Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Epic heroes defenders of the earth. Epic Russian heroes

In Russian epics, each hero has his own living face, with his own merits and demerits. And all this is carried by our ancestors through the centuries. Here every character breathes truth. Kind and straightforward, but quick to reprisal and does not spare the enemy Dobrynya Nikitich. Daring, bold and dexterous, but more often Alyosha Popovich wins with cunning. And among this living diversity of the most powerful and glorious people Ancient Rus' rises the image of the meek hero Ilya Muromets

The Monk Elijah was born in the village of Karacharovo near the ancient Russian city of Murom. The name of this village has been preserved to this day. The name of Elijah's father, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich, has also been lovingly preserved by the people's memory. Other heroes are mostly knights of a noble family, Dobrynya Nikitich is even a relative of Prince Vladimir. Ilya Muromets is the only peasant by birth among Russian heroes. And it was he who was given the greatest strength - both spiritual and bodily.

From birth, Elijah was weak, he could not even walk until he was thirty years old. And it is clear that in these thirty years great patience and humility, great meekness were brought up in him, if by God's Providence he was determined to become at that troubled time at the head of the entire heroic army. Their young strength and power, always agitated, ready to break out in a quarrel, needed just such a leader, respected by everyone for his spiritual strength, uniting and reconciling everyone.

It can be seen from the epics that Ilya Muromets is a special chosen one of God, strength is given to him by a miracle, through the holy elders, “passing kaliks”, that is, wandering monks. They come to his house, where he habitually remains silent alone, and with authority they say: "Go and bring us a drink." Trying to obediently fulfill the order of the elders, he receives help from above and gets up.

Here, the moment of testing Elijah's faith is very important - "according to your faith, let it be done to you." The Lord does not do anything to a person by force. It requires the free aspiration of the will of man, his determination, in order to receive everything else for free, by grace. The future great hero was worthy of his chosenness. Truly great faith it was necessary to have, so that after thirty years of immobility, at the request of "kalik passers-by" try to get up.

Having received strength by a miracle, already in adulthood, Elijah could not be proud of her, he carried it through his whole life as a precious gift that does not belong to him, but to the whole Russian people, to whom he served unchangingly and disinterestedly, in sorrows and hardships, until old age, becoming for many years the image of his spiritual and bodily strength.

Everything shows that Elijah received a good Christian upbringing. Going to heroic deeds, he bows to the ground before his father and mother, asks them for a great blessing. The father and mother understand the high purpose of their son, they understand that great power was given to him from God for a reason. The people are already old, nevertheless they unquestioningly release Elijah, give him a great blessing and a covenant not to shed Christian blood.

Saying goodbye to his parents, Elijah goes to the capital city of Kyiv to the Grand Duke Vladimir. How alarming that time was can be judged by the fact that no one dared to go by a direct road to Kyiv, robbers played pranks there, they could rob and take their lives. Elijah was not afraid, he went straight ahead. To clear it of robbers was his first feat.

Elijah calls him "the gentle prince." In these words, sincere love without subservience. Monomakh, like his great ancestor Saint Vladimir, gathers around him for the benefit of the Fatherland all the most courageous and glorious people of Rus'. And they themselves go to him, knowing that there is a worthy application of their forces.

To this wise and noble prince, a Russian hero was sent to the aid of God's Providence, peasant son Ilya Muromets. Through the efforts of the most courageous and brave people of that time - the Russian heroes, whose chieftain was Ilya Muromets, the battle with the Polovtsy was transferred deep into the steppes.

Chronicles report how the squads of Vladimir Monomakh drove the forces of Khan Otrok Sharukovich (son of the epic Shark-giant) behind the “iron gates” in the Caucasus, “drank the Don with a golden helmet, taking their whole land.” Russian heroes reached Sea of ​​Azov, conquered the Polovtsian cities on the Northern Donets, forced the Polovtsians to migrate beyond the Don and beyond the Volga, in the steppe North Caucasus and the South Urals.

This external war did not prevent the Russian people, under the protection of their heroes, in peace and prosperity to build monasteries and temples, fortresses and settlements, to plow the land and raise children, to compose majestic epics that reflected the calm power and dignity of a people confident in their strength.

And centuries later, the people remembered that time as one of the most festive and bright in the history of Rus', with loving memory kept for many centuries the names and deeds of their defenders-heroes. The exploits of the heroes preserved by the people's memory helped the people to survive in hard years Mongol-Tatar yoke, to revive Great Rus'.

The unified standing of the chosen people of the whole people against a common enemy made different Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes feel like united people united by the truth of the Orthodox faith. It was to this noble cause that the Monk Elijah of Muromets was called to serve, and served with honor. And so he will remain forever in the memory of the Russian people.

According to epics, Elijah does not know defeat. And, serving the good of the Fatherland on the battlefield to a ripe old age, in his soul he always remains a monk-ascetic. He is nowhere called remote - the calm, majestic power of Elijah is higher than daring and fuss. Passions are raging around, but he keeps inner world, meekness, love of neighbor. His truly mighty spiritual strength surprises us much more than his bodily exploits.

Ilya Muromets became a monk, already crowned with the glory of a hero beloved by the people and the winner of adversaries. He himself never sought glory: neither on the battlefield, nor even more so in the monastery. His monastic deeds are hidden from us, but, undoubtedly, they were great, even greater and more difficult than the feats of arms, proof of this is the imperishable relics of Elijah, which still lie in the Near caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The image of the Monk Elijah is high and bright, it is close to the heart of every Russian person. For more than eight hundred years, stories about his noble deeds, Christian mercy and good nature have been instilling in generations of Russian people courage and nobility, love for their Fatherland and people.

