Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren through literary creativity. Letters to fairy-tale characters, aliens

Children's creativity is inexhaustible. It is always independent, new, unusual. This is a child’s impulse for kindness and beauty, the embodiment of their dreams, the desire to express their feelings and experiences. The main thing in children's creativity– this is the great joy that it brings to both the teacher and the student. This article will tell you about the basics of this type of activity and help organize literary creativity in class.



Article in a methodological journal

Development of literary creativity of junior schoolchildren.

Modern programs of primary literary education provide for the development of a variety of literary and artistic skills in primary schoolchildren. Primary school students should be able to write fairy tales, short stories, riddles, nursery rhymes, etc. It is in this way, according to the authors of the programs, that they learn theoretical and literary information about genres and figurative and expressive means of language, rhyme.

The problem of developing children's speech creativity has been relevant for many years. Many researchers and teachers note that speech plays a unique role in the formation and development of a person’s personality.

A special feature of a child of primary school age is purity and spontaneity of perception. Children's imagination, imagination, and the need to invent and compose are unusual and rich. Why not use this in educational process? Therefore, starting from 1st grade, I teach children to write poetry.

Have you ever thought about why people become artists, poets, sculptors? Does it depend on them mental abilities? Certainly! Is this the main thing? No! Creative people are distinguished by a special ability to see and hear what others have not seen or heard. They feel more subtly, distinguish shades, they are not indifferent to reality, their souls are full of impressions that need to be expressed in some images.

Hence the conclusion follows: we must teach children to see beauty, develop aesthetic feelings in them, this will expand their spiritual world, guide and enrich their personality.

Realizing this, in his work in Russian language lessons and literary reading I try to pay attention to everything that is in one way or another connected with the spiritual world of the child. Everything is important to me: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, eye expression.

In first grade the child grasps the specificity of the sound structure of speech, feels its expressiveness, comprehends the meaning of words, and receives the first information about comparison, sound writing, and rhyme. Children learn to compare, observe, and fantasize. At this stage, children compose: pure sayings:

RA-ra-ra – it’s hot outside.

Chu-chu-chu - very quickly to the shoulder,

Mo-mo-mo - it’s already dark outside, etc.


By the bear in the forest

I'll pick a lot of berries.

(Svintsitskaya Yulia)

Flying in the clouds

Vobla with glasses.

(Manuhina Christina)

Invited by a crocodile for lunch

All your friends and neighbors.

A kangaroo flew to him,

A hippopotamus galloped from the swamps,

And even a shark in a mink coat

I came in my jeep!

(Adylkanov Marat)

Once upon a time there was a cow, I dreamed

She lived in the forest. New Year,

And everyone was afraid of her, but it’s the other way around:

They scattered through the forest. Santa Claus was a locomotive

(Yulia Karpova) Well, I’m Santa Claus!

(Manuhina Christina)

The continuation of the work begun in poetry lessons can be seen in natural cycle lessons and excursions, where children’s experience is enriched with direct observations of nature. Children, at first simply and naively, observe the world around them:

Julia looks through


It's already dark outside.

(Svintsitskaya Yulia)

Beneath me, not feeling my feet,

A frisky spider is jumping.

And the big spiders

They sleep quietly and dream.

(Sasin Mikhail)

In second gradethe child more clearly feels a single sound structure, clearly expresses his attitude to the environment, stylistically formalizes his statements more accurately, uses comparisons and personifications. At this stage, the task is also to teach you to feel the rhythm, music, rhyme of poetry, to convey your mood, your ideas about the world around them:

Memories of summer.

I love bright summer, Let's go with joy

I love hot summers, we can go for a walk in the forest.

Warm, fragrant. There will be a bunny jumping there

The sun is radiant. Squirrel - jump.

It's a long day. Sunny bunnies

Sunbathing and swimming They will suddenly smile.

We're not lazy at all! Because summer is

This best friend!

(Skorobach Stas)

About school.

Autumn has come again

And I went to school

And I will study approximately!

I'll go to class,

And teach lessons

And I’ll probably graduate with honors!

