Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Buildings repeating the shape of natural objects. Natural forms in architecture

Putin commuted the sentence. But not everyone. According to the verdict of the court of first instance, more precisely, the first reading, the women were given eight years, the peasants - five. But considering that these are still women, Putin entered into a position, took into account extenuating circumstances and took pity on the aunt. In his proposals there is even something like parole. If you give birth to three, they will throw off another three rubles for you, four - four. Given the fact that women began to actively give birth after forty, there is an incentive to produce offspring right up to retirement. And along with a birth certificate and a certificate for maternal capital, you will be issued a pension certificate. And you will be a pensioner with many children. At the same time, your children will work for future pensioners. We have a demographic failure after the dashing 90s.

But since the president decided to carry out pension reform in the genre of prison lyrics, I consider his words almost as a frank confession. Here he is - the genius of our time, and for twenty years of his reign he could not do anything with the 90s. He ruled the country magnificently for twenty years, and we solemnly came to the conclusion that there is nothing to pay pensions with. They drank oil in tanks, sold it at the price of heroin, but there was nothing to pay with. The economy is growing, stability is getting stronger, the reserves are deep, the power is great, the prestige is gigantic - everything is fine, only there is no money. And the consequences are not overcome.

The better we live, the tighter the belts. The stronger the state, the poorer its treasury. And it would be nice if the pensions were hoo! But in Russia, a beggar on the porch gets more than a labor veteran. Putin was frank and conveyed to us the course of his thoughts. He wondered where to get the money from. Introduce new taxes, sell property, waste reserves. That is, he saw only two ways - either rob us again or drink the loot before. Have you thought about making money? If the economy really grew, there would be no problems with money. If real incomes grew, then there would be no problems with filling the treasury. Then you wouldn't have to think about extortion and sale of stocks.

The problem is not in the 90s, but in the fact that it was after 2000, having fantastic conditions for a breakthrough, that Russia under the leadership of Putin, in fact, stood still for these 20 years. And in these 20 years people full of energy and strength, grew old and approached retirement. And there is nothing to pay a pension. And now we are asked to treat with understanding. And now we really understand. It is very good that Putin is no longer hiding behind four hundred clowns from the Duma, who first voted one thing, and tomorrow they will vote another on the whistle. It's good that Putin does not push himself forward under the spitting and ridicule of Medvedev, who received a sports injury. We have someone to ask for our happy old age. With full understanding.

280 empty KAMAZ trucks
Sending 280 KAMAZ trucks with humanitarian aid to the South-East is about the same as first robbing, then stabbing, and then sitting by a hospital bed and carefully giving them some water to drink. It's like hitting the head on the head with a club in the street, and then sympathetically putting a jacket under your head and asking if your head is spinning. It is difficult to assess the scale of the disaster in the Donbass, but it is clear that there there is a war. And in war, people have a hard time. They really need help, because in the war they find themselves without the most necessary things. But the best humanitarian aid that my country can provide to neighboring Ukraine is not 280 KAMAZ trucks with food, clothing and medicine. It would be much more useful to send 280 empty KAMAZ trucks there. And then load into them all the weapons that we sent there and all our people that we sent there either openly or covertly. And solemnly return it all to their homeland. And thus save them own lives and the lives of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers - and most importantly, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Every day, on all existing channels, we are shown footage of the bombing and shelling, the wounded and the dead. And indeed it is. At least this is true often enough. And military operation Ukrainian army in this sense, as merciless as the military operation Russian army in Chechnya. Because separatism cannot be defeated by firing tanks in the city and bombing settlements. But it is possible to eliminate the reason why the conflict not only does not fade, but constantly flares up with new force. And this reason is not in Kyiv and not in Donetsk. This reason is located exactly where 280 humanitarian KAMAZ trucks left. This war began with invented fascists and Judeo-Banderites, with a fictitious threat to the Russians in the Crimea, with a referendum held in a week and the annexation of foreign territory under the guise of fantastic lies. Having got the taste, we decided to chop off the Donbass for ourselves.

