Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to complete tasks 4 of the Russian Unified State Examination. New task in the Unified State Exam in Russian

Continues to introduce students to the changes in the Unified State Exam 2019 in the Russian language. In this article we analyze task No. 21.

As everyone who has read the new demo version on the FIPI website has already seen, Unified State Exam 2019 there have been some changes. There are even fewer multiple-choice tests. Pseudo-literary arguments, which were used to patch up holes in the content of an essay based on the text, are now irrelevant. The main thing is that a completely new punctuation task has been added. So, what is task number 21?

From the numbered sentences, you need to choose those in which some punctuation mark (a dash in the demo version, a colon, a comma) is placed according to a rule common to several sentences.

In the demo version, you need to find sentences in which a DASH is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. In seven sentences of the 21st task of the demo version 2019, a dash is used four times as a punctuation mark and twice as a sign of an interval of values ​​(15–20 m, 100–200 m). Let's see what rules are used to place dashes in the first, third, sixth and seventh sentences. In the first dash - between the subject and the predicate, in the third - before the application, in the sixth also before the application, and in the seventh dash it stands between the parts of a non-conjunction complex sentence (BSP). As you can see, the general rule is to place a dash in the third and sixth sentences. Answer: 36.

So far, there appears to be no need to differentiate internally general rules. Let's say, a dash between parts of the BSP is placed according to various reasons, but to complete task No. 21 you just need to take indicated sign punctuation to a specific group.

Let's try to identify such groups.

For comma:

1) between homogeneous members;

2) to isolate a member of a sentence;

3) to highlight constructions that are not members of the sentence (address, interjection, introductory words);

4) between parts of a complex sentence.

There may be some distinction within the 3rd and 4th groups. For example, by type complex sentences: non-union, complex or complex. But, most likely, there will be an example on the exam that does not suggest different readings.

For dash:

1) between subject and predicate;

2) in incomplete sentence;

3) before the application;

4) to highlight the insert structure;

5) before the generalizing word

6) in a non-union complex sentence.

A dash is also placed when transmitting someone else's speech in writing: before lines of dialogue, before the words of the author. Since almost always in such cases we're talking about about the combination of signs, it is unlikely that there will be similar examples on the Unified State Examination.

For colon:

1) after a generalizing word with homogeneous terms;

2) in a non-union complex sentence;

Here, in general, are all the main groups of punctuation marks within sentences. There are also punctuation marks for the end of a sentence: period, ellipsis, question and exclamation marks, but groups are formed only by the use exclamation mark or dots. So it’s best to focus on the rules of punctuation within sentences: commas, dashes and colons. The semicolon, too, if you remember, is used only in a single case: between parts of the BSP.

In my opinion, the best guide For repetition and generalization of what has been studied in syntax and punctuation, the now rare and long-out-of-print book by V.N. Gorshkova "Syntax and punctuation. Exercises with selective response. A manual for evening school teachers." I have this one - in the 1975 edition. I've seen incomplete options in in electronic format. Find it - you won't regret it. But the book contains only tests, no rules. In addition, the tests are not in the Unified State Exam format.

I will give an example of tasks from the book.

150. Indicate where the dash is placed: between the subject and the predicate, in an incomplete sentence to indicate the omission of a member of the sentence, before a generalizing word or in a non-union complex sentence.
I. The spring sun, the local fields - I would be glad to give everything to you. (Fat.)
II. Over Russia the sky is blue. (Fat.)
III. Dry, strong autumn is the best poetic time of the year. (M.-S.) It’s not light in the morning - it’s light from the moon. (Sluts.)
V. Truly the sweetest burden is to solemnly carry a watermelon home. (Vansh.)
VI. Outside, in the frosty steam, the sun turned red - the house was warm. (Boon.)
VII. The fragrant swollen birch buds, the powerful smells of roots, the thinnest streams from the sprouts of herbs - all this was amazingly new and delightful. (Triple)
VIII. The frosty air is clean - look right through it. (Onion.)
IX. The freshest, cleanest, right time for work it’s morning! (V.Inb.)
X. Frosts - in December, snowstorms - in February, first drops - in thoughtful March. (Snout.)

