Biographies Characteristics Analysis

North Node in the Tenth House (10) - South Node in the Fourth House (4). North Node - Mars


Power, independence, separation from traditions have been worked out. In the past, he held a big post, had a lot of power, was cut off from his ancestors, roots, and homeland. He must return to the origins, ancestors, build his home, improve ties with parents and loved ones, go deep into the roots, master the occult plan. Should not seek power. If it does not develop along the S. node, but stands out, suppresses others, then the critical mass of the Y. node creates insurmountable obstacles in achieving the goal, falling from a height, complete loneliness and non-recognition by other people.

A person must use past experience to build a house, for a strong connection with the people, traditions, land, ancestors, acquire occult knowledge, then a good position will come by itself without effort on his part. As soon as a person walks along the S. node, the affairs of the Y. node will form and receive their expression, i.e. a person will receive a solid secured place. If on the contrary, then conditions will be created for the fall, the lack of a strong position, oblivion in the homeland.

Marie Antoinette, Wagner, R. Kennedy (it was impossible to go to power).

Globa P.P.

This individual must learn to overcome the karmic feeling that he is the vital center of all situations around him. He enters today's life with subconscious memories of past self-esteem, which leads him to believe that at least certain areas life experience below it.

His previous incarnations placed him in the position of captain of his own ship, and even commander of others. As a result, he is accustomed to adopting an authoritative position whenever the weakness of others arouses his powerful need to take responsibility. He enjoys the role of protector and protector and goes to extremes, filling his life with those whose weakness puts them under his dominion. In doing so, the individual constantly checks his own strength stand high.

This is a lonely position, since the individual here is so preoccupied with a self-appointed mission that he never allows other people to see his real inner self. What he shows is a façade or uniform of a role he feels compelled to play.

In his current life, he is going through an experience that teaches him to descend from his skyscraper and secure the foundation below. It is in the realm of the most personal relationships within one's family that the scene is set for a lifelong struggle to gain control of one's own roots. Many people with this Nodal placement have one unusually demanding parent whose expectations encourage them to believe that they are truly destined to reach a sojourn in seventh heaven. As a result, they are dissatisfied with whatever situation they find themselves in, as it never lives up to what they feel they were meant to do.

The karmic lesson here is the following: "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky." The individual must overcome his willingness to give up what he has in order to be able to achieve what he does not have.

The individual is so disinclined to see himself in a humble position in the background that, when circumstances force him to do so, he may even in extreme cases contemplate suicide, for he firmly believes that without attaining some great destiny, life is entirely worthless. This incarnation takes him through the experience of facing conflict between a career for himself and the demands of his family.

The individual must learn to mature, for with all his power, influence and dignity, he is practically a cripple when it comes to deciding his own emotional problems. He must study his roots and, pulling his head out of the veil of the past, build practical basis for your future.
Eventually, he learns that his organizational activities are perceived by others as a way to divert attention from putting his own life in order.

Relationships established with parents in the early years of life are more important in this position of the Nodes than in any other position. Here the individual will spend much of his life energy trying to be completely free and independent of his parents, yet always aware of how much he needs them. However, the patterns of reactions to life continue to show a certain defiance and defiance of parents, masking a strong need for parental love. This soul is at a point of karma where it feels undervalued for all its efforts. The rest of the past incarnation is based on achievement for the sake of recognition and appreciation.

The achievement should now be its own reward. It is necessary to stop trying to win a public for your affairs, realizing that the public will always be there if the affairs are significant enough. It is in this process of seeking an audience that the individual tends to lose himself. He must literally transform his fourth house into a new birth of emotional positions, having learned the lesson that standing on tiptoe is unstable.

His life is like that of a beautiful orchid: a superb sight when grown and nurtured under the most delicately controlled environmental conditions, but when the orchid is ready for display, it is cut from its roots, guaranteed withering and certain death through a short time. This individual will be faced with a choice: to be an inconspicuous orchid growing in the gardens of thousands, or to sacrifice their happiness to be a beautiful flower in someone's lapel. When he overcomes the need past life in the show, he may begin to approach the maturity he so desperately yearned for.

Martin Shulman.

north node in the Fourth House - South Node in the Tenth House
This position of the North Node indicates that a person adheres to modern accepted social and cultural values ​​in their family and home affairs. The house is often used as a meeting place for social and cultural activities. This position favors happiness and tranquility in the home environment.

The position of the South Node indicates a struggle to achieve a powerful position in the world. Professional interests and human activities are not always in harmony with the existing mood. These people are not inclined to compromise professional principles or long-term ambitions in order to adapt to modern trends. But in the end, they often achieve success and recognition.

This position of the South Node indicates power and prestige in the previous incarnation and, accordingly, no interest in position and prestige as the ultimate goal in real life. These people voluntarily seek quality and excellence in their work for its own sake. These people are internally aware of this danger and are usually conscientious in their professional conduct and very careful in accepting responsibility.

Francis Sakoyan.

If you want to comprehend God in yourself, look into the flow external fate. This person is attached to the traditionally accepted structures of power and spiritual hierarchy in his country, in particular, the state bureaucratic system and the church, as well as the established opinion about the role of a career in a person's life. If nodes are damaged, he will actively criticize them, but remaining on the "right" positions, that is, demanding not restructuring, but repair or restoration. They seem to him an unshakable foundation on which all the positive features of society rest, and this foundation should - in its best part - be studied and protected.

Absalom Underwater.

North Node in 4th house - South Node in 10th house
Your Karma is from the Mother. You have to take everything from her and get it. From the father - on the contrary. Most likely, that the parents will disperse (the knots are strong). Larisa Nazarova.

Northern Lunar Node in the IV house, South - in the X house
A person is tied to the traditionally accepted structures of power and spiritual hierarchy in his country, in particular, the state bureaucratic system and the church, as well as the established opinion about the role of a career in a person's life. If nodes are damaged, he will actively criticize them, but remaining on the "right" positions, that is, demanding not restructuring, but repair or restoration. They seem to him an unshakable foundation on which all the positive features of society rest, and this foundation should - in its best part - be studied and protected.

On the contrary, his instinctive sense of the homeland (fourth house) does not fit into the established social framework, and he realizes his devotion and service to her with the help of new, newly emerging social movements, to which he willingly joins for this purpose. In a more prosaic interpretation of the fourth house, the North Node in it gives progressive forms of tillage, the most modern apartment arrangement or the structure of relationships in the family.

In the inner life, the basis of the psyche is the subconscious program that controls the perception of external karma and sets spiritual priorities; it must remain basically constant, changing only in particulars; however, with the emphasis of the South Node, there is a danger of completely stopping its development and becoming dogmatic in what you understand too well. On the contrary, new programs of the subconscious are developed in the field of life positions, absolute values ​​and deep religiosity, and here a person will have a constant search; you just have to be careful not to be too superficial.

This person has the power to influence his friends; such people can be influential in educational circles. They have too many materialistic connections and suffer attacks on their good name. If they are women, then they can be dissolved. Classical texts note that these people are easily misled, they suffer from stomach diseases, they find their place in life away from their parents and from their fatherland.

This person will work hard for the benefit of other people or occupy a subordinate position. He will have the opportunity to meet extraordinary people and visit holy places. Such people have good ability to study. There may be a dark stain on their good name, although they are popular people. It will take a long time for such a person to reap the fruits of his hard work.


Rahu in the 4th house - Ketu in the 10th house (interpretation according to Indian tradition)
Problems in the relationship with the mother, who has a difficult life herself. There may be difficulties in obtaining an education, a scientific degree. A person will long for more than he has all his life, and it will seem that he has "missed" something from life. Since IV is a corner house, a number of very large changes will occur in life.

If the IV house is Gemini or Virgo, the person will get what he wants (as a rule, such people want to have their own house, plot, etc.). He will also have some unusual property (for example, a yacht). His mother is a famous person, but with a tough character. She will help him in life.

Ketu in X house - Unfortunate situation. The person is narrow-minded, he is not interested in much, except for material wealth, but the opportunity to forget himself after work. Father problems. Difficulties in obtaining "education. Bad luck. There is no desire to do good deeds.

If the X house is Gemini or Virgo, good relations with the father, who will help. And the person himself will have more luck in life, and he will do good deeds with pleasure.

In the horoscope of each person there is an axis of fate that determines life lessons and fateful situations. It is determined by the position of the Lunar Nodes - from South to North from Descending to Ascending. You can read about what the Nodes of the Moon are and what their role in the horoscope is in my article "The Lunar Nodes of the Horoscope - the Vector of Our Destiny" at the link. And now a chapter from Martin Shulman's book "Moon Nodes and Reincarnation", which describes the meaning of the Lunar nodes in the houses of the horoscope.

North Node in 1st house - South Node in 7th house

This individual must experience an experience that challenges his personality. In previous incarnations, he fell into the trap of relying on untrustworthy people.
Spending too much time helping others to understand themselves, he never stopped thinking that the same situations and circumstances were at play. important role and in his life. He did not focus on himself, so it is now difficult for him to see what he really is. This is especially pronounced when Neptune is near the Ascendant. This position of the Nodes indicates that in past incarnations the individual drowned his personality in the affairs of others. Marriage and partnership are so deeply ingrained in his way of doing things that he sees himself through the eyes of other people. So he allows their thoughts and opinions about him to influence his own sense of identity.

