Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Automation of the sound g in words and sentences. Words for different sounds (Automation)

You should not linger for a long time at the stage of automating sound in syllables, move on to automation in words as soon as possible. Firstly, in a word, sound is surrounded by other sounds that leave their articulatory and acoustic imprint. Secondly, the child perceives meaningful, meaningful things better. “Speech therapy work is carried out in unity with the development of language and thinking: the content of the assimilated speech material should be accessible and understandable to children, should awaken their thought. You can not train children on long repetitions of meaningless sound combinations. One must comprehend them one way or another, at least in the form of onomatopoeia by the beat of a drum - ta-ta-ta. In the same plan, guessing a riddle, memorizing a rhyme, like didactic material in order to assimilate a certain sound, one should, without deviating from the topic, raise questions that connect the given content of speech with the life surrounding the child ”(M.E. Khvattsev).

In addition to “meaningfulness” convenient for the child, words for practicing sounds perform very important function. They allow you to automate the sound in all possible positions, create, in fact, "articulation models" - the child does not have to learn everythingwords of the Russian language with this sound, he trains to pronounce new sound in various combinations, which he will then use in other words that he will meet in life.

Syllables in words in which practiced sounds occur can be stressed and unstressed, open, closed, and with a confluence of consonants.

open syllableends in a vowel: KA-SHA, MO-LO-KO.

Closed syllableends in a consonant sound: AR-BUZ, CAR-TON.

Syllable with a confluence of consonants - "cluster" of consonants standing in a row in one syllable: KRO-co-dil, close-CLOSE, PL-Tye.

Automation of sounds in words (and further - in phrases, texts ...) is carried out taking into account orthoepic norms Russian language. Orthoepy determines how sounds are pronounced, combinations of sounds, words and word forms in oral speech(as opposed to spelling, which determines the rules for writing words). For convenience, the basic orthoepic norms are divided into: the rules for pronouncing vowels (in different positions of the word, stress) and the rules for pronouncing consonants (depending on the place, from neighboring vowels and consonants).

Vowel sounds.

What you need to know about correct pronunciation vowel sounds? Under stress, the vowel is pronounced clearly, as it is written. In an unstressed position, the sound O sounds like A: we write “cow”, and we pronounce “karova”, because the first vowel is in an unstressed position, and the second is under stress. The sound E without stress turns into a cross between I and E: "river" sounds like "rika". The letter I without stress is read in the same way: as I with a hint of E (“ribina”, “ridovaya”). The vowels U, A, I, Y change least of all in an unstressed position. Please note: in the exercises, words with the sounds O or E may appear in different sections (" lapel, shack, trap, dodge, logical, speech therapist "- these words for practicing the sound L will be in one paragraph, on the syllable "LA").

In borrowed foreign words vowels are most often pronounced as they are written: rondo, boa ...

There are 6 vowels in Russian: A, O, U, I, E, Y. The letters E, E, Yu, I, as you know, denote two sounds (I \u003d Y + A) and serve to indicate the softness of the previous consonant.

Those. if you see the letter T in a word, keep in mind that it can be pronounced as a hard T and as a soft T, depending on the following vowel: Tapki - Tyapki. Hard and soft are different sounds, sometimes for their pronunciation it is required different position language

AT speech therapy work this means that if a child knows how to pronounce the sound T, but he has not yet corrected the soft T, then carefully follow the next vowel after the letter T: we give the child the word TAPKI, but we have no right to demand the correct pronunciation of the word TYAPKA.

consonant sounds.

In Russian, consonants can be hard or soft, voiced or deaf. When working with a child, you need to either know these characteristics or “feel the language” well - hear where the sound is normally pronounced.

Let's remember together:

· voiced consonants at the end of words are pronounced dull (for example, in the word “frost”, the sound C is pronounced at the end - “maroS”). Therefore, do not be surprised to find the words OAK, TOOTH, POST on a page with the sound P. Sounds B, C, G, D, F, Z are muffled.

· also, these sounds are deafened before deaf consonants: "zuPki", "corpse".