(Fedina Lydia)

And, of course, back to the fairy tale:


In a wooden house

Once upon a time there were gnomes.

They were brave

And very skillful.

We danced all day -

And there was no boredom!

(Skorobach Stas)

In third and fourth gradesChildren are already more intelligently navigating genres and styles of speech. Having become acquainted with haiku in the 3rd grade, we were imbued with its unusualness and originality. It was interesting for the children to watch how the poet spoke about the whole world with the help of a few lines. The thoughts and feelings of the children were embodied in a cycle of poems - “Imitation of Hockey”:


You are like white clouds floating in the blue sky.

People, take care of them!

Wounded beast

More terrible than the enemy...

Don't hurt anyone!

(Dobrynina Alena)

Centenary oak -

And it is beautiful in the first snow.

(Svintsitskaya Yulia)

Bright sun

In a cloudless sky -

The harvest is already ripe!

(Sasin Mikhail)

Oh, cranes!

Where are you flying in your flock?

Your journey is long.

(Mazur Andrey)

In conclusion, I would like to say that children's creativity is inexhaustible. It is always independent, new, unusual. This is a child’s impulse for kindness and beauty, the embodiment of their dreams, the desire to express their feelings and experiences. The main thing in children's creativity is the great joy it brings to both teacher and student.

Olga Nikolaevna Danilovskaya
mathematic teacher
highest qualification category
Municipal educational institution "S(K)OSHI No. 4"
city ​​of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region,

