Biographies Specifications Analysis

Academic mobility. Academic mobility programs

In 2015/2016 academic year The following students took part in academic mobility programs:


Russian-Finnish school


ABDULLINA Galia Ravilevna


Educational and methodical internship

Russian-Finnish school



Victoria Dmitrievna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology

Czech Republic

Educational and methodical internship



Alina Viktorovna 1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Philology

Czech Republic

Educational and methodical internship

Yulia Vladimirovna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology


ANANIEVA Maria 1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Philology

Educational and methodological internship (Belgrade University)



Olga Fedorovna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology

Educational and methodological internship (Belgrade University)


Mikhail Alexandrovich

The Republic of Korea

Educational and methodical internship

(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Anna Konstantinovna

1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Philology

The Republic of Korea

Educational and methodical internship

(Busan University)


Irina Petrovna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology

The Republic of Korea

Educational and methodical internship

(Busan University)

Natalya Eduardovna

4th year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Philology


Julia Anatolyevna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology

Educational and Methodological Internship (Kyoto University - Sangyo)

Ksenia Valerievna

2nd year master student of the Faculty of Philology


Educational internship (through the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Jan Comenius University)



Alena Konstantinovna

2nd year master student of the Faculty of Philology

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Educational and methodical

internship (University of Banja-Luka)

Banja Luka

Yana Alexandrovna

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Educational and methodical internship

(University of Banya-Luka)

Banja Luka


Arina Vitalievna

1st year master student of the Faculty of Philology

Below you can read the testimonials of some of the students who are currently internships at foreign universities, as well as program managers of the host country.

Baginskaya Irina (Busan, Republic of Korea):

I am currently doing an internship at the Busan University of Foreign Studies and I really like it here. Unfortunately, there are not very many students studying Russian here (probably, this is not accepted). I have a passive practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language and regularly attend classes in the Russian language. In the near future I will have three open lessons for this group. Everyone loves it! Teaching in English is amazing! I took three English class: World Literature, English Competence, English Writing.

AT free time I also help organize a tandem for Russian language students.

Feedback on the internship of a master student of the Pushkin Institute at the University of West Bohemia:

Alina Artemkina, a student of the Institute, proved to be a very talented and responsible teacher. We highly appreciate cooperation with her and look forward to further cooperation with the Institute.

With deep respect and Best wishes,
Michaela Peshkova

Abdullina Galiya (Helsinki, Finland):

My practice took place at the Finnish-Russian School, and I taught, respectively, Russian as a foreign language and Russian as a mother tongue. The classes were different: 5, 8, 11. In general, I really liked the school.

I was a little surprised that the fifth graders during classes sat not only on ordinary chairs, but also on large inflatable balls. Such an informal atmosphere helps the children concentrate better and not be distracted from work. Junior and high school during breaks they go for a short walk.

Another feature that I cannot fail to note is that Finnish schoolchildren are rather closed guys: even if they know the answer, they will never raise their hands anyway. But it is not so difficult to interest them: they love to watch cartoons and listen to Russian songs.

In the 8th grade, it was quite difficult to cope with the discipline, but despite this, the possibility of spending a good leisure time in Moscow (that's what we talked about in the lesson) interested them.

The classrooms are very well equipped, so that teachers can use various technical means, for example, for clarity. It is very convenient at work.

Ravnyaga Xenia (Kyoto, Japan):

I just arrived for an internship, today is only my second day, but I already have something to tell you.

Let's start with the fact that the 2nd day of my stay here did not begin in the morning, but at lunchtime, at one o'clock in the afternoon. It was raining in the morning and there was even an earthquake, which I successfully overslept in Russian. I found out after my Japanese friends from Russia began to bombard me with messages and worry if everything is in order! If you believe the guys - it was shaking slightly.

So, I slept. There were no special plans, so after the morning procedures, feeling that the room was cooler than anywhere else, I decided to go and warm up in the common kitchen, where I found like-minded people curled up neatly in armchairs and sofas) The Japanese calmly played chess and continued to remain confident that since I am from Russia, then, of course, I can live even on the street. But this is, of course, a joke)) The guys are just wonderful! And not only the Japanese, but our entire diverse company))) By the way, a boy lives in the hostel, half Japanese, half Indian, the son of someone from the administration) so here he is - a local star)) everyone adore him, and he loves to be star))) in a word, having told the child about frosts in -30, snow and hungry Russian bears, I went into the room, pulled on a sweatshirt, and a windbreaker on top and went to explore the surroundings. To be precise - one direction of the road.

