Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Races of man. Three races (-)

Let us consider in detail phylogenesis - the formation of the human race - from the point of view of esotericism.

Root race is a theosophical term used to refer to each of the seven stages in the evolution of mankind on any planet in esoteric anthropogenesis, as set forth in Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine (1888). During any of these seven stages of evolution, sometimes called small circles, one of the seven basic types of man predominates. The Secret Doctrine states that the development of indigenous races is inextricably linked with a change in the geographical face of the planet: the destruction of some continents and the emergence of others. However, Blavatsky notes, it should be borne in mind that both for racial evolution and for shifts and displacements of continental masses, it is impossible to draw a clear line between the end of the old order and the beginning of a new one.

It is assumed that intelligent life on Earth was purposefully created by a whole complex of higher forces, for which there are no words in human languages. The first monads, created simultaneously with the emergence of the Earth, consisted of subtle bodies and were devoid of reason. It was the first race. Gradually, all the primary monads disintegrated, and the Second Race was formed from their elements. These were monads like the first ones, but they evolved to find a new way of reproducing, which can be described as "egg secretion". Gradually, this method became dominant. And as a result, the Third race arose - the race of the Egg-born, who at the beginning also did not have a dense, physical body (the geological conditions on Earth were then unsuitable for the physical existence of protein bodies). The third race, which arose at the beginning of the Archean era, quickly developed to the level of separation of the sexes and the folding of the rudiments of the mind. The first three sub-races (traditionally there are seven of these sub-races within the boundaries of the "basic" races, according to Theosophy) of the Third Race gradually built up a dense shell, until finally, during the period of the fourth sub-race of the Third Race, the first people actually appeared, possessing a real physical body. This happened in the era of dinosaurs, i.e. around 100–120 million years BC. Dinosaurs were large, and people looked accordingly: up to 18 meters tall or more. In subsequent subraces, their growth gradually decreased. The evidence for this, according to Theosophy, must be the fossilized bones of giants and myths about giants. The first people did not yet have a complete set of bodies: there was no conscious soul, i.e. body of spiritual mind. From these human-animals the higher primates (monkeys) originated. After that, according to one of the versions, the higher forces-creators, who caused intelligent life on Earth, introduced into the consciousness of people those actually rational principles, which allowed them to act as teachers of subsequent generations.

The last sub-races of the Third race created the first intelligent civilization of people on the proto-continent of Lemuria, according to other versions - Gondwana. This continent was located in the Southern Hemisphere and included the southern tip of Africa, Australia with New Zealand, and in the north - Madagascar and Ceylon. Easter Island also belonged to the Lemurian culture. During the period of the seventh sub-race of the Third race, the civilization of the Lemurians fell into decay, and this continent itself went under water. This happened at the end of the Tertiary period, i.e. about 3 million years BC. (The third race is sometimes also called the Black race. Black tribes, African and Australian are considered to be its descendants.) At that time, the Fourth Race was already born - the race of Atlantis on the mainland, called Atlantis (it is assumed that its northern outskirts Atlantis extended several degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and the north of England, and south to where Rio de Janeiro is now). The Atlanteans were the offspring of the Lemurians who settled on another continent about a million years before the death of Lemuria. The first two sub-races of the Atlantean race were descended from these first settlers from Lemuria. The third sub-race of the Atlantean race appeared after the death of Lemuria or Gondwana: these were the Toltecs, the Red Race. According to theosophy, the Atlanteans worshiped the Sun, and their height reached two and a half meters. The capital of the Atlantean empire was the city of the Hundred Golden Gates. Their civilization reached its peak precisely during the period of the Toltecs or the Red Race. This was about 1 million years ago. The first geological catastrophe, which happened about 800 thousand years ago, broke the land connection of Atlantis with the future America and Europe. The second - about 200 thousand years ago - broke the continent into several islands, large and small. Modern continents emerged. After the third catastrophe, about 80 thousand years BC, only the island of Poseidonis remained, which sank about 10 thousand years BC. The Atlanteans foresaw these catastrophes and took measures to save their scientists and the knowledge they had accumulated: they built gigantic temples in Egypt and opened the first schools of esoteric wisdom there. Esotericism in that era acted as a kind of state philosophy and a familiar view of the world. In the face of the threat of the destruction of the continents, the highest value was considered, first of all, by the highest Initiates, thanks to whom the ancient knowledge was able to survive the millennia. The catastrophes of Atlantis caused new waves of migrations and the following sub-races of the Fourth Race arose: the Huns (the fourth sub-race), the proto-Semites (the fifth), the Sumerians (the sixth) and the Asians (the seventh). The Asians who mixed with the Huns are sometimes also called the Yellow Race, and the Proto-Semites and their descendants, who formed the Fifth Race, are also called the White Race.

According to the teachings of Theosophy, all human races and their sub-races perform one or another task of human evolution. When one race completes its mission, then the next one appears to replace it, and this is always connected with the transition of human civilization to a new stage.



Characteristics and habitation

First Root Race

about 150-130 million years BC

It arose on Earth under the sign of the Sun, in the form of astral, semi-etheric beings by way of compaction of the subtle world, that is, the world of psychic energy. Incorporeal, sexless and unconscious. These were creatures with a wave body structure that could freely pass through any solid objects. They looked like luminous incorporeal forms of moonlight in the form of shadows, they could live in any conditions and at any temperature. The natives had astral-etheric vision. Communication with the outside world and the Higher Cosmic Mind was carried out telepathically. Reproduced by excretion from the parental bodies, which by the end was improved to "budding", and it was in this way that the beginning of the second root race was laid.
Habitat: Far North

Second root race

about 130-90 million years BC

The second race was denser, but did not have a physical body, its height was about 37 meters. The “Man” of the Second Race went through the process of compaction, had significant elements of matter, representing an ethereal, ghost-like being.
She inherited sight from the first root race, and she herself developed a sense of touch, which at the end of the race reached such perfection that with just one touch they understood the whole essence of the object, i.e. both the external and internal nature of the objects they touched. This property is today called psychometrics.
The method of reproduction is the release of drops of vital fluid and their integration into a single whole (creature).
Habitat: Hyperborea (Gondwana)

Third Root Race

18.5 million years BC

The bodies of the first sub-race of the Lemurians consisted of astral matter (like the first root race). The second Lemurian sub-race had the form of condensed astral matter (like the second root race). And already the third Lemurian sub-race, in which the division of the sexes took place, has already become purely physical. The bodies and sense organs of the third sub-race of the Lemurians became so dense that the people of this sub-race began to perceive the physical climate of the Earth.
Growth - about 18 meters.
The Lemurians developed a brain and nervous system, which laid the foundation for the development of mental consciousness, although emotionality still predominated.
Habitat: Lemuria (Mu).

Fourth Root Race

About 5 million years BC

The first Atlanteans were shorter than the Lemurians, although they reached 3.5 meters. Gradually, their growth decreased. The color of the skin of the first sub-race was dark red, and the second was red-brown.
The mind of the representatives of the first sub-races of the Fourth Race was infantile, not reaching the level of the last sub-races of the Lemurian Race.
The civilization of Atlantis reached a great level, especially during the existence of the third sub-race of the Atlanteans - the Toltecs. The skin color of the people of this sub-race was copper-red, they were tall - they reached two and a half meters (over time, their height decreased, reaching the height of a person of our days). The descendants of the Toltecs are the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.
They used psychic energy.
Location: Atlantis, Lemuria

Fifth Root Race

About 1.5 million years BC

Modern humanity is interpreted by esotericism as the Fifth or Aryan race, which also traditionally includes seven sub-races, of which only five are still available: 1) Indians (light-skinned tribes), 2) younger Semites (Assyrians, Arabs), 3) Iranians, 4) Celts (Greeks, Romans and their descendants), 5) Teutons (Germans and Slavs). The sixth and seventh root races are to come later.

Sixth and seventh root races

in future

Between the second and third sub-races of the sixth root race there will be a transition from organic to ethereal life.
The people of the sixth root race will eventually open and develop subtle energy centers (chakras), which will gradually lead to the discovery of wonderful abilities, for example, such as thought transmission at a distance, levitation, knowledge of the future, vision through dense objects, understanding knowledge of it and other phenomenal abilities.

First Root Race represented the first, non-biological form of life on Earth (in the 4th Round of planetary evolution), which appeared several hundred million years ago from the Moon. The First Root Race - according to the "Secret Doctrine" - "shadows of shadows" of the Lunar Pitris, i.e. astral forms of certain beings from the moon. What does "astral" mean? By this concept, the Mahatmas and H. P. Blavatsky explained, “starry”, thin, shining, transparent, fluid or viscous states of various degrees of density can be meant. Based on the modern energy-informational concept, it can be assumed that the "astral Lunar Pitris" are a field form of life, the existence of which is substantiated by the experiments of a number of scientific groups.

Very little is said about the life of the first root race; it is very difficult for us, earthly people, endowed with five physical senses and limited by them, to understand the spiritual-instinctive life of the subtle-ethereal "people" of that distant time, who had absolutely no contact with the physical plane of our planet. The first "people" of the first root race were in the form of a ball with wings that flew in astral space, obeying the instinct of movement, which resembled a chaotic Brownian motion, which by definition is the continuous, random movement of particles suspended in a liquid or gas. "People" of the first root race had no gender, were silent, had no organs of nutrition and digestion, because. obtained the necessary food by osmosis from the environment.

The mainland of the first Root Race was located in the place where the Arctic Ocean is today, which was then at the equator. This continent was the only land among the oceans of the then young shell of the planet Earth.

The ancients believed that the first earthly civilization originated in the Far North long before it was covered with Arctic ice. This realm of light and beauty was the Land of the gods.

The first root-race multiplied by excretion from the parental bodies, which towards the end was perfected to "budding", and it was in this way that the second root-race began.

The creatures of this race stayed on the surface of the Earth for a long time, because. due to their characteristics, they had a high degree of resistance to adverse geological and atmospheric influences. Over time, the first root race unconsciously gave birth to the second root race. The mechanism of generation is something like division of the ethereal fluid and budding. Some analogy is cell division. Ultimately, the first root race - incorporeal, sexless and unconscious, passed (was absorbed) by the second root race - a little more dense, but just as sexless and unconscious.

Second Root Race developed on the Mainland, which received the conditional name of Hyperborea. It had a tropical climate, had one day and one night during the year, and extended in an Asian direction from the North Pole. Greenland and Svalbard, according to the Adepts, are the remnants of this Continent. Each Race had its own continent for development (remember Lemuria, Atlantis). And the mainland of the second race, Hyperborean, disappeared with it.

Rice. ancient map

Since the first race did not have their physical bodies, they did not die. Instead of dying, she disappeared into the second race. Her "people" gradually dissolved and were absorbed by the "bodies" of their own offspring, denser than their own. The primary process of reproduction, by which the second race was formed from the first race, proceeded as follows: the etheric body, in which the monad is contained, was surrounded, as now, by the egg-shaped sphere of the aura. When the time for reproduction came, the ethereal form "pushed out" its miniature likeness from the egg of the aura surrounding it. This embryo grew and fed on the aura until its development was complete, then it gradually separated from its parent, taking its own aura sphere with it.

Monad (from the Greek monas, “one”) is the simplest element, an indivisible particle of being; in the occult - the basis human essence, which unites the causal body and the body of the spiritual mind. Known since antiquity; in the Middle Ages, the monad was called the "root" substance not only of man, but of all complex things. The monad is asexual, which ensures reincarnation in both male and female form. According to Leibniz, this is a kind of "atom", a spiritual unit of being, having the ability of perception (perception) and apperception (active action). No two monads are the same. Monads are also of different orders: there are lower ones (monads of stones, plants), higher ones (animals, humans), and the highest one (God).

The second root race develops its own unusual method of reproduction - the release of drops of vital fluid and their integration into a single whole (creature).

Just like the first root race, the second root race was fed by osmosis. It was still an astral race, whose bodies were built of thin matter, due to which they were transparent, and one could easily see their internal structure. In addition, one could see the thoughts of the "people" of the second root race, because. thought is a subtle formation.

The second race was denser, but did not have a physical body, its height was about 37 meters. Beings of the second root race - androgynous unreasonable semi-spirits, later, as they became denser, they began to represent ethereal-protoplasmic formations. These were the first attempts of material Nature to build and shape the human body. But so far, instead of a harmonious body, according to sources, various gigantic half-human monsters have been obtained. At that time - in the Hyperborean era - the human body looked like a huge bag filled with gas and hovering above the fiery Earth. It threw spores like plant spores that grew and were used by other incoming entities. The man at that time was bisexual, a hermaphrodite.

The second root race inherited sight from the first root race, and itself developed a sense of touch, which at the end of the race reached such perfection that by touch alone they understood the whole essence of the object, i.e. both the external and internal nature of the objects they touched. This property is today called psychometrics.

At the end of the second root race, the rudiments of sex began to appear on the mental plane. The inclination of individuals of the second root race to general and abstract thinking led to the development of men in the third root race, and the tendency to particular and concrete thinking to the development of women.

The second root race ends its existence when the ever-blooming Second Continent has turned into "Hyperborean Hades". "Convulsions of the solidification of the planet" and "displacement of the great waters (oceans)" ruined most race.

Third Root Race can rightfully be called the most mysterious, since it is in it that a person becomes a bisexual, biological, viviparous, intelligent creature, which we call Homo Sapiens.

The mainland of this race in the 19th century received the code name "Lemuria". Lemuria extended from southern hemisphere to the North in the form of a huge horseshoe - from the regions beyond about. Madagascar around South Africa (which was just beginning to emerge) across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Scandinavia. Neither Africa, nor America, nor Europe as continents did not yet exist at that time. Most of Asia was under water.