Were you able to divide the proposals into 4 groups? Answers: 1 – III, V, IX, 2 – II, X, 3 – I, VII, 4 – IV, VI, VIII.

The rules themselves are in various reference books, textbooks, and manuals on the Russian language. Some of the most authoritative ones are edited by D.E. Rosenthal. Many of his manuals also contain exercises.

So repeat punctuation, find out what you don’t understand from experts, and practice. You can already find examples of new tasks freely available on the Internet. Collections for preparing for the Unified State Exam will soon appear in bookstores. Be careful and don't trust free ones too much" trial options": They contain errors!

website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

  • learn by heart the spelling vocabulary, which is attached to the demo version of the Unified State Exam every year, or;
  • know the principles of stress placement in the Russian language (they are also described at the beginning of the dictionary) + a few exceptions;
  • find one word in the task with the wrong accent and write it down in response.


This task can be classified as difficult because Russian accent varied and mobile. Variability means that the stress is in in different words can stand in different places (and in French, for example, the stress is always on the second syllable). There are words in which the stress is fixed on one syllable and does not move during formation grammatical forms(cake - cakes, cake, cakes, etc.), and there are words where the stress changes its place (wall - wall - walls and walls). Not everything is so bad, because, as scientists have established, fixed stress is inherent in most words in the Russian language (about 96 percent). But the most common are the remaining 4%; they form the fundamental, frequency vocabulary of the language. The rules of spelling in the area of ​​stress given below will help you avoid the corresponding errors.

Stress in adjectives

Adjectives in full forms have fixed stress based or at the end. Adjectives that are rarely used are classified as book adjectives; they generally have an accent on the base, while adjectives that are frequently used and are stylistically neutral are stressed on the ending. If the word is actively used in book vocabulary, and in conversation, then it has several correct stress options: circle and circle, spare and spare, near-Earth and near-Earth, minus and minus, clearing and clearing. Such words are not included in Unified State Exam assignments, because both options are considered correct.

The main difficulties are caused by stress in the short forms of adjectives, however, there is a very consistent norm according to which the stress of some full-form adjectives remains unchanged in the short form: beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful; unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable, etc. The number of adjectives with movable stress in the Russian language is small, but they are often used in speech, and therefore the norms of stress in them need comments. Majority short adjectives governed by the following rule: masculine gender, neuter gender, plural - emphasis on the stem; feminine - emphasis on the ending: right - right - right - right; sulfur - sulfur - sulfur - sulfur; slim - slim - slim - slim. The need to consult a dictionary still remains, since a number of words are exceptions to this rule. You can, for example, say: long and long, fresh and fresh, full and full, etc.

Adjectives in comparative degree are regulated as follows: if the stress is in the short form female falls on the ending, then to a comparative degree it will be on the suffix -ee: strongA - stronger, sick - sicker, zhiva - livelier, slimmer - slimmer, right - more right; if the emphasis in the feminine gender is on the basis, then to a comparative degree it will remain on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sadder, nasty - more disgusting. The same can be said about the superlative form.

Stress on verbs

The past tense forms are especially problematic. The stress there usually falls on the same syllable as in the infinitive: sit - sat, moan - moaned, hide - hid, start - began. However, a group of frequently used verbs (about 300) obeys a different rule: the emphasis in the feminine form falls on the ending, and in other forms it remains on the stem. These verbs include the following: take, be, take, twist, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear, etc.. It is recommended to say: live - lived - lived - lived - lived; wait - waited - waited - waited - waited; pour - lil - lil - lil - lilA. Derivatives from these verbs (live, take, finish drinking, spill, etc.) with all prefixes, except the prefix, are subject to the same rule You-: she takes the emphasis on herself. (SURVIVE - survived, pour out - poured out, CALL - called out). For verbs put, steal, send, send The emphasis in the feminine form of the past tense is preserved on the basis: slAl, sent, stlA.

