Biographies Characteristics Analysis

State institutes with jurisprudence with preparatory courses. Specializations of the specialty jurisprudence

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • Social studies is a core subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

As a rule, most universities accept applicants for training in this specialty based on the results of two exams. Among them, the core subject is social studies - a compulsory and main subject.
Next, at the university of choice, the applicant is offered an exam in the Russian language, history or computer science and ICT. The university chooses one of these exams, which it considers more necessary, and this information is usually known in advance.
At its discretion, the educational institution may offer a third exam, namely a foreign language.

Law is a fairly popular specialty today, the choice of which among students became more active about 15 years ago, and to this day it remains one of the most in demand. Good legal specialists are needed in almost every organization, and choosing a specific training profile implies expanded opportunities for employment in your favorite field. Despite the overcrowding of the labor market with lawyers, specialists, university graduates with a good reputation and having good academic performance, will definitely be able to find a high-paying job.

Brief description of the specialty

The specialty provides several profiles, and when studying, the student, after studying basic disciplines chooses which of them he is ready to continue his studies. Most universities offer five main training profiles:

  • administrative,
  • criminal,
  • civil,
  • state,
  • international.

A bachelor's specialist is engaged in the development and implementation of legal norms, ensures compliance with law and order, can engage in legal training and education. The professional activity of a bachelor's graduate can be of a rule-making, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert-consulting or pedagogical nature.

Large universities

  • Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina
  • Russian Academy of Justice
  • International Academy of Business and Management

Terms and forms of training

Studying jurisprudence under the bachelor's degree program provides three forms of study: full-time, part-time and part-time. Duration of mastering the specialty at full-time— 4 years, in case of correspondence — 5 years. The duration of full-time and part-time study is 4.5 or 4.8 years, depending on the specific university (sometimes other terms are offered).

Receiving a bachelor's degree is just a step on the path to mastering this specialty. Someone stops there. But if you wish, you can further study in master’s and postgraduate studies - many universities offer this opportunity.

Subjects studied by students

On initial stage regardless of the chosen profile, all students study basic specialties, which include the following:

  • Theory of Government and Rights;
  • civil law;
  • story domestic state and rights;
  • constitutional law;
  • financial right;
  • labor law;
  • history of state and law of foreign countries;
  • civil process;
  • criminology;
  • criminal law;
  • banking law;
  • psychology and others.

In senior years of study, more specific (profile) specialties are provided:

  • arbitration process;
  • human rights protection system;
  • constitutional proceedings;
  • organization of legal services in government bodies;
  • Institutions of democracy in Russian Federation and others.

Training: acquired knowledge and skills

At the end of 4 years of study, a bachelor’s graduate will receive the following knowledge and skills:

  • preparation of legal documents;
  • ensuring compliance with laws;
  • application of regulatory legal acts;
  • qualifications of facts and circumstances from a legally correct point of view;
  • analysis of problems and processes of social significance;
  • making decisions and taking actions in accordance with the law;
  • teamwork;
  • desire for self-development, increasing the level of qualifications and skills;
  • working with a computer as a means of information management;
  • professional foreign vocabulary necessary for communication;
  • compliance healthy image life;
  • performance of official duties;
  • reflection of the results of professional activities in legal and other types of documentation, etc.

Professions: what you can work with

Bachelors who have graduated from the Faculty of Law can work as assistants in legal, notary and solicitor offices, as well as with legal consultants. As a rule, the service takes place in the police, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee and various government agencies. Graduates are widely in demand to work as corporate lawyers involved in the legal activities of the company. Their responsibilities include analyzing changes in legislation and their impact on the work of the organization, drawing up and checking various forms contracts, conducting consultations for company divisions. Most often today, lawyers are needed in banks, real estate and public utilities. Beginning assistants and junior specialists are paid from 25-30 thousand rubles. As you continue to learn and gain experience wage could grow significantly.


Decide on a university. Different universities have different admission requirements. Some have the same items, others have slightly different ones. Decide for yourself whether you want to study classical or law. A greater amount of practical knowledge speaks for itself at a law university. However, it is usually more interesting to study at a classical university. So choose what is more important to you - practical knowledge, or an interesting study. In addition, it is worth deciding on the city. Do you want to stay in your city and study in a more comfortable conditions, but under the supervision of parents? Or are you going to go to a regional or and enjoy the freedom of living in student dormitory?

