Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Open root human design. Root Center

AT natural state The indefinite Root Center allows the pressure to pass through without getting into action. Don't rush to make decisions under pressure. Uses pressure energy to his advantage.
If the False Self dominates the psyche, then a person is always in a hurry, doing everything under pressure and destroying his Physical health. Takes on the stress and pressure of others. When fully open, does not know when to rush. In production situations, the tendency to drive everyone around. Misunderstanding of production rhythms.
Not-Self strategy in the open Root Center: Rush to get rid of the pressure.
Material life directly affects this center.

Open Root Strategy and a question to this center: “Are you still trying to free yourself? Are you still trying to redo things so you can be free? Are you still rushing through life to get rid of things and be free? Everything in the Root Center is connected to a powerful pressure to do things over. Speaking of speed, if you have an employee with an open Root Center and you give him a project that takes about a week, as soon as he hears that it will take a week, he starts to feel sick. It's like, "Oh no, I'll be a slave for a whole week, all this pressure all week." Then he starts going crazy. He does this in two days to free himself faster. To his regret, the boss notices this: “This case did not take so long. Here's your next assignment."
And here again this open Root rushes to be released, only to find that there is no freedom. This incredible pressure to do everything in order to be free will never end. But because we have format energies and depression here, it can end up being unbearable. Undoubtedly, there are many suicides with an open Root, because, after all, this is the fastest way to get rid of the burden and become free. Depending on the level of the Not-Self, an open Root can be very excitable.
Not only that, but we have the transfer of decision-making. Instead of making decisions according to who you are, you are making decisions from the open Root. "I will do all this very quickly, because if I hurry, I will be free." This decision suppresses who you are, suppresses your ability to make correct decisions. This is not to say that the open Root Center is not designed to do everything quickly, it can. They are designed to be fast, but not to get free or get rid of something. The Open Root Center is very nimble. They do things.

When you awaken, your False Self does not disappear. It just becomes your shadow. It remains and becomes a shadow of your true self. We need this shadow because it contains our wisdom. For an open Root, the wisdom is to know when and how to be quick. He can learn all the pitfalls, tricks and pitfalls of speed because it is an open center. If you are in too much of a hurry, you are missing out on too many things. If you are in a hurry, you are leaving too many people behind. Gradually you gain wisdom. But this center does not cease to carry you in its current, as the world of certain Roots influences you. With an open Root, you will always be faster than a certain one, but it is important to enter into the right things and situations that you will be quick with.
This is part of the transformation.

An adult will never get rid of his conditioning. But you reduce it so that only a shadow remains of it. It becomes a shadow and stays with you. It's just the influence of the world around you. The world affects the open Root so that it should move faster.

Your only defense is your Strategy. People with an open Root will not stop being fast, so it's better to turn on the speed correctly.

If you are an open Root person and respond to someone's request to do something, it does not mean that you will do it slowly. You won't. You will do it quickly, but it will be the right thing to speed up. You will be wise because you will learn that if the center is open and you have entered into the experience correctly, you will know how fast you can be. But that has nothing to do with getting rid of the case. The vague Root Centers are always trying to get rid of things, and that is not the point of life. The point is not to get rid of anything. This does not mean that what you are doing this moment, doesn't matter, because tomorrow will be better. Some of the greatest lessons we learn in this life are found in the Root Center.
The reason for the randomness of the indeterminate Root Center in that he does not know what the speed is, just as the open Sacred does not know when enough is enough.
They lack judgment because it is not in these centers. Everyone's indiscretion open center in that they do not know how to evaluate the process associated with this center.
The indefinite Root Center, as well as the Parietal Center, can be subjected to very strong pressure. Not only is it vulnerable in itself, the Root Center also increases any connection to it and can become incredibly hyperactive as a result of conditioning, with predictable consequences.

Imagine: a friend comes to a child with an indefinite Root Center. Since we are attracted to what we are not, he will be attracted to people with a certain Root. Once that friend comes along and turns on an unspecified Root, the boosted Root energy can become explosive. Children will be in the highest degree excited, especially the one whose Root Center is open. It may seem problematic. Such children in the school environment, where all centers are determined by the aura of the class, are under enormous pressure, which leads to high level anxiety. Although it is not the child's fault, this level of energy can be misinterpreted. He can be humiliated, punished, even sent for treatment.
Too many children with open motors are referred to doctors and treated with strong drugs. They are mistakenly considered unhealthy and are diagnosed with increased excitability. But it's not. When told about the nature of their design and how to live it, they will not identify with an energy that does not belong to them and will not give it authority. Then they can use it to their own advantage and will not lose control under its influence.