Features of creativity of junior schoolchildren

In the classical education system learning programs built, as a rule, on memorization, accumulation of facts and other non-creative forms of activity. Therefore, the majority of students, especially those who do well at school, show serious resistance if further study or work requires them to demonstrate creativity. Such conflicts can be avoided if training and encouragement of creative activity begins at the very beginning of the educational course.
It should be noted that psychology as a science has quite thoroughly studied what needs to be obtained as a result of education. But there is no answer yet - how to develop the necessary skills. And although some attempts have been made for a long time, a clearly proven and practically operational one has not yet been described in the literature.
Initial period school life occupies the age range from 6-7 to 10-11 years (school grades 1-4). Chronologically, the socio-psychological boundaries of this age in a child’s life cannot be considered unchanged. They depend on the child’s readiness for school, as well as on what time learning begins and how it progresses at the appropriate age.
Research conducted under the direction of P.Ya. Galperin, allow us to reveal the process of transition from preschool to the beginnings of school worldview. As is known, the creativity of a preschooler is characterized by the absence of the concept of invariance. Gradually, by about eight years, this phenomenon disappears.
Research by P.Ya. Galperin showed that the lack of invariance is based on global ideas about the object. In order to overcome the direct relationship to reality, it is necessary to identify the parameters of the object and then compare them with each other. The study involved teaching children how to apply different measures to an object, with help. which the child could select a parameter and, on this basis, compare objects with each other.
Until the age of seven, only reproductive images and ideas about famous objects or events not perceived in this moment time, and these images are mostly static. Preschoolers, for example, have difficulty trying to imagine the intermediate position of a falling stick between its vertical and horizontal position. Productive images representing the result of a new combination of certain elements appear in children after 7-8 years of age, and the development of these images is probably associated with the beginning of school.
Over the first three to four years of school, progress in mental development children can be quite noticeable. From the dominance of visually effective and elementary figurative creativity and poor logical creativity, the student rises to verbal-logical creativity at the level of specific concepts. The beginning of this age is associated, if we use the terminology of J. Piaget and L. S. Vygotsky, with the dominance of pre-operational creativity, and the end - with the predominance of operational creativity in concepts.
Comprehensive development of children's intelligence in the younger years school age goes in several different directions: assimilation and active use speech as a means of creativity; the connection and mutually enriching influence on each other of all types of creativity: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical; separation, isolation and relatively independent development in intellectual process two phases; preparatory and executive. In the preparatory phase of solving a problem, its conditions are analyzed and a plan is developed, and in the executive phase this plan is practically implemented. The result obtained is then related to the conditions and problem. To all that has been said, one should add the ability to reason logically and use concepts.
Difficulties of education general concepts in children are described in detail in the work of the outstanding psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, “Creativity and Speech,” where he came to the conclusion that at a certain stage of development, such relations of generality between concepts are generally inaccessible to the child. “The appearance of the first higher concept standing above the series before educated concepts“, the appearance of the first word like “furniture” or “clothing” is no less important a symptom of progress in the development of the semantic side of children’s speech than the appearance of the first meaningful word.”
The use of speech as a means of creativity is associated with the formation of speech in children, with its active use in solving various problems. Development in this direction proceeds successfully if the child is taught to reason out loud, reproduce the train of thought in words and name the result obtained.
The connection and mutually enriching influence on each other of all types of creativity is successfully realized if children are given tasks that require developed skills to be solved at the same time. practical actions, and the ability to operate with images, and the ability to use concepts, to reason at the level of logical abstractions.
If any of these aspects are poorly represented, then intellectual development the child proceeds as a one-way process. When practical actions dominate, visual-effective creativity develops predominantly, but figurative and verbal-logical creativity may lag behind. When imaginative creativity predominates, delays in the development of practical and theoretical intelligence can be detected. At special attention In addition to the ability to reason out loud, children often experience a lag in practical creativity and poverty in the imaginative world. All this, ultimately, can hinder the child’s overall intellectual progress.
It has been established that first-graders can understand and accept the task assigned to them, but its practical implementation is possible for them only with the support of a visual example. Third grade students are already able to draw up a plan for working on a task and follow it, without relying on a visually presented example.
Due to these features, educational activity and, most importantly, the process of assimilation of knowledge itself, which places new demands on the student’s thinking, in a word, educational activity as a whole becomes leading at primary school age, i.e. the one in which the main psychological new formations of this period are formed: theoretical forms creativity, cognitive interests, the ability to control one’s behavior, a sense of responsibility and many other qualities of the mind and character of a schoolchild that distinguish him from children preschool age. In this case, the main role is played by the development of creativity that occurs during the assimilation of scientific knowledge.
Regardless of this, significant changes occur in thinking itself. Before learning, it is based directly on life experience, operates either with specific images and ideas, or with peculiar equivalents of concepts given in the form of sensory generalizations unconscious to the child.
By mastering knowledge, the student learns the process of concept formation, i.e. masters the ability to build generalizations not based on similarities (no matter how much generality they have), but on the basis of abstracting significant connections and relationships. Thus, by mastering a concept, the student masters not only “abstract universality,” but also the “clump of affirming judgments” that is contained in it. He masters the ability to expand these judgments, move from concept to concept, i.e. reason in purely theoretical terms.


1.Markova A.K. “Formation of learning motivation at school age.”
2. "Development creative activity schoolboy." Ed. A.N. Matyushkina. M., Pedagogy, 2003
3. “Rational combination of methods for developing schoolchildren’s activities.” Ed. N.P.Palyanova, Search, 2003
4.Reproducing and creative activity students in learning. Ed. I.T.Ogorodnikova M., 2002
5. Tregubova G.V. "Development creative thinking" (Elementary school No. 6 2003).
6. “Creating interest in studying among schoolchildren.” Ed. Markova O.N. M.: Pedagogy, 2004.
7. Krutetsky V.A. "Basics educational psychology" M., 2001
8. Ponomarev Ya.A. “Psychology of Creative Thinking” M., 2002.

Literary creativity of junior schoolchildren in primary school

Golovenkina Galina Vitislavovna, primary school teacher in Krasnoyarsk, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School with in-depth study individual items No. 7

“It is precisely human

the treasures of the soul begin there,

where a person joins the world

moral thoughts and feelings."

Professor L.I. Ruvinsky

Having worked at school for many years, I always think about how to make reading lessons primary school solved one of their main tasks - the development of a small schoolchild into a great reader. It is necessary to change the teaching methodology and the system of preparing for the lesson. And, first of all, the teacher needs to change himself, ready not only to teach children, but also to learn himself. For a number of years I have been introducing children to poetry and teaching them how to write poetry.