Get ready for entrance examinations. On Faculty of Law They usually take Russian language and history. Some universities add a foreign language to this list. So pay attention to these subjects and improve your knowledge on them. Tutors will be available to help you special courses at schools and universities. It is most profitable to prepare for training courses the university you are going to attend.

Decide on your prospects. Studying law is a laudable desire. However, before you go to enroll, you must honestly answer the question: “Why do I need it?” If you can't think of anything else other than prestige, high income and great prospects, then it's hardly worth trying to get into law school. Getting into it is hard, studying is not too easy, and it's expensive. As for prestige, these days, to become a good, highly paid specialist, you need to work hard. There are lawyers who work in not very good positions, with low income and no prospects. And there are some legal specialists who cannot get a job anywhere at all. So you must have a clear idea of ​​where you will go to work later, whether you want to work there and whether you love law so much that even if you cannot succeed, you will not waste your time spent on studying this science.

Related article


  • what exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

Lawyer is a fairly common profession. Many people in Russia are trained in this particular profession, because they consider such a specialty to be prestigious. And there is now more than enough work for lawyers.


Depending on your specialization, you can choose a place of work to your liking. A good practice for gaining experience would be to work as a court clerk. Consideration of cases in court sessions gives a practical skill - over time, a specialist begins to have a good understanding of both procedural issues and the law. Practical experience very important in a legal career.

Working as a paralegal is also a good way to gain experience. Here you can find out all the pitfalls of a lawyer's career. After 5 years of professional experience, you can think about an independent career as a lawyer. If you understand the work, judging by the prices of the Bar Association, you can earn quite well. But it is not necessary to join the College; you can register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and provide legal services. Represent the interests of the client using a notarized power of attorney.

Another option is to work in any private company. Checking contracts, transactions, going to the Arbitration Court, legal support for the activities of an organization - this is the work of a lawyer in this area. However, such income is most often chosen by people who have just graduated from one or another educational institution, since the income of a lawyer working in a small private firm is usually not high.

To specialize in civil law, it is useful to work in a municipality. Activities in this area are varied and require knowledge and speed of decision-making. There you can also try your hand at protecting consumer rights; this work requires patience and the ability to work with people. Good specialist, who has a wealth of knowledge, will definitely apply it in practice and find a job to his liking.

In case of unforeseen situations, qualified personnel may be needed legal assistance, for this they usually turn to either private lawyers or a law firm. But very often in this profession there are scammers who are not able to provide professional help, but only take money from clients.

The legal market in our country is developing very chaotically. There are a great many companies that promise to solve any problems in a short time, but there are only a few that actually help. Absolutely any citizen who has the appropriate diploma can provide legal services. But it is very difficult for a client to distinguish a highly qualified lawyer from an amateur who bought his diploma in transit.

There are a lot of scammers who offer to solve issues related to criminal proceedings. In this case, it is better to choose a lawyer based on recommendations real people. This is especially true for large cities.

If your problem can only be solved by judicial procedure, then it’s worth spending some time looking for a really good lawyer, but you should understand that his services will not be cheap. Therefore, we also need to find money.

At the first meeting, an experienced and competent lawyer will do the following things:

1. He will listen to you carefully and understand the essence of the problem.

2. Name all the documents that he will need for work

3. He will tell you the proposed plan of action that is necessary to resolve the issue.

4. Will name the cost of services, and also inform you about possible additional costs that may arise, for example, examination, legal costs, and so on.

5. An experienced lawyer will not agree to work without an advance, so be prepared to pay some amount in advance. This is not a hundred percent amount, but 50 percent will need to be paid.

6. Also, a good lawyer is ready to provide his reports on similar cases that were successful.

7. An experienced lawyer will never 100% guarantee a positive result, but will be able to determine the likelihood of a favorable outcome, as well as name the articles of the law that will be in favor.

8. He will clearly and competently formulate the answer to each question, and will not look for excuses or speak in general phrases.

9. Will try to do everything possible to avoid bringing the case to court.

Of course it's not full list, but it is quite possible to understand intuitively who you are dealing with. The main result of such a meeting should be the trust that the lawyer inspires in the client. If such trust does not arise, it is better to look for other specialists.