Instead of absolute hyperactivity, the vague Root under conditioned pressure may also "freeze". Frozen strong energy adrenaline, he can be completely overcome by stage fright. The indeterminate Root Center will either love the crowd or it will terrify it. He will either take off on the adrenaline that will be boosted by him and take advantage of the extra energy, or he will always avoid the crowd for fear of being overwhelmed and overwhelmed.
It is important to understand that we cannot afford to give authority to something we are not. With indefinite system adrenaline, a person under pressure does not necessarily have to lose himself. He can take advantage of him or avoid him - it's all about recognizing what you are not and then removing his command over you. As a result, you receive the potential of wisdom. People with an undefined Root Center can understand the nature of stress and how it operates, as these are the people who can recognize it. When a person does not give authority to vague centers, they have a huge advantage. This duality in us, certain and undefined centers, is a huge challenge, and yet it carries a great reward. It gives us knowledge that is valuable not only for the person himself, but also for others.


Biological Compliance: lymphatic system, spleen, beta cells.
Keywords: intuition, body awareness, fears associated with survival, ensuring health, well-being, taste.
This is the center of awareness responsible for human survival on the physical level. It is associated with fear. physical body.
Defined about 53% of people. They have strong intuition and immune systems. They need to trust their instincts, their intuitive insights. They give a sense of well-being (feeling that all is well) to other people. Such people deal well with their fears (survival, past, future) in a fixed way, and this gives them a sense of security. To be healthy, they need to follow their intuition, no matter what the mind says.
Undefined / open in 47% of people. They cannot trust their intuition, and spontaneity can kill them. The immune system is less strong and therefore they can learn to feel their body. These people are open to any fears, and sometimes it is difficult for them to cope with them. At the same time, the fears they feel are not theirs, they come from outside.
Such people do not always feel well and often become addicted to feeling that "everything is fine" in the presence of another person (if he has a certain Spleen). It is important to understand what “feeling good” means.
They need to test themselves regularly. “Look closely at your life and ask yourself what are you clinging to even though it has already become harmful to you?” It can be relationships, eating habits, exercise, anything. You need to ask yourself a similar question not once, but constantly, for example, once a week.
Sometimes, out of fear, they give up what is good for them. Thus, they will cling to things that are harmful to them and leave useful things. It is important not to let fear rule your life.
Wisdom potential and gift: gain wisdom by learning what is bad for you - food, relationships, work, people. Know what is healthy (healthy) for you and what is not. See how healthy another person is (many healers have an indeterminate Spleen).
Talk false self open center of the Spleen: “I'd rather not do this, because then I will lose my sense of security. I won't do it because I'm scared to think about it. Perhaps I will feel unfit for this case if I try to do this, or I may fail this case. I'm scared to do it because I'm afraid of responsibility, criticism, or the results of what I'm going to do."

The Spleen Center is one of our three centers of awareness. Here they are:

What does "we have 3 centers of awareness" mean?
This means that we are able to be aware of what is happening in these 3 centers. The rest of the centers are just mechanics.
we have only three centers in which we can be aware of what is happening, where we acquire life experience. The remaining six centers are purely mechanical, we have no way to realize through them what is happening. Each center of Awareness has the ability to guide a person through life. The center of the spleen is the physical consciousness of our body. Of the three centers of Awareness, the Spleen center is the weakest. The mind is twice as powerful as it, and the center solar plexus twice as powerful as Uma. The Spleen center is responsible for life and death, and the fact that this is the weakest center of Awareness clearly shows how fragile life and survival really are.
The spleen center is able to respond to current moment only once, only "here and now". He never repeats his response. The Spleen Center is ours main center health. It contains the root cause of our wellness and survival.

There is nothing more conditioned than centers of awareness. If you have one, two, or three centers of awareness open, then you are a person who has been deeply conditioned in this life, because the Not-Self strategies of these centers of awareness are incredibly deep traps.

Let us describe the significance of the center of the Spleen in ordinary life. Only the Spleen Center and Ajna have functional awareness, although we have a third potential which is in the Solar Plexus Center. The root of awareness in life is the Splenic. All forms of life are endowed with this form of consciousness, be they plants, animals or reptiles; the reality is that common ground awareness in the world is the system of the Spleen. It is also the most ancient system awareness.

Biological nature of the splenic system
the center of the Spleen represents the immune system - they are connected directly. Our immune system is very complex. The splenic system is connected to the splenic cells, the spleen itself, and most importantly, to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is huge system in our body, 28% of all cells in the body, that is, more than a quarter of all cells, are lymphatic. This means that your Splenic awareness has access to all the nooks and crannies of your being so it can serve and protect you.