Now imagine: you are walking along the side of the road, close to the road, because it is customary for Japanese people living in residential areas, cars drive along the road, but none of them beeps at your back, but slowly, slowing down, goes around you, at the same time, the driver bows slightly at your turn of the head, and at the turn of my bright head, as practice has shown, he also apologizes smiling that he so suddenly, they say, traveled around. Passers-by, workers, drivers, in a word, look with interest. Cherry blossoms are in bloom now, I will be there tomorrow to admire it and eat a bento kindly prepared by a Japanese friend in the temple garden or in the park, today I forgot about food ... And you would remember when the air is full of sweet-tender aromas of cherries, when everything is pinkish - smoky mountains, road amulets and temples for spirits, when warm rain impregnated with a woody-herbal smell drips?

But you are right, "war is war, but dinner is on schedule." I ate my first real Japanese onigiri today. Who does not know - this is such a rice ball or triangle wrapped in dry nori seaweed so as not to get your hands dirty, without or with filling - conceivable and unthinkable. Mine was with sour Japanese plum today.

HSE is famous for and proud of the international nature of student learning and its intercultural environment. In the buildings you can often see the faces of students from different countries, almost every day an event takes place, a lecture is held related to an international visit, a conference. All this is done because science and higher education are international and open in nature, and international academic exchange is necessary for a healthy and competitive development.

To keep you informed, if you are already interested in how to participate in this process, we offer you the following guide.

- What is international academic mobility of students?

This full-time education a student outside the main faculty at a foreign university with a visit to the place of study, as well as participation in short seminars, summer / winter schools, the assessment of participation in which is expressed in credits and presented in a certificate. As part of international academic mobility, students going to study abroad can be credited without retaking the results of their studies at foreign universities. That is, if you correctly select courses at a foreign university and successfully pass exams, you won’t have to pay a bunch of debts to MIEM after your trip.

Participation NRU students HSE in academic mobility programs is regulated (MUST READ if you are going to participate in the program).

Long-term academic mobility programs organized centrally by HSE within the framework of interuniversity agreements can be found on the website. Follow the news, 2 times a year the application period for participation in these programs is announced.

You can find the list of documents required for filing an application at.

You can also independently organize short-term studies abroad, for example, by applying for participation in a summer thematic school of a foreign university:

HSE has the same summer school for foreigners: .

This will help you prepare for more serious academic programs, will give an unforgettable experience of intercultural communication with like-minded people, and just the experience of a business (not tourist) stay abroad.

You will need to draw up an application for participation in such a school and send it to the host university on your own, and it will help you to draw up HSE internal documents upon arrival.

It should be noted that the most "convenient" periods for academic mobility are the 2nd year (when you have already adapted to the educational process) and the 3rd year (when there is still enough time before the diploma) of the bachelor's degree. In the magistracy, we advise considering the 2nd half of the 1st year and the 1st half of the 2nd year (less desirable, there is a risk of not entering the GIA on time).

What documents do you need to have ready from the first year of the university, so that in the event of an announced competition / start of acceptance of applications / proposed participation in the competition for an international grant, quickly and easily collect the entire package?

1. A certificate confirming your level of knowledge of a foreign language. Yes, most often it is an international certificate that is required (English: IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge certificate, etc.). To obtain such a certificate, you need to pass an exam at a special certified center, the validity of certificates is different.

Do you know that HSE offers the Cambridge International English Exams KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, TKT and ILEC???

2. CV, or Curriculum Vitae, or resume. This document in English and Russian simply needs to be compiled once and supplemented and modified over time. This will save you a lot of nerves and effort.

3. A list of publications in English and Russian should also be made upon receipt of the first publication and do not forget to replenish it. Here you can also add data on received awards, certificates, prizes, and not only educational and scientific ones. Achievements in sports and social activities in many grants, scholarships and programs they play an important role.