When choosing a legal specialty, you need to immediately assess where exactly you can get a job later. There are three specializations that do not require you to have a higher education degree: “Legal Studies” (code 030503), “Law and Social Security Organization” (030504) and “Law Enforcement” (030505). The first specialization is suitable for working as a specialist in the passport office or human resources department, or as an interrogator; the second one is suitable if you are going to work in social security agencies. They can be obtained from a secondary school vocational education. The third specialty can be obtained through training courses conducted by security companies.

A higher legal education is more beneficial for you, since it allows you to work in absolutely any field where you may need it. However, there are also difficulties here, the most important of which is the mandatory passing of the Unified State Exam in several subjects at once upon admission. You will definitely have to take the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, history, etc. In addition, some educational institutions, in parallel with the Unified State Exam, conduct internal entrance exams. To become a lawyer, only a university that has a law faculty is suitable. In some universities (for example, pedagogical ones), you can become a lawyer by enrolling in the history department.

The most popular universities where you can become a lawyer are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Most often, capital applicants enter Moscow University State University, since students at this university begin to receive job offers while still in their third year. But becoming a student at Moscow State University is quite difficult, so you can also apply to MGIMO, MESI and Russian University Friendship between nations.

If you cannot afford to live in the capital, and your university does not provide dormitories, it’s time to think about northern capital. The St. Petersburg State University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is extremely popular there. This is explained by the high . You can also try to enter St. Petersburg IVESEP and St. Petersburg State University.

Due to the great popularity of the profession, it is quite difficult to enroll in a budget-funded place at a university. Most often, such places are given to target applicants, as well as students who were admitted in the direction of government agencies(courts, prosecutor's office, bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.). If you enroll as such a student, remember that for five years after graduation you will have to work only in the organization that sent you to study. This can be avoided, but then you will have to reimburse the organization for the full cost of your training.

A lawyer is a specialist in the field of law who was and remains in demand in the current system, despite layoffs during economic crisis. What should you do to get a legal education?

You will need

  • - application for admission to a university;
  • - exam results;
  • - characteristics;
  • - passport;
  • - photo;
  • - medical certificate;


Hand over a single State exam in the following subjects: Russian language, and. This compulsory disciplines for admission to law school, although some may have their own conditions, so you should find out about them in advance. You need to be well prepared to pass these exams, since a higher one gives you the right to study full-time budget department most universities.

Find out in advance about this moment. If you are not sure that you can prepare yourself, use the services of a tutor or sign up for preparation courses for the Unified State Exam. Do it every day practice tests from the exam, and soon you will be able to reach the level of 80-90 points, which may be quite enough for admission. But still, never stop there.

Remember that if in 1-2 years you enroll in the preparatory courses of the institute you want to attend after graduating from school, this will give you a big advantage over other students. Firstly, you will become more familiar with the subjects of the first year. Secondly, you will understand social studies better than others, and, as a result, you will pass it more successfully on the exam. The courses are paid, but they can be compared in price with the services of a private teacher.

Apply for graduation (or secondary special education) And passing the Unified State Exam. You will need a certificate (copy), photo (3-4), passport, reference and medical certificate. As soon as you complete the enrollment procedure (1-2 months), you will be given student ID, and you can start learning.


You can study at the law school for 4 to 5 years and become either a specialist or a bachelor. Although recent trends are leaning towards the second option.

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A lawyer is a prestigious and lucrative profession. They have one of the largest vocabulary, and of the 44 American presidents, more than half were lawyers, as were Gandhi, Fidel Castro and Lenin.

Of the more than 150 thousand annual graduates of the legal field, a fifth studied in the capital. Those who choose this field for themselves should get acquainted with the rating law schools Moscow and find out who are the best.

The oldest and leading university in Russia. The Faculty of Law was founded from the very beginning, in 1758, along with philosophy and medicine. The first 6 students, before starting classes, had to attend a three-year philosophical course.

Currently in scientific field The law faculty is based on the European school of law and Bologna system education (bachelor's and master's degrees). The faculty includes 16 departments and 3 laboratories (political science, legal informatics and research).

Since 2013, the Faculty of Law has been located in the new educational building №4.

Some companies, for example, the English consulting center Linklaters, prefer employees only with a law degree from Moscow State University.

In terms of law, the university is one of the big three, together with Moscow State University and the Academy of Law. According to the Superjob website, in 2017 graduates from this trio took 2nd place among the highest paid specialists.

The Faculty of International Law consists of 14 departments. There is a Legal Club in English, therefore all graduates possess it sufficiently, as well as a second foreign language.

