Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The uses of crystals are brief. Application of crystals in science and technology

Program extracurricular activities

TOPIC: “Propaganda of family traditions and values ​​of the Russian family through seasonal Russian folk holidays.”

Voronezh region

Form of organization: family club

Kind of activity: play activity; cognitive activity.


    Spiritual and moral education.

    Sports and health education.

    Artistic and aesthetic education.

Explanatory note

The relevance of this program lies in the fact that the study and promotion of Russian folk holidays, games and rituals, family traditions of ethnic groups living in our region, the study of genealogy contribute to closer communication between family members, and parents and grandparents will be assistants in children’s research. Such work develops interest in the history of one’s ancestors, helps strengthen spiritual values, and increases the cultural level.

All these factors determined the need to create a program in which mechanisms for interaction between family and school were developed.

This program involves working with children of primary school age and their parents.

Purpose of the program: contribute to the formation in the family of conditions for personal growth and development of the child through the revival of family traditions, strengthening the spiritual values ​​of the family, increasing its intellectual and cultural level.

Program objectives:

    formation in families positive attitude to active social and social activities children;

    promotion and revival of family traditions;

    organizing and conducting leisure time and joint creativity in students’ families.

Educational and thematic plan

Topic name

Number of hours

Forms of conducting


Games, songs, folk entertainment, tea drinking.

“My family is my fortress!”

Conversation, creation of a search and research project. Contest.

“Oh, you winter-winter!”

Games, songs, folk entertainment, theatrical performances.

“Oh, you are good fellows!”

Competitive game sports program for families.

“Spring is red!”

Games, songs, folk entertainment, mass celebrations, master class.

"Summer Fun"

Costume party, games, songs, folk entertainment, quiz.


Gatherings “In the upper room, in the bright room” with tea drinking and sharing recipes

family baking. Study of Russian folk games, songs, rituals and

holidays held in autumn period.

2. Family evening “My family is my fortress.”

Conversation about family traditions. Search and research work on family history. Creation of family coats of arms and their protection. Preparation of projects. Competition "Living Antiquity".

    “Oh, you winter-winter!”

Costume party “Christmas”, “Festive nativity scene.

Carols." Study of Russian folk games, songs, rituals and holidays,

carried out during the winter.

    Sports festival “Oh, you are good fellows! "

Competition program: running in bast shoes, on stilts; pillow fight with

blindfolded; sack jumping, throwing competition;

tugging a gymnastic stick; relay race "Horsemen"; jumping from

jump rope; tug of war.

5. “Spring is red!”

Mass celebration "Maslenitsa". Study of Russian folk games, songs, rituals and holidays held in the spring.

Master class “Painting Easter eggs”.

6. "Summer Fun"

Costume holiday “Bright maiden holiday Trinity”, “Ivan Kupala”. Study of Russian folk games, songs, rituals and holidays held in summer period.

“Big family quiz” on national holidays.


Topic 1. Analysis of the event. Reflection. Determining the degree of comfort gained from the event.

Topic 2. Determining the success of prepared projects.

Topic 3. Analysis of the event. Reflection. Identifying the most creative families.

Topic 4. Analysis of the event. Reflection. Identifying the most athletic families.

Topic 5. Analysis of the event. Reflection. Identification of the most creative families.

Topic 6. Analysis of the event. Reflection. Revealing the winning family of the quiz.

Expected results from the implementation of the program.

Participants of the event on the first level:

●Mastering forgotten family holidays and the history of heraldry

●Get acquainted with the basics of the history of their native land and Russian folk

games and fun.

At the second level they can:

● discuss

● conduct games (for rapprochement and emancipation)

●hold competitions, quizzes

On the third:

● make up family tree your family

● develop social project


    S.V. Stepanova. Junior schoolboy: problems of education in the family and educational institution. // Elementary School. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 3-4.

    L.V. Timartseva. Studying family history. // Primary school. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 67-74.

    N.A. Tokareva. The role of family relationships in moral education child. // Elementary School. - 2008. - No. 5. - pp. 19-21.

    M.A. Aloeva Best parent meetings V primary school: 1st-2nd grades / M.A. Aloeva, V.E. Beysova. - Ed. 2nd, add. and processed - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - 311 p.

