Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Submariners celebrate Navy Day. Submariner's Day

The depths of the sea are cold, exciting and surrounded by the unknown. If you open a history textbook, you will see that water not only gives rise to life on our earth, but is also teeming with threats. Only truly brave men who love their Motherland and are ready to defend it could take such a decisive step and join their fate with the ship. This is especially true for those who dare to serve on a submarine. Every day, these unknown heroes risk their lives so that we can sleep peacefully and not worry about an enemy attacking our country.

March 19 is Submariner's Day. Why did this date become the basis for celebration? In order to find out, you should plunge into past centuries, because it goes back more than two hundred years. And during this time, our sailors managed to become famous even in the most remote corners of the world.

Into the depths of history

The first person to propose the idea of ​​creating a vessel was, oddly enough, the great cultural creator Leonardo da Vinci. He presented a model of a combat boat, but soon destroyed it because he feared martial law.

The Dutchman Cornelius Drebell distinguished himself by decisive actions in 1620. He designed a ship for English king James I, after which the plan was put into practice at a shipyard in London.

In Russia, attempts to create such a maritime miracle were made under Peter the Great. Self-taught from the people Efim Nikonov took on this difficult project. But after the death of the king, the case was closed, and the project remained unimplemented.

Revival of the Russian Navy

Only in 1906, on March 19, was a decree of Nicholas II adopted, which spoke about the formation of troops. After this, the active construction of submarines began. All the efforts of scientists in this field were aimed at improving the combat capabilities of such ships, because in case of danger they must survive the battle to the maximum.

War period

In 1912, a modernized ship using diesel fuel was designed at the Baltic Shipyard. Even then, the authorities were preparing for an attack and anticipated the onset of war.

At the beginning of the First World War navy Russia included a submarine brigade (eight ships) and a training detachment (three ships). In 1917, an entire naval force had already been formed. military base called "Tosna". It included seven divisions each, which contained 4-5 ships.

Close and special attention deserved the cruising submarine, which was designed in 1935, on the eve of World War II.

The Navy had 212 ships in its arsenal. Their teams were distinguished by good maritime training.

Nowadays, it is armed with the most powerful jet submarines, which can easily solve any combat missions.

The sea rhymes

On Submariner Day, poems pour in from everywhere. After all, our compatriots bow before the great deeds of their heroes.

Many folk accounts have been written since the holiday gained popularity in society. Here is one of them:

They are not visible on the watery gloss,

And only radar can see.

They hide in the depths -

Their course is laid out under the water column.

Exploring the vastness of the seas,

The submariner protects the borders.

Our protection and support,

We congratulate you today!

Also, similar congratulations are given a lot of attention at traditional concerts held on March 19th. Submariner's Day is distinguished every year by some new presentations of creative developments. The best and most exclusive works are presented to the public and to the heroes of the occasion themselves.

Respect for the work of sailors

Every year on Submariner Day, congratulations are received by all men whose work activities are related to the Navy. This includes designers, employees of design organizations and shipyards.

The honor is marked not only by rallies and festive concerts, but also by the organization of free tours to various museums associated with ships and open waters.

On March 19, events are carried out in many Russian cities, regardless of whether there is a port there or not.

Live broadcasts of parades and rallies are available anywhere in the country, and awards and medals are presented at the place of residence of Black Sea residents or in the capital.

Navy in St. Petersburg

Submariner's Day in Russia is always celebrated on a grand scale. Every member of the fleet is not deprived of attention: so many songs, poems and congratulations are heard from everywhere.

In 2014, on Submariner Day, congratulations in St. Petersburg were received by everyone involved in this celebration. At the festive ceremony, Russian shipbuilders honored the memory of the heroes of the Navy and gave them glory.

Navy veterans, cadets, shipyard employees, designers and engineers met at the “100th Anniversary of the Russian Submarine Forces” monument.

This memorial was opened in 2008 on the initiative of veterans and workers of the Admiralty Shipyards. The main component of the work is the design of an underwater vessel. A shell with a message to sailors and shipbuilders of the 21st century was placed in this structure.

"The Mystery of the Three Oceans"

Also on the eve of March 19, the holiday was felt in Vladivostok. A film dedicated to all CIS submariners was presented there. They worked on its creation for two years, the main organizer of this project became “The Secret of the Three Oceans” - this is the name it received documentary. Filming took place in different locations and outside Russia: in the USA, Iceland, Norway and the Panama Canal.

