Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Environmental education for junior schoolchildren.

Natalia Dronova
Environmental education junior schoolchildren

Dronova. N.P.

Subject ecology it is close and understandable to me, because for 5 years this was my topic of self-education. Now I continue to work on this topic, but in extracurricular activities. I'm leading environmental circle.

Ecology is a science, which studies the relationship of animals and plants with the environment.

Man came to the idea of ​​protecting nature a very long time ago. But these days this problem has become global. character: lacks environmental knowledge , there is no respect for nature.

The time has come bring up children not in the age-old consumer tradition, but in a completely different harmonious coexistence with nature, in psychological readiness protect natural values ​​always and everywhere. This is the basis environmental education aimed at developing a responsible attitude towards the natural environment.

Teachers, especially primary classes, cannot feel uninvolved in the problems of society, which has placed a responsible task: releasing into life is good educated and educated people.

Successfully practice environmental education is possible only then, when you know exactly what is meant by it. Under I understand environmental education of junior schoolchildren,first of all, education of humanity, that is, kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature and towards the people who live nearby, and towards descendants who need to leave the Earth suitable for a full life.

Of course environmentally conscious, a person’s caring attitude towards nature develops gradually, under the influence of the surrounding reality, in particular learning. Lay the foundations environmental education on material that is understandable and accessible to children junior school age , is one of the main objectives of the natural history course in primary school.

I am recruiting first grade students and trying to be the first to school take days to go on an excursion to the forest, where trees and flowers grow. I draw their attention to the beauty of autumn flowers and trees, and remind them that plants must be treated with care.

In October we held a cleanup day on school yard. A whole hour The guys worked hard and with great pleasure. Then they weighed the garbage and were convinced that we can make the planet cleaner and more beautiful. As a result, our land has become 30 kg cleaner.

I always try to awaken children’s interest in nature, encourage them to observe natural phenomena, teach them to compare and draw conclusions. So, on excursions I try to draw children’s attention to the variety of objects and natural phenomena. Bushes and trees are visible from the classroom windows. I always draw children’s attention to the color of the trees and what changes are happening to them. Watching the trees change has become a habit. Naturally, excursions and walks into nature provide richest opportunities For environmental education. And my children and I have a favorite place in the forest - this is a large clearing surrounded by birch trees and a large birch tree in the middle and next to it two anthills that the children discovered during the hike. We always watch the ants and their work with interest and for a long time. And ants drag loads several times larger than themselves. And when the children brought the remains of food to the anthill, they themselves were amazed at the work of the ants. Often visiting this place, we admire the hard workers - the ants. Sometimes I tell them that you guys, today, how our ants worked in class. The children are happy with this.

We always take a camera on any excursion, and the children take pictures of everything they like. This makes it possible to observe changes in nature.

Promotion cognitive activity students on hikes and walks are given didactic games, For example: “Do you know trees?”, “Which tree has lost a leaf?”, "Where it grows" and others.

Also on excursions I introduce children to such insects as ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies, spiders - travelers on cobwebs. Learning about the life and significance of these eating spiders insects: flies, mosquitoes, midges, the guys tried to avoid the spider webs. And this is already a small victory in environmental education.

In the same way, I introduce my students to the feathered population of our region, teaching them to distinguish some birds from others, comparing their plumage and habits. I conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to birds: KVN, matinees, educational games. I am completing Exhibitions: "Migratory birds", "Wintering Birds".

I definitely introduce the children to "Red Book". Because many children say that they pick snowdrops in the forest, light fires with their parents, and catch butterflies and dragonflies. There is no time in class to talk much about this topic. That's why I spend a lot extracurricular activities in the classroom, in the library, in nature, where I talk about "Red Book", about behavior in the forest, about caring for nature, while using materials from magazines "Initial school» , "Pedagogical Council, "Young Naturalist" and other literature, as well as materials from the Internet.

CDs are a great help in lessons "Red Book of the Omsk Region", “I get to know the world around me”, « Ecology» and etc.

And yet, children’s favorite pastime remains listening to fairy tales about ecology, and then drawing according to your impressions. Big interest evoke fairy tales written by the children themselves. I try to make presentations for them, and this adds interest and evokes a feeling of love for nature. With the onset of spring, I spend extracurricular activity on the topic "If you went to visit". In the opening speech I say:

Everyone knows, and you too, that when visiting you you must behave politely, that there are certain rules of behavior. For example, you need to wipe your feet, say hello, you cannot shout loudly, or interrupt others. The rules of politeness are in order not to offend the owners, so that they would be pleased. But then you went for a walk or a hike. Remember that in the forest, field, meadow you are the same guests. You are visiting nature, those who are here lives: in birds, in animals, in beetles and butterflies, in fussy ants, in prickly hedgehogs, in jumping grasshoppers, etc.

Ecological education can be carried out in all lessons in primary school.

In lessons such as familiarization with the outside world, schoolchildren is being formed holistic view about nature and man as the most important component nature. During labor training lessons junior schoolchildren get acquainted with practical significance natural materials in human life, they learn to carefully handle natural objects and products made from them.

In math lessons, I often include problems that introduce elements of nature or talk about conservation. If we solve a problem about ants, then first the children solve a riddle about them and tell everything they know about ants. Children love these types of challenges. They enjoy composing problems using the knowledge gained in lessons and observations accumulated during communication with nature.

Fostering an ecological culture, we, teachers, help children understand why they need to act this way in nature and not differently. For example, why you can’t make noise in the forest; stand for a long time at a bird's nest, etc. For this, children are offered tasks that show how a person can help nature or, conversely, harm. The kids really like problems and jokes. Such tasks are offered to activate students' attention.

