Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Biological factors in the development of a child’s personality include: Biological factors of personality development

» — general concept, denoting belonging to the human race, the nature of which, as noted above, combines biological and social qualities. In other words, a person appears in his essence as biosocial being.

Modern man from birth represents a biosocial unity. He is born with incompletely formed anatomical and physiological qualities, which further develop during his life in society. At the same time, heredity supplies the child not only with biological properties and instincts. He initially turns out to be the owner of the human qualities: developed ability to imitate adults, curiosity, the ability to be upset and happy. His smile (“privilege” of a person) has an innate character. But it is society that completely introduces a person into this world, which fills his behavior with social content.

Consciousness is not our natural heritage, although nature creates the physiological basis for it. Conscious mental phenomena are formed throughout life as a result of active mastery of language and culture. It is to society that man owes such qualities as transformative instrumental activity, communication through speech, and the ability for spiritual creativity.

The acquisition of social qualities by a person occurs in the process socialization: what is inherent in a particular person is the result of mastering cultural values that exist in a particular society. At the same time, it is an expression, the embodiment of the internal capabilities of the individual.

Natural and social interaction person and society contradictory. Man is a subject of social life; he realizes himself only in society. However, it is also a product of the environment, reflecting the features of the development of biological and social aspects public life. Achieving biological and social harmony society and man at every historical stage acts as an ideal, the pursuit of which contributes to the development of both society and man.

Society and man are inseparable from each other both biologically and socially. Society is what the people who form it are; it acts as an expression, design, and consolidation of the inner essence of a person, his way of life. Man emerged from nature, but exists as a man only thanks to society, is formed in it and shapes it through his activities.

Society determines the conditions for not only social, but also biological improvement of man. That is why the focus of society should be on ensuring the health of people from birth to old age. Biological health a person allows him to actively participate in the life of society, realize his creative potential, create a full-fledged family, raise and educate children. At the same time, a person deprived of the necessary social conditions for life loses his “ biological form", deteriorates not only morally, but also physically, which can cause antisocial behavior and crimes.

In society, a person realizes his nature, but he himself is forced to submit to the requirements and restrictions of society, to be responsible to it. After all, society is all people, including every person, and by submitting to society, he affirms in himself the demands of his own essence. By speaking out against society, a person not only undermines the foundations of general well-being, but also deforms his own nature, disrupts the harmony of biological and social principles in himself.

Biological and social factors

What allowed man to stand out from the animal world? The main factors of anthropogenesis can be divided as follows:

  • biological factors- upright posture, hand development, large and developed brain, ability for articulate speech;

Of the factors listed above, played a leading role in the process of human development; His example demonstrates the interrelation of other biological and social factors. Thus, upright walking freed up the hands for using and making tools, and the structure of the hand (distant thumb, flexibility) allowed the effective use of these tools. In the process of joint work, close relationships developed between members of the team, which led to the establishment of group interaction, care for members of the tribe (morality), and the need for communication (the appearance of speech). Language contributed to expressing increasingly complex concepts; the development of thinking, in turn, enriched the language with new words. Language also made it possible to pass on experience from generation to generation, preserving and increasing the knowledge of mankind.

Thus, modern man- a product of the interaction of biological and social factors.

Under him biological features understand what brings a person closer to an animal (with the exception of the factors of anthropogenesis, which were the basis for separating man from the kingdom of nature) - hereditary characteristics; the presence of instincts (self-preservation, sexual, etc.); emotions; biological needs(breathe, eat, sleep, etc.); similar to other mammals physiological characteristics(presence of identical internal organs, hormones, constant body temperature); the ability to use natural objects; adaptation to the environment, procreation.

Social Features characteristic exclusively of humans - the ability to produce tools; articulate speech; language; social needs(communication, affection, friendship, love); spiritual needs (,); awareness of your needs; activity (labor, artistic, etc.) as the ability to transform the world; consciousness; ability to think; creation; creation; goal setting.

Man cannot be reduced solely to social qualities, since biological prerequisites are necessary for his development. But it cannot be reduced to biological characteristics, since one can only become a person in society. Biological and social are inseparably fused in a person, which makes him special biosocial being.

Biological and social in man and their unity

Ideas about the unity of the biological and social in the development of man were not formed immediately.

Without delving into distant antiquity, let us recall that during the Enlightenment, many thinkers, differentiating the natural and the social, considered the latter as “artificially” created by man, including almost all the attributes of social life - spiritual needs, social institutions, morality, traditions and customs. It was during this period wide use get concepts like "natural law", "natural equality", "natural morality".