The initial sub-races of the third root race are called by The Secret Doctrine "Sons of Passive Yoga". Here is a clear allusion to a certain process of separation by individuals of the second race from themselves of other creatures that formed the basis of a new race. This process as a whole was similar to the origin of the second root race, but, according to the Mahatmas, it was already more complex.

Thus the second root-race gave birth to a third root-race, which, however, further "divided into three definite divisions, consisting of people differently bred. Two of them reproduced by the egg-laying method. It was characteristic of the initial sub-races of the third root race.

The Ancient Commentaries describe this mode of reproduction as follows. “The emanations that came out of their (proto-human beings) bodies, during the breeding season, were ovoid; the small spheroidal nucleus, developing into a large soft egg-shaped form, gradually hardened and after a period of growth it broke, and the young human animal came out of it without any help, like birds in our Race. Here we propose to take into account the fact that the female ovule, which is fertilized by the male and in which the human fetus develops, is nothing but a soft egg. If now it develops inside the body of a woman, then why, several tens of millions of years ago, it, in principle, could not develop outside the body - as it happens in fish and reptiles?

In the third root race there is a division of the sexes. The general scheme is as follows. At first, the proto-human being was asexual, like all primitive life forms. Then it becomes androgynous, i.e. a creature that combines the characteristics of two sexes. And finally, one day there is a separation of sexual characteristics in two different creatures. However, the details of this scheme, i.e. the mechanism of feature separation itself is not so obvious. This mystery - the Secret Doctrine stops us - "cannot be fully explained."

It must be admitted that the ancient culture of even known, relatively close to us in time, civilizations has preserved a lot of indirect or direct evidence of the androgyny of the first human beings. God Amon in Ancient Egypt at the same time personified the Goddess Neith; The god Jupiter had female forms (bust); The goddess Venus was sometimes depicted with a male beard; The book “The Offspring of Adam” indicates: “The Lord created ... man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female created them (him). What did the ancient Greeks say? Here Aristophanes, commenting on Plato (“The Feast”), mentions things that are surprising for us: “Our nature in ancient times was not the same as it appears now. She was bisexual: the form and name corresponded and equally belonged to both the masculine and the feminine…”.

So the two groups of the third root race reproduced by the egg-laying process. But there was one more group - the most mysterious. According to the Doctrine, the “Lords of Wisdom” (intelligent spiritual Essences of other spheres of being) entered it and created the “Sons of Will and Yoga” – “Spiritual Forefathers – all subsequent and present Arhats or Mahatmas” by the power of “Kriyashakti”. The most interesting thing here - from all points of view from physical to psychological - is, of course, the power of Kriyashakti. What's this? We are answered: “The mysterious power of thought, which makes it possible to reproduce external, tangible phenomenal results through its inherent energy. The ancients claimed that any thought will manifest itself outwardly if the attention [and will] of a person is deeply focused on it.

Spiritual human Beings (part of the third root race), who later appeared as the "Secret Seeds" of the future Saviors of Humanity ("Sons of God", "Prophets", "Bodhisattvas", "Mahatmas") were created by spiritual power (energy), but were not generated by sexual way. Such is the esoteric anthropogenetic truth hidden by the religious symbol of the "immaculate conception".

In the third root race, the proto-human animal becomes sentient. But not all groups of the race received the same impetus to the development of the mind, because. The “Sons of Mahat” (spiritual Beings) chose only those who were the most ready. Then Nature made, so to speak, the main chord in initiating the development of the 5th principle of man - consciousness-mind. However, there were other chords as well. The complete sufficient rationality of a human being, the Mahatmas and H. P. Blavatsky note, can only be spoken of starting with the fourth root race. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the influence of Mahat - the Cosmic Mind on human beings, even during the period of the third root race, was not the same. This explains the great difference in the mental abilities of human beings and races in the future (compare, for example, Europeans and some wild tribes of Africa).

Describing the development of the third root race, one more noteworthy, but not elevating circumstance should be noted. The separation of the sexes occurs first in the animals, and only then in the proto-human beings of the third root race. Those of them that did not have a "spark of Reason" - the so-called "narrow-headed" - began to combine with huge female animals - that is, females of a different biological species. As a result, a race of mute half-human monsters appeared, a race that would recall itself later (in the fourth root race) and play its part in the generation of the ancestors of the anthropoids - the great apes.

Gifted with a "spark of Reason", the beings of the third root race developed speech and began to create what would later be the foundation of civilization and culture. In particular, during this period, the first stone buildings appeared, reminiscent of cities. Inquisitive archaeologists can try to explore the island of Madagascar and the territories located 30 miles west of Easter Island, which were pointed out by the Adepts.

The mainland of Lemuria collapsed under the influence of another global cataclysm - volcanic activity and subsequent flooding. According to the calculations of the ancient sages, this happened about 700,000 years before the beginning of the Tertiary period. The sinking of the mainland into the Ocean began at the Arctic Circle in the region of Scandinavia. The last center of civilization of the third root race existed on the island of Lanka (Indian Ocean). Now only a small part of it remains (Ceylon) - the Northern Plateau of Lanka. Fragments of Lemuria are also - Australia, the island of Madagascar, Hindustan and other territories of Central Asia (they were large islands), Easter Island. The famous statues of this island are relics of the prehistoric Races (the third and fourth root races). The features of the front part of the statues are somewhat similar and unlike the features of a modern person. The reason is that the appearance of our arch-ancient ancestor was coarser.

Fourth Root Race developed on the mainland, which received the code name "Atlantis" in theosophical literature. Accordingly, representatives of this Race began to be called "Atlanteans". Geographically, the mainland was located between modern Europe and America and descended to the southern latitudes. According to the ancient manuscripts cited by the authors of The Secret Doctrine, Atlantis was a huge archipelago of many peninsulas and islands that successively rose from the Ocean.

The Atlanteans are genetically descended from the northern Lemurians - where the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is now located. At first it was a side branch of the third root race. Later it was the basis of the civilization of the fourth root race. The representative of this race was physiologically and morphologically almost identical to modern man, with the exception of growth. Adepts do not indicate the exact size of the races. However, according to some provisions and indirect references, it can be assumed that the growth of the Atlantic sub-races ranged from 5 to 2.5 meters. The Lemurian sub-races were much larger. The general trend is a decrease in growth towards the beginning of the fifth root race.

In the fourth root race, a person receives an additional impulse of Mahat - Cosmic Mind, and his mind becomes more active. Without plunging into a detailed analysis of this process, we can at least state that the information-energetic influence of the Cosmos on a young human being took place both in the third and in the fourth root race.

The Fourth Root Race is a vast historical period spanning several million years. According to the estimates of a number of facts and references of the Adepts, the flourishing of the culture and civilization of the Atlanteans, apparently, fell on the period of time concluded between the time frames from 6 to 3 million years ago.

As expected, numerous disputes and discussions among atlantologists led to the fact that opinions about the existence, including the death of Atlantis, were divided. Let's look at the most basic of them.

The first opinion is that Atlantis existed in 9500 BC. Some researchers, relying on numerous inconsistencies in Plato's dialogues, do not allow themselves to agree with such a concept. However, many atlantologists agree.

The second opinion - Atlantis existed in the period from 1550 BC. to 1226 BC

The fourth opinion - according to Plato, the death of Atlantis occurred at a time of about 12 thousand years ago (between 9750 and 8570 BC). She plunged into the depths of the ocean "in one day and a disastrous night" as a result of a grandiose natural disaster.

The fifth opinion, in comparison with the above, is non-standard, but still quite interesting, according to V.A. Polyakov, Atlantis was born 12 million years ago and died about 1 million years ago.

The authors of The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled (as is known, H. P. Blavatsky wrote these works in co-authorship and under the direction of the Mahatmas) give many specific details about the culture and civilization of the Atlanteans. So, in particular, it is noted that they actively used the natural elements and the latent abilities of a person (psi-energy). knew how to build huge cities, whose population reached several million. They had a developed system of education and what we now call science. The knowledge of the Atlanteans allowed them to conduct effective plant breeding (for example, breed a seedless banana variety), tame wild animals, construct complex architectural structures, and build ships and aircraft. The Atlanteans had something like a Spiritual Cult in which the central object of worship (before the fall of the Race) was the Sun. However, it was not a religion in the modern sense.

A natural question arises: where do the Adepts get details about the peoples that existed millions of years ago? We are told that the esoteric tradition has preserved many historical documents which are not yet available to academic science. In addition, there is certain evidence of prehistoric Races in publicly available, widely known relics of ancient culture. So, the giants of the biblical "Book of Genesis" are people of the fourth root race. The ancient Indian "Mahabharata" contains the history of the battles of the Aryans (the first sub-races of the fifth root race) and the last Atlanteans - the descendants of the spiritually degenerated fourth root race.

Atlantis died due to the displacement of the earth's axis and orbital trajectory, which led to the destruction and flooding of the mainland. However, this process took quite a long time. We are told that the main continent was swallowed up by the Ocean during the Miocene epoch several million years ago. There were other disasters as well. The largest of the remaining landmasses - the huge islands of Ruta and Daitya - went under water at the end of the Pliocene epoch 850,000 years ago. The last major island of Poseidonis sank into the waters of the Atlantic just 12,000 years ago. The Greeks knew about this event from the Egyptians. But Plato of Athens, initiated into the secret knowledge of the priests, like Solon, one of the "seven ancient sages", apparently did not want to give out the truth and deliberately identified the whole of Atlantis with the last island.

The direct and indirect descendants of various subraces of the fourth root race included the priests of the Druids in Europe, the red-skinned American Indians, the Mongolian-Chinese branch with branches (Tibetans, Eskimos, etc.), some African peoples, as well as the Paleolithic man in Europe - a degenerate side branch of the Atlanteans .

Fifth Root Race- originates in Central Asia about 1 million years ago. It was based on offshoots of the fourth root race that survived during the catastrophes. They later spread throughout Asia and Europe. According to the Secret Doctrine, Aryan Indians and Egyptians are the two most ancient peoples of the Fifth Root Race. To the various sub-races of the fifth root race belong the later Egyptians and Aryavarta Indians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, Arabs, Europeans, Americans, and others.

Thus, the culture and civilization of the fifth root race did not develop from scratch, not from scratch, but on the basis of the achievements of the Atlanteans. Of course, the fifth root race was able to perceive and preserve not all of them, but only some part. However, this part was enough for Ancient Ariawarta and Ancient Egypt to amaze us with their cultural phenomena from astronomy and philosophy to architecture, technology and medicine. From here, cultural achievements spread across Eurasia and stimulated the development of other civilizations - Persian, Jewish, Greek, Roman, etc.

According to the esoteric teaching on the cycles of evolution, the fifth root race has passed the middle point of its development. However, a huge historical epoch will pass before its completion.

If we consider the cosmo-evolutionary hypothesis of anthropogenesis in the scientific plane, then we must assume the existence of certain empirical evidence (facts) that can now or in the future directly or at least indirectly substantiate this hypothesis. The adherents of sacred science never called for taking the truths of the ancient Sacred Wisdom on faith. In their works, they tried to give a sufficient number of arguments of a purely rational and empirical order - arguments that allow us, modern researchers, at least to assess the seriousness of the question, the seriousness of its philosophical, natural science and socio-cultural foundations.

We do not set ourselves the task here to prove the concept of the cosmic evolution of man. Science still has a lot to discover for itself, it must accumulate a lot more facts so that the doubts of the opponents of this hypothesis are eliminated, and the counterarguments are refuted. However, already now there are certain theoretical and empirical provisions that work for this hypothesis. Let us first note some general tendencies of science that are interesting in the sense of our problem.

First, the development of the concept of global (universal) evolutionism.

Secondly, rethinking the concept of "life" and the boundaries between living and non-living matter.

Thirdly, the rethinking of the physiological reductionism of human consciousness on the basis of the energy-informational concept of consciousness, which implies its field physical carriers (substrates).

Fourthly, the revision of the duration of human evolution in the direction of its increase.

Fifth, rethinking ideas about the prospects for further human evolution.

Sixth, the growth in the amount of empirical material confirming not only the physical or chemical, but also the subtle (mental) influence of the cosmos on earthly processes.

Seventh, strengthening the position of supporters of the existence of life in space.

Now, as an example, we note some interesting facts that are consistent with the concept of anthropogenesis we are considering, and act as direct or indirect evidence in favor of it.

On the territory of modern Afghanistan in the mountains of the Hindu Kush chain between Kabul and Bal, there is a valley on which the small settlement of Bamiam is located. In its vicinity, huge human statues are carved on the slopes of the mountains, which the semi-wild Taliban shot from tanks in 2001. These statues - monuments-symbols of the evolution of human Races - were created, according to the Secret Doctrine, hundreds of thousands of years ago by the Arhats of the fourth root race. Archaeologists are mistaken in regarding them as creations of Buddhist culture. Buddhist bhikshus appeared in the vicinity of the Hindu Kush no more than two thousand years ago, and they were not able to carve a figure in a monolithic rock with the help of primitive tools, much larger than the Statue of Liberty. The dimensions of these figures are as follows: the first (the symbol of the first root race) is about 60 meters, the second (the symbol of the second root race) is about 40 meters, the third (the symbol of the third root race) is about 20 meters, the fourth (the symbol of the fourth root race) is much smaller the third and fifth (the symbol of the fifth root race) are little more than a modern tall man.

