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Statuses about best friends and friends. Beautiful, good quotes about friends

They attract the attention of readers, help to believe in themselves and their abilities. Each of us wants to have friends with whom it is not only pleasant to spend time, but also you can feel important and significant. Quotes about best friends cause admiration, fill the soul with unprecedented delight and joy. The one who knows how to appreciate genuine relationships is never alone. Below are good quotes about friends who help perk up at a difficult moment in life. They should be read by anyone who despaired and stopped believing in people.

“Whoever seeks friends is worthy to find them” (Lessing)

No one can be completely happy alone. Each of us needs to feel needed by others, that life can be beautiful and positive. Interaction with others often gives us a chance to find our place in life, build trust and strong relationships. Quotes about best friends with meaning help people realize the importance of every moment they live. There is confidence that you will not be forgotten at the most inopportune moment, close person will not betray, will not offend.

The need to have like-minded people is just as important and powerful as the need to build strong trusting relationship. A person who is looking for friends will always find them. This is because such people become much more open and generous, which means they make a bright positive impression on others. Nothing inspires a person like best friend quotes. A guy may be worried about having a reliable comrade, and a girl - the opportunity to share their innermost secrets.

“We are valued by others exactly as much as we respect ourselves” (Cicero)

Anyone who wants to make new friends should carefully analyze his willingness to accept meaningful lessons fate. Sometimes people are so distrustful of others that they cannot even think about putting their feelings in order, dealing with existing problems. internal fears. Good quotes about friends are designed to inspire confidence, help build strong and beautiful relationship with those around you.

“A good friend has faithful comrades” (Machiavelli)

Anyone who believes in sincere and tender relationships is always surrounded by decent people. In other words, we always attract exactly what we think about the most. The person who can be true friend for others, it will strive to give more warmth and care to those who are nearby.

As much as we ourselves can be useful to others, so they appreciate us. The ability to receive joy from communication is the greatest blessing in life, which does not come just like that. Sometimes it takes some effort to make a wish come true.

"A true friend comes in trouble" (Menander)

Many of our acquaintances are ready to support in joy. But most of them turn away if there is any problem. They say that it is known in trouble. The one who will not leave you in difficult times emotional experiences, will not betray and will not disappoint. Negative events make it easy to weed out unworthy people who cannot positively influence the further course of events and our internal state. Good quotes about friends inspire new achievements, promote recovery good mood and a positive outlook on the world. Each person wants to see like-minded people and close people next to him, whom you can always trust in difficult situations.

Thus, quotes about friends are worth reading at a time when you are desperate and no longer believe in the possibility of true mutual understanding. real sincere relationship really exist between people.

A real friend won't say, "Ugh, she's creepy."
A true friend will say: "Brother, if you love her, then she is the best!"

Everyone hears what you say ... Best friends hear what you are silent about.

The sage was asked: - How many types of friendship are there? - He answered four. Friends are like food - every day you need them. There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

Best friend- this is a person who will tell you in your eyes everything that infuriates him in you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person ...

The best friend, like love, is a completely inexplicable thing ... You can quarrel at any moment, or you can tell each other everything you think, but he still won’t be offended by you.

The hardest thing is to love your best friend and be afraid to say it, because you know - either you will be with him or you will lose him forever.

The best friend does not get angry at you because of trifles, does not take offense at trifles, does not notice your shortcomings ... But, nevertheless, you should not test her good attitude towards you for strength.

The best people in life are always those about whom at the first meeting you think: Lord, he's crazy ...

The best friend is the person who is ready to give his life for you ... But he will never do this just because his life already belongs to another, along with his heart

Not that friend of yours who drinks at the table with you,
And who in any misfortune will come to the rescue.
Whoever gives a firm hand will relieve anxiety.
And he won't even pretend that he helped you.

Nowadays true friendship does not exist, it only seems to us that we have best friends and that they will never betray us, but the day comes when she stabs us in the back with a sharp dagger ....

Friend is just a convenient word. Have you ever thought about the fact that friends make the most best traitors? A friend knows you thoroughly, and therefore hits you in the most vulnerable place.

A best friend is always a very good friend, but a good friend is not always the best.

Best friends… not those who, at the moment of great loss and despair, utter duty phrases and hastily end the conversation… cowardly avoiding meetings with you… but those who find the strength to cross your threshold… look directly into your eyes and quietly take your hand…

What is more important to you: boyfriend or best friend? - If a friend is the best, then she will understand that he is loved.

The best friend is the kind of person you can talk to all day about how your classmates piss you off and be sure that no one else will know about it.

Sometimes it hurts so much to hear from your best friend: "I don't care."