    M.K. Gospodnikov. Project activities in elementary school / author. M.K. Gospodnikova and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - p.: ill.

    Dick N.F. Cool watch in grades 3-4 / N.F. Dick. - Ed. 8th. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. – 31 p.

    IN AND. Kovalko. Health-saving technologies in elementary school. 1-4 grades. M.: "VAKO", 2004, 296 p.

    Class hours in grades 1-4 / author.-comp. I.V. Persian and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-240 p.

    V.A. Voroshilin. Meeting spring in the villages of the Voronezh region // Living Antiquity. 1996, no. 4.

    V.M. Petrov. Summer holidays, games and fun for children, M., 2001.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone

Importance family values

Starting a family is a great feat. give birth, give new life not so difficult. But instilling in a child the concepts of love, freedom, faith, conscience, responsibility is not an easy task and is impossible outside of love and outside the family.

In the family such human values as a feeling of patriotism, love and respect for loved ones, generosity, responsibility for one’s actions.

Core family values

The list of basic family values, without a doubt, will be unique for each family and will contain an endless number of points and sub-points.

Each of us should have a clear understanding of those family values ​​that help strengthen the foundation for creating a strong and friendly family. Knowledge of moral and moral principles plays important role in strengthening trust and increasing confidence in each family member.

A feeling of importance and necessity. It is important that every family member knows that they are loved, appreciated and needed. Even as a close-knit family, devoting their free moments to their loved ones, each family member should be allocated space and given freedom for their activities. A family is a place where you can get together without special occasions, holidays and spend time together, it is a safe place to return to when something doesn’t work out, they will accept you, listen to you, support you, and advise you on how to get out of the impasse.

Flexibility in solving family problems is the path to happiness and a sense of comfort. Each family has its own order, daily routine, structure, and rules. But too much order and rules can lead to deterioration of relationships and the emergence of resentment.

Respect. It is important to instill in family members a sense of respect for each other. The only way To maintain respect in the family - show how to respect yourself by personal example. There is a very big difference between respect and fear. a fine line. Respecting another means accepting his feelings, thoughts, needs, preferences. Respect, as a family value, extends from home to school, to work and other public places where a person encounters people.

Honesty forms a deep bond between family members. Encourage honesty by practicing understanding and respect for any actions that your loved ones do. If you are angry about what happened, it is likely that information will be withheld from you next time in order to avoid disrespect for your identity.

You need to learn to forgive people who have offended you. Everyone makes mistakes. Life is too short to waste it on grudges. You should get answers to all the questions that concern you from the offender and make a choice - accept, forgive, let go and move on.

Learn to be generous with attention, love, time, communication, even some of your material possessions. Generosity is giving without thinking about what you will get in return.

Communication is a separate art. Transfer of information, feelings - important element formation of family relationships. When people feel that they can easily and openly express their dreams, hopes, fears, successes, failures, then this only helps to strengthen the marriage bond. Lack of communication leads to small issues developing into larger ones, which end in quarrels, avoidance, and divorce.

Responsibility. We all want to appear to others responsible people. Some of us are more responsible, others less responsible. A sense of responsibility does not require much pushing to get the job done on time and correctly.

Traditions are what makes a family unique; they unite all family members.

Be a role model. Adults act as examples for their children. They impart their skills in problem solving, teamwork, communication, etc.

Evaluate your contribution to the development and strengthening of your family ties. Although family relationships are based on strong blood ties, big family Over time, feelings of closeness weaken, so it is necessary to make additional efforts and devote time to maintaining strong family ties. From time to time you should remind yourself of the importance of family in your life.





on promotion of family values ​​for 2016 -2017

Item no.

Event name

Form of conduct

Month (decade)




Development, together with parents, of a system of uniform pedagogical requirements and coordination of the main directions of school and home family education

Generalization of experience

March, April


Head teacher

Deputy Directors

on UVR and VR


“Raising a child in a family”, “Action is one of the active forms of work with parents”, “Gender education of a child in a family”, “Social protection large family", "Modern family - what is it like?"