They came up with puppet republics, prepared and armed separatist armies from head to toe under the command of our citizens, and began to wildly resent why Ukraine, instead of welcoming the rebellion with enthusiasm, decided to suppress it! And after that, a real war began, in which we no longer have a chance to become winners without a direct military invasion. And without the support of Russia, these militias have no chance of any long-term and successful resistance. By supporting them, we support and prolong the war. And by supporting the war, we increase real, real suffering. ordinary people who were her hostages. Therefore, the only way we can help is empty KAMAZ trucks that will come to Ukraine and take the war away from there.

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( We understand who and for what killed Dzhemal, Rastorguev and Radchenko. And we understand that in the near future neither the killers nor the customers will be punished. There are things that modern Russia simply impossible under the current authorities ...

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( work, implement and benefit abroad, and publish abroad based on the results of their work. Because there is something to publish. And at home - instead of work, you are more likely to get a prison term for "infantile openness" ...

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( Now to the attention of the whole country is riveted to them, and in a couple of months everyone will forget about them, and then there will be no talk of any resettlement ...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Three terrorist attacks , military conflict and scientific award. It is not joyful for a dozen years, about which it is customary to talk, that Russia then paid off its debts, strengthened international prestige, stopped dancing to the tune of Washington, revived the army and navy, improved demographics - and generally lived well ...

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( what is this power if we just give our land to the Japanese? And can Putin guarantee that, following the Kuriles, Russia will one day not return Crimea back?...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Of course, we can say that it is a gas explosion. But gas doesn't explode like that for sure.

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( If humanity invents new weapons of murder - it means that it is ready to die at any moment and is preparing for war. Therefore, pictures of an asteroid that looks like a snowman please me much more than pictures of a hypersonic rocket ...

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( The house exploded due to a malfunction of the gas equipment, the minibus too. What's going on in Magnitogorsk with gas? And if gas cylinders were blown up, then why do we hear shots? If questions arise, it is better to answer them, and not leave a limitless field for gossip ...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Russian sport drowned in dope feces with these countless fake samples of urine and blood. And who will support us now? In short, RUSADA and all our sports really need a gift from Santa Claus now…

!( Moderators: [Anton Orekh]( Ponomarev's case was such a trolling concierge. There was nothing to plant him, but it was necessary to plant famous person in a fancy way. They chose a man of 77 years old, whose reputation is absolutely impeccable in terms of hooliganism, rowdiness, shocking ...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( into the infusoria. And this is a direct consequence of the endless reign of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Just as boring as all those conferences of his...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Okay, that there will be fewer criminal landings - and thanks for that. But how many administrative cases will appear!..

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( Putin is used as a club. Putin, who understands art no better than any average citizen, for some reason must decide which circus we need and which du Soleil is alien to us ...

!( Presenters: [Anton Orekh]( The reason is simple : we need to explain why Ukraine suddenly turned into an enemy. Explain in such a way that everyone, even the most obtuse, understands. And for our people now the most understandable is the Great Patriotic War

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Patriarch uncovered . Already reached the Pope, to the Roman. Until, one might say, the supreme heretic. He complained to the UN, to the OSCE, to all world religions, he repulsed telegrams ...

!( Hosts: [Anton Orekh]( Wild, dense, stupid - our compatriots. Oncology is not a virus, cancer is not transmitted by air or droplets. But idiocy is really a virus. And there are many more types of contagious idiocy than 157 ...

From time immemorial, architects have turned to nature for inspiration and introduced its image into individual elements, such as acanthus leaves in a Corinthian capital, a rose window in a Gothic temple, and in any other style there was almost always a floral ornament.

From the second half of the 20th century, new trends and directions began to emerge, where natural forms dominated the overall design of the building. Metabolism, as a concept that came from biology, has become a new word in architecture. Externally, the building could not be compared with any object of wildlife, but its internal structure the architects created it according to the type of a living organism, consisting of cells, that is, from separate blocks in which a person can live. In the process of life, cells die and are born, and in the case of architecture, the easy replacement of old parts with new ones was implied. Appearing in Japan in the 1950s, metabolism left the main monument of architecture - the Nakagin Tower in Tokyo. In the future, many architects took the cellular structure as a basis, but not all ideas were implemented. Now this style has faded into the background, but such properties as the replacement of parts, complexity in the repetition of residential blocks are still found in modern projects.