Ultimately, he must break free from the bondage of trying to be everything to all people and, in the light of his own peculiar vibration, establish what he really is. He must escape from living in the shadow of other people's lives. His soul memories of cooperation and interaction are so strong that every time he invokes them, he actually destroys himself in the affairs of other people.

The North Node (Rahu) of the individual in the first house now brings him the realization that he has lost his individuality. Immersed in the desire to please, he made himself a reflection of an ideal that was the opposite of his nature. This causes him a lot of pain in today's life, as he wants to manifest himself and at the same time not hurt people close to him. He must eventually learn to assume the role of leader. This is extremely difficult for the individual, as he has had so much experience of submission in previous lives. He sacrificed himself so that others could achieve their goals. All of it important experience revolved around submissive compliance. Now his highest potential for growth is to establish a sense of self without completely shutting himself off from the benefits of marriage and partnership.

Rahu in 1st house - Ketu in 7th

Realizing all that he has sacrificed through his South Node (Ketu), a person becomes a supporter of extreme views, feeling that one state of existence restrains another. He begins to focus every part of his life energy on the desire to lead, not to be led. Knowing instinctively that his Achilles heel is to allow himself to be used in marriage, he becomes overly assertive in asserting his rights. He tries too hard to make up for what he has lost. In order to achieve happiness in the current life, the individual must learn how to equally balance your needs with the needs of others. He should deliberately and prudently try not to hasten his growth and independence, realizing that the most beautiful flowers take time to bloom, while only weeds grow quickly!

, which contains , indicates the ways in which the individual in previous incarnations was dissolved in others. which contains indicates the ways in which he can now establish his sense of individuality.

North Node in 2nd house - South Node in 8th house

An individual with such a position of the Nodes uses a significant share of vital energy for the secret side of life. From past incarnations, he has secrets, on which he now spends most of his time carefully guarding. His greatest difficulty lies in trying to lead a perfect life, as his lower self is very strong. He desires the light, but with every step he takes towards it, the pain of his guilt-ridden subconscious blocks the way. He had a great experience of a previous life behind closed doors, where the eyes of a free society could not look. He even got used to creating deceptive conditions where there were none. In fact, he tests the boundaries of other people's values, and although many may know him intimately, no one will know him well.

He fears that others will unlock his secret doors, for he knows that he undermines almost everything he touches. However, he has the arrogance to believe that everything will go well, no matter where his sometimes immoral adventures continue to lead. Since this individual has not yet established his own sense of values, he is desperately trying to learn the values ​​of other people. By doing so, he inadvertently pushes them astray and therefore can be a threat to everything that others consider near and dear. In previous incarnations, he has destroyed many of his values, so that now it is difficult for him to understand why others cherish and keep certain things. He has no core in this life, and having nothing to lose, he feels entitled to seize what belongs to others. This is usually done in such a cunning way that it is extremely difficult to recognize. There is also a strong past remnant of sexual abuse. The individual has learned to think of sexuality as his strength, using it as a fulcrum to gain dominion over others.

For women, this is the story of Delilah or Mata Hari, whose extraordinary sexual power seduced and lured the strongest men away from their assigned mission. In men, a lot of vital energy is wasted on sexual thoughts. They don't use their sexuality for power in the same way that women do, but for them it is a reassurance that everything is in order with their ego. Interesting feature lies in the fact that this sex is never an end, but always a means. In a give-and-take barter system, sexual charm or responsiveness becomes a price in exchange for the value of the other. Individuals with this position of Nodes are very jealous. They constantly want to trade places with whoever has a greener yard, and they too often assume that sex is a worthy price for whatever they may eventually get.

Houses of the horoscope

In past incarnations, society shunned him. Now, in the back of recognition, he is like a little lost in winter snow a child peering into the brightly lit window of the house, hoping that someone will come out and let him in. He is very promiscuous, as he wants to immediately be freed from his current pain, and it hardly matters to him whether he jumps from fire to fire. He turns to every available consolation, as his devotion cannot yet be considered entirely trustworthy. In childhood, he experiences a fear of death, as if death itself would be a logical punishment for all his mistakes and atrocities in past incarnations. The individual continues to feel that he must fight for all the things he needs because he does not have the feeling that he has already earned them.

When he fails to reach the bright side of life, he secretly blames others for his failures. On rare occasions, this individual must overcome past life criminal tendencies or a remnant of sorcery. Only through the correct assessment of the North Node in the second house can he establish the essence that will lead him to a new rebirth. Here past life memories must be brought to the surface and then completely destroyed in the eighth house of death before the soul can move forward into a new set of values. The individual must learn to develop and create what is truly meaningful to him, clearly understanding that what is acquired dishonestly is very difficult to maintain. He cannot count on growth through the efforts of other people, because if he wants to cross the bridge, he must pay the toll out of his own pocket. When he grows up to this awareness, the illuminated doors of the house will swing open before him; but not because of the kindness of other people, but because he deserved it!

Which contains indicates the ways in which previous incarnations have led the individual to become too preoccupied with other people's affairs. , which contains , shows the ways in which he can now build an essentially new and meaningful life for himself by establishing his own system values.

North Node in 3rd house - South Node in 9th house

This position of the Nodes represents karma in relationships. The individual here must learn how to fit the intertwining of people and ideas within the framework of his understanding. The South Node in the ninth house shows the emphasis of growth in previous lives. Literally millions of hours of thought have been spent developing a wealth of wisdom. Much has been sacrificed to do this, especially the enjoyment of meaningful relationships with other people. To achieve great growth of the soul, freedom of research was needed without restrictions and reservations. The individual is now habitually connected to his past incarnation sense of freedom, which he must retain but cannot consciously remember why.

From time to time, an individual feels a wanderlust to visit distant horizons, because somewhere far away there is a rainbow that he used to look for. It's a mental wanderer constantly traveling through vast expanse of his consciousness, stopping only to rest at each oasis that offers temporary shelter from his restless urge. He is always looking, but it is difficult for him to determine exactly what he is looking for. He confuses others when he curiously tries to understand how they live. This is some of his main karmic lessons. He must learn to interact with people. Although he may be happily married or involved in a close relationship, he still retains the feelings of a bachelor in his mind. He must force his life to fit exactly into the puzzle nest, resolved by all the other lives around him.

The way he relates and communicates will be tested one by one. Eventually he will find himself connected with a vast number of people, and all the knowledge he has acquired in previous lives must be put into practice by him. In the relationships of today's life, he feels frustrated because there is not enough space to move. This "fencing" of people around him eventually destroys the evasiveness and elusiveness of his past life of being and teaches him the art of precise communication. The individual is very preoccupied with sexual values, feeling obligated to overcome the power this force has over him. Now he clearly sees the presence of the higher and lower "I", and it is with the pulling force of both that he must karmically struggle.

The individual cares less about gain than protection from loss. He is terribly afraid of losing the freedom to which he was accustomed in past incarnations; however, he must brave such a loss if he is going to interact with humans. Once he is willing to take that risk, he will be ready to receive his highest rewards. Ultimately he elevates himself through reading and determined study, and although he is more accustomed to non-formal teaching methods, it is formal education that holds everything together now for him. This position of the Nodes often causes friction in marriage, as the individual tends to seek out extramarital relationships in order to work out in them an understanding of the personal interaction that he must develop.

One of his most significant lessons is to learn how to consolidate his energy, for whenever he feels the urge to move on, he tends to leave scattered loose ends behind him. His life has a wide scope, not only in the realms of knowledge, but also in the countless people he meets and the many places he travels to. He will eventually be known as the Messenger bringing knowledge to all those in need. This knowledge, like manna from heaven, falls on their knees at the moment of famine. In essence, he is a teacher of teachers, for although he does not have the patience to teach a class, he is able to provide information to those who need it at any time. He likes to do this as it satisfies his past life's need for movement. Essentially, he never knows how important the information he is spreading is. However, it has a tremendous impact on the consciousness of all those whose lives it comes into contact with.

His own life is as interesting and complete as an encyclopedia as he tries to live through much of what he has read. His movements may suggest the idea of ​​rest, but he needs a huge amount of movement due to his nervousness. Nervousness should not be seen as a negative trait, but rather as part of his mission. She reminds him that he has a task to complete. When some information comes to him, nervousness works like a trigger, reminding him that he must transfer his knowledge somewhere. In past incarnations, he avoided drawing conclusions.

Now he refuses to make a final judgment about anything, considering it premature, because he knows that new information will constantly come in. He is outwardly versed in almost all areas. However, on a personal level, he can be misunderstood, as the messages he delivers are so disguised that they pass over the heads of others who think he is always talking about nothing. The fact is, all his words are important, but they have a deep, not a superficial value, and they must be interpreted from this point of view. He is indeed a swift-winged messenger of the gods.

