Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The most mysterious mass disappearances in history. Where do people disappear to?

More than 80 years have passed, and scientists have not found an explanation for the mysterious disappearance of people in 1930 in Canada. Angikuni - this name was given not only to the lake, but also to the local fishing village located nearby. About 2000 Inuit lived in it, always joyfully welcoming travelers.

This area was a tasty morsel for hunters and fishermen - fur-bearing animals were beaten in the vicinity, and the miners rarely left empty-handed. Although it was not easy to get to Angikuni, there were brave seekers, among whom was a Canadian hunter named Joe LaBelle. He often visited those parts, and after hunting he liked to stop in the Inuit village to rest and gain strength.

But on November 12, 1930, he failed to warm himself by the hot hearth. It was cold that day, so that Labelle froze terribly and counted the minutes to the village. Finally the igloos appeared, but Joe noted that the surroundings were somehow suspiciously deserted and quiet. He called out a greeting, but no one answered him. Joe skied up to the first house and entered. There was no one inside, although the situation indicated that the inhabitants had left the dwelling as if a few minutes ago: stew was gurgling in a pot, all things were in their places.


Walking around the whole village, Joe did not find a soul. Despite the fact that all warm clothes and weapons, food remained in the igloo, and around the village the snow did not retain a single human trace, despite the calm weather. Frightened, the hunter hurried to the nearest telegraph office and reported the terrible loss to the Canadian police.

A few hours later the squad arrived. Several other hunters who happened to be nearby said that they saw a strange luminous object in the sky at night, and it seemed to them somehow connected with the mysterious disappearance of people.

But terrible details awaited the police and hunters ahead. Firstly, the local cemetery was completely devastated: the graves were dug up, and the corpses disappeared. Secondly, dead dogs were found near the village. The Eskimos, who consider dogs their breadwinners and great value, would never have killed a whole flock in their lives, and certainly would not have touched their dead.

Where did 2,000 Eskimos go, why did they leave all their belongings, did not take any food or clothes, remained a mystery.

Hoer Verde Village

The disappearance of 600 people from a Brazilian village in 1923 is more like a horror movie than real story. It should start with the fact that little was known about Hoer Verde even before her disappearance: what did locals how they lived ... But the village existed, and people lived there.

soldiers national army arrived at the village, which met them with silence and emptiness. Somewhere the radio was working, there were leftovers of food on the tables, in some places the fire had not yet gone out. The worst thing is that the soldiers found an inscription on the school blackboard: "There is no escape." And nearby there was a recently fired gun.

In fairness, it should be noted that the only information about the village of Hoer on the Internet is the story of this disappearance, so it is quite difficult to verify the authenticity of this story today.

Ship "Cyclops"

The Cyclops is an American ship named after a one-eyed character. Greek myths, was built for the US Navy a few years before the First World War. According to the classic canons of mysterious disappearances, the ship disappeared in the area bermuda triangle, and neither the remains of the bodies nor the ship itself were ever found. 306 people were missing, including both crew members and passengers.

On February 16, 1918, the ship left the port of Rio de Janeiro and headed towards the North Atlantic states. In addition to people, the ship was carrying 10,000 tons of manganese ore. The ship made an unscheduled stop in the Barbados region due to overload (the capacity of the Cyclops was only 8 thousand tons), but did not send any alarm signals.

The ship never arrived at the port of destination. Many theories have been put forward, but none of them is able to explain exactly how the ship disappeared. It is noteworthy that during the Second World War, two "Cyclops brothers" - the ships "Proteus" and "Nereus" - also disappeared, transporting heavy metal ore, similar to that transported by the Cyclops. They disappeared in the same region of the Bermuda Triangle.

Flannan Isles Lighthouse

The Flannan Isles are a small archipelago off Scotland. Today, the islands are uninhabited - since the lighthouse began to work automatically, the profession of lighthouse keepers is a thing of the past. A 23-meter lighthouse rises above the islands, helping ships find their way in the restless darkness of the sea.

In 1925, it became one of the first lighthouses in Scotland equipped with a telegraph, but a quarter of a century earlier ...

At the beginning of the century, three caretakers were to be constantly on duty at the lighthouse, and one more was at the coast station. With each flight to the islands, he replaced one of the caretakers and took his place.