In Russian language lessons I give tasks to describe from a picture a bird or animal living in our area. Children compose and write short texts about leaf fall, snowfall, birch trees and others. I often include sentences about the seasons with assignments and a commented letter in my lessons. In their essays and descriptions, the guys talk about what especially touches their hearts.

During reading lessons we read a lot of stories and poems about nature, children learn riddles, sayings, and proverbs. And it’s nice to hear when children say that they love to read poems and stories about nature.

In my natural history lessons, I try to connect the topic of each lesson with conservation. environment. Children are gradually coming to the realization that, while using the riches of nature, people must remember to use wisely and protect these riches. Huge role in nature conservation education, of course, belongs to natural history. Systematic reading in class of excerpts from books, magazine articles and newspaper reports provokes a response reaction: the guys start bringing newspaper clippings about nature and magazines to class "Young Naturalist", "Pipe", interesting books about nature, and sometimes just pictures. We make interesting products from them "Collage". They decorate our classroom.

One of the keys to successful environmental education for junior schoolchildren is a game. Environmental games promote organization educational process, develop children's powers of observation, attention, memory, and thinking. When playing, children always strive forward. Various puzzles, charades, rebuses, games are the way for children to learn about themselves, their capabilities, abilities, and their limits.

Also, games are competitions as elements of testing knowledge or at the stage of consolidating it. This: quizzes, puzzles, crosswords.

Great help in forming environmental education students are provided with a corner of nature.

“Why the briefcase!”, how many questions the guys bring that their friends have to answer. For example; Who is called a tailor in the forest? Forest doctor? Which birds give birth to babies in winter? "Confusion", where, according to the description, you need to depict the desired animal or bird.

"Warning Tips" .For example: “Read and remember! Under no circumstances should you set fire to old dry grass. Beneficial insects will die in the fire and the biological balance in nature will be destroyed. But the new grass then grows worse, not better. In addition, fires often occur. Take care of everything alive guys! Nature will not forgive mistakes"

In order to check how children develop environmental knowledge is offered like this techniques: “The forest is grateful and angry”, "Joys and Sorrows", "Secret Conversation", "Letter to a Green Friend" and others

I would like to believe that this is the kind of work education of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren time spent with children will not be in vain.

Dear Colleagues! I wish you success in your work! I hope that my work will help you work with children competently and interestingly!

Course program "Ecology for junior schoolchildren"

Explanatory note

The course “Ecology for junior schoolchildren” was developed as an addition to the course “The World around us” in elementary school. The course will make it possible to more fully realize the educational and developmental potential of the educational component “The World Around Us” and provide a more reliable basis for environmental responsibility for junior schoolchildren.
The course “Ecology for junior schoolchildren” is designed for 34 lessons (1 hour per week).

Program(34 h)

1. Find out what ecology is(2 hours).
Organism and environment. Ecology is the science of the connections between living beings and their environment, between man and nature.
The simplest classification ecological connections: connections between inanimate and living nature; connections within living nature (between plants and animals, between different animals); connections between nature and man.
Explaining the nature and significance of ecology through a case study: the consequences of chemical control of malaria mosquitoes on the island of Kalimantan. (With the help of the pesticide DDT, malaria mosquitoes were destroyed. However, the poison, transmitted through food chain"cockroaches - lizards - cats", caused the death of cats, which led to the appearance of many rats. To restore balance, cats had to be brought to the island.)

2. Learning to recognize plants and animals of the immediate natural environment(3 hours).
Excursions and practical work on recognizing plants and animals found in a given area (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, insects, birds, animals, other animals). Using for this purpose the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”.
Identification of the most characteristic distinctive features similar types. Explanation of the origin of the names of some species in order to better remember them. Exercises (including playful ones) that reinforce knowledge of the names of the plants and animals discussed.

3. Getting to know living creatures that are in danger of extinction(1 hour).
Representatives of rare organisms (fungi, plants, animals): ram mushroom, alpine snowdrop, sword grass, strawberry tree, Apollo butterfly, mandarin duck, snow leopard.
Features of them appearance, distribution, behavior, etc. Reasons for the decline in the number of these living beings, necessary measures their protection. (The list of species considered can be changed by the teacher at his discretion.)

4. We study ways to protect nature(2 hours).
Protected natural areas: reserves, reserves, micro-reserves, National parks. Natural monuments. Botanical gardens and zoos as a place for the conservation and reproduction of rare species of plants and animals. Nurseries of rare species.
A mental journey through the nature reserves of our country and the world (introduction to 3-4 specific nature reserves of the choice of the teacher and students).

5. We find out the role of inanimate nature in the life of living things(3 hours).
The sun as a source of heat and light for living beings. Heat-loving and cold-resistant plants. Animal adaptations to seasonal changes temperature.
Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants. The role of light in the life of animals.
Air and life. The role of wind in the life of plants and animals. Water and life. Plants are moisture-loving and drought-resistant. Adaptations of animals to life in conditions of lack of moisture.

6. Discovering life in soil(1 hour).
Diversity of living soil inhabitants: plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms. Earthworms and moles are typical soil animals. Features of their structure and lifestyle, role in maintaining soil fertility.

7. Expanding our knowledge of the diversity of wildlife(4 hours).
Diversity of plants: acquaintance with interesting representatives of plant groups studied in lessons (algae, mosses, ferns, conifers, flowering plants), as well as horsetails and mosses.
A variety of animals: worms, mollusks, crustaceans (crayfish, crab, woodlice), arachnids (spiders, harvestmen, scorpions). (The list of groups and objects can be changed by the teacher.)
Fungi and lichens as special groups of living beings; variety of fungi and lichens.