This individual must learn to overcome the karmic feeling that he is the vital center of all situations around him. He enters today's life with subconscious memories of a past self-esteem that makes him feel that at least certain areas of life experience are below him. His previous incarnations placed him in the position of captain of his own ship, and even commander of others. As a result, he is accustomed to adopting an authoritative position whenever the weakness of others arouses his powerful need to take responsibility.

He enjoys the role of protector and protector and goes to extremes, filling his life with those whose weakness puts them under his dominion. By doing so, the individual is constantly testing his own strength to stand tall. This is a lonely position, for the individual here is so preoccupied with a self-appointed mission that he never allows other people to see his real inner self. What he shows is a façade or uniform of a role he feels compelled to play. In his current life, he is going through an experience that teaches him to descend from his skyscraper and secure the foundation below. It is in the realm of the most personal relationships within one's family that the scene is set for a lifelong struggle to gain control of one's own roots.

Many people with this Nodal placement have one unusually demanding parent whose expectations encourage them to believe that they are truly destined to reach a sojourn in seventh heaven. As a result, they are dissatisfied with whatever situation they find themselves in, as it never lives up to what they feel they were meant to do. The karmic lesson here is the following: "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky." The individual must overcome his willingness to give up what he has in order to be able to achieve what he does not have. The individual is so disinclined to see himself in a humble position in the background that, when circumstances force him to do so, he may even in extreme cases contemplate suicide, for he firmly believes that without attaining some great destiny, life is entirely worthless.

This incarnation takes him through the experience of facing conflict between a career for himself and the demands of his family. The individual must learn to mature because, for all his power, influence and dignity, he is practically a cripple when it comes to dealing with his own emotional problems. He must examine his roots and, pulling his head out of the veil of the past, build a practical basis for his future. He eventually learns that his organizational activities are perceived by others as a way to divert attention from putting his own life in order. Relationships established with parents in the early years of life are more important in this position of the Nodes than in any other position.

Here the individual will spend much of his life energy trying to be completely free and independent of his parents, yet always aware of how much he needs them. However, the patterns of reactions to life continue to show a certain defiance and defiance of parents, masking a strong need for parental love. This soul is at a point of karma where it feels undervalued for all its efforts. The rest of the past incarnation is based on achievement for the sake of recognition and appreciation. The achievement should now be its own reward.

It is necessary to stop trying to win a public for your affairs, realizing that the public will always be there if the affairs are significant enough. It is in this process of seeking an audience that the individual tends to lose himself. He must literally transform his fourth house into a new birth of emotional positions, having learned the lesson that standing on tiptoe is unstable. Its life is like that of a beautiful orchid: a superb sight when grown and nurtured under the most delicately controlled environmental conditions, but when the orchid is ready for display it is cut from its roots, guaranteeing wilt and certain death in a short time. This individual will be faced with a choice: to be an inconspicuous orchid growing in the gardens of thousands, or to sacrifice their happiness to be a beautiful flower in someone's lapel. As he overcomes his past life's need for display, he may begin to approach the maturity he so desperately yearned for.

North Node in 5th house - South Node in 11th house

Here the individual learns about creative process. He spends a lot of time up in the clouds, tying his wagon to some distant dream, or wading through his vast array of fantastic ideas. In past incarnations, he lived for the fulfillment of desires. Now his web world of subtle dreams is so adorned with the accumulated scent of promise that it takes a fair amount of realistic prodding to shake it off. From a young age, he learned to be a "connoisseur of people", spending most of his conscious hours thinking about possible actions other people. As a result of previous lives, he learned to be very inventive and developed rich imagination; at times he is even skilful, but he is too accustomed to expend much of his mental energy in working out the intricate plots of fantastic dreams.

He never ceases to be amazed at the bizarre things he can conjure up, but for all his ingenuity, he is one of the least practical people in the zodiac. He is always deeply entangled in his thoughts. What he is really doing is looking for symbols that can provide new material for his future dreams. His karma is to know the importance of dreams as they explain his life. He eventually begins to realize that his entire existence has consisted of playing off his dreams, to the point that he has become a puppet of his own fantasies. When he descends to earth, his first instinct is to reach out to his friends, who are either appearance, or by their behavior they remind him of the characters of his subtle fantasy land.

His mind constantly drifts into the distant future, and there, in the science fiction of an age yet to be lived, he lets himself be carried away by the fascination of very distant possibilities that would otherwise have very little to do with his life today. He still loves to think. He thinks a lot about the value of his work, as well as the influence of childhood, blaming both for the difficulties associated with sexual urges. In truth, neither his job nor his parents or even sexual urges really bother him. His frustration arises from the gulf he sees between the reality of his previous life's dream world and the harsh awakening circumstances through which his present life actually goes. He finds it difficult to understand why there is a barrier between dreams and actions, and as a result, he spends a lot of effort trying to break through the restrictive walls that separate one world from another.

But all the while he is wasting his power, and the more he does so, the less he is able to create his own. own life. He must realize that through his North Node in the fifth house, he is now given the greatest gift that a person can receive - the power to create his own destiny. By studying the process of creation, he may begin to realize that it was his own thoughts that caused all the circumstances that he considers to be real in his life. He must then go further, understanding the connection between his thoughts and dreams, for, more than he thinks, his dreams create his life on earth. He must learn to be responsible in his dreams and careful in what he wants, for he, more than a person with any other position of the Nodes in the zodiac, will actually see his dreams materialize.

But physical effect any dream always comes with a slight twist, just enough to make a person aware of the dangers of selfish creativity. This individual will have to relive his dreams long after he remembers their causes. A big part of his continuing karma is to understand the "power of desire", and how better can he understand this than by experiencing the consequences of all his desires? Thus, his life is both a bliss and a curse, as each time he rubs Aladdin's lamp, his soul will either rise higher on the wings of elation or sink into the depths of his private underworld.

He is learning that his eleventh house South Node dreams are ruled by Aquarius, where they should be dedicated to the service of humanity, and that the more he wants for others, the more he will eventually have for himself. But when he turns this process in the opposite direction, his life becomes a real ruin. If he chooses to create for himself, he faces the unfortunate results of misusing the sacred gift, as his dreams will eventually become so hackneyed and unhappy. If these Nodes do not fall into water or earth signs, they can cause relationship and marriage difficulties due to a large past remnant of non-attachment.

The major turning points in current life revolve around children, through which the individual comes to realize a sense of self-worth. He watches children turn their dreams into action and soon comes to realize that instead of making their dreams plans for the future, he was actually letting them block every this moment. When he visualizes his dreams as a bottomless well, he can free himself from the castles in the air and focus his attention on what he is creating in the present. To do this, he even realizes that because of the great need for friendship, he is wasting his creative energy.

Most of all, he wants to be a creator, but he will be able to take life into his own hands only after he gives up his dreams. He must literally take the bull by the horns instead of letting himself be led through the fairy-tale world of Cinderella, which his soul remembers. To achieve this it is worth spending a lot of time learning self-discipline, for it is only through the ability to guide himself that he will eventually be able to rise to the surface from the deep waters in which for lifetimes he has immersed his hopes and dreams.

Which contains indicates the paths in which the dreams of a past life extend into this incarnation. which contains , indicates how the individual can constructively apply his dreams to reality through the creative expression of whatever he feels. Some people with a highly developed soul with such a position of the Nodes experienced the Cosmic Consciousness in a previous life. Now, through their North Node in the fifth house, they must bring this awareness to the children of the earth.

North Node in 6th house - South Node in 12th house

This individual spends most of his time in deep thought. He loves to be alone so he can let his inner thoughts sift through the karmic memories of all his past incarnations. This does not mean that he does not like the company or even that he is aware of what he is doing. The fact is that he goes so deep that he completely forgets everything he thinks about. He loses himself in himself. The conscious reason for turning inward is always based on a logical intention, but this individual tends to reach a point where all logic eludes him. The Neptunian subtlety of the depths he reaches remains a mystery even to him!

One of his greatest problems is that while he remains within himself, he prevents others from stabilizing his mental journeys. As a result, he accumulates vast past life fears, with no idea whether they are real or imagined or just a compressed collection of mental scenery from his inner journeys. However, the basis of his outer life is built on fear and imagination, and no matter how strong the rest of the card is, a person cannot always find self-confidence. It looks like a turtle constantly peeking out of its shell. People close to this individual see his life as a tendency to avoid everything that seems real.

He spends most of his time watching others from the back of a see-through mirror. Ultimately, he begins to believe that the rest of the world is looking at him with the same scrutiny. Latent paranoia is "built-in" into this position of the Nodes. He is an extremely poor organizer. He always feels that there are not enough hours in the day to complete his work. His problem is that he does not know how to plan his time and as a result is constantly trying to keep up with the present. Much like the pocket watch bunny from Alice in Wonderland, he must always be in a hurry to avoid being late. Part of his life will be associated with hospitals, institutions or organizations that require him to structure his way of doing things. He needs this in order to get out of his inner "I".