There is another pattern. IN reflexive verbs(in comparison with non-reflexive ones) the emphasis in the past tense form shifts to the ending: begin - began, began, began, began; accept - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted. At the verb call the emphasis is maintained on the ending in all forms: you call, call, call, call, call.

Emphasis in some participles and gerunds

As with adjectives, participles have the most difficulty with their short forms. The following rule applies: in the masculine gender the emphasis remains on the suffix -yonn-, when using other forms it moves to the ending (conducted - carried out, carried out, carried out, carried out; imported - delivered, brought in, brought in, brought in).

A little about pronunciation full participles with the suffix -T-. If the suffixes of the indefinite form -o-, -nu- have stress on them, then in participles it will move one syllable forward: polot - hollow, prick - pricked, bend - bent, wrap - wrapped. Passive participles of verbs pour And drink(with the suffix -t-) have unstable stress. You can say: spilled and spilled, spilled and spilled, spilled (only!), spilled and spilled, spilled and spilled; finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished. Participles often have stress on the same syllable as the infinitive form of the corresponding verb: investing, asking, filling, taking, drinking, exhausting (CANNOT: exhausted), starting, raising, living, watering, putting, understanding, betraying, undertaking, arriving , accepting, selling, cursing, spilling, permeating, drinking, creating.

In the Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2016 in the Russian language, task 4 is formulated as follows: “In one of the words below, an error was made in placing the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.” The proposed material is a thematic test in the section "Orthoepy" and is compiled on the basis orthoepic minimum, compiled on the basis of an official letter from FIPI. This test can be used as didactic material when preparing students for the Russian language Olympiad.



Task No. 4 Unified State Exam

1. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG



More beautiful



2. In one of the words below there is an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down


whooping cough




3. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






4. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





ukre pit.

5. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down



You're calling;



6. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






7. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down




after dark.


8. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






9. In one of the words below there is an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





Be encouraged;

10. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress:The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down






11. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down




overtook A.


12. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





not for long.

13. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






14. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down




For a long time.


15. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






16. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






17.In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





I call them.

18. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






19. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





to dryness

20. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down




You'll call.


21. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down




got there.


22. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down





The most beautiful.

23. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down






24. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down



took up;

garbage chute.

Turn it on

25. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






26. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down



Burst in;



27. In one of the words below there is an error in the placement of stress: FALSE The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






28. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down





Call backIt

29. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down






30. In one of the words below there was an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down


















This task tests your ability to correctly place stress in words. It will take you some time to master this skill. Highlight those words in which you are mistaken, repeat them. The number of these words will gradually decrease.

Task 4 Unified State Exam in Russian

Task formulation:

There is a spelling error in one of the words below.

accents: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted.

Write this word down.




Let's say right away: the task is complicated by the fact that every day we hear incorrectly pronounced words around us, the ear gets used to the error to such an extent that, looking into pronouncing dictionary, we say with bewilderment: “Is it really THAT right?” Yes, stress in the Russian language is varied, flexible, does not obey strict rules, it is traditional. And honoring traditions is a sign of good upbringing!

Don’t worry in advance, there aren’t that many really difficult words; mistakes are usually made in the same words, so you don’t have to memorize the entire spelling dictionary in alphabetical order. We suggest memorizing words in groups, within which there are patterns of stress placement.

Remember that you need to complete this task only out loud, listening to yourself and remembering. Find five minutes a day to do this.

1. Begin – began, beginning, began – began, / started, started, started - started / begun – having begun / began

You see, the stress is on the past tense verb and passive participle switches to ending only in the feminine gender. U active participle- Avshiy, in the gerund - Av. The suffix сЯ takes over the emphasis.

Try to build your own chain using this model: understand, accept, borrow, fill, live, give (Given), betray, sell.