· Some deaf consonants, on the contrary, can be voiced before voiced consonants: do = “Done”, request = “proZBa”.

· Before a soft consonant, a hard consonant softens (this is an unstable norm - you can soften it, you can not soften it): “snow” can be pronounced both “Snow” and “Sneg”.

· In confluences of 3 or more consonants, one of the sounds is not pronounced: stairs - “forest”, feel - “feel”, holiday - “holiday”.

· AT reflexive verbs(ending with -tsya) at the end is pronounced "CA": "teacher", "hunter".

· The confluence of consonants-TSK-pronounced like TsK: children's - "deTsky", Soviet - "Soviet".

· Combinations TH, CHN are pronounced as SHT, SHN: because - “because WHAT”, of course - “of course”.

· The sound S, standing in front of Sh or Zh, itself turns into Sh and Zh: “sew” - pronounced with a long Sh = “ShSh”, “liquefied” = “Liquid”. The sound З is also modified: “unclench” = “razhzhzhat”.

· The sound Ts in Russian is solid, without a pair, so the spelling and pronunciation in the case of the sound Ts has certain features. For example, it is written QI, but pronounced firmly TSY, TSE is pronounced as TSE (circus \u003d “tsYrk”, at the end \u003d “at the end”) Since the sound Ts is affricative, i.e. consists of two sounds - T and C, the combinations of TCA and DCA are read as a long TCA (“spotnaTsTsat”).

The order of using vocabulary material.

Some authors recommend starting automation of all sounds with reverse syllables. Others advise open syllables. I agree with both those and others. The affricates (snap-slit sounds) C and C are indeed better automated, starting with the reverse syllables: FIGHTER, RIDER, SINGER, DOCTOR, BALL, ROOKER. When automating P, it is very rarely possible to start with reverse syllables (the language does not have time to switch to vibration in the upper position, it needs to be supported by the sound D, the word sounds very peculiar, the child does not perceive it as a full-fledged word: aDRbuz). In other cases, everything depends on personality traits child. Therefore, having put the sound, check in which syllables the new sound is easier - these are the words that the child should offer in the first place. Correctional work goes more successfully and faster if we move from simple (for a particular child) to more complex.

On the early stages automation words are pronounced syllable by syllable. But don't get too carried away with it - there is a danger of making a habit out of it. Literally in a day or two, switch to a continuous and smooth pronunciation of the words being practiced. To do this, you can help the child with a movement of the hand - say the word and make a smooth movement of the hand from left to right, teach the child this.

It is more convenient to pronounce the sound in stressed syllables, because on stressed syllable more expiratory energy is released. It is worth remembering this, since initially a new sound in words is pronounced for a long time, a little exaggerated - so that the language has time to take on a new one for itself correct position, and the ear got used to hearing this new sound, recognized it as corresponding to the model (the formation of an articulatory-acoustic stereotype). Later, the sound will be pronounced easier and faster, until it is "erased" to the size of ordinary sounds.

Be especially careful that the child does not come across words with oppositional sounds (S-Sh, S-Z, Ch-Ts, Ch-T, etc.). Similar words are worked out later, at the stage of differentiation.

If you correct the sound pronunciation for yourself, at the automation stage you will need a “listener” - a person who can tell you whether the new sound sounds right. To himself, the new sound seems so unusual that doubts arise: “Am I doing it right?”, “Am I right?”, There is a desire to quit halfway through. Of course, the listener must clearly hear the difference between the correct and abnormal sound, then one of his phases “Yes! Sounds good” is enough to get your confidence back.