The natural, or natural, was considered as the foundation, the basis of correctness social order. There is no need to emphasize that the social played a secondary role and was directly dependent on natural environment. In the second half of the 19th century. various theories of social Darwinism, the essence of which is attempts to extend to social life principles natural selection and the struggle for existence in living nature, formulated by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. The emergence of society and its development were considered only within the framework of evolutionary changes occurring independently of the will of people. Naturally, everything that happens in society, including social inequality, strict laws of social struggle, were considered by them as necessary and useful both for society as a whole and for its individuals.

In the 20th century attempts to biologize “explain” the essence of man and his social qualities do not stop. As an example, we can cite the phenomenology of man by the famous French thinker and natural scientist, by the way, the clergyman P. Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). According to Teilhard, man embodies and concentrates in himself the entire development of the world. Nature in its process historical development receives its meaning in a person. In it, she reaches, as it were, her highest biological development, and at the same time it acts as a kind of beginning of her conscious, and, consequently, social development.

Currently, science has established the opinion that biosocial nature person. At the same time, the social is not only not belittled, but it is celebrated a vital role in the selection Homo sapiens from the animal world and his transformation into a social being. Now hardly anyone dares to deny biological prerequisites for the emergence of man. Even without turning to scientific evidence, but guided by the simplest observations and generalizations, it is not difficult to discover a person’s enormous dependence on natural changesmagnetic storms in the atmosphere solar activity, earthly elements and disasters.

In the formation, existence of man, and this has already been said before, huge role belongs to social factors, such as labor, relationships between people, their political and social institutions. None of them by itself, separately, could have led to the emergence of man, his separation from the animal world.

Each person is unique and this is also predetermined by his nature, in particular, by the unique set of genes inherited from his parents. It must also be said that the physical differences that exist between people are primarily predetermined by biological differences. These are, first of all, the differences between the two sexes - men and women, which can be considered among the most significant differences between people. There are other physical differences - skin color, eye color, body structure, which are mainly due to geographical and climatic factors. It is these factors, as well as the unequal conditions of historical development, the educational system that largely explain the differences in everyday life, psychology, social status peoples various countries. And yet, despite these rather fundamental differences in their biology, physiology and mental potential, the people of our planet are generally equal. The achievements of modern science convincingly demonstrate that there is no reason to claim the superiority of any race over another.

Social in man- this is, first of all, instrumental production activity, collectivist forms of life with the division of responsibilities between individuals, language, thinking, social and political activity. It is known that Homo sapiens as a person and an individual cannot exist outside of human communities. Cases have been described where small children, due to various reasons came under the care of animals, were “raised” by them, and when they returned to people after several years in the animal world, they needed years to adapt to the new social environment. Finally, social life it is impossible to imagine a person without his social and political activity. Strictly speaking, as noted earlier, a person’s life itself is social, since he constantly interacts with people - at home, at work, during leisure time. How do the biological and the social relate when determining the essence and nature of a person? Modern science answers this unequivocally - only in unity. Indeed, without biological prerequisites it would be difficult to imagine the emergence of hominids, but without social conditions the emergence of man was impossible. It’s no longer a secret that pollution environment, the human environment poses a threat to the biological existence of Homo sapiens. To summarize, we can say that now, like many millions of years ago, physical state man and his existence depend to a certain extent on the state of nature. In general, it can be argued that now, as during emergence of Homo sapiens, its existence is ensured by the unity of the biological and social.

The problem of the formation of a person as an individual is traditional and at the same time relevant. The very concepts of “personality” and “development” are considered problematic. Personality- in the very general view is an individual as a subject of relationships and conscious activity, which has a stable system socially significant features, consciousness and self-awareness. Personal development refers to 2 types of phenomena:

> Biological development, i.e. organic maturation of the brain and anatomical and biological structures. This development occurs spontaneously, regardless of the person.

> Mental development, i.e. a certain dynamics of mental and volitional development.

These 2 vectors of development occur simultaneously, but not in parallel. Research results indicate that a person’s personality in the unity of its social, moral and psychological properties and signs are formed in the process of his entire life and activity.

Personality formation- complex, contradictory and at the same time natural process, influenced by 2 groups of factors: Biological and Social. The relationship between the biological and the social in the formation of personality has not yet been revealed in all its subtle relationships. On the one hand, in the process of personality formation, the main factor is the social in the form of a whole complex of purely human influences(this includes education, upbringing, social conditions life, culture, traditions, customs, etc.). On the other hand, biological (even genetic) factors also operate, such as: features of neurodynamic processes, unconditional reactions, instincts, temperament, etc.