The director tried to fill the atmosphere of the film with realistic images and pictures, but still could not do without computer graphics, which helped in the reconstruction of historical events.

The main goal of the film adaptation is to show ordinary citizens how significant the fleet was during the Great Patriotic War.

Since then, Submariner Day in Russia has not been complete without the broadcast of this film. After all, knowledge of history is the basis of all foundations for an accomplished citizen.

Reconstruction of a naval battle

In 2015, the holiday was distinguished by significant events. The celebration traditionally took place in St. Petersburg, the next Project 677 submarine Velikiye Luki was laid down at the Admiralty Shipyards, and at the same time the presentation of the fifth nuclear submarine Arkhangelsk took place at Semvash.

Also, on March 19 (Submariner Day), a full-fledged council of veterans of Sestroretsk was formed, and a reconstruction of the battle on Lake Razliv was organized. And the Navy Employees Club held a festive evening in the Revolution Hall of the famous Peter the Great building.

Thanks to these events, the holiday on March 19 turned out to be very dynamic and full of emotions; the age category of visitors to the celebration varied greatly. This demonstrates that any generation of our country is not indifferent to the fate of active sailors and military veterans who plowed and plowed the deep spaces, despite the complexity of the situations.

Naval base in Gadzhievo / Photo:

Every year March 19 is celebrated in Russia Submariner's Day - professional holiday military personnel and civilian personnel of the submarine forces of the Navy Russian Federation, established by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy in 1996.

In 1906, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II, a new category of ships was included in the classification of naval vessels - submarines. By the same decree, 10 submarines were included in the Russian fleet. The first of them, the Dolphin, was built at the Baltic Shipyard in 1904.

Submarine "Dolphin" / Photo:

The Russo-Japanese War became the first war in world history in which an enemy that had not yet been officially recognized, but had already made the enemy falter, took part. new class warships - submarines.

The first formation of Russia - a brigade of submarines - was formed in 1911 consisting of Baltic Fleet and was based in Libau. The brigade included 11 submarines, floating bases"Europe" and "Khabarovsk".

During the First World War, from 1914 to 1918, submarines were widely used to fight sea lanes. And by the end of the war, the submarines finally formed into an independent branch of the Navy, capable of solving both tactical and some operational tasks.

During the period from 1930 to 1939, more than 20 large, 80 medium, 60 small submarines and 20 underwater minelayers were built for the USSR fleet. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were 212 submarines in four fleets.

Organizationally, they were reduced to brigades, divisions and groups. They were controlled by the commander of the fleet, combat and daily activities were led by the underwater department of the fleet. The missions of the submarines and the areas of their combat operations were determined by the military council of the fleet.

A turning point in the history of the Soviet Marine Fleet was the introduction of nuclear power plants on submarines in the 1950s. Thanks to this, they received almost unlimited navigation autonomy.

Already by 1961, the Russian fleet had 9 nuclear boats- 4 missile and 5 torpedo. And in total Soviet Union built 243 nuclear submarines of various classes and, taking into account Tsarist Russia, over 1000 diesel submarines. By the way, the world's first nuclear submarine left the Groton (Connecticut) shipyard on January 21, 1954.

Now a group of nuclear submarine cruisers with cruise missiles has been created for the Russian Navy. It consists of Project 949a submarines armed with 24 Granit-type missiles. This group is capable of high efficiency solve the problem of destroying groups of surface targets, including aircraft carrier formations.

And the submarine forces themselves, as a branch of the Russian Navy, including nuclear missile submarines strategic purpose, nuclear attack submarines and diesel-electric (non-nuclear) submarines, are impact force fleet capable of controlling the vastness of the World Ocean, covertly and quickly deploying on in the right directions and deliver unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets.

What date is the holiday celebrated?

As you know, any date in holiday calendar Russia is associated with a certain historical event. Submariner's Day is no exception. Its history goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, or more precisely, to March 19, 1906. The thing is that on this very day, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II, the navy Russian Empire 20 submarines were introduced, and also organized special schools for training military personnel in scuba diving.

From that time on, Submariner Day began to be celebrated annually throughout Russia, until the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917. It was then, by decision of the provisional government that came to power, that this holiday was cancelled. And only 80 years later, in 1996, by a special order from Admiral of the USSR Navy Felix Gromov, Submariner Day was revived again.