You can draw an analogy of the lymphatic system, which is related to the three streams of awareness that work through the center of the Spleen, by imagining your lymphatic system with tongues (taste), ears (intuition) and spouts (instinct). You can think of this quarter of all the cellular material in your body, divided into three different major divisions, like an army that is always on guard. You have all these armies of spouts, tongues and ears hanging in the present, ready to respond at any moment to anything that doesn't fit nature.

Keyword 44 gate - Vigilance. The nature of the lymphatic system is that it is our combat alarm and signaling system. But more than that, once the alarm goes off, she can also do something about it - clean out that alien, whatever it is.

Another analogy for the Spleen system is the washing machine. Here you have the ability to clean up the system. Of course, the Spleen center is not a motor, so you have a disabled washing machine. Obviously, it will only work if you turn it on, as it needs access to power in order for the cleaning system to work.

Splenic awareness, because it is so deeply connected to our immune system, only serves to keep us alive. Its only function is to keep us alive. And at the same time the language she speaks and her worries unrelated to the mind. And this is the dilemma: how difficult it is for humanity to trust their taste, instinct and intuition, because they are not directly related to any mental process. Therefore, she cannot mentally explain why she responds the way she does. Splenic awareness and the mind work in completely different ways..

You cannot understand the existential awareness of the Spleen center; you can only trust her. You can never know why you are acting the way you are in the present moment. Your mind cannot explain it, but because we live on the mental plane, we run through life in our mind. When you have this existential recognition, until your mind can understand why you have it, it ignores it. Because the mind is twice as powerful as the Spleen system, it is very easy for it to override the immune system.

The immune system is weak because it has the ability to give you a signal only once in a moment. She doesn't have the strength to cling on and keep saying, "No, no, no." She can't do that because she can barely get the first "no" out. Since your mind doesn't understand why your Splenic system says no, it will just make up explanations. And since the mind is about communication, it will say, “Excuse me, Mr. Spleen Center, why are you saying this no? The immune system is no longer involved in this. She's already in the next existential moment - it's over. She won't come back and say, "Let me look in my catalog. That "no" was about...". That's how the mind does these things, makes up explanations, saying "because." Your immune system doesn't do that, it's right there, boom!
Without the ability to understand intellectually the nature of what it means to live with a particular Splenic system, it is almost impossible to trust it. The mind must accept, on its own own level that this awareness exists and operates. And you can only know this by experience, empirically. You may feel but not know where it is coming from because you do not understand the mechanics of your being. Knowing your design will validate something that has been there all your life - the ability to recognize that there was something in the moment that you ignored.

Later, after you have ignored it, you will realize that you already knew and should have paid attention. But you did not believe him, did not trust him, because your mind does not understand the mechanics due to which your immune system made this decision.
Once we stopped being Splenic like everyone else and started to have a mind, our Splenic system was constantly beaten up because the mind is so busy rationalizing everything. The mind does not truly appreciate or love the Spleen center. The mind has its own games, it does not understand why the immune system says "yes" or "no" to something, because the criterion is completely different. The Spleen system says yes or no to something unhealthy.

With Authority in the Spleen, you can see someone come up to you, ask for something, and you can hear yourself saying, "Go away." You don't know why you say this: "Go away." You have no idea. You know that at this moment your immune system considers this person unhealthy for you. And this does not mean that this person will be unhealthy for you ten minutes later. After ten minutes of response, the answer may be completely different, because the immune system is not a long-term defense system. She works step by step, and if you don't pay attention to her, you will pay the price because she knows what is healthy for you or not in terms of your survival.

Subject: physical adrenaline pressure

Function: Driving force life

Implementation: Stress

Biological Compliance

The Root Center is closely connected with the adrenaline system, together with which it performs one of the most important biological functions- production of stress hormones. As much as we would like to, it is impossible to avoid stress. Any event or action necessarily causes a certain response of our entire body. Moreover, without the adrenaline rush that we get with every stress, life would lose its sharpness and piquancy. Humanity would cease to move forward and would stop in its development.

When we suppress our feelings and emotions, stress accumulates inside the body and adversely affects both the psyche and the body. the physical state generally. A balanced distribution of stress (energy) brings a sense of satisfaction, a desire to live and enjoy each new day.

Adrenaline pressure and motor energy

Although both the Root and the Parietal Centers are responsible for delivering energy to, they each do it in their own way. gives rise to doubts, inspirations or confusions in our minds, which need to be voiced in order to be expressed. The Root Center helps us as much as possible in difficult situations: gives energy for development, learning, endows adaptive abilities. And all of the above is impossible without linguistic interpretation.