In first grade, during literacy lessons, I introduce students to rhyme, learn to choose a rhyme, and play various games: “Correct - Clumsy,” “Correct to rhyme,” “Give me a rhyme.” During reading lessons we discuss why a writer writes poetry, what secrets he uses, how to learn to discover these secrets yourself and how to teach this to your comrades.

Students try to write their own poems in different topics under the general heading: “I will teach, and you continue...” for three years.

In 2001, the first collection of poems was released entitled: “Poetry Notebook,” which included poems by children of their own composition.

I would like to cite the statements of students, their personal appeal to what is happening, those events that mentally enrich the child’s personal experience, his emotional world.

Our speech creativity develops through playing with words. Working with words enriches lexicon, promotes the development of creative imagination and fantasy. If we compose poems ourselves, we can easily understand other poems. Through poetry we learn to understand the emotions, feelings, thoughts of another person, i.e. his spiritual world. When working with a word, we learn to understand its beauty, brightness, and accuracy. These lessons help foster love for our native language; our speech becomes more expressive, imaginative, bright, and accurate. We become kinder, learn to worry and empathize.

Statements from parents:

My child has become more interesting internally, it has become more interesting to communicate with him. He began to read more and get involved in fiction. He became kinder, more sociable. He made many friends and became interested in learning about everything around him. Lessons in speech creativity contribute to the moral and aesthetic development of schoolchildren through the improvement of their linguistic thinking and speech culture.

For a number of years I have been teaching a literature course: G.N. Kudina, Z.N. Novlyanskaya “Literature as a subject of the aesthetic cycle.”

The main task of the “theorist” is the “discovery” of the law artistic form and ways to create artistic image as a means of working in poetry for the “reader” and “author”.

The main concept is the concept of “point of view”. It is mastered by someone who practically knows how to find in the author’s text and express in his own literary text the points of view of narrators and heroes. Students are given a specific task creative task and the direction of children’s movement towards solving this problem is given. The difficulty is that children do not assume another point of view, far from each other - human and animal. First, a collective sketch is created. Children are invited to speak on behalf of the dog about the medal received at the exhibition. Homework assignment: compose a story on behalf of an animal so that the hero could tell (if he could talk) how he looks at the world, how he sees it, what worries him. Students tried to solve this problem from the animal's point of view.

Examples of essays “Through Whose Eyes.”

Hello! Hr-Hr. I'm Chapa the hedgehog. Why do they call me that? Because when I walk on the carpet, I make a chap-chap with my feet. I love milk, apples and other sweets. My home is under my mistress Sveta’s bed. I love the hostess. Come visit me! Hr-Hr.

Chernov Yu.

Hello, I'm a giraffe. I’m still small, only as tall as my mother’s leg. I'm covered in orange spots, and I have funny horns on my head. Although I am still small, if I came from Africa to your city, I would be able to look out the window on the first floor. But my dad is taller than all the animals. He is five and a half meters tall. From Africa, he can probably see all of your Krasnoyarsk! Okay, I'll run and eat the leaves, bye.

Koninin E.

“The world through the eyes of a teapot”:

“I am a teapot”

I'm a teapot. I was bought yesterday. I feel like the king of the entire tea set. I have something that no one else has. My shiny nose sparkles so much, but there’s nothing to say about my pen. She is also very beautiful. One day, a clumsy hand dropped me to the floor, and my nose and half of my handle flew off. And then my brothers and sisters called me a cripple. I was thrown onto the street. The boys kicked me and tore off the other half of the handle. Now I have nothing, but my memories are with me. And no one can take them away from me.

Malyshev Zh.

“The world through the eyes of a saucepan”:

The students were given a task: to come up with a story and describe it from the point of view of the saucepan.

Hello! I am an old pan, decrepit and rusty. The owner cooked soups for me for 6 years. She loved me very much and loves me now. But suddenly the next day the housewife went to the store to buy a new pan. I thought they would throw it away. But the hostess didn’t throw me out; she cooked soup in me for the last time. And when I saw the new pan, I was very upset. The new saucepan asked me to teach her how to cook delicious dishes. And now we stand together, on the same shelf, clean and shiny, we have become good friends.