When did it happen mysterious disappearance, at the lighthouse were: second assistant keeper James Ducat (James Ducat), first assistant Thomas Marshall (Thomas Marshall) and assistant Donald "Random" McArthur (Donald "Occasional" McArthur). Three weeks before the incident chief caretaker Joseph Moore left the lighthouse. According to him, everything was perfect as usual.

But on December 15, 1900, an alarm was received from the steamer Arctor, which was en route from Philadelphia to Leith: the crew of the steamer complained that there was no signal from the lighthouse. Unfortunately, the authorities did not give this great importance, and the flight to the lighthouse, which was supposed to take place on December 20, was canceled due to bad weather conditions.

Only on December 26, Joseph Moore and the team managed to get to the lighthouse. But no one met them, except for the bare flagpole. The gates of the lighthouse and all the doors were locked, the beds of the caretakers were not made, and the clock stopped. Surprisingly, the lighthouse lamps were perfectly polished, they had enough fuel, and the keepers' waterproof cloaks hung on their hooks. The only thing that was odd about the lighthouse setting was the overturned kitchen table.

Upon arrival at the base, the captain of the ship reported: “A mysterious incident took place in the Flannan Isles. Three caretakers James Dukat, Thomas Marshall and Donald "Random" MacArthur have disappeared from the island without a trace. The stopped clock and other facts indicate that this happened about a week ago. Poor guys! They must have been blown off the cliff or drowned trying to fix the lifting mechanism or something.”

The last entry in the observation log was made at 09:00 on December 15, 1900, but before that, on the night of December 14, the rangers recorded a strong storm, although none of the coast stations in that area and none of the ships passing by in those days up to On December 16, no storm was recorded.

Versions of events vary from mystical (aliens) to criminal-tragic (one of the caretakers killed two others), but there is no reliable information about what happened on the distant Scottish islands.

Legends of mysterious disappearances are widespread throughout the world. But, without a doubt, one of the most popular is the incident that occurred in North America, in the Roanoke colony, whose inhabitants were last seen alive in 1587.

The leader is the inexplicable disappearance and whereabouts of more than thirty men, women and children who disappeared from the Eskimo village in the first half of the twentieth century near Lake Anjikuni. Lake Anjikuni is rich in pike and trout. It is located along the banks of the Kazan River in one of the remote regions of Canada. This region is rich in legends about evil spirits. The more fascinating and mysterious is the story of the disappearance of local residents. The whole story began in November 1930, when the Canadian fur hunter Labelle arrived in an Eskimo village, and to his surprise found that the huts were empty. But just a few weeks ago it was a hospitable, noisy settlement, in which life was in full swing. Now he was greeted with deathly silence. The hunter failed to find a single inhabitant of the village. Of course, he wanted to know what happened. However, his search yielded no results. He went around the whole village, looking into every corner. The kayak boats of the local population were in their usual place, on the pier, and all the necessary household items and weapons were left in the houses. In the houses, the hunter also found pots with a traditional dish - stew. All stocks of fish were also in place. Everything was exactly the same as before, except for the people. The tribe, which numbered more than two and a half thousand people, disappeared without a trace on the most ordinary day. The hunter did not find any signs of a struggle.

Another detail that added to the mystery of the situation was that there were no traces of the village. According to Labelle, he felt an inexplicable fear and tension in the abdomen, and immediately rushed to the telegraph office and sent an alert to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police. Since no one had ever heard anything like it, the police immediately sent a whole expedition to the village. The search for residents stretched along the entire coast of the lake. When the police arrived at the scene, several more facts were discovered that indicated that the disappearance was of a mystical nature. First, the Eskimos did not take sled dogs, as the hunter had originally assumed. Their icy skeletons were found deep under the snow. They died of hunger. Moreover, it turned out that the graves of the ancestors were opened, and the bodies of the deceased disappeared without a trace. These facts are baffling local authorities. It was clear that neither of the two modes of transport people used. In addition, if they voluntarily left the village, then, in extreme cases, they would not leave the dogs tied, they would let them go, giving them the opportunity to find their own food. But the second mystery seems more strange - scientists are confidently burning that the Eskimos could not disturb the graves of their ancestors, since this is prohibited by customs. And besides, the earth at that time was so frozen that it was simply impossible to tear it apart without the help of special equipment. According to one of the police officers who took part in the search, what happened in the village is physically absolutely impossible. Seven decades later, no one has been able to challenge this assertion. Until now, the Canadian authorities have not been able to solve the mystery of Lake Anjikuni. Moreover, they could not find the descendants of the members of this tribe. And everything looks as if this village never existed in the world. Such at least a strange disappearance of an entire village defies any more or less reasonable explanation. Even if someone had attacked the tribe, the police would have found the remains of people or traces of confrontation, but nothing of the kind was found ...