There is a full-time and part-time master's program for obtaining a second higher education in 2.5 years (master's degree). The faculty publishes 2 printed publications.

The educational institution has gone from correspondence courses in 1931 to one of the most authoritative law universities countries. Today at legal academy(MSAL) almost 13 thousand students study at 31 faculties and 3 branches (Kirov, Vologda and Orenburg).

In total, the academy operates more than 20 areas and schools, including such unique ones as sports, competition and corporate law.

Founded in 1919, today the law faculty is among the top five in Moscow in terms of the salaries of its graduates. And in the comparative ranking of university departments “ international law" is in 2nd place among the other 17 natural sciences.

The training structure is based on the concept of continuous level training and works in 3 areas that are most in demand in Russia: international, tax and financial, as well as business and civil.

Over the 20 years of its existence, the Faculty of Law has not only managed to establish a classical education system, but has also learned to train business lawyers. Its 10 departments train specialists in all popular fields, including the field of sports.

HSE publishes its own legal journal, which is distributed in the CIS countries and abroad.

The last reorganization at the university took place in 2002. This is the largest in the country for training specialists for police departments. Currently there are 12 faculties (including distance learning and training of foreign specialists) and 35 departments study more than 500 disciplines. Branches are located in Ryazan and Tver.

Specialties include information security specialist and teacher-researcher.

The Faculty of Law was one of the first to open at the institute in 1960. At first, only international jurisprudence was studied in it, since the personnel were intended to work in foreign countries. But already in 1980, the specialty “jurisdiction” appeared. In 2014, the faculty was reorganized into a separate law school, graduating a little more than 4 thousand specialists during this period.

Currently, training at the university takes place in 15 specialties. Training program affects all levels of education, including doctoral degrees legal sciences(total 2 bachelor's programs and 25 master's programs).

First economic university countries with a huge list of branches in Russia and abroad, provides legal education at the Faculty of Economics and Law, founded in 1945 and merged with the General Economic Faculty in 2016.

The civil law program (bachelor's degree) provides qualified training of lawyers capable of solving legal issues and providing support for contracts. 2% of compulsory subjects are taught in English, which is very important for further work in consulting and international companies.

The master's program implements 3 areas of activity: legal support financial services, economic activity and economic crime prevention.

This is a highly specialized specialized university that trains employees law enforcement(over 20 thousand students in total). At 5 faculties and 15 departments, specialists study in many educational programs: master's, doctoral, postgraduate and second higher education.

There are also pre-university preparation and college. The University has a Center scientific research and publishes 2 legal journals.

15 branches have been opened in all cities of Russia.

Former Engineering and Economic Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. More than a thousand students undergo annual training and about 200 more receive a second degree. Each department is not only educational, but also science Center, in which research work is carried out.

Its main programs are implemented in 4 forms: correspondence, full-time, evening and external studies (independent).

Every year in our country there are final certifications for students of 9th and 11th grades. At this time, graduates need to take one more step in their educational activities. If 9th grade students can choose not to take additional exams and continue their studies at school, then 11th grade graduates will have to make a choice.

At the first stage, you need to decide on a profession. Here, despite the many negative reviews , the leading position is occupied by the legal profession. No matter what anyone says, lawyers are needed in our country and abroad.

That is why graduates have a logical question about what subjects they need to pass in order to become a lawyer. In this article we will try to answer this question..

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?

The procedure for admission to higher and secondary vocational education programs is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as well as by the rules of educational institutions. For admission to higher education institution It is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in specialized exams and score the appropriate number of points. So, what subjects do you need to take to enroll in the Faculty of Law:

Some institutes may conduct additional exams. For example, you can take an exam in social studies or history. These are mainly oral exams. Some universities check proficiency foreign language. Graduates who want to become international lawyers will have to pass this exam.

What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

A lawyer is common name. Legal education can be used in different areas of life . That is why the focus of training There are different types of lawyers. That is, the entrance exams for these specializations will also be different:


Law is a large specialization. Universities train specialists for various fields. Some train, law enforcement officers or specialists forensics. Other universities carry out educational program to train government specialists, as well as lawyers to protect labor and civil rights. That is why choosing the profession of a lawyer, you need to think about what area you want to develop in or what area interests you.