4. Short description in English and Russian for their educational, research and professional projects. If there is nothing serious, a description should be included here. term papers that you performed, as well as professional skills acquired during practice or part-time work. Think about which of these could present you as a specialist in a favorable light.

5. You need to be able to order a transcript with grades on English language. This can be done at (order help).

6. And in general, do you know where to see the list of all academic disciplines which have been completed and which are yet to come to you during the entire period of study? Do you need a worker (for 1 year) or basic (for the entire period) syllabus. They are on the website of your educational program in the "Documents" section on the right panel.

- What else should be kept in mind?

academic mobility does not always mean going abroad, there is also the so-called "at home" internationalization: You can gain great experience by communicating with teachers, participating in seminars and conferences with international participants. You can become (take under your guardianship foreign student) or attend a language club:

The main thing is to be active. After all, this is how the so necessary in global world business, scientific and just friendly contacts.

Experience of previous members academic mobility programs. Here you will get information first hand. In addition, with the guys who already know the process firsthand, you can meet and chat live.

Here are the trip reports of our students:

  • Feedback on studying at the University of Nijmegen named after St. Radbod of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2nd year student of the master's program Lilia Ziganurova
  • Feedback on studying at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3rd year student Maria Guskova
  • Feedback on studying at the University of Bologna, Italy, 2nd year master's students Elena Shcheplova

For students wishing to participate in the Work & Travel program. This program is not considered an international academic mobility program. However, you have the right to submit an application to the study office addressed to the rector with a request to reschedule the summer session to an earlier date. You will also need to provide an agreement on participation in the program and a document with specific travel dates (for example, Job Offer).

And now important information for young people studying military department. As you were informed at the first meeting upon admission, this training is continuous process, during which, unfortunately, it is impossible to participate in a long-term academic mobility program. It is possible to participate in programs in the summer, during holidays, during internships. If you nevertheless decide to participate in the long-term AM program, you will have to complete the course of study at the military department.

Semester in foreign university- an academic exchange program for students of GSEM UrFU, which allows you to spend a semester at one of the institutes. GSEM UrFU has a wide network of academic partners, including large classical universities and small private business schools, which allows students of various programs to find a suitable university.

If a certificate confirming the level of English at least B2 was not provided, it is necessary to pass the test. The test is carried out in writing the first week after the application deadline. In case of doubt about the correctness of the results and the availability of identical answer forms, an invitation to an additional interview is possible.

Each participant of the program will receive a letter about the time and place of testing.

Based on the results of the competition, a rating of participants is compiled taking into account the average score, the level of a foreign language and personal achievements. The higher the student's place in the ranking, the greater the chances of getting into the university declared first in the priorities. The results of the competition are sent no later than April 10 for the autumn semester, September 25 for the spring semester e-mail. After receiving the letter, you must confirm your intention to participate in the exchange program with the specified university.

After confirmation of participation in the exchange program, a nomination is sent to the host university: confirmation of the Center's coordinator international cooperation GSEM UrFU about sending a student to an exchange program. As soon as the host university confirms the candidacy, the program participant receives a letter with further instructions from the host coordinator. According to these instructions, it may be necessary to send a package of documents to the host university (in most cases, all or part of the documents submitted when applying for a program) and / or fill out an online application. After processing the required documents, the host university issues an official letter of invitation, which is necessary for obtaining a visa. The letter is sent to the student by e-mail, the original is sent to the UrFU address and handed over to the student by the CMS coordinator.

After receiving the original invitation, the student is engaged in obtaining a visa, booking accommodation and planning a trip on their own.

education) and the director of the Higher School of Economics (I-439), endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Rector G.M. Kvashnina (GUK-302). The terms of stay at the host university must match those specified in the invitation.

  • The task

Filled in in accordance with the empty columns, agreed by the same employees as the application, as well as the head of the department information security A.Yu. Ushakov (R-303), head of the first department A.Yu. Granin (I-231) and the head of the department for work with students N.A. Tushinskaya (I-216), as well as the dean's office of the Higher School of Economics.

Important! At the time of the business trip, the student should not have academic debts, otherwise participation in the exchange program will be canceled.