The Root Center not only exerts pressure, but also plays the role of a motor that generates nine energy processes, each of which is necessarily filtered in one of the other Centers: in the Spleen, Sacral or Solar Plexus, and only then rush to the Throat, where it finds its expression.

Gate of the Root Center

– Striving for perfection, perfection

- Search life purpose. Fight

Married Maid - Achievement, Growth, Transformation

Development - Beginning. Start

Limitations - Change, Overcome, Limit

Keeping Calm - Focus, Concentration

Approach – Sensitive to Basic Needs

Obstacle - Search for the spirit of life, manifestation of emotions

Decrease - Search for new experiences, feelings and emotions

Root pressure literally makes us move, pushes us to actions and feelings. It depends on the Root Center, more precisely on its definite or indefinite gates, how we use the energy provided to us.

Definite Root Center - 60% of the population

The channels that connect the Root Center with the Sacred are called format energies. They are responsible for the way we think and act.

  • - Logic is the basis of comprehension of experience focusing.
  • divides life into numerous cycles in which clearlytraced the beginning, development and end.
  • Launches individual program where there is space andincreased activity, and periods of forced rest, and abrupt changes course.

A certain channel between the Root and the Spleen invites its owners to find their own way of survival, advancement and correction, and thus creates an individual frame of mind and allows you to feel truly alive. The connection of the Root Center with allows you to develop a fixed way to deal with stress, thirst for the unknown and intimate experiences.

Very often, a certain Root Center is a stimulus for the growth and flourishing of the false "I", which tirelessly initiates its life, forcing events and making decisions that are far from ideal, which in turn leads to new stresses. If you do not coordinate your actions with internal Authority and Strategy, then life will gradually turn into a series of conflict and destructive situations.

Indeterminate Root Center - 40% of the population

People with an indefinite Root Center often come under pressure from those with a definite Root. They, as it were, absorb stress from the environment. This is expressed in increased fussiness, inability to refuse additional duties, sharp emotional breakdowns. Very often, this condition develops into uncontrolled anxiety and hyperactivity.

Only the understanding that the pressure they experience is not a product of their nature, but coming from outside, allows, if not to get rid of, then at least to move away from stress. normal life for people with an indefinite Root, it can only come through understanding their Design and knowing their Bodygraph. There is a lot of literature on this topic, but I recommend reading the book by Peter Schöber first.

When a person lives his experience in accordance with his inner Authority and Strategy, the uncertainty of the Root Center does not harm him in any way, on the contrary, it helps him gain wisdom and confidence.

Fully Open Root Center

Life is even more difficult for people with a completely open Root Center. They experience the entire spectrum of its pressure, not understanding why their over-the-top activity is suddenly replaced by complete immobility. They live unconsciously, allowing adrenaline to push them into rash decisions with one goal, to free themselves from pressure, which causes them great harm. I know from experience that many of these people are prone to panic attacks and neuroses. Only alone with nature can they find peace and come to a fully adequate state.

False Self Conversation of an Indeterminate Root Center

Understand. That we have become a "victim" of our own false "I" is possible if we pay attention to our internal monologues, which in the case of an indefinite Root Center will sound like this:

  • How can I improve my life?
  • I need to start something new...
  • I must hurry...
  • I want to be needed. Who is interested in me?
  • Where can I be useful?
  • I have to catch, reach, find ...

As practice shows, those who build life according to the false "I" constantly experience a state of acute time pressure, suffer from indifference and misunderstanding of others, despite all attempts to earn their love and trust. Studying your Bodygraph will save you from such experiences, because, having known yourself, you can easily understand the reasons for your victories and defeats, ups and downs. I recommend going through - the fastest and most reliable way to decipher a personal Bodygraph.

Want to know more about your Design?

Based on the book Ra Uru Hu

“Living your design”


1. Root center - center of pressure and motor.

2. Its biological attribute is the adrenal glands.

3. The theme of the Root Center is the pressure to be, evolve and fit in the world.

4. A certain Root Center bears the stress and pressure of surviving in the world in a certain way.

5. An undefined Root Center bears stress as something that comes from others.

The root center is the center of pressure. It is a pressure from below, a pressure to evolve and adapt to the world and life. It's pressure to be. This center is responsible for how a human being handles and expresses stress, and it is the pressure that drives us through life. The root center is also the engine that provides fuel for our development. Here we find the main fuel for the existence of our vehicle. This is the most powerful, pure energy that we have inside of us. The root center is also called the Kundalini center, meaning you are dealing with the fire of Kundalini. Being the center of pressure, it energizes nine different processes.

