Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Wealth in the natal chart. The Magic of Numbers

What can you expect from a synastric connection of a planet in another person's chart with your Midheaven? How can such people affect your profession and life?

In short, any person - be it a boss, parent, teacher, lover, friend, relative or anyone else whose planets conjunct your 3-4° MC - will have a significant impact on your career in one of the following ways.

If the interaction is favorable (i.e. Venus and Jupiter aspect the MS), then such people tend to support and inspire you, acting as your asset. If the interaction is more problematic (from Mars or Neptune), then they can ruin your reputation and reduce your chances of success. But in any case, these persons will be significant in certain period your life and leave a lasting impression.

Your loved ones - relatives, lovers and friends - also influence your career. Including synastric connections with your MS. If they support your aspirations, then it is much easier for you to move towards your dream. If, on the contrary, they underestimate you and your abilities and claim that you will never be able to cope with this, most likely you will give up and will not achieve your goals.

You may even be influenced by famous people whom you have never met personally, but who may have inspired you through their work. If you look at their birth charts, you will most likely find their planets in conjunction with your MC.

Aspects of all planets - Allies or Enemies?

The following descriptions are brief - as this is just a blog post, not a book chapter. This is the starting information for your subsequent research and the formation of your interpretations for each planet and the sign in which it is located.

Pay special attention to the aspects from the synastric planets that are related to the career in your natal chart- i.e. planets, rulers of your MC or associated with your 10, 6 or 2 houses.

If your career is of a Venusian nature - ie. connected, for example, with the fashion and beauty industry or you work in a marriage agency - please contact Special attention aspects from Venus to your MC. If your career is Plutonian in nature, for example, you are a lawyer, healer, stock trader, insurance agent or undertaker - then the synastric aspects to your MC from Pluto are not so bad. If you are a teacher - look for aspects from Jupiter, if you are a writer or communicator in one form or another - aspects of Mercury are important.

(NB: the accuracy of these formulations depends on the signs and aspects of the planets involved. For example, the Moon most often has an educational and caring influence, but a woman with the Moon in Capricorn is too busy with her own career to take care of you and she will give you a magical kick without a shadow of a doubt in right moment.)

Another person's sun conjunct your MC.

Not the most favorable position for you - this owner of the Sun will shine with the support of your Midheaven, and will not illuminate you with his rays. It is most likely that such a position will be beneficial not for you, but for another.

The results of your work will help the owner of such a Sun look better, but public recognition of your efforts is possible only if you are very persistent.

Moon conjunct your MC.

For the most part, such interaction will be educational in nature, especially if the owner of the Moon is a woman - she will take care of your safety, support you in crises and bake cupcakes to comfort you.

Such a woman may worry about your career and dangers even more than you do. The disadvantage is that such concern can lull you too much, while for your progress on next level a hard kick is needed.

Mercury conjunct your MC.

Such a person can become a source of ideas or voice out loud what you think. It can create buzz around your work or promote your work through Facebook or other online tool. It can keep you informed about what's new in your field. But just do not tell him about what you do not want to spread to the whole world.

Venus conjunct MC.

As mentioned above, such a person is a valuable resource in any area, especially related to beauty or interaction with people. If you are going to go out in public, then take such a person with you: the charm and charm of his Venus

will be beneficial to you as well. Such a sincere and warm influence on the MC will help you make the right business contacts.

Mars conjunct MC.

Such a person is likely to draw you into a competitive struggle for a position, which will continue until you transform this situation into a mutually beneficial one for both. People with Mars on your MC have the same goal or mission in their head as you. Do not retreat: this category of people represents a growth zone for you, they are worthy opponents who can force you to demonstrate all the best that you are capable of.

Jupiter conjunct MC.

Even if this Jupiter is problematic in the chart, it will always act as a benefactor for you: generously support without demanding anything in return. Such people can act as your teacher, mentor, and role model, generously sharing their knowledge and leading you to success. They are often the authority in your field and can help you climb the corporate ladder.

Saturn conjunct MC.

It can also be mentors, but in more business-oriented, which will help you gain maturity and responsibility. As an employer or parent, these people can be very tough and won't let you relax. But if you work hard, then it is they who will respect you and reward you according to your deserts.

