Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Approximate daily routine for a housewife. Tips for housewives

Being a housewife is not easy. It seemed like a whole day at home. However, as we all know, homework there is never an end and also does not have its complete completion. And besides this, you need to pay attention to your husband and work out with children. Preschool children absorb a lot of time, and schoolchildren require some control. Well, besides this, I want to leave at least a little time for myself: to put myself in order, and to do business for the soul. In this case, the question does not arise, While you put things in order in all the rooms, prepare a meal and work with the children, there is no strength and desire left for anything else. In order to successfully plan your day, he offers the housewife to use one method that I have tested. global changes this method will not bring into your life, but certain share will free up time.

Daily routine of a housewife.

Try to distribute all the rooms of housing by day: one room for one day of the week. Kitchen, bathroom, corridor - are also rooms in need of cleaning. To begin with, you allocate rooms in advance. Then, by experimenting how much time is needed for each room, you can change something in the schedule. Suppose you have a two-room apartment. Then the graph, or each , will look something like this:
- Monday: living room;
- Tuesday: bathroom;
- environment: kitchen;
- Thursday: bedroom;
- Friday: corridor.

The day off should be a normal day off, do not plan serious business on it. Moreover, you, as a housewife, will not be left without household chores anyway.

Enter the mandatory rules for yourself:

1. Since one room is carefully cleaned once a week, on other days you can be content with just cleaning things under your feet.

2. If a room is missed on some day, then move it to the weekend.

3. For every day, a housewife has a few must-have things:

Dirty dishes should not be left the next day.
The same goes for sinks.
Floors must be washed in every room.
In the evening, you need to put things in order: remove toys from the floor, hang clothes in the closet, put things in their places.

You can add the rules yourself, everything is given as an example. You will see that you have become much more likely to dust, mop floors and clean closets, because it is easier to clean one room in one day than to try to tidy up the whole house every day.

Read the continuation of this topic in the article.

Plan your housewife day you need to want to live on and love your family. This structure will help you save time and not feel like a hostage to homework. After all, we women deserve more!

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I became a housewife when my daughter was born. At that time, I had just turned 27 years old. Despite my already far from young age, I encountered everyday life for the first time. When I lived with my parents, my mother took care of the housekeeping. I got married at the age of 23, but my husband and I worked all the time and came home only to sleep.

So, life "fell" on me as soon as I returned from the hospital. It was necessary to look after the child: feed, process, walk, bathe, put to sleep. But that wasn't the worst part! The daughter was on breastfeeding, which meant that you had to cook yourself a healthy meal every day. And I couldn't cook! But it was still necessary to clean up, wash baby diapers, wash dishes. In general, guard!

I constantly did not have time for anything and was very nervous, there were problems with my husband. But they were still flowers! The most difficult thing began when my daughter was one and a half years old and she began to show character: frequent screams with or without reason, scattering toys, breaking dishes. The apartment has turned into a battlefield: toys, children's clothes, dishes are scattered everywhere. Since I cook for the child every day, mountains of dishes began to accumulate on the table.

I realized that something had to be done about it, otherwise I would soon go crazy. And I decided to plan my every day. To this end, I compiled a “documentation for a housewife”: Daily routine, Class schedule with my daughter, Menu for the child and for us for the week. Every day I tried my best to stick to the schedule. And it helped! Although my husband was skeptical about "my papers" with which I hung the entire refrigerator.

In the Daily Schedule, I tried to take into account all household chores: cooking, exercising and developing activities with my daughter, walking, bathing, cleaning, washing, washing dishes. For convenience, I have sorted the classes by priority: first of all - the child, then - everything else. I also started working from home.

So, I get up at 5.00 in the morning and work until 8.00. From 8.00 to 14.00 all my time is devoted only to the child: we have breakfast, play, do exercises / go to the pool, walk, have lunch and go to bed. At 2:00 pm I sit down at my laptop and work until 5:00 pm, until my daughter wakes up. Then we have an afternoon snack, walk a second time, watch cartoons and play, but with dad. And at this time I redo all household chores at the speed of light: I cook dinner, tidy up, wash dishes, etc. At 20.00 we have dinner, dad and daughter go to read books before going to bed, we swim, and exactly at 22.00 dad and child go to bed. Hooray! For the next hour, I can do "pleasures": watch a movie, read a book, go to my favorite websites, take a bath. In general, I spend this hour only on my beloved. At 23:00 I go to bed.