Separately, it is worth noting the role played by submarines in different periods the history of our state, and especially during the First World War, the Great Patriotic War and the Russo-Japanese War. Thanks to maneuverable submarines, our Navy demonstrated its global superiority at sea and thereby brought closer the victory of our army over the enemy’s armed forces.

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Considering the glorious historical past and modern realities, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the Russian Navy for the defense and security of our state. Today, brave Russian submariners continue to defend maritime boundaries and state interests of Russia. Nowadays, this profession is not only surrounded by an aura of romanticism, but also implies responsibility, iron discipline and complete dedication of those who serve on board modern submarines.

Turning over the pages of history, every Russian can easily be convinced that, largely thanks to the Navy, and in particular the domestic submarine flotilla, our country is obliged significant achievements on the world geopolitical arena.

Taking into account long-standing traditions, Submariner Day is celebrated especially solemnly in Russia. On March 19, 2018, large-scale cultural and entertainment events will take place in many cities of our country, and in particular Vladivostok, Kronstadt, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol, in which not only famous actors, performers and musicians, but also representatives of the clergy and top officials of the state.

The heroes of the occasion will be sincerely congratulated with warm words and given memorable gifts and special certificates. State orders will be awarded to military personnel who distinguished themselves during naval exercises and anti-terrorist operations in Syria and other hot spots on the planet.

  • according to statistics, during the Second World War the Soviet fleet lost a minimal (compared to the enemy) number of submarines;
  • in the period from 1960 to 1990, the USSR had more than 400 submarines in service (including 60 of the latest nuclear carriers);
  • flagship of the Russian Submarine Fleet - strategic submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky" (consisting of Navy RF since 1996).


For more than 100 years, March 19 is Submariner's Day in Russia. However, among the population living far from the sea, little is known about this holiday. Many people don’t even know what date Submariner’s Day is. The traditions and history of this holiday will be dedicated to this article.

history of the holiday

To understand the uniqueness of the Submariner’s Day celebration, let’s dive a little into the history of the creation of the Russian fleet.

The very first example of a Russian submarine looked very much like wine barrel. It was created in the first quarter of the 18th century and was called “The Hidden Ship”. Looking at the monument to the first submarine, located in Sestroretsk, it is difficult to imagine how it could perform its functions.

The first prototype of the submarine appeared in the spring of 1721 at a shipyard in St. Petersburg and was of modest size. The engine was oars and the first model was designed for a crew of four people. Tests of the vessel were unsuccessful, but Peter the Great ordered full-scale construction of the submarine to begin. From 1721 to 1727, a full-fledged model was built, but all its tests were unsuccessful.

After the death of the great reformer Peter, the idea of ​​creating a submarine was forgotten for almost a hundred years. As a result, the first operational submarine appeared in the Russian Empire only in 1866.

In 1906, Nicholas II, by decree, introduced submarines into the navy. This decree was signed on March 19. It was from this year that March 19 was officially approved as Submariner's Day.

Today is a holiday for everyone associated with the submarine fleet, and especially for military personnel of the Russian Navy who are or have been involved in submarines.

Holiday traditions

Traditionally, on Russian Submariner's Day, certificates and awards are presented to submariners, regular and extraordinary military ranks are awarded for special merits, and meetings with veterans take place. Organized holiday concerts and events. Naval schools hold ceremonial parades and laying of wreaths at the memorials of heroic sailors. It is obligatory to congratulate the representatives of this difficult service from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

Be sure to congratulate your loved ones even if they have not been involved in the submarine fleet for a long time. The years spent on a submarine are not forgotten. This is truly heroic work, not intended for everyone.

Superstitions and signs of submariners

The romantic and dangerous service on a submarine is not without its own signs and traditions.

So, for example, when going out to sea on a submarine for the first time, all newcomers must undergo a special initiation rite. The most popular are “water lamp” and “sledgehammer kiss”. The first ritual consists of pouring water into the ceiling from the cabin directly from overboard, and you need to drink it. The water tastes terrible. But, since the main rule of the submarine is not to argue, everyone performs the ritual unconditionally. “Kissing the sledgehammer” means kissing a suspended sledgehammer while the ship is rocking.

Submariners strictly observe some superstitions:

  • do not shave before diving;
  • release on Friday the 13th must be rescheduled under any pretext;
  • It is believed that most often misfortunes happen to submarines with numbers ending in the number 9.

Moreover, they take all signs and ridiculous customs very seriously. And if you think about it, it’s clear why, because the sea does not forgive a disdainful attitude towards itself.