The syllables are repeatedly repeated: KA-KA-KA-…, KO-KO-KO-…, KU-KU-KU-…, KE-KE-KE-…, KY-KY-KY-….
KA: porridge, kalach, treasury, Cossack, pencil, Katya, galoshes, zucchini, croaks, etc.
KO: cat, cat, Kolya, measles, kite, spears, colt, bone, Kostya, whooping cough, etc.
KU: chicken, bag, doll, cuckoo, sash, piece, Easter cake, cube, jacket, etc.
More complicated - in the middle: shark, falcon, vocals, station, Maxim, starling, etc.
"Sweet words - inexhaustible source sound [TO] at the end of the word: table - table, finger - finger, nose - nose, house - house, etc. Of course, the child should remember the “affectionate” version of the word. Game " Sweet words» good to hold with the ball.
Word formation will give a huge material for fixing the sound K:
"Animals and their babies" : cat-kitten, fox - fox, wolf - wolf cub, bear - bear cub, starling - starling, rook - rook, beaver - beaver, etc.
"Professions and occupations of people": student - student, smart girl - smart guy, fashionista - fashionista, sea - seafarer, fish - fisherman, fire - fireman, yard - janitor, etc.
Having worked out the sound [K] on the material of words, proceed to tongue twisters :
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: this wall is high.
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: who came from afar?
Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko: let's throw the ball high.
Co-co-co, co-co-co: we will hear the sound easily.
Coo-coo-coo, coo-coo-coo: here is a cuckoo on a bitch.
Ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku: I bake pies for everyone.
Ak-ak-ak, ak-ak-ak: a Cossack rides a horse.
Ok-ok-ok, ok-ok-ok: we jump over bumps and jump!
Ook-uk-uk, uk-uk-uk: what kind of knock is that?
Yk-yk-yk, yk-yk-yk: our cat jumps on the carpet!
Tongue Twisters , - This aerobatics in the pronunciation of any sounds:
A blacksmith forged a horseshoe on an anvil.
Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood: how funny he is in a hood!
Karl the dwarf was tumbling on the carpet.

There is a kvochka walking around the yard,
Leads children around cages.

Buy a pile of spades.
The Turk smokes a pipe, the Turk pecks at the grits.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Like the Oka, our river is wide.
So, like the Oka, our river is wide.

Near the bell.
I was sitting at the Oka, eating apples.
Mow, spit, while dew.
Dew down - and we go home.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,
She called to herself Nikolka.

Konstantin stated.
If Kolya is around a collie,
That and the collie near Kolya.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat,
There is a goat with a slanting goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat.

BUT poetic texts can be found in any children's books:
We bought a cat
For the holiday boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new shorts.
But how do you put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go.
P. Voronko.
The cat caught mice and rats
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.
S. Marshak.
- Cat-cat, go to the dock,
Tell me about the spikelet!
- Spikelet, my friends,
He's skinny like me!
G. Vieru.
The porridge ripened in the meadow.
Cow Masha eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier.
A. Shibaev.

Fixing the sound [G] in the child's speech

Fixing the sound [G] goes in the same sequence as [K]: syllables, words, tongue twisters, texts, tongue twisters.
GA: gas, newspaper, lawn, jackdaw, clamor, loon, walkway, hammock, harbor, accordion, etc.
GO: hunger, city, guest, proud, throat, turtledove, mountains, highlander, hound, gong, etc.
GU: goose, goose, lips, walk, ghouls, gusli, crowd, thick, etc.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: Whose leg hurts?
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: the leg no longer hurts.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: the leg gets stuck in the hay.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: I can help you.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: a titmouse sits in the snow.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: the goose will be sown in the meadow.
Go-go-go, go-go-go: the horse laughs: “Go-ho-go!”
Poetic texts with sound [G]:
The goose bought himself an accordion,
But I'm a little sloppy.
The harmonica sang well
Hissed like a goose.
(G. Vieru)
— Ha-ha-ha! - the goose cackles.
- I'm proud of my family!
For goslings and goose
I look, I don't look!
(N. Koyotarev)
Bullfinches sit in the snow:
They sit in the snow - and no gu-gu.
In vain the owls guard them
On a snowy meadow.
(A. Pudval)
The rook was swinging in a hammock,
Geese are in the waves on the river.
Pigeons flew by
And perched on a branch.
The branch is swinging
It works out well.
(A. Pudval)
Tongue Twisters with the sound [G] are quite complex:
There is a loon in the nest, a loon has a pair of chicks.
Ganna ate a dumpling, Herman a pink salmon.
Gander after gander slaps in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.
Oh, the gander will pluck the sides of the gander.
The gorilla told them, she said,
She spoke, she spoke, she spoke.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

The galley messenger was burned.
Like on a hill, on a hill
There are thirty-three Yegorkas:

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas...