The root center is like a gas station where there is different types fuel. Since the energy in the Root Center is very powerful, it cannot be connected directly to the Throat. This energy must first be processed into three centers located around the Root (Sacral Center, Spleen Center and Emotional Center).

The energy in the Root Center is an essential component of the manifestation of oneself in life. human consciousness driven by different types of energy, which are called Stress, Fear and Pain.

biological connection

Biologically, the Root Center is connected with the system that produces adrenaline, with stress hormones. Stress is something you can turn to your advantage, not something you have to suffer from. Stress cannot be avoided. Stress is an important energy, an important fuel that helps us cope with difficult situations. You cannot limit this energy, and when you try, you get depressed, especially at the gate that connects the Root Center with the Sacral.


People with an undefined Root Center are under a lot of pressure. They accept and amplify stress. They are conditioned to be hyperactive and may be completely deprived of rest. Once they see that this pressure is not their pressure, they will learn not to let it overwhelm them. AT stressful situation they can take advantage of this adrenaline energy or step aside and avoid it.

A person with an indefinite Root Center, standing in front of an audience, will receive a powerful adrenaline rush. Many singers on stage have an indeterminate Root Center and enjoy the adrenaline of the crowd. Another reaction to this energy is stage fright, which causes people to avoid it. The powerful root energy terrifies or paralyzes them.

A person with an undefined Root Center who has ceased to identify with their conditioning can gain wisdom about how stress works, how it is felt, and how it can be healed.


The root center can be defined by connecting to three different centers.

People whose Root Center is determined through connection with the Sacred Center endure physical stress in a special way. Connections from the Root to the Sacred are called format energies and set the way we operate in life. Format energies determine how our energy works. A person whose Root Center is connected to the Sacred endures the stress and pressure of being human in a special way. If he has the 9/52 channel defined, that is, the format of concentration and focus, then such a person must endure stress, moving from one thing to another, concentrating step by step, deeply exploring each stage before moving on to the next. This is how he should behave in life.

People whose Root Center is determined through connection with the Spleen” can rely on their constant striving to be healthy.

People who have their Root center determined through connection with the Solar Plexus center must trust their pressure to be emotional.

The root center is the center of pressure along with the center of the head, only this pressure comes from below and stimulates development and adaptation to the surrounding world. It has to do with how a person experiences and expresses stress. This is the pressure that drives us.

The root center is also the engine that keeps evolution going. Here is the main fuel for the existence of our vehicle - the most powerful energy that is inside us. The root center is also called the kundalini center. As a center of pressure, it gives fuel to nine various processes: fix, find purpose, grow, begin, change, focus, need, find spirit, desire.

The root center resembles a gas station where you will find different kinds fuel. Since the energy here is incredibly strong, the root center does not have a direct connection with. Its energy must be filtered in the three centers closest to it (sacral, splenic and solar plexus). The energy of the root center is an essential component of manifestation, that is, self-expression.

Biological Compliance

Biologically, the root center is associated with the adrenaline system, stress hormones. The stresses of life are something that you can get some benefits from, but you shouldn't suffer from them. Stress cannot be avoided - it is an important energy, a fuel that helps us persevere in difficult situations. You cannot limit this fuel or you will become depressed.

Undefined root center

A person with an indefinite root center can come under tremendous pressure as he accepts and increases stress. He is conditioned to be hyperactive and can become incredibly restless. Seeing that the pressure does not belong to him, he avoids being overwhelmed by it. In a moment of stress, he can either take advantage of the adrenaline energy or step aside and avoid it.

A person with an indeterminate root center walking on stage in front of an audience can be energized by an adrenaline rush. Many singers on stage have an indefinite root center and enjoy the energy of the crowd. Another reaction to it may be the freezing stage, which causes people to go into hiding. The powerful adrenaline energy frightens or paralyzes them. People with an undefined root center who have ceased to identify with its conditioning can come to understand the nature of stress, how it feels and how it can be eliminated.

Defined Root Center

The root center can be defined by three different centers. A person whose root center is determined by the sacral has a fixed way of dealing with stress. The connections between the root center and the sacral are called energy formats, and they dictate the nature of our functioning in this life. Energy formats tell us how our energies operate.

One whose root center is determined from the spleen must trust in his fixed way of interacting with the pressure to be healthy. The one whose root center is determined from must trust his pressure to be emotional.

Biological correspondence: adrenaline glands, adrenal glands.

Keywords: drive to life, stress, physical pressure.