8. Studying ecological connections in wildlife(4 hours).
Ecological connections in living nature using the example of an oak forest (“the oak and everything around it”). The concepts of “direct connections”, “indirect connections”.
Food network, or food web (discussed using the example of an oak forest and other examples at the discretion of the teacher).
Ecological pyramid (built on the basis of specific ideas about the life of an oak forest: oak acorns - wood mice - owl).
The value of knowledge about food web And ecological pyramid for nature conservation.
Protective adaptations in plants and animals as a manifestation of the close connection of organisms with their environment (sharp thorns of rose hips, stinging nettle hairs, bitter taste of wormwood; protective mucus of a slug, snail shell, similarity between wasp flies and wasps, hedgehog needles, turtle shell and other examples at the teacher's discretion).

9. Getting to know protected plants and animals(5 hours).
Protected plants: edelweiss, water chestnut, dream grass, white water lily, European swimmer, lily of the valley, bells, etc. Their features external structure and distributions, legends and tales associated with some of these plants.
Medicinal plants (for example, valerian, clubmoss, tansy, plantain, yarrow, shepherd's purse, bird's eye buckwheat), their most important properties, collection rules. Security medicinal plants.
Protected animals: death's head butterfly, beauty beetle, golden eagle, flamingo, walrus, tiger, etc. Peculiarities of their appearance, distribution, behavior. Reasons for the decline in the number of these animals and measures to protect them. (The list of species considered can be changed by the teacher at his discretion.)
The history of saving the beaver, sable, and Siberian Crane are examples of active human actions to protect the animal world.
A mental journey through botanical gardens and zoos (introduction to 3-4 specific botanical gardens and zoos of our country and the world at the choice of teachers and students).

10. Making bird houses(1 hour).
Practical work for the production of artificial nesting boxes for birds.

11. Learn to pass on your knowledge to other guys(3 hours).
Schoolchildren prepare symbols for the rules of behavior in nature and environmental reminders for their younger friends and for adults.
Preparation and conduct by schoolchildren of conversations, matinees, KVN of environmental content, addressed to students of other classes or preschoolers.
Preparing and conducting excursions into nature for schoolchildren with students of other classes or preschoolers.

12. We identify the connection between the state of nature and human health(2 hours).
The impact of environmental pollution on human health (on the skin, respiratory system, digestion, etc.).
Paths of entry harmful substances into the human body (with air, water, food). Measures aimed at reducing harmful influence pollution on health (purifying water with a household filter, using vegetables and fruits grown without the use of hazardous substances, etc.).

13. Discuss examples of environmental disasters(2 hours).
Oil pollution of the sea during an oil tanker accident as an example environmental disaster. The influence of oil on the inhabitants of the sea and coast. Exclusion of the contaminated area from use as a recreational area for people. Long-term consequences of an oil tanker accident.
Picture of radioactive contamination environment (accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant).
Environmental forecasts, their essence, specific examples, importance for preventing the negative impact of humans on nature.
Ecological knowledge as the basis for people’s activities to protect nature.

14. Summing up our work for the year(1 hour).
Summary of the main theoretical knowledge and summing up practical activities for an elective course.

S.L. Trifonova

primary school teacher


"Be Nature's Friend"

Purpose of the lesson:

Formation of ideas and basic knowledge about ecology;

Fostering children's environmental culture, attracting students' attention to a careful and correct attitude towards nature.


Deepen your understanding of the sources of environmental pollution;

Develop environmental thinking in children;

Development cognitive interest to nature, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions;

To instill in children a respectful attitude towards nature, the habit of caring for nature and its inhabitants.

Planned student achievements:

    Learn that ecology is a science that teaches you to take care of the environment.

    Understand that people are to blame for the disappearance of birds and animals in forests.

    Learn to protect natural resources.

    Develop individuality through creative and intellectual tasks.


    poster design “Be a friend of nature”

    creative tasks;

    multimedia presentation on the topic “Journey along the ecological trail”;

If every person is on a piece of his own landwould do everything he couldhow beautiful our land would be! (A.P. Chekhov)

I.Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

TEACHER. Hello guys! Hello, guests! Hello nature! Hello, forests and rivers, seas and lakes, fields and mountains! Hello birds! Hello animals! If a person said hello every day like this not only to his family and friends, but also to all living things that surround him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on Earth - people destroyed their. The destruction continues today.The goals are different: someone wants to get more money for selling a rare animal or its fur, someone wants to hunt for their own pleasure, and someone, without thinking, uproots flowers, kills a frog with a stick, throws a stone at a bird - having fun. The beautifully published “Red Books” is a bitter story about the most merciless, thoughtless and continuous extermination of the uniquely diverse life on earth. And red is a signal of alarm, danger, warning. Like a red traffic light, it warns: “Caution! Maybe trouble will happen."

Sometimes you hear: “Man is the king of nature!” But who put man above nature? The man himself! And who is a person without nature? It’s impossible to imagine... Without air, water, birdsong, the aroma of meadows, the rustle of leaves. Nature generously gives us all this, and in return asks only for careful, kind treatment. After all, man is a part of nature.(sl. .- 2)

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

And today we will talk about nature, about man,about ecology.

Today in our lesson we will learn what role humans play in nature conservation. We can save the forest, the garden, the field, the river, and everything that surrounds us, if we learn the following: simple rules behavior in nature. And today we will check how well you know the world that surrounds you, and what needs to be done to save it? By the end of the lesson we will prepareecological poster "Be a friend of nature."