Let's look in more detail at Influence of biological factors for personality development. The natural (biological) in a person is what connects him with his ancestors. Genes are the carriers of heredity in nature. Data from genetic science provide convincing evidence that hereditary social programs human behavior does not exist; we can only talk about hereditary biological programs, storing information about the properties of the organism. Hereditary programs include everything in common that makes a person human: a disposition to intense social life, to work, to the inclinations of speech and thinking. transmitted from parents to children external signs, features of the nervous system and pathological properties.

IN educational plan biological factor represents serious problem. Some scientists (Thorndike) argue that biological factors are decisive in the process of personality formation, others believe that social factors are dominant. In reality, it is very difficult to distinguish variability that arises under the influence of upbringing, education, and the entire complex of social conditions, from the influence of the genotype. For example, the fact that children reproduce the behavior patterns of their parents says little about the role of biological heredity, since parents regulate the upbringing of children, and they themselves imitate their parents, while being influenced by the family environment. IN modern genetics a trend of interpenetration is emerging, i.e., a person’s individual personal properties are determined by the interaction of the genetic system (biological factor) and external conditions (social factor). It is argued that both of them do not cancel or exclude each other, but are in close interaction.

The development and improvement of personal qualities occurs throughout life. According to some scientists, personality is formed in accordance with innate inclinations and abilities, and society plays only a minor role. Representatives of another point of view believe that a person is a product that is formed in the process of interaction with the outside world, and any innate qualities can change under the influence of environmental factors.

Biological factors of personality development

Biological factors in personality formation include characteristics acquired by a child during intrauterine development. They are caused by many external and internal reasons. The fetus does not perceive the world directly, but is constantly influenced by the feelings and emotions of its mother. Therefore, the first information about the surrounding world is “registered”.

Genetic factors also play an important role. It is believed that heredity is the basis for the formation of personality. These include:
- capabilities;
- physical qualities;
- type and specificity of the nervous system.
Genetics explains the individuality of each person, his difference from others.

Later, after birth, crises influence the formation of personality. age development. It is during these periods that a turning point occurs, when some qualities lose their relevance, and new ones appear in their place.

Social factors in personality formation

Personality formation occurs in stages, with stages having common features in all people. First of all, the upbringing that a person receives in childhood has an influence. The further perception of everything around us depends on it. D.B. Elkonin argued that already in the first year of life a child develops “basic trust or distrust in the world around him.” In the first case, the child chooses a positive component for himself, which guarantees healthy personality development. If the tasks of the first year remain unsolved, a basic distrust of the world is formed, complexes and shame appear.

The formation of personality is also influenced by society when there is acceptance and awareness of one’s own role. Socialization lasts throughout life, but its main stages take place in the young adulthood. The formation of personality in the process of communication is carried out through imitation, development of ideals and independence. The primary one is in the family, and the secondary one is in social institutions.

Thus, the process of personality formation is influenced by hereditary factors and the unique conditions of the microenvironment in which a person is located.


Personality education is a long and labor-intensive process, the influence of which is possible up to 23 years of age. However, the foundation for education must be laid in the child before the age of four. Usually everything invested in a child up to this age comes out already in mature age.


To provide for your children psychological health, parents need to fully satisfy children's needs in games with adults. Children from one to two years old need to engage in any object games (rattles, nesting dolls, etc.). At the age of one and a half to three years, it will be most useful role-playing games, for example, caring for dolls and toys. Children over three years old enjoy playing role-playing games with a plot (games to the store, hospital, school or something similar)

Discipline plays a big role in the successful raising of children. Here it is important to know how to properly raise children without screaming, since children under the age of three do not understand the meaning of their actions at all. They learn about the world through their disobedience. That is why any punishment, including slaps and screams, will not bring positive results, but on the contrary will provoke the development of aggression and goiter in adulthood.

Parents are also often inconsistent in their actions. During bad mood The baby gets hurt by the slightest mistakes, but when the mood is good, those actions are simply not noticed. Based on this behavior of parents, children cannot learn which of their actions are good and which are bad.

How to raise a child correctly?

The first and most important thing is to never put yourself above your children. They will still have time to see terrible teachers. Task good parent- be a friend and partner. If a child fully respects his parents, then they automatically deserve respect from him, which many want to receive with punishment and yelling.

Secondly, it is important to have great amount patience and learn not to yell at children. Remember - there is no need to punish or shout at the top of your voice for bad deeds. It is much better to talk, find out the reasons and why certain actions are considered bad. Most often, children do stupid things just to attract attention from adults.

