Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Industrial and civil engineering distance learning. Moscow Polytechnic - history of the department
The history of the presenter began with the PGS faculty construction university countries - MISS im. V.V. Kuibyshev, now MGSU. The faculty is the largest educational unit of the university. Over the 78 years of its existence, the faculty has trained tens of thousands of civil engineers highly qualified. Graduates of the faculty enjoy well-deserved authority both in Russia and abroad. Many successfully work in state and commercial construction companies, in design institutions, in various administrative structures at all levels. In accordance with the results of international accreditation, the level of training of MGSU engineers in specialty 2903 "Industrial and Civil Engineering" is recognized as corresponding to the highest international standards and equal to a foreign master's degree European university. Students who graduate from the PGS faculty receive higher education recognized in 140 countries around the world.
The PGS faculty provides training in the following specialties and specializations:

Specialty "Industrial and civil engineering" (training period 5 years)
- research and design of buildings and structures.
- technology and organization of construction production.
- safety of construction and technological systems.
- reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures.

Specialty "Building Design" (architect engineer) (training period 5.5 years).

For graduates of specialized secondary educational institutions with a construction profile, the training period is reduced to 4 years.
The faculty has 1,800 students.
Personnel: 58 employees; 157 teachers, including more than 120 doctors and candidates of science.
Every year, the faculty graduates about 350 civil engineers for the needs of the design and construction complex of Moscow, the Moscow region and Russia. The faculty has applications and enters into contracts with leading design and construction joint-stock companies and firms in Moscow and Russia for the employment of graduates.
Training of specialists is carried out in two areas:
Bachelor (4 years)
master (6 years)
Specialist (engineer) - 5 years.
The faculty trains specialists in two specialties:
290300 - "Industrial and civil construction" - with forms of study: full-time, evening, correspondence, external studies.
291400 - "Building design", specialty - architect engineer - day form training.
Starting from the third year, students studying in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering" are divided into specializations:
"Research and design of buildings and structures" with profiles "Theory of structures", "Metal structures", "Reinforced concrete structures", "Wood and plastic structures", "Dynamics of structures", "Dynamics and seismic resistance of buildings and structures", "Building design and their internal environment";
"Research and design of buildings and structures" with profiles "Theory of structures", "Metal structures", "Reinforced concrete structures", "Wood and plastic structures", "Dynamics of structures", "dynamics and seismic resistance of buildings and structures", "Design of buildings" and their internal environment";
"Technology, organization and economics of construction production" with the specializations "Technology of construction production" and "Organization of construction production";
"Safety of construction and technological systems" with the profiling "Safety of structures under emergency dynamic impacts;
"Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures."
The faculty unites 7 educational departments: "Architecture of civil and industrial buildings", "reinforced concrete and stone structures", "Testing of structures", "Wood and plastic structures", "Metal structures", " Structural mechanics", "Construction Production Technology", having big story its development and authority in design and construction organizations. All departments of the faculty provide training in postgraduate and doctoral studies.
In 1999, the training program for specialists in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Construction" was accredited International Institute civil engineers (MIIS), headquartered in London and uniting specialists in more than 140 countries around the world. This means that students who have entered the specialty “Industrial and Civil Engineering” since 1999, upon successful completion of their studies at the university, along with a state-standard engineer diploma, will receive a certificate of graduation from a university that has international accreditation. Based on the results of accreditation engineering training recognized by the faculty as corresponding to master's preparation European University. In addition, students, starting from the third year, can join this prestigious professional association for free as a student membership in MIIS.
Junior (1st and P) courses are trained in the university building at the address: Yaroslavskoye sh., no. 26, and senior courses are studied in the building on Shlyuzovaya embankment, no. 8.