Bogatyrs are the defenders of the Russian land.

Summary of classes for older children preschool age


    To acquaint children with the great canvas of the artist V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs", with the names of Russian heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

    To instill in children pride in their ancestors, to make them feel their involvement in the history of our great people.

    To teach to answer the questions posed coherently and consistently, to describe the appearance of the heroes and the surrounding landscape; talk about the characters of the characters and the mood of the picture; use synonyms and comparisons in speech.

    Introduce children to the emblem and flag of Russia.


Reproduction of "Bogatyrs" painting by artist V. Vasnetsov; large illustrations depicting forests, fields, meadows, rivers, mountains, books about heroes, an illustration of the emblem and flag of Russia.

vocabulary work:

Rus', ancestors, Slavs, heroes, epics; armor - clothes of heroes (chain mail, shield, helmet, armor, aventail); weapons of heroes (spear, sword, bow with arrows, mace).


What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow up

And the birches along which

next to mom we go ...

On November 4, our entire country will celebrate National Unity Day. Do you want to know what kind of holiday it is? At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. They composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, performed feats in the name of the native side.

Try to find beautiful the right words to the word Motherland(glorious, strong, rich, beloved, wonderful).

The peoples of Russia did not always live in unity. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for strength, more than once experienced times when its unity was violated, when enmity and hunger reigned in the country. 400 years ago, enemy invasions ravaged the country to the ground. The Russian land was occupied by the Polish enemies. It seemed that Russian state perished and will never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to put up with the death of their state.

The Russian people took care of their native land, sang songs about it, worked for the glory of the wealth of the Motherland, defended it at all times. From time immemorial, the Russian people have been famous for their strength, prowess, and valiant dexterity. And there were always heroes in Rus' - a kind of strong men with a good heart and a pure soul.

Today I will tell you about these heroes. (Points to the picture.) They actually lived in Rus', but for a very long time, they fought with its enemies. Then nomadic tribes - Polovtsy, Pechenegs, Khazars - attacked our land from all sides, ravaged and burned cities and villages, took children and women into captivity, and killed old men and men. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands stood up to defend the Motherland, and strong, courageous warriors stood out among them, they were called heroes, knights. Singers and storytellers composed legends, songs, epics about them. These are the epic heroes depicted by the artist.

Power, strength, hardness, reliability. Can you say the same about these people? (Points to the picture.) Who do you think they are? (children's answers.) That's right, Russian heroes. Bogatyr - who is this? This is the hero of Russian epics, performing military feats. How did you guess that they were heroes? They wear the clothes of ancient Russian warriors.

Teacher. Now I will tell you riddles about weapons and armor.

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn, it is woven from iron rings. (Mail)

An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front the beak hung over the face. (Helmet)

The weapon is not easy to pick up, not just pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders ... Well, guess what? Of course… (Sword)

In order to protect the chest from the blows of the enemy, you already know this for sure, on the left hand of the hero hangs a heavy, shiny and round ... (Shield)

What protects their body? Chain mail. What are they? What do they have on their feet? What are the warriors armed with? Bow and arrows, spear, mace, swords, shields are the weapons of knights, brave warriors.

In the center, on a gigantic black horse, sits a sedate, portly Ilya Muromets from the city of Murom, the village of Karacharova. He was, according to legend, the son of a peasant. Ilya is no longer young, he is the eldest among the heroes. His beard gleams silver, and a strand of gray hair has escaped from under his helmet. Wide

forehead, compressed lips, direct and open look testify to the unbending strength of will, directness and honesty of his soul, generosity and kindness. Heavily, but confidently, Ilya sits on a horse, raised his hand to his eyes and peered tensely into the distance. Confidence, strength and power in his harmonious and powerful figure. They say about this - an oblique fathom in the shoulders (broad-shouldered, large growth). With surprising ease, he holds a damask mace “forty pounds” in his right hand, and his hand does not even bend under this weight. In his left hand he has a huge red spear, indicating, probably, where the enemy should be expected from. The epics tell about the extraordinary strength of Ilya Ivanovich. He alone killed four hundred robbers, exterminated countless hordes of Tatars, led by Pogany Idolishch and Kalin the Tsar. Defeated the Nightingale the Robber. Sincere devotion to the people, selfless service to the interests ordinary people distinguish it:

I'm going to serve for the Christian faith

And for Russian land,

Yes, and for the capital Klev-grad,

For widows, for orphans, for poor people.

The horse under Ilya is a match for the hero, just as powerful and strong. He slightly lowered his head, arching his neck, proudly and calmly squinting with his large eye. Elegant and powerful in his harness.

To the right of Ilya on a white horse is another hero - Dobrynya Nikitich. Epics say that he is of a princely family, from Ryazan, the mayor of Novgorod, uncle Kyiv prince Vladimir, and later - governor. Dobrynya Nikitich is a mature husband. strong, handsome, strict and noble. His face is expressive, his posture proud. He was distinguished, as the epics say, by "knowledge" - wisdom, thoughtfulness and knowledge. His chain mail, helmet and sword sparkle with silver and gilding. A red round shield burns and shimmers with golden rivets, a golden cross is heavy on a mighty chest. Dobrynushka is known for his bold struggle with the Serpent Gorynych and Batyga (Khan Batu). The hero's warhorse is strong and very beautiful - white, in an elegant red harness with gold ornaments. He seems to already see the approaching enemy, cautiously peering into the distance. The wind blows his lush snow-white mane and tail.