Attention! Exception-tongue twister: put, stole, laid, sent

The prefix YOU takes over the emphasis: Called, poured

2. Group of verbs-IT, in which the emphasis falls on the ending in all personal forms. Let's learn one more chain:

Call - call, call, call, call, call

Now for yourself: favor, turn on, loosen, hand over, contain, muffle, exclude, heel, bleed, endow, weed, encourage, lighten, borrow, surround, repeat, encourage, call, bear fruit, separate, drill, litter, deepen, strengthen, pinch.

If the verb changes prefix, the chain still works.

Attention! The stress in these verbs doesn't fall at the end: vulgarize Let's defame... - they'll defame. Even in participles and gerunds the emphasis remains the same: Vulgarized, vulgarized.

Remember: to vulgarize, to embitter, to force, to dose, to copy, to uncork, to mold, to exhaust, to frost, to inform. The emphasis always falls on the root!

3. From many verbs neither IT (see point 2) you can form participles with-YONN. We remember that the emphasis goes to the feminine and neuter endings. Here's the chain:

Enabled – enabled, enabledA, enabledO

We compose it ourselves: entrusted, endowed, encouraged, strengthened and etc.

4. In some nouns, during declension, the stress remains motionless; we check it by the initial form:

airport - airports, bow - bows, with bows, accountant - accountants, - accountants, cake - cakes, cakes.

Decline the following words without changing the stress: contract, crane, flint, lecturer, terrain, stem, scarf, fibers, rake, windows, honors, guns, glass, shoes , jaws, nursery . (You will meet some of these words in task 6, where their correct declension will be indicated).

In other nouns the stress will move:

bandage - bandages, coat of arms - coats of arms, bridge - bridges, branches - branches, waves - waves.

Decline the nouns, remembering that the stress will move: sickle, table, cabinet, money, swans, news, queues, areas, sheets, tablecloths, speed.

5. Adjectives often retain stress on the same syllable as the nouns from which they are derived:

kitchen (kitchen), expert (expert), Avgustovsky (August).

Place the stress by checking it against the noun: heather, armorial adolescence, plum, Ukrainian.

Attention! mosaic, minuscule, wholesale.

And in these adjectives, stress changes the meaning of the word: bay family - bay leaf, tongue barrier - tongue sausage.

6. Gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline (from the word conduct), and electric pipeline (from the word wire - wire).

7. Concentration (from concentrate), provision (from provide).

Now for yourself: consolidation, confession

8. The stress in these verbs falls on the last syllable: Pamper, seal, reward.

When forming participles with NN, we make the suffix Ova stressed: spoiled, (indulging), sealed, premium.

Attention! copy

8. Here are some adverbs:

To the top, to the bottom, to the dry, to the clean. But: completely, white, black, red.

For a long time, for a long time, enviably, briefly, masterfully

9. A few more groups of words to remember.

1. Herald, spy, intercessor, intercession.

2. Drowsiness, yawning, aching

3. Gastronomy, veterinaryAria, cinematography, fluorography

4. Feeding, bleeding, pleading

5. Citizenship, long-standing, dispensary, leisure, heretic, blinds, Spark, catalog, obituary, self-interest, beets, orphans, convocation, dancer, meal, tunic, sorrel, flint, perspicacious, expert

Finally, the "hit" errors: beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful!

Rules for placing stress in nouns

  1. In forms nominative case plural the stress falls on the ending - and the ending -ы is unstressed.
    • For example: airports, cakes, elevators, bows, taps, lecturers, scarves.
  2. In nouns foreign origin the stress usually falls on the last syllable.
    • For example: AGENT, alphabet, hyphen, dispensary, document, blinds, catalogue, obituary, quarter, parterre, apostrophe, percentage, cement, expert, fetish. BUT: flyleaf, facsimile.
  3. Often in derived words the stress of the producing words is retained.
    • For example: religion - confess, agreement, agreement - agree intention - measure, provision - provide, aristocracy - aristocrat, sign - banner.