Uranus conjunct MC.

The motto of people with Uranus on your MC is "I'm here to turn your world around!" It is these rebels and rebels who can give you the impetus to get rid of everything obsolete and obsolete in your career path. Them revolutionary ideas may be completely new to you. Great Purpose. However, do not hire them as subordinates, leave them as independent freelancers and external consultants. They won't stick to your schedule and will constantly annoy you with their denial of everything.

Neptune conjunct MC.

If the owner of Neptune is your boss or parent, then perhaps you idealize him too much for his spiritual qualities, spirituality and imagination, losing sight of him. negative influences. If you cover them bad habits or other misdeeds, then it is you who will become the scapegoat if things go badly. Responsibility is a foreign concept for such people. "Run, Bambi!"...

Pluto conjunct the MC.

An extremely ambiguous position. These are the ones whose power - be it political or healing - can transform your career from mediocrity to great success. They can bring you into contact with the Strongest in your field, their political insight is something supernatural. As long as you stay under their wings and do what they recommend, this is a huge resource for you. But if you grow up and go your own way, start to outshine them, you'll be toasted like breakfast toast.

Lunar Nodes in conjunction with the MC.

Nodes are believed to show important relationships- even of a karmic nature - and this is undoubtedly true if they are located on the cusps of your 4/10 houses. This is most likely a complex relationship that requires the study of past lives in which you apparently were the same family or shared the same profession.

And what about other aspects to MS?

Although the conjunction of the planets with your MC is the most influential factor, other aspects to the Midheaven also have an effect, but not as bright and effective.

Oppositions divert energy from your career to other activities, signified by the participating houses.

Trines to the MC, especially from the 2nd and 6th houses, are a significant support, as bring to your career the ability to manage finances and do your job well.

Sextiles represent people who are ready to help you and areas of life where you can relax and unwind from the stress of work.

Translation: Yana Gamanina(exclusively for the School of Classical Astrology K.Daragan in St. Petersburg)

If the Moon is well aspected, then this often ensures popularity for people in the acting and bohemian professions. At the same time, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (for actors and artists). The art of these people affects the subconscious, the emotions of people.
With bad aspects - the blurring of the goal, the inability to concentrate, assemble, a somewhat blurry initiative. Disappointment in the purpose of life, in one's own existence. If at the same time a strong Saturn on ASC - the impossibility of achieving the goal. P.Globa

Moon conjunct MC - your feelings and emotions are in direct connection with the ego, and if you get authority, success and social status then you feel at ease. However, if there are obstacles in the way of realizing your ambitions, you feel misunderstood and depressed. You have an innate ability to see what the public likes, so you can become a successful salesperson or public relations success. Women will provide you with business support, and your mother, no doubt, provided strong influence of your choice life path. If the Moon is in the 10th house, your mother was your authority as a child. In a man's horoscope, a weak Sun, Mars or Saturn indicates that your opinion of yourself as a man may not be high, and you will need a lot of confirmation to feel more confident.

Trine (trine), Moon sextile - MC

Moon in trine sextile with MC - due to the innate ability to understand the desires and needs of other people, work related to the public will bring you the most success. Because you are full of attention and compassion, people trust your judgment, and sensitivity to the needs of others paves the way for you to succeed. You must rely on your intuition as you learn and know through the senses. You are attracted to traditions and the past, true values, but this does not prevent you from harmonizing them with new trends, and people perceive this positively. You could do well as a real estate broker, mining, agriculture or trade. If the Moon is in the 6th house, you may want to try out a few different careers before making the final choice and deciding on a permanent occupation in life.