Social teacher

Educational psychologist


“Acquaintance with documents regulating the rights of the child”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”

Meetings with teachers

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Deputy Director for VR

Commissioner for Children's Rights

“In the warm circle of the family”, “Correction of intra-family relationships”

Pedagogical training

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Educational psychologist

Training class teachers on family issues and family values

Refresher courses

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Deputy Director for HR


“My family”, “Happy is he who is happy at home”, “Our family traditions”, “My home, my family”, “My family tree”, “A healthy family is a healthy society”

Thematic classes

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Class teachers

“Protecting the rights and dignity of a small child in the family”, “The role of the family in raising children”, “Secrets of communication with a child in the family”

Class hour

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Class teachers

“The happiest day with the family”, “The role of father and mother in raising children”, “Evening in the family”, “This is my whole family”


During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Class teachers

Festival children's creativity“Inspiration” on the topic: “Together - a friendly family!”


February March


Deputy Director for VR

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Profile shift

July 2016

Institutions of additional education

“Mom’s eyes, daddy’s smile...”

Essay competition

February 2016

Russian language teachers

Class teachers

Participation in regional thematic competitions and projects


During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Deputy Director for HR

Deputy Director for VR

“Big Brother” (New Year’s gifts for orphans and children without parental care)


December 2015

Deputy Director for VR

MOO "Union of Active"


“The rights of the child in the family”, “Identification of the pedagogical culture of parents of pupils”, “Each home has its own traditions”


February March


Educational psychologist

Social teacher

Distribution of booklets, consultations, individual conversations on topics: “Future parents”, “Family traditions”, “Parental commandments”, “Secrets of raising a polite person”, “Evening in the family”, etc.

Parent lecture hall

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Educational psychologist

Class teachers

“My family – everyday life and holidays”, “ Family archive", "Traditions of our family", "Relatives, loved ones, loved ones"

Photo gallery

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Class teachers


“The happiest day of our family”, “Family coat of arms”, “Family newspaper”, “Dad, mom and I are a friendly family”, “Traditions of my family”, “Family traditions of our ancestors”

Project competition

During the entire period of implementation of the plan


Class teachers

Oral magazine for parents: “The adult world in children’s cartoons”, “Every home has its own traditions”, “Happy is the one who is happy at home”, “We can do a lot, we can do a lot”, “Your family’s favorite books”

Parent meetings

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Class teachers

"Television and Children"




Class teachers

“Reading with the whole family”, “My family”, “Do-it-yourself toy”

Exhibitions of books, drawings, crafts

During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Head of the library

Family Connection Day

Open days

May 2016

Head teacher

Deputy Directors

on UVR and VR


Creation of a “Family and Family Values” page on the website of an educational institution (consultations, reports on events, etc.)


During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Responsible for maintaining the site

Publications in the Donskoy Mayak newspaper of articles on the topics of family education and the formation of family values


During the entire period of implementation of the plan

Deputy Director for VR

Social teacher

Educational psychologist

Social teacher Alipova O. A.

Syomina Karina Olegovna

4th year student of the Faculty of Philology and mass communications Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Zabaikalsky" State University", Chita

Semina Marina Viktorovna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Transbaikal State University", Chita

The term “projectus”, translated from Latin, means “thrown forward.” Design can be considered as the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of a proposed or possible object or state. The concept of “design” originally arose in the field of technology and denoted the science of the most rational ways of transforming objects using technical means. Later, the concept of design moved into pedagogical activity. Definitions close to “design” are: planning, projection, anticipation, foresight, forecasting, design, modeling.

Development of the project method in the USA since the 20s. The 20th century is associated with the research of the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick. Initially it was called the method of problems, and it was associated with ideas humanistic direction in philosophy and education, the essence of which is to stimulate student activity, expediency educational activities based on the student’s deep personal motivation. In William Hurd Kilpatrick's metaphor, working on a project is like sewing a dress, into which the seamstress puts her soul and talent.

In many English-speaking countries, the project method has found wide use. The project approach, recognized in education and in the field of youth policy throughout the world, appeared much later, only at the end of the 20th century. Ideas project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky back in 1905, an attempt was made to use project methods in teaching practice. Later, already in the Soviet state, these ideas began to be quite widely introduced into schools, but mistakes made in their implementation became the basis for the release in 1931 of a Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, condemning the project method. For many years this method was excluded from national education.

