Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What does the suffix ist mean in English. Suffix -ist in English

It is important to note that a suffix is ​​an element that is attached to a word, and in most cases changes the meaning of the word and its role in speech.

As a rule, noun suffixes in English are combined with specific words that simply need to be remembered. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed for competent language skills.

How many suffixes does English have?

Noun suffixes exist in English great amount, and they all have their own meaning. Therefore, it is very important to understand them. You need to know that usually suffixes in English remain unstressed, but in certain situations they have primary stress throughout the word.

It is important to note that there are:

  1. nouns in English are responsible for the creation of new words that carry a different meaning. For example, the word collect, which in translation means to collect when adding the suffix or takes on a new meaning collector which means collector.
  2. Formative suffixes are responsible for converting a word into another form, for example, into the past. For example word cook, which in translation means to cook, when adding the suffix ed, acquires past form without losing the meaning of the word itself ( cooked- prepared). There are only 5 such suffixes in English.

Application of suffixes er, or, ar

These suffixes of nouns in English, as a rule, are attached to verbs and give the word the meaning of the performer of the action. Also the suffixes er, or, ar can be used to designate a tool that performs a specific action. It is necessary to give a few examples to understand the situation clearly:

  1. Let's take a verb play, whose translation is "play" and add the suffix er. As a result, we get a noun player, whose translation is "player". In this example, you can see the difference when adding a suffix, because the word play, the translation of which was the word "play" turned into a noun player, whose translation is "player".
  2. Verb collect(collect) when adding a suffix or takes on the meaning of "collector".
  3. If to the verb beg, which means "to ask" in translation, add the suffix ar, then the word will turn into a noun with the meaning "beggar".

The important point is that words like father, brother, sister, daughter, also apply to this rule, despite the fact that their meaning does not indicate their type of activity. Although, to some extent, the logic is present here.

As for the spelling rules, it must be recalled that there are verbs ending in a consonant e. In such a case, when adding a suffix er, only one letter is added r.

Interestingly, translators often have to resort to descriptive translation when they encounter these suffixes. For example, a noun lifter often translated as a lifting device, or the word timer translated as a device that calculates time.

Another interesting fact that nouns that have a suffix or are often of French or Latin origin. For example, doctor, actor etc.

Suffix -ist in English

Suffix ist is very popular, it gives the word the meaning of a professional figure in a scientific or political direction. This suffix in English is identical to our "ist", which has a similar meaning in Russian. Suffix ist can be attached to both nouns and adjectives.

Let's give an illustrative example when this suffix is ​​used to denote a professional figure. For example, a noun psychologist, the equivalent of which in Russian is the word "psychologist".

This suffix can also be used with musical instruments to indicate who plays them. For example, according to this principle, the word pianist which means "pianist".

Suffix ist can be used to refer to a person who has negative attitude to a certain group of people, direction in society. An excellent example of this situation is the word racist which means "racist".

Suffix -ian in English

This suffix can speak of Latin or Greek origin a certain word. In English this suffix is ​​used for:

  1. Designations of nationality or belonging to a particular country. For example, Russian- Russian, Russian; Ukrainian- Ukrainian, Ukrainian; Bulgarian- Bulgarian, Bulgarians.
  2. This suffix can also be used to indicate professions, but this is sufficient a rare occurrence. For example, musician- musician; librarian- librarian.

It must be remembered that nouns and which indicate belonging to a particular country, nationality, in English are always capitalized, regardless of the suffix. This rule applies to all adjectives and nouns denoting nationality, and these words can have absolutely any suffix.

It is important to note that currently words with the suffix ian can also be translated as adjectives.

To the relative of the suffix ian refer and suffix an, however this suffix is ​​not so common. But it should be noted that enough a large number of words are formed with a suffix an and are actively used both in colloquial speech and in official speech.

Suffix -ing in English

This suffix forms nouns from verbs. Presence of a suffix ing may refer to:

  1. Action. For example, meet - meeting, meet - meeting.
  2. Result. For example, proceed - proceeding, continue - practice.
  3. Process. For example, build - building, build - construction.
  4. Material. For example, wad - wadding, stuff - stuffing.

However, it is worth understanding the difference between gerund, verb and participle. All of them are used with the ending ing, but the differences between them are very significant. They show up in usage and meaning.