This center responds to the physically felt pressure of life. The basic reaction is "Fight or flight". The root center is the center of pressure along with the center of the head. Only this pressure comes from below and stimulates development and adaptation to the surrounding world. It has to do with how a person experiences and expresses stress. This is the pressure that drives us.

The root center is also the engine that keeps evolution going. Here is the main fuel for the existence of our vehicle - the most powerful energy that is inside us. The root center is also called the kundalini center. As a center of pressure, it fuels nine different processes: fix, find purpose, grow, start, change, focus, need, find spirit, desire.

The Root Center is the center of pressure. It is pressure from below, pressure to develop and adapt to the world and life. It's the pressure to exist. It has to do with how a person experiences and expresses stress, and it is the pressure that drives us in this world. The Root Center is also the motor that keeps the evolution going.

Root Pressures, they are the gates of the Root Center:

  • 58 - Fix
  • 38 - Find Target
  • 54 - Grow
  • 53 - Start
  • 60 - Mutate (Change)
  • 52 - Focus
  • 19 - Need
  • 39 - Find the Spirit
  • 41 – Wish

The Root Center is like a gas station where you will find various types of fuel. Because the energy is incredibly strong at the Root Center, it has no direct connection to the Throat. His energy must be filtered in the three Centers closest to him (Sacred, Splenic, Emotional Centers). The energy of the Root Center is an essential component of manifestation, expression in our lives. The human mind runs on a fuel called stress, fear and pain.

The root center is connected with the adrenal system, which produces adrenaline, stress hormones. It is a system of physical pressure and the head of the major league of stress-producing motors. This is the essence of the Root. Sounds nice when you call it Kundalini energy; but this is Kundalini only after 35 years of yoga; for everyone else, it's stress, pressure. As humans, we are under pressure to stay alive and be healthy at the same time. We are under pressure to convey to each other the essence, the main points of what it means to be human. This is our fundamental pressure. The root center is also the fuel for our deepest fears.

The root center has tremendous power. It is of great importance for our body, as it puts pressure on all major functions. Without the physical pressure coming out of the Root, we would not have these basic life processes that make us into the species we are. To be human means to be both the Tao of our existence between the Sun and the Earth, and also the flesh in the middle of the sandwich. We live in a pressure sandwich, a stress-anxiety sandwich, and that is what drives us forward. We are designed to be between these two centers of pressure - the Root Center with its stress and the Parietal Center with its anxiety. We are never free from pressure.

Pressure does not live here and is not part of us. It passes through us - from above and below. So stress doesn't technically belong to us; it just goes right through us. You don't have to hold on to it, and if you don't interfere, it won't bother you. If you intervene, then it will.

People have pressure from above and pressure from below and still wonder why there is so much pressure in the world. 70% of people's time around the world is spent providing firewood and water for the hearth - what to say about living under pressure, incredible pressure, the stress of being in the world. Everyone thinks pressure is bad, but it's not. It is the essential fuel for all our life process. It is those things that we dislike the most - fear, stress, pain - that make us human and are driving force our consciousness.

Defined in 68% of people. For people with this property, it provides a permanent, inherent way to deal with physical pressure, they have a natural ability to deal with it. This pressure helps you move through life, gives you the desire to do something, it is psychological fuel. These people can remain calm when they are being pressured.

Not defined / open in 32% of people. Such people work fast and hard, trying to release the pressure, but it never lets up. This is the physical adrenaline pressure. They do one thing and 10 others are waiting for them. And it goes on endlessly. You can work all night to finish something, because in the morning you need to start something new. Your boss thinks, "He's working so fast and efficiently, he should be given one more job." These people never feel free from pressure - but it is not theirs, and they become its victim.

People with an indeterminate root center are open and receptive to other people's stress. It is important not to let the chaos and stress of other people's lives affect their lives.

Wisdom potential and gift: the ability to allow pressure to flow through the body, and not involve a person in an action that is not correct for him. Enjoy your natural tranquility.

False Self Root Center

The Not-Self dialogues of the open Root Center may have following structure: “What can I do to improve my life? I need to achieve something in my life. I have to hurry to be on time. We need to start something new. What do I need to focus on? I need to be needed by someone. Who needs me? Where will I be needed? What turns me on? I would like something new in my life. We need to hurry up and start something new. I don't want to waste time. We need to finish this job."

In religious terms, the Root Center is associated with the concept of Service. People with a certain Root Center can serve a specific cause and be very effective in doing so. The indeterminate root center can practice the technique of "doing nothing," that is, being wisely aware of the pressure of life and going in the right direction for it.