Today, social design is becoming a landmark direction of modern youth policy in the Russian Federation. The activation of this process is determined both by individual youth representatives, public associations and movements, and by organizations, institutions and management structures involved in the implementation of state youth policy. Socially significant innovative design is a factor in the development of creative activity of youth, contributes to the formation of personality, its socialization, acquisition of social and professional competencies and full participation of young people in life civil society. Project technologies are considered promising technologies of the new century, effectively facilitating adaptation to rapidly changing living conditions in a post-industrial society.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation initiated important decision on the launch of a series of research and development projects designed to ensure the advanced development of significant social problems. These include problems of the effectiveness of state youth policy and technological support for involving young people in positive activities; effective social practices that provide young people with opportunities for maximum self-development and participation in solving national development problems. It is noted that the advantages design method V educational activities are based on a rational combination theoretical knowledge and them practical application to solve specific problems of the surrounding reality. This approach is organically combined with a group approach to training and education. The project method involves using a variety of methods and tools to solve a problem, as well as integrating interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.

In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation developed the State Youth Policy Strategy, designed to determine the goals, priorities and measures of socio-economic development of Russia. A special feature of the Strategy is the fact that for the first time in the field of Russian youth policy it is being implemented as a set of priority project areas aimed at youth. Priority project areas are addressed to all youth of Russia and are designed to open up opportunities for equal participation in them for all young people, regardless of gender, nationality, profession, place of residence and social status. The strategy defines a number of priority project areas and ways of their implementation. Each of priority areas unites the design and innovation activities of those organizations, youth associations and initiatives that can offer the most effective options for their implementation.

In 2010 the Government Trans-Baikal Territory made an important decision to approve the regional long-term target program “Youth of Transbaikalia for the period 2011-2015.” The goal of the program is defined as creating conditions for the involvement of young people in the processes of socio-economic, socio-political, cultural development state and civil society. One of the main directions of regional youth policy stated in the Program was the promotion of the development of the institution of a young family. Within the framework of this direction, it is planned to organize educational work with young people on issues reproductive health, parenthood, organization of family and children's recreation. Ways of assistance are being considered social services in providing young families with a range of information and consulting services.

Private practice The implementation of youth policy in this direction was the development and implementation of the socially significant project “Family in a kaleidoscope of significant dates.” Its mission is related to the promotion of family and family values ​​among the youth of Chita through extracurricular activities. We assume that such activities contribute to the development of the familistic culture of the generation of young men and women who get married and determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the region in the coming decades. The project managers are specialists known to the city community and with significant experience. project work with young people, including in the indicated direction. The implementation of the project involves Active participation students of the youth association “Family Vector” of ZabSU, participant and winner of several major competitive events, including at the All-Russian level. The problem that the project is aimed at solving is that today’s youth have an insufficiently formed understanding of familistic memorable dates Oh as officially established or informal events of the calendar year, emphasizing the value of family as social group; the importance of partnership, marriage, parenthood and childhood as special status positions of the individual, as well as dates that cultivate health-saving positions in the family.

Based on the results of a study conducted in Chita empirical research We found out that respondents aged 16-21 years are poorly aware of the variety of family memorial dates, their role in modern society and the life of a particular family. Young people are passive in self-organization of their leisure time and do not have the skills to change its already established stereotypical scenario. Teacher-organizers for the most part take a conservative approach to event planning educational work with young people and need organizational and methodological support innovation activity familistic orientation. Such circumstances impede, in our opinion, the formation of an individual’s familistic competence, and, in general, the development of marriage and family culture of the modern generation.

The significance of state support for the family comes from the complex socio-demographic situation that has developed in Russia, the main characteristics of which are trends in the devaluation of traditional family values, a decrease in the social and personal significance for young people of Marriage, Parenthood, Childhood and, as a consequence, the threat of depopulation and degradation of the population of Russia. Today, strengthening the family has been declared by the country's leadership to be the most important state task.