Suffix ing, of course, is also used to denote adjectives. First, adjectives with this suffix describe the subject to which they refer. For example, "interesting trip" would be translated as interesting trip.

This suffix can be used to indicate a cause. For example, something boring would be translated as something boring.

Suffixes -ment, -ion, -ism in English

A number of these morphemes have similar properties. These suffixes can carry meaning:

  1. Movement, result or state. A prime example is the verb move which means "to move". When adding a suffix - ment turns into a noun and takes on a new meaning - movement, which means "movement" in translation;
  2. Suffix - ism can denote a system of views and beliefs. For example, racism(racist, racist) communism(communism);
  3. Suffix - ion can also have the meaning of an action, process or result. For example, revolution- revolution; isolation- isolation; restriction- restriction. The presence of this suffix always indicates a Latin origin.

Suffix -ess in English

This suffix plays a very important role in the word formation of the English language, because it forms feminine nouns. For example, a noun poet when adding a suffix - ess takes shape poetess and accepts feminine, these words are translated as: "poet-poetess" or a noun sreward- steward in the presence of this suffix becomes stewardess and takes a feminine form.

This suffix is ​​also called the "female" suffix because it is one of the few suffixes for the formation of feminine nouns.

Suffixes -hood, -ship in English

These suffixes indicate the age, relationship, and condition of the person. In English, the use of these suffixes is a very popular phenomenon. A clear example of this is the words, for example, childhood, which translates as "childhood", motherhood, which means "motherhood" friendship, translated as "friendship".

It is important to note that the suffix - ship points to certain group, united by some sign or signs. Also, this suffix can indicate the state of the relationship, for example, partnership which means "partnership". Indicates a rank or position, for example, lordship, which translates as "lightness". Suffix - ship can determine skills or abilities, bright to that an example is the word horse manship, which, translated from English into Russian, will mean "the art of riding."

Morphemes -ness and -th

As for the suffix - ness, then it serves to create nouns from adjectives. A striking example- word cuteness, which translates as "attractiveness" is formed from the adjective "attractive", which in English will sound like cute.

An important role is played by the suffix - th, because it points to a noun with a quality value. For example, truth- truth, health- health.

Of course, in English there is great multitude different suffixes that have different meanings, but the article shows the most used of them.

Hello friends. There can be confusion between suffixes and endings in English (both are often called word endings, “word endings”), and the English terminology in this matter is slightly different from Russian. So let's start with the basic concepts.

The ending is an inflectional morpheme. It changes the form of the word, but not its meaning, and at the same time carries a grammatical load:

  • pencil - pencil s(ending indicates plural)
  • work - work ed(the ending indicates the past tense)

The suffix, in turn, is a derivational morpheme. Suffixes in English create new words, either by changing the meaning of the original one or by transforming one part of speech into another:

  • red - redd ish(red - reddish)
  • teach - teach er(teach - teacher)

There are very few endings in English - these are -s (-es), -ed and -ing. There are a lot of suffixes in English. In this article we will consider only the most common ones.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffix -er (-or)

1) This suffix is ​​used to form nouns from verbs (infinitive without to + -er, -or). A noun with this ending denotes either a device that performs the action expressed by the verb from which it is derived, or a person performing this action.

  • to play (play) - a player player
  • to read (read) - a reader reader
  • to mix (mix) - a mixer mixer

If the verb ends in e, then only the letter r is attached, for example:

  • to make (produce) - a maker manufacturer
  • to use (use) - a user user

It should be remembered that one often has to resort to descriptive translation of nouns that have the suffix -er, -or, for example:

  • to lift (raise) - a lifter lifting device
  • to read - a reader
  • to time (assign time, calculate by time) - and timer is a device that calculates time.

2. Suffix -ist

This is a very common suffix that forms nouns denoting professionals, supporters of a social or scientific direction. It can be attached to nouns and adjectives.

3. Suffix -ian

Nouns with this suffix denote nationality or rank and profession, for example:
Russian - Russian, academician - academician, musician - musician, Darwinian - Darwinist.

Words formed by adding the suffix -ian can also be translated as adjectives, for example:
the Russian language
Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution - neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution.