Teacher. And what is “ecology”? Ecology is the science about our home - about planet Earth. Everyone who is somehow familiar with ecology is convinced that the salvation of humanity is possible only when each of us masters environmental knowledge and lives according to the ecological laws of life .

ECOLOGY is the science of the interactions of living organisms with the environment and with each other. “Eco” in Greek. – house, “logos”-science. (slide 3)

It is to preserve our nature and planet that the science of “Ecology” and the profession of “ecologist” arose.

How many of you know what an ecologist does?

Yes, it's very important modern profession. An ecologist is trying to help people figure out how to understand nature and people, how to learn to live in cooperation.

What problems exist?(slide 4)

I wish us to work together and learn a lot of new and useful things for ourselves.

So, the topic of our lesson: “BE NATURE’S FRIEND!”

Listen to a story about the forest.

1 Forest (slide 5)

- Once upon a time there lived a forest.

2 Birds (slide 6)

Birds lived in the forest. The birds sang cheerfully and cheerfully.

3 Beasts (slide 7-8)

Animals also lived in the forest. They frolicked in the clearings and hunted. Look at the slides.


Flowers decorated (slide 9)

5 people

But one day a man came to the forest. He built factories, factories, houses, schools, and roads next to the forest. He didn't have enough place to live.

6 Deforestation (slide 10)

The man then began to cut down the forest.

7 Fire in the forest

He began to light fires, and the fire destroyed the forest. (slide 11-13)

8 Pollution of water bodies.

Plants and factories dumped waste into rivers, forest lakes and polluted the water in the forest.. (slide 14)

9 Air

Smoke from factory chimneys and car exhaust fumes on the roads poisoned the air. (Slide 15)

10 Clogging with waste.

Vacationers polluted the forest with garbage (bottles, rubber, paper). (slide 16-17)

11 The Forest's Request

There was nowhere for the poor animals to live. And they left our forest far away. There is only one forest left. It became sad and scary in the forest. . (slide 18)

And then the forest turned to us asking for help.

Help bring back the former beauty, birds and animals!”


Why doesn't anyone live in the forest?


Man has destroyed the life of the forest.


Remember what science tells us about the connection between nature and man?



Ecology is the science of the relationships between living and inanimate nature.

All organisms on the planet are interconnected: living and nonliving, plants and animals, humans and nature.


To help the forest, we will walk along the forest ecological trail and try to correct human mistakes.

Exercise 1


On your tables there are pictures with riddles that depict trees in central Russia. Turn the picture over, read the riddle, guess - and you will find out the name of the tree. We will plant these trees in our forest.

1 .Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
Autumn has come to the garden, the red torch has been lit.
Answer (Rowan)

2. Without caring about the weather,
He walks around in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.
Answer (Birch)

3. In winter and summer - one color.
Answer (Yol)

4 . Nobody scares her
And she's trembling all over. (Aspen)

5. I have longer needles
Than the Christmas tree.
I'm growing very straight
In height. (

What groups can these trees be divided into? (coniferous, deciduous).

. Trees


So new beautiful trees have grown in our forest.

Task 2


Who else is missing in our forest?


There are not enough birds and animals


There are envelopes on your table. Prepare the glue. Take the riddles out of the envelopes. Guess the animal or bird and pin it to the board. (Pictures)

Black vest, red beret.
The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop. (Woodpecker)

Who's on the Christmas tree?
Counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo? (cuckoo)

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of bright light
Beak with a hook, eye with a snout? (Owl)

Blue scarf, dark back.
Small bird. Her name is... (Titmouse)

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well of course it is - (Duck)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm nibbling nuts. (squirrel)

A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots. (hare)

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal is…. (fox)

In the summer he walks through the forest,
In winter it rests in a den. (Bear)

Task 3


To make the forest beautiful, what is missing?


There are not enough flowers.


There are envelopes on your table. Prepare the glue. Take the riddles out of the envelopes and attach the answers to the board.

I'm a fluffy ballI turn white in a clean field,And the breeze blew -A stalk remains.(dandelion)

White peas
On a green leg. (lily of the valley)

Sisters are standing in the meadows -
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but there is no ringing. (bell)

The forest has changed. The birds began to sing again, and the animals began to frolic in the clearings. Flowers delight with their beauty and aroma. (slide 19)

Task 4

Group assignments. To prevent the forest from losing its attractiveness, there are rules of behavior that you need to decipher.

(slide 20,21,22,23)

Task 5


1 group.

Two boys are walking through the forest. Along the road they came across a stream. The water in it is cloudy and dirty. One boy decided to put the stream in order. The other one laughed at him. And yet, the first boy cleared the stream, cleared the bottom, and removed the branches that had fallen into it. And then he said:

Let this stream serve both people and animals.

1). Who would you take as your friend and why?

2). What would you do in this situation?

2nd group.

1. Oleg stood by the flower bed and hit the heads of the flowers with a twig.

“What are you doing?” asked the old lady.

I drive away the bees. They sting flowers.

The old lady smiled and said something to Oleg. After that, Oleg threw away the twig, shrugging his shoulders in surprise.

And I didn’t even know about it.

QUESTION: What did the old woman say to Oleg?

3rd group.

1. Walking through the forest with their parents, Anya and Alyosha saw a large anthill.

Let’s see what’s inside the anthill,” said Alyosha.

“Come on,” Anya answered with interest. The children took a large stick and began to stir up the anthill. Seeing what the children were doing, the mother ran up to them and took the stick:

If ants could talk, they would tell you that...

QUESTION: What would the ants say? Why?