And by the end it should be noted main secret successful raising of children - instill in your children faith in themselves. Remember that they need support every second of their lives. Tell them the phrases “I’m proud of you”, “I believe in you”, “You can do it” more often, this will help the child grow up strong and confident in himself and his abilities.

The most important stage The formation of a person’s personal qualities is the actual formation of his personality. Moreover, the formation of a person’s personality begins very early, from infancy, and continues throughout life.

You will need

  • Books on personality psychology, computer with Internet connection.


One is not born a person, one becomes a person. Personal qualities are not those qualities that are inherent in a person genetically, but those that are acquired during life as a result of learning. life experience And social formation. These qualities begin to form very early, in infancy and childhood. preschool age, during this period those human properties are laid down that will accompany him throughout later life and will form the basis of his personality. Further the most important stage personality formation occurs in adolescence, but this process never ends, continuing throughout a person’s conscious life. To become and remain a full-fledged person, you need to constantly work on yourself.

Human development is a complex and multifaceted process of formation and development of personality, occurring under the influence of controlled and uncontrollable, external and internal factors. Child development involves a process of physiological, mental and moral growth, covering various qualitative and quantitative changes hereditary and acquired properties. It is known that the development process can occur according to different scenarios and at different speeds.

Highlight the following factors child development:

  • Prenatal factors, including heredity, maternal health, the functioning of the endocrine system, intrauterine infections, the course of pregnancy, etc.
  • Child development factors associated with childbirth: injuries received during childbirth, all kinds of lesions resulting from insufficient oxygen supply to the baby’s brain, etc.
  • Prematurity. Babies born at seven months have not yet completed 2 months of intrauterine development and therefore initially lag behind their timely born peers.
  • The environment is one of the main factors influencing the development of a child. This category includes breastfeeding and further nutrition, various natural factors(ecology, water, climate, sun, air, etc.), organization of leisure and recreation for the child, mental environment and family atmosphere.
  • The gender of the baby largely determines the speed of development of the child, since it is known that girls are initial stage They are ahead of the boys, they begin to walk and talk earlier.

It is necessary to consider in more detail the factors influencing the development of the child.

Biological factors of child development

Many scientists agree that it is the biological factors of child development that play a key role. After all, heredity largely determines the level of physical, mental and moral development. Every person from birth has certain organic inclinations that determine the degree of development of the main aspects of the personality, such as types of gifts or talents, dynamics mental processes And emotional sphere. Genes act as material carriers of heredity, thanks to which small man inherits anatomical structure, features of physiological functioning and the nature of metabolism, type of nervous system, etc. In addition, it is heredity that determines the key unconditioned reflex reactions and the functioning of physiological mechanisms.

Naturally, throughout a person’s life, his heredity is corrected social impact and the influence of the educational system. Because nervous system quite plastic, its type can change under the influence of certain life experiences. However, the biological factors of a child’s development still largely determine a person’s character, temperament and abilities.

Factors in child mental development

Prerequisites or factors for a child’s mental development include various circumstances, which affect his level of mental development. Since a person is a bio-social being, the factors of a child’s mental development include natural and biological inclinations, as well as social living conditions. It is under the influence of each of these factors that the child’s mental development occurs.

The most powerful in terms of impact on psychological development baby is social factor. It is the character psychological relationships between parents and baby in early childhood largely shapes his personality. Although the baby in the first years of life is not yet able to understand the intricacies interpersonal communication and understand conflicts, he senses the basic atmosphere prevailing in the family. If in family relationships If love, trust and respect for each other prevail, then the child will have a healthy and strong psyche. Young children often feel their own guilt in adult conflicts and may feel their own worthlessness, and this often leads to mental trauma.

The mental development of a child is mainly subject to several key conditions:

  • normal functioning of the brain ensures the timely and correct development of the baby;
  • full-fledged physical development baby and the development of nervous processes;
  • the presence of proper upbringing and the correct system of child development: systematic and consistent education, both at home and in kindergarten, school and various educational institutions;
  • the preservation of the sense organs, thanks to which the baby’s connection with the outside world is ensured.

It is if all these conditions are met that the baby will be able to develop correctly psychologically.

Social factors of development

Special attention should be paid to one of the main factors in the development of a child’s personality – the social environment. It contributes to the formation of the child's system moral standards And moral values. In addition, the environment largely determines the child’s level of self-esteem. Personality formation is influenced cognitive activity child, which includes the development of innate motor reflexes, speech and thinking. It is important that the child can acquire social experience and learn the basics and norms of behavior in society. 4.1 out of 5 (7 votes)