Leading scientists and major specialists in the field of construction work at the departments of the faculty. Some of them were elected full members and corresponding members of the RAASN, International Academy computer science, international engineering academy, European Academy of Sciences and Arts and others, are honorary doctors of various foreign higher educational institutions.
Along with free training the faculty conducts training in on a paid basis. For persons with higher and secondary special education An external course was opened for the purpose of obtaining a construction education. Training is carried out according to individual schedules and on a paid basis. For the best students in addition to the main scholarship, a personal scholarship is constantly paid from the funds of the Faculty’s Educational, Research and Production Center. The faculty provides opportunities for creative and professional growth students. Reviews and competitions of diploma and course projects. Students of the faculty constantly participate in scientific and technical conferences of MGSU, perform scientific work at the departments of the faculty. In addition, students of the faculty work on a paid basis in a number of large research laboratories headed by leading professors and academicians international level. Based on the results of research work, students make reports at all-Russian and international conferences, participate in shows and competitions.

The St. Petersburg Institute of Management provides training in the specialty “Industrial and Civil Construction”.

Distance learning.

You can start training immediately after concluding a contract and payment.

1. Quantity teaching hours - 307

Duration of training: 2-3 months

Tuition fee: 19,500 rubles (installments 10,000 rubles + 9,500 rubles)

Upon completion of training, a diploma of professional retraining is issued with the right to conduct a new type of activity in the field of construction.

2. Number of teaching hours: 550

Cost of education 32,000 rubles (payment in installments is possible 20,000 rubles + 12,000 rubles). PROMOTION OF THE MONTH RUR 27 (installments 20 tr.+7 tr.)

Training is carried out on the basis of any higher or secondary specialized education.

Duration of study for the program "Industrial and Civil Engineering"- 4-5 months.

The two most common questions:

1. Is a diploma of professional retraining sufficient to implement a new type of professional activity?

the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On education in Russian Federation". Article 76. Additional professional education. Point 5. Program professional retraining is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring new qualifications.

2. Can I undergo training if my education is in another field?

Yes you can. By undergoing professional retraining you receive new profession. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation.” Article 76. Additional professional education. Clause 3. The following are allowed to master additional professional programs:

1) persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

2) persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Upon completion of training a diploma is issued on professional retraining with the right to conduct a new type of professional activity in the field of construction.

What is the difference between the 550 hour and 307 hour training programs? Number of teaching hours.

Additional professional education, which gives you the opportunity to gain everything necessary knowledge and skills - this is complex retraining. A diploma of professional retraining received after training is essentially no different from a document on a second higher education. The peculiarity of a professional retraining diploma is that the additional specialty you receive is equal to the specialty in basic education(this is defined by law).

The goal of the professional retraining program in the direction of "Industrial and civil construction" is to develop in students new knowledge and skills in the field of industrial and civil construction.

The majority of students in the ASG program are specialists and managers of construction organizations who do not have a specialized education in the field of construction, representatives and experts of SROs, persons planning to obtain new specialty in the field of construction, final year students wishing to gain an additional profession.

Name of the discipline

Number of hours

Type of test

Months of training

Construction Basics

Control questions

First month of training

Pricing and estimating in construction

Final test

Labor protection in construction

Control questions

Second month of training

Organization and planning in construction

Final test

Engineering systems of buildings and structures

Control questions

Third month of training

Inspection and testing of buildings and structures

Final test

Reconstruction of buildings, structures and developments

Control questions

Quality control in construction

Final test

Fourth month of training

Construction process technology

Control questions

Building architecture

Control questions

Building construction

Control questions

Fifth month of training

Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering

Head of the Department Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zaitsev Alexey Nikolaevich

The Department of "Industrial and Civil Engineering" is a graduating department in full-time and correspondence forms training.

Graduation is carried out in the following areas of the main professional educational program higher education:

  • Bachelor's programs 03/08/01 Construction in the following areas:

Industrial and civil construction;

Heat and ventilation";

Production building materials, products and structures.

Those who complete this course receive a bachelor's degree.

  • specialty program 05/08/01 Construction of unique buildings and structures in the specialty “Construction of high-rise and long-span buildings and structures.”

Those who complete this course receive the qualification of a civil engineer.

The department trains postgraduate students in the direction 06/08/01 “Engineering and construction technologies”.