To the left of Ilya Muromets is another folk hero - Alyosha Popovich, the son of priest Leonty from Rostov. This young handsome man seems graceful, thin and slender. His clothes are elegant: a chain mail decorated with gilding is put on a red caftan, a gilded helmet is on his head, red patterned boots are on his feet, and rings are on his hands. It seems that he is armed easily - in his left hand "a tight bow is bursting and a red-hot arrow." At the belt on the left side is a sword and arrows in a quiver, behind a shield. In the right hand is a silk lash, and on the side are yarovchatye goslings. Ilya Muromets says

about Alyoshenka: “Although he is not strong in strength, he dared with an attack.” Alyosha does not get the better of his enemies with the power of a hero, but with dexterity, resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and courage. He is a merry fellow and a sly joker, a harpist, a singer, a master of fiction. Even now he is plotting something - he cunningly looks towards the enemy.

The horse of the hero is brown - light chestnut, reddish color. He is not as powerful as other horses, but more light and swift. It was he who first heard the clatter of many enemy horses.

Alyosha Popovich is known as the winner of Tugarin Zmeevich, the fight against the Pechenegs and Tatars. According to legend, he fell a hero in the famous battle on the Kalka River.

These are the heroes of the Russian Land in front of you. Real knights who led a life full of dangers, exploits and courage.

And eternal fight! We only dream of peace Through blood and dust... The steppe mare flies, flies And crushes the feather grass...

Vasnetsov claims with his picture that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready:

Stand for the honor of the Motherland against the enemy,

Lay down your head for the Fatherland in need.

The picture depicts epic heroes, but we perceive them as living people. The artist glorifies the defenders of the motherland. Vasnetsov wants us all to be proud of our heroic ancestors, to remember them, to love the land where we were born. Such a picture could be created by a person who loved his people, his history very much. The picture makes people worry, experience the most good feeling- a sense of pride for the motherland.

To . Ushinsky: "Our Fatherland » ( excerpt)

Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother - because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all enemies ... There are many good states and lands in the world and besides Russia, but a person has one mother - he has one homeland.

Why do we call Russia our fatherland?Why do we call Russia our motherland?Why do we call her mother?

Like all countries of the world, all states that exist on earth, Russia has its own flags and coat of arms. (shows)

Flag of Russia.

White color- birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms double-headed eagle,

To the west, to the east

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is the free spirit of Russia.

State flag rises during solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem always sounds Russian Federation. (soundtrack of the anthem)

Russian heroes are not just a story. They reflect the essence of the Russian person, his attitude to the Motherland. Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Gorynya, Dobrynya Nikitich and many others devoted their lives to serving Rus'. They fought countless enemies of our people, guarding and protecting ordinary people. The exploits of Russian heroes will forever remain in memory - in the form of epics, songs and legends, as well as other epic composed by eyewitnesses of those events. It is they who make us proud of our people and the land that has raised such giants.

The history of the heroes in Rus'

Probably, each of us at school or on TV heard stories about powerful and invincible heroes. Their exploits inspire, inspire hope and make them proud of their own people, their strength, dedication and wisdom.

Many historians divide Russian heroes into older and younger ones. If you follow the epic and epics, then you can clearly draw the line between the Old Slavonic demigods and already Christian heroes. Russian ancient heroes are the all-powerful Svyatogor, the mighty Verni Gora, Mikula Selyaninovich, the Danube and others.

They are distinguished by their unbridled natural power. These heroes are the personification of the deified forces of nature and its invincibility. In later sources, they are given a somewhat negative connotation. They become heroes who cannot and do not want to apply own strength for the benefit of. Most often, these are just destroyers, showing off their power in front of other heroes and ordinary people.

This was done in order to push people towards a new world - the Christian one. Heroes-destroyers are being replaced by heroes-creators, defenders of the Russian Orthodox land. These are Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Peresvet and many, many others. It is impossible not to recall the exploits of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. This is a favorite image for many writers and artists. Having recovered from a serious illness, the knight went to defend own land, and then retired to the monks.

The most famous Russian heroes and their exploits

Our history contains many famous names. Probably everyone knows the phrase: "And glorious, but also strong heroes in the Russian land." Although our people for the most part are not warlike, they prefer to work on the ground, but from ancient times powerful heroes and defenders of the Fatherland came out of their midst. These are Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich, Danube Ivanovich, Peresvet, Sadko and many, many others. These heroes shed their own blood for their native land and defended civilians in the most troubled times.

It was about them that epics and songs were formed. At the same time, over time, they corresponded many times. They added new and new facts and details. Even the character of the characters has undergone significant changes.

This process was especially affected by the adoption. This divided our history, led to the denial and condemnation of everything old. Therefore, in the images of more ancient heroes, one can now see negative traits. It's about about Svyatogor, Peresvet, Danube Ivanovich.

They were replaced by heroes of a new generation. And almost all of them served the princes, not the people. The most famous heroes of the Russian land are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. They were praised in songs and epics. They flaunt in the famous painting by Vasnetsov. It is they who are most known to children, thanks to numerous cartoons and fairy tales. What did they do? And why are they always depicted together?

According to many historians, these three most famous Russian heroes never met. According to some sources, Dobrynya lived in the 15th century, Ilya in the 12th, and Alyosha, the youngest of the heroes, in the 13th century.

Viktor Mikhailovich portrayed them all together as a symbol of the invincibility and invincibility of the Russian people. The exploits of 3 heroes were accomplished in different time, but historians agree that most of them are quite real. For example, the same Nightingale the Robber, the war with the Pechenegs, the Tatar prince Tugarin actually took place. So, it is logical to assume that great deeds were also committed.