Why did the most diverse ancient peoples preserve surprisingly similar traditions and legends about giants? In India - about Danavas and Daityas. In Ceylon - about Rakshasa. In Greece, it's about the Titans. In Egypt - about the Colossi. In Chaldea - about Izdubars. In Judea - about Anakim, Goliath, etc. Herodotus, Diodorus, Homer, Pliny, Plutarch, Philostratus wrote about the huge skeletons of ancient people. The most reasonable answer to the question posed may be the assumption that in the depths of history there were objective grounds for legends about giant people.

Why did the ancients know and describe the huge extinct monsters of the Coal and Mesozoic periods - periods when a rational person, according to the orthodox evolutionary-biological theory of anthropogenesis, did not yet exist? Because man appeared much earlier, he himself was huge and saw these gigantic monsters.

How could such cyclopean structures as Stowhenge, Karnak and others be built by ancient man? This problem is easily resolved if we admit that ancient man was physically much larger than our contemporary, and also had a great knowledge of the secrets of nature.

Delhi, Allahabad, Florence and some other cities have under them multi-storey ancient cultural layers - traces of eras that are not customary to talk about in modern history, because it is believed that then a cultured person, and maybe even Homo Sapiens did not yet exist.

What explains the similarity of the pyramids and other elements of the culture of the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Aztecs, if they existed on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean and were allegedly never reported? The fact that they had a single original root - the archancient culture and civilization of the Atlanteans, whose descendants, after the flooding of the mainland, ended up on different shores of the ocean.

Anthropological science is well aware of one remarkable fact - sexual relations between European colonialists and Tasmanian women led to infertility in droves. Charles Darwin knew about this fact and could not explain it on the basis of his theory. The reason for the phenomenon was that the Tasmanians were a side branch of anthropological evolution, going back into the depths of time to semi-human species. And the modern biological law, as you know, does not allow representatives of different biological species to receive offspring from crossing with each other. This fact contradicts the thesis that all people are descendants of one of the species of anthropoid apes.

The pineal gland of modern man is a vestige of what was once the "third eye" of the ancient human Races. It was located, as archaic manuscripts testify, at the surface of the back of the head, but, most likely, it was hidden by skin and bone integuments.

Embryology knows that the eyes of the human embryo grow from the inside out, i.e. from the brain and are not part of the skin, as in insects. Back in the 19th century, Professor Lankester suggested that once a person was a "transparent" creature, and the location of the eyes did not matter. This fully corresponds to the cosmo-evolutionary hypothesis of anthropogenesis.

Another well-known researcher E. Haeckel once wrote that some animals have real rudimentary eyes hidden by the skin, which now can no longer see. Such, for example, are some lizards and fish that have retained an atrophied "third eye". If our science admits this phenomenon in relation to the lower animal species, then why should the same not be allowed in relation to the ancient semi-animal man?

There is a lot of historical evidence of finding the remains of huge human beings. Pliny, Plutarch, Pausanias, Tertullian, Rougemont, Wise and others wrote about them in their works. The ancient authors Homer and Hesiod, mentioning giants in their mythology, relied on ancient legends that appeared not without the participation of real facts.

At the end of the 19th century, in the forests of Western Missouri (USA), the remains of a giant man were found by Judge E.P. West. The lower jaw of one of the skeletons turned out to be twice the size of the jaw of a modern person. The human femur was close in size to that of a horse. This discovery was covered in the American newspaper "Kansas City Times" in the 70s of the XIX century.

It is often asked, if man in the past was really huge, where is the paleontological evidence of this fact, of which there must be a great many? There are two answers to this question. Firstly, there is paleontological evidence, but for a long time it was not customary to talk about them, because they did not fit into “grounded” theories. Secondly, modern science, apparently, knows very little not only about ancient man, but also about other biological species. Modern researchers D. Raup (Chicago Museum of Natural History, USA) and S. Stanley (Johns Hopkins University, USA) made calculations, according to which it turned out that the fossil remains of 130 thousand different animal species are stored in museums around the world. Currently, 1.5 million species live on Earth. According to these scholars, Cambrian period Until now, up to 1 billion species of animals could exist on Earth. In this case, science has information about only 1% of animal species. The remains of 99% of the species are either not preserved or not available for geological reasons.

In the 20th century, among the followers of Darwinism and evolutionary biological theory, the point of view was widespread, according to which the first representatives of the species Homo Sapiens appeared approximately 200,000-300,000 years ago. A man, similar to the modern species of Homo Sapiens, appeared in Asia or the Middle East and even later - about 40,000 years ago.

At the same time, there are many facts confirming the much higher antiquity of man than it seemed to our colleagues in the 20th century. Here are some examples.

In 1860, in Italy (Castenedolo), Professor Ragosini discovered the skull of Homo Sapiens in the geological layer of the Pliocene period (2-7 million years ago). 20 years later, in the same area, again in the Pliocene layer, the remains of a woman and two children were found. Professor J. Sergej, after a thorough study of these finds in 1921, ruled out the possibility of their "intrusive burial", which testifies in favor of the indicated antiquity.

In the first half of the 20th century, in the first, deepest layer of the Olduvai Gorge (East Africa), a Homo sapiens jaw was found, called the Kanam jaw. An authoritative commission of 27 people recognized that the age of the find is 2 million years (the era of the early Pleistocene).

Anthropologists believed that man appeared on the American continent no earlier than 12,000 years ago. The most daring of them allowed the figure of 30,000 years. However, specialists know facts that Darwinists prefer not to mention. For example, the age of an ancient human site in Calico Hills (California, USA) is estimated at 500,000 years. In Flagstaff (Arizona, USA) - 100,000-170,000 years. In Mission Valley (San Diego, California, USA) - about 100,000 years old.

The list of such facts can be continued. However, many of them are quite well known to specialists, despite the fact that the science of the last century, as a rule, did not seek to discuss them extensively. The reason is clear. Facts that do not fit into the dominant scientific paradigm, unfortunately, are either hyper-doubted or completely ignored. Now, when the classical scientific paradigm is being actively transformed and new scientific hypotheses and concepts are being developed, attention to such “abnormal” facts is especially important.

It can be assumed that the concept of human cosmic evolution is quite promising and has a high heuristic potential. Its main advantage is that, without denying the idea of ​​evolution, it takes into account large quantity factors of anthropogenesis and overcomes the naive physiological materialism of modern science. Further development of this concept should not be carried out only by evolutionary biologists, which will significantly narrow the field of research. It can be assumed that the integration of the achievements of various fields of modern science and the ancient philosophy of the East will help us make significant progress in solving the problem of anthropogenesis and understanding the prospects of man as a rational cosmic being.

First and second root races

The first root race of our Earth was created by spirits who came to Earth from the Moon. These lunar spirits, the so-called Pitris, were the most successful in developing on the Moon, i. they were among the first to complete their astral cycles of development on the Moon, therefore they became pioneers on a new chain of evolution - on our Earth. After the nirvanic rest that took place between the transition from the lunar to the terrestrial chain, the Pitri monads were forced to adapt themselves to the new planet by passing through the lower kingdoms - elemental, mineral and vegetable (in their astral form). It was only after passing through these lower kingdoms that the lunar monads were able to make an attempt to create a prototype of today's man. This development took place in the first, second and third circles of our planet. With the advent of the present fourth round, the lunar monads became capable of developing man in his present astral prototype, which then condensed into a physical state. In this circle of ours, the formation of the human body is completely completed.

1. The appearance of the first Root Races. No matter how significantly the appearance of man in ancient times differed from his modern appearance, but if we delve even further into the history of mankind, we will come to even more excellent states. For the forms of man and woman also arose only in the course of time from an older basic form, when man was neither man nor woman, but both at the same time. Whoever wants to form an idea of ​​these distant past times must, of course, completely free himself from the usual ideas borrowed from what a person sees around him. The times to which we now turn lie a little before the middle of that epoch which has been called the Lemurian. The human body then consisted of soft plastic substances. And the rest of the formations of the Earth were also still soft and plastic. Compared to its later solidification, the Earth was then still in a fluid, more fluid state. The human soul, incarnated in matter, could then in much more adapt to this substance than in later times.

The most developed human organs were then the organs of movement. The current sense organs were still completely undeveloped. The organs of hearing and the organ of perception of cold and heat (the sense of touch) were more developed than others; the perception of light was far behind. Man was born with hearing and touch, the perception of light then developed somewhat later.

In general, man in many respects was highly dependent on external conditions. Therefore, he had to adapt all his devices to these external conditions, for example, to the movement of the Sun and Moon. But this conformation took place unconsciously, in the present sense of the word, but it happened in such a way that one has to call it rather instinctive. And this already gives an indication of the spiritual life of a person at that time.

The influence of influences communicated through touch was somewhat weaker on him. However, they also played a significant role. He "felt" in his body the world around him and acted accordingly. He knew from these tactile impressions when and how he should work. He knew from them where he needed to settle. He learned from them about the dangers that threatened his life, and avoided them. He adjusted the meal to them.

Quite differently than later, the rest of life proceeded. Images lived in the soul, not ideas about external objects. When a person, for example, left a colder room for a warmer one, a well-known colorful image appeared in his soul. But this colorful image had nothing to do with any external object. It originated from some inner strength, kindred will. Such images constantly filled the soul. All this as a whole can only be compared with the ebb and flow of man's dreaming representations. But only the images were then not random, but regular. Therefore, it is necessary to speak not about dreaming, but about figurative consciousness at this stage of humanity. Mostly this consciousness was filled with colorful images. However, this kind of images was not the only one. So a man wandered around the world, and through hearing and touch he empathized with the events of this world. BUT mental life this world reflected him in him in images very different from what was in the outside world. Joy and sorrow were associated with these spiritual images to a much lesser extent than is the case with human representations, reflecting the perceptions of the outside world, with the help of the current senses. Of course, one image caused joy, another displeasure, one hatred, another love, but these feelings were of a much paler nature than in modern man.

On the contrary, strong feelings were caused by something else. Man was then much more mobile and active than later. Everything in the world around him, as well as the images in his soul, urged him to activity and movement. When he could carry out his activities unhindered, he experienced a feeling of pleasure; when his activity met with any obstacle, discontent and annoyance took possession of him. The absence or presence of obstacles to his will determined the content of his life of feelings, his joy and his suffering. And this joy or suffering was resolved in its turn in his soul into a living world of images. Light, clear, beautiful images lived in him when he could open up completely freely; gloomy, ugly images arose in his soul when he was constrained in his activities.

Man has become a being conscious of himself in the world of the senses. And this was achieved by the fact that a person got the opportunity in his actions to be consciously guided by the perceptions of the sensory world. Previously, he acted on the basis of a kind of instinct, was at the mercy of the external world around him and the forces of a nature higher than himself acting on him. Now he began to follow his own impulses and ideas. Along with this, human arbitrariness also appeared in the world. It was the beginning of "good" and "evil".

2. Conditions for the existence of the first Root Races. If we go back even further back in the evolution of the Earth, then we will come to ever finer states of the matter of our celestial body. Substances that later became solid were earlier in a liquid state, still earlier in a gaseous and vaporous state, and in the deep past they were in the most subtle ethereal state. Only the loss of heat caused the solidification of the substance. Here we need to return to the most subtle ethereal state of the substances of our earthly habitat. Only when the Earth was in this stage of development did man enter it. He used to belong to other worlds.

It is only necessary to point to the immediately preceding one. It was the so-called astral or peace of mind. The beings of this world did not lead any external (physical) bodily existence. Nor was a man leading him. He had already developed a figurative consciousness. He had feelings, desires. But all this was contained in the soul body. Only a clairvoyant eye could perceive such a person.

And of course, all the more advanced human beings of that time had such clairvoyance, although it was completely vague and dreamlike. It was not self-conscious clairvoyance. These astral beings are, in a sense, the ancestors of man. What is now called "human" already carries within itself a self-conscious spirit. This spirit united with a being descended from this ancestor in the middle of the Lemurian period.

These soul or astral ancestors of man were placed in the subtle or ethereal Earth. They seem to have absorbed, to put it crudely - like a sponge - a subtle substance. Penetrating, thus, the substance, they formed themselves ethereal bodies. The latter had an oblong-elliptical shape, however, in the delicate shades of the substance, the makings of the members and other subsequently formed organs were already outlined. But the whole process in this mass was purely physical and chemical.

When such a mass of matter reached a certain value, it split into two, and each resembled the formation from which it originated, and in each the same processes took place as in it.

Each such new formation was also endowed with a soul, like the mother being. This was due to the fact that an indefinite number of human souls entered the earthly arena, but, as it were, a spiritual tree that could grow from a common root countless individual showers. Just as a plant grows again and again from its innumerable seeds, so did soul life grow in innumerable offspring, the results of continued splitting. As long as the souls themselves did not have anything material in themselves, no external material process could influence them. Any influence on them was purely spiritual, clairvoyant. Thus they sympathized with the spiritual in their surroundings. Everything that happened then was experienced by them in this way. The influences of stones, plants and animals, which at that time also existed only as astral formations, were felt as inner spiritual experiences.

With the entry to the Earth, something completely different, new, joined this. External material processes began to influence the soul acting in material attire. At first, only the processes of movement of this external material world also caused movements within the etheric body. Just as we now perceive the vibrations of the air, both sound and these ethereal beings perceived the vibrations of the ethereal matter surrounding them. Such a being was in essence only an organ of hearing. This feeling developed, first of all.

With the further densification of earthly matter, the astral being gradually lost the ability to shape it. Only those bodies that were already formed could still produce their own kind from themselves. A new kind of reproduction is coming. The child being appears in a much smaller form than the mother being, and only gradually grows to its size. Meanwhile, just as reproductive organs did not exist before, they are now appearing.