A big karmic lesson for him is to learn responsibility, instead of feeling sorry for all the misfortunes that seem to beset him. More than anyone else in the zodiac, he cries at the slightest injury, real or imagined. Sometimes this crying is internal, but it is always there, because at the deepest levels the individual feels that the love he is supposed to give goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Because he thinks so, he becomes discouraged; and woe to the person who tries to draw him out, for then he will use the receptive listener for all his past grievances, fears and worries that he has not yet even verbalized! With all this, he represents a bottomless well of unrest and torment, where there is no deep enough faith in a positive outcome of events.

He must work on building trust in order to gain the strength to come out of his shell. Then he will become one of the most compassionate, beautiful and helpful people of the zodiac. His North Node in the sixth house gives him great pleasure in helping others, but he cannot do this well until he realizes and accepts the fact that in this incarnation he has chosen a life of self-sacrifice. He must learn to organize his thoughts, work and food, as he is a natural healer, able to defy limitations. practical medicine with their own more mysterious treatments. But a talent is not a talent until it is developed, and the individual is no more than he thinks he is. Ultimately, he learns that his greatest gift is faith. But he will have to work long and hard to achieve this realization.

Part of the current life will be spent on curing or coping with a physical or mental illness in himself or those close to him. His main growth will come when he realizes that all disease is disharmony in the body reflecting disharmony in the mind. Something inside him is constantly trying to tell him this, and he must learn not to let his past fears block what is being revealed to him now. Many people with this Nodal position go through the experience of an illness that miraculously disappears to the surprise of doctors and other professional practitioners. Karmic lesson here - learn about higher reason because when understanding is achieved, newborn faith begins to heal. When an individual realizes the power of his faith, he becomes a real dynamo. As he strengthens himself in a more positive way of thinking, he automatically learns not to criticize others for the lack of perfection he sees in them. His outlook on life remains clinical, carefully examining and diagnosing everything he comes into contact with. Of all the Node positions, this one is the most difficult to uncover past incarnations.

The South Node in the twelfth house has completed the karmic path, the details of which must remain forever sealed in the past, even if the elusive entity still remains. The lives of escape from inner torment are over. The individual must come to realize that most of his inner negativity is not related to the current life, but exists only because of his ongoing reflection on the path that is already over. He does, however, have an inner sense of persecution and persecution that should be buried once and for all, for the more he allows himself to be immersed in such thoughts, the more he will inadvertently re-create such circumstances. He must learn to recognize the past for what it is: no more than a memory, no more real than the photograph in his mind, which he is free to hold on to for his suffering, or to discard and step into a new productive world. When he brings his mind to a positive and productive outlook on life, he will be able to experience new meaning of its existence.

North Node in 7th house - South Node in 1st house

Here the individual has to learn many lessons in the areas of partnership, marriage, interaction and cooperation with other people. In past incarnations, he had to answer only to himself for all his thoughts and actions. Now, in today's life, his soul remembers all the individualism and independence that he enjoyed. He may act like a good listener in order to be accepted by society, but he rarely takes advice given to him. Instead, he spends most of his energy developing his existing abilities, constantly seeking approval for the efforts he makes. He never pays as much attention to others as he does to himself, although he is unlikely to admit this openly.

The individual wants to be unsurpassed and will go out of his way to secure for himself a position where his dominion will not be challenged. If the rest of the horoscope indicates strength, then this is truly an individual who wants to be "King of the Hill." Although his experience in this incarnation teaches him to sacrifice for others, he never truly sacrifices himself, as he has spent lifetimes getting to the point where he is now an independent spirit. He can maintain relationships with other people, as long as they do not fetter his freedom. If he feels that someone close to him is preventing him from expressing himself, he will do everything he can to free himself from the relationship. Thus, marriage presents some difficulties for him.

Individuals with this Nodal placement are single, divorced, or at least mentally separated from their marriage partner. They find it hard to believe that continuing their own past selfishness is creating all the problems they now blame others for. They must learn to give with all their hearts, and not symbolically throw a bone here and there just to calm the pack. This individual is usually so out of tune with himself as part of the larger universe that he is ready to develop a chronic injury or handicap, either physical or emotional, which he eventually uses for empathy. Failure or failure is unbearable for him, so he constantly feels the need to prove his worth. Sometimes others see him as a fighter, well protected against any threats to his ego. Because he sincerely dislikes being dependent on others, his loyalty is questionable.

Past incarnations have taught him to be true to himself, and this is where his loyalty ends. For those who wish to join him, he will be an intercessor, but he will rarely go out of his way to connect with them. He is a "loner", conscious of his own unique individuality and proud of the features he knows he can retain. His karma is to learn to pay attention to other people. He wants to be the center of attention and considers himself more important than he really is, thus blocking off the very love that, as he claims, he is denied. However, he desires to control others, and on this ability to control he bases his reliability and confidence.

He is capable of great achievements, but rarely reaches the level of his potential, because he is so busy with himself that he cannot see his ideas on a cosmic scale. He must learn to look at the reflections of his thoughts and actions and realize that there are always two sides to the same coin. He eventually comes to realize that although both sides of the issue may be completely different, neither is better or worse than the other. His main growth comes when he can step back from himself and laugh dispassionately at all the self-centered ideas that have driven him in the past. He must eventually transfer all the strength, power and confidence accumulated in his previous incarnations to those who are more in need of it. He must do it with all his heart, without a sense of martyrdom. If at the same time he thinks about himself, he will remain on his lonely island. But if his generosity is not mingled with a sense of pride in giving, then he can offer limitless good, as he instills confidence and strength in other people. He can give others the will to live where no one else has been, can make others realize their own worth. But he should not ask for anything in return, for if he learns to focus his energy on helping others, he will be amazed that God continues to provide for all his own needs.

With this position of the Nodes, he will be unhappy if he focuses his energy on himself. If he is married, he will have a lot to learn from his second child, as well as from his relationships with his nephews and nieces. He is destined to devote his life to other people, in fact he has prepared for many lifetimes to meet now the person or people who need him most. In some cases, his marriage partner is an escapist who needs to be given the strength and confidence to face reality. Married or single, this individual will eventually learn that his life is a mission dedicated to another soul or many souls in greater need than he is. His karmic lesson is to develop kindness and understanding. For this he is rewarded a thousandfold.

North Node in 8th house - South Node in 2nd house

Here the individual at the most basic level experiences a powerful internal struggle. His karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of his past incarnations. Until he can handle it, he will have a hard time finding meaning in something he cannot own. He envies the property of other people, wanting to have everything he notices. For some, this develops into an insatiable desire for possession, and there is little that can take them away from the pursuit of their desires. Almost always the life of the individual revolves around sexual power, and almost always the sexual understanding is very distorted. There is something animal about him, and he openly or covertly ignores the cultural influence of society.

In past lives, the individual did not fully understand the importance of other people's values, but continued to go his own way, not realizing how it affected others. He has accumulated so many needs that no matter how much he fulfills them, the most significant needs always seem out of reach. He is like the proverbial donkey following the carrot tied to his head, but he hardly realizes that he himself placed it there. Those close to him would give him the moon if it made him happy, but they, like him, know that it will be a short-lived toy that will eventually be supplanted by another need. He seems to feel like he should have everything! It is a "lump of immoderation" in all directions. It is difficult for him to change his habits, even if he realizes that he is going down a disastrous path.

At every intersection he goes to extreme extremes. Having discovered his mistakes, he is so far from his starting point that he finds it impossible to see his way back. Thus, he continues to move on the wrong path, because this is the only road that his eyes can see. In some cases, he may come into conflict with the law, but when he sees his mistake, he will try to convince other people that he is right. More than a person with any other position of the Nodes, this individual must learn self-control, because without discipline, indulging the desires of a past incarnation, it is too easy to destroy the current life.

Some people with this position of the Nodes are so weak of character that they come close to death, which opens their eyes to a new understanding and appreciation of life. Others go through extremely difficult sexual episodes, and only then evaluate their behavior. But the karmic lesson is always the same. The individual tries so hard to advance that he eventually destroys all the positions he has reached. Through the symbolic death of excess patterns of behavior, he may eventually experience a new birth. The rest of the past life presents too many physical and material concerns. The main growth in the current life is based on the ability of the individual to draw out from the depths of his existence the strength for rebirth.

He often takes an interest in the occult, gaining the knowledge necessary to achieve a rejuvenating transformation. Whatever he undertakes, there will be chaos in everything, since he is a supporter of extreme views. However, the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness continues to delay his rebirth. His soul wants transformation, but he does not have enough energy for this. The hardest part for him is learning to leave no trace, as he is so desperate to be impressive that he keeps making his life harder. Relationships are extremely important to him. In past incarnations, he has been accustomed to seeing the world as a social caste system, and within this framework he continues to fight for status, always believing that some people are more privileged than others.

Through his North Node in the eighth house, he must symbolically kill this past life value system and experience a long-term metamorphosis that will eventually attune him to the values ​​of other people. Listening to his loved ones, he should learn a lot from them. Most of his thoughts about sex come from a deep-seated desire to destroy the physical plane. This makes him disgusted with himself and the physical and material life he has led for so long. Overt or secret lust, as well as jealousy and envy for money or business, spirals his life to a point of no return. When he achieves this, he accepts other people's value systems in order to find his way back. But he will have to discard everything that he once considered important, as if he is being asked to step back behind the line and wait for his turn.