What do I want to say? My daily routine is very busy. Sometimes you want to drop everything and just sleep, or at least lie in front of the TV - like before! But it’s impossible: if I relax even for a minute, life will again “fall like an avalanche” on me. And I really don't want that!

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And put them into our plan for the week. Let's get busy now regular business that are done constantly: cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing, shopping for groceries, etc. Look at the diary - between the morning and evening block on weekdays, we had a “reserve” of about 3-4 hours. Now our task is to carefully “embed” the listed cases there.

For example, on Monday we will allocate two hours for ironing and immediately mark this time in the table (take into account the time for putting things in their places in the closet! After washing, we will add time for hanging clothes, etc.). Similarly, we will distribute the rest on weekdays, trying to do it evenly. In fact, these cases, using some tricks, can be significantly reduced (we'll talk about this later!). It makes sense to consider cooking separately if you spend more than an hour on it. Many housewives, for example, prepare food for 2-3 days at once.

We get something like this "layout" for the week:

Monday- shopping day : we buy products according to the list, replenish stocks of washing powder and other household goods. You can go to the bank to pay bills and do some other things along the way - give clothes to dry cleaning, get a certificate, etc.

Tuesday - we plan ironing, watering flowers and minor repairs to clothes - sew on a button, insert an elastic band, etc. I advise you to have a basket, where during the whole week you simply put things that need repair and forget about them: if a torn sock suddenly shows up, he calmly waits for the next Tuesday. You can put things in order in papers and checks.

Wednesday dedicated to the kitchen: washing the refrigerator and microwave, changing kitchen towels, reviewing products and compiling a menu for the next week. We write shopping list. You can sum up the financial results of the week - what was bought, how much was spent.

On the Thursday while we outline the things that you did not have time to do last week, we will leave it in reserve.

Friday- ahead of the weekend, it is better to spend them with pleasure, in a clean apartment! We vacuum, wash floors, change bed linen and towels, and do laundry. The main thing is not to overdo it so that regular cleaning does not develop into a general one (more on that later!). Cleaning is a rather capacious affair, so it’s better not to plan anything else for Friday.

Thus, our “day block” looks like this: we have lunch with the children, then we do the corresponding task of the week, we relax, play, finish things, wait for our husband to come home. If some things take you more than half an hour, then it is better to include them in the plan too. Please note: sometimes there is still a “window” for an hour and a half. Then we use it. It is very convenient to provide several such “windows” - if it suddenly turns out that next week you have a visit to the doctor or another urgent matter, then you will simply “shift” the entire block of daily tasks in one direction or another.

What to do on the weekend? Of course, it depends on the lifestyle and interests of your family members, but it is better not to plan these days so rigidly. On Saturday, you can do some business with the whole family. Let's say, in the morning - go shopping, and then send the children for a walk with her husband, setting aside a couple of hours for himself, for example, to meet a friend.

Sunday- Day of family and rest. Only the necessary things are done (you can’t leave your family without lunch and dinner!), or you can bake a pie, stick dumplings with the whole family. Go to the park or have a picnic. The main thing is that we have practically freed the weekend for “family” affairs!

Time management strongly advises (at first it is difficult): all regular tasks should be done exactly at the time provided for in your schedule. Something was not in time - wait until the next "window" or reserve day. When you make a list of regular tasks, you will see that there are also “seasonal” tasks. Plan them in advance, for example - look at the winter shoes and clothes of your family members in early autumn in order to give them for repairs or buy everything you need.

So, your preliminary plan for the week is ready! Of course, each hostess will have a different plan, but general structure blocks will remain. Try starting on Monday to put it into practice. You will immediately see that some things do not fit into the selected framework, but you do something faster. Now, in order to “correct” our plan, we need to enter the time of its implementation into each item with an accuracy of 15 minutes. And if you don’t know this for sure, then try to time the clock ( ) when you do something, and enter the data into your list. This will take some time, but it will help distribute the load more efficiently in the future.