Note! Nouns and adjectives denoting nationality are always capitalized: Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish, American.

4. Suffix -ity (spelling variants -ety, -iety)

forms abstract nouns with the meaning of state, quality, condition. Suffix -ity corresponds to the suffix -ost, for example:

  • able (capable) - ability (ability)
  • active (active) - activity (activity, activity)
  • valid (valid, justified, effective) - validity (effectiveness, fairness, legality, validity)

5. The suffix -ing forms nouns from verbs, for example:

  • to meet (meet) - meeting (meeting)
  • to proceed (continue) - proceeding (practice, proceedings, works, notes (scientific society)

Note! Do not confuse -ing nouns with participles and gerunds

6. The suffix -hood forms nouns with the meaning"state, position, quality", for example:

  • child (child) - childhood (childhood)
  • man (male) - manhood (masculinity)

7. The suffix -ment forms nouns denoting action, for example:

  • to move (move) - movement (movement)

Some words with this suffix take on the meaning of a set of objects, for example:

  • equipment (equipment)

8. The suffix -ness forms nouns with the meaning "state, quality", for example:

  • dark (dark) - darkness (darkness)
  • good (good) - goodness (kindness)
  • great (great) - greatness (greatness)

9. The suffix -y forms abstract nouns from verbs, for example:

  • to discover (open) - discovery (opening)
  • to inquire (ask, find out) - inquiry (question, request)

10. The suffix -th forms nouns with the meaning of quality, for example:

  • true (true, truthful) - truth (true)
  • health - (health)

By joining suffix -th nouns are formed from adjectives, often changing the root vowel, for example:

  • long (long) - length (length)
  • deep (deep) - depth (depth)
  • strong (strong) - strength (strength)

11. The suffix -ant forms nouns with the meaning of person and substance, for example:

  • to assist (help) - assistant assistant
  • to serve (serve) - servant (servant)
  • an oxidant (oxidizing agent), solvent (solvent)

12. The suffix -age forms nouns with different meanings, for example:

  • to break (break) - breakage (breakage)
  • to marry (marry) - marriage (wedding)
  • courage (courage, courage, courage)

13. The suffix -ism is characteristic of many languages, for example:

  • Darwinism
  • romanticism
  • capitalism
  • vandalism

14. The suffix -ure (-ture, -sure) forms nouns denoting a process, for example:

  • to press (press) - pressure (pressure)
  • to mix (mix) - mixture (mixing)

Many nouns formed with the help of these suffixes can have the meaning of the result of an action in the form of an object, a substance, for example:

  • mixture - mixture, mixture;
  • fixture - fixture (detail).

15. The suffix -ship forms nouns with the meaning of state, position or property, for example:

  • friend (friend) - friendship (friendship)
  • member (member) - membership (membership)

Noun suffix table

Suffix meaning Suffix Examples
The meaning of a person's belonging to a political movement, profession or nationality -ist specialist (specialist), socialist (socialist), artist (artist)

historian (historian), librarian (librarian), Italian (Italian)

musician (musician), Iranian (Iranian), Brazilian (Brazilian)

European (European)

The value of following a doctrine, theory, political movement -ism capitalism (capitalism), heroism (heroism), socialism (socialism)
The meaning of the occupation or position of the actor -er teacher (teacher), driver (driver), writer (writer)

inventor (inventor), actor (actor)

employee (employee), referee (sports referee)

auctioneer (auctioneer), mountaineer (climber)

servant (servant), assistant (assistant), student (student)

beggar (beggar, beggar)

drunkard (drunkard, alcoholic)

financier (financier)

Action result value -ment achievement (achievement), arrangement (agreement)

decade (decade), blockade (blockade)

Meaning certain state, mode, degree of relationship -hood brotherhood (brotherhood), childhood (childhood)

leadership (leadership), partnership (partnership)

policy (policy), accuracy (accuracy), infancy (infancy)

supremacy (superiority)

Meaning of action, state, process, result -age shortage (lack), leakage (leakage), marriage (marriage, matrimony)

hunting (hunting), painting (painting)

silence (silence), difference (difference)

importance (importance), resistance (resistance)

collection (collection, collection), dictation (dictation, dictation)

competition (competition)

preparation (preparation), hesitation (doubt, hesitation)

decision (decision), division (division)

removal (removal), arrival (arrival), refusal (refusal)