Nakagin Tower in Tokyo, Japan

A. Isozaki. Cityinair, 1961

HouseinBobruisk, Belarus

ProjectFilene's Eco Pods, Höweller + Yoon,Boston, USA

The next style - organic - like metabolism, was developed in opposition to functionalism. In addition to the use of natural materials and the desire to fit the building into the environment natural environment, a distinctive feature of organic architecture is also the imitation of natural forms, but not at the “cellular” level, but in a more broad concept. Asymmetry, curvilinearity, bends bring the building structure closer to biomorphic objects. Buildings resemble elements such as tree leaves, sea ​​waves and etc.

In the 21st century, organics has grown into bionics, which is not just an imitation of individual elements, but precisely the borrowing of natural forms.

Like the previous styles mentioned, bionics is in opposition. Modern hi-tech with its direct unnatural urban structures is recognized as "inanimate" architecture. Many authors are beginning to move from the style in which they previously worked to the bionic one. They are increasingly collaborating with biologists and engineers to bring their project as close as possible to desired result. The most famous architects can be called Santiago Calatrava, Nicholas Grimshaw, Vincent Callebo.

ProjectThe Coral Reef,Vincent Callebo

City of Arts and Sciences, Santiago Calatrava

Projectthe eden,Nicholas Grimshaw

Appeal not only to biomorphic forms, but also to the way of life in nature is also becoming a popular topic in architecture. The Shimizu TRY 2004 Mega-City pyramid, designed for overcrowded Tokyo, is an analogue of an anthill. Such a building with a developed infrastructure makes it possible for residents not to leave the boundaries of the pyramid.

In 2006, according to a project developed by Mexican architect Javier Senosyan, a building was built that exactly repeats the shape of a nautilus clam shell. The uniqueness of this project was the spiral internal structure, corresponding to the natural.

The project of the Spanish architects Mozas Aguirre arquitectos in a sense returns to the theme of metabolism, as the plan of the building resembles the interweaving of chromosomes that divide the exterior of the building into cells, and refers to the theme of the cellular structure.

New projects are more and more surprising with their closeness to wildlife, not only due to the borrowing of forms, but also due to the development of concepts, in accordance with which this or that structure will exist as a separate organism.

Summing up, we can say that the main similarity in the development of architecture and biology is evolution - from metabolism to bionics through cellular structure to the forms of the whole single organism. All three styles resisted the unnatural rigid geometry of functionalism, and later - hi-tech. Distinctive features metabolism, organics and bionics today are often brought together. Modern architects do not stop there, improving their ideas both in terms of visual similarity and in terms of construction.

AT late XIX century, pioneering architect Antoni Gaudí found inspiration for Barcelona's grandiose Sagrada Familia while walking through the woods. A hundred years after the amazing projects of Gaudí, a new trend appeared in architecture, called biometrics - the imitation of nature in man-made structures.

Nature is the best source of inspiration for architects

For several decades of its existence in architecture, biometrics has changed its content and general direction. At the very beginning, architects were guided by natural forms in the drawings of their projects, today they are interested not only outer beauty; direction seeks to "understand" nature, its possibilities and the many ways in which nature makes the most of minimal amount resources.

Today, humanity is increasingly faced with the need to save resources, from electricity to territory, and biometrics offers to imitate not only natural forms, but also the processes and structures by which the building becomes an active part natural world, without taking away resources, but on the contrary, adding them. Realizing the need to be close to nature, architects study termite mounds and anthills to understand the natural ventilation pattern. Roofs, facades and even walls of houses are used to grow plants and sometimes living organisms. We invite you to get acquainted with the most striking projects of biometric architecture.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

Gaudí always considered nature best architect, and each of his projects became a kind of ode to natural forces. The most majestic work of Antoni Gaudí is the Sagrada Familia, which is scheduled to be completed in 2026, exactly one hundred years after the death of the architect.