The outer substance, precisely because of its condensation, is no longer such that the soul can directly communicate life to it. Therefore, a certain area is isolated within the new beings. It is removed from the direct effects of external matter. Only those parts of the body, which are all in this isolated area, remain subject to these influences. They continue to be in the same state in which the whole body was before. In the isolated region, however, the psychic acts further. Here the soul becomes the bearer of the vital principle.

So now the bodily ancestor of man appears, consisting of two parts: one of them is the physical body (physical shell). It is subject to the physical and chemical laws of the surrounding world. The second part is a set of organs subordinate to a special vital principle.

But thanks to this, part of the mental activity was freed. She no longer has power over the physical part of the body. This part of the mental activity now turns inward and forms part of the body into special organs. And because of this, the inner life of the being begins. It no longer empathizes only with the concussions of the external world, it begins to feel them within itself as special experiences. Here is the starting point of sensations. At first, this sensation is a kind of sense of touch. The being feels the movements of the outside world, the pressure exerted by matter, and so on. At the same time, the rudiments of sensations of heat and cold appear. By this, humanity reaches a very important stage of development. The physical body is deprived of the direct influence of the soul. It is completely left to the physical and chemical world of substances. It disintegrates the moment the soul, in its activity from other parts of it, can no longer dominate it. Then comes, in fact, what is called "death". In relation to the previous states, there can be no talk of death. When separated, the parent formation entirely continues to live in the daughter formations. For in these latter, all the transformed soul force operates, as before in maternal education.

When divided, nothing remains that does not have a soul. Now it's different. As soon as the soul ceases to have power over the physical body, the latter falls under the physical and chemical laws of the external world, that is, it dies. As the activity of the soul, only those forces remain that act in reproduction and in the developed inner life. This means that through the power of reproduction, offspring come into being, and these offspring are at the same time endowed with an excess of organ-forming power. And in this excess, the soul essence always comes to life again. Just as before, during the separation, the whole body was filled with mental activity, so now the organs of reproduction and sensation. Thus, in the newly emerging daughter organism, we are dealing with the reincarnation of psychic life.

In theosophical literature, both of these stages of human development are described as the two First Root Races of our earth. The first is called "Polar", the second - "Hyperborean".

The first two Root Races of Mankind, the polar and the Hyperborean, are in fact "pre-human", or, more precisely, "proto-human" Races. Actually the "human" Race, although very significantly different from the current Fifth Root Race (Aryan), arises only in the middle of the Lemurian period.

Third Root Race - Lemurians

1. The Rise and Fall of Root Races. There is nothing to say at all about the Lemurians who preceded the Atlanteans: they are just as incomprehensible and alien to us as alien humanoids.

After all, even if the Atlanteans who preceded us possessed physical and spiritual forces completely different from our present ones, then in even more distant times humanity showed an image that only very little resembles the one that we are used to seeing now. Not only people, but also the nature surrounding them has changed a lot over time. Plant and animal forms also became completely different.

The predecessors of the Atlanteans - the Lemurians - lived on the now disappeared mainland, main part which lay south of present-day Asia. After passing through various stages of development, most of them fell into decay. They degenerated, and their descendants still continue to inhabit some regions of the planet as the so-called wild peoples. Only a small part of the Lemurian humanity was capable of further development. From her came the Atlanteans. Later, something similar happened again. The majority of the Atlantean population has declined, and from the small remnant there have come the so-called Aryans, to whom our modern civilized humanity belongs. The Lemurians, Atlanteans and Aryans constitute, according to esotericism, the Root Races of Humanity. If we imagine two more of the same Root Races that preceded the Lemurians, and two that will follow the Aryans in the future, then in general we get Seven Root Races. One race constantly arises from another, in such a way as has just been indicated with regard to the Lemurians, Atlanteans and Aryans. And each Root Race has physical and spiritual properties that are completely different from those of the previous Root Race. Whereas, for example, the Atlanteans primarily developed memory and everything connected with it, the Aryans at the present time have to develop the power of thinking and everything related to it.

But even within each Root-Race, various stages must be traversed. And these steps are also seven. At the beginning of the development of each Root Race, the main properties of this Race are, as it were, in a state of childhood, then - youth, gradually they reach maturity and, finally, decline. That is, each Root Race is further subdivided into seven "subras" or "subraces." But it should not be imagined that the development of each new sub-race is accompanied by the immediate disappearance of the old one. Each sub-race continues to exist long after other sub-races have developed along with it. Thus, the earth is always jointly inhabited by people who are at different stages of the evolution of mankind.

2. Conditions for the existence of the Lemurians. The Atlantean race originated from a part of the Lemurians, who were very ahead of their contemporaries and capable of further development. With the latter, the gift of memory was only in its infancy and appeared only in the last period of their development. One must imagine that the Lemurian, although he could form ideas about his experiences, did not know how to preserve them. He immediately forgot what he imagined. And the fact that he still lived among a certain culture, had, for example, tools, erected various buildings and structures, etc., he owed this not to his own ability to represent, but to some living in him, so to speak, instinctive spiritual force.

The following messages refer to the transition of the Fourth (Atlantic) Root Race into the Fifth (Aryan), to which modern civilized humanity belongs. Everything that a person notices around him is in development. And that feature of the man of our Fifth Root Race, which consists in the use of thought, did not arise immediately. It is in the Fifth Root Race that the faculty of thinking slowly and gradually matures. The fourth (Atlantic) Root Race was preceded, as we have already noted, by the Lemurian Race. Everything has changed since then on Earth. Both nature itself and all human life were different, therefore both human labor and relations between people were completely different from modern ones.

The air was still much denser than later, in Atlantean times, and the water was much more liquid. And what now forms our solid earthly crust was not yet as hardened as later. The animal world has developed only to the world of amphibians, birds and lower mammals, the world of plants - to plants similar to our palm trees and similar trees. But all forms were different than now. What is now found only on a small scale was then developed gigantically. Our little ferns were then trees and created mighty forests. Modern higher mammals did not exist. On the other hand, the greater part of humanity stood at such a low stage of development that it must certainly be classified as an animal. The earth has already reached some peace. For Lemuria was shaken by storms. Then the Earth did not yet have the density that it acquired later. The thin crust of the earth was everywhere undermined by volcanic forces, which were interrupted by larger or smaller flows. Almost everywhere there were mighty volcanoes, continuously developing their destructive activity. People are accustomed in all their affairs to reckon with this activity of fire. And they used this fire for their works and devices. The latter were often such that they were based on natural fire, as now serve as artificial fire. The activity of this volcanic fire caused the death of the Lemurian continent.

That part of Lemuria, where the main Atlantean race was to develop, although it had a hot climate, was, on the whole, not subject to the activity of volcanoes. More calmly and peacefully than in other regions of the earth, human nature could be revealed here.

We must imagine that at that time the human body was still something very plastic and flexible. It was still constantly changing as the inner life changed. The external influence of the country and the climate was still at that time decisive for the constitution of man. At first, spiritual life unfolded in man, and a soft and flexible body adapted to it. Such is the law of the development of mankind that with each step forward, a person is less and less able to influence his physical body in a transforming way. This physical body of man actually acquired a rather dense form only with the development of the power of reason and with the hardening of the stones, minerals and metals of the earth associated with it. For in the Lemurian, and even in the Atlantean epoch, stones and metals were much softer than later.

Animal life was subject to even greater variability. Animals had the ability to adapt extremely quickly to new conditions. The plastic body changed its organs comparatively quickly, so that in a more or less short time the descendants of any breed of animals resembled their ancestors very little. The same, and even more so, applies to plants. Man himself had the greatest influence on the transformation of plants and animals. He either instinctively translated them into an environment in which they took certain forms he needed, or achieved this by selecting the most suitable samples from those already existing in nature and then replicating them. The transforming influence of man on nature was then immeasurably greater than in our present conditions.

3. Development of the Lemurians. The bodies of the first sub-race of the Lemurians consisted of astral matter (like the first root race). The second Lemurian sub-race had the form of condensed astral matter (like the second root race). And already the third Lemurian sub-race, in which the division of the sexes took place, has already become purely physical. The bodies and sense organs of the third sub-race of the Lemurians became so dense that the people of this sub-race began to perceive the physical climate of the Earth. In other words, the eternal astral spring of humanity ended, and people began to feel seasonal climatic influences with their physical senses, which forced people to seek protection from bad weather by creating clothes, housing, food supplies, etc. All this was unfamiliar to mankind, whose previous experience of existence consisted in a good spiritual contemplation through the "third eye" (the channel of mental cognition), which began to gradually atrophy with the separation of the sexes in the third subrace. Along with the process of fading of the “third eye”, the physical humanity of the third subrace began to develop the fourth principle - kamarupa, which made it possible to connect the fifth principle, manas (mind), with the physical shell. In other words, in the daily life of the Lemurians, the brain began to operate as a guiding life force. This happened in the middle of the third sub-race of the Lemurians, and it was about 18 million years ago. It is this period that is indicated in the Secret Doctrine as the appearance of a physical, but semi-rational person.

Always, in all circles, in all root races, in all subraces, there was a difference between the development of monads - some were more developed, others less. At the time of the middle of the third Lemurian sub-race, there was the following evolutionary disposition. In a small part of the Lemurian bodies, individual monads were embodied, which reached higher development on the previous planetary chains and constituted the host of the Dhyani-Agnishvattas, who were to lead the planet Earth. In the other, larger part of the Lemurians, monads were embodied, who achieved the average development in this particular planetary chain, i.e. on Earth, and they were to become the main wards of the monads of the Agnishvattas. The third part - a minority of monads (but, nevertheless, a large number) - they did not have time to develop properly, i.e. by the end of the previous, third large circle, animal shells animated. This part of the monads lagged far behind the total mass of incarnating monads.

The first part of the monads - the highest monads, the Agnishvats - were the only ones who had intelligence. When the unreasonable Lemurians, deprived of Manas, condensed to a physical state and divided into men and women, the time came for the Agnishvats to incarnate in these shells in order to instruct mankind on the evolutionary path and develop the consciousness of mankind. A part of the Agnishvatts obeyed the law of evolution and incarnated on Earth in these not yet perfect physical shells. Later they all became adepts. Another part of the Agnishvatts refused to be incarnated in the physical bodies of the Lemurians under the pretext that these bodies were not yet ready. They lingered until the later sub-races, and some of the Agnishvattas even until the fourth root-race. Because of this refusal to incarnate in the sinless bodies of the Lemurians of the era of the third subrace, these Agnishvats-refuseniks were forced to incarnate in the bodies of the later Lemurian races, already polluted by lust, for this was a karmic punishment, because. it is because of the delay of this part of the Agnishvattas that some of the unintelligent peoples of the Lemurians, deprived of their higher leadership, fell into copulation with the semi-animal lower sub-races.

The second part of the monads (medium development) was able to perceive only a part of the truth emanating from the embodied Agnishvattas. But nevertheless, this part of the moderately developed Lemurians formed the basis of subsequent root races.

The third undeveloped part of the Lemurians, the so-called. “narrow-headed” (which indicates mental abilities, and not the shape of the skull), was, on the one hand, left to itself (due to the refusal of part of the Agnishvattas to incarnate in their peoples), and on the other hand, these monads were poorly developed in previous periods, and therefore these Lemurian monads remained a semi-savage race that has come down to our era in the form of savage tribes. In future root races these monads will rise to the level of today's man of the fifth root race.

Among those Lemurian peoples who achieved the greatest spiritual and mental development among the then existing humanity, the highest monads of our planet were embodied - eight Kumaras, Elohim, who came to Earth from Venus (among them was the main ruler of our planet - the prince of this world, who was entrusted lead the evolution of our planet, and who in subsequent races became a Fallen Angel due to the departure from the Hierarchy of Light and the betrayal of humanity). Kumaras assumed the role of leaders and teachers, instructing people in crafts, arts, and sciences. The Kumaras and Agnishvats were supposed to develop the mind of the Lemurians.

Agnishvats were embodied among some peoples of the third sub-race of Lemurians in a "miraculous" way. This “miraculous” appearance of divine mentors did not coincide with the method of incarnation of mere mortals of the third Lemurian sub-race, who were already born in the usual, known to us sexual way of generation and subsequent childbearing from a woman. Divine teachers of the third sub-race appeared on Earth as asexual, self-sufficient way, through the compaction of astral matter to a physical state under the influence of strong will and clear thought, i.e. Agnishvats self-materialized.

The fact of the “miraculous” appearance of divine mentors among some of the unreasonable Lemurians during the third sub-race is the beginning of the endowment with the mind of mankind, which by that time already had a physical adaptation for this - it had a physical body with a brain. Through their own example, instruction, teaching, the incarnating Agnishvats and Kumaras gradually developed the consciousness of the Lemurians. So, if the first Lemurians of the third sub-race had only the beginnings of a spoken language that differed little from the sounds of nature, then, starting from the middle of the third sub-race, when the Lemurians began to be controlled by divine mentors, their spoken language improved to a complex form, which became the basis of a civilization that reached its apogee in the last two sub-races of the Lemurians. Under the leadership of the Agnishvattas, the subsequent sub-races of the Lemurians began to develop rapidly, and already at the end of the fifth sub-race, the first rock-like cities began to appear, which arose in the eastern part of the mainland of Lemuria, near the present-day island of Madagascar. But in spite of this progress, the full development of the mind on the physical plane was not achieved until the time of the fourth root race.