As for admission to the Faculty of Law, there is no big difference in exams between profiles. Mostly history, society, and Russian language are tested. Additional exams will be conducted by the institute. To know exactly what exams are needed for admission, you need to go to the official website of the institute and look at the information or call . They will also explain to you, when admission opens and until what date it will last, what documents are needed for admission.

Institutes to help applicants choose an educational institution to study. All universities on the list have a specialty in "Jurisprudence", and in addition, many other areas in the field social protection and rights.


The Moscow New Law Institute was created more than twenty years ago, in 1993. This is a non-state institution. The profiles and areas in which training takes place are: law, economics, management. Qualifications include only specialist and bachelor's degrees, no master's degrees. Graduates receive a state diploma. All teachers among them 85% have scientific titles and degrees. Young men of military age are entitled to a deferment from the army. The teaching schedule is flexible, practice exists. distance learning students.

The Moscow New Law Institute has five regional branches(Yubileiny, Bryansk, Sochi, Sovetsk, Tuchkovo). Educational process The branches are also carried out by highly qualified specialists. For example, the branch of the Moscow New Law Institute in the village of Tuchkovo is in no way inferior to the main university, although it is the youngest. Most likely, this is explained by its proximity to Moscow.

Result of MNUI monitoring

Unfortunately, this institute did not show high results, the indicator is two points out of seven. The average passing score on the Unified State Exam is 48.32, which also does not indicate the height of the indicators. The Moscow New Law Institute does not provide budget places.

There are 2,534 students studying at MNUI at the same time, of which only six are full-time, which is explained by high tuition fees. In person extramural is paid with a smaller amount, so there are 51 students in this department, which, of course, is also not enough. The rest study by correspondence, it’s even cheaper. Among huge amount universities that train future lawyers, you can choose a more prestigious one than MNLU. The Moscow New Law Institute is not among the best Moscow universities.


The Ministry of Education and Science carried out monitoring, based on the findings of which we can say that this is a worthy university. It is quite young, founded in 1992, and small - only 331 students attend the First Moscow Law Institute. The rating result is six points out of seven, not bad. According to the Unified State Examination, the average passing score upon admission is also higher - 64.01. Budget training and this institute does not provide for it. The First Moscow Law Institute is a non-state institution and with rather expensive tuition.

Nevertheless, students prefer to study full-time, there are 183 of them in this department, the rest are almost equally divided between part-time and part-time departments. Moreover, not all students of this university are Russians; the institute willingly accepts visitors from abroad to study. First studied here humanitarian subjects and socio-economic, and in subsequent courses - general professional disciplines and highly specialized ones. After graduation, graduates easily find employment in the courts, internal affairs, prosecutors, notaries and security services, the bar and many other organizations, regardless of whether they belong to the state or not. It makes sense for applicants to think and choose this particular Moscow law institute.

Student reviews

The overall impression after reading the reviews is that students love their university, and graduates remember it fondly. Many people write about quality distance education, which turned out to be up to par: a convenient form for teaching adults and busy people. Teachers provide detailed advice; if questions arise or difficulties are encountered, there is no refusal.

They also write that textbooks and manuals contain material presented in an understandable and accessible language. Mandatory verification tests comfortable. Noted high level knowledge through well-thought-out programs. There are many such constructive reviews, but most of contains gratitude to the teachers for the fact that the graduates did not regret their choice - The First Moscow Law Institute gave graduates a start in real life.


The Financial University has a law faculty, where it trains lawyers as well highest quality, as well as banking specialists who received a diploma from this university. The university has twenty-four faculties, twelve subordinates general structure institutes, two higher schools and four laboratories. Education here is provided by innovative technologies, where the system is encouraged continuing education, including pre-university training, retraining, and second higher education.

The rating of this university is very high - class "B" (it must be taken into account that class "A", which means an exceptionally high level, was received only by Moscow State University). From the Ministry of Education and Science, the Financial University received six points out of seven, which is also a very high mark. It is worth noting that not every educational institution represented by Moscow legal institutes will be included in the list best universities BRICS countries. This university has entered. The average Unified State Examination is very high and is 79.2. Not all Moscow law institutes select students so carefully. By the way, 24,208 people study at the university at the same time. Eat military department. Dorms are available.