The interior of the cathedral, and especially the colonnade, is inspired by the image of a quiet forest. The columns, like the trunks of giant trees, tend upward, where they are illuminated by sunlight entering the cathedral through green and gold stained glass windows.

Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

The most remarkable feature of the elegant Milwaukee Museum of Art building is the sun roof, which resembles the wings of a bird and is controlled by a lifting mechanism capable of lowering and raising the 90-ton protective structure.

The architect, according to whose project the museum was built, Santiago Calatrava, drew inspiration from watching Lake Michigan, it is on its shore that the museum stands. The lake inspired the architect with the image of wings and sails, which was reflected in the design of the building.

Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria

The Kunsthaus has a biomorphic structure and is in great contrast to the historical part of the city in which it was built. The main architects looked for inspiration from nature, but did not try to imitate anything. The result of their labors was a building that locals and lovers modern architecture dubbed "friendly alien". The Kunsthaus is equipped with a media facade, which makes it look more like creature than on a reinforced concrete panel structure.

National Theatre, Taichung, Taiwan

Architect Toyo Ito was inspired by natural caves, stone mounds and water currents. He managed to combine all this into one design, which became like a natural island of smooth lines and rounded shapes in the noisy and "rectangular" city of Taichung.

Mary Ax, 30, or The Gherkin, London, UK

The tower, shaped like a cucumber and located in the center of London, is one of the first buildings to rethink the concept of imitation of nature in architecture. In this project, it is not only the form and consumption of daylight and planting areas that are sustainable. The gherkin is built using an "exoskeleton", a structure that carries ventilation through the entire building. The architects were inspired by the nutritional process of the sea sponge, which passes water through itself. The absolute absence of corners near the building does not allow air flows to go down, thereby providing natural ventilation.

Eden Project, Cornwall, UK

Huge Botanical Garden an area of ​​22 thousand square meters located on the territory of an abandoned and cultivated quarry. On the territory of Eden grow species of trees, grasses and shrubs of tropical latitudes and the Mediterranean climate, as well as jungle flora. The garden consists of several domes, in shape and appearance reminiscent of soap bubbles.

Inside the spheres are divided into biomes - territories united by common climatic conditions and vegetation. At the center of Eden is Education Centre, imitating the Fibonacci spiral - a shape that is repeated by pine cones, pineapples, sunflowers and snail shells.

Algae House, or Green House, Hamburg, Germany

The unique house in Hamburg includes in its design living organisms - microalgae that live in aquariums located within the walls of the building. These algae grow dozens of times faster than any other organisms on the Earth's surface and are regularly harvested and used as biomass for fuel production. Residents of such a house use 100% green energy. Except energy function algae regulate the lighting of the building. In sunny weather, they multiply rapidly and cover the walls of the aquarium with a green translucent veil, acting as a natural filter. In bad weather, the glass remains transparent and allows maximum daylight through.

Eastgate office building, Harare, Zimbabwe

The chief architect of this office and shopping center managed to design a house using the very natural ventilation of termite mounds. The idea came to him while watching documentary film about termites. The outer structure of the building, its facade are covered with holes, like skin with pores.

Architects call "Eastgate" the best example of biomimicry to date, and not only in construction and design. The result of Mick Pierce's idea was the concept of passive ventilation, a concept in which the building does not need a heating or air conditioning system, which saves on energy.

Downland Gridshell Building, Chichester, UK

This light and airy building is part of the open-air museum of the same name. Its construction was completed in 2002, the main material was thin oak planks, bent in such a way as to create a double curve, imitating the shape of a shell.

In addition to the natural form, the construction of the building resembles the process of building a nest, by interweaving thin twigs. Thus, a very light, but strong structure is created. Use of renewable natural resources and the location of the building in the heart of the forest make it even closer to nature.