Each time a new and more refined value appears before him, he must learn to eliminate everything in himself that blocks its acceptance. He will start a new life at the bottom rung of the ladder. The slowness of the ascent will make him deeply appreciate every inch of the upward movement. Verily these Knots point to hard life, but the firmly rooted positions of past incarnations are to blame. Until the transition is completed, the individual can expect his current life to be one of financial tug-of-war. He must learn the karmic lesson that property is owned in order to be used and that it is not necessary to own more than what is immediately useful.

When he stops wasting vital energy, he can become a real dynamo in the business world. However, he must never forget that he must burn bridges to prevent slipping back to the levels he struggled to pass through. He must understand the biblical story of Lot, who, when he was finally delivered from Sodom and Gomorrah, was asked to leave the city, not to take any property with him, and under no circumstances to look back. The North Node in the eighth house can bring about the rebirth or degeneration of the individual. It depends on his strength. own faith. In order to reach the heavens of this Nodal position, one must first go through the underworld and in the very bowels of the earth realize that God will hear a subtle cry for help, as soon as a person sincerely promises "not to look back."

North Node in 9th house - South Node in 3rd house

This individual is constantly pulling himself out of the net. Every relationship he enters into becomes so complex and confusing that he must use all his energy to free himself. In past incarnations, he had a great need for people, and this is his weakness. He thinks he would like to be alone, but feels an almost overwhelming need to connect with other people. He listens to problems and loves to be asked for advice. Often frustrated by the many problems that have fallen on his head, he secretly thinks that he would be better able to handle all matters if he had more knowledge.

He tries to be as diplomatic as possible and constantly thinks about the words he said to others. Always mindful of the interpretation that may be given to his words, he is afraid of being misunderstood. As a result, he keeps going back to yesterday's conversation to re-explain everything he had in mind. He must understand the essence of truth and not make the truth smaller by trying to convey it verbally to other people. One of his biggest problems is having to deal with the karmic remnant of an insatiable curiosity that, although it served him well in previous incarnations, now drives him deeper and deeper into the web of details.

His greatest crisis comes every time he has to make a decision, because instead of relying on his intuition or his higher intelligence, he continues to search for more and more facts and details in the hope that, when he has all the information, the process decision making will be easier. Constantly trying to achieve neutrality, he becomes a paradox for himself. In previous lives, he was accustomed to slogan phrases, witty sayings and pompous style, and now he has become a walking cliché. With a love of reading and exploring the wondrous land of knowledge that he sees around him, he constantly yearns for more understanding. He is convinced that this is the only path in life that has no end.

This individual can turn into a lifelong study anything he becomes keenly interested in, especially if the South Node is in a fixed sign. He likes to feel experienced and sophisticated. As a result, he will do things that others won't, just to experience new understanding. His current life is so tied to numerous people that he is sure to hurt someone's feelings - not because of malicious intent, but rather because of an inability to keep up with everyone in whose life he is involved. Deep down, he has many inner doubts about himself, which are exacerbated when he talks to others, because if it were possible, he would try to be everything to all people.

As a result of past life habits, he spends too much time in the "lower mind". He makes more movements than he should, and if not physically, then mentally. At times, his whirlwind of possibilities is so great that he completely exhausts himself thinking about everything he has to do. As a result, it does nothing. He will experience fear of impotence. When he starts asking these questions, his great thirst for understanding can lead him into a erratic pattern of behavior until he is sure that everything is fine and he is completely normal. On the deepest levels, he is not an animal in sex, but fears being excluded from a carefree life because of his mental tendencies.

Like a child who is afraid that his peers will consider him a bookworm, he will prove that he can be accepted in a physically oriented world. However, his greatest subconscious need is to become a walking encyclopedia, never to be caught off guard by not having the right information in right moment. His greatest growth comes when he learns how to make the karmic transition from the lower mind to the higher mind. As he casts aside past life attachment to trifles, his eyes begin to open wide to the vast horizons that stretch before him. The less he talks to others, the more faith he begins to develop. He must learn to constantly expand his interests so that the scope of his knowledge is not limited to the requirements of the immediate circle of communication.

Well, if he learns to step back to see the forest for the trees. When he does this, he will also recognize a new sense of peace and serenity that somehow has always eluded him. Travel will help expand his perspective, and he will meet his most significant successes far from his birthplace. The lives of some individuals will be greatly influenced by a foreigner. Through the North Node in the ninth house, great spiritual growth is possible as the individual learns to let go of all his doubts of the previous life. He must pull his mind out of the limited world and focus on the infinite consciousness. In doing so, he will lose friends, as only a few will understand his sudden aloofness. But thanks to those who stay with him, he will understand the difference between friends and acquaintances. As he grows, he will begin to focus on ideas, and not on the words through which ideas are expressed. He sees how others limit themselves to language and tries to appeal to their ideas rather than "their words.

North Node in 10th house - South Node in 4th house

Here the individual discovers that most of the time must be devoted to the family. He constantly feels subjugated, as if he is prevented from realizing individuality. The fact is that he enters the current life with a lot of karma due to his family. In past incarnations, he ignored the one who fed him. Now he has to feed himself from the hands. In his current life, he finds that his marriage partner and children do not appreciate what he is trying to do for them. However, he will do more if he is ever going to outgrow his karma. At times, the burden becomes so heavy that he must fight with himself to keep from feeling inner resentment and resentment.

A woman with this Nodal position will have problems with at least one child, which will require most of her time, effort, energy and care, as she must learn the deepest levels of responsibility of motherhood. To further enforce this karma, the spouse will either be absent or so lacking in character that she will eventually have to become mother and father at the same time. positive or negative emotions never leave the family. The individual constantly feels the need to escape and be free, but past life memories of self-imposed chains never fully allow him to do so. Virtually all of an individual's energy is spent unraveling the relationships around him. In some cases, there is a conflict in the family over real estate.

He must learn not to succumb to a sense of hopelessness under the pressure of circumstances, as the needs of his family are constantly growing to the point that at times they become much greater than he expected. He is often taken by surprise by the actions of those closest to him, for although outwardly he may be experienced and sophisticated, he still remains almost childishly naive about his loved ones. Some people with this position of the Nodes must go to work, becoming the only source of support for the family. Others have been placed in the position of family overseer. There is always a conflict between what he would like to do for himself and what he knows he should do for the people he loves.

Constantly facing situations that tempt him to react in a childish way, he must learn how to grow up. He must rise above family disharmony and do everything he can to achieve his own dignity. Only when the needs of loved ones are understood can he be freed for a career. When he turns to the North Node in the tenth house, he eventually assumes an influential role. He should focus on the higher meaning of life, and not on the disparate needs of close family members.

Paradoxically, he eludes one family, creating a new one, until eventually every person he meets and loves becomes drawn closer to him in the pseudo-universal family model. As the years pass, life begins to resemble "the old woman who lived in a shoe." His greatest happiness comes from being in a position where he is able to offer shelter to others. In later life, he joyfully again invites others to lean on him. His mission to move away from emotional immaturity and towards responsibility tells him that each person he guides represents another installment for his own ticket to spiritual evolution.

Ultimately, he makes himself so helpless that his behavior becomes hopelessly childish. He desperately wants to be loved, but the remnant of past life sexual tension is so great that he is often confused about what really matters to him. He has great difficulty in understanding reality, since his life is a theater of actors, and his dreams are so romantic in nature that he becomes a real Don Quixote chasing windmills. He believes in chivalry and can be easily fooled by a romantic halo. Wanting to be constantly reassured that his coming into life does not go unnoticed, he cannot accept the role of a mere member of the public.

For those who appreciate him, he can be very generous and generous, but in moments when he feels ignored, he will escape into his easy dream world, trying to create a seventeenth century romantic adventure in which he will be the central character. In his constant search for self-fulfillment through amorous adventures, he can easily lose his way. He would like others to think of him as a sacrificer, and when he gets involved in a love affair, he has to lose everything. Like the "Martyr King" who sacrificed his throne in order to fulfill his love, this individual would like his exploits to be revered, approved, and even admired. His self-esteem of a past life is so great that he is not particularly pleased with even the thought of an illicit love affair; however, from time to time he participates in such an adventure only to express his ability to sacrifice principle for the sake of what he considers at that moment. greatest love in the world.

Essentially he is a good person, and it would take serious defeats in the map to find a malefic bone in the body. Throughout the zodiac, his creative talents in dealing with children are unsurpassed, because at heart he is a child himself. Regardless of his Sun sign, he will need to lean on a stronger person than himself sometime in this life. Through his North Node in the eleventh house, he should learn the value of friendship. He must transcend the physically possessive relationships of his past incarnations and cherish with equal fervor the new selfless relationships he is now forming. In this life, he learns how to pay more attention to the meaning of his dreams and dreams, and not try to strain his will against the current flow.