Opposition, square Moon - MS

Strong position of the Moon, domestic inclinations, close family ties. Without a home and family, they feel miserable and abandoned. They pay tribute to gourmetism and cooking, love to be near the water, often wander from place to place in search of new emotions. Deep feelings, skilled gardeners, love the earth. After marriage - close connection with Mother. F. Sakoyan

Moon square-opposition-quincunx with MC - given that you always openly express your thoughts and feelings, you are best avoided or treated very carefully. You quarrel with people, and their desires and needs are not consistent with your feelings, and it is not easy for you to decide what is best to do - please yourself or listen to other people's advice and persuasion. It seems that you often give yourself up to the mercy of your feelings, and maybe at some point in your life you will have to resolve a contentious relationship with your business or life partner. Despite your strong attachment to home and family, you will turn away from them when we will talk about your own success and the security of your position, especially if the Moon is in the 5th house. If the Moon has many other heavy aspects, your popularity will not be given to you easily, you may become notorious for some negative events or incidents.

characteristics of the MC (i.e., the zodiacal sign in which the meridian is located) and the determination of planets near the MC is a task no less important than determining the core of the horoscope


Such a situation in the horoscope suggests that a person will fully strive to reveal the purpose of his life. His life will be an example for others and such people will be remembered for a long time in generations. It can be people who are evil. The horoscopes of V. I. Lenin, F. Castro, Khrushchev, Einstein, Dostoevsky, Goethe, Rodin, Goya, Ivan the Terrible, Ivan III, as well as Batu Khan, the fascist Himmler, are characterized by the exact position of the Sun on the meridian. The sun on the meridian is in the horoscopes of politicians and creative people. Sometimes the names of such people even become common nouns.


If the Moon in this position is well aspected, then this often ensures popularity for people in the acting profession and bohemian professions. At the same time, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (for actors). For example, V. Vysotsky's Moon was on the MS. The same with artists (Botticelli, S. Dali). The art of these people affects the subconscious, the emotions of people.

The moon on the MC, with bad aspects, gives a smeared goal, an inability to concentrate, get together, and somewhat blurs a person’s initiative. Such a moon makes a person disappointed in the purpose of his life, in his own existence (for example, German poet Heinrich von Kleist committed suicide). If at the same time a strong Saturn is on the ascendant, then this situation does not allow the goal to be realized.


Achieving the goal of life is provided by cunning and deceit. If such a person is a politician, then he rules through a figurehead behind the scenes, or he does not rule at all, shifting all control functions to another person. This was Tsar Nicholas II.

Among politicians, many regents (Biron), temporary workers (Razumovsky) have Mercury on the MC. AT best case Mercury on the MC has many scientists who are able to project their higher goals, as they are provided with the concentration of the mind (Mercury in good aspect with the Moon and Saturn). So it was with Balzac and Jules Verne. For artists, Mercury on the MC bestows dexterity and virtuosity in mastery.


People strive for the goal by securing protection for themselves. They themselves are static in life, they are often led and directed by their activities.

Venus on the MC is typical for people of art, for aesthetic leaders. Their life is somewhat stationary: although they were famous, the goal of their life was not achieved in the struggle. Examples: J.S. Bach, Schiller, Goya, Ibsen, Rossini.

AT worst case, Venus on the MC forms people - stuck, who choose their course of life in order to be in the orbit of activity more strong people. If such a person is the owner of great power, then it will be a rather weak, pampered ruler (Alexander I - “the ruler is weak and crafty”).


The situation pushes people to the battlefield even when they are weak (with a “crushed ascendant”). These people have a clear desire for strong personalities is the norm for them. Or they seek to "break through the wall" in order to prove something, to build, to create. Mars on the MC is in the horoscopes of V.I. Lenin, Zhukov, Suvorov, Mayakovsky, L.N. Tolstoy, Joan of Arc, Ivan the Terrible.


This situation often happens in the horoscopes of good politicians. They are diplomatic, focused on power and the desire to rule, they are attracted by authority and the strength of connections. They strive to strengthen their own existence, to create their strong authority.

Jupiter on the MC contributes to the skillful implementation of the commitments made. It occurs with the organizers of entire states, with presidents, with prime ministers, whose activities, as a rule, are not transformative, but are distinguished by a certain conservatism, a clear focus on establishing the prevailing principles. Jupiter on the MC was in the horoscopes of Louis XI, Ivan III, Henry VIII(England), J. B. Tito and at the head cold war Truman.

Jupiter on the MC forms skillful politicians whose course can be traced from beginning to end. They always strive for absolute authority. Subordinates often treat them with respect.