The regulatory and legislative basis of the project was:

1. Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation until 2015, which consolidates the role of the family in solving the problem of population reproduction;

2. Strategy of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2016, the project “Young Family of Russia”, the goal of which is to strengthen the institution of family by promoting family values. The tasks being solved within the framework of the project include: promoting family values ​​among young people; formation of mechanisms to support young families, etc. This project is addressed to young residents of Russia and young families. In order to implement this project, it is planned to conduct and widely publicize mass media events demonstrating and promoting values family life for young people, as well as creating conditions to encourage part-time employment for young parents raising young children.

3. Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, determined the revival and preservation of the spiritual and moral traditions of family relationships, family education” as a strategic direction of the internal policy of the Russian Federation;

4. CDTP "Youth of Transbaikalia" for 2010-2015. One of the main directions of regional youth policy stated in the Program was the promotion of the development of the institution of a young family.

The target group of the project is students and high school students in Chita, and at certain stages of the project - kindergarten students and their parents. The goal of the project: to promote family values ​​through the popularization of family-significant memorial dates that emphasize the value of marriage and family. Project objectives:

1. Formation of value system view about significant family dates of the calendar year in the main areas:

a. Solemn, officially established holiday dates of universal or national significance, emphasizing the role of family, marriage, parenthood, childhood and/or traditionally celebrated in the family circle (International Children's Day, International Family Day, World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, International Older People's Day, World Men's Day, World Children's Day, Mother's Day in Russia);

b. Memorable dates of general cultural and educational significance, including those calling for health protection in the family (International Health Day, International Children's Book Day, Anti-Smoking Day, Father's Day, World Contraception Day);

c. Positive, original holiday dates for lovers, spouses, children, relatives and friends (World Valentine's Day, World Brownie Day, Opening Day of the first marriage agency, World Housing Day, Wall of Love Day, Wedding March Day);

d. Memorable dates associated with mournful dates in the history of mankind and correlated with the attitude towards men, women, children (International Day of Innocent Children - Victims of Aggression, etc.).

2. Development of skills and abilities for independent determination and organizational support of significant family dates (informational “What is this and When?”, activity-based “What is the significance of the day, How to spend it, What to do, Who will help?”, reflective “How did it turn out?”).

3. Development of the ability to enrich traditional youth events with familistic content.

4. Further formation group skills project activities, development of creative activity of youth in the socially significant sphere of supporting the institution of family.

The project's effectiveness is assessed through:

· expert activities of the competition organizing committee and internal self-assessment of project leaders;

· analysis of appeals from young people and city teachers to the project team and their feedback on the quality of assistance provided;

· content analysis of publications about the implementation of the project on the university website, in the media and collections of youth conferences.

A number of criteria can be used to assess the effectiveness of a project:

·number of students and schoolchildren participating in the project (at least 25-30, up to 500 people maximum for each event;

·the number of student families that officially registered their relationships during the implementation of the project at the university;

·number of students with children who turned to the project team for help;

·increasing the number of students who are positively oriented toward successful marriage and parenthood (based on the results of a pilot study);

·the quantity and quality of personal achievements of a familistic nature among project participants in competitive events.

The project is a logical continuation of the ZabSU youth project “Unusual Calendar” implemented in 2012, presented at the V All-Russian Student Forum “Student Projects in the Educational Space of the Regions” by ZabSU students and involves the development of subsidiary subprojects dedicated to individual family dates in subsequent years. It seems to us possible to use the results of the project both in an individual family and in organizing educational work in cultural and educational institutions of the city and region.


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Family values ​​at school

As you know, a child’s personality is formed by external and internal factors. Internals are family. And external ones are just other people with whom he communicates, in particular, the school. It is after communicating with school friends that a teenager takes an example from them, and not always a good one. He begins to be rude to his elders and skip classes. The authority of the family falls in comparison with the growing authority of fellow interests. Unfortunately, even an ideal and obedient baby can get involved with bad company. The school needs to introduce a lesson in which they will talk about family relationships and values, encourage children to spend time with their families, and go somewhere together. Even extracurricular trips can be done with parents. Thanks to such activities, children will not forget about their roots.