The meaning of quality or condition -dom freedom (freedom), kingdom (kingdom), wisdom (wisdom)

readiness (readiness), darkness (darkness), kindness (kindness)

activity (activity), safety (security)

possibility (opportunity), nationality (nationality)

brilliancy (brilliance, splendor), constancy (permanence)

fluency (fluency), dependency (dependence)

perjury (perjury), modesty (modesty)

The meaning of the place of action, occupation or state -ry bakery (bakery), surgery (surgeon's office), cookery (cooking)

factory (factory), laboratory (laboratory)

Designation of a particular branch of science -ics physics (physics), politics (politics), mathematics (mathematics)
Designation of female persons -ess waitress (waitress), actress (actress), poetess (poetess)

usherette (ticket girl)

Nationality designation -ese Chinese (Chinese), Japanese (Japanese)
Expression of a diminutive meaning or a touch of disdain -ie birdie (bird)

cloudlet (cloud), kinglet (king)

Designation of various measures -th length (length), growth (growth), depth (depth)
Designation of various scientific concepts -ture mixture (mixture)

failure (error, miss)

measure (measure)

pressure (pressure)

Designation of general or abstract concepts, associations, groups -ty safety (security), royalty (monarchy)

popularity (popularity)

honesty (honesty)

Suffix of Latin origin -sis analysis (analysis), diagnosis (diagnosis)

Suffixes in English: ly ful er ment

Any language, including English, is never “pure”, that is, consisting only of English words. In English, as in any other language, there are many borrowed words, suffixes and prefixes from other languages. Perhaps the most common languages, the words of which are in almost all languages, are Greek language and Latin. Everyone knows that the foundations of many sciences were laid by the ancient Greeks, including the foundations of grammar. They say that the Greeks gave the world a lot. Words with the endings "IST" and "IZM" entered the Russian language.

For example: ECONOMY IST, SPECIAL IST, OPTIM IST, PIAN IST, PAROD IST or PATRIOT ISM, MODERN ISM, REAL ISM, TOUR ISM, EGO ISM, DRAMAT ISM. The meanings of these words are clear to everyone, and in English they will sound about the same and have the same meanings. All these words are international.

The suffixes “IST” and “ISM” should be considered together, since they have the same semantic basis, but form nouns belonging to different groups.

The suffixes "-ISM" and "-IST" reflect the areas of human activity that can be classified as "thinking" and "creative", that is, we are talking about science and art. Physical activity can be thought of as exercise.

The suffix "ISM" forms nouns that indicate names various theories and teachings and are abstract.

The suffix "IST" forms nouns that indicate a person who is engaged in these areas of activity and is specific.

It is possible to conditionally divide the spheres of human activity, which are defined by "Greek" suffixes, into two groups.

1. Theories, dogmas, teachings concerning all sciences, starting with philosophy and ending with social concepts, political currents and human behavior.

2. Literature and art.

Let's take a closer look at several groups of nouns with the suffixes "-ISM" and "-IST".

There are pairs of words with suffixes - "ISM" and "IST", which are almost inseparable. The suffix "-ISM" indicates the field of activity, and the suffix "-IST" indicates a person who is a follower of any teaching of theories or dogmas, is engaged in art or literature of a certain direction, or is engaged in certain types exercise. But in these nouns there is a "source", that is, a root word that has the same meaning. Sometimes the base (root) is independent word and sometimes it loses its independent meaning. Such nouns coincide in sound with similar Russian translations.

I will write pairs of nouns known to many with the suffixes "-ISM" and "-IST".