However, this is far from the only case; history keeps many more such legends. In Kenya, in one of the tribes, researchers heard a legend about the island of Envaitenet, on which a large tribe lived for a very long time. It was engaged in trade with other tribes. But one day the trade just stopped. Scouts were sent to the island, who brought information that the village was empty, while all things remained in their places. But, again, a completely logical question arises: how and, most importantly, why were the inhabitants of a whole tribe able to cross the lake unnoticed and where did they disappear to? After this incident, the island, whose name means "irrevocable", is considered cursed.

Similar disappearances also happened in Russia. A lot of messages about such cases appeared in the media. mass media about Pleshcheevo Lake. According to history, once upon a time on this lake was built beautiful city Kleshchin, but once all the inhabitants left it in the same way as the Eskimos left their village. Legends say that this city was cursed by the Spirit of the Lake. Therefore, the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, which was built later in this area, was erected away from the lake. And although these are just beautiful legends, Lake Pleshcheyevo is up to today instills fear in the local population. Residents believe that the fog that often appears on the lake is very dangerous. And if you get into it, you can be in parallel world and return in a few days, or even disappear altogether. Something similar happens in Irkutsk region. In 1997 in Nizhneilimsky district, near the Dead Lake, three local police officers disappeared. And five years earlier, in the same area, a whole train disappeared along with all the people accompanying it. The Pskov region also has its own anomalous place. This is an area near the village of Lyady, which is crossed by a ravine. It was there that the brigade sent for logging disappeared. All these stories are united by the fact that they all have explanations, even if not entirely plausible. But how to explain the disappearance of people in front of a large number of witnesses? So, for example, the story that happened to the farmer Lange, who disappeared in front of five eyewitnesses, is widely known. And such stories also happen very often. Even in the annals of the seventeenth century there are records that during the meal Monk Ambrose literally disappeared into the air. But in those days, such incidents were explained very simply - by the machinations of evil spirits and witchcraft. In the early 1800s, British Ambassador B. Bathurst disappeared in exactly the same way. At first, his disappearance was not given due importance, writing it off as Napoleonic intrigues. However, numerous eyewitness accounts confirmed that Napoleon had nothing to do with this case. A more modern case occurred in our time, when the wife disappeared almost in front of her husband, just getting out of the car to wipe the windows. But not always people disappear without a trace. Sometimes it happens that people who disappeared in one place, after a certain period of time, appear in another, completely unfamiliar place. So, for example, it happened in the second half of the twentieth century with one of the military pilots who had to eject because his plane crashed. When he came to his senses, it turned out that the place of the accident was about one kilometer away. And one of his colleagues claims that the plane simply disappeared.

The Chinese town of Guilin, known for winding branching caves, can also "boast" of cases of disappearances of people. Guides who conduct tours of the caves are forced to count tourists after each trip to the cave. And the reason is not only that someone can fall behind or get lost. In 2001, a very strange, but rather funny story happened. A new tourist joined one of the excursions, whom no one had seen before. It turned out that this man himself believes that he is in 1998, and he caught up with his group, from which he lagged behind, deciding to take a little rest in one of the caves.

In 1621, the royal guards of Mikhail Fedorovich captured the detachment of Khan Devlet Giray, who went on a campaign in 1571. What amazement was read on their faces when they found out what year they were in. According to the soldiers of the detachment, they, along with Tatar army took part in the storming of Moscow, on their way there was a deep ravine covered with fog. They managed to leave it only after half a century. According to scientists, such disappearances can be explained by the existence of temporary "black holes" through which a person can fall into parallel reality, but getting back is almost impossible. Such dips in time arise due to geophysical anomalies, such as faults earth's crust. No less frequently used is the version that people are abducted by aliens to conduct their research.