When the Kumaras ruled the Lemurians, these peoples developed a perfect, in the spiritual sense of the word, social system, fully meeting the interests of spiritual and mental development. It was at that time that the Theocracy arose as a social structure, when the incarnate God was in power, so superior in his knowledge, abilities, skills, superhuman talents to his wards, as much as a simple shepherd man surpasses his flock of sheep. Only the superman is able to resist all the temptations of power. And these supermen were (and are today) Agnishvats and Kumaras. All other mortal people are not capable of leading their own kind for the reason that mortals do not have those powerful psychic energies that are the only ones capable of influencing the human masses. Later, in the subsequent evolution, memories of this ideal social system - of the Theocracy as the power of the Kumar Gods - gradually degenerated into all kinds of church, priestly, royal, princely, and other cracies. But the arc of the spiral of the evolution of social relations has long turned in the direction of the unity of humanity with its divine mentors, and someday humanity will again be led by the Gods-Kumars and Agnishvats-Adepts of our planet, who all this time invisibly controlled the evolution of our planet.

At that ideal point in evolution, in the third sub-race of the Lemurian root race, when the spiritual intuitive understanding was not yet obscured, and at the same time the mind appeared, a unique opportunity presented itself to embrace all the beauty of the cosmos at once. Therefore, the most developed part of the third sub-race of the Lemurians felt its unity with the ever-existing, but also with the ever-incomprehensible and invisible All, the One Universal Deity. Each, being endowed with divine powers and feeling in himself his inner God, realized that by nature he was a God-man, although an animal in his physical self. It was these peoples of the early physical Lemurians, who first ignited the divine spark in themselves, and then for millions of years retained this divine fire in themselves, it was these peoples who led the subsequent root races of humanity, i.e. they became us, or rather, we were them. Therefore, we just need to remember what we already knew when - namely, that we are all gifted with divine powers. Now we are potential, but in the future we will become real God-men. This is the great purpose of the earthly evolution of humanity.

Rice. Lemurian

The most developed Lemurian peoples of the middle subraces possessed those unusual powers which we today call magical or miraculous. The "third eye" and the mind did not suppress each other, but worked in cooperation in the Lemurian of that era. Thus, the knowledge of the spirit, embedded in the “Cup” of the monad, was not obscured with each birth, but was open to consciousness, i.e. the young Lemurian did not have to spend years teaching what he already knew in his past incarnations. Thanks to this, the Lemurian instantly remembered what he knew in past lives. Also, the boundaries between the physical and astral worlds were not so tightly veiled as they are today. The Lemurian knew about his past lives, he remembered his stay in the astral world, he could communicate with representatives of the astral world.

The development of the entire third root race took place under the sign of the development of hearing, which in the third subrace was expressed in the opening of the spiritual center of hearing, which gave phenomenal abilities to hear subtle, hidden phenomena. Therefore, the Lemurian knew the world around him not in that superficial physical shell that stands before the eyes of modern mankind, but the Lemurians of that time knew the world in its noumenal essence - they could see, touch and hear the surrounding subtle world, thanks to which they could command the elementals of nature, which there are true spiritualizers of the world around us. Thanks to their deep knowledge of the true essence of the world, and not that Mayavian shell of today's classical materialistic science, the Lemurians of the third sub-race possessed such powers as levitation, telepathy, materialization, telekinesis, future prediction, clairvoyance, clairaudience and other abilities that are difficult to imagine today's man. However, all these magical abilities will return to man in the sixth and seventh root races.

The turning point in the evolutionary development of the earth's monads was the arrival of eight Kumar-god-men from the neighboring planet - Venus. One of them, according to cosmic law, led the evolution of the Earth. In modern history, he is known under the name Lucifer, which in Latin means "carrying light." It was the light of knowledge and reason that brought this powerful spirit to the monads of the Earth. It was he who ignited the spark of reason in countless monads of our planet. Many and many people of our planet owe their rational existence to him. It is this powerful spirit that has incarnated countless times as the leader and teacher of the peoples of all races, beginning with the last Lemurian sub-races of the third root race and ending with modern humanity. Therefore, Lucifer always had many direct servants, supporters and followers all over the Earth. But in the next root race, this powerful spirit decided to go against the Hierarchy of Light, which caused an age-old struggle between the supporters of Lucifer and his opponents from the camp of the Hierarchy of Light.

In the later times of the third Lemurian sub-race, when the divine mentors - Agnishvats - endowed the most capable monads with their ray, some of the Lemurians developed into highly spiritual people who comprehended the wisdom of earthly and heavenly life - they became initiates. These Lemurians were described as "...the highest giants, divine power and beauty, and keepers of the secrets of Heaven and Earth." Some of these Lemurians remained faithful to spiritual values ​​once and for all. They have not fallen under the power of countless material temptations that have fallen to their lot over millions of years of existence. In our time, they form the basis of the Hierarchy of Light that governs our planet. The other part of these highly-initiated monads nevertheless submitted to the temptations of matter and fell into the great sin of abusing divine knowledge and powers for their own needs, which in itself is a great occult sin. These fallen angels constituted and constitute today the hierarchy of darkness, which to this day opposes the forces of the Hierarchy of Light. Thus, the existence of two opposing camps is explained, which clearly emerged a little later - in the middle of the fourth root race, i.e. during the time of the Atlanteans, but the seeds of this confrontation were laid precisely in the third sub-race of the third root race of the Lemurians.

At the time of occurrence physical person in the third Lemurian subrace, i.e. its densifications from the astral form, the physical animals also arose, which were also at first androgynous, and then divided into male and female. Following them, the Lemurians also divided into sexes. The animal and plant kingdoms were as gigantic (compared to today's nature) as the Lemurians themselves.

Here it is worth briefly mentioning those failures of nature that occurred in the second and early third Lemurian sub-races, and which have had consequences up to the present day. During the development of the egg-shaped fruits of the second subrace, some of them were subjected to animal violence. As a result of this, half-human half-animals hatched from the eggs, which were weak and did not live long. But still, the females of these people-animals mated with unreasonable Lemurians, because for the period of the third sub-race of the Lemurians, the lower peoples were not yet endowed with Manas, therefore they remained essentially the same unreasonable as the animals around them, and these unreasonable Lemurians could not be aware of about committed sins. The result of copulations of unreasonable, speechless, wild Lemurians with female animals became unreasonable and dumb monsters, walking on four limbs, and covered from head to toe with red hair. The nature of these monsters was evil and warlike. Wars began between them and their parents - this is how the first physical blood of the Lemurians, who until that time had known neither wars nor murders, was shed.

The Lemurians, who gave birth to a semi-human subrace by their combinations with animals, are known today as wild tribes, the remnants of which could be found as savages as early as the 18th-19th centuries AD in Tasmania, Australia, the Andaman Islands, and mountainous China.

After the unreasonable part of the Lemurians fell into the sin of bestiality, the Agnishvats still had to illuminate these wild tribes with the rudiments of Manas in order to give these monads a karmic chance for further development. Most of these monads received the rudiments of reason and were really able to continue their development, but some of them finally fell and degenerated into semi-animal savages. In subsequent root races, measures were taken by the leaders of the planet that prevented the conception of offspring from bestial copulations.

By the end of the third root race of the Lemurians, in the seventh subrace, most of the peoples then living had fallen into spiritual and physical decay. The sacred beliefs of the Agnishvatts were replaced by the idolatry of the dark hierophants. The age of evil and decay has come on Earth. This happened due to the darkening of the spiritual consciousness of the bulk of the Lemurians as a result of the action of the physical shell - the "leather suit". As the sub-races of the Lemurians developed, their physical bodies became denser, the spiritual channel of the “third eye” weakened due to sexual activity, due to which the development of the non-spiritual material mind intensified. That is why the spiritual consciousness of the Lemurians became darkened. Passive, psychic contemplation of spiritual truths no longer attracted them. The Lemurians turned away from spiritual knowledge and they began to seek the satisfaction of new material senses, which began to develop after the birth of the mind. In addition, the development of dark beliefs and cults was facilitated by the fallen sons of evil, who received magical knowledge and skills from the Agnishvattas in the third subrace.

In the seventh subrace of the Lemurians, the split of the Lemurian continent began as a result of numerous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, after which separate split parts of the continent began to sink into the World Ocean. The destruction of Lemuria began in the north and spread to the entire continent.

But races don't change overnight, and what's more, they overlap one another. So, for example, the remnants of the Lemurians still live in the form of wild Australian, Indonesian, South American tribes. So the Atlantean race began its existence on the Atlantean part of the Lemurian continent long before its destruction began. The remnants of the Atlanteans are today in Africa and North America. After the sinking of the main parts of the gigantic Lemuria, on the remaining islands, various sub-races of Lemurians and Atlanteans separated from each other existed for a long time. The highest, most spiritual sub-races of the Lemurians lived for some time on the island of the inner Lemurian Sea, located in the region of today's Tibet, the Gobi Desert and Mongolia. The lower sub-races of the Lemurians continued to exist on the various shards of Lemuria, including its Atlantean remnants, where they mingled with the Atlantean fourth root race. Thus one sees a strong mixture of all the root races evolving within the same circle.

In modern humanity, there are three main races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. These are large groups of people who differ in some physical features, such as facial features, skin color, eyes and hair, hair shape.

Each race is characterized by the unity of origin and formation in a certain territory.

The Caucasian race includes the indigenous population of Europe, South Asia and North Africa. Caucasoids are characterized by a narrow face, a strongly protruding nose, and soft hair. The skin color of northern Caucasians is light, while that of southern Caucasians is predominantly swarthy.

The Mongoloid race includes the indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, and Siberia. Mongoloids are distinguished by a large, flat, wide face, slit eyes, hard, straight hair, and dark skin color.

In the Negroid race, two branches are distinguished - African and Australian. The Negroid race is characterized by dark skin color, curly hair, dark eyes, a wide and flat nose.

Racial characteristics are hereditary, but at present they are not essential for human life. Apparently, in the distant past, racial signs were useful for their owners: the dark skin of blacks and curly hair, creating around the head air layer, protected the body from the action of sunlight, the shape of the facial skeleton of the Mongoloids with a more extensive nasal cavity, may be useful in warming the cold air before it enters the lungs. In terms of mental abilities, i.e., abilities for cognition, creative and labor activity in general, all races are the same. Differences in the level of culture are associated not with the biological characteristics of people of different races, but with the social conditions for the development of society.

The reactionary essence of racism. Initially, some scholars confused the level social development with biological features and tried among modern peoples to find transitional forms that connect man with animals. These mistakes were used by the racists, who began to talk about the alleged inferiority of some races and peoples and the superiority of others in order to justify the merciless exploitation and direct destruction of many peoples as a result of colonization, the seizure of foreign lands and the outbreak of wars. When European and American capitalism tried to conquer the African and Asian peoples, the white race was declared the highest. Later, when the Nazi hordes marched across Europe, destroying the captured population in the death camps, the so-called Aryan race was declared the highest, to which the Nazis ranked the German peoples. Racism is a reactionary ideology and politics aimed at justifying the exploitation of man by man.

The failure of racism is proved by the real science of races - racial science. Racial science studies racial characteristics, the origin, formation and history of human races. The data obtained by racial science indicate that the differences between races are not sufficient to consider races as different biological species of people. Mixing of races - miscegenation - occurred constantly, as a result of which intermediate types arose at the boundaries of the ranges of representatives of different races, smoothing out the differences between races.

Will races disappear? One of the important conditions for the formation of races is isolation. In Asia, Africa and Europe, it still exists to some extent today. Meanwhile, newly settled regions, such as North and South America, can be compared to a cauldron in which all three racial groups are melted down. Although public opinion in many countries does not support interracial marriages, there is little doubt that racial interbreeding is inevitable and will sooner or later lead to the formation of a hybrid human population.

Hi all! Who is interested in what the human races are, I will tell you now, and I will also tell you about how the most basic of them differ.

- large historically formed groups of people; division of the species Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens, are represented by modern humanity.

At the heart of the concept lies the biological, primarily physical similarity of people and the common territory that they inhabit.
Complex of hereditary physical features race is characterized, these features include: eye color, hair, skin, height, body proportions, facial features, etc.

Since most of these traits can change in a person, and mixing between races has been going on for a long time, it is rare that a particular individual owns the entire set of typical racial traits.

Big races.

There are many classifications of human races. Most often, three main or large races are distinguished: Mongoloid (Asian-American), Equatorial (Negro-Australoid) and Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasian).

Representatives Mongoloid race the skin color varies from dark to light (mainly in North Asian groups), the hair is usually dark, often straight and coarse, the nose is usually small, the eyes are oblique, the folds of the upper eyelids are significantly developed, and in addition, there is a fold covering the inner corner eyes, hairline is not very developed.

Representatives of the equatorial race dark pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair that is broadly wavy or curly. The nose is predominantly wide, the lower part of the face protrudes forward.

Representatives of the Caucasian race light skin color (with variations from very light, mostly in the North to dark, even brown skin). The hair is curly or straight, the incision of the eyes is horizontal. Strongly developed or moderate hairline on the chest and face in men. The nose is markedly protruding, with a straight or slightly sloping forehead.

Small races.

Large races are divided into small, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasian race are distinguished White Sea-Baltic, Atlanto-Baltic, Balkan-Caucasian, Central European and Indo-Mediterranean minor races.

Now practically all the land is inhabited by Europeans, but by the beginning of the Great geographical discoveries(mid-15th century) their main area included the Middle and Front, India, North Africa.

All minor races are represented in modern Europe. But the Central European version outnumbers (Germans, Austrians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians). In general, the population of Europe is very mixed, especially in cities, due to migrations, influx of migrations from other regions of the Earth and miscegenation.

Usually, in the middle of the Mongoloid race, the South Asian, Far Eastern, Arctic, North Asian and American minor races are distinguished. At the same time, the American is sometimes considered as a large race.

All climatic and geographical zones were inhabited by the Mongoloids. A wide variety of anthropological types is characteristic of modern Asia, but different Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups predominate in number.