Alyosha Popovich and his exploits

In the picture of Vasnetsov, this young man is depicted with a bow and arrows, and near the saddle you can see the harp, which speaks of his cheerful disposition. Sometimes he is reckless, like any young guy, and sometimes cunning and wise, like a seasoned warrior. Like many heroes of the Russian land, this is rather a collective image. But have this character and real prototype.

According to some reports, this is the son of the Rostov Orthodox priest Leonty. But residents (Ukraine) also consider him a countryman. Local legends say that he often visited local fairs and helped people.

According to another version, this is Rostov famous hero Alexander. He lived in the 12th-13th century and was a prominent historical figure. Often his image is intertwined with another, no less prominent character of the epics, Volga Svyatoslavich.

The glorious deeds of the Russian heroes would be incomplete without stories about how Alyosha met Tugarin himself in battle. This Polovtsian khan is the real historical face of the Tugorkans. And in some epics Alyosha Popovich fought with him several times. Also, this hero has earned fame in numerous internecine wars that time. And he died in the famous battle of Kalka (1223).

Ilya Muromets

This is perhaps the most famous and revered hero in Rus'. He embodies everything positive features There is very little confirmed information about him, but it is reliably known that he was ranked as

This man spent his childhood and youth practically without movement, as he suffered from a serious paralytic disease. However, at the age of 30, Ilya was healed and fully on his feet. This fact was confirmed by many serious scientists who studied the remains of the saint. Therefore, the exploits of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets begin at a fairly mature age.

This character has become best known to all adults and children thanks to the epic, which tells of his battle with the Nightingale the Robber. This criminal controlled one of the main routes to Kyiv - the capital of ancient Rus'. Prince Mstislav, who ruled at that time, instructed the combatant Ilya Muromets to accompany the next trade convoy. Having met with the robber, the hero defeated him and cleared the road. This fact documented.

In addition to this, other victories of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets are also known. Epics tell about the battle of the knight with the Idolish Pogany. So, perhaps, they called the nomad rapist. There is also a story about the struggle with Baba-Gorynka and his own son.

In his declining years, Ilya, having received a serious wound and tired of such military life, retired to the monastery. But even there he could not find peace. The researchers note that the hero-monk died in battle at the age of 40-55 years.

Great Svyatogor

This is one of the most famous and mysterious heroes. Even the victories of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets fade before his glory. His name fully corresponds to his appearance. Usually he is represented as a mighty giant.

We can say that there are quite a few reliable epics about this hero. And they are all associated with death. However, Svyatogor says goodbye to life not in an unequal battle with numerous enemies, but in a dispute with an irresistible and unknown force.

One of the legends says that the bogatyr found a “bag of change”. The hero tried to move it, but died without moving the thing from its place. As it turned out, this bag contained all the "heaviness of the earth."

Another legend tells about the journey of Svyatogor with Ilya Muromets. Here the change of "generations" of heroes is shown. One day, friends find an empty coffin. The prophecy on it read: who is destined by fate, he will lie in it. Elijah, he was great. And when Svyatogor lay down in the coffin, he was covered with a lid, and he could not escape. Despite all the power of the giant, the tree did not succumb to him. Major feat Svyatogora-bogatyr lies in the fact that he transferred all his strength to Ilya Muromets.


This hero, depicted together with Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich, is one of the most revered and famous in Rus'. In almost all epics, he is inextricably linked with Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. At the same time, there is an opinion that the latter is his own uncle. In the history of Dobrynya - prominent statesman, to whose advice many nobles listened.

However, in epics it is rather a collective image, which has the features of a mighty Russian knight. The exploits of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich are in the fight against numerous enemy troops. But his main act is the battle with the Serpent Gorynych. The famous painting by Vasnetsov depicts the battle of the defender of the Russian land with the 7-headed dragon, but the plot was based on real basis. "Serpent" used to be called the enemy. And the nickname "Gorynych" indicates its origin or habitat - the mountains.

There were also legends telling how Dobrynya found his wife. Historians note that she was a foreigner. Nastasya Nikulichna (in other versions - Mikulishna) had good physical data. They began to measure their strength, and after the victory of the knight, the girl became his wife.

Like all the exploits of epic heroes, the activities of Dobrynya Nikitich are connected with the service of the Prince and the People. That is why they set him as an example, compose fairy tales, songs and epics, drawing him as a hero and liberator.

Volkh Vseslavievich: prince-magician

This hero is known rather as a sorcerer and a werewolf. He was the prince of Kyiv. And the legends about him are like a fairy tale. Even the birth of the Magus is shrouded in mysticism. They say that his mother conceived him from Veles, who appeared to her in the form of an ordinary snake. The birth of the hero was accompanied by thunder and lightning. His childhood toys were a golden helmet and a damask club.

Like many Russian folk heroes, he often spent time with his retinue. They say that at night he turned into a wild wolf and got food for the soldiers in the forest.

The most famous legend about the Magus Vseslavievich is the story of the victory over the Indian king. Once the hero heard that evil was being plotted against his homeland. He took advantage of witchcraft and defeated a foreign army.

The real prototype of this hero is Prince Vseslav of Polotsk. He was also considered a sorcerer and a werewolf, he also took cities by cunning and ruthlessly killed the inhabitants. And the snake played an important role in the life of the prince.

Historical facts and legends are mixed into one. And the feat of Volkhv Vseslavievich began to be praised in epics, like other glorious feats of Russian heroes.