Teleportation is an unpredictable phenomenon, so it is impossible to know in advance exactly where this anomaly can take a person. Scientists also argue that residents of religious tribes, the main part of whose life is meditation, as well as Tibetan yogis, can demonstrate such miracles. Teleportation can also be explained by the fact that under certain circumstances a person can "wake up" paranormal supernatural abilities, in particular, the occurrence of danger to life and a great desire to leave a certain place. This assumption was proved experimentally - a dog was set on a cat. The cat was so frightened that he hissed and ... disappeared. Only the collar was found on the spot, and the animal itself was found a few days later on the roof of the church bell tower. Similar cases are recorded almost every day. And even despite the fact that most of them have a prosaic, ordinary explanation, nevertheless, some of them really defy any logic and amaze with their mystery and mystical background. You can be sure that most of the cases will never get on the pages of the media, because there will simply be no one to tell about them ...

A person cannot simply take and disappear into the air, and certainly this cannot happen to a few people or even entire villages. Or maybe? Your attention creepy stories mass disappearances.

Eskimo village on Angikuni Lake
More than 80 years have passed, and scientists have not found an explanation for the mysterious disappearance of people in 1930 in Canada. Angikuni - this name was given not only to the lake, but also to the local fishing village located nearby. About 2000 Inuit lived in it, always joyfully welcoming travelers.

This area was a tasty morsel for hunters and fishermen - fur-bearing animals were beaten in the vicinity, and the miners rarely left empty-handed. Although it was not easy to get to Angikuni, there were brave seekers, among whom was a Canadian hunter named Joe LaBelle. He often visited those parts, and after hunting he liked to stop in the Inuit village to rest and gain strength.

But on November 12, 1930, he failed to meet old acquaintances. It was cold that day, so that Labelle froze terribly and counted the minutes to the village. At last the igloos appeared, but Joe noted that the surroundings were somehow suspiciously deserted. He skied up to the first house and entered. There was no one inside, although the situation indicated that the inhabitants had left the house as if a few minutes ago: stew gurgled in the pot, all things were in their places.

Walking around the whole village, Joe did not find a soul. Despite the fact that all warm clothes and weapons, food remained in the igloo, and around the village the snow did not retain a single human trace, despite the calm weather. Frightened, the hunter hurried to the nearest telegraph office and reported the terrible loss to the Canadian police.

A few hours later the squad arrived. Several other hunters who happened to be nearby said that they saw a strange luminous object in the sky at night, and it seemed to them somehow connected with the mysterious disappearance of people.

But terrible details awaited the police and hunters ahead. Firstly, the local cemetery turned out to be completely ruined: the graves were dug up, and the corpses disappeared. Secondly, dead dogs were found near the village. The Eskimos, who consider dogs their breadwinners and great value, would never have killed a whole flock in their lives, and certainly would not have touched their dead.

Where did 2,000 Eskimos go, why did they leave all their belongings, did not take any food or clothes, remained a mystery.

Hoer Verde Village
The disappearance of 600 people from a Brazilian village in 1923 is more like a horror movie than a real story. It should start with the fact that little was known about Hoer Verde even before its disappearance: what the locals did, how they lived ... But the village existed, and people lived there.

Soldiers of the national army arrived at the village, which met them with silence and emptiness. Somewhere the radio was working, there were leftovers of food on the tables, in some places the fire had not yet gone out. The worst thing is that the soldiers found an inscription on the school blackboard: "There is no escape." And nearby there was a recently fired gun.

In fairness, it should be noted that the only information about the village of Hoer on the Internet is the story of this disappearance, so it is quite difficult to verify the authenticity of this story today.

Ship "Cyclops"
The Cyclops, an American ship named after a one-eyed character in Greek mythology, was built for the US Navy a few years before World War I. According to the classic canons of mysterious disappearances, the ship disappeared in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle, and neither the remains of the bodies nor the ship itself were ever found. 306 people were missing, including both crew members and passengers.