Strengthening family values

As described above, the main thing is that both parents and the school are involved in raising children and make it clear that the family is a pier where you can land in any weather. Parents should not forget, even due to heavy workload, about their children and parents, and children should not share their experiences with their parents. It’s good if family members decide to spend more time together and start common tradition. For example, have dinner together, talk about how your day went, ask for help if needed. Find time to watch a movie together at home, go for a walk, or go to a cafe. Nowadays you can think of so many things to spend your leisure time together. But you shouldn’t force it on a child if he doesn’t want to. Work it all out together.

So, for a child to begin to respect and value family, parents must start with themselves. If there is discord in the family, the husband and wife constantly quarrel, do not find time for the children, then the child will think this is right. As an adult, he won't have time for them. Therefore, try to become an example for him. Spend more time together. Organize joint events. Come up with a common tradition. It would be good if classes were introduced at school to show children how important family is, because the media does little to support the cult of family and family values. Become a friend, adviser, protector for your child. The child must believe that his parents will support him and not reproach him. Love yourself and your loved ones.

The dynamics of modernization processes in Russia indicate fundamental changes in the political, socio-economic and spiritual spheres of society. va. Modern society creates a tense situation for the leisure interests of the family for a number of reasons: the stratification of families by income level is increasing, depopulation is developing, interethnic marriages are forming, the number of divorces and illegitimate children is growing; the traditional family structure is being destroyed (an increase in the number of single-parent, maternal, alternative, marginal families); old, generally accepted norms of behavior, the nature of marital relationships, the relationship between parents and children, and attitudes toward education change. As a result, the centuries-old continuity of folk teaching experience, many values ​​of family culture and knowledge of traditions, which are one of the foundations of the national education of Russians, are being lost. In this regard, it becomes natural to turn to understanding the substantive characteristics of the leisure space of a modern family. The stability of the state and nation, its civilization depend on the strength of families and the civility of relations in them. Family is one of the oldest institutions human society. She went a long way and difficult path development: from living together as a clan, a tribe, to a large family that accommodated several generations under one roof, and later to a nuclear family consisting of only parents and children. The history of a family is inextricably linked with the history of society. The family is the creator of sociocultural values, the creator of civilization. Influencing individual relationships and feeling their influence, the family acts as a product of a given society, its unique reflection. As society changes, the family, its structure, forms, size, and functions also change. Modern life is such that parents and children are at home at the same time for an average of no more than two hours, not counting sleep. And they communicate even less, for example, working mothers - about half an hour a day. In addition, communication between parents and children occurs mainly while watching TV shows, discussing school problems, much less often - when discussing books and magazines, even less often - in walking together cities. The differentiation of interests of “fathers” and “children” can be traced in the trend of modern leisure, in the organization of recreation, focused mainly not on the family, but on its individual members. The state has proclaimed and strives to implement the “Main Directions of State Family Policy.” The purpose of this system of measures is to create conditions for the family to realize its functions and improve the family’s quality of life. It is necessary to implement a set of measures aimed at integrating the family and its members, ensuring full physical, psychological, intellectual and social development all family members, through effective implementation family communicative, leisure, reproductive, educational, material functions; ensuring, based on the implementation of these functions, a favorable psychological climate for the family and the socialization and adaptation of all its members. The latter will ensure the prevention of asocial development and personality formation of family members. Joint family leisure is a fairly perfect mechanism for uniting family members, resolving conflicts, and achieving common goals and values. Through leisure activities, it is possible to conduct events by cultural institutions to restore the educational, emotional, family functions social control. For family leisure, it is very important that any activity in its sphere is rational from the point of view of recreation and at the same time interesting and quite valuable in social and pedagogical terms. In active interesting activities both children and parents relax faster and more fully, experiencing positive emotions arising as a result of self-expression and satisfaction of spiritual needs. Criteria for assessing expected results Predicted trend Qualitative and quantitative indicators Quality of results of activities carried out Increased participation of families with children in social cities. Number of families who took part in project activities. Number of spectators who attended project events. Developing practical skills for families in organizing joint cultural and leisure activities. Increasing the volume of services focused on family leisure time Creating conditions and opportunities for participation in the sociocultural life of the city for families with children Introducing active forms of joint family leisure into practice. Expanding forms of free family leisure Increasing the level and quality of life of families with children Creating conditions for the formation