Naval glory of Russia

To date submarine fleet is the most important instrument serving the security of our state, it is a kind of nuclear shield. It is not surprising that such a difficult service as a submariner is very honorable. Although, just a little over a century ago it was just born. It was in honor of the origins that the date of March 19 was chosen to celebrate Submariner Day.

Since then, submariners have accumulated many military exploits. During hostilities, submarines were blown up by mines and were destroyed by enemies along with their crews, and the crews of Soviet submarines blew up their submarines so as not to fall into the hands of the enemy. Submariners performed many feats in peacetime.

Dedicated to heroes whose names are quickly erased by time big number Soviet and Russian films. Among them, the most popular are “K-19”, “72 meters”, “Secret fairway”, “Commander of the lucky “Pike”” and many others. It is viewing such pictures that will help to the common man appreciate hard labour submariner.

Service for real men

The profession of a submariner is aimed at protecting the security of the borders of the Russian Federation. Consequently, submariners conduct reconnaissance activities and, if necessary, use weapons on the orders of senior management. Service on a submarine obliges sailors to be healthy, hardy, not afraid of confined spaces, able to unquestioningly comply with the regulations and adhere to the chain of command.

Typically each submarine has 2 crews. When one is at sea, the other crew rests, then they change. Submariners' shifts, depending on the assigned tasks, last on average from 50 to 90 days. Submariners often swim under ice Northern Ocean, as this allows the submarine to hide from satellites. IN clean water visibility for the satellite reaches approximately 100 meters. Ascent is usually provided once a day for radio communication.

The life of submariners during a shift follows a strict schedule: breakfast, lunch, dinner, service at post, personal time, rest. Part of the team is on vacation, the other is on duty, the shift is at a strictly scheduled time. Available entertainment on board includes chess, checkers and dominoes.

Modern submarines in the service of Russian security

Most modern type military submarines entered service with the navy as recently as 2013. The vessel is named "Ash" and is equipped with the most modern equipment. In 2020, according to the order of the Minister of Defense, it is planned to expand the number of submarines with new submarines.

How to congratulate a submariner

The most important toast for a submariner is that the number of dives coincides with the number of ascents.

Happy Submariner's Day on the 19th loved one Can a small souvenir. The best gift for a submariner would be a talisman. The best amulets Various trinkets made of stones are considered for sailors. The stones must be related to sea ​​elements. The most accessible and common are aquamarine, malachite, rock crystal, and amber. Each of them has unique properties, so they are assigned magical properties.

But the most powerful amulet is considered to be a product that includes several types of stones at once. Metal amulets in the shape of hatchets, anchors and in the shape of various real and fictional sea creatures are also very popular among sailors. Thus, a hatchet symbolizes protection from storms and pirate attacks, while an anchor is considered a talisman against reefs. Possessing a talisman in the form of a sea creature, sailors receive its protection.

How to become a submariner

The profession of a submariner requires certain knowledge and skills.

Therefore, everyone who dreams of sea ​​depths need to complete special educational establishments. For admission and subsequent work on the ship, all applicants undergo strict medical selection.

In Russia, there are special educational institutions that provide excellent knowledge, the necessary practical skills and the prospect of getting a job. You can become a submariner after studying at the St. Petersburg Naval Institute.

On March 19, Russia celebrates Submariner Day. This is a professional holiday for military personnel of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy, as well as civilian personnel and everyone related to the submarine fleet.

In our time, the submarine fleet remains one of the most important tools defense of our country, an integral component of the nuclear shield. Submariners are the elite Russian fleet, the most difficult and honorable naval profession. Meanwhile, just over 100 years ago, the submarine fleet was just taking its first steps in Russia. In memory of the events of those years, the date of March 19 was chosen to celebrate the Day of the Submariner. An epoch-making event in the history of the Russian navy is associated with this date.

On March 19 (old style March 6), 1906, 112 years ago, Emperor Nicholas II included in the classification of ships of the Russian Imperial Navy the new kind ships - submarines. The order to include submarines in the fleet was signed by the then maritime minister Vice Admiral Alexey Alekseevich Birilev. So it began official history Russian submarine fleet, although in fact Russia thought about the possibilities of using submarines much earlier.

Back in 1718, carpenter Efim Nikonov submitted a petition to Peter I with a proposal to build a “hidden ship” that could suddenly attack enemy ships. Peter I liked Nikonov’s idea and he even called the talented craftsman to St. Petersburg, where the shipyard began building the ship. However, with the death of Peter, development stopped.