Mikula Selyaninovich - a simple peasant

This hero is one of the representatives of the heroes. His image is a reflection of the legends about the plowman god, the protector and patron of the Russian land and peasants. It was he who gave us the opportunity to cultivate the fields and enjoy the gifts of nature. He drove out the Destroyer Giants.

According to legend, the hero lived on the Drevlyane land. Unlike other ancient knights who came from princes, Mikula Selyaninovich represented the class of peasants. He devoted his whole life to working in the field. Whereas other heroes-defenders of the Russian land fought with a sword in their hands. This has its own meaning, since all the benefits of the state and people come precisely from hard and daily work.

by the most famous works, which describe the character and life of Mikula Selyaninovich, are considered epics about Volga and Mikul, as well as about Svyatogor.

For example, in the story of the werewolf prince, the bogatyr enters the service of a squad assembled to resist the Varangian invasion. But before that, he laughs at Volga and his soldiers: they can’t even pull out his plow stuck in the ground.

The exploits of Russian heroes have always been sung by the people. But you can also find disdain for heroes who, having enormous strength, cannot use it correctly. An example of such an attitude is the epic Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich. Here two principles are opposed - creative and destructive.

Svyatogor wanders the world and does not know where to apply his own power. One day he meets Mikula with a bag, which the hero-warrior cannot lift and is straining. There is all the "gravity of the earth." In this story, you can see the superiority of conventional labor over military force.

Vasily Buslaev

This hero is not like the others. He is a rebel, always goes against the general opinion and orders. Despite superstition ordinary people, he does not believe in signs and predictions. At the same time, this is the image of a hero-defender.

Vasily Buslaev is from Veliky Novgorod. That is why there is so much local color in the epics about him. There are two stories about him: "Vasily Buslaevich in Novgorod" and "Vasily Buslaevich went to pray."

Everywhere you can see his mischief and lack of control. For example, choosing a squad for himself, he arranges several extraordinary tasks. As a result, there are 30 fellows who support Vasily in everything.

The deeds of Buslaev are not the exploits of Russian heroes who followed the rules and obeyed the prince in everything, respecting the traditions and beliefs of ordinary people. He respected only strength. Therefore, his activity is a wild life and fights with local men.


The name of this hero is closely connected with the battle on the Kulikovo field. This is a legendary battle in which countless glorious warriors and boyars. And Peresvet, like many other heroes, defenders of the Russian land, stood with his chest in front of the enemy.

Scientists are still arguing whether he really was. After all, according to legend, together with his brother Andrei, he was sent to help Dmitry Donskoy by Sergius of Radonezh himself. The feat of this hero was that it was he who inspired the Russian army to fight. He was the first to fight with the representative of Mamaev's hordes - Chelubey. Practically without weapons and armor, Peresvet defeated the enemy, but fell dead with him.

A study of earlier sources suggests the unreality of this character. In the Trinity Monastery, in which Peresvet, according to history, was a novice, there are no records of such a person. In addition, it is known that Sergius of Radonezh could not meet with Prince Dmitry immediately before the battle.

But almost all the exploits of Russian heroes - one way or another - are partially invented or exaggerated by storytellers. Such stories raised morale, brought up

Bogatyrs - epic defenders Russian lands, "superheroes" of the Russian people for many centuries. Let's remember the main ones.

1. Ilya Muromets. Holy hero

Ilya Muromets canonized Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian hero. Ilya Muromets is the main character not only of Russian epics, but also, for example, German epic poems of the 13th century. They also call him Ilya, he is also a hero, yearning for his homeland. Ilya Muromets is also found in the Scandinavian sagas, in them he, no less, is the blood brother of Prince Vladimir.

2. Bova Korolevich. Popular hero

Bova Korolevich for a long time was the most popular hero among the people. Lubok tales about the "extraordinary hero" came out in hundreds of editions from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Pushkin wrote The Tale of Tsar Saltan, partly borrowing the plot and the names of the heroes of the fairy tales about the Boys Korolevich, which his nanny read to him. Moreover, he even made sketches of the poem "Bova", but death will prevent him from finishing the work.

The prototype of this knight was the French knight Bovo de Anton from the famous chronicle poem Reali di Francia, written in the 14th century. In this regard, Bova is a completely unique hero - a visiting one.

3. Alyosha Popovich. junior

The "youngest of the younger" heroes, and therefore his set of qualities is not so "supermanly". Vice is not even alien to him: cunning, selfishness, self-interest. That is, on the one hand, he is distinguished by courage, but on the other, he is proud, arrogant, quarrelsome, perky and rude.

4. Svyatogorsk Megahero

Megahero. But the hero of the "old world". The giant, the elder hero the size of a mountain, whom even the earth does not hold, lies on the mountain in inactivity. Epics tell about his meeting with earthly cravings and death in a magical grave.

Many features of the biblical hero Samson have been transferred to Svyatogora. Difficult to define exactly ancient origin. In the legends of the people, the veteran hero transfers his strength to Ilya Muromets, the hero of the Christian age.

5. Dobrynya Nikitich. Bogatyr with connections

Dobrynya Nikitich is often associated with the chronicle Dobrynya, the uncle of Prince Vladimir (according to another version, a nephew). His name embodies the essence of "heroic kindness." Dobrynya has the nickname "young", with a huge physical strength“He won’t hurt a fly,” he is the defender of “widows and orphans, unfortunate wives.” Dobrynya is also "an artist at heart: a master of singing and playing the harp."