The loon flew over the barn,
And in the barn sat another loon

Total loons - a pair ..

Great workout for consolidation soft sounds- tongue twisters and tongue twisters:
Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki: the trees are very high.
Ke-ke-ke-, ke-ke-ke: the kitten is sleeping in the corner.
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: you caught the ball, now run!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: Gena, help mom!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: don't forget the boots.
To the sound of K
At the mouse in a mink
Crumbs and crusts.
In the pantry at the mouse
Pieces of carpet.
At the mouse
Cracklings in a mug.
The mouse in the tub
Wave mushrooms.
In a mouse bowl
leaven leftovers,
And in the cellar
Cheese and sausages.
Hooks on the door
Chains, locks...
(I. Lopukhina)

Fixing the sound [X, Xb] in the child's speech

Clean tongues with [X], [X"]:
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: a flea jumps on the floor.
Hu-hu-hu, hu-hu-hu: we didn't catch a flea.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee: the paws of a flea are fast.
He-he-he, he-he-he: we know the tale of the flea.
Phrases with sounds [X], [X"]:
Collect dry brushwood.
A cunning ferret caught a hamster.
The chameleon has a long tail.
Khariton collected brushwood.
Poetic texts with sounds [X], [X"]:
The hamster is hoarse from crying:
- Does the ferret get the flu?
Oh, ferret, what a liar you are,
I will die of laughter!
(A. Pudval)

Mila laughed loudly
A chuckle landed in my mouth.
Ha ha ha! Suddenly - boom! - fell
And she lost her mix.
(F. Bobylev)
Boastful chameleon.
The chameleon boasted of its tail
Tailed predators. Then…
What happened to him, to his tail?
“No chameleon, no tail.
After all, predators have no post.
The story, alas, is simple.

(E. Karelskaya)

Hamster, hamster, hamster -
Striped barrel.
Hamster gets up early
Cleans paws, drinks water.
Homka cleans up the hut
And goes to charge:
One, two, three, four, five,
Homka wants to become strong!
(A. Kamenchuk)
Ferret hunter
The ferret went to the chicken coop to hunt,
Yes, the Corydalis in a hurry woke up.
Wake up the Rooster
On Khorya from above boo!
The polecat with fear barely took its legs.
Oh, and it hurts, and it's insulting to tears!
And he sits and grumbles under the alder:
- That chicken coop is bad, bad! ..
(V. Suslov)
The ferret went to the tree to the wolf,
He took the cracker quietly.
Now the ferret is his flapper
It frightens the animals like a cannon.
(G. Sapgir)
Do you want to become a giant?
Get on stilts!
Ahh, ohh, laughter, laughter.
Buffoons above all!
(V. Berestov)
Tongue Twisters with sounds [X], [X"]:
Delicious halva - praise the master.
Laughing letter X
Laughed: "ha-ha-ha!"
Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

The fly-pity sat on the ear.

Sound automation K.

The position of the lips depends on the subsequent vowel. The tip of the tongue is lowered, moved away from the lower incisors deep into the oral cavity; The soft palate is raised. vocal folds open (K - dull sound).

The sound K is consonant, deaf, hard.

Lesson 1

1. Articulation gymnastics.

2. Automation of sound [k] in syllables.

ka-ko-ku-ky ko-ku-ki-ka ku-ky-ka-ko ky-ka-ko-ku
ak-ok-uk-yk ok-uk-yk-ak uk-yk-ak-ok yk-ak-ok-ku
ak-ak-ak-bak, poppy, so; ok-ok-ok-tok, side, juice, dock;
uk-uk-uk-tuk, beech, grandson, spider; yk-yk-yk-bull;
ik-ik-ik-peak, broom, date; ek-ek-ek- century, running, snow;
yak-yak-yak-lighthouse, yak.

3. Listen and repeat (3-5 times). Draw droplets with both hands at the same time.

Rain, rain, more fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Cap! Cap! Cap!...