Task 6


Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with yougame "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes,” if bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Task 7


The territory of our village is surrounded scenic spots . We are surrounded by forest on all sides,The Kuta River flows nearby.There are no environmental pollutants in the surroundings of the village industrial production and enterprises.

Throughout the summer and autumn, residents of our village spend their weekends in the forest or on the river bank. Such a vacation allows them to enjoy the magnificent views created by nature itself, sunbathe on the river bank, or hide in the shade of trees and breathe in the purest forest air, picking mushrooms and berries. (photos of children in nature)

However, the lack of organization in accommodation, accommodation, food, and various activities during the holidays leads to an increase in pollution from household waste.

The number of vacationers is growing every year. And every year after their departure, the amount of uncollected household waste and damaged vegetation increases.

Look what can happen on vacation in nature, maybe someone will recognize themselves. (Slide 24-27)


1 tourist : Today we came for a walk,

Fortunately, the forest is just a stone's throw away!

We bought everything:

Food, matches, lemonade.

2 tourist : Fresh air will excite

Our healthy appetite!

And packages, jars, bottles...

The forest is big, it can accommodate everything!

Forest, is it nobody's?

Tourists: (in unison) Nobody's!

3 tourist : Let's settle down quickly!

We can't be bothered here:

Burn and pour, slash and strike!

4 tourist : There is no trash can! Take it to the bushes!

We are on first terms with nature!

1turis t: Let's scatter trash for the birds!

Let's throw all the bottles into the river -

Let the parcels float into the sea!

2 tourist : We are kings! Shut up nature!

Everything here is ours – the forest and the waters!

(music plays, tourists throw cans and bottles and leave)

Mother Nature:

You, man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her!

On pleasure trips

Don't trample its fields!

She is your old, kind doctor,

She is the ally of the soul.

Don't burn her recklessly,

And don't exhaust it to the bottom.

And remember simple truth,

There are many of us, but she is one!

After all, we know how fragile nature is and how long it takes to recover from damage. need to take care of surrounding nature, try to organize the cleaning of the garbage remaining after the holiday.

Task 8


Nature is beautiful and mysterious. People, sometimes without even noticing it, inflict great wounds on her. To warn them and preserve nature, there are special environmental signs.

Each team in our class has 2 environmental signs. You must explain them and attach them to our poster. (drawings)

Task 9

Information: Landfill called "Earth". (slide 28-29)

The amount of household waste in Lately has increased sharply. Garbage has become a monster of civilization! Cities and settlements literally overgrown with landfills. And the waste rots, poisoning the air, soil, and water.( Slide 30)

Can a person remain healthy at the same time? ? (slide 31)

“Garbage brings gold” - this is what those who care about nature say. Many countries have waste recycling companies. In Germany there are 50 thousand of them. There are only a few such enterprises in our country. The metal is separated by a magnetic separator, pressed and sent to metallurgical plants. The garbage is sorted. Polyethylene containers go into machines like meat grinders and mince - granules are obtained from them. And from them they are again made into bottles, toys, etc. Oil and gasoline are obtained from tires.

Game "Understand Me".

(define what is waste)

Exercise 1.

    I have a lot of toys from it.

    It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.

    Items made from it are lightweight.

    If you set it on fire, gray, acrid smoke will appear.

    It cannot be thrown away, as it does not decompose in nature.. (Plastic.) 200 years.

Task 2.

    It is made from sand.

    Left in the forest, it can cause a fire.

    Most often it is transparent.

    If you heat it up too much, it stretches.

    When it falls, it breaks.(Glass.) 1000 years.

Task 3.

    This happens when it gets old or breaks.

    This can be seen everywhere: in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.

    You can turn it in and get money.

    This can be melted down to make something new.

    It comes in color and black. (Scrap metal) (Tin can - over 30 years old)

Task 4.

    It was invented by the Chinese.

    In our country it is obtained from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    People usually draw or write on it.. (Paper – 2 years)

A special type of environmental pollution is household waste. In cities, villages, and recreational areas there are dumps of bottles, cans, plastic bags,which not only disfigure the appearance of the places where we live, but also cause great harm to nature and human health.

What can be done?

Garbage can be: ( slide 32)

a) Recycle and get useful things.
b) Take it to a landfill.
c) Burn.
d) Throw it on the ground, into a river, lake.


    Which item should be removed from the list and why?

    Of the remaining points, name the most environmentally friendly method of waste disposal.

SHOWING works made from recycled materials.

Environmental work “Garbage Fantasy”

Bottom line

Guys words of wisdom
Let them remember more than once:
Father is the forest for us,
Our mother is the river,
And Brother is every bush.
And so that life every day
Became a full cup of happiness,
Nature needs to be warmed up
With our warmth and care.
Let the world become kinder
AND better year from the year!
Let's hold hands friends
And let's protect nature!

Let's take care of our land. Everywhere. At every step. All and sundry. We will not have another planet. Earth - greatest miracle, we have only one. Tomorrow will be the same as we create it today. (slide 33-34)


Look, they are on your tablesgreen palms and yellow color . Write on them what you could do to save our planet Earth. (Performing a collective collage “We are the children of the Earth.” Attaching cut-out children’s palms with inscriptions to a poster on the board. There is an image of the Earth in the middle of the poster.) (slide -35) A.A. Pleshakov. Ecology for primary schoolchildren. Moscow, publishing house "Drofa", 2000.

Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich. 2003

“The Planet is Our Home” by I. Belavin 1995

Didactic games By environmental education junior schoolchildren

Completed by: Druzhinina E. A.,

student of group 413

In the proposed didactic environmental games the child gains a variety of experiences interacting with the world around him; carries out very specific environmental work; learns the rules of behavior in the environment; becomes kind, sensitive, responsive to someone else's misfortune.