Rules for placing stress in adjectives

  1. Stressed syllable The full form of a number of adjectives remains stressed in the short form:
    • beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful;
    • unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable.
  2. In some frequency adjectives with movable stress, it often falls on the stem in the masculine, neuter and plural form and on the ending in the feminine form:
    • right - right - right - right - right;
    • gray – gray – gray – gray – gray;
    • slim - slim - slim - slim - slim.
  3. If the emphasis in the feminine short form falls on the ending, then in the comparative degree it will be on the suffix -her-:
    • strong - stronger, sick - sicker, alive - alive, slender - slimmer, right - more right;
    • if the accent in the feminine gender is on the basis, then to a comparative degree it is preserved on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sadder, nasty - more disgusting. The same applies to the superlative form.

Rules for placing stress on verbs

  1. The stress in the past tense of a verb usually falls on the same syllable as in indefinite form:
    • sit - sat, moan - moan, hide - hid, start - started.
  2. At the same time, the group of common verbs (about 300) is subject to another rule: the emphasis in the feminine form of the past tense goes to the ending, and in other forms it remains on the stem. These are the verbs take, be, take, twist, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear, etc.:
    • live - lived - lived - lived, but lived; wait - waited - waited - waited, but waited;
    • pour - pour - pour - pour, but pour.
    • Derivative verbs are also pronounced in the same way (to live, to take, to finish, to spill, etc.).


  1. The exception is feminine past tense verbs with the prefix You-, which pulls the emphasis onto itself. For example:
    • survive - survived, pour - poured, call - called;
  2. For the verbs put, steal, send, send, send, the emphasis in the feminine form of the past tense remains on the basis. For example:
    • stole, sent, sent, sent.
  3. Quite often in reflexive verbs (in comparison with non-reflexive ones) the stress in the past tense form goes to the ending or suffix (in past tense verbs male). For example:
    • begin - began, began, began, began;
    • accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.
  4. Stress in the verb to call and those formed from it prefixed way verbs call, call back when conjugated falls on the ending. For example:
    • You call, they call, they call, they call, they call;
    • You will call, they will call, they will call, call, they will call;
    • Call back, call back, call back, call back, call back.

Rules for placing stress in some participles and gerunds

  1. If the stress in the full form of participles falls on the suffix -yonn-, then it remains on it only in the masculine form, in other forms it passes to the ending. For example:
    • carried out - carried out, carried out, carried out, carried out;
    • imported - imported, imported, imported, imported.
  2. A few notes on the pronunciation of full participles with a suffix -T-. If the suffixes are indefinite -O-, -Well- have an accent on them, then in participles it will move one syllable forward. For example:
    • hollow - hollow;
    • prick - pricked;
    • bend – bent;
    • wrap - wrapped.
  3. Participles often have stress on the same syllable as the indefinite form of the corresponding verb. For example:
    • set - set;
    • fill - fill;
    • occupy - busy;
    • start - started;
    • raise - raising;
    • live - having lived;
    • put - put;
    • understand - having understood;
    • betray - betrayed;
    • undertake - having undertaken;
    • arrive - arrived;
    • accept – having accepted;
    • sell – sold;
    • drink - drink;
    • create – create.

Remember the accents of common words

  • paragraph, agent, Alibi, analogue, arbuz, arrest, athlete,
  • bows, dishes, gas pipeline, blagovest, fear,
  • hyphen, agreement, document, associate professor, leisure, nap, confessor,
  • gospel,
  • blinds, muzzle,
  • cork, evil, sign,
  • Iconography, invention, research, tool, spark, confession,
  • RUBBER, quarter, self-interest,
  • vine, scrap,
  • medicines, youth, ordeal,
  • intention, illness, dumbness,
  • provision, adolescence,
  • plateau, briefcase, sheets, interest, pullover, purple,
  • revolver, belt,
  • beets, silage, convocation, means,
  • thereOzhnya, dancer,
  • strengthening,
  • chain, gypsy,
  • porcelain,
  • expert.