6. Duke Stepanovich. Bogatyr-major

Duke Stepanovich arrives in Kyiv from conditional India, after which, according to folklorists, this case the Galicia-Volyn land is hiding, and arranges a boasting marathon in Kyiv, passes tests from the prince, and continues to brag. As a result, Vladimir learns that Duke is really very rich and offers him citizenship. But Duke refuses, because "if you sell Kyiv and Chernigov and buy papers for an inventory of Dyukov's wealth, then there will not be enough paper."

7. Mikula Selyaninovich. Bogatyr-plowman

Mikula Selyaninovich is a heroic agrarian. It is found in two epics: about Svyatogor and about Volga Svyatoslavich. Mikula is the first representative of agricultural life, a powerful peasant plowman.
He is strong and hardy, but a homebody. He puts all his strength into agriculture and family.

8. Volga Svyatoslavovich. Bogatyr mage

supporters" historical school"In the study of epics, it is believed that Prince Vseslav Polotsky was the prototype of the epic Volga. Volga was also correlated with Prophetic Oleg, and his campaign in India - with Oleg's campaign against Tsargrad. Volga is a difficult hero, he has the ability to be a werewolf, he knows how to understand the language of animals and birds.

9. Sukhman Odikhmantievich. Insulted hero

According to Vsevolod Miller, the Pskov prince Dovmont, who ruled from 1266 to 1299, was the prototype of the hero.

In the bylina of the Kyiv cycle, Sukhman goes to get a white swan for Prince Vladimir, but on the way he comes into battle with the Tatar hordes, who are building viburnum bridges on the Nepre River. Sukhman defeats the Tatars, but in battle he receives wounds that he seals up with leaves. Returning to Kyiv without a white swan, he tells the prince about the battle, but the prince does not believe him and imprisons Sukhman in prison until clarification. Dobrynya goes to the Nepra and learns that Sukhman did not lie. But it's' too late. Sukhman feels shamed, peels off the leaves and bleeds. From his blood begins the river Sukhman.

10. Dunay Ivanovich. tragic hero

According to the epics about the Danube, it was from the blood of the hero that the river of the same name began. The Danube is a tragic hero. He loses to his wife Nastasya in an archery competition, accidentally hits her while trying to win back, finds out that Nastasya was pregnant and stumbles upon a saber.

11. Mikhailo Potyk. Faithful husband

Folklorists disagree on who Mihailo Potyk (or Potok) should be related to. The roots of his image are found in the Bulgarian heroic epic, and in Western European fairy tales, and even in the Mongolian epic "Geser".
According to one of the epics, Potok with his wife Avdotya Lebedya Belaya gives a vow that whoever of them dies first, the second is buried next to the grave alive. When Avdotya dies, Potok is buried nearby in full armor and on horseback, about fighting the dragon and reviving his wife with his blood. When he himself dies, Avdotya is buried with him.

12. Hoten Bludovich. Bogatyr-groom

Bogatyr Khoten Bludovich, for the sake of a wedding with an enviable bride, China Sentry, first beats nine of her brothers, then a whole army hired by her future mother-in-law. As a result, the hero receives a rich dowry and appears in the epic as a hero "who married well."

13. Vasily Buslaev. Zealous hero

The most daring hero of the Novgorod epic cycle. His unbridled temper leads to a conflict with the Novgorodians and he is desperately rowdy, betting that he will beat all the Novgorod men on the Volkhov bridge and almost fulfills the promise - until his mother stops him.
In another epic, he is already mature, goes to Jerusalem to atone for sins. But Buslaev is incorrigible - he again takes up the old and absurdly perishes, proving his youth.

14. Anika warrior. Bogatyr in words

Anika warrior is still called today a person who likes to show off his strength far from danger. Unusual for a Russian epic hero, the name of the hero is most likely taken from the Byzantine legend about the hero Digenis, who is mentioned there with constant epithet anikitos.
Anika the warrior in verse boasts of strength and offends the weak, he is shamed for this by death itself, Anika challenges her and dies.

15. Nikita Kozhemyaka. serpent fighter

Nikita Kozhemyaka in Russian fairy tales is one of the main snake fighter characters. Before entering into a fight with the Serpent, he tears 12 skins, thereby proving his legendary power. Kozhemyaka not only defeats the Serpent, but also harnesses him to a plow and plows the land from Kyiv to the Black Sea. The defensive ramparts near Kyiv got their name (Zmievs) precisely because of the deeds of Nikita Kozhemyaka.

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old, about the experienced,
Yes, about battles, yes, about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!

I am like an educator preparatory group, decided to dedicate one of her projects to the formation of patriotic feelings in children and as part of a long-term project " Epic heroes- the first defenders of the Russian land "to acquaint preschoolers with the life of ancient Rus', its heroes, generals, heroic events that took place in Russia. The formation of a person as a citizen, in my opinion, should begin with his small homeland. Love for the big must be instilled from the small. The feeling of the homeland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, they play huge role in the formation of the personality of a young patriot. Raising patriotic feelings in preschool children is one of the tasks moral education. It includes cultivating love for others and home, to kindergarten and hometown, to your country. This work cannot be fully realized without involving oral folk art in it.

At present, life dictates the need to return to the priorities of love for the Fatherland. However, analysis current situation shows that children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about the outstanding defenders of the Fatherland, about the events military history of our country, about the achievements and greatness of the historical past of Russia.

It is important to convey the idea to children: after many, many years, people remember historical events, about the formidable war years, honor the memory of the dead, surround with attention and love the people who defended our Motherland.

And I tried not only to acquaint children with epics, but also to beat them.