Audience: students in grades 1-4

Purposes of use:

    education of norms and rules for environmentally sound interaction with the outside world, transformation of a significant part of them into the child’s habits;

    creating a need for the acquisition of environmental knowledge, focusing on their practical application;

    developing the need to communicate with animal representatives and flora, empathy for them, manifestation of kindness, sensitivity, mercy towards people, nature; caring attitude towards everything around you;

    education of aesthetic feelings, the ability and need to see and understand beauty, the need for self-expression in creative activity;

    creating conditions for taking initiative in solving environmental problems of the immediate environment.

Method of use didactic games:

1. Before playing the game, it is necessary to clearly develop the rules and evaluation criteria.

2. Design the game according to the theme, select illustrations, didactic material.

3. Voluntariness is the basis of everything. If a child does not want to participate in the game, do not force him, watching his comrades playing, he himself will join them - even if not at the first game.

4. Do not delay the game over time.

5. Remember that play is a fertile ground for solving educational problems: from activating an individual to solving the problems of an entire team.

6. The game should help realize the goals and objectives of environmental education and training of children of primary school age.


Methodology. Invite the children to complete the sentences:

When I touch clean, clear water, I feel__________.

The sun is blinding my eyes all day today and reminds me of _____________.

The sea is agitated and foaming like _________________________________.

Raindrops on the glass, like_________________________________.

The clouds today are so fluffy and tender, as if_________________.

I walk barefoot on the ground, and it seems to me that my feet ____________.

I touch the dew drops on the trees and feel like______.

This flower is so fragrant that ________________________________.

This tree is so huge that when I look at its top, it seems to me like _____________________________________________________.

Divide the children into two groups. Children from the first group take turns reading only that part of the sentence that they composed themselves. Children in their second group must guess from which sentence the phrase was read.

Invite the children to draw their most vivid images. Then each child shows their drawings, and the rest try to guess what the drawing says.

Then a children's work competition is held. Everyone evaluates drawings and images using a ten-point system, raising as many fingers as they think the child’s work deserves.

A common stand is made from the children’s work: “Nature and us.”


Methodology. This game is good to play with children in a meadow or clearing. During your walk, watch with your children the lives of various insects: butterflies, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, bees, etc. Then each child must choose the insect that he liked the most, watch it, give it a name, for example, Misha the grasshopper or the Beauty butterfly, and write a story about its life.

When the children complete this task and get back together, everyone must talk about their insect, calling it only by name. The rest of the guys are trying to guess what insect we are talking about. You can tell the story on your own behalf, imagining yourself as a butterfly or grasshopper. You can add gestures to the story or show it in the form of pantomime.

At the next lesson after the walk, you can draw the insects that the children saw and continue the game. Divide the children into pairs and ask them to write dialogues on behalf of insects, short stories about how they met each other in the meadow, or small scenes. If it is difficult for children to cope with this task, the teacher takes several drawings and first composes dialogues or stories himself, showing the drawings.

For example: There is a bee and a grasshopper on a flower.

Hello sister, listen to my song.

I have no time to listen to you, I need to collect nectar from this flower.

But this song is just about how beautiful this flower is.

It's not about beauty, but about sweet nectar.

But the flower liked my song about its beauty so much that it was immediately filled with sweet nectar...

This game can be played in teams. The guys are divided into two or more groups. The winner is the group that makes up more stories about different insects. Then you can invite the children to compose a common story for the group and act it out. If the scenes turn out to be interesting, you can make a small play out of them and show it to other children.

This game can also be played in the room, after showing the children slides or illustrations with various insects, accompanying them with stories and poems.


Methodology. Divide the children into two groups. All children from the first group receive a postcard with different flowers, plants or trees. Then each child from the first group writes on the board the qualities and characteristics that his plant has. Group members can help him, but the plant itself should not be named.

Children from the second group must guess which plant they are talking about based on their qualities. You can set additional questions, if the group cannot guess right away. Then the groups change roles.

Another version of the game is when all children are given postcards with different flowers, plants or trees; but at the same time, the cards are repeated so that three or four children sitting in different places have the same plants.

Everyone writes a description of their plant. Then ask the children to take turns reading out the descriptions they made while everyone else tries to guess the plant being described. It is very interesting to compare the different sensations of children, especially if you select images of the same plant or tree at different times of the year.


Methodology. Children draw cards with different forest situations. In a few minutes, children should write what they would do in their situation. Example situations:

At the edge of the forest you unexpectedly meet a bear.

On one of the forest paths you find chicks, but the nest from which they fell is not nearby.

A thunderstorm has begun, and you are lost.

Then all the leaves are collected. The teacher takes turns reading the situations and answers of the children. Children try to guess the name of the person in this or that situation.

You can divide children into groups and give each group the same situations for more a short time.

You can offer the same situation to all children. Then it is interesting to compare the children's answers, since they will reflect their characters very clearly.


Methodology. Ask the children to answer the questions quickly. The teacher dictates the questions, and the children must immediately write their answers. Each answer is given no more than three to five minutes. For example:

If all the birds fly away from the forest, what will happen to the other inhabitants?

What if the trees don't bloom by spring?

What if the leaves don't fall in the fall?

What if all the forest streams dry up?

What if there are no insects in the forest?

What if it rains all the time in the summer?

What if there is no forester in the forest?

What if there are no berries and mushrooms in the forest?

What if there is no snow in winter?