  • Individual plan

To be filled in with a list of subjects planned to be studied at the host university, indicating the number of credits (ECTS). Total credit units must be at least 30. The plan is agreed with the dean's office of GSEM with marks on the possibility of re-credits and approved by the director of GSEM (I-439)

  • Copy and translation of the invitation

A copy and a self-translated translation of the official letter of invitation of the host university is attached to the package of documents.

The documents are handed over to the CMS, in accordance with them, an order for business trip is issued. Upon return, you can get an extract from the order to confirm the absence for a good reason.

The Department of International Projects and Educational Programs invites all students interested in expanding their educational opportunities to participate in our programs. We are ready to assist in choosing a partner university and an international program for your participation, in language training, both in Russian for foreigners, and in foreign languages, as well as conduct additional lectures on the history of our partner countries and existing education systems, hold consultations on visa and travel documents in foreign countries. Get acquainted with the list of current programs for students and the conditions for participation in them.

  • International internships and educational programs
  • International scholarships and grants

      Scholarship programs for citizens Russian Federation from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the 2019/2020 academic year.
      DAAD is an organization that unites all German higher educational establishments and contributing to the development of academic relations abroad, primarily through the exchange of students and scientists. DAAD supports higher education institutions in their international activities through information programs, marketing programs, advisory assistance, financial assistance students and researchers. DAAD offers: Summer university courses German language in Germany, study tours student groups to Germany, scholarships for economists for master's studies, scholarships for postgraduate studies of graduates of creative specialties and architects, scholarships for educational practice in German universities and other programs.
      detailed information and participation conditions are presented on the websites: and

      Grants from the French Embassy in Russia. Undergraduate and graduate students Russian universities can count on financial support training in France by the French government.
      Detailed information about programs and conditions for obtaining scholarships for studying at French universities on the website:

  • Academic mobility programs at SPbGUPTD for international students

      Dual Degree Program

      International main educational program, is developed jointly with the partner university in the chosen field of study, is implemented according to a specially created curriculum, agreed with both partner universities, unified in such a way as to ensure optimal workload for students, provide for built-in mobility in the partner university and create conditions for students to complete general final qualifying work.

      Based on the results of mastering the program, two diplomas are awarded: a state-recognized diploma from SPbGUPTD and a corresponding diploma from a partner university.

      Enrollment in the program is by prior arrangement with a partner university.

      Embedded learning

      Short-term international educational program of built-in learning for the main educational programs of SPbGUPTD. The partner university or the student personally selects disciplines from among those taught at SPbGUPTD in the current semester. For the student, his individual curriculum is compiled and the student joins the already formed study groups and undergoes training, attending all the prescribed types of classes and fulfilling all the requirements established for the chosen discipline. Training is conducted in Russian. For international students it is also offered intensive course learning the Russian language, included in the total scope of the program. The recommended amount of the program is 30 ECTS credits.

      Based on the results of training, a certificate is issued. The number of students simultaneously studying in one area of ​​study from one partner university should not exceed 5 people.

      Approximate period of study: September - December or February - June. Acceptance of applications for the fall semester - until June 01 of the current calendar year, for the spring semester - until December 01 of the current academic year.

      International Semester in English

      A short-term international educational program is implemented entirely in English in the disciplines selected taking into account the wishes of students of partner universities. Training is carried out in international groups according to a single curriculum. The education system is block. For foreign students, the program includes an intensive Russian language course. The program ends with a defense course project completed during the period of study at SPbGUPTD. The total amount of the program is 30 ECTS credits.

      Based on the results of training, a certificate is issued. Acceptance of applications for the fall semester - until June 01 of the current calendar year, for the spring semester - until December 01 of the current academic year.

      Short-term internship ("Seasonal School")

      A short-term international educational program, lasting 2-3 weeks, is compiled specifically for the partner university, taking into account its wishes and requirements in terms of the direction, structure, scope of the program and the language of teaching. A separate curriculum is drawn up for each individual program. The scope of the program can vary from 2 to 15 ECTS credits. The program may include lectures and workshops, as well as activities related to visiting and studying the work of enterprises and organizations in the chosen field of study. The number of students in a group is not less than 5 and not more than 25 people.