They returned to the topic of the submarine in Russia only in 1834, when at Aleksandrovsky foundry According to the design of the military engineer Adjutant General Karl Schilder, a submarine was built, armed with special installations for launching missiles. The boat moved with the help of four rows, located in pairs on each side of the boat, and the rows were driven by the efforts of sailor rowers. However, the submarine's underwater speed did not exceed half a kilometer per hour. Schilder planned to transfer strokes to electric movement, but the then level of technology development did not yet allow this idea to be realized. As a result, in 1841, testing of the boat and work on its improvement were stopped, and the date of creation of the submarine fleet in Russia moved away again.

However, it was in the Russian Empire that serial production of submarines was established for the first time in the world. At its origins stood the Russian engineer and designer of Polish origin Stepan Karlovich Dzhevetsky. Coming from a rich and noble family, Drzewiecki received technical education in Paris, where he met and became close friends with Gustave Eiffel, the famous author Eiffel Tower. Dzhevetsky’s extensive knowledge attracted the attention of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, the Russian governor in the Kingdom of Poland, who invited Stepan Karlovich to take a job in the Marine Technical Committee in St. Petersburg. During Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 Drzewiecki voluntarily went to Black Sea Fleet- a simple sailor, took part in the battle of the Vesta steamship with the Turkish battleship Fehti-Bullend, received for bravery St. George's Cross.

After demobilization, Dzhevetsky lived in Odessa, where he designed the first submarine, built at a local shipyard with money from philanthropist Theodore Rodokonaki. The second submarine was built according to Dzhevetsky's design in 1879 already in St. Petersburg, and it was tested on January 29, 1880 on Silver Lake in Gatchina, in the presence of the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich. The heir to the throne was delighted and soon followed an order for the production of a whole series of submarines, which were supposed to ensure the security of Russian fortresses. In 1881, the boats were built and distributed among fortress garrisons, but they were never used in battle. The low efficiency of Drzewiecki's submarines led to their being withdrawn from service in 1886 and no longer produced.

The next major milestone in the history of the Russian submarine fleet was the construction of the Dolphin submarine in 1900-1904. The chief designer of the Dolphin was the Russian engineer Ivan Grigorievich Bubnov, in 1903 - 1904. Head of the shipbuilding drawing room of the Marine Technical Committee. In March 1902, “destroyer No. 113” was listed in the fleet under the name “destroyer No. 150.” In October 1903 he was enlisted in the Baltic Fleet, and in 1904 he was transferred to the Far East to participate in Russo-Japanese War, and on February 28, 1905, the submarine “Dolphin” under the command of Georgy Zavoiko went to sea for the first time.

On May 24, 1904, the Russian Empire signed a contract for the construction of three E-type (Karp) submarines, manufactured at the Friedrich Krupp shipyard in Kiel (Germany), for the needs of the Russian military fleet. Since Krupp promised to give Russia his first submarine if a contract was concluded, on June 7, 1904, the Forel submarine railway was transported to Russia. She was accompanied German officers, which were supposed to train the Russian crew. In Russia, two torpedo tubes were installed on the boat, the crew was trained, after which the boat was enlisted in the fleet as the destroyer Forel and on August 25, 1904, transported by rail to the Far East, where it became part of the Siberian Military Flotilla. "Forel" became the first real and full-fledged submarine of the Russian fleet in Pacific Ocean.

The Russian Empire purchased two more submarines from the United States. So, on May 31, 1904, the Fulton boat, built according to the Holland-VIIR design by John Philip Holland, was purchased. As part of the Russian fleet, she received the name “Som”. On June 18, 1904, the American submarine Protector was accepted into the Russian fleet, which received a new name in Russia, Sturgeon. The Som submarine gave rise to a whole series of Russian submarines. On Far East A destroyer detachment was formed from six submarines.

Naturally, the emergence of its own submarine fleet in the Russian Empire required the naval command to take appropriate measures to train personnel. First of all, it was necessary to prepare commanders and officers of submarines. Already on May 29, 1906, a diving training detachment was created at the naval base in Libau. Rear Admiral Eduard Nikolaevich Shchensnovich, one of the “founding fathers” of scuba diving and mining in the Russian Navy, was appointed its commander.