If children find it difficult to answer questions quickly, the teacher can first dictate all the questions and then give them time to think about it.

This task should be completed by groups of children. The results of the groups' answers are compared. The group that answered the questions faster and more interestingly wins.


Methodology. Ask the children to imagine that the forest is a multi-story building. Each child must write an essay on the topic: “Who lives on which floor.” Children can draw a multi-story house and place forest inhabitants in it. The most interesting multi-story building wins. Then the children must tell others about their multi-story forest house and explain why they decided to place certain forest inhabitants on different floors of the house.

Children can complete this task in groups.

After the children complete this task, ask them questions:

What will you do if there is a fire on the first floor of your house?

What if the top floor of the house floods?

What if one of the walls of the house breaks?

What if it's very cold at home?

What if there is no water in the house?

What if residents of different floors of the house quarrel among themselves?

What if unexpected guests come into the house?

Ask the children to write a plan to save the inhabitants of the forest house in a given situation.


Methodology. Ask the children to imagine themselves as forest rangers. Then offer them a situation: a fire has started in the forest. Children must write a plan to save the forest from fire. Children can complete this task in groups. The one whose plan is better wins.

Situations can be very different: birds began to die in the forest; shots were heard in the forest, etc.


Methodology. This task is a continuation of the previous one. Ask the children to imagine themselves as forest rangers. Children must write the first three things they will do in their forest. After the children complete this task, ask them to write a detailed plan for completing each of these activities. Then the children's leaves are collected and read aloud. From all the children’s answers you can make a stand: “How we save the forest.” Go with the children to the forest and try to complete some points from their plans with them.

Introduce the children to the forester. Ask the forester to tell the children about his work. After a trip to the forest, children sketch their impressions.


Methodology. Invite the children to conduct an experiment. Each of them must put the onion in a jar of water. For some time, children should observe their bulbs, write down and sketch their observations. After some time, the children bring the results of their observations. All the children discuss together general patterns bulb growth, draw conclusions and answer your questions:

Why do some bulbs “lose weight” and others don’t? What does this depend on?

Does the growth of greenery from an onion depend on what jar it is placed in?

Does the growth of greenery from a bulb depend on the lighting and temperature in the room?

Do you need to change the water in the jar every day?

Under what conditions does greenery almost never appear?

Similar observations can be made with any indoor plants or flowers.


Methodology. Children draw cards with names or pictures of different mushrooms. Then invite the children to imagine themselves as insects living under these mushrooms. Children must describe and draw their life in the mushroom house, talk about the advantages of their house, its location, its family and forest neighbors, its friends and enemies.

The teacher collects information about mushrooms in advance in order to supplement the children's answers after they complete this task.


Methodology. Turn on calm music and ask the children to imagine that they are touching a rainbow, sun, star, rain, cloud.

You can invite children to complete this task during a walk in nature and then describe or draw their feelings.

An exhibition is organized from children's drawings and stories: "Let's touch the rainbow and stars."


Methodology. When you go on a walk or excursion with your children, offer them the following task: you say a phrase about something that is around you. For example: “It seems to me that the clouds today resemble white islands in the ocean” or “The forest is so green and cheerful that I want to enter it as soon as possible.” The next child must continue this topic, that is, say something about the clouds or the forest. And so on in a circle. You should get a colorful and varied description of any object or phenomenon of the surrounding world. After the children complete this task, invite them, upon returning home or to class, to write down everything that was said about a particular object or phenomenon and draw it.

What children write down does not always match the description everyone has put together, but this exercise awakens creative thinking child, and the children’s stories turn out colorful. This task can also be done in the room, looking out the windows. Gradually, drawings and descriptions of various natural phenomena appear in the album, and at the end of the year you can arrange an exhibition of nature albums.

You can play this game with children in such a way that each of them must say one word that characterizes this phenomenon. For example: the clouds are fluffy, like cotton wool, look like snowy mountains, soft, etc. If the child cannot find the words, other children or the teacher help him. It’s good if the guys can look at the clouds or trees while lying on the grass or sand. In the same way, you can look at any stump, flower, anthill and draw it upon returning from a walk.


Methodology. During a walk or excursion, offer the children the following game. Some not very distant object is selected: a fence, a puddle, a haystack, a tree.

Children run for a while to this object and back, all together or in turns. Then they have to write down or tell everything they were able to see while running back and forth. Older children can run together and then write everything they saw on pieces of paper for five minutes.

Everyone gets points for speed; and also for each phenomenon or object that the child saw and wrote down, he gets a point, so not the fastest, but the most observant can win. Dialer greatest number points receives a prize.

Children can run in turns, for a while, and then within one minute tell what they saw. The rating system is the same.

While one child is running and talking, other children should see and remember as much as possible, but if they do not look around while running, they will not be able to remember much.

This task can be repeated from time to time, since after this game children look more carefully at the world around them and try to remember or see everything that they forgot or did not have time to say.


Methodology. While walking in a meadow, invite the children to imagine themselves as flowers in a meadow and think about what two flowers or a flower and a bee might be talking about. While walking in the forest, invite children to imagine themselves as trees and think about what the trees and other forest inhabitants say and think; what do two leaves on a tree branch say, etc.

After the walk, children will be able to describe and draw what they imagined.


Methodology. Each child chooses a tree for himself. This tree could be near school, on the way home, or in the park.

During the year, at least once a week, the child watches the tree, writes down and sketches everything he saw: how the tree feels, what leaves and branches it has different time years, who lives on it and hides between its roots or under the bark, etc. You can also record in this album all the legends, fairy tales, poems, your thoughts and conversations with the tree - everything related to the tree chosen by the child. From such notes and drawings a tree book is obtained. At the end of the year, you can arrange an exhibition of children's work.