      Based on the results of training, a certificate is issued. Acceptance of applications, i.e. coordination of the program, dates and list of students is carried out no later than 6 weeks before the start of classes.

      Postgraduate studies at SPbGUPTD

      The international program of postgraduate education involves the enrollment of a foreign student for postgraduate study at St. Petersburg State University of Applied Mathematics. To enroll, an applicant for training must pass an interview at the profiling department of SPbGUPTD and receive a written conclusion from the department on the possibility of training, as well as pass competitive entrance exams in a special discipline, philosophy and the Russian language. General term training must not exceed three years full-time training and four years for part-time.

      Acceptance of applications and documents for postgraduate studies from foreign citizens held from 01 to 10 September current year. Entrance exams run from 15 to 25 September.

      Organization and joint participation in research work, in creative projects, in international competitions, conferences and seminars

      Students and teachers of partner universities can conduct joint or parallel Scientific research, share the results obtained, prepare joint publications based on the results of research, as well as register joint inventions. The conditions for conducting such studies are regulated on the basis of an additional agreement signed between partner universities or directly with a foreign participant in the program.

      Students and teachers of partner universities can agree on organizing and holding a joint international creative project(competition, exhibition, olympiad). On the basis of additional agreements, the conditions for holding such events and projects can be stipulated. Events can take place simultaneously in partner universities or alternately in each of them. Acceptance of applications, i.e. the coordination of the program, dates and list of listeners is carried out no later than 6 weeks before the start of the creative project.

      Mandatory conditions for participation

      All the programs offered are designed for students of partner universities of St. Petersburg State University of Applied Mathematics that have relevant cooperation agreements, and can be implemented on a student exchange basis.

      For students of third-party universities, the conditions for participation in the programs are only contractual.

      Students enrolled in SPbGUPTD as students in the specified international programs are given the opportunity to stay in.

      Meals for all program participants can be provided at those located directly in the buildings of the university and its dormitories, as well as at numerous catering points in the city.

      All students arriving at SPbGUPTD to participate in international academic mobility programs must have medical insurance valid on the territory of the Russian Federation for the entire period of study and comply with the rules for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

      Payment for accommodation and meals is made personally by participants in international academic mobility programs, unless otherwise stipulated by additional agreements with partner universities.

      Additional Information about programs and accepting applications in .

Student years are the time when most of all you want to travel and discover distant unexplored countries, and not pore over dusty textbooks. On the other hand, if you do not study, it will be difficult to find an interesting and well-paid job in the future. Therefore, for many years there has been an academic mobility program for students wishing to visit overseas countries. What it is? Let's find out!

What is academic mobility (AM)?

This phrase refers to the temporary movement of students (or teachers) of universities to other educational or scientific institutions. Moreover, such a “temporary relocation” can be carried out not only within the country, but also abroad. The concept in question is sometimes called student exchange.

Within which embraced today already most countries of Europe, students of almost all states that were previously part of the USSR can become participants in various academic mobility programs. It is worth noting that they provide an opportunity to learn not only in but also on other continents.

In addition to students and teachers, representatives of the administrative and managerial staff of universities can also participate in such programs. However, preference is usually given to the first two categories.

It is worth remembering that the academic mobility of students has nothing to do with emigration. After the end of the agreed period of study or teaching, the participant of the program will safely return to their university. However, particularly promising individuals may be invited to stay and continue their studies or teaching. As a rule, this is done within the framework of other educational projects.

Her goals

One of the main tasks of AM is the formation European space higher education. That is, to make sure that a student or teacher from any European university had the opportunity to freely find a job in his specialty, not only in his homeland, but also abroad.

Exchange of experience and knowledge is another important goal. International academic mobility allows representatives of the intellectual elite of different countries to share theoretical and practical information about their achievements. And also joint research is being carried out, which in the future can bring greater benefit to humanity.

In addition to knowledge, participants in academic mobility programs have the opportunity to get acquainted with the living conditions in other countries, learn their culture and language. Thus, choosing a job after receiving a diploma, a graduate will already know what awaits him if he decides to leave to work in another country.