In any case, Jupiter on the MC is an indicator of fame, fame, honor and respect. But when revolutions, rebellions and turmoil arise, such people are not able to achieve their goal. At such moments, periods, people who have Mercury on the MC in their horoscopes are successful.


Provides a person with concentration on achieving the goal. Such a person individualizes his goal, that is, he separates it from the goals of other people - he is a loner with his goal. Therefore, success on the way to the goal is provided slowly and alone.

Saturn on the MC forms goal-focused creative leaders. This position of Saturn is typical for monks, hermits, ascetics and for those who seek to withdraw and separate from the world (Leonardo da Vinci). They absolutize the goal (M. Proust is a lone writer).

Only loneliness gives a person compensation if Saturn is located on the MC in his horoscope. If this is a politician who is a bright personality (for example, the Sun is in the 10th house or on the ascendant, then he risks: having risen, he can oppose himself to society. Then Saturn immediately “closes” him, creating the cause of a sharp and irreversible fall of this politician with what he has achieved Heights Hitler, Napoleon I and Na

Cancer at the top of the sky (MS). Lecture 50.
Cancer on MS (Moon in the 10th house, control MS in Cancer, control MS in conjunction with the Moon)
As for social ambitions, it is generally accepted that they are not the highest in Cancer. And indeed, from the point of view of an external observer, he probably will not have any sky-high goals, a desire to achieve something big, great or significant. But do not forget that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and Saturn - the second Planet - the achiever - is in exile. Those. the two most important goal-setting planets in Cancer occupy a prominent position.
And therefore, despite the fact that externally (the Moon - as a ruler, represents outside Cancer) the social ambitions of such a person are not the highest, inside, they are quite conceited. Where Cancer is in our horoscope, we may look more pliable, insecure, a little gray, not declaring our desires, but inside on these topics a person shows a great desire for recognition, authority.
We are extremely emotional about the topics of those houses where it stands, or what the Moon controls. This is where a person puts his soul. In the event that Cancer is on the MS (or the Moon is in the 10th house), the attitude to work and social will be very emotional. implementation
As for the social position, as a rule, the MC in Cancer (unless the Moon says otherwise) does not give higher posts, but at the same time contributes to gaining popularity. And if a person nevertheless achieves popularity or status, then people's love very often accompanies him in this.
For example, these are wonderful artists, favorites of the people, each of which anyone recognizes by sight, but at the same time, all their roles are secondary. In Soviet cinema, there are more than enough such examples - they are famous, they are known, because the Moon represents the people in the horoscope, and therefore its influence on the 10th house, especially if it is not struck, gives people's love.
Politicians can be like that, some public figures, significant people in enterprises - but their positions will be elected - a person from the people, a representative of the people, even in the highest echelons of power.
If the Moon is defeated, and given that it is the fastest and most variable Planet, we can say that social status also will not be sustainable. But at the same time, such sharp drops that are characteristic of Aries (or Mars) in the 10th house usually do not happen here.
As for professions - A person with Cancer in the MC or the Moon in the 10th house is perfectly realized in social sphere, in the broad sense the words. He can be a social worker, an official, in the relevant structures (pension fund, social protection), work with low-income or dysfunctional families (in matters of childhood), etc.
All topics related to childhood are connected with the Moon, except, perhaps, entertainment. The moon is maternal care, therefore, the areas of her work with children are care, adaptation or training. Everything related to childcare is here.
Native can work as an educator kindergarten, or work in a children's clinic - this is a direct Lunar signification. But he can also trade in children's goods, or children's leisure (sections, rest houses, etc.), engage in politics related to the topics of motherhood and childhood.