SOCIAL ISM—> SOCIAL IST= socialism -> socialist;

CAPITAL ISM—> CAPITAL IST= capitalism -> capitalist;

COMMUN ISM—> COMMUN IST= communism -> communist;

IMPERIAL ISM—> IMPERIAL IST= imperialism —> imperialist

FASC ISM—> FASC IST= fascism -> fascist;

DARVIN ISM—> DARVI NIST= Darwinism —> Darwinist;

MARX ISM—> MARX IST= Marxism -> Marxist;

NATIONAL ISM—> NATIONAL IST= nationalism -> nationalist;

OPPORTUN ISM—> OPPORTUN IST= opportunism -> opportunist;

OPTIM ISM—> OPTIM IST= optimism -> optimist;

PESSIM ISM—> PESSIM IST= pessimism -> pessimism;

EGO ISM—> EGO IST= selfishness -> egoist;

ALTRU ISM—> ALTRUI IST= altruism -> altruist;

SAD ISM—> S.A.D. IST= sadism -> sadist;

IMPRESSION ISM—> IMPRESSION IST= impressionism - impressionist;

PACIF ISM—> PACIF IST= pacifism -> pacifist;

FATAL ISM—> FATAL IST= fatalism -> fatalist;

REAL ISM—> REAL IST= realism -> realist;

There are nouns with the suffix "-IST", which indicate the occupation of a person, his profession, but there is no "paired" noun with the suffix "-ISM". There is a root word, which is an independent unit, and nouns with the suffixes "-IST" do not always sound the same as their Russian counterparts.

For example:

TOUR —> TOUR IST\u003d trip, trip, tour, excursion -> tourist. traveler;

SCIENCE —> SCIENT IST= science -> scientist;

HUMOUR —> HUMOUR IST\u003d humor, joke -> humorist, joker;

ART —> ART IST= art - an artist, a master of his craft, an artist;

PHILOLOGY —> PHILOLOGY IST= philology -> philologist;

DRAMATICS —> DRAMAT IST= dramatic art -> playwright;

CHEMISTRY —> CHEM IST= chemistry -> chemist;

ECONOMICS —> ECONO MIST= economics -> economist;

BIOLOGY —> BIOLOGY IST= biology -> biologist;

BOTANY —> BOTA IST= botany -> botanist;

GEOLOGY —> GEOLOGY IST= geology -> geologist;

PHYSICS —> PHYSIC IST= physics -> physicist;

PSYCOLOGY —> PSYCOLOGY IST= psychology -> psychologist;

PSYCHIATRY —> PSYCHIATR IST= psychiatry -> psychiatrist;

ECOLOGY —> ECOLOG IST= ecology -> ecologist;

MINERALOGY —> MINERALOGY IST= mineralogy -> mineralogist;

CARTOON —> CARTOON IST= cartooncartoonist;

AGRONOMY —> AGRONOM IST= agronomy -> agronomist;

PIANO —> PIAN IST= piano, piano -> pianist;

VIOLIN —> VIOLIN IST= violin -> violinist


There is a group of nouns with the suffix "-ISM", but paired with them are nouns with other suffixes or no suffixes at all.

For example:

DESPOT ISM-> DESPOT = despotism -> despot;

PATRIOT ISM-> PATRIOT = patriotism -> patriot;

DEMOCRAT ISM-> DEMOCRAT = democratism -> democrat;

RADICAL ISM—> RADICAL = radicalism —> radical;

PROFESSIONAL ISM-> PROFESSIONAL = professionalism -> professional;

SCEPTIC ISM-> SCEPTIC = skepticism -> skeptic;

PARLIAMENTAR ISM—> PARLIAMENTARIAN = parliamentarism —> parliamentarian;

HERO ISM-> HERO = heroism -> hero;

PROVINCIAL ISM-> PROVINCIAL = provincialism -> provincial;

LIBERAL ISM-> LIBERAL = liberalism -> liberal;

CONSERVAT ISM-> CONSERVATIVE = conservatism -> conservative;

English suffixes, like Russians, are the elements of the word following the root. They help us form new words. Some suffixes change the part of speech, for example, turning a verb into a noun. You should also not forget about those suffixes that, by changing the form of a word, do not affect its very meaning.

If you have even the slightest ideaabout the suffixes table, then any word-building "frills" in English will seem like child's play. Moreover, having understood the principles of constructing new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes (by the way, prefixes are significantly inferior to suffixes in terms of flexibility and prevalence), a language learner will be able to translate nouns without any problems. male to feminine, to form a nationality or a profession.

It turns out that it is absolutely not necessary to set records for the number of words learned. Indeed, in English, as in Russian, there is the concept of “single-root words”, which differ from each other only in suffixes and prefixes. Therefore, knowing, for example, the meaning of the verb paint (to paint, to paint), you can easily understand that a painter is an artist.