Forms of academic mobility

Some twenty or thirty years ago, AM could only exist in real form. That is, in order to gain knowledge, the program participant had to go to another educational institution. However, thanks to progress, academic mobility today has several forms:

  • Remote AM. The participant of the program receives new knowledge without leaving home. Using a computer, he can attend online lectures and even participate in seminars.
  • Stationary academic mobility. To gain knowledge, the student goes to study at another university.

Depending on the area of ​​implementation of the AM program, the stationary form is divided into regional, interregional, international and intercontinental.

By the way, regardless of the form of AM, its participant still needs to confirm his knowledge by passing the appropriate tests.


Academic mobility is divided into several types according to different criteria:

  • Subjects: teaching and student.
  • By objects: academic, research, exchange of experience, advanced training.

also in Bologna process horizontal (training for a short period of time: several months, a semester, a year) and vertical AM ( full training student for a degree).

Long-term and short-term AM

Depending on the period of stay in another university, two types of academic mobility are distinguished.

Long-term AM lasts more than three months. It could be a whole semester or even a course. With such an exchange, the program of the native university from which the student arrived is always taken into account, so that upon returning he does not lag behind it and can safely merge into educational process.

It should be noted that some foreign students are ready to host talented students for a longer period. At the same time, in many sending universities, the charter does not allow students to participate in exchange programs for longer certain period(semester or year).

Short-term AM lasts three months or less. With such a short period of time, there can be no talk of full-fledged training. Instead, program participants attend various seminars, workshops, symposiums and similar projects. According to the results of the participation of students, they are given the appropriate certificates.

Source of financing

Speaking about academic mobility, many people immediately think about who will pay for the travel, accommodation, meals and directly the education of participants in such programs. After all, they are not charitable projects.

All students who wish to study for some time in other universities within the AM are divided into two categories:

  • Free movers. This is the name of those who are ready to pay for all the costs associated with temporary education in foreign educational institutions. Also included in this category are those who applied for free participation in the academic mobility program, but did not receive a scholarship, but they were invited to participate at their own expense.
  • Program students. These are exchange participants who are sent to another university by a department, faculty or educational institution. In this regard, the payment of costs is borne by either the sender or the receiving party.

Sometimes there is a third category of participants in AM programs. It's about about those students who participate in them at the expense of a third party. Usually it is a company in which the future graduate undertakes to work for several years after receiving a diploma. An appropriate contract is drawn up about this in advance, which also indicates the terms, amount of funds and penalties.

Membership requirements

To be able to study for some time in foreign university, the student must meet certain criteria:

  • Have good grades and be an active participant outside of class.
  • It is desirable to have some achievements in the chosen specialty. For example, to have publications in serious scientific periodicals, be the winner of some university competitions.
  • Be fluent in English or the language of the host country. Ideally, both. By the way, in some academic mobility programs at the host university, the student is first taught in English, and later in the language of the country.
  • individual requirements. Depending on the program, the educational institutions conducting it may put forward their own requirements for participants. This may be, for example, a copyright on the results of a student's intellectual work.

Requirements for universities participating in the AM program

Universities participating in academic mobility programs must also meet certain criteria:

  • The academic level must be high so that students from other countries want to study here, and the universities that send them are willing to pay for such education.
  • The host country must have a carefully thought-out and organized program for nailed students. In other words, such an institution is obliged to provide guests not only with housing and meals, but also to organize acceptable learning conditions for them and the possibility of conducting practical classes.
  • Since student exchange is also an acquaintance with the culture new country, then the host is obliged to provide an opportunity for guests to do this. Most often, this is conducting various excursions around the city of residence or tours around the country.
  • As with participating students, host universities may provide personalized services to their guests or take on more responsibility. All this is agreed in advance.
  • If the participants in the AM program are teachers, then the host must immediately specify the terms of payment for their work, as well as who will own the authorship of the results of their work.

The most famous international academic mobility programs

For developed countries, AM provides an opportunity to find future talented scientists in less wealthy countries. Therefore, in most countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, etc., there are own programs"on the exchange of wisdom."

In Sweden, this is Visby, in Finland - FIRST, in Germany - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, in Norway - Quota program, and others. There is also a pan-European TEMPUS program.

It is worth noting that in many modern universities a week of academic mobility is held. Throughout it, students are told about the features of such projects. In addition, coordinators of various AM programs can speak and report on their features.