Defined Root Center

A certain Root Center in its natural state has a permanent internal way deal with pressure. Lives the pressure according to his personal definitions. Doesn't pressure others. Doesn't expect others to handle stress the way he does.

Under the influence of the Not Self, it can be cruel to those who cannot cope with stress, putting unnecessary pressure on others. Holds pressure in your body without getting rid of it properly.

The Root center can be defined by the Spleen, Sacral or Solar Plexus center - accordingly, we get a different result, depending on which center the Root is defined.

The Root Center does not have direct access to the Expression Center (Throat Center), but it does have direct access to the Sacral Center and this has deep meaning because their relationship is important. People whose Root Center is defined through connection with the Sacral Center endure physical stress in a special way.

The three channels that connect the Root Center to the Sacred are called format energies and define the way we operate in life. Format energies determine how our energy works. In principle, they determine how the body functions by setting certain frequency or the structure of energy work in the body.

Format Energies

Maturing (42-53)- Empirical format energy, and it is associated with beginnings, middles and endings. This is the empirical path of man, the path of life.

Concentration (9-52)- A logical format related to being focused and concentrated.

Mutation (3-60)- in your center Individual process, and this is the pulse (there is a mutation or not).

These three main frequencies are progressive frequency (beginning, middle and end), focused and concentrated frequency and pulse. These are the three main frequencies of the body itself.

If you have one of these channels defined, it determines how the characteristics work in your body.

For example, if you have a Logical format channel, everything else will be focused and concentrated.

If you also have the Channel of Intimacy (59-6) determined, you will concentrate and focus on intimacy, and if you have the Opening Channel (46-29) determined, you will concentrate and focus on being in right time in the right place and succeed where others fail. In other words, focus and concentration become the frequency of the whole process in the work of consciousness. And this concentration will come from the certainty of the corresponding channel, and not because of the desire to concentrate.

If, on the other hand, you have an Experiential format defined, then everything you do will have to be progressive. This is not a process of focus and concentration at all; it is a progression - with beginnings, middles and endings. Everything in your life will be structured that way. In some cases it will be a quick process, in other situations it will be a long one, but you will only truly feel satisfied when you complete things.

If you have an Individual format defined, everything will be about indecision. You are always waiting for something to happen. This is the pulse of mutation. The moment it happens, suddenly you can make a decision. Suddenly you have clarity about something.

These formats are very important, as they bring with them a deep depression. This is also due to the special accessibility of the Sacred in relation to the Root.

All six gates between the Sacred and the Root are the only true gates of depression.

These three different energy formats represent three different ways how we operate as energy systems and how stress and depression operate.

So we have cyclical processes, logical and focused, and mutational process. When the Root Center is connected to the Sacral Center, connected to the center that generates life itself, the main pressures of life are created due to these format energies. They all get stress energy fuel as a motivating tool. Just as you start with pressure from the mental system with its anxieties and that motivates you on the mental plane, the Root Center makes us move physically.

The stress mechanism is surrounded by the Splenic system on one side, the Solar Plexus on the other, and the Sacral Center on top.

The root is the pressure system for these three centers because everything comes out of these three centers.

The Spleen Center is our underlying existential awareness, our immune system. Thus, the Root Center nourishes, fuels our immune system. It interacts with the Solar Plexus system and pumps adrenaline into the Emotional System, creating the foundation for all of our sexuality. Put stress and emotion together and you have sex and food.

Thus, although the Root may not seem particularly sexy as some of the other centers, the importance of this motor in our lives cannot be underestimated. Especially with energy point vision - without the fuel below to get us up and running, our lives wouldn't get the pressure that made us such a successful species.

Undefined Root Center

In its natural state, the Indeterminate Root Center allows pressure to pass through itself without becoming active. Don't rush to make decisions under pressure. Uses pressure energy to his advantage.

If the False Self dominates the psyche, then a person is always in a hurry, doing everything under pressure and destroying his Physical health. Takes on the stress and pressure of others. When fully open, does not know when to rush. In production situations, the tendency to drive everyone around. Misunderstanding of production rhythms.

Not-Self strategy in the open Root Center: Rush to get rid of the pressure.

Material life directly affects this center.

Open Root Strategy and a question to this center: “Are you still trying to free yourself? Are you still trying to redo things so you can be free? Are you still rushing through life to get rid of things and be free? Everything in the Root Center is connected to a powerful pressure to do things over. Speaking of speed, if you have an employee with an open Root Center and you give him a project that takes about a week, as soon as he hears that it will take a week, he starts to feel sick. It's like, "Oh no, I'll be a slave for a whole week, all this pressure all week." Then he starts going crazy. He does this in two days to free himself faster. To his regret, the boss notices this: “This case did not take so long. Here's your next assignment."