Usually every hostess has "hard" things, which accumulate, but she can not bring herself to take them. Since Thursday, as you remember, we left in reserve, we can allocate it for long-planned, but boring things that we subconsciously put off. To get involved in the regime, you need to plan daily activities for only two to three weeks. You will immediately see that the new regime organically enters the life of your family, and you have become much more successful!

You ask: what about me? Where ? Take your time, we'll talk about this in another article!

A well planned day is very important condition that increases your personal effectiveness. That is why it is worth taking care of how to make a good daily routine.

Why is a daily plan so important?

Day planning is not the only type of time organization, but one of the most effective. Before compiling it, you need to decide on its goals for the day and for the week in order to strategically distribute your tasks for each day. Then it's worth setting up an agenda. It allows the best way use the time you have during the day.

Good planning will increase your personal effectiveness and motivation to act. The agenda will allow you to find yourself in the chaos of everyday tasks, where there are many sensitive issues, and only a few of them are the most important.

A good daily plan is based on the following elements:

  • contains the most important task;
  • completing a task step by step;
  • a reserve of time for unforeseen cases;
  • minimum of the most important tasks.
  • Reviews and comments

How to plan your day, step by step?

There is no magic formula for creating a universal schedule. There is a solution for every person and every family. First you need to try to describe your day in the form of a graph, taking the main points as a basis. This may be eating or sleeping, such elements of the plan will be a kind of pillars of internal order. If your baby is slow, takes a long time to eat, or has a hard time waking up in the morning, allow more time for these stages.

When the daily schedule is ready, you can put the idea into action and start sticking to the plan every day. Remember, however, that a house is not a barracks, it is worth preserving common sense and a certain degree of flexibility in implementing your schedule.

At this stage, we must constantly remind the family of fixed points plan. It is also very important point regime and discipline. It is necessary to teach children to act more quickly, to be more “collected” and organized. Of course, not everything will succeed the first time. Life, of course, often makes its own adjustments.

holiday periods or school holidays, as well as various events bring changes to the daily routine and can allow you to relax a bit. AT common days, after you compose detailed plan for a day and work it out, you must use it constantly.

How to make a good daily routine for a housewife

If a woman does not work and can devote herself entirely to raising children and maintaining a home, she must remember that the regime even in this case is also important.

From the early age children should be taught that in addition to fun and entertainment, people should do many other things. BUT the best way to convey this to the children will be an example of a “collected” and organized mother, who has everything under control.

Therefore, you should develop a plan for the day, the more detailed it is, the better for the baby.

A clear routine can give him a sense of security because children need routine and a sense of control.

Here is an example of how to make a daily routine for a housewife:

  • 07:00 – 07:30 Wake up, get dressed, prepare breakfast;
  • 7:30 - 8:00 Wake up children, breakfast together;
  • 8:00 – 8:30 Morning toilet and discussion of plans for the day;
  • 08:30 - 10:00 Morning chores - sending the husband to work and children to school, kindergarten;
  • 10:00 – 13:00 Going to the store, park, on important business;
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Cooking and lunch;
  • 14:00 – 15:30 Leisure, hobbies, house cleaning, household chores;
  • 15:30 – 16:30 High tea;
  • 16:30 - 17:30 Walking, helping children with lessons, going on business, to circles with children;
  • 17:30 – 18:30 Rest;
  • 18:30 - 19:00 Cooking and dinner;
  • 19:00 – 19:30 Watching TV, reading books, household chores;
  • 19:30 - 20:00 Shower, bath for children;
  • 20:00 – 20:30 Bedtime story, bedtime;
  • 20:30 Shower and relaxation for mom;
  • 21:00 Watching a movie, rest;
  • 22:00 – 23:00 Sleep.

Raising children and housework according to a predetermined schedule can be a daunting task for every woman. Therefore, it is necessary to make realistic plans that can be carried out. If housework requires several hours of constant time, it is worth adding them to the plan for the day when the children sleep.

It is worth trying to get help from someone in the family. Maybe there is someone nearby from relatives who decides to take the baby for a walk and give you the opportunity to focus on work.

The planning of the day should take into account that the participants family life all family members.

It happens that a scenario is imposed in a family in which one of the parents, more often the father, is only responsible for providing material benefits and the smooth functioning of the house.