The Far Eastern and South Asian minor races are the most common among the Mongoloids. Among Europeans - Indo-Mediterranean. Indigenous people America is a minority, in comparison with various European anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three major races.

The Negro-Australoid or Equatorial race includes three minor races of African Negroids(Negroid or Negro, Negril and Bushman) and the same number of oceanic Australoids(Australian or Australoid race, which in some classifications is distinguished as an independent large race, also Melanesian and Vedoid).

The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Melanesia, Australia, partly Indonesia and New Guinea. The small Negro race numerically predominates in Africa, and in the south and north of the continent it is significantly specific gravity has a Caucasian population.

The indigenous population of Australia is a minority relative to emigrants from India and Europe, as well as quite numerous representatives of the Far Eastern race. The South Asian race predominates in Indonesia.

At the level of the aforementioned races, there are also races that occurred as a result of a long mixing of the population of certain regions, for example, the Ural and Lapanoid races, which possess both features of the Mongoloids and Caucasoids, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Caucasoid and Equatorial races.

Thus, now you can figure out by facial features which race this person belongs to.🙂

This material is taken from the site and is a brief and structured analysis of the information that Helena Blavatsky gives about the emergence and development of terrestrial races.

The Secret Doctrine Volume 1

The first symbolic figure gives a simple disc. The second, in this archaic symbol, is a disk with a dot in it, indicating the first differentiation in the periodic manifestations of eternal Nature, sexless and infinite - “Aditi in THAT or potential Space within abstract Space. In the third phase, the point turns into a diameter, thus symbolizing the divine, virgin Mother Nature, inside the all-encompassing, absolute Infinity. When a horizontal diameter intersects with a vertical one, it becomes a peace cross. Humanity has reached the state of the Third Root Race; it is a sign of birth human life. When the circle disappears, leaving only the cross + , which means that the fall of man into matter has taken place, and the Fourth Race has begun. The cross within the circle is the symbol of pure Pantheism. When the circumference disappears, the cross becomes phallic; it had the same meaning, besides still others, as Tau inscribed in a circle, or as the Hammer of Thor, the so-called Cross of Jaina, or the Swastika in a circle.

The third symbol - a circle divided in half by a horizontal diameter, meant the first manifestation of the creative Nature, still passive, for the feminine. The first vague concept of man, as far as the birth process is concerned, is associated with the feminine principle, for a man knows his mother more than his father, therefore female deities were more sacred than male ones. Therefore, the Nature of the feminine principle is, to a certain extent, objective and tangible, while the Principle of the Spirit that fructifies it is hidden. By adding a perpendicular to the horizontal line in the circle, Tau was obtained - T, the oldest form of the letter.

It was the glyph of the Third Race until its symbolic fall, that is, when the separation of the sexes by natural evolution took place; then the figure became a double glyph or symbol, signifying that the asexual life had changed or been separated. Among the sub-races of our Fifth Race, this sign, in the symbolism of the primitive races, has become sacr, and in Jewish Ncabvah; then it became the Egyptian emblem of life, and still later the sign of Venus ♀.

Then came the Swastika (Thor's Hammer, now the Hermetic Cross), completely separated from its circle, thus becoming a purely phallic symbol. The esoteric symbol of the Kali Yuga is the inverted five-pointed star with its two points pointing upwards, the sign of human witchcraft - a position recognized by every occultist as the sign of the "Left Hand", and used in ceremonial magic.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Secret Doctrine vol. 1 ch. Prologue

Common sense should suggest that "these people" [of the first Three and a Half Circles] did not resemble the people of our day, either in form or nature. Why, then, one might ask, call them "People" at all? Because there is no other term on any of Western languages, which, at least approximately, conveyed the desired representation. The word "Men" (men) at least indicates that these beings were "manu," thinking entities, however different they may be in form and intelligence from ourselves. But, in reality, in terms of spirituality and understanding, they were more "Gods" than "people."

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.1 st.6 sl.4 ch.Additional facts...

In our present and such material Fifth Race, the terrestrial Spirit of the Fourth Race is still strong, but we are approaching the time when the pendulum of evolution will turn its swing definitely upwards in order to bring Humanity to a line parallel to the primitive, Third Root Race in regard to spirituality. During its childhood humanity was wholly composed of that angelic multitude whose Spirits inhabited and animated the monstrous and gigantic dwellings of the Fourth Race, built and composed of innumerable myriads of Lives, just as our bodies are now.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 1 st. 7 sh. 2

The oldest of all cults, the cult of the Third Race of our Round, the Hermaphroditic Race, was the cult in which the masculine of the Moon became sacred when, after the so-called Fall, the separation of the sexes took place. Deus Lunus then became Androgynous, masculine and feminine, in turn, in order, in the end, to serve as a double power for purposes of witchcraft, in the Fourth Root Race of the Atlanteans.

In the Fifth, our Race, Luno-Solar worship divided the peoples into two distinct antagonistic camps. This led to events described in subsequent centuries in the Mahabharata war, which is legendary for Europeans, but for Hindus the historical struggle between Suryavansha and Indovansha. Having originated in the dual aspect of the Moon, that is, in the corresponding veneration of the male and female principles, this veneration ended with certain solar and lunar cults.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 1 part 2 part 9

The Secret Doctrine Volume 2

The first race that was imperfect, that is, was born before the establishment of "balance" (genders) and therefore was destroyed

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They were "destroyed" as a Race, consumed by their own offspring (by means of excretion); that is, a sexless Race incarnated into a (potentially) bisexual; and the last - into androgyne; this one again into a Race divided into two sexes, into the later Third Race.

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  1. The race that first fell into inception was a dark race (Zalmat-qaqadi), called by them the Race of Adam, or the Dark, while the Sarku, or the Light Race, remained still pure for a long time.
  2. In the Age of the Fall, the Babylonians recognized the existence of two major Races, and the Race of the Gods, the Etheric Twins of the Pitris, preceded these two. Such is the opinion of Sir Rawlinson. These Races are our Second and Third Races.
  3. These seven Gods, each of whom created a Human or a group of human beings, were "Gods imprisoned or incarnated". These Gods were: God Zee; God Zi-ku, Noble Life, Instructor of purity; God Mir-ku, Noble Crown, "Savior from death of imprisoned (later) Gods" and creator of "dark races created by his hand"; God Lizbu, "wise among the Gods"; God Nissi; The god Suhhab and Khea, or Sa, is their synthesis, the God of Wisdom and the Abyss, identified with Oann-Dagon in the epoch of the Fall and collectively called the Demiurge, or Creator.

The Babylonian fragments contain the so-called two "Creations"

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Secret Doctrine vol. 2 ch. Preliminary notes

each Race in its evolution is born under the direct influence of one of the Planets

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2 st. 1 sh. 1

The first is born under the Sun; The second is under Brihaspati [Jupiter]; The third is under Lohitanga [Mars about the "fiery body" and also Venus or Shukra]. The fourth is under Soma [the Moon, just like our Earth - the Fourth Sphere is born of the Moon and is under its influence] and Shani, Saturn, Krura-lochana [possessing the evil eye] and Azita [Dark]; The fifth is under the influence of Budha [Mercury]. < … >

The entire history of Shukra in the Puranas refers to the Third and Fourth Races. As the Commentary says:

"It was through the mediation of Shukra that the 'double' [hermaphrodites] of the Third (Root Race) descended from the first 'Then-born'." Therefore, it is represented by the symbol [circle and diameter] during the Third [Race] and during the Fourth.

This needs an explanation. Diameter, when found alone in a circle, signifies the feminine Nature; first perfect world spontaneous and self-conceived the universal, all-pervading Spirit of Life—thus it also applies to the original Root Race.

It becomes androgynous as the Races and all others on Earth develop into their physical forms, and the symbol turns into a circle with a diameter from which comes a vertical line depicting the masculine and feminine, still undivided - the first and earliest Egyptian Tau: , after which it becomes +, which means that the male and female sexes were separated, and the fall into generation took place.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2 st. 1 sh. 2

The first Three Races were asexual, then they became hermaphrodites; the other four are made up of distinct men and women.

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The following order, with the parallels given, may be established in the evolution of the Elements and the Senses; or in the Cosmic Terrestrial "Man" or "Spirit", and the mortal physical man:

As we see, each Element adds to its characteristic feature the features of its predecessor; just as each Root Race adds to the characteristic feel of the previous Race. The same is true of the septenary "creation" of man, which gradually develops in seven stages and on the same principles.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2 st. 4 sh. 17

For the first three Root-Races and half of the Fourth, up to its middle or turning point, it is the Astral Shadows of the "Progenitors", the Lunar Pitris, that are the formative forces in the Races which build and gradually direct the evolution of the physical form towards perfection - and this is done by proportional loss of spirituality. Then, from this turning point ego or the Incarnate Principle, nous or Reason, begins to reign over the Animal ego and guide him in all cases when the latter does not drag him down.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2, article 5 sh. 18

The process of reproduction in each Race also had seven stages, each Race lasting eons of time.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2, article 5 sh. 19

AT Book of Enoch we have Adam (the first Divine Androgyne, who divided into a man and a woman and became Jah-Heva in one form or Race, and Cain and Abel - a man and a woman - in their other form or Race - bisexual Jehovah, who is an echo of his Aryan prototype Brama-Vak. After which follows the Third and Fourth Root-Races of humanity, that is, the Races of men and women, or individuals of opposite sexes, but no longer the asexual Semi-spirits and Androgyns, as were the two Races that preceded them.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2 st. 5 sl. 21

As it is said in the first volume, Mankinds developed in accordance and in parallel with the four Elements (elements); each new Race was physiologically adapted to receive the additional Element. Our Fifth Race is rapidly approaching the Fifth Element - call it, if you will, the interplanetary ether - which, however, has more to do with psychology than with physics. We humans have learned to live in all climates, whether cold or tropical, but the first two Races had nothing to do with climates, just as they were not subject to any influence of temperature or its changes. And thus, we are taught, people lived until the end of the Third Race, when eternal spring reigned over the entire planet.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2, article 5 sh. 22

The Dvapara Yuga is different for each Race. All Races have their own cycles, which is a factor for greater distinction. For example, the Fourth Race of the Atlanteans was in their Kali Yuga when they were destroyed, while the Fifth was in their Satya or Krita Yuga.

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To this Occultism answers in the affirmative, in spite of all scientific objections. In addition, this duration covers only the human Vaivasvata Manu, i.e., the male-female, already divided into two different sexes. The two Races and a half that preceded this event could have lived 300,000,000 years ago, against all the objections of science.

For the geological and physical difficulties raised against this theory could not exist for original, ethereal man of the Occult Teachings. The whole solution (outcome) of the dispute between the secular and esoteric sciences depends on the belief in the existence of the astral body inside the physical and on the proof of this, and the first, the astral body, is independent of the physical.

< … >

The Secret Doctrine states that physical humanity has existed on the globe for the last 18,000,000 years, despite the general cataclysms and shifts in the Fourth Round of our planet, which - due to the fact that this period is the time of the greatest physical development, for the Fourth Round is the midpoint of Life The Cycle allotted to him were far more terrible and intense than during any of the previous three Rounds - the Cycles of his early psychic and spiritual life and his semi-etheric conditions. This period was preceded by 300,000,000 years of mineral and vegetable development. To this, of course, all those who refuse to accept the theory of a "boneless", purely ethereal man will object.

< … >

Neither the state of heterogeneity of the surrounding regions, full of deadly gases, nor the danger from the barely hardened crust could prevent the First and Second Races from appearing even during the Coal Age or the Silurian Age itself.

Thus, the Monads, destined to animate the future Races, were ready for new transformations. They had passed their phases of "immetalization", the phases of plant and animal life, from the lowest to the highest, and were waiting for their human, more intelligent forms.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.6 sl.23

We have now come to an important point as regards the twofold evolution of the human race. Sons of Wisdom or Spiritual The Dhyanis have become "intelligent" through their contact with Matter, because they have already reached during the previous cycles of incarnation that degree of intelligence that allowed them to become independent and self-conscious entities. on this plan Matter. They were born again only due to karmic consequences. They are entered in those who were "ready", and became the aforementioned Arhats or Sages, of whom it was said above. This requires an explanation.

This does not mean that the Monads entered into forms already inhabited by other Monads. They were "Entities", "Minds" and Conscious Spirits; Beings who aspired to become even more conscious by combining with more developed Matter. Their nature was too pure to be different from the Universal Nature; but their ego” or Manas (for they are called Manasaputra, born from Mahat or Brahma) had to go through earthly human trials in order to become all-knowing and be able to start a reverse upward cycle.

Monads are not divided principles, conditional or limited, but they are rays from a single absolute principle. The passage of one sunbeam after another, through the same hole into a dark room, will not two beams, but only a single, reinforced beam. Following the course of natural law, a person should not become perfect A Septenary Being before the Seventh Race in the Seventh Round.

However, he has all these principles latent in him from his very birth. Nor is it the lot of the evolutionary law that the Fifth Principle (Manas) should be fully developed before the Fifth Round. All such precocious minds (on spiritual plan) in our Race are abnormal; they are exactly what we have called the "People of the Fifth Circle". Even in the coming Seventh Race, at the end of this Fourth Round, while our four lower principles will be fully developed, the principle of Manas will be only proportionally developed. This limitation, however, applies only to spiritual development. The development of the mind on the physical plane was achieved during the Fourth Root Race.

Thus, those who were “half ready”, those who received only “one spark”, constitute the average level of humanity, and they must acquire their intelligence during the evolution of the present Manvantara, after which in the next they will be quite ready to receive the “Sons of Wisdom." Then, as those who were not "ready" at all, the very last Monads, barely developed from their last, transitional and lower animal forms at the conclusion of the Third Round, are mentioned in the Stanza as remaining "narrow-headed."