4. Guess the word that -

ends with the sound [k]:
uro..., dru..., stu..., sapo..., then..., kri..., suro...,
veni..., shroud..., poro..., kato..., zamo...,
delusional..., knowing..., clo..., tres... .

5. Remember, repeat.

Buck-mac, so-here , flywheel-spider, beech-grandson,

bull-side, dock-stream, honey agaric-ration, broom-boot,

oak-hank, hunter-hammer, tube-date, turkey traveler,

peak tobacco, yak-beacon, kayuk-dead end.

Lesson 2

We are green like grass
Our song: Kva-kva.

2. Guess the word by starting it with the sound [k]:

Okos, ... niga, ... oshka, ... mouth, ... ring, ... oldun, ... ofe, ... awn, ... stone, ... goodness, ... orova.

3. Automation of sound [k] in syllables.

Kwa-kvo-kwu-kwa kna-kno-knu-kny
Kwo-kwu-kwy-kva kno-knu-kny-kna
Kwu-kwu-kva-kvo knu-kny-kna-kno
kwu-kwu-kwu kny-kna-kno-knu

4. The names of what pictures sound like?

5. The game "Cheerful account". Count ducks.

Lesson 3

1. Repeat tongue twisters.

2. The game "One-Many".

Wild boar - wild boars cabin - cabins, stone - stones,
ditch - ditches, trap - traps, horse - horses,
cat - cats, rope - ropes, comet - comets,
candy - candy, team - teams, room - rooms.

3. The game "Hide and Seek". Name the pictures.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Lesson 4

1. Guess the riddle. Circle the answer.

2. The game "One-Many".

One tank - many tanks one letter - many letters
One poppy - many poppies one pumpkin - many pumpkins
One beech - many beeches one window - many windows
One spider - many spiders one lighthouse - many lighthouses
One bull - many bulls one turkey - many turkeys
One oak - many oaks one broom - many brooms

3. Repeat the tongue twister.

Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl?
Eating pussy soup from a bowl:
Full pussy - empty bowl.
(Lay out from counting sticks)

4. Automation of sound [k] in word combinations.

meow under the window; bathe horses in the Oka; dig a ditch; buy a lump; smoke perch.

5. The game "Hide and Seek". Name the pictures.

Lesson 5

1. The game "Fix the mistake."

2. The game "Cheerful account".

3. Automation of sound [k] in words.

Like, cockatoo, cocoa, what, rim, trap, kwak, bunk, cook, cocoon, lump, penny, button, cube, cup, purchase, picnic, horse, duck.

Lesson 6

1. Automation of sound [k "] in syllables.

kya-kya - kya-kya-kya kya-ke-kyu-ki
ke-ke-ke-ke-ke ke-kyu-ki-kya
kyu-kyu - kyu-kyu-kyu kyu-ki-kya-ke
ki-ki - ki-ki-ki ki-ka-ke-kyu

2. Automation of sound [k "] in words.

Kiwi, nod, cinema, Kim, bale, skates, cubes, poppies, caps, cap, buoy, whale, boiling water, boots, Nikita, bouquet, package, ocean, hemp, sneakers, descendants.

3. Automation of sound [k "] in word combinations.

buy poppies; wear a cap and sneakers; nod to Nikita; put on a cape; drink boiling water; cubes in a bag; Nikitin's boots; to go to the cinema.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

5. The game "What is missing?" (handles, paws, legs).

Lesson 7

Consider the picture. name words with k sound.

Sound K

At the beginning of a word : Wild boar, cabin, cabinet, fireplace, ditch, rope, stone, cough, cash desk, muffler, kalach, pocket, cabbage, scythe, cowboy, end, cat, con, horse, code, lump, stake, coffee, room, cube , bathe, chickens, Easter cake, kitchen, whip, kvass, class, treasure, clown, nettle, groats, lace.

In the middle of a word : Flour, river, mouse, bangs, squirrel, fir tree, haze, skirt, branch, stick, girl, milk, balcony, chocolate, window, perch, fabric, closet, acrobat, curdled milk.