Word-forming and formative suffixes: differences

Russian speakers consider some English suffixes to be endings. For example, the suffix -ed is called an ending in some English textbooks. All Suffixes in English is divided into two large groups: formative and word-formative. Thanks to the former, the word does not change its meaning, only the form changes. Compare, short (short) and shorter (shorter).

Word-formerssuffixes in englishform a new word with a different meaning, albeit often similar to the meaning of the original word. For example, neighbor (neighbor) - neighborhood (neighborhood).

Form-buildingsuffixes in english

So, in English, unlike Russian, one word can take not so many forms. This is due to the fact that in English many grammatical meanings of a word, such as gender, verb tense, etc., are expressed not by the word itself, but by various auxiliary elements (articles, auxiliary verbs etc.). In Russian, an adjective alone (depending on the case, number, gender) can have more than 20 forms. For example, beloved - beloved - beloved - beloved, etc. In English, the adjective favorite (beloved) may not change at all, but we guess its exact form from the context (environment): This is my favorite book (This is my favorite book ). - He is my favorite writer (He is my favorite writer).

However, in some cases English words still change shape. And for this in English there are five formative suffixes important to remember: -ed, -est, -ing, -s (-es), -er.

Now it’s worth understanding English words that can take on different forms. So, English suffix-ed is needed to form the second and third forms regular verb. For example, finish (finish, complete) - finished (completed).

Suffixes -er and -est in English languageused in the formation of comparative forms of adjectives. We use these suffixes with short adjectives, like close (close), big (big), etc. For the comparative form, the suffix -er is used, and for the superlative - -est. For example, close (closest) - closer (closer) - closest (closest).

Among English suffixes-s and -es are widely used. They apply in the following cases:

Finally, the English suffix -ing is used to form temporary continuous forms, participles of the 1st type, verbal noun and gerund: to run (run) - I am running (I run) - running (running, running, running).More about this in the article.

Suffixes that form nouns

Word-formerssuffixes in Englishcontribute to the formation of a number of nouns. It is to them that we owe the appearance of the names of many professions. The list of suffixes for nouns is quite extensive.

Suffixes in English: tablefor nouns

Suffixes of adjectives in English

A huge number of adjectives in English are formed from nouns and verbs. Some suffixes are used to form both nouns and adjectives (eg -al, -ing). But most of the suffixes we see with the "what" part of speech do not occur in nouns or verbs. For example,suffix less in Englishonly applies to adjectives.

List adjective suffixes in English, as well as in the case of nouns, is quite extensive.

  • -able, -ible. The ability to perform an action. To make an adjective, a suffix is ​​added to the verb. For example, to forget (forget) - forgettable (unremembered).
  • -al. Used to indicate a feature. For example, accident (case) - accidental (random).
  • -ant. Adjectives formed with this suffix from verbs and nouns mean "transmitting qualities." For example, please (please) - pleasant (pleasant).
  • -ar. When forming adjectives, this suffix is ​​often added to nouns or stems of Latin origin. -Ar is used in the meaning of "to have the quality of something" (for example, the moon, the sun, the pole): lunar (lunar), solar (solar), polar (polar).
  • -ary, ory. Used to indicate a characteristic, quality, or relationship to something. For example, diet (diet) - dietary (dietary).
  • -ate. The meaning of adjectives with the suffix -ate, as a rule, can be expressed by the phrase "to have some quality": affection - affectionate (affection - loving, affectionate). This suffix also indicates a characteristic. For example, fortune (happiness, luck) - fortunate (happy, successful).
  • -ed. Adjectives with this suffix usually describe the impact on someone or something: amaze (amaze, amaze) - amazed (amazed).
  • -ent. Used in the meaning of quality: to differ (to differ) - different (different).
  • -ern. It is used when indicating a part of the world: south (south) - southern (southern).
  • -ese. Indicates nationality or territorial affiliation. For example, China (China) - Chinese (Chinese).
  • -ful. This suffix in English turns a noun into an adjective meaning "to be endowed with something, some property." For example, beauty (beauty) - beautiful (beautiful).
  • -ian, ean. These suffixes in Englishfound in adjectives expressing national or territorial affiliation: Italy (Italy) - Italian (Italian).
  • -ic. Added to a noun and describes the quality: majesty (greatness) - majestic (majestic).
  • -ical. Designates a sign: myth (myth) - mythical (mythical).
  • -ing. For the formation of adjectives and participles with the meaning of quality and property. For example, to miss (miss, miss) - missing (lost, missing).
  • -ish. The suffix is ​​used in adjectives in the sense of "approximately", is also found in the names of nationalities, sometimes expresses similarity or belonging to something. For example, child (child) - childish (children).
  • -ive. Used in the meaning of quality, ability: attract (attract) - attractive (attractive).
  • -less. The suffix less in Englishserves as an antonym to the suffix ful and indicates the absence of any quality: home (house) - homeless (homeless).
  • -like. Means similarity to something, similarity: wave (wave) - wavelike (wavy).
  • -ly. To denote quality: friend (friend) - friendly (friendly).
  • -ous - suffix expressing the characteristic: poison (poison) - poisonous (poisonous).
  • -y. Used in the meaning of "to have a sign": dirt (dirt) - dirty (dirty).