This explains the otherwise inexplicable difference in the degree of intelligence, observed even at the present time, among various races of people - savages, Bushmen and Europeans. Those tribes of savages, whose mental faculties very slightly exceed those of animals, are not unjustly disadvantaged or less "beneficial", as it may seem - nothing of the sort. They're just the ones later among arrived human Monads "who were not ready"; which were to develop during the present Round, as well as on the three remaining Spheres - hence the four different planes of being - so as to reach the level of the middle class when they reached the Fifth Round.

In this regard, one remark may be useful as food for the mind of the student. The monads of the lower representatives of humanity - the "narrow-headed" savages of the South Sea Islands, Africans, Australians - when they were first born, as people, they did not have Karma, which had to be outlived by them, as was the case with their more gifted, in the sense of mental abilities, brothers. The first weave Karma only now; the latter are weighed down by past, present and future Karma. In this respect the poor savage is happier than greatest genius civilized countries.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.VII line 24

The order of evolution of the Human Races is set forth in the Fifth Book of Commentaries as follows, and has already been given.

The first people were Chhaya (1); Second, "Then-born" (2); Third, "Egg-born", and holy Fathers, born by the power of Kriyashakti (3); The fourth were the children of Padmapani [Chenrezig] (4).

Of course, such primitive ways of reproduction - by revealing their own reflection; through drops of sweat; thereafter by Yoga; and then, by means of what will be regarded by the people as magic (Kriyashakti), condemned in advance to be taken for fairy tales. Nevertheless, from the first to the last way, there is nothing miraculous in them, just as there is nothing that could seem unnatural.

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The King of the Gods or Indra sends a beautiful Apsaras (nymph), named Pramlocha, to seduce Kanda and break his repentance. She succeeds in her blasphemous intention, and "nine hundred and seven years, six months and three days" spent in her company seem to the Sage as one day.

< … >

Even the exoteric aspect of Dhyani Chenrezig points to the Esoteric Teaching. Obviously, like Daksha, he is the synthesis of all previous Races and the progenitor of all human Races after the Third - the first completed - and, thus, he is represented as climax all four Primitive Races in their eleven-faced form. This form is a column built of four rows, each row has three faces or heads of different colors; three faces for each Race, as typical characteristics of its three main physiological transformations. The first row is white (moon-colored); the second is yellow; the third is red-brown; the fourth, in which there are only two faces - the third face is not revealed, this is a hint of the untimely end of the Atlantes - brown-black. Padmapani (Daksha) sits on a column and is the top.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.VII line 27

To avoid confusion, the reader should remember that the term "Root-Race" is applied to one of the seven great Races, the term "sub-race" to one of its great Branches, and the term "racial family" to one of the divisions comprising peoples and numerous tribes.

< … >

Let the reader also take into account that if each of the seven Races is divided into Four Ages - Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron - then exactly the same divisions exist among the smallest offshoot of such Races.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine vol. 2 st. 9 sl. 36

This "primitive humanity" was in its Fifth Race when the "Dragon of the Four Mouths," a lake of which very faint traces now remain, was the home of the "Sons of Wisdom," the first Mind-Born Sons of the Third Race. However, it was neither the only nor the original cradle of mankind, although it was, indeed, a copy of the cradle of the first thinking divine Human. It was Paradesa, the plateau of the first people who spoke the Sanskrit language, Hedon, the land of admiration among the Greeks, but it was not the "Abode of Pleasures" of the Chaldeans, for the latter was only a memory of it; just as it was not here that the “Fall of Man” took place after the “separation”.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. — The Secret Doctrine v.2 v.9 sl.37 ch.Edens, Serpents and Dragons


To understand Verse 38, it must be read along with Verses 9 of Stanza. Up to this point in evolution, man belonged more to metaphysical than to physical Nature. It was only after the so-called "Fall" that the races began to develop rapidly into a purely human form.

< … >

The Archaic Commentaries, as the reader may recall, explain that from the Host of the Dhyanis, for whom it was their turn to incarnate, as ego immortal but mindless on this plan, Monads - some "obeyed" (the Law of Evolution) as soon as the people of the Third Race became physiologically and physically ready, that is, when the separation of the sexes occurred. They were the first conscious beings who, now adding conscious knowledge and will to their inherent divine purity, "created" by means of Kriyashakti a semi-divine man who became the seed of the future Adepts on Earth. On the other hand, those who jealously guarded their mental freedom - not being shackled even then by any fetters of matter - said: "We can choose ... we have wisdom" and thus incarnated much later - by this they prepared for themselves their first karmic punishment.

They received bodies much lower (physiologically) than their astral images, for their Reflections (Chhaya) belonged to the Ancestors of the lowest degree from the Seven Classes. As for those “Sons of Wisdom” who “postponed” their incarnation until the Fourth Race, already stained (physiologically) with sin and debauchery, these gave rise to a terrible cause, the karmic consequence of which weighs on them to this day. This happened to themselves, and they became bearers of this seed of iniquity throughout the eons to come, for the bodies they were supposed to animate became defiled because of their own procrastination.

< … >

In one of the Mahatma's letters we have a passage that is directly related to these incarnating Angels. The letter says. “So there are and must be failures among the Etheric Races in many categories of Dhyan-Chohans or Devas [ developed beings belonging to the previous planetary Period], as well as among people. But since these Losers too advanced in their spiritual development to be forcibly thrown back from their position as Dhyan Chohans into the whirlpool of a new primary evolution through the lower kingdoms, the following happens to them: where a new solar system is to develop, these Dhyan Chohans are drawn there by the current "before" all the elementals ( entities... which in future develop into humanity) and remain as a latent or inactive spiritual force in the Aura of the nascent World... until the phase of human evolution is reached... Then they become efficient force and combine or combine with the elements to develop a gradually completed type of humanity". That is, to develop a person and endow him with Self-Consciousness, Mind or Manas.

< … >

Verse 39 refers exclusively to racial divisions. To be precise, Esoteric Philosophy teaches a modified polygenesis. For while establishing the human unity of descent in the sense that its Forefathers or "Creators" were all Divine Beings—though of different classes or degrees of perfection in their Hierarchy—it teaches at the same time that at that period men were born into seven different centers of the mainland. Although all were of the same common origin, nevertheless, for these reasons, their potentiality and mental faculties, external or physical forms and future features were very different. As for their skin color, Linga Purana there is a very pictorial allegory.

Kumaras - the so-called Rudra Gods - are described as incarnations of Shiva, the Destroyer ( external forms ), also called Vamadeva. The latter, as one of the Kumaras, the "Eternal Celibate", the pure Virgin Youth, is born from Brahma in every great Manvantara and "becomes four again"; an allusion to the four great divisions of the human Races, as regards skin color and type - and their three main differences. Thus, in the twenty-ninth Calpe - in this case this is an allusion to the transformation and evolution of the human form, which Shiva constantly destroys and periodically re-transforms until the very turning point of the great Manvantara, approximately until the middle of the Fourth (Atlantic) Race - in the twenty-ninth Kalpa, Shiva, as Shvetalohita, Root Kumara, instead of the moon color, becomes white; in his next incarnation red(in this the exoteric exposition differs from the Esoteric Teaching); in third - yellow; in the fourth - black.

Thus Esotericism places these seven differences, with their four great divisions, only in three definite primitive Races—for the First Race is not taken into account by it, as having neither type nor color, and whose form, though colossal, is almost had objectivity. The evolution of these Races, their formation and development proceeded along parallel lines with the evolution, formation and development of three geological strata, on which the color of human skin depended, since it was determined by the climates of these zones. The Esoteric Teaching names three great divisions, namely - red-yellow, black and brown-white .

For example, the Aryan races now vary from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow to the most white-yellow, and yet they all belong to the same group of the Fifth Root-Race and are descended from one Ancestor, called in Hindu exotericism the collective name of Vaivaswata Manu; the latter, remember, is that Collective Personality, the Sage, who is said to have lived more than 18,000,000 years ago, also 850,000 years ago - at the time of the sinking of the last of the remains of the Great Continent of Atlantis, and who is said to live and now in your humanity.

Pale yellow is the color of the first dense race which appeared in the second half of the Third Root-Race - after its fall into generation, as has already been explained - bringing with it the final changes. For only in this period did the last transformation take place, which gave birth to a person such as he is now, only in an increased size. This Race gave birth to the Fourth Race; “Shiva” gradually transformed that part of Humanity that had become “black from sin” into a “red-yellow” one, the descendants of which are now the red-skinned Indians and Mongols, and, finally, into the brown-white races, which now, together with the yellow races, make up the main mass of humanity. Allegory in Linga Purana curious, revealing a great knowledge of ethnology among the ancients.

When reading about the "last transformation" which is said to have taken place 18,000,000 years ago, let the reader now consider how many more millions were required to reach this last stage. And if Man, in his gradual condensation, developed pari passu together with the Earth, then how many millions of years have elapsed during the time of the First, Second and first half of the Third Race? For the earth was in a comparatively ethereal state before she reached her last dense state.

In addition, the Archaic Teachings tell us that in the middle period of the Lemuro-Atlantean Race, precisely when three and a half Races flowed after the birth of Man, Earth, Man and everything else on the Planet were of an even coarser and more material nature, while such things, how the corals and some shells were still in a semi-gelatinous, astral state. The cycles that have already elapsed since then have carried us further on the opposite ascending arc, already several steps towards our "dematerialization", as the spiritualists would say.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.10 sl.39

Atlanteans were really the first purely human and terrestrial Race, for those who preceded them were more divine and ethereal than human and solid.

< … >

Nevertheless, now, after becoming acquainted, even with an approximate, chronology of the Eastern peoples - entirely founded and guided by the early calculations of the Aryans - it may be easier to understand those huge periods of time that had to pass from the time of the separation of the sexes, not to mention First or even Second Race. Since what concerns these Races must remain beyond the comprehension of minds trained in the methods of Western thinking, we consider it quite useless to speak in detail about the First and Second, and even about the Third Race in its early stage.

And only starting from the time when the latter has reached its full human period, can one begin to present its history without fear that the uninitiated reader will be hopelessly perplexed.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. — The Secret Doctrine v.2 v.10 shl.39 ch. Panoramic overview of the early races


a) Such were the first real physical people, and the first characteristic property which was - pride! It was the memory of this Third Race and of the giants of Atlantis that was transmitted from race to race, from one generation to another, until the very days of Moses, and found an objective form in those antediluvian giants, those terrible sorcerers and magicians, about whom the Roman Church has preserved so bright and, at the same time, such distorted legends.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.10 sl.42

a few centuries before the Kali Yuga - the Age that began about 5,000 years ago - Commentary 20 said, putting it in easy to understand words:

“We [the Fifth Root Race] in our first half [duration] of the ascent [on the now ascending arc of the Cycle] are at the midpoint [or between] the First and Second Races - descending [that is, the Races were then on the descending arc of the Cycle] ... Calculate for yourself , Lana, and behold."

Calculating, according to advice, we find that during that transitional period - namely, in the second half of the First, spiritual, ethereal-astral Race - emerging humanity was deprived of the element of brain intelligence, for it was then on its own. descending way. And since we're on a parallel line on ascending arc, that's why we are deprived

spiritual element, which is now replaced by reason. For, remember well, since we are now in the Manasic period of our Cycle of Races, or in the Fifth Race, then, therefore, we have passed the middle point of the perfect balance of Spirit and Matter - or the balance between cerebral reason and spiritual understanding.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Secret Doctrine vol. 2, article 10 sh. 42 ch. Race, possessed third_eye

So, according to the Esoteric Teaching, since the last 120 million years there has been no world geological upheavals and changes, but the Earth, even up to that time, was ready to receive humanity. However, the appearance of the latter in its full physical development, as already said, happened only about 18,000,000 years ago, after the first great failures of Nature to create beings on her own - that is, without the help of the divine "Shapers" - followed by the evolution of the first three Races. The true Duration of the first two and a half Races is hidden from all but the highest Initiates. The history of the Races begins with the separation of the sexes, after the previous, egg-bearing, androgynous Race quickly perished, and the subsequent sub-races of the Third Root Race appeared as an entirely new Race. physiologically. It is this "Destruction" that is allegorically called the great "Flood of Vaivasvata Manu", and the record shows Vaivasvata Manu or Humanity left alone on Earth in the Ark of Salvation, drawn by Vishnu, in the form of a monstrous fish, and "with him" seven Rishis. This allegory is very simple.

Source: Manu humanity

before the advent of the "Mindless" First Race, the Earth was not without inhabitants. We might add, however, that the period which science, which recognizes only the physical man, has the right to consider the pre-human period, may be considered as continuing from the First Race to the first half of the Atlantean Race, for only then did man become "complete the organic being that he is now."

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.10 shl.42 ch.Original Manu humanity

our globe is subject to seven periodic and total displacements that accompany pari passu Rasam. For the Sacred Teaching says that during this Round, seven earthly Pralayas must occur, caused by a change in the inclination of the Earth's Axis. It is a law operating in its appointed time, and not at all blindly, as science may suppose, but in exact accordance and concordance with the Law of Karma. In Occultism this Inexorable Law is called the "Great Equilibrium."

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v.2 st.11 sl.43

Let the reader remember well what has been said about the divisions of the Root Races and about the evolution of Mankind in this work, and what is clearly and concisely stated in Sinnett's book. "Esoteric Buddhism".