Graduate Naval School, Rear Admiral Shchensnovich went from a mine officer gunboat to the commander of a battleship, and then to the junior flagship of the Baltic Fleet. During the Russo-Japanese War, Captain 1st Rank Eduard Shchensnovich, who then commanded the battleship Retvizan, was seriously wounded, after which he returned to the Baltic Fleet. It was he who was entrusted by Nicholas II and the Naval Department to head an unusual and very important direction– creation and strengthening of the Russian submarine fleet. It was on the initiative of Shchensnovich that the first full-fledged base for submarines in the Russian Empire was created in Libau, a special pool was built that could accommodate up to 20 submarines. Rear Admiral Shchensnovich made a huge contribution to the development of the “Rules for navigation in the submarine fleet and the selection of people for service on submarines”, to the system additional education naval officers preparing in the Training Detachment for service on submarines.

The first graduation of submarine officers took place in 1907 - the Russian fleet received 68 certified submariners. Only during 1907-1909. The training detachment in Libau graduated 103 officers and 525 lower-ranking specialists for Russian submarines. It is interesting that in 1906-1911. 12 naval doctors also received training in the Libau detachment, who also received the specialty of underwater diving officers. From doctors, in addition to having a specialized medical education, required experience serving on a ship as a medical officer and two months of submarine experience while studying. As we can see, the training of submariners in Libau was approached quite thoroughly.

For Russian sailors, at first, submarines were something outlandish, but this rather aroused interest among officers and non-commissioned officers in the profession of submariner. In those early years, the service of submariners was very difficult, in no way comparable to service on an ordinary ship. The technical features of the submarines of that time could not ensure comfortable service, but this did not frighten the heroic sailors who wanted to try themselves as a submariner. The submarine officers slept in a small wardroom during the voyage, and lower ranks– directly on the lockers for storing mines.

On February 25, 1911, the first in Russian history a submarine brigade consisting of two divisions, and the brigade was headed by Rear Admiral Pavel Pavlovich Levitsky, who replaced Rear Admiral Eduard Shchensnovich as commander of the Submarine Training Unit in Libau. Levitsky was a hereditary sailor, served in the navy all his life, participated in the Russo-Japanese War as a cruiser commander, and then commanded the Submarine Training Unit.

The pace of creation of domestic submarines intensified before the First World War. Thus, already in 1912, the diesel submarine “Bars” was produced at the Baltic Shipyard, armed with 12 torpedo tubes, 2 artillery pieces and 1 machine gun. After the start of the war, in 1915 and 1916, the Baltic Fleet received 7 Bars-class submarines and 5 American Holland submarines, which were purchased in the USA, but assembled at a Russian shipyard. During the First World War, the submarine fleet was already fully used. Thus, the listed boats made 78 military cruises, sinking 2 cruisers and 16 enemy transport ships.

At the same time, it is unlikely that the submarine fleet in the Russian Empire could boast of special love from the admirals and the Navy Department. Well-mannered " old school» Russian admirals the majority favored the cruisers and battleships of the surface fleet, believing that they were much more worthy of attention than unsightly submarines. The importance of the submarine fleet was understood and recognized by a few devotees like Rear Admiral Shchensnovich, but there were not many such officers in the naval command. Only the First World War, which gave submariners the opportunity to truly show what submarines are capable of and what role they will play in modern naval war, contributed to a change in attitude towards the submarine fleet on the part of the naval command. However, in 1917 the February Revolution occurred, and then October Revolution, which seriously affected the situation of the Russian fleet and domestic shipbuilding.

Exactly at Soviet period there was a rapid and fast development domestic submarine fleet, thanks to which modern Russia is currently one of the largest submarine powers in the world. All one hundred and twelve years official existence of the Russian submarine fleet, submariner sailors remain the elite of the Russian navy. It’s not for nothing that they say that submariners are a special caste. And indeed it is.

Difficult conditions service, constant risk, being away from home for many months, the need to master the most modern and difficult technology to perfection - all this requires from officers and midshipmen, and from sailors, not only great abilities, professional knowledge and excellent health, but also unprecedented psychological stability. It is not for nothing that service in the submarine fleet of the Russian Navy enjoys such prestige - both military personnel, and even people completely far from the army and navy, understand the full importance of submariners for the country, and the volume of difficulties and hardships that they have to face.

On this significant day, Military Review congratulates all submariners - admirals, officers, midshipmen, foremen and sailors, submarine fleet veterans, as well as civilian personnel and members of their families on Submariner Day. Eternal memory to the submariners who died and left this world, long life, good health and absence of combat and non-combat losses-currently serving submariners and veterans.