While dreaming, he receives messages from higher leaders and telepathically begins to understand the reasons for all his actions, but his desire is often so great that he refuses to accept what he knows to be true. If he were asked to completely give up something in his life, it would only be his powerful self-will, since here in the pride of his ego he actually blocks everything that he so desperately wants. Truly, he is his own worst enemy. An individual with this position of the Nodes suffers from "built-in" dissatisfaction, as everything that he creates through his South Node only makes him dream of more that he has missed. He would like to free himself from entangled and difficult situations, but he constantly falls from the fire into the frying pan. Before any growth can be made, he must learn to overcome the monstrous dragon ego he has allowed to become his self-generating instrument of destruction.

He must learn to see himself impartially, realizing that his life is like a river flowing under a bridge from whose vantage point he can look down on it. His most difficult test is to succumb to the temptation to control the flow of this river, but his greatest happiness comes when he can appreciate its beauty without interference. He will experience at least one important experience - he will be required to sacrifice his personal ego for the sake of honesty and justice for another. Only when he learns how to free himself from attachment thoughts can he achieve his highest goal.

As long as he retains the slightest trace of pride in himself, all power in his chart will be rejected by him. Even the possibility of a harmonious marriage looms out of his reach until he becomes impartial. The South Node in the fifth house uses so much energy in trying to achieve empathy and sympathy for oneself that it is difficult for the individual to find the strength to give complete satisfaction marriage partner. Many people with this position of the Nodes experience divorce, but this is neither fate nor inevitability. This is simply the result of a misuse of the energies of the South Node. Because of too much self-focus, the individual does not see or fully appreciate all the good that he has. The answer will again be the same.

He must loosen the grip on "himself" and dedicate his life to selfless service, and not expect others to serve him. If he can become less romantic and think more scientifically, he will begin to see the truth. He must never allow flashes of passion to cloud his vision, for happiness will be achieved only when he can look at life from an impartial point of view. His karma is to learn how to become uninvolved yet always available when others need him. Ultimately, he is destined to become a selfless servant of humanity. Sometime in this life, he will do much to advance another person's career. Friendships, clubs and societies will become important to him, for it is through such associations with other people that he eventually begins to feel his own individuality.

Because others value him, he begins to value himself. Then he is able to see himself as part of others, and also as part of the higher cause to which he has dedicated himself. The more he can do this, the more he will break away from the plane of self-consciousness, and the needs to satisfy his own ego will sink into the collective ego of the cause to which he has dedicated his individuality. When he has completed this lesson, his strength of character and sense of direction will be no weaker or less purposeful than the cause of which he has become a part.

, which contains points out the ways in which the individual allows too much past remnant of passion and desire to put pressure on his today's life. , which contains , indicates the ways in which he can develop sufficient detachment in order to free his "I", enabling him to devote his energy to the common cause.

North Node in 12th house - South Node in 6th house

Here the individual experiences a crisis in consciousness. Whether he really knows it or not, most of his life is spent in deep thought. He considers physical world exhausting. From time to time, he must cope with an illness that takes him out of the arena of competition, greatly affecting his ability to work. He finds the working conditions unbearable: he feels that his work is paid at the lowest rate, or at least underestimated everything that he offers. He becomes so immersed in the circumstances surrounding everything he does that he allows his attitudes towards work to permeate every area of ​​his life. He has many former memories of order and organization, but everywhere he goes he sees chaos.

In past incarnations, he was an adherent of perfection, critical of the world around him. Now the imperfections and shortcomings he sees weaken him to the point that he feels unable to cope with it. The world is perceived as not giving him everything he can. Some people with this Node position tend to sink into self-pity, while others harbor bitter feelings of resentment and resentment. They envy the well-being of other people, believing that they deserve it more. Usually a pompous ego is at the root of the problem. The Self developed in past incarnations is now seen as a perfect ideal placed above the rest of humanity.

Alone with himself, this individual rarely admits that he looks down on other people. However, he secretly views everyone as less than perfect than himself. He would rather be out of a job than do a job that he feels is beneath him. It is certain, however, that circumstances will compel him to do such work, even if it is against all his principles. By translating irritation into a feeling of depression, he creates one very real illness after another, until he eventually reaches the point where he feels justified in blaming his working conditions for ill health.

From a past incarnation, he remembers that society "did not let him in", sees himself as an abandoned child, deprived of wealth in life, which is for others, but for some reason not for him. He spends too much energy trying to impress others, but not enough to develop fullness within himself. More than anything else, he must learn to look within, where he will find the answers to all his problems. Many people with this Node placement watch life pass them by, wasting too much energy and spending too much time immersed in their petty thoughts.

The past remnant of nervousness at the South Node in the sixth house literally plagues him. He tries to categorize every tiny detail that falls into his sphere of attention. He must learn to distinguish between what is important in terms of his life values ​​and what is. which represents merely temporary distresses that will pass in due time. Because of his constant doubts, the individual creates a sexual problem for himself, deeply rooted in fears of failure. He is so incapable of facing his fears that he will deal with the problem by developing an abnormal sexual response pattern designed to mask his feelings of inadequacy. Although he tries not to, he continues to see himself as a helpless pebble on a seaside where there are thousands of others.

In previous lives he managed to control his universe. Now the world seems bigger than he would like, and he does his best not to feel too small in comparison. His growth begins from the moment he begins to see himself not only as part of a greater whole, but as containing the essence of the entire universe. He must break the past incarnation's tendency to put the world into little boxes and look for the source of everything within himself. Here he will discover the great wealth he so desperately sought.

Periods of enforced isolation help bring him into higher consciousness. He eventually learns that things can be different, and not necessarily one will be better or worse than the other. Taking a deeper look at himself, he realizes that all life conditions are completely dependent on how much he can give up trying to overthrow the world and redirect his energy to overthrow himself. It is good if he participates in the work of a large institution where he can develop group consciousness, focusing on the collective good of the whole, and not plunging into the accumulated remnant of his past bitterness. He will be repeatedly tested in areas that will help him develop compassion, until he eventually sees that by judging others, he is actually hindering his own happiness.

His past karma is erased as he learns how to flow smoothly and not let his life continue to be interrupted by petty distractions. He must tune in to the essence of the universe, and not try to sort everything into neat little compartments. Branches are like a house of cards, and only after it falls apart does the individual begin to realize that his purpose in life is very far from what he originally thought. He can now learn how to relax and bathe in the beauty of God's entire creation, rather than just representing a part of God and calling the part he sees All. Once he can readily welcome change, bowing to the winds of change, he is on the right track.

In the end, he will leave the world where people manipulate each other and will pass through the door to higher harmony. In preparation, he must transcend the past life subconscious memories of physical problems that are still dragging him down and begin to climb the cosmic ladder that leads him to his soul awareness. He must learn how to appreciate the beauty of everything he sees around him without getting bogged down in the details. His life will represent the completion of an idea, in much the same way that Dante's work symbolized the completion of a period in literature. When he accepts this, his life's work may be the great culmination of all that has passed before him. While his work may take him behind the scenes, the chances are high that it could reach the public eye. He must also learn that his physical health depends entirely on the purity and stability of his inner spirit. Truly, this is the Nodal position of spirit over matter, and life will be a karmic transition from the world of matter into the consciousness of the infinite spirit.

1. Problems at home - work.
2 Child-parent relationship (fixation on the topic of mother or father).
3. Congenital "right" dominance or submission, inferiority complex.
(Am I a trembling creature, or do I have the right? (c)
5. Inner child and adult.
6. Good man- it's not a profession.
7. Gender issues (who is "better", m or f, m or p, whom to focus on?).
8. Problems of self-awareness and self-identification (why am I not what I should be? And who determines this?).

Axis LU 4 - 10 is one of the most difficult to understand and work out. The simplest contradictions associated with this position of the nodes - "I" and society", "home and work", "personal and public" are quite understandable. But there are also deeper, not always clearly perceived problems that lie on the axis 4 - 10 .

First of all, the fact that the 4th and 10th houses are the culminating points of the lower and upper hemispheres plays an important role here. 10th house - the peak of the social, egregorial, impersonal, the outside world, where you must be an adult, whether you like it or not, our superego lives there, and what we perceive as fate, karma, vocation, "order" from above, authorities requiring unquestioning obedience, there we have no power over ourselves.

But, you might think, are we in power over ourselves in the 4th house, over our unconscious generic programs? The cardinality of knots 4 - 10 is the toughest. In 1 - 7 houses, we still have the illusion that we will change our partner (egregor), and everything will be different. In 4 - 10 this illusion is not there: you can’t argue with karma, with destiny and higher ones too, with generic programs - even more so ... All that remains is to force out these problems and pretend that everything is in order (a favorite activity on the problems of axis 4 - 10 ). Nowhere are these problems so veiled and hidden even from themselves as in these houses (I mean, of course, first of all, clients, not astrologers, although, by and large, we are there too). Because to accept yourself, realizing clearly what you really are, and nevertheless accepting, is very difficult. It is easier to play the role imposed by society.