On February 16, 1918, the ship left the port of Rio de Janeiro and headed towards the North Atlantic states. In addition to people, the ship was carrying 10,000 tons of manganese ore. The ship made an unscheduled stop in the Barbados area due to overload (the capacity of the Cyclops was only 8 thousand tons), but did not send any alarm signals.

The ship never arrived at the port of destination. Many theories have been put forward, but none of them is able to explain exactly how the ship disappeared. It is noteworthy that during the Second World War, two "Cyclops brothers" - the ships "Proteus" and "Nereus" - also disappeared, transporting heavy metal ore, similar to that transported by the Cyclops. They disappeared in the same region of the Bermuda Triangle.

Flannan Isles Lighthouse
The Flannan Isles are a small archipelago off Scotland. Today, the islands are uninhabited - since the lighthouse began to work automatically, the profession of lighthouse keepers is a thing of the past. A 23-meter lighthouse rises above the islands, helping ships find their way in the restless darkness of the sea.

In 1925, it became one of the first lighthouses in Scotland equipped with a telegraph, but a quarter of a century earlier ...

At the beginning of the century, three caretakers were to be constantly on duty at the lighthouse, and one more was at the coast station. With each flight to the islands, he replaced one of the caretakers and took his place.

When the mysterious disappearance happened, the lighthouse was attended by second assistant keeper James Ducat (James Ducat), first assistant Thomas Marshall (Thomas Marshall) and assistant Donald "Random" McArthur (Donald "Occasional" McArthur). Three weeks before the incident, the head keeper Joseph Moore left the lighthouse. According to him, everything was perfect as usual.

But on December 15, 1900, an alarm was received from the Arktor steamer, which was en route from Philadelphia to Leith: the crew of the steamer complained that there was no signal from the lighthouse. Unfortunately, the authorities did not attach much importance to this, and the flight to the lighthouse, which was supposed to take place on December 20, was canceled due to bad weather conditions.

Only on December 26, Joseph Moore and the team managed to get to the lighthouse. But no one met them, except for the bare flagpole. The gates of the lighthouse and all the doors were locked, the beds of the caretakers were not made, and the clock stopped. Surprisingly, the lighthouse lamps were perfectly polished, they had enough fuel, and the keepers' waterproof cloaks hung on their hooks. The only thing that was odd about the lighthouse setting was the overturned kitchen table.

Upon arrival at the base, the captain of the ship reported: “A mysterious incident occurred on the Flannan Islands. Three caretakers James Dukat, Thomas Marshall and Donald "Random" MacArthur have disappeared from the island without a trace. The stopped clock and other facts indicate that this happened about a week ago. Poor guys! They must have been blown off the cliff or drowned trying to fix the lifting mechanism or something.”

The last entry in the observation log was made at 09:00 on December 15, 1900, but before that, on the night of December 14, the rangers recorded a strong storm, although none of the coast stations in that area and none of the ships passing by in those days up to On December 16, no storm was recorded.

Versions of events vary from mystical (aliens) to criminal-tragic (one of the caretakers killed two others), but there is no reliable information about what happened on the distant Scottish islands. (

World history knows many cases when people in whole groups went missing.

And sometimes these disappearances cannot be explained. Several such cases will be discussed in our article.

Steamboat "Varata"

In the summer of 1909, the steamer "Warata", on board of which there were about 200 people, was heading from Melbourne, Australia to Cape Town, South Africa. En route, he made a scheduled stop in Durban. Here one of the passengers got off the ship, who was concerned about the behavior of the steamer during the voyage.

"Warata" left the port of Durban on July 26 and continued her journey. The next day he met with another ship - "Clan Macintyre". It was then that the ship was seen for the last time, because it never arrived in Cape Town or another port. Later, there were eyewitnesses claiming to have seen debris and bodies in the water, but there was no reliable evidence of the crash.

In the 1980s, there were unsuccessful attempts find the ship. The fate of "Warata" remains a mystery to this day.

Inhabitants of Aztalan

On the territory of the US state of Wisconsin are the remains of the Indian city of Aztalan. This settlement was first discovered by settlers in 1836.