Filippenko T.

Hello! My name is pan. They cook food in me. Most often they boil potatoes in me. Everyone likes my potatoes. And I also have a girlfriend. Her name is the cover. They cover me with it when they cook something. OK. Bye! It seems that they will cook something inside me again.

Rybkin I.

In 2004, the collection “First Steps into Literature” was published, which included poems and essays by each student.

These lessons are designed to teach children directly to listen emotionally, to be “infected” by emotions, to worry and empathize.

One of the main tasks of primary literary education is the actual artistic development of the student. The content of this development is, at primary school age, the child’s movement from playing with art to communicating with art.

Let’s hope that “First Steps into Literature” is just the beginning of the creative journey of every child, and each has their own great creative path into the World of Literature!

Orientation modern school on the humanization of the educational process and the diversified development of the child’s personality presupposes, in particular, the need for a harmonious combination educational activities with creative activities related to the development of students’ individual inclinations, their cognitive activity, and the ability to independently decide non-standard tasks. In this regard, the role of the school in educating active, initiative, creatively thinking people is increasing. The development of students' creative abilities is important at all stages of schooling, but special meaning has the formation of creative thinking at primary school age. P. Blonsky said: “Once in life we ​​are creators, namely in childhood and adolescence.”

The main thing in pedagogy is not to let God’s gift fade away, not to prevent the “mysterious flower of poetry” (L.N. Tolstoy) from blooming in the soul of a child or schoolchild. The ability and willingness to be creative becomes a human personality trait, creativity.

Those children who meet these criteria are most prepared for creativity, namely:

  • mental development: cognitive interests, observation, speech, intelligence, originality in solving problems;
  • specialization of interests, intelligence, emotions;
  • activity, initiative, desire for leadership, perseverance and the ability to achieve goals;
  • good memory, developed cognitive skills;
  • readiness and ability for performing activities.

Creativity is accessible to children; moreover, it revives cognitive interest, activates the cognitive personality, and shapes it.

In my work, I determine the main goals of my own and student’s activities for the entire period of study. I put at the forefront the formation of the personality of each child, equipping him with deep and lasting knowledge. The basis of successful knowledge acquisition is cognitive interest. Children are given the opportunity to act independently, effectively use and develop intellectual potential, and increase creative exploration activity. I try to interest students in new activities and create positive motivation for learning.

To develop a student’s personal qualities – creativity, readiness for non-standard solutions – a system is needed.

I distinguish three stages in my work:

I – Preparatory: elements of creativity in ordinary performing activities.

II – Research: creativity in language learning.

III – Self-expression through various activities related to language.

What are the conditions?

A. Free atmosphere at school, in the classroom: without mentoring, without authoritarianism, the ability to choose the type of activity.

B. Trust and respect for students, constant provision of independence and cognitive activity to students; assistance to children, whenever possible, is implicit, suggestive, and not suggestive.

IN. High level cognitive interests among students, teacher’s attention to learning motivation. Game moments (techniques), solving subjective and creative problems.

D. Attention to the interests of each child, his inclinations, health, diversified development, and his abilities.

D. Atmosphere general culture At school. Achieving results only if the teacher is not alien to creativity, constant search, creation.

The main goal of my work with children is to teach students to think. Children should always be on the lookout, discovering something new for themselves every time. In a creative environment, new ideas and plans are always born, an atmosphere of cooperation arises, which in turn gives rise to a taste for creativity and makes it attractive to everyone.

The native language has always been and remains the main subject in primary school, it belongs a vital role in the spiritual life of a child. When studying native language I develop children’s creativity when perceiving a work of art, retelling, especially in dramatization, in various types essays, in language games, in modeling language phenomena, in compiling dictionaries, book pages, algorithms, in the study of words.

The main thing is faith in the child, respect for him as an individual, and the desire to help him achieve success. I am implementing individual approach to every child.