Descending node in the 4th house, ascending node in the 10th. It is good to be a small child (even if it was not very good in childhood, there is still a dream of unconditional motherly love and a sense of security). A cruel world, a soulless society (often represented by bosses, teachers, bureaucracy, etc.) does not want to take into account the peculiarities of my inner world, my individuality. NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME. No one is going to reckon with me, therefore I will not reckon with "them" either - I will pretend that I participate in social life and accumulate complexes. At the same time, I will engage in self-digging, psychoanalysis is my everything, all problems come from childhood, which is why I am so attached to my mother. I may not be externally attached, but unconsciously I always turn to childhood, to family problems, trying to find answers to my questions there. Mother is everything, everything good or bad in my life is her fault. Women more important than men(but what if I'm a man? And what about men if I'm a woman?

It is difficult to be an adult, it is difficult to be a parent, it is difficult to be a boss, you must by all means avoid responsibility to others. Eternal longing for purpose. Destiny is "impossible" to find (well, of course, because it will require some kind of service to society, which means giving up myself, it will take away my individuality, only madmen devote themselves to a career, and there will be no life left, and I have one, and I'm alone, my love). I feel good with those who are younger or weaker than me: children, animals, those who are dumber, in a subordinate position, etc.

I will never admit it, but I am fixated on myself. I am the navel of the earth. All other people are evaluated from only one point of view, namely: how they treat me. I measure everyone solely by myself, but no one will agree with this, so I don’t show it just in case. Of course, there are superiors, there is fate and karma and bosses, and the law, which you can’t argue with, but if you sit quietly, then, you see, they won’t notice, they won’t involve and they won’t force you. The best thing is to be invisible to society and karma, although we have to pretend, we still live in society, it is necessary to pay some formal tribute to it ...

Ascending node in the 4th house, descending node in the 10th."A good person is not a profession", you need to be someone, who you are appointed to be. Who appointed? God, karma, fate, father, parents. Therefore, these people are often victims of unfulfilled parental ambitions. They were shoved into one or another university, because dad or mom at one time could not become ... (choose a profession yourself). Often people with such nodes are obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding their life differently from their parents, but, as Jung said (not exact quote): what we deny becomes our destiny. Therefore, the most important task of people with WU in the 4th house is to accept their parents, especially their mother, ancestral karma, etc. Sometimes they even hate their parent's apartment, especially the dacha, the "family nest", so to speak. They try with all their might not to repeat their mother's fate, to build their family according to a different model, etc. It is difficult for them to accept belonging to their ancestral clan. If there is also a problematic Sun with WU, then they often seek to move somewhere or emigrate (subconscious desire to change tribal karma, create new roots).

They are little interested in psychoanalysis, they are much more interested in what they have "in karma", what is their purpose, and in general, what does God, fate want from them? All their lives they are looking for a Teacher, Mentor, that authority who would tell them how to live in this world. They read smart books on this topic, they are looking for some kind of absolute, believing in which they will finally find themselves (of course, not in themselves, pepper is clear!). Man is a higher being, he necessarily has a vocation and a mission, and until you find it, life is not successful.

Sometimes they give the impression of children who are pushed onto the stage of adulthood and said, here, come on! And they give. The hardest thing for them is to accept themselves as they are, especially like their parents, especially their mother. The father, and the male in general, is more important than the mother and the female. Even if there was no father or he was bad, there is an image of what he could be. The search for authority, a teacher, a destiny, a "guide to life" are substitutes for the role of a father. It is safe to say that people obsessed with religion, esotericism, psychology, etc. These are people with father problems. Those. their father, one way or another, has not fulfilled his socializing role, and he urgently needs one (or something) that will fulfill it. Father needs to prove that you are worth something, and he did not love you in vain. Therefore, the purpose and career are so important to them.
It is not difficult to guess that their task is to accept their parents and allow them to be who they are. Then the replacement is not needed, everything will be decided by itself. But it's easy to say

For women, this position of the nodes gives a bad feeling of their female role, because "men are more important than women." And these women play a male role, for example, disappear all day at work, and the house is neglected. Strenuously make a career, but getting married "doesn't work out." Men do their best to show what grown-up boys they are, not some kind of sissy, so they also disappear at work, and at home they feel "like in a hotel." Their poor wives do not understand why he does not take part in some household affairs, he is not interested in anything that happens in the family, etc. And he, in turn, does not understand what she wants from him - after all, he tries his best to be a real man, head of the family, earner (sometimes this is just an appearance, for example, he is constantly looking for a good job, etc.)

The purpose of life can be illusory - forever alluring and forever not located. Anyone who sooner or later found her can safely go to the 4th house - devote himself to the family, do not forget about his "inner child", allowing himself little joys, be spontaneous, in fact, be anyone, the way you are. And if you didn’t find it, and the person has NU in the 10th house? He is doomed to eternal fruitless searches, and there is no time to be himself? The axis of nodes always works in its entirety, so such a person needs to turn to the 4th house, stop thinking that someone, even a guru or karma or astrology, will tell him how to live. Learn to listen to yourself, trust your inner voice, accept yourself and your parents, especially your mother, try to relax at home, in the family, alone with yourself, stop subordinating everything to some kind of super-goal.

Separately, I want to say about the acceptance of parents. No need to try hard to love them, if they annoy, you don’t have to do your best to “accept”, forgive and all that. You just need to give them the right to live the way they choose. This is their right. You have nothing to do with this, and even more so, you are not a judge or a psychotherapist. As soon as the child gives the parent this right, the channels of love are restored by themselves. Nothing more needs to be done.

And more about the problems of self-identification, which are typical for everyone, but to a greater extent for those who have nodes 4 - 10 (it doesn’t matter which one). These are endlessly asked questions like "Who am I", "Why am I", "What is my place in the world", "Am I good enough for myself and for the world", etc. etc.

Not so long ago, 50-70 years ago (not to mention more distant times), a person was mainly busy with survival, and parents, a family clan, played a decisive role in a person’s life, and only a few asked themselves these questions. But, as they say, every society has its own neuroses. Today, when our possibilities are enormous compared to the people of the past, and the freedom of choice is almost unlimited, self-identification neurosis has reached huge size. The availability of information and the "society of equal opportunities" instill in us every day what we could achieve if we tried harder. Everyone should strive for something, there is simply no time to be yourself. And almost every day the bar is growing, and if you can’t, you’re bad, but you could, and if you couldn’t, then you didn’t try hard.

A person already "does not have the right" to simply stop at something, that is, in fact, he stops, but he is tormented by a feeling of guilt that there are so many opportunities, and he "stands still", "loh", "unadvanced", "does not work". There is a huge amount of information, and there are no resources to master it, not to mention the fact that a significant proportion of this information simply zombifies a person and gives him false goals. In recent years, more and more clients come to me without even asking to find Good work or to understand their destiny, as it was not long ago, but they simply ask what to do in order to simply live and feel the fullness of life, to feel colors, smells, beauty, how to combine these simple desires with the eternal race for no one knows what ... People are lost in endless virtual images imposed from the outside of what they could be, and they forget how it is, just to be yourself, to feel good, no matter what you do, no matter how much you earn, no matter what you love. The position of nodes 4 - 10 exacerbates this problem.

Consider what the North Node in the 10th house can mean in a personal horoscope. Most likely, a magnificent career is destined for fate. Many of my clients have had great professional careers with no effort on their part.

What does the North Node located in the 10th house mean?

This is the most interesting thing to watch. It seems that they are always in the right place at the right time, and their career success is achieved without much effort on their part. The North Node indicates approximately the same as Jupiter, and the South Node indicates approximately the same as Saturn. Both of them are equally favorable for success, achievements, fulfillment of the planned.

If the influence of the North Node, like the influence of Jupiter, is more obvious, then the influence of the South Node, like the influence of Saturn, may be delayed. I believe that none of these influences hinder success.

Consider the position where the North Node is in the 10th house, and the South Node, respectively, in the 4th house. Many of these people choose a profession according to family tradition, continue the work of their father, whatever it may be, be it a bakery, a lawyer's office, an insurance agency, or any other family business. They work in a family business, under the patronage of their father, or choose the profession of their parents. About half of these people. There are also characters who set their professional goals to unattainable heights, or their professional ambitions are directed to the future, like an open door, constantly open, which allows them to tirelessly strive to achieve new goals. The social or professional ambitions of these people are limitless, but sometimes very far from reality.

  • Ben Ragel believes that if the North Node is in the X House with Jupiter, Venus or the Moon, this promises great joy. The native will live among kings and nobles, they will honor and respect him, with them he will gain great wealth.
  • If the North Node is next to Mars or Saturn, and they will be in aspect with Jupiter, Venus or the Sun, he will engage in despicable labor and will himself be miserable and despised, or will become the servant of eunuchs. The king will take away his wealth, he will grow up frail and dumb, he will be drowned or killed.

However, the influence of the South Node in the IV House is also felt. This fixed point is a closed door to the past, which suggests a painful limitation present in the lives of such people. Some of them come to the collapse of family ties due to conflicts on the basis of the unfair division of property, lack of recognition, affection or attention, which usually results in enmity with one of the family members, most often with a mother or brother.

This lack of love, attention, recognition, or fairness in the division of property or profits pushes to exit through the X House and makes this person rise above the rest of the family, stimulating his ambitions and inciting him to achieve higher goals.