  1. There are seven Rounds in each Manvantara; this Circle is the Fifth, and we are now in the Fifth Root Race.
  2. Each Root Race has seven sub-races.
  3. Each sub-race in turn has seven offshoots, which may be called a "branch" or "kindred" race.
  4. The small tribes, branches and offshoots of the latter, are innumerable and depend on the action of Karma.

Explore the Family Tree attached here and you will understand. The illustration is purely diagrammatic, and is only given to assist the reader in making sense of the matter amidst the confusion that exists among the terms used at various times for the division of mankind. Here also an attempt is made to express in figures - but only in approximate limits, for the sake of comparison - the duration of time, whereby it is possible to definitely distinguish one division from another.

If an attempt were made to give fixed dates for several of them, it would lead to hopeless confusion; for races, sub-races, etc., down to their smallest offshoots, overlap and intertwine to such an extent that it is almost impossible to separate them.


The Human Race has been compared to a tree, and the comparison serves well as an illustration.

The main trunk of the tree can be compared with the Root Race [BUT].

Its large branches are with various sub-races, the number of which is seven [B1 B2, B3, etc.].

On each of these branches are seven "twigs" or "kindred" races. [With].

The cactus-like plant is the best illustration, for its "fleshy" leaves are covered with sharp needles, each of which can be compared to one nationality or tribe of human beings.

< … >

"Three Virgos" or the constellation Virgo, in three different positions, meant, both among those [Egyptians (ed.)], and among others [inhabitants of South India and Lanka (ed.)], a record of the first three - "Divine or Astronomical Dynasties" who taught the Third Root Race; and after they left the Atlanteans to their doom, they returned, or rather descended, during the third sub-race of the Fifth Race, to reveal to saved humanity the secrets of their deposit, the Starry Heavens. The same symbolic record of human Races and Three Dynasties (Gods, Manes - Semi-divine Astrals of the Third and Fourth Races and Heroes of the Fifth Race) that preceded the purely human kings was found in the arrangement of the galleries and passages of the Egyptian Labyrinth.

The population of our planet is so diverse that one can only be surprised. What kind of nationalities, nationalities you will not meet! Everyone has their own faith, customs, traditions, orders. Its beautiful and unusual culture. However, all these differences are formed only by the people themselves in the process of social historical development. And what underlies the differences that appear externally? After all, we are all very different:

  • blacks;
  • yellow-skinned;
  • white;
  • with different eye colors
  • various heights, etc.

It is obvious that the reasons are purely biological, not dependent on the people themselves and formed over thousands of years of evolution. That's how they formed modern races human, which explain the visual diversity of human morphology theoretically. Let us consider in more detail what this term is, what is its essence and meaning.

The concept of "race of people"

What is a race? It is not a nation, not a people, not a culture. These concepts should not be confused. After all, representatives of different nationalities and cultures can freely belong to the same race. Therefore, the definition can be given such as the science of biology gives.

The races of man are a collection of external morphological features, that is, those that are the phenotype of the representative. They were formed under the influence of external conditions, the impact of a complex of biotic and abiotic factors, and were fixed in the genotype during evolutionary processes. Thus, the signs that underlie the division of people into races should include:

  • growth;
  • skin and eye color;
  • structure and shape of hair;
  • hairiness of the skin;
  • features of the structure of the face and its parts.

All those signs of Homo sapiens as a biological species that lead to the formation of the external appearance of a person, but do not affect his personal, spiritual and social qualities and manifestations, as well as the level of self-development and self-education.

People of different races have a completely identical biological springboard for the development of certain abilities. Their general karyotype is the same:

  • women - 46 chromosomes, that is, 23 pairs of XX;
  • men - 46 chromosomes, 22 pairs XX, 23 pairs - XY.

This means that all representatives of a reasonable person are one and the same, among them there are no more or less developed, superior to others, higher. From a scientific point of view, everyone is equal.

Types of human races, formed over about 80 thousand years, have an adaptive value. It is proved that each of them was formed in order to provide a person with the possibility of a normal existence in a given habitat, to facilitate adaptability to climatic, relief and other conditions. There is a classification showing which races of Homo sapiens existed before, and which are at the present time.

Race classification

She is not alone. The thing is that until the 20th century it was customary to distinguish 4 races of people. These were the following varieties:

  • Caucasian;
  • australoid;
  • negroid;
  • Mongoloid.

For each, detailed characteristic features were described by which any individual could be identified. human species. However, later the classification became widespread, which includes only 3 human races. This became possible due to the unification of the Australoid and Negroid groups into one.

Therefore, the modern types of human races are as follows.

  1. Large: Caucasoid (European), Mongoloid (Asian-American), Equatorial (Australian-Negroid).
  2. Small: many different branches that were formed from one of the large races.

Each of them is characterized by its own characteristics, signs, external manifestations in the appearance of people. All of them are considered by anthropologists, and the science itself, which studies this question is biology. Human races have interested people since ancient times. After all, completely contrasting external features often became the cause of racial strife and conflict.

genetic research recent years allow us to speak again about the division of the equatorial group into two. Consider all 4 races of people who stood out earlier and have become relevant again recently. We note the signs and features.

australoid race

Typical representatives of this group include the indigenous people of Australia, Melanesia, South-East Asia, India. Also the name of this race is Australo-Veddoid or Australo-Melanesian. All synonyms make it clear which minor races are included in this group. They are the following:

  • australoids;
  • veddoids;
  • Melanesians.

In general, the characteristics of each group represented do not vary too much among themselves. There are several main features that characterize all small races of people of the Australoid group.

  1. Dolichocephaly - an elongated shape of the skull in relation to the proportions of the rest of the body.
  2. Deep-set eyes, wide slit. The color of the iris is predominantly dark, sometimes almost black.
  3. The nose is wide, the bridge of the nose is pronounced flat.
  4. The body hair is very well developed.
  5. The hair on the head is dark in color (sometimes there are natural blonds among Australians, which was the result of a once-fixed natural genetic mutation of the species). Their structure is rigid, they can be curly or slightly curly.
  6. The growth of people is average, often above average.
  7. The physique is thin, elongated.

Within the Australoid group, people of different races differ from each other sometimes quite strongly. So, a native of Australia can be a tall blonde with a dense build, with straight hair, with light brown eyes. At the same time, the native of Melanesia will be a thin, short dark-skinned representative who has curly black hair and almost black eyes.

Therefore, the general features described above for the entire race are only an average version of their cumulative analysis. Naturally, miscegenation also takes place - mixing various groups as a result of natural crossing of species. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to identify a specific representative and attribute him to one or another small and large race.

Negroid race

The people who make up this group are the settlers of the following territories:

  • Eastern, Central and Southern Africa;
  • part of Brazil;
  • some peoples of the USA;
  • representatives of the West Indies.

In general, such races of people as Australoids and Negroids used to unite in the equatorial group. However Research XXI centuries have proved the failure of such an order. After all, the differences in the signs shown between the designated races are too great. And some similarities are explained very simply. After all, the habitats of these individuals are very similar in terms of the conditions of existence, therefore, the adaptations in appearance are also close.

So, the representatives of the Negroid race are characterized by the following signs.

  1. Very dark, sometimes blue-black, skin color, as it is especially rich in melanin content.
  2. Wide eye slit. They are large, dark brown, almost black.
  3. The hair is dark, curly, coarse.
  4. Growth varies, often low.
  5. The limbs are very long, especially the arms.
  6. The nose is wide and flat, the lips are very thick, fleshy.
  7. The jaw is devoid of a chin protrusion and protrudes forward.
  8. Ears are large.
  9. Facial hair is poorly developed, beard and mustache are absent.

Negroids are easy to distinguish from others by external data. Below are the different races of people. The photo reflects how clearly Negroids differ from Europeans and Mongoloids.

Mongoloid race

Representatives of this group are characterized by special features that allow them to adapt to rather difficult external conditions: desert sands and winds, blinding snow drifts, and so on.

Mongoloids are the indigenous people of Asia and much of America. Their characteristic features are as follows.

  1. Narrow or slanting eyes.
  2. The presence of epicanthus - a specialized skin fold aimed at covering the inner corner of the eye.
  3. The color of the iris is light to dark brown.
  4. characterized by brachycephaly (short head).
  5. Superciliary ridges thickened, strongly protruding.
  6. Sharp high cheekbones are well defined.
  7. The hairline on the face is poorly developed.
  8. The hair on the head is coarse, dark in color, of a straight structure.
  9. The nose is not wide, the bridge of the nose is low.
  10. Lips of different thickness, usually narrow.
  11. Skin color varies different representatives from yellow to swarthy, fair-skinned people are also found.

It should be noted that another characteristic feature is short stature, both in men and women. It is the Mongoloid group that prevails in numbers, if we compare the main races of people. They populated almost all climatographic zones of the Earth. Close to them in terms of quantitative characteristics are Caucasians, which we will consider below.

Caucasian race

First of all, we will designate the predominant habitats of people from this group. It:

  • Europe.
  • North Africa.
  • Western Asia.

Thus, representatives unite the two main parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Since the living conditions were also very different, then the general signs are again an average option after analyzing all the indicators. Thus, the following features of appearance can be distinguished.

  1. Mesocephaly - medium head in the structure of the skull.
  2. Horizontal section of the eyes, absence of strongly pronounced superciliary ridges.
  3. Narrow protruding nose.
  4. Lips of different thickness, usually of medium size.
  5. Soft curly or straight hair. There are blondes, brunettes, brown-haired.
  6. Eye color from light blue to brown.
  7. Skin color also varies from pale, white to swarthy.
  8. The hairline is very well developed, especially on the chest and face of men.
  9. The jaws are orthognathic, that is, slightly pushed forward.

In general, a European is easy to distinguish from others. Appearance allows you to do this almost unmistakably, even without using additional genetic data.

If you look at all the races of people, the photo of whose representatives is located below, the difference becomes obvious. However, sometimes the signs are mixed so deeply that the identification of the individual becomes almost impossible. He is able to belong to two races at once. This is further aggravated by intraspecific mutation, which leads to the appearance of new traits.

For example, Negroid albinos are a special case of the appearance of blonds in the Negroid race. A genetic mutation that disrupts the integrity of racial traits in a given group.

Origin of human races

Where did such a variety of signs of the appearance of people come from? There are two main hypotheses that explain the origin of human races. It:

  • monocentrism;
  • polycentrism.

However, none of them has yet become an officially accepted theory. According to the monocentric point of view, initially, about 80 thousand years ago, all people lived in the same territory, and therefore their appearance was approximately the same. However, over time, growing numbers have led to a wider settlement of people. As a result, some groups found themselves in difficult climatic conditions.

This led to the development and fixation at the genetic level of some morphological adaptations that help in survival. For example, dark skin and curly hair provide thermoregulation and a cooling effect on the head and body in Negroids. And the narrow cut of the eyes protects them from sand and dust, as well as from blinding by white snow among the Mongoloids. The developed hairline of Europeans is a kind of thermal insulation in severe winters.

Another hypothesis is called polycentrism. She says that different types races of man descended from several ancestral groups that were unevenly settled around the globe. That is, there were initially several foci, from which the development and consolidation of racial characteristics began. Again, under the influence of climatic conditions.

That is, the process of evolution proceeded linearly, simultaneously affecting aspects of life on different continents. This is how the formation of modern types of people from several phylogenetic lines took place. However, it is not necessary to state for sure about the validity of this or that hypothesis, since there is no evidence of a biological and genetic nature, at the molecular level.

Modern classification

The races of people according to the estimates of current scientists have the following classification. Two trunks stand out, and each of them has three large races and many small ones. It looks like this.

1. Western trunk. Includes three races:

  • Caucasians;
  • capoids;
  • negroids.

The main groups of Caucasians: Nordic, Alpine, Dinaric, Mediterranean, Falian, East Baltic and others.

Minor races of capoids: Bushmen and Khoisans. They inhabit South Africa. In the fold above the eyelids, they are similar to the Mongoloids, but in other ways they differ sharply from them. The skin is not elastic, which is why the appearance of early wrinkles is characteristic of all representatives.

Groups of Negroids: Pygmies, Nilots, Negroes. All of them are settlers of different parts of Africa, therefore they have similar signs of appearance. Very dark eyes, the same skin and hair. Thick lips and no chin protrusion.

2. Eastern trunk. Includes the following major races:

  • australoids;
  • americanoids;
  • Mongoloids.

Mongoloids - are divided into two groups - northern and southern. These are the indigenous inhabitants of the Gobi Desert, which left its mark on the appearance of these people.

Americanoids are the population of North and South America. They have a very high growth, the epicanthus is often developed, especially in children. However, the eyes are not as narrow as those of the Mongoloids. Combine the characteristics of several races.

Australoids consist of several groups:

  • Melanesians;
  • veddoids;
  • Ainu;
  • Polynesians;
  • Australians.

Their characteristic features have been discussed above.

Minor races

This concept is a rather highly specialized term that allows you to identify any person to any race. After all, each big one is subdivided into many small ones, and they are already compiled on the basis of not only small external distinguishing features, but also include data from genetic studies, clinical analyzes, and molecular biology facts.

Therefore, small races - this is what allows you to more accurately reflect the position of each individual in the system of the organic world, and specifically, in the composition of the species Homo sapiens sapiens. What specific groups exist was discussed above.


As we found out, there are different races of people. Their signs can be strongly polar. This is what led to the emergence of the theory of racism. She says that one race is superior to another, since it is made up of more highly organized and perfect beings. At one time, this led to the appearance of slaves and their white masters.

However, from a scientific point of view this theory completely absurd and untenable. The genetic predisposition to the development of certain skills and abilities is the same for all peoples. The proof that all races are biologically equal is the possibility of free interbreeding between them with the preservation of the health and viability of the offspring.