In first grade, children reveal one of the secrets of the sorceress of speech - rhyme. Work to develop creativity is aimed at rhyming exercises.

1. Arrangement riddles.

2. Come up with a rhyme for the word “Who is bigger?”, “Catch the rhyme.”

3. Writing pure proverbs.

4. Solve the puzzle and compose a poem.

5. Game “Burim”.

6. Describe the subject using adjectives.

7. Complete the lines from the beginning (“How beautiful is the winter forest!”).

Exercises that train memory, attention, imagination, clarity of speech, voice control, give birth to children's courage and self-confidence. The result of the work is the poetic pages of the children, whom parents and students get acquainted with in class parent meetings, holidays. Children's creativity leaves no one indifferent. Poetic pages are the first steps of little poets. It is impossible not to note a certain sincerity of the beginning poets, their passion and genuine desire to express the feelings that possess them.

In collaboration with parents, we produced homemade books on the topic “Oral Folk Art” and illustrated poems of our own composition about the seasons. Children actively use their creativity in lessons. During the game, they learn to make decisions independently, show original thoughts, this is facilitated by the use of creative technologies (method focal objects, “Brainstorming” method).

The child is given the opportunity to feel like a creator, a creator, performing creative tasks.

Creative tasks.

  1. Verbal description of literary and fairy-tale characters.
  2. Children's drawing competition “My Favorite Hero”. Coming up with a continuation of the plot.
  3. Letter literary hero. Letters to favorite objects.
  4. Writing a story based on the first line of a poem.
  5. Continue the poem line by line.
  6. Essay on a proverb, inclusion of proverbs in an essay.
  7. Drawing up an annotation for the work. Review of the work.
  8. Word game. Make sentences with any three words, for example, skates, lake, fox.
  9. Phantomograms: “What would happen if the road rose into the sky?”, “What would happen if a talking crocodile appeared in the classroom?”
  10. Drawing up phantograms.
  11. Composing texts - monologues “On happiness”, “Does a person need a friend?”, “Is it good to be a jack of all trades?”
  12. Writing mini-essays “What do I see from the window”, “What does a drop of dew dream about?”
  13. Game "Archimedes". Children are encouraged to find as many solutions as possible to the problems they face. The problem might be: how to help the hero overcome difficulties? Inventing problems.
  14. Game “Come up with a name.” Children listen to a story, a fairy tale and come up with a name. For names you can use proverbs, sayings, and catchphrases.

I try to teach children to see the unusual in the ordinary. I select creative topics that are interesting and understandable for children. It is known that children love fairy tales. Many of my students not only read them, but also compose themselves “The Adventure of a Snowflake”, “The Journey of a Leaf”, “The Tale of the Knight, the Evil Dragon and the Princess”. In their fairy-tale compositions, students focus on folk tales, following its traditions.

One of the most important means of creative thinking, student speech, mastering material, consolidating and testing knowledge, creating a basis for developing interest is independent work in Russian language lessons. Use of different types creative works: creative copying, creative dictations, essays, presentations develop children’s creative abilities, cultivate will, attention, perseverance in achieving their goals, instills a taste for search, for independent discoveries. I plan independent work according to levels: level 1 – basic knowledge, level 2 – tasks with increased difficulty, level 3 – creative. The feasibility of level-based education is determined by the desire to create more favorable conditions for the creative development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and interests. I encourage my own point of view, original ideas, and unconventional execution of a task.

Creative activity in the classroom continues in extracurricular activities. Children take an active part in celebrations, gatherings, and classes. They know how to organize and conduct competitions, quizzes, and games.

Children's creativity is inexhaustible. Its nutrient medium is an impulse towards goodness and beauty, as well as a sense of mystery that one really wants to unravel. “Mystery stimulates creativity,” said A. Einstein. Creativity is always spontaneous, success is achieved on the basis of passion. The main incentive for creativity is the enormous joy it gives both teacher and student. It is very important that the use of various creative technologies in primary school is continued in secondary education. After all, any creativity stimulates a child’s non-standard thinking.