Composition of the department:

1. Zaitsev Alexey Nikolaevich - head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

2. Dorkin Valentin Vasilievich - professor, candidate of technical sciences, honored tester space technology, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.

3. Morozova Dina Voldemarovna - associate professor, Ph.D.

4. Evgeniy Nikolaevich Zaichenko - associate professor, candidate of architecture.

5. Sinitsyn Valery Ivanovich - associate professor, Ph.D.

6. Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich - associate professor, Ph.D.

7. Suzdaltseva Elena Anatolyevna - assistant.

8. Nikonova Marina Yurievna - leading engineer.

9. Maria Sergeevna Holdina - engineer.

The Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering was formed in 2014 on the basis of 9 departments of the Faculty of Construction of Moscow State University named after. V.S. Chernomyrdin.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering was one of the oldest faculties at Moscow State University (formerly VZPI). The faculty was founded in 1932 and existed unchanged until 2013, when MGOU became part of MAMI. Over the years, the faculty has graduated more than 30 thousand specialists in the field of construction who work in all regions of our country and abroad.

Prominent scientists and honored workers of the construction industry worked at the faculty: academician, president of the Academy of Sciences of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.S. Davydov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.I. Otreshko, Doctor of Technical Sciences .Sc., Professor Korchinsky I.L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zaitsev Yu.V. (former rector of Moscow State University), laureate Stalin Prize Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sizov V.A., Academician, Honored Worker of Science and Technology Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Targ S.M., Doctor of Architecture Lyashchenko S.V. and many other distinguished teachers.

For more than 20 years, the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Moscow State University was RAASN adviser, Ph.D., Professor V.V. Dorkin.

Currently, the department is part of the Faculty of Urbanism and Municipal Economy of the Moscow State University Polytechnic University.

During the time the department was part of the Moscow Polytechnic University, the department trained and graduated more than 100 civil engineers and bachelors in the above-mentioned specialties.

Teachers of the department are actively conducting research work in the field of studying the stress-strain state of building structure elements using methods of fracture mechanics, studying the physical, mechanical and deformative properties of concrete, the influence of various additives on the rheological properties of cement and concrete mixtures, studying the influence of temperature unevenness on stress state of the metal. IN Lately The department conducts research work related to the disposal of solid household waste and its use in construction. This direction is very relevant, especially for large cities.

Teachers of the department participate in the implementation of grants under the government program of the RAASN. The research results are presented in the Council “Fracture mechanics of concrete, reinforced concrete and other building materials”.

A center for modern design and modeling of urban facilities based on bim technology has been created on the basis of the department.

Teachers of the department for last years more than 10 textbooks have been published and teaching aids, monographs, a large number of methodological manuals and guidelines, as well as scientific articles.

The teachers of the department are constantly improving educational programs, are being developed educational plans, work programs, guidelines on conducting classes, coursework and diploma design.

All employees of the department are constantly improving their educational and professional level, undergoing retraining and advanced training courses.

IN modern world Civil and industrial construction is especially popular. Many citizens do not know the difference between these two concepts, so they should be considered in more detail.

A huge number of companies offer relevant services. However, it is worth checking them for permission and experience of specialists to carry out the relevant work. Basically, the following services are offered to the customer:

  • creation of a competent feasibility study compiled by a professional;
  • drawing up a project for the construction of a facility;
  • fulfillment of the stipulated;
  • commissioning of the facility.

Before using these services, it is worth defining what civil and industrial construction is.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is a branch of construction that specializes in the construction of various non-productive economic facilities. These include educational institutions, libraries, theaters, medical institutions, residential buildings and administrative buildings.

Civil and industrial construction have significant social significance. However, in the first case, the quality of life of citizens is improved. Its main distinctive feature is complexity. The construction of residential buildings is combined with the solution of urban planning problems in the field of organizing networks of cultural, healthcare and improvement institutions.

Today one of promising directions can be called the construction of commercial buildings. Medium and small office centers are quite in demand these days. Basically, these buildings are objects that are produced using modern materials, equipment and technologies. As one can understand, civil engineering truly benefits the entire population of the country.