We will begin an amazing journey that I am sure the children will remember forever. Years will pass, children will become adults, but the heroes we will meet in our travels will accompany them all their lives.

So, I want to go on a journey through Russian epics. Epics are an echo of the past, the very one that we study and treat with care. The future is built on the basis of the past. This is a fairy tale and a true story at the same time, and a song, and a verse, and just a story.

Epics do not have one author. They were composed by the Russian people. He composed in those ancient times, when our Motherland - Russia - was called Rus. That was a long time ago. Then there was no written language, people could not write down what they composed or saw, so epic stories were memorized and passed from grandfather to father, from father to son, from son to grandson. The storytellers tried to convey what they heard word for word, so the epics have come down to us through many, many times almost unchanged. Through epics, we learn how people lived in Ancient Rus', what events took place there.

Previously, epics were also called "old people", that is, a story about what happened in the old days. People believed that these events were not fictional, but real, only very old.

Epics appeared even when there were no books. Therefore, epics, or antiquities, were not read, but they said - they sang. While singing, they played along on the harp.

The performers of epics were called storytellers. Few knew how to say epics. The storytellers were revered and expressed all respect to them. They went from village to village and spoke in a singsong voice (like a song) about the heroes-heroes, about their exploits. They talked about how it was. About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their courage, courage, ingenuity, kindness.

This is how the epic went. For many centuries, the Russian people have passed from mouth to mouth, from grandfather to grandson, epics about mighty heroes. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. The heroes worked hard because they were powerful and strong. Epics told about the exploits of heroes - mighty and fearless warriors with great strength. They ride in the open field on heroic horses. The horses of the heroes are also not simple: they can sense danger and talk. If two heroes meet, they measure their strength with each other: this is their heroic amusements. And then the earth shakes, as if two mountains collided.

But when native land danger threatens, the heroes go to battle with the enemy. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter what countless hordes he brings with him, the heroes invariably win in battle.

Thus, introducing children to epics is a means of forming patriotic feelings in them and developing spirituality. As D.S. Likhachev noted, “we must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting: National Distinctions persist in the 21st century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge. That is why the native culture, like father and mother, should become an integral part of the soul of the child, the beginning that generates the personality.

Bylina "How Ilya from Murom became a hero"

In ancient times, lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo, a peasant Ivan Timofeevich with his wife Efrosinya Yakovlevna.
They had one son, Ilya.

His father and mother loved him, but they only cried, looking at him: for thirty years Ilya has been lying on the stove, not moving his hand or foot. And the hero Ilya is tall, and his mind is bright, and his eyes are sharp-sighted, but his legs do not wear, like logs lie, do not move.

Ilya hears, lying on the stove, how the mother cries, the father sighs, the Russian people complain: enemies attack Rus', trample the fields, people are killed, orphans are children. Robbers prowl along the paths, they do not give people either passage or passage. The Serpent Gorynych flies into Rus', drags the girls into his lair.
Bitterly, Ilya, hearing about all this, complains about his fate:

Oh you, my feet are unsteady, oh you, my uncontrollable hands! If I were healthy, the days didn’t go like that, the months rolled ...

Once upon a time, father and mother went to the forest to uproot stumps, tear out roots, and prepare the field for plowing. And Ilya lies alone on the stove, looking out the window.

Suddenly he sees - three beggar wanderers are coming up to his hut.

They stood at the gate, knocked with an iron ring and said:

Get up, Ilya, open the gate.

You, strangers, joke evil jokes: for thirty years I've been sitting on the stove, I can't get up.

And you get up, Ilyushenka.

Ilya rushed - and jumped off the stove, stands on the floor and does not believe his own luck.

Come on, take a walk, Ilya.

Ilya stepped once, stepped another - his legs hold him tightly, his legs carry him easily.

Ilya was delighted, he could not say a word for joy. And the passers-by say to him:

Bring me some cold water, Ilyusha.

Ilya brought a bucket of cold water.

The wanderer poured water into the ladle.

Drink up, Ilya. In this bucket is the water of all rivers, all lakes of Mother Rus'.

Ilya drank and felt the heroic strength in himself. And the Kaliki ask him:

Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

Lots of strangers. If I had a shovel, I would plow the whole earth.

Drink, Ilya, the rest. In that remnant of the whole earth there is dew, from green meadows, from high forests, from grain-growing fields. Drink.

Ilya drank and the rest.

And now you have a lot of power in you?

Oh, passing Kaliki, there is so much strength in me that if there was a ring in the sky, I would grab it and turn the whole earth over.

There is too much strength in you, you need to reduce it, otherwise the earth will not bear you. Bring some more water.

Ilya went through the water, but the earth really does not carry him: his foot in the ground, in a swamp, gets stuck, he grabbed an oak tree - an oak with a root out, the chain from the well, like a thread, was torn to pieces.

Already Ilya steps quietly, and under him the floorboards break. Already Ilya speaks in a whisper, and the doors are torn off their hinges.

Ilya brought water, the wanderers poured more ladles.

Drink, Ilya!

Ilya drank the well water.

How many strengths do you have now?

I have half strength in me.

Well, it will be with you, well done. You will be, Ilya, a great hero, fight, fight with the enemies of your native land, with robbers and monsters. Protect widows, orphans, little children. Only never, Ilya, do not argue with Svyatogor, his land carries through force. You do not quarrel with Mikula Selyaninovich, his mother loves him - the damp earth. Do not go to Volga Vseslavevich, he will not take it by force, so by cunning-wisdom. And now goodbye, Ilya.