And here again this open Root rushes to be released, only to find that there is no freedom. This incredible pressure to do everything in order to be free will never end. But because we have format energies and depression here, it can end up being unbearable. Undoubtedly, there are many suicides with an open Root, because, after all, this is the fastest way to get rid of the burden and become free. Depending on the level of the Not-Self, an open Root can be very excitable.

Not only that, but we have the transfer of decision-making. Instead of making decisions according to who you are, you are making decisions from the open Root. "I will do all this very quickly, because if I hurry, I will be free." This decision suppresses who you are, suppresses your ability to make correct decisions. This is not to say that the open Root Center is not designed to do everything quickly, it can. They are designed to be fast, but not to get free or get rid of something. The Open Root Center is very nimble. They do things.

When you awaken, your False Self does not disappear. It just becomes your shadow. It remains and becomes a shadow of your true self. We need this shadow because it contains our wisdom. For an open Root, the wisdom is to know when and how to be quick. He can learn all the pitfalls, tricks and pitfalls of speed because it is an open center. If you are in too much of a hurry, you are missing out on too many things. If you are in a hurry, you are leaving too many people behind. Gradually you gain wisdom. But this center does not cease to carry you in its current, as the world of certain Roots influences you. With an open Root, you will always be faster than a certain one, but it is important to enter into the right things and situations that you will be quick with. This is part of the transformation.

An adult will never get rid of his conditioning. But you reduce it so that only a shadow remains of it. It becomes a shadow and stays with you. It's just the influence of the world around you. The surrounding world affects the open Root in such a way that it must move faster.

Your only defense is your Strategy. People with an open Root will not stop being fast, so it's better to turn on the speed correctly.

If you are an open Root person and respond to someone's request to do something, it does not mean that you will do it slowly. You won't. You will do it quickly, but it will be the right thing to speed up. You will be wise because you will learn that if the center is open and you have entered into the experience correctly, you will know how fast you can be. But that has nothing to do with getting rid of the case. The vague Root Centers are always trying to get rid of things, and that is not the point of life. The point is not to get rid of anything. It doesn't mean that what you do now doesn't matter because tomorrow will be better. Some of the greatest lessons we learn in this life are found in the Root Center.

The reason for the chaotic nature of the indeterminate Root Center is that it does not know what the speed is, just as the open Sacral does not know when enough is enough.

They lack judgment because it is not in these centers. The imprudence of every open center is that they do not know how to evaluate the process associated with this center.

On the indefinite Root center, as well as on the Parietal, you can put very strong pressure. Not only is it vulnerable in itself, the Root Center also increases any connection to it and can become incredibly hyperactive as a result of conditioning, with predictable consequences.

Imagine: a friend comes to a child with an indefinite Root Center. Since we are attracted to what we are not, he will be attracted to people with a certain Root. Once that friend comes along and turns on an unspecified Root, the boosted Root energy can become explosive. Children will be extremely excited, especially one with an open Root Center. It may seem problematic. Such children in the school environment, where all centers are determined by the aura of the class, are under enormous pressure, which leads to a high level of anxiety. Although it is not the child's fault, this level of energy can be misinterpreted. He can be humiliated, punished, even sent for treatment.

Too many children with open motors are referred to doctors and treated with strong drugs. They are mistakenly considered unhealthy and are diagnosed with increased excitability. But it's not. When told about the nature of their design and how to live it, they will not identify with an energy that does not belong to them and will not give it authority. Then they can use it to their own advantage and will not lose control under its influence.

Instead of absolute hyperactivity, the vague Root under conditioned pressure may also "freeze". Frozen by the strong energy of adrenaline, he can be completely overcome by stage fright. The indeterminate Root Center will either love the crowd or it will terrify it. He will either take off on the adrenaline that will be boosted by him and take advantage of the extra energy, or he will always avoid the crowd for fear of being overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

It is important to understand that we cannot afford to give authority to something we are not. With an indefinite adrenaline system, a person under pressure does not necessarily have to lose himself. He can take advantage of him or avoid him - it's all about recognizing what you are not and then removing his command over you. As a result, you receive the potential of wisdom. People with an undefined Root Center can understand the nature of stress and how it operates, as these are the people who can recognize it. When a person does not give authority to vague centers, they have a huge advantage. This duality in us, definite and indefinite centers, is a great challenge, and yet it carries great rewards. It gives us knowledge that is valuable not only for the person himself, but also for others.