When the wife is fully occupied with daily household chores with children “on her head”, and the husband, returning after work, dreams only of a chair and a remote control remote control television, after a while a woman may find herself losing emotional contact with both her husband and children. You should not allow this and completely immerse yourself in the role of a housewife. Such a seemingly well-built house can imperceptibly turn into an emotional refrigerator and can crack.

Learn to manage your time

Analyze your pastime: in the next 3 days, write down what you did, hour by hour, and then rate the importance of each activity.

  • Cut down on wasted time. If you were sitting on the couch and watching TV, you also need to set aside time for this, everyone needs to relax. But when you habitually, even if you don’t enjoy it, sit at this activity for four hours and then complain that you don’t have enough time for what you would like to do, this is wrong. Don't waste time on things you don't like. Think about what you can remove from your daily routine to make time for your favorite activities. And don't be afraid to make revolutionary decisions;
  • Learn to politely refuse. You do not have to fulfill every request for help, both at work and at home. Say a polite no, especially when you see that it's not a matter of saving someone's life. The house can do without your help for some time, children and husband do not need your guardianship 24 hours a day;
  • Improve relationships with other people. Of course, there are many problems in relations with relatives and other people, the solution of which is constantly postponed. Unfinished business not only depresses, but also “gets stuck” in the head, does not allow to concentrate. Think about how you can organize your time so that it is enough to solve these issues. Call your parents, visit relatives and friends, they also need to make time;

  • Get rid of unnecessary relationships and acquaintances. Don't waste precious time on energy vampires. Maybe your friend has a habit of calling you and talking on the phone for hours about nothing, which leaves you in a terrible mood. Stop it. Minimize contacts with not very nice friends, and even more so a long and aimless pastime with them.

There is no universal daily routine. But there is general rules efficient and rational organization of your time.

Try to use your day rationally, removing all unnecessary waste of time from it and intelligently distributing your time between business, worries and rest, setting priorities correctly and adhering to the accepted routine.

Any activity, including housekeeping, involves planning. Only in our case, this is a more flexible option, since everything can change at any time, for example, if a child gets sick, or you had to help a friend out by spending money on solving her problems a large number of time, or the husband asked to fulfill several of his requests.

Let's analyze an approximate timing plan for a housewife (if you don't have children):

  1. Every day in the morning you should leave yourself personal 30-40 minutes, in which you must put yourself in order (wash your face, take a light morning shower) and drink invigorating coffee or tea;

  2. As much as we would like, but cleaning in the morning is necessary. Most likely, a couple of unwashed cups still remained in the kitchen from the evening, and dust had already settled on the TV in the living room. Therefore, it is worth wiping the dust and be sure to vacuum it. (15-20 minutes)

  3. Ventilate the room at least twice, once in the morning after sleep. The second time in the evening before bed. (10 minutes)

  4. Find interesting courses for yourself that will help you broaden your horizons - let it be a topic related to your education, or related to your hobby. An hour to listen to lectures is more than enough for you. (60 minutes)

  5. Be sure to check out the news. Men almost all follow what is happening in the world, and you need this to keep the conversation going on any topic that your husband would not want to talk about. (20-30 minutes)

  6. Prepare a delicious dinner (if you don’t eat a lot, then cook only for yourself to eat and immediately clean up after yourself, and do not wait until the salad gives juice until the evening, and serve it in such an unsightly form). (20-40 minutes)

  7. Be sure to sign up for fitness. And visit the gym and swimming pool two or three times a week. Firstly, you will relax and enjoy, secondly, you will communicate with those who spend time there, and thirdly, you will always keep yourself in shape. And don't be lazy! (60-90 minutes)

  8. After returning from training, take a shower. And read for 30 minutes interesting book. Your body will rest and your head will switch. (40-50 minutes)

  9. Prepare a fresh delicious dinner. Find interesting recipes that you haven't tried yet to surprise your loved one. (60-80 minutes)

  10. Before the arrival of a loved one, set the table, even if it is not a restaurant setting, but arrange the cutlery and decorate the dishes in an unconventional way, with a twist. (10 minutes)

  11. Evening dinner can be spent with a pleasant conversation, to the sounds of melodious music. Music always relaxes and sets you up for relaxation.

  12. And smile! Find new ones for you interesting activities, read books, listen to music, cook masterpiece desserts, decorate the house. Feel like a real woman.