Industrial engineering

Industrial engineering represents either the restoration of objects that are directly related to industrial or production activities. Civil and industrial engineering have some similarities. However, the task of the type under consideration is to carry out a full range of construction and their goal is to provide or reconstruct existing enterprises.

Civil and industrial construction have one significant difference, which is that objects of the second type can have different purposes. In addition, industrial construction fully takes into account all the requirements for the facility being constructed. At the same time, only certified companies whose specialists have the relevant experience have the opportunity to deal with it.

Industrial complex

The production complex is a network of enterprises that are interconnected by a single technological process. They also function to ensure that the company achieves maximum economic results.

The main elements of the production complex are the corresponding buildings. The structure may also include administrative buildings and warehouse premises. The production complex may include infrastructure facilities. These include pumping stations, boiler rooms, as well as specially equipped rooms for workers’ rest.

Industrial complexes belong to the category of industrial construction. Taking into account their characteristics, we can conclude that they really cannot be built by an ordinary team of workers. This requires qualified specialists with extensive experience in this industry.

Domestic construction

Construction in Russia is one of the most important sectors of the economy. It accounts for approximately 3% of the state's GDP. Every year, this industry not only generates income and improves the living conditions of citizens, but also allows millions of people to be employed.

One of its most important sectors is residential construction. It is most developed in regions that are densely populated and dynamically developing. These include Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk region., Rostov region, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Tatarstan.


City construction is especially popular in Russia. With its help, infrastructure is developed and the standard of living of citizens increases. Industrial construction, in turn, contributes to the development of the domestic economy.

Second higher construction education is one of the highest quality in Russian system VO, and the demand for qualified specialists in this field is almost inexhaustible.

Specialties for the second higher education

The main areas of bachelor's degree: industrial and civil engineering, civil engineering in complex hydrogeological conditions, hydraulic engineering, civil engineering of unique structures, hydro-reclamation.

Masters can master narrower specializations:

  1. Solutions of an organizational and technological nature (theory and practice).
  2. Design, as well as management and construction of renewable energy facilities.
  3. Waterway objects.
  4. Engineering systems.
  5. River construction.
  6. Automated design of structures.
  7. Design, management and maintenance of real estate in water management and energy.
  8. Technical operation and reconstruction of structures.
  9. Construction of landscape architecture objects.
  10. Organization and management of investment projects in the construction industry.
  11. Theory and methods computer modeling objects.
Bachelors and Masters (in more depth) study:

The best universities in this field

The leaders in the segment of first and second higher education according to PGS are:
  1. MGSU - National Research Moscow State Civil Engineering University.
  2. GUZ - State University of Land Management (Moscow).
  3. GTU - Moscow Automobile and Highway State University Technical University(MADI).
  4. VGASU - Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (merged with Voronezh Technical University in 2016).
  5. PGUAS - Penza State University architecture and construction.


In addition to the second higher education, there are advanced training programs that are aimed at those who already have higher education in the construction field. These courses cover a range of construction specialties, among which:

  1. Safety precautions.
  2. Estimate matter.
  3. Graphic system T-flex CAD, computer and engineering graphics.
  4. Management of condominiums.
  5. Certification.
  6. Reducing energy costs during construction and operation of structures.
  7. Using SCAD Office software.

Forms of training

  1. Full-time. Duration of study: 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters, 5 years for specialty programs.
  2. Full-time and part-time. That is, evening. Attendance at classes is from two to four days weekly, mostly on weekdays, sometimes on weekends. This form is suitable for those who combine study and work. Duration: 2 years for a master's degree, 4.5 years for a bachelor's degree and 5.5 years for a specialty degree.
  3. Correspondence. The number of classroom hours is extremely small, but not completely absent. Students attend university during orientation sessions and the so-called readings. The main material is absorbed independently. Some universities use a modular system in which classes are held throughout the year, 1-2 times a week.
  4. Externship. The student independently masters all the necessary disciplines and passes exams (20-25 subjects per year). Educational institution does not conduct lectures or other classroom activities for the student, but carries out intermediate and final control of his work.