If your best friend has betrayed - hold on, And do not rush to take revenge on him. You can heal the wounds, he will have to live with it ...

Only she will share the joy with you, she will be sincerely happy for you! Only she will console you, understand how bad you feel, give advice ... best friend! It's the most important thing in our life to have friends...

Best friends feel each other's soul. Statuses about best friend, best friend, best friends

A true friend is a person who, to the question: "Can you?" replies: "I can!". And only then asks: "What?"

The best friend should be in our soul, and the soul is always with them: it can at least every day see whoever it wants.

Friendship is like a diamond. It is rare, expensive, and there are a lot of fakes!

Friendship is sacred and therefore so rare.

“Friendship is so holy, sweet, enduring and constant feeling that it can be kept for life, unless you try to ask for a loan.”

Appreciate those who gave up their pride for you, who always forgave and always waited ... Fate provides you with such people only once.

Are you proud that you have three hundred friends on VKontakte?... And I'm proud of two... but real ones.

Only real friends can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.

Cherish only those who value you.

A friend will pick you up when you're down. A good friend will lend a hand when you start to fall. Your best friend won't let you fall.

Some friends make you feel like family.

It's just great: to have in your life a person whom you call in a deep depression ... And you hang up with a crazy desire to live.

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug and say - everything will be fine.

A true friend is someone who will sacrifice everything for you!

A friend is not the one who jumps out of the window after you, but the one who catches you from below.

It's hard without a friend if a friend is lost, but it's hard with a friend if he is not faithful!

A friend is one who never makes friends for himself. He will be friends with you even when it is unprofitable for him.

Friends are when they listen, understand, do not condemn, but in difficult moments help.

It is a great success in life to find a person who is pleasant to look at, interesting to listen to, sincerely laugh and look forward to meeting ...

You need to have a person with whom you can talk heart to heart. Who will not run to tell your problems, but will listen calmly and, if necessary, give advice.

A friend is when she tells the same thing for the 3rd time in a day, and you don’t interrupt, because you understand that this is important for her ..

A friend is not the one who helped you get up, but the one who didn't let you fall...

If friends don't need me when I feel bad, then I won't need them when I feel good.

Friendship is loyalty to the end.

If each of my a true friend gave me five roubles, I would have had ten roubles.

We choose friends ourselves, and time leaves the best.

We don't just meet people, we only meet people we need to meet...

Only those who are truly devoted to us never betray.

The best friend is a person who can forget about his good mood when you're bad.

When we ask for forgiveness, we confess to another person his significance for us ...

All who betrayed - I forgive! To everyone who left - I wish Bon Voyage! And those who stayed by my side - I appreciate, love and respect.

Friends should be such that later your children will be friends.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.

Never leave old friends, you will never find someone to replace them. Friendship is like wine, the older it is the better...

People who say that they have many friends probably do not distinguish between "friends" and "acquaintances", if they did, they would know that there are few true friends.

For me, it is a value to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather or distance.

A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future, and accepts you for who you are in the present.

real friends, unlike from fortune, never turn away.

When I die, bury me with my friend... - Why? - There has never been such a hole from which we would not have climbed out.

Appreciate the people who come at those moments when it’s bad not for them, but for you.

True friends will never poke you that they are your friends, they are just there, without further ado.

You should not be angry with a friend who, wishing you well, will make you wake up from sweet dreams, even if he did it somewhat harshly and rudely.

Appreciate friends no matter what. Despite the character, the attitude towards you, appreciate them simply because you have them!

Friends are a gift. After all, true friends are rare, but forever. Always remember them, even if you are far away and there is not enough time for anything.


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Best friends are a real find for any person, this is the most intimate and valuable thing that we can have. You are a very happy person if you come in this section, because we can say with confidence that you have a best friend whom you trust and in whom you believe. The best friend is a person with whom you can chat for hours on different topics, and these topics do not end even after decades!!! You can trust him, because he never betrayed you, and did not give reason to doubt your friendly relations. This is what connects us to people who are like us. Common interests, general plans, goals, a lot of friends who go toe-to-toe from the very early childhood, as a result, remain friends until the end of their days. They have their own families, children, children among other things, they are also often friends with each other ... Nowadays, people call “friends” almost every one of their acquaintances, but this word is not as easy to understand as it might seem to us. It is enough to be alone once, or to become seriously ill, when it will be clear who your friend is, whether he came to your aid or disappeared into silence until your recovery!? “A friend in need is known” is a wonderful expression, because only a true comrade is able to lend a helping hand to you in a difficult moment, and not just be there when everything is fine with you and you are successful! Statuses about best friends are especially for those who value their friendship. Life means nothing without them, without the faithful and devoted, and this must be remembered.