At the end of a word: Poppy, tank, varnish, side, pie, boot, bough, knock, spider, bow, hamster, lighthouse, sailor, wax, wolf, regiment, obelisk.

With two sounds: Border, tub, cocoa, trap, coil, shell, what, mason, porridge, penny, cocoon, colo-col, doll, rubber, cap, cube, fist, goblet, bag, tip, ball, fang, button, fairy tale.

Sound K"

At the beginning of a word : Whale, throw, cinema, nod, dagger, kissel, brush, chum salmon, sneakers, cedar

In the middle of a word: Throw, throw, crew, forever, contrary, poppies, tanks, Christmas trees, crayons, sticks, package, layout, rocket, briquette

With two sounds : Caps, coquettes, pussies, picks, stalls.


Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki-trees are very high.

Ke - ke - ke, ke - ke - ke - a kitten is sleeping in a corner.

Sentences with the sounds K and K.

Katya drinks coffee. Kolya is on vacation. Cat - cat, come to me! The cuckoo calls: "Ku-ku-ku." Katya has a cap. A poppy grew in the flower bed. Kolya bought an aquarium. Katya buys a ball of thread. Kostya bought cocoa. Kira goes to the cinema. Kima has sneakers. Clave bought skates. In the flowerbed of poppies, Kim buys cubes. On the window - a cat, under the window - a flower bed. The old man threw the line into the river. Kostya and Katya go to the film club.

Complete the sentences by adding words with the sounds K and K":

The ship is steered (captain)

Katya fell into (ditch)

Red (poppies) bloom in the flower bed

In the stable are (horses)

Katya hurts (side)

Katya and Kolya blinded (com)

Kira drinks (coffee, cocoa)

Children have summer (holidays)

Kostya puts his pants in (side)

Katya has cranberry (jelly)

Katya bought (skates)

Kolya bought (a cap)

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, games.

Mow the scythe until the dew.

To whom pies and donuts, and to whom bruises and bumps.

Working hands do not know boredom.

No matter how you throw it - everything is a wedge.

What is the age, such is the man.

What is the food, such is the horse.

Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

A boy with a finger, a red hat. (boletus)

On the trees, hop, hop, and nuts click, click. (squirrel)

The house is small, but there are many tenants (boxes of matches)

Buy a pile of spades!

Our river is as wide as the Oka.

Near the bell.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

Kostya drove to Kostroma to visit.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

A rainbow-rocker hung in a semicircle over the river.

old pigs; volnushki - chiggers; Russula - sweet tooth.

Clara put the bow on the shelf,

She called out to Nicole.

The crane does without hands,

Instead of hands at the crane, a hook.

On the window a crumb - midge

A cat catches with its paw.

Where - where? Where - where?

Well - kA, well - kA, everyone here!

Well - kA, to my mother under the wing,

Where - where did everyone go?

Kitten thread ball

Rolled into a corner.

Rolled into a corner

Kitten of threads ball.

The cat saved up a penny

Bought a goat for a cat

And the goat - cabbage

The head is crispy.

The farrier forged the horse,

Horse - Koval's hoof,

Koval - with a horse whip.

By the forest on the edge, high on a bough

In the morning the cuckoo sings: "Ku-ku-ku!"

Below, a river runs along the yellow sand,

The cuckoo sings loudly: "Ku-ku-ku!"

Cuckoo for the first time

enrolled in first grade.

"Ku-ku, ku ... two, three, four" -

they taught counting.

Very hard science

count - ka: "Ku-ku, ku-ku"!

But now it's easy

Dokukuyut at least up to a hundred.

At the mouse in a mink

Crumbs and crusts.

In the pantry at the mouse

Pieces of carpet.

The mouse has holes

Cracklings in a mug.

The mouse in the tub

Mushrooms - waves.

In a mouse bowl

leaven leftovers,

And in the cellar

Cheese and sausages.

Hooks on the door

Chains, locks... (I. Lopukhina)

The story "How to cook compote"

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came out into the yard and shouted:

Listen everyone! I read in an old book how to cook compote!

Well, how to cook it?

Bring everyone all the most delicious, the rest for me!