Ilya bowed to the passers-by, and they left for the outskirts.

And Ilya took an ax and went to reap to his father and mother. He sees that a small place has been cleared of stump-roots, and his father and mother, exhausted from hard work, are sleeping soundly: people are old, and the work is hard.

Ilya began to clear the forest - only chips flew. Old oaks with one stroke bring down, young with a root from the earth tears. In three hours he cleared as much fields as the whole village could not master in three days. He ruined a great field, lowered the trees into a deep river, stuck an ax into an oak stump, grabbed a shovel and a rake and dug up and leveled a wide field - just know to sow with grain!

Father and mother woke up, surprised, delighted, kind word remembered the old wanderers.

And Ilya went to look for a horse.

He went out of the village and sees: a peasant is leading a red, shaggy, mangy foal. The whole price of a foal is worthless, but the peasant demands exorbitant money for him: fifty and a half rubles.

Ilya bought a foal, brought it home, put it in the stable, fattened it with white wheat, soldered it with spring water, cleaned it, groomed it, put fresh straw on it.

Three months later, Ilya Burushka began to lead out into the meadows at dawn. The foal rolled in the dawn dew, became a heroic horse.

Ilya led him to a high tyn. The horse began to play, dance, turn his head, shake his mane. He began to jump back and forth over the tyn. He jumped over ten times and did not touch his hoof. Ilya put a heroic hand on Burushka - the horse did not stagger, did not move.

Good horse, - says Ilya. He will be my true friend.

Ilya began to look for a sword in his hand. As he squeezes the hilt of the sword in his fist, the hilt will crush, crumble. Ilya has no sword in his hand. Ilya threw swords to the women to chip a torch. He himself went to the forge, forged three arrows for himself, each arrow weighing a whole pood. He made himself a tight bow, took a long spear, and even a damask club.

Ilya got dressed and went to his father and mother:

Let me go, father and mother, to the capital city of Kyiv to Prince Vladimir. I will serve Rus' with my native faith-truth, protect the Russian land from enemies-enemies.

He speaks old Ivan Timofeevich:

I bless you for good deeds, but there is no blessing for bad deeds. Defend our Russian land not for gold, not out of self-interest, but for honor, for heroic glory. In vain do not shed human blood, do not cry mothers and do not forget that you are a black, peasant family.

Ilya bowed to his father and mother to the damp earth and went to saddle Burushka-Kosmatushka. He put felts on the horse, and sweatshirts on the felts, and then a Cherkasy saddle with twelve silk girths, and with the thirteenth - iron, not for beauty, but for strength.

Ilya wanted to try his strength.

He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder in high mountain that was on the shore, and dumped it into the Oka River. The mountain blocked the channel, the river flowed in a new way.

Ilya took a rye crust loaf, lowered it into the Oka River, the Oke River himself said:

And thank you, mother Oka-river, for giving water, for feeding Ilya of Muromets.

In parting, he took with him a small handful of his native land, mounted a horse, waved his whip ...

People saw how Ilya jumped on a horse, but they did not see where he rode. Only the dust rose in a column across the field.

Assignments to the epic "How Ilya from Murom became a hero"

Exercise "Who can guess?"

(Children answer questions on the epic read “How Ilya from Murom became a hero”)

  1. What was the name of the hero in the epic read? (Ilya);
  2. How many years did he lie on the stove? (Thirty years);
  3. Who helped Ilya get up from the stove? (Three poor wanderers);
  4. What kind of medicine helped the hero get stronger? (Cold water from a well);
  5. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Buran-Burushka);
  6. What weapon did the hero forge for himself? (three arrows, a tight bow, a spear, a damask club);
  7. Where was Ilya Muromets born, in what city? (city of Murom);
  8. What city did Ilya Muromets go to? (Kyiv-grad);
  9. What prince did the bogatyr go to serve? (to Vladimir)

Dynamic pause "We are now heroes"

Let's stand together one - two - three(children walk in place)
We are now rich!
(arms bent at the elbows, showing strength)
We will present a palm to our eyes, ( right hand put a visor to the eyes)
Let's spread our strong legs,
Turning to the right - look around majestically.

And to the left, too, we must look majestically.
Tilt left - right
(hands on the belt, tilt left - right)
Turns out to fame!

Exercise "Gather the hero on the road"

Exercise "Who is who?"

(Heroes: Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor, Mikula Selyanovich, Volga Vseslavievich )

Exercise: "What is a hero like?"

(Children stand in a circle, the leader throws the ball, the children return it (the ball) naming the character trait of the hero)

  • wise,
  • cunning,
  • noble,
  • strong,
  • fair,
  • fearless,
  • bold,
  • brave…

Exercise-game "Yes - no"

(Children answer YES or NO questions)

Our motherland is strong (yeah)
And we have one (yeah)
There are heroes in Rus' (yes)
They are always praise and honor (yeah)
Ilya Muromets hero (yes)
He was the youngest (no)
He defeated the nightingale (yeah)
Shot from a machine gun (no)
Alyosha Popovich is also a hero (yes)
He's strong, brave, young (yeah)
Karabas won the battle (yes)
Heroes fought with the enemy on tanks (no)
They fought with sword and spear (yeah)
Dobrynya Nikitich was weak and frail (no)
He managed to defeat the snake with his strength (yes)
We are proud of our heroes (yes)
Do we want to be the same ourselves (yeah)

Exercise "Bogatyr and faithful horse"

(Children are divided into two teams and assemble a hero and a horse from the cut parts).

Maze exercise "Defeat the dragon"