teachers from people with Cancer on MS are also excellent, since Luna knows how to feel her listeners, knows how to adapt to her students, create for them good conditions for training (if you want of course).
The moon, associated with feeding and nutrition, naturally “takes” the entire sphere of nutrition under its signification. We have already said that these topics are close to Taurus, and in them he is realized simply excellently. Here you can see Mars - "hot", or even Mercury - in some diet or vegetarian cuisine. In principle, any Planet can represent food, it all depends on the shades. But Luna is the feeding queen! It can represent a single narrow direction, or it can work in all in turn, or simultaneously. The Moon represents nutrition IN GENERAL.
Here again, the spectrum is widest - from the cook (at school, at the factory, in the garden and in the restaurant), to the people who determine the "consumer basket", develop a nutrition plan. Here, control over food products, places of sale of food products, etc.
The moon is generally responsible for what in the broadest sense is called "goods consumer goods". All the meaning of which lies in simple human needs. And again, the spheres are very different - from the production of combs, to the sale of furniture, or work in institutions that control the quality of consumer goods.
One of the most natural products of the moon is milk. The entire dairy industry is going the same way under Cancer. It can be a shepherd (although not only she can give such a job), it can be an agronomist, it can be a milk truck driver, or a salesman in the dairy department - this is all the Moon and Cancer.
Another essential product Cancer is pure drinking water. Again, in the broadest sense - these can be water utility specialists who monitor the quality of water (well, as you remember, if we have indications for working on the Moon, and a person wants to be a lawyer (Jupiter) - we say “go as a lawyer for a water utility”) , and then people delivering Water for coolers.
Despite the fact that the direct Moon signification is drinking Water, any work related to any Water is quite suitable for a person with Cancer or the Moon in the 10th house. So you can work in the pool (and if it is a pool for children, then this is twice the Moon), you can even work in the laundry (although this is of course more Virgo, but Cancer can also cope), etc. - the main thing is that Water should be presented in one form or another.
Housing is another big industry on the Moon - you can build residential buildings, you can work in a real estate office, you can make small repairs, etc.
perfect for any Water Signs and Planets on the MC (in the 10th house) - work as a psychologist. The Moon (Cancer) in this sense directly governs family psychology, work with young children, their adaptation and development, the sphere of motherhood and childhood (the problems of each of them separately and the difficulties in the relationship between parents and children).
Generally speaking, with the Moon in the 10th house, or Cancer on the MC, they represent the widest class of professions - the main thing is that it should be work with simple human needs. Among them there are hairdressers, and sellers of cosmetics and seamstresses and taxi drivers, etc. This seems to be not a direct signification, but nevertheless, simple human needs are everywhere and, as a result, Lunar control.
In addition, a well-placed Moon in the horoscope may indicate that women can act as helpers and patrons.
And if she, ruling the 10th house, has serious tension, then, accordingly, expect more trouble from women (in the professional sense).
As for the bosses, if the Moon is not amazed, they are very caring, very understanding. Striving to create the most comfortable conditions for yourself and your employees. They strive to support everyone and generally rally the team, create their own inner world.
But if the Moon is struck, then the boss will be capricious, very unstable - like the weather - now everything is fine, and he flies straight, you think - “well, what a wonderful person!”. Then something happened - he burned himself with tea, had a fight with his wife - you look at this and think “damn, quit now, or wait for the salary anyway!”.
and you will be the boss. And even if you have a normal Moon, it still makes sense to follow your own tendency to depend heavily on mood where you could not show it - at your work.