The whole company went to look for all the most delicious, and the cat lit a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it.

The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk.

Then a hen came and brought corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw in the stalk, peels, corn, clover, sausage and closed the lid.

After a while he rang the bell:

Ready! Eat for health!

Everyone tried, but how they coughed, they refuse:

Compote is called! Eat yourself!

Why did it taste so bad? the cat thought darkly.


Sound Automation K/Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

Sound Automation Kb/Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

The syllables are repeatedly repeated: KA-KA-KA-…, KO-KO-KO-…, KU-KU-KU-…, KE-KE-KE-…, KY-KY-KY-….
KA: porridge, kalach, treasury, Cossack, pencil, Katya, galoshes, zucchini, croaks, etc.
KO: cat, cat, Kolya, measles, kite, spears, colt, bone, Kostya, whooping cough, etc.
KU: chicken, bag, doll, cuckoo, sash, piece, Easter cake, cube, jacket, etc.
More complicated - in the middle: shark, falcon, vocals, station, Maxim, starling, etc.
"Tender" words - an inexhaustible source of sound [TO] at the end of the word: table - table, finger - finger, nose - nose, house - house, etc. Of course, the child should remember the “affectionate” version of the word. Game "Tender words" good to hold with the ball.
Word formation will give a huge material for fixing the sound K:
"Animals and their babies" : cat-kitten, fox - fox, wolf - wolf cub, bear - bear cub, starling - starling, rook - rook, beaver - beaver, etc.
"Professions and occupations of people": student - student, smart girl - smart guy, fashionista - fashionista, sea - seafarer, fish - fisherman, fire - fireman, yard - janitor, etc.
Having worked out the sound [K] on the material of words, proceed to tongue twisters :
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: this wall is high.
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: who came from afar?
Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko: let's throw the ball high.
Co-co-co, co-co-co: we will hear the sound easily.
Coo-coo-coo, coo-coo-coo: here is a cuckoo on a bitch.
Ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku: I bake pies for everyone.
Ak-ak-ak, ak-ak-ak: a Cossack rides a horse.
Ok-ok-ok, ok-ok-ok: we jump over bumps and jump!
Ook-uk-uk, uk-uk-uk: what kind of knock is that?
Yk-yk-yk, yk-yk-yk: our cat jumps on the carpet!
Tongue Twisters , - this is aerobatics in the pronunciation of any sounds:
A blacksmith forged a horseshoe on an anvil.
Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood: how funny he is in a hood!
Karl the dwarf was tumbling on the carpet.

There is a kvochka walking around the yard,
Leads children around cages.

Buy a pile of spades.
The Turk smokes a pipe, the Turk pecks at the grits.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Like the Oka, our river is wide.
So, like the Oka, our river is wide.

Near the bell.
I was sitting at the Oka, eating apples.
Mow, spit, while dew.
Dew down - and we go home.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,
She called to herself Nikolka.

Konstantin stated.
If Kolya is around a collie,
That and the collie near Kolya.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat,
There is a goat with a slanting goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat.

BUT poetic texts can be found in any children's books:
We bought a cat
For the holiday boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new shorts.
But how do you put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go.
P. Voronko.
The cat caught mice and rats
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.
S. Marshak.
- Cat-cat, go to the dock,
Tell me about the spikelet!
- Spikelet, my friends,
He's skinny like me!
G. Vieru.
The porridge ripened in the meadow.
Cow Masha eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier.
A. Shibaev.