An example of a horoscope with the North Node in this house

I have found that clients who have the North Node in the 10th house in the client chart and the South Node in the 4th house do not necessarily have to have the drive or desire to build their career at all costs. In past lives, they were inconspicuous people, led a domestic lifestyle.

They know how to build a house and start a family, but they are much less attracted to building a career. However, if they still go “to people”, then everything will turn out very well for them, because a brilliant career has been written for them. Of course, I'm talking about intact nodes with good aspects. I can tell you an amazing story about a client whose North Node is in the tenth house.

In my archive there are many owners of their own enterprises who continued the business or profession of their parents. However, I also found a large group of officials or civil servants. In general, these people indicate where to move, introduce new rules, or new fashion in behavior and clothing, such as famous fashion designers who left a significant mark on the fashion world - Christian Dior, Coco Chanel and others.

But there are those who left a mark in history, because they came to power in an extraordinary way, like Gandhi, with his passive struggle without violence, which many then began to apply. Or film director Pedro Almodovar, although I do not like his work, I must admit that he left a mark that will live in time.

This is a powerful position, indicating a person of high position, a deeply religious nature, great ability in his field of work and good earnings. Classical texts note that they will visit holy places, will carry out humanitarian activities, will have a talent for art; they will have secret meetings. (Tom Hopke)

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Rahu in the 10th house and Ketu in the 4th house: 10th house shows profession, reputation, fame and glory. Rahu in the 10th enhances reputation in society. Most of all, politicians need it. Therefore, this position of Rahu is considered excellent for politicians and public figures. Such people are very busy with their work, and they do not have time for family life. The main thing for them is to receive another award, a title. These are people who were home in a past life; and in this life they are supposed to work for the good of society. These are very ambitious people who have grandiose plans. They get success without much difficulty. They do not like to sit quietly in one place and work. They need an activity where they can be active and get quick success. If Rahu is in the 10th house and Rahu mahadash is in an active age, a person will have great success.

These people do not want to work in submission and within the established framework. They are called freelancers (free schedule, own boss). The best planet in the 10th house is Mars. After Mars the best planet considered to be Rahu. Rahu in 10th house gives success that does not last long. It is believed that at the end of the Rahu mahadashi, people find that they do not have what they have accumulated with them. These people need to learn how to stop in time in pursuit of fame and success without succumbing to their passions.

Ketu in the 4th house does not give a person peace of mind. This is a home of joy and home comfort. Ketu clamps the indicators of the house where he is. Man is always dissatisfied. It is difficult for him to acquire his own housing and have a comfortable cozy own corner if there is no aspect from favorable planets for real estate (especially Jupiter and Saturn). Even if you have your own housing, most likely, this housing is not very comfortable. Perhaps a person will have to go through controversial situations related to real estate. The person does not have close relationships with members of his family. He is in no hurry to return home after work. In the presence of aspects from favorable planets, Ketu may not show his natural negative character. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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Rahu in 10th house

Career success, great abilities, talents, cruelty, mother problems, wealth, fame. (Indubala)

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Rahu in 10th house: this position contributes to professional growth and social status, but can suddenly end a career. Responsive, outwardly attractive, taciturn, bold, aggressive, clumsy manner. Earns dishonestly, faces many restrictions in a career, can dramatically change the type of activity. Small offspring, long-lived father. (Sri Govind Swarup Agarwal)

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Rahu in the 10th, Ketu in the 4th house: karmic task

This position of the nodes puts a person in life in various extreme situations. The position of Ketu in the 4th house suggests that the first half of life and especially childhood are full of unpleasant experiences. This can leave deep scars on the human psyche. 4th house is related to emotional life person, which is laid down in childhood. Wrong attitude of parents, friends or teachers can lead to mental disorders that may manifest in later years.

Those with strong Ketu temper themselves in these difficulties and develop a very penetrating mind, while those with weak Ketu become very susceptible to external influences.

Strong position of Ketu in the 4th house gives psychic abilities, but in order to use them correctly for the benefit of others, a person must be a strong personality.

This combination of nodes does not give a very smooth relationship with the parents, but there is a strong connection with one of the grandfathers or with one of the grandmothers. The native can receive financial support from relatives, but there is always some kind of misunderstanding. This position of Ketu gives a strong psychic contact with the mother, but the relationship with her may not always be pleasant due to the tendency to go to extremes. In this situation, misunderstanding between different generations is most pronounced, and therefore, the sooner the native leaves the parental home, the better it will be for everyone.

This combination is the best way to go out into the world and leave your mark on history. Such a person has the ability to lead big organization or mission. This is a very favorable position for external success, especially if Rahu is somehow connected with other vital centers of the horoscope. The closer Rahu is to the middle of the 10th house, the more he can help the native to carry out his plans. Usually Rahu in the 10th helps a person to advance in the second half of life. Rahu in this position gives a person a strong sense of the purpose of life and his destiny.

Ketu in the 4th house of Moksha gives the person a sense of presence higher powers who create and sustain the universe. Immature souls can get too carried away by these feelings and forget about the practical side of life, which should be learned to avoid. Again, you need to understand what the harmony between the elements of water (emotion) and earth (practicality) is. A good analogy helps to grasp this principle: “The earth needs water to produce crops. However, too much water will cause flooding, and too little water will cause drought.”

In addition to its main period, Rahu bears fruit at the age of 19, 38 and 42 years.

This position of Rahu often requires a person to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of public life. The native should be very careful about this and understand that a complete neglect of the affairs of the 4th house can lead him to deep inner dissatisfaction even after achieving fame.

Rahu in the 10th gives a person leadership skills, which can be used either for the sake of their own exaltation, or for the benefit of others. Such Rahu encourages a person to think and do a lot for the sake of his status in society, endows him with pragmatism, ambition, and a desire for recognition.

Ketu in the 4th usually gives a person a deep knowledge of their roots and attachment to them. It is necessary to learn to use the wisdom of the past (4th house) for the benefit of others (10th house).

Examples: Genghis Khan and Mahatma Gandhi.

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Bhrigu Sutra 8.25-28

Life in the slums and sexual relations with widows await the owner of the horoscope. But if Rahu or Ketu is connected with a benefic planet, he will be able to live in good houses. A person who has ghostly planets in the 10th house will be interested in poetry.

Other opinions regarding Rahu in the 10th house:

"Phaladeepika": Rahu in 10th house- the owner of the horoscope will have few children, will not do good deeds, but will become fearless and famous.

"Chamatkar-chintamani": Rahu in 10th house- a person whose Rahu is in the 10th house will prefer the company of foreigners and beautiful women, squander
money for liquor, will commit cruel deeds.

Note: Bhrigu Muni gives the same characteristics for the location of Rahu and Ketu in different houses. His opinion is based on the fact that these planets are always in the seventh house from each other and both influence the house. However, other classical texts other than Brihat Jataka and Saravali, which do not describe the results of the placement of ghostly planets in the houses of the horoscope, are of a different opinion.

I would like to add a few important remarks regarding the position of Rahu and Ketu in the houses of the horoscope. Regarding the characteristics of these planets, there are three main opinions: 1) they act as the lord of the sign they occupy, 2) their nature is similar to Mars and Saturn, and 3) the view of Kalidas below. An experienced astrologer intuitively understands what influences ghostly planets carry out when analyzing a horoscope or making forecasts.

Based on the famous classic work of Kalidas "Uttara-kolamrita", it can be said that, being ghostly planets, these planets are not considered as the owners of any houses or signs. If Rahu and Ketu are in conjunction (in the same sign) with a planet, then they take on its qualities, become conductors of its energy, and in their periods, or bhukti, act like this planet. When ghostly planets do not come into conjunction, they give the results of the planet aspecting them. And only when Rahu and Ketu are not connected and not aspected by the planets, they act as the master of the sign in which they are located.

If one of the two nodes and the lord of the triad are placed in conjunction in the 9th or 10th houses, or if one of them is in the 9th and the other in the 10th, an auspicious yoga is formed that will bring prosperity to the owner of the horoscope. If at the same time a malefic planet enters into conjunction or aspects one of the ghostly planets, then the bhukti [sub-period] of yoga karaka will be inauspicious.

And the last remark. Rahu and Ketu become prosperous when they occupy the positions of triad or kendra from lagna. Ghostly planets are also beneficent when conjunct triad or quadrant house lords. But if at the same time the owner of the 9th house also owns the 8th (in the case of the ascension of Gemini), or the 12th (in the case of the ascension of Libra), and also if the owners of the 9th or 10th houses are connected with the owners of the 8th and 12th houses, the beneficial results of yoga are lost.

Bhrigu-sutra with commentary by Indubala

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"Jataka-Bharanam" 17.96

Results of Rahu in 10th house

If in the birth chart Rahu is located in the 10th Bhava, then a person will be deprived of happiness because of his father (deprived of father), deprived of wealth, destroy his enemies, suffer from diseases of Vata (Wind) and receive damage (injuries) from the transport funds. If Rahu is in Rashi Mina [Pisces], then the person will suffer from many pains and troubles.