This is a financial and legal university, formerly an academy, now a university. Founded in 1990, but for this a short time It turned out that other Moscow law institutes constitute very serious competition for this university: the rating from the Ministry of Education and Science is two points out of seven - not enough. The average passing score is also not very high: 54.92. However, Moscow University of Finance and Law is among the accredited non-state universities considered the best. It's because this institution gives students thirty-eight specialties plus twelve graduate specialties.

There are bachelor's, specialist's, and master's degrees. Senior students get internships in the IT and financial and legal clinics of the university, where they provide free consultations to everyone. There is a deferment from the army. There are 11,616 students studying at the same time, most of them in the correspondence department - 9,032. The university has ten branches in different cities countries. For example, the Vladimir branch of the Moscow Law Institute (University), created in 2002, is working to achieve world standards of educational quality, as are other branches.


The Russian Academy trains highly qualified specialists - lawyers and notaries. Students receive a state diploma, so they always aspire to a successful career in law. It offers bachelor's and master's degrees in the specialties "International Trade Arbitration", "Notarial Activity" and many others.

There is also graduate school. In addition, lawyers-translators and professional notaries are trained here. The rating from the Ministry of Education and Science is five points out of seven, this is good result. The average passing score is quite high - 63.58. There are only 281 students, and there are not much more part-time students among them than full-time students.


The university is non-state, but accredited by the state. Formed in 1992. It is considered one of the leading educational institutions providing legal and economic education. Many Moscow law institutes do not provide students with the same opportunities that the Institute of Economics and Law provides. This includes training, internships abroad, and international programs. Equipment technical means also on top.

Qualifications - bachelor's and master's degrees, a second HE is given, there are both full-time and part-time courses, and distance learning. The Ministry of Education and Science assessed the work and equipment of the university as four points out of seven. The average passing score is 56.72, lower for full-time students. There are 993 students studying, 795 of them by correspondence. There are a lot of branches throughout Russia - thirty-three.

Moscow State Law Academy

Moscow Law Institute named after Kutafin is state academy, formed in 1931. The academy's profile is purely legal. This is the leader of all law universities in the country, despite the fact that the Ministry of Education and Science gave only four points out of seven. A lot of budget places- last year it was 450, with the highest passing score being 81.75, and for the budget - 89.87.

This means that only a very motivated applicant will be able to enroll here, even for a paid form of education. The university has an excellent technical base. This is where forensic experts come from. of the highest qualifications. There are postgraduate, bachelor's, master's, advanced training courses, and preparatory courses. Total There are 7241 students, of which 4098 are full-time, that is, a lot. There are good hostels in Moscow and in four branches - Vologda, Kirov, Magadan, Orenburg.

MU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

MIA is a university established in 1975. There is one direction in the master's and bachelor's degrees, and the specialty is aimed at seven areas. Thirteen faculties train highly qualified professionals for internal affairs bodies.

The specificity and focus imply a certain closeness of this educational institution. It does not participate in ratings; they have their own commissions. The Ministry of Internal Affairs provides the opportunity to receive vocational secondary education. 323 students are studying. The hostel is good. The university has two branches - in Ryazan and Staroteryaevo (Ruza).


This university is focused on training government controlled, and in this university, accordingly, is strong. In addition to jurisprudence and public administration, work is also carried out here in the field of management. Eleven bachelor's degree areas, ten master's degrees and five postgraduate specialties are provided for applicants.

Traditional classical education here it is skillfully combined with innovative approaches, so the university confidently takes a place in the top five among non-profit universities. Business and law are one of the most popular areas of study. The Ministry of Education and Science nevertheless rated the university’s efficiency indicator as four out of seven. The average passing score is 53.62. There are 2,151 students studying at the university, most of all part-time students - 1,248.


The Russian Academy of Justice trains specialists of the highest class, satisfying the need for them judicial system countries. State diplomas. There are seven faculties, a forensic laboratory, legal clinic. Civil servants and judges teach at the university. The academy has eleven branches, one of them outside the Russian Federation. RAP works closely with European educational institutions and organizations, publishes a large number of reference, scientific, educational literature, magazine and student newspaper. There is also an online publishing store here.

The Ministry of Education and Science rated the activities and equipment of the university quite highly, giving it five points out of seven. The average passing score on the Unified State Exam is very high: for the budget - 90.44. RAP trains 2,994 students, approximately equally divided between full-time and part-time correspondence departments. Part-time and part-time - 146 people. There is a military department. The hostel, judging by the reviews, is good. The branches are also rated very highly; the academy has eleven of them.