Verb suffixes

With the help of suffixes in English, nouns and adjectives are formed whole line verbs.

Verbs suffixes in English: table with examples

Adverb suffixes

The word formation of adverbs in English is a much easier process than the creation of nouns and adjectives. In order to get a part of speech answering questions like how, it is usually enough to use one of the following suffixes:

  • wise
  • ward/wards

The suffix ward is used in the meaning of the direction: home (house, cottage) - homeward (home). -Ly indicates the mode of action. For example, true (honest) - truly (honestly). -Wise means the way of action: other (other) - otherwise (otherwise).

Of course, you don't have to memorize everything.suffixes in English. Constant conversational practice contributes to the fact that the student eventually begins to see the constituent parts in words, easily identifying suffixes, prefixes and roots. And understanding the basis of a new word allows you to guess about its function in a sentence.

From the point of view of word formation, it would be more correct to say not “English words with the ending of tion”, but words with allomorphic(that is, almost identical) suffixes "tion / ion / ation". You can distinguish them only by knowing the origin of the word, the suffix "sion" is similar to them. Words with the ending "tion" are denoting actions, processes, concepts, properties, qualities, sciences and objects.

Nominalize- nominalization

These words, in turn, can form new ones:


In order to independently form one word from another, knowledge of suffixes will not be enough, so you should expand your vocabulary.

The suffix, -tion, comes from -cion, which existed in Middle English and changed later under the influence of French.

Many words with the indicated suffixes were borrowed from other languages ​​(English, French, Latin) and turned into Russian using morphological transmission. The beginning of the word is copied letter by letter (transliteration), the suffix is ​​changed to the Russian manner and added Russian ending: revolution - revolution, selection - selection. With this transition, “-tion” turns into “-tion”, and “-sion” into “-siya”. Borrowed words can also be recognized by the prefixes characteristic of foreign languages: structure - restructuring, information - disinformation.

The meaning of the word may change somewhat or remain the same. For example, in English "selection" means choice in the broad sense of the word, and in Russian the word "selection" usually means the science of breeding animal breeds and plant varieties. Knowing the meaning of similar Russian words, it is easier for a person to remember or guess the translation of English and vice versa - to understand new Russian terms. Among the borrowed words there are both widely known and familiar words, as well as terms that are found only in specialized literature or a narrow area, for example, affirmation, accommodation, extrapolation. If a word ending in "tion" occurs in colloquial phrase or artistic text, it is desirable to translate it without borrowings. If the text is about science, business, politics, technology, it is appropriate to use borrowings.

How to read

The combination of letters -tion [ʃ(ǝ)n] at the end of a word read in Russian as [shn] or [shen], exception the word question, where the last letters are read as [ch]. The stress in words with such suffixes falls on the last vowel before the letters “tion”. The pronunciation of a stressed vowel depends on which letter, vowel or consonant, comes before these letters.

If there is a vowel before "tion", then it has an alphabetical reading, as in open syllable, and if it is a consonant, then the vowel before it is read briefly, as in a closed syllable. The exception is the letter i, which is pronounced as [i] in both cases.