The city had stepped pyramids and cone-shaped burial mounds. Found household items testified that the locals were engaged in agriculture and fishing. According to the legends, these people built great pyramids in the valley of Mills Lake. Later this place was flooded, so it is very difficult to verify the authenticity of this story.

Approximately 7-10 centuries ago, the population of Atztalan reached 500 people. But at the beginning of the 14th century, for unknown reasons, the city was empty. There are several explanations, among which - a lack of resources or aggression from neighboring settlements.

9th Roman legion

The ninth legion of the Roman Empire is military education, in which about 5 thousand soldiers and officers served. It was stationed in the north of England during the British occupation. The purpose of the unit was to deter attacks from the indigenous inhabitants of the island. In 108, the legion settled in the city of York. This was the last mention of him.

No one can say for sure what happened to the ninth legion. It is known that 14 years later, when the Sixth Legion entered York, the city was empty. Perhaps all the Roman soldiers were destroyed by the rebellious mountaineers. There is also a version that the detachment was sent to another place, but there is no evidence for this.

The disappearance of the L-1049 airliner over the Pacific Ocean

On March 16, 1962, a Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation was on Flight 739. On board the plane were 96 US troops bound for Vietnam. On the way there were several stops for refueling, and at first everything went according to plan. However, after taking off from Guam, the plane never landed for a final refueling in the Philippines.

During this flight, the crew reported on all their actions in a timely manner, and then a strange request was received to change the altitude from 10 to 16 thousand feet. After another two hours, communication with the aircraft was interrupted, and he himself disappeared from all radars.

The most likely cause of Flight 739's disappearance was a mid-air explosion. However, none of the nearby control towers received a distress call. In addition, absolutely no debris was found during the search and rescue operation.

Since this type of airliner was considered very reliable, it was hard to believe in a mechanical failure. Representatives of the airline suggested that the plane could have been hijacked, but it was never found anywhere. The fate of flight number 739 and its passengers remained unknown.

Population of Great Zimbabwe

Name African country Zimbabwe meaning "stone houses" was taken from the name mysterious city- Great Zimbabwe. It was a large settlement - approximately 18 thousand inhabitants. This civilization was quite advanced: people were able to build stone walls to a height of up to three floors. All the more strange seems their disappearance about 400 years ago.

Now Great Zimbabwe is a completely abandoned city. His buildings are built of granite slabs, fastened together using a method that can do without mortar. It was found here a large number of things by which scientists were able to study the culture and life of the local population. As it turned out, the townspeople knew how to make metal things, were actively engaged in trade, and were also religious.

Despite many findings, no unified theory, which could shed light on the fate of the inhabitants of the city. When asked what happened several centuries ago with big city, it is unlikely that an exact answer will ever be given.

Ship "Poet"

During World War II, this ship served as a transport ship. After the end of hostilities, "Poet" was mothballed and stood idle for more than 20 years. Later it was bought out and again began to be used for its intended purpose, until in October 1980 the ship, along with the captain and an experienced crew of 33 people, mysteriously disappeared.

October 24 "Poet" headed from Philadelphia to Egypt with a cargo of corn. The next day, a storm raged in the northern part of the Atlantic, but it did not pose a great danger to a ship of this class. When the hurricane ended, the ship disappeared without a trace without any distress signal.

There were several versions of the disappearance - from flooding as a result of a hole to criminal negligence the owner of the ship, who was silent about the loss of contacts with the "Poet". Only one thing is clear: such ships do not sink without a reason, but it will be very difficult to recognize it.

Link 19

Shortly after the end of World War II, another strange disappearance occurred. In December 1945, five American bombers made a training flight in the Bahamas. After completing the task, the link returned to the base, but for some reason flew in a completely different direction. In addition, the weather was rapidly deteriorating, and soon the planes disappeared from the radar.

A large-scale rescue operation, in which hundreds of aircraft and dozens of ships were used. However, no signs of the missing link were found.

As it turned out, not only these planes became victims of the Bermuda Triangle that day. Two hydroplanes that flew to look for the missing bombers also disappeared without a trace. Until a rational explanation for these losses has been found, the version about the fault of the mystical Bermuda Triangle seems to be true.