Fixing the sound [G] in the child's speech

Fixing the sound [G] goes in the same sequence as [K]: syllables, words, tongue twisters, texts, tongue twisters.
GA: gas, newspaper, lawn, jackdaw, clamor, loon, walkway, hammock, harbor, accordion, etc.
GO: hunger, city, guest, proud, throat, turtledove, mountains, highlander, hound, gong, etc.
GU: goose, goose, lips, walk, ghouls, gusli, crowd, thick, etc.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: Whose leg hurts?
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: the leg no longer hurts.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: the leg gets stuck in the hay.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: I can help you.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: a titmouse sits in the snow.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: the goose will be sown in the meadow.
Go-go-go, go-go-go: the horse laughs: “Go-ho-go!”
Poetic texts with sound [G]:
The goose bought himself an accordion,
But I'm a little sloppy.
The harmonica sang well
Hissed like a goose.
(G. Vieru)
— Ha-ha-ha! - the goose cackles.
- I'm proud of my family!
For goslings and goose
I look, I don't look!
(N. Koyotarev)
Bullfinches sit in the snow:
They sit in the snow - and no gu-gu.
In vain the owls guard them
On a snowy meadow.
(A. Pudval)
The rook was swinging in a hammock,
Geese are in the waves on the river.
Pigeons flew by
And perched on a branch.
The branch is swinging
It works out well.
(A. Pudval)
Tongue Twisters with the sound [G] are quite complex:
There is a loon in the nest, a loon has a pair of chicks.
Ganna ate a dumpling, Herman a pink salmon.
Gander after gander slaps in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.
Oh, the gander will pluck the sides of the gander.
The gorilla told them, she said,
She spoke, she spoke, she spoke.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

The galley messenger was burned.
Like on a hill, on a hill
There are thirty-three Yegorkas:

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas...

The loon flew over the barn,
And in the barn sat another loon

Total loons - a pair ..

An excellent training for fixing soft sounds - tongue twisters and tongue twisters:
Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki: the trees are very high.
Ke-ke-ke-, ke-ke-ke: the kitten is sleeping in the corner.
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: you caught the ball, now run!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: Gena, help mom!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: don't forget the boots.
To the sound of K
At the mouse in a mink
Crumbs and crusts.
In the pantry at the mouse
Pieces of carpet.
At the mouse
Cracklings in a mug.
The mouse in the tub
Wave mushrooms.
In a mouse bowl
leaven leftovers,
And in the cellar
Cheese and sausages.
Hooks on the door
Chains, locks...
(I. Lopukhina)

Fixing the sound [X, Xb] in the child's speech

Clean tongues with [X], [X"]:
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: a flea jumps on the floor.
Hu-hu-hu, hu-hu-hu: we didn't catch a flea.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee: the paws of a flea are fast.
He-he-he, he-he-he: we know the tale of the flea.
Phrases with sounds [X], [X"]:
Collect dry brushwood.
A cunning ferret caught a hamster.
The chameleon has a long tail.
Khariton collected brushwood.
Poetic texts with sounds [X], [X"]:
The hamster is hoarse from crying:
- Does the ferret get the flu?
Oh, ferret, what a liar you are,
I will die of laughter!
(A. Pudval)

Mila laughed loudly
A chuckle landed in my mouth.
Ha ha ha! Suddenly - boom! - fell
And she lost her mix.
(F. Bobylev)
Boastful chameleon.
The chameleon boasted of its tail
Tailed predators. Then…
What happened to him, to his tail?
“No chameleon, no tail.
After all, predators have no post.
The story, alas, is simple.

(E. Karelskaya)

Hamster, hamster, hamster -
Striped barrel.
Hamster gets up early
Cleans paws, drinks water.
Homka cleans up the hut
And goes to charge:
One, two, three, four, five,
Homka wants to become strong!
(A. Kamenchuk)
Ferret hunter
The ferret went to the chicken coop to hunt,
Yes, the Corydalis in a hurry woke up.
Wake up the Rooster
On Khorya from above boo!
The polecat with fear barely took its legs.
Oh, and it hurts, and it's insulting to tears!
And he sits and grumbles under the alder:
- That chicken coop is bad, bad! ..
(V. Suslov)
The ferret went to the tree to the wolf,
He took the cracker quietly.
Now the ferret is his flapper
It frightens the animals like a cannon.
(G. Sapgir)
Do you want to become a giant?
Get on stilts!
Ahh, ohh, laughter, laughter.
Buffoons above all!
(V. Berestov)
Tongue Twisters with sounds [X], [X"]:
Delicious halva - praise the master.
Laughing letter X
Laughed: "ha-ha-ha!"
Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

The fly-pity sat on the ear.