting the growing needs of all members of society. Distribution under socialism is carried out in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor contributed to the general fund by members of society, and under communism - according to needs.

“Production really exists _always_ as historically determined...”- Do people really not produce during transition periods? ;)

“Production is organically connected with the distribution, exchange, and consumption of what is produced”- this refers to production in the narrow sense of the word. It is worth adding (or noting somewhere above) that distribution, exchange and consumption are aspects of social production as a whole.

“Production is related to consumption through the distribution of the produced product, which depends on the nature of the existing production relations”- it would be necessary to add a quote from Lenin that as soon as the distribution of the joint venture is given, then the distribution of the product is immediately given, etc.

“Production really exists _always_ as historically determined...” - do people really not produce during transition periods? ;)- Isn’t the transition period a compound two production methods?

It is worth adding (or noting somewhere above) that distribution, exchange and consumption are aspects of social production as a whole.- Made.

I should add a quote from Lenin- Can I have a link?

But isn’t the transition period a combination of two modes of production?— hello, “convergence theory”! :) Of course not. It is a mixture of economic ways of life, from which, with luck, a new joint venture begins to take shape. And this once again reminds us that the concept of SP is very important (many historians, for example, got rid of it by talking only about “formations”, as a supposedly “comprehensive” and supposedly “completely understandable” category).

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The social nature of production and the way of life of people necessitate subordination: connections with which each of them acts as a bearer of certain duties and responsibilities.

The social nature of production necessitates its systematic regulation.

The social nature of production is expressed, firstly, in the increasing consolidation of direct cooperation of hired workers within the framework of the factory and company system of machines.

The social nature of production and increasing specialization necessitate the exchange of information simultaneously between more than two subscribers. It follows that for some subscribers in promising PBXs it is necessary to provide the opportunity to organize meetings.

The social nature of production is a necessary but not sufficient condition for complete planning. The establishment of collective forms of ownership is sufficient condition turning the need for systematic economic development into an opportunity.

But the social nature of production was constrained by private appropriation. Capitalism has become cramped within the framework of the old nation states, he developed the concentration of production to such an extent that entire branches of industry were captured by capitalist unions and almost all Earth divided between them both in the form of colonies and by entangling foreign countries in networks of financial dependence.

The growth of the social nature of production is manifested in increased concentration, specialization and interdependence of various sectors of the economy. Marx on this issue, wrote: The socialization of labor by capitalist production does not consist at all in the fact that people work in the same room (this is only a part of the process), but in the fact that the concentration of capital is accompanied by the specialization of social labor, a decrease in the number of capitalists in each given industry industry and an increase in the number of special industries; - in the fact that many fragmented production processes merge into one social production process. Meanwhile, each production is carried out by an individual capitalist, depending on his arbitrariness, giving public products to his private property. Isn’t it clear that the form of production comes into irreconcilable contradiction with the form of appropriation?

The deepening of the social nature of production places new demands on the forms and methods of running a capitalist economy. Their main meaning comes down to ensuring greater systematic regulation of social production and resource distribution. The creation of ever larger capitalist associations and the formation of transnational corporations contribute to a partial resolution of this contradiction on the basis of private capitalist socialization. However, without the participation of the state, it is impossible to ensure the relative proportionality of the development of the economy as a whole and even its individual spheres.

Strengthening the social nature of the production of commodity goods.

However, the social nature of production is opposed by the private form of appropriation. This means that socially produced products do not belong to the whole society, but are private property individuals or companies. This gives rise to disproportionality in social production.

Modern conditions the social nature of production lead to the establishment of information exchange between a group of subscribers. Consequently, in the designed PBX systems it is necessary to provide for the organization of conference calls (meetings), as well as the possibility of forwarding a call to another number or service bureau, automatic search for a subscriber, etc. Reducing the number of service personnel is becoming an extremely urgent task. Therefore, in promising PBX systems, the labor intensity of operation should be significantly reduced by increasing equipment reliability, creating maintenance-free PBXs of small and medium capacity, as well as introducing automation of the process of finding faults in the switching system.

The contradiction between the social nature of production and the capitalist form of appropriation in class relations is manifested in the aggravation of the antagonism between labor and capital, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The working class, the main productive force under capitalism, is organically connected with socialized large-scale production.

The contradiction between the social nature of production and the private capitalist appropriation of the products of labor is fundamental under capitalism and leads to the absolute and relative impoverishment of the proletariat. The impoverishment of the working class is a law of the development of capitalism and the result of capitalist exploitation, and not a natural law, as the defenders of the misanthropic ideas of Malthusianism, widely used at present by the ideologists of imperialism, are trying to prove.

The contradiction between the social nature of production and the private capitalist form of appropriation manifests itself with particular force in the antagonism between labor and capital.

The previously unprecedented growth in the social nature of production while maintaining private capitalist property intensifies to the limit the conflict between modern productive forces and capitalist production relations, exacerbates the contradiction between labor and capital, and accelerates the development of state-monopoly capitalism.