Moche civilization

This South American culture existed in what is now Peru between the first and ninth centuries. According to archaeological research, these people knew how to process metals well, they even mastered gilding and soldering. They had a field irrigation system capable of feeding up to 25,000 inhabitants. However, in certain period stories, they disappeared without a trace.

According to one version, the El Niño storm that raged in the 6th-7th century could be to blame. After 30 years of heavy rains, a thirty-year drought set in, with which the inhabitants could not cope. There were also versions according to which civilization was exterminated by neighboring tribes, but no traces of hostilities were found. Unfortunately, the trace of this mysterious culture is lost forever.

5th Battalion, Norfolk Regiment

This British detachment, which took part in the First World War, was formed mainly from volunteers. After training, the battalion landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915, where it faced the task of leading Turkey out of the war. The detachment arrived at the place on August 10, and two days later the soldiers went into their first battle, which was also their last.

Attack allied forces was very poorly thought out. Without accurate maps in a battle against a well-trained enemy, the regiment was doomed to defeat.

During the attack, the 5th battalion pursued the enemy in the burning forest and never returned from there. At first there were versions that the soldiers were ambushed and captured. However, there was not a single mention of such prisoners of war in the records of the Turkish government. Later, there were eyewitnesses who claim that they saw a cloud enveloping the soldiers, who then simply disappeared. True or not, the fate of the 5th Battalion of the Norfolk Regiment has remained an unsolved mystery.

...A HUNDRED and a half people disappeared within one minute. Eyewitnesses clearly saw how the people who entered the hollow were enveloped in a shimmering fog, which took the form of a dense cloud. Immediately after that, a gleaming muddy mass rose up and disappeared into the sky. Together with the fog, the first battalion of the 5th Norfolk Regiment of the British Army disappeared completely - every single soldier. And this is not the first case of such a fantastic phenomenon. Scientists are not able to explain why groups of people, crews of ships, and also ... entire villages disappear without a trace on the planet.

Lost in the fog

THE EVENT of August 21, 1915, when an entire battalion disappeared in broad daylight in front of dozens of people, was officially classified for fifty years. Only in 1967 were documents published containing the testimony of twenty eyewitnesses to this incident, which happened in Southern Europe near the Dardanelles. The missing soldiers were searched for a long time. But not one of them was found either among the dead, or among the prisoners liberated by the Turks after the end of the war.

Mass disappearances of people are considered one of the main unexplained cases in world history. Scientists still cannot give a clear explanation for such strange phenomena as, for example, the disappearance in 1590 of hundreds of colonists - men, women and children of the American village of Rua-nuk. The soldiers who entered the village saw that candles were burning in the houses, there was food on the tables ... only the inhabitants were not there. At first they thought that they were killed by the Indians, but they did not find a drop of blood, not a single corpse. Only on a tree next to the priest's house, in obvious haste, was a crooked inscription carved: "It does not look like ..." The search for six hundred inhabitants of the Brazilian village of Hoer Verde, who disappeared on February 5, 1923, has long been stopped. The police carefully examined the deserted town. On the floor of the school lay a gun that had been fired a day ago. And again the inscription, now on the blackboard: "There is no salvation."

We can only put forward versions, but so far we cannot find any scientific explanation these cases, - said "AiF"
Zong Li, a doctor of historical sciences from Harbin, has been investigating cases of mass disappearances in China for many years. - Let's say, how is the disappearance of 3,000 Chinese soldiers near Nanjing, where they took up positions on the December night of 1937, explained? In the morning, radio contact with this detachment was lost, and urgently sent reconnaissance did not find any traces of people. You might think that they deserted, but after all, there were posts of armed guards around - the soldiers could not leave unnoticed. Recently, in the city archives, I found evidence of the disappearance in November 1945 of the 12th company of the NKVD of the USSR, consisting of a hundred people. They left the city in the direction of the railway station and did not return. The search did not give any results - they stumbled only on an extinct fire and tents laid out for a halt, and nothing more. In the same year, a train with hundreds of passengers left Guandu for Shanghai. He didn't come anywhere. Just disappeared halfway through, not a single screw left of it. Where could all its passengers go?