Why ordinary people make an excellent career and reach brilliant heights? Perhaps because they know exactly their global goal and the means to achieve it.

The natal chart contains a concept that symbolizes the purpose of the individual. This is the most highest point ecliptic - the middle of the sky (MS). She is located at the top of the tenth House and is responsible for career. To calculate it, use ours. On the cosmogram, the MC point is depicted as an arrow on the border of the 10th house.

MS reflects not only mercantile interests, but also deep, subconscious motives for choosing a profession - those states that a person wants to experience in the labor process. For example, Sagittarius dreams of becoming famous. Gemini needs freshness of impressions. Aquarius strives for originality.

MC and natural elements

The elements indicate qualities that help or hinder in moving up the social ladder. Representatives of Air and Fire are ardent dreamers gushing with grandiose ideas. They ignite quickly, but also cool quickly. "Earthly" natures always bring what they started to the end. They just need to move. People of Water are endowed with ambition, intuition, excellent memory. Their disadvantage: endless mood swings.

Midheaven (MS) in the signs of the zodiac

The position of the Midheaven in the signs of the Zodiac reflects the traits that appeal to a person and that he must possess on the path to success. Scorpio, for example, admires prominent personalities. To succeed, he himself must acquire powerful charisma.

MC in Aries

An individual dreams of brightly expressing himself, taking a worthy place under the sun. There are obstacles on the way to success. To overcome them, courage, assertiveness, determination are needed.

MC's in the sign Taurus

A person strives for stability and high earnings. To do this, you need to have realistic thinking, the ability to plan your daily activities.

MC in Gemini

The variety of inclinations, a restless disposition push on an endless search for oneself. Hence - a change of professions, ups and downs. Helps you reach the top active communication with people.

MC's in the sign Cancer

Financial stability, which is important for the wards of the Sign, depends on their diplomacy and ability to adapt to changing conditions. You will have to go to success by detours.

MC's in the sign lion

The desire for power and significance is stronger than the desire for profit. A person can realize high claims only in a team of like-minded people. To create it, one must learn to understand people.

MC's in the sign Virgin

The main thing is a decent income. The way up takes small steps. Such qualities as pedantry, prudence, and exceptional performance are indispensable.

MC's in the sign Libra

Ambition can be risky. A person must comprehend the art of diplomacy, have affability and courtesy. A bit of cunning won't hurt either.

MC's in the sign scorpio

The ward of such an arrangement should be an extraordinary nature. The right way achieve the desired status - master the art of manipulation and keep your plans secret.

MC's in the sign Sagittarius

A person dreams of honors and awards. But if he does not know how to concentrate, to single out the main thing for himself, his claims may remain empty dreams.

MC's in the sign Capricorn

He desires power more than luxury. His virtues: patience, perseverance. But there is a danger of becoming too insensitive. There is no need to suppress good impulses in yourself.

MC's in the sign Aquarius

He is distinguished by his focus on the future. Disadvantages - a tendency to self-will, an unexpected change of occupation. Success depends on worthy friends and partners.

MC's in the sign Fish

Thirst for pleasure and lack of ambition are not very compatible with successful career. Achievements are possible only if the person is ready to accept the offered help and take action.

MC and ruling planets in the 10th house

The tenth house symbolizes a business career, social status, reputation. The Midheaven in it indicates specific areas of activity. The ruling planets determine the true calling of a person.

Mars in 10th house

The individual wants to mean something in his profession, needs respect. Fields of activity: army, law enforcement, sports, heavy industry, transport. Unfavorable Aspects push for hasty decisions, increase aggressiveness.

Venus in 10th house

Above all - the aesthetics of the process, the beauty of the result, the content of communication. The chosen ones of the beautiful Planet find themselves in art, design, and the advertising business. Tension connections breed frustration in the profession.

Mercury in 10th house

for the sake of good education a person is ready to make many sacrifices. Work should be related to people: the service sector, pedagogy, journalism. With negative aspects, life is overshadowed by a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Moon in 10th house

There is a great need for recognition here. "Lunar" emotionality is in harmony with the world of art. A person can find himself in medicine, veterinary medicine, family business. Against the backdrop of tense connections, a career is hampered by a lack of energy.

The sun in 10th house

A "solar" individual can find a calling in pedagogy, art, business, politics. Everywhere he will strive for leadership. With bad aspects, brilliant plans are frustrated due to conceit and self-centeredness.

Jupiter in 10th house

The choice of profession is determined by its prestige. This is international relationships, foreign languages, music, medicine, finance. A penchant for adventures, enhanced by negative aspects, can strike a blow to reputation - main value"Jupiterian".

Saturn in 10th house

The person is respectful of his work. His path is to be an administrator, a functionary, an official, a scientist. Affected connections form hardened retrogrades or hopeless losers.

Uranus in 10th house

Neptune in 10th house

The main thing is the assertion of one's ideals. Activities: psychology, art, alternative medicine, philosophy. "Evil" Neptune makes you choose the wrong path and fanatically defend false values.

Pluto in 10th house

The main goal is to gain influence, authority, power. Occupations: business, politics, surgery, psychoanalysis, detective. Unfavorable aspects spoil relations with superiors, suppress initiative, provoke a departure into the world of crime.

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