sinister god

RESEARCHER Richard Lazarus in his book "Beyond the Limits" offers the following version: meteorites are to blame for everything. Falling to the ground celestial bodies are charged to such a force that their potential can reach billions (!) Volts.
And if such a meteorite falls on earth's surface, there is an explosion of tremendous power - like near the Tunguska River. But sometimes a meteorite is destroyed even before it falls - and as a result it hits the Earth with force huge wave energy: a state of electrostatic levitation appears - large groups people, as well as ships and even trains can take off into the air and be carried over great distances. But in the ancient Greek city-states in Italy, the disappearance of people was explained as follows - the god Proteus, consisting of protoplasm, sleeps underground: once every 50 years he wakes up to eat. Proteus could turn into anything. It was believed that Proteus comes to earth from volcanoes, and in certain years human sacrifices were made to him - a hundred virgin slaves were left at the volcano: they habitually disappeared without a trace, only fetters remained in place. The theory of an incorporeal god is supported by famous writer American horror genre Dean Koontz, which in the novel "Phantoms" puts forward the version that Proteus ... existed in reality.

This is a huge mass of protoplasm, perhaps an area of ​​​​several square kilometers, Kunz believes. - She is several million years old, she is probably one of the very first life forms that lives in the bowels of the Earth or deep in the ocean. Eating once or twice a century, it dissolves people in itself, sucking and digesting them almost without a trace. Deep puddles of water were found in the houses of the Ruinuk colonists, a suddenly appeared water lake was seen from the air by a Chinese pilot looking for a missing train, even in the Eskimo village of Anyakuni in Canada, whose inhabitants completely disappeared in 1930, and that was frozen water! The human body is 90 percent water - perhaps all that is left of the dissolved victims of Proteus.

Disappeared ships

WORLDWIDE fame was received by cases of disappearance of crews from ships in open ocean- a textbook example is the brigantine "Maria Celeste" found in 1872 in the Caribbean Sea - half-smoked pipes, a ready dinner, beer dried in mugs ... and not a single sailor. The same thing happened in the Philippines, where in 1955 they discovered an absolutely empty drifting ship "Hoyta", and in the North Atlantic, where patrol ships stumbled upon the ship "Iceland" in 1941 - its engine worked, everything was fine ... but again, there were no people.

I support another explanation - the so-called "black holes" are to blame for the disappearance of people, - the professor believes University of California in San Francisco by Jane Lind. - From time to time, time and space on Earth are refracted, and the whole city can be in another dimension, although sometimes it "spits" them back. There are dozens of such "black holes" on Earth, often falling into them and individual people. Ten years ago in Androver, Texas, 36-year-old Lydia Kimfield went missing while visiting a doctor. An hour later, her corpse was found a thousand kilometers from the city ... and an autopsy showed that she died 2 months ago!

In the state of New Mexico, there is a road on which 19 people disappeared without a trace, the last of them in 1997: it is located in the desert, which is perfectly visible from the air. It is possible that then the missing people ended up in the open ocean or in the forest, where they died. Objects, on the other hand, cannot pass through space, which is why empty ships and personal belongings of the missing remain.

At the same time, Professor Lindsett cannot explain the origin of the mysterious inscriptions on the wall of the Mayan temple and on the tree in Rua Nuka. The latest in a chain of these strange events was the disappearance of the population of the village of Stomu in the Congo in 2001 - in a calm region in the north, far from the activities of the rebels. The UN staff who brought humanitarian aid to the village (there is a bad food supply in the republic) did not find anyone there, not even pets and chickens. And only the inscription in the leader's hut indicated that something bad had happened again. With charcoal, in a terrible hurry, in the local language was scrawled: “Run! This is ... "What exactly, the leader did not have time to finish ...


In the Soviet Union, there were also cases of mysterious disappearances of people, but they did not receive wide publicity. For example, in 1991 he declassified the data: thirty years ago, an An-2 plane with seven people on board disappeared from the radar screen near Sverdlovsk. The crashed plane was soon found by a rescue team in the forest. People disappeared - not only a single body was found, but not even a single drop of blood, inevitable in such a catastrophe. But not far from the plane, they found "a burnt circle of unknown origin with a diameter of thirty meters." Rescuers signed a non-disclosure agreement about what they saw.