In the same way, it is fashionable to compile a book of glades. This task can be completed collectively. While walking in a clearing, every child should find something the most beautiful and interesting: a plant, a flower, a butterfly, ants. After the walk, everyone draws and writes a short story about what they saw. These drawings and stories are collected in one album - the glade book.

In the same way you can write and draw books of a lake, garden, vegetable garden, flowers. Children love to read and look at their books.


Methodology. While walking, invite the children to stop, close their eyes and smell what the sun smells like. When there is wind or rain outside and the children are waiting under the shelter, invite them to close their eyes and smell what the wind or rain smells like. Then everyone takes turns talking about their feelings.

In the same way, you can try to smell the smells of moonlight, stars, forests, rivers, streams.

After the walk, children draw the smell of the sun, rain, moonlight, forest.

One by one, the children show everyone else their drawings, and everyone guesses what kind of smell it is and what it belongs to. You can make a stand: “Magical smells of the world.”


Methodology. While walking in a clearing or in the forest, give the children the task of choosing a flower, plant or tree and talking to it. Everyone must ask at least four questions to the chosen tree or flower and “hear” or imagine their answers.

Then the children write down and draw what they heard.

Ask the children on the way to school or home to talk to the sun, cloud, earth, flowers, mountains, stars.

A stand is made from the children’s drawings and stories: “Our conversations with the natural world.”


Methodology. Before a walk in a field, forest or park, tell the children that they were suddenly bewitched by a wizard, and each of them became as tall as his little finger. Children must find a home for themselves while walking. It could be a mouse hole, a flower, a burdock, a stump or any other shelter. Children can build their own house from blades of grass, sticks or birch bark. Children will have to think about what they will sleep on and what they will eat, who they will be friends with and from whom they will hide.

Children can take small dolls, cars or soldiers for a walk and build or find a home for them.

Upon returning from a walk, children draw their houses and write short stories about them or tell stories orally based on their drawings. From drawings and stories you can organize an exhibition.


Methodology. Read fairy tales or legends about how you were born to your children. different flowers. And then ask them to come up with and write a short fairy tale or story about how their favorite flower was born. Before this, you can play the game: “I was born a gardener” or a game where everyone thinks of their favorite flower and describes its qualities, and the rest try to guess what kind of flower it is.

If it is difficult for a child to come up with a fairy tale on his own, you can help him by starting a fairy tale and asking him to continue it.

For example, how the cornflower appeared:

“Once upon a time there was a boy Vasya. He loved flowers very much. And more than anything in the world he wanted to learn their language. One day, when Vasya was watering the roses in his garden, one of the roses whispered to him: “If you want to hear our fairy tales and conversations, come at night to the garden. The fairy of flowers comes here, and with her magic wand she can perform a miracle. You ask her to turn you into some flower that is not yet in the world. She is very kind and will definitely fulfill your wishes...”

Then copy all the stories and fairy tales written by the children into an album. Over the course of a year, you can write several similar book-albums about how certain plants, trees or animals were born.


Methodology. Children are divided into pairs. The first child of the pair closes his eyes and stretches out his hands, palms up, the other, with his fingers on his palms, shows what kind of rain it is: small mushroom, warm, gentle, summer or autumn, thunderstorm, etc. The teacher can turn on the appropriate music and first say what kind of rain it is.

Then the children in the pair change places, and now the first child shows on the palms of the other what kind of rain it is, and the second must guess what kind of rain came to him.

Invite the children to close their eyes and imagine themselves as a tree: in a strong wind, in the rain - light and heavy, in the snow, on a hot day, etc. Turn on calm music and invite the children to express their feelings through movements. Then invite the children to imagine themselves as fire, water, air, sun, etc. You can ask children to express their feelings in a drawing.


Methodology. Children close their eyes and quiet music is turned on. Tell the children: "Relax and imagine that your hands are magical. They can become the wings of a bird, the branches of a tree, the wind, the rain or the grass. Listen to music and allow your hands to dance the way they want."

Warn children that they should completely relax and let their hands do what they want, trying to observe their movements from the outside.

Then ask the children how they felt during this dance.

Then children can draw or describe their feelings.


Methodology. Divide the children into pairs. The first person in the pair writes at least five sentences on the topic: “How people should care about the environment.” The second is “How people are destroying the environment.”

Then the children are divided into groups in such a way that the first person from the pair ends up in the first group, and the second person in the second. Each group uses the children's suggestions to create a general story on these topics.

Representatives from each group read out the results of their discussions. These results are written on the board.

Children must find for each item from the results of the discussions of the first group a corresponding item from the results of the discussions of the second group. In this way, an excellent plan for protecting the environment can be developed.

If there are a lot of children, for more efficient work they can be divided into four or six groups.

After this, each child draws the sentence he likes best and writes an essay on the topic: “The environment and me.”

You can make a stand using children’s drawings and essays: “How can we help our nature”

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Kuban State University

Department of Physical Geography

Admission to defense at the State Joint Stock Company "______" _______________ 2001 Head of the department


Yu.Ya. Nagalevsky

Graduate work

Environmental education for junior schoolchildren

signature, full name

Group 1 , faculty geographical, speciality geography – 012500

Scientific adviser: senior teacher Mishchenko A.A.

Standard controller: _

signature, academic degree, position, full name

Krasnodar 2001

Introduction 3

1. Environmental education and upbringing

junior schoolchildren

1.1. Contents of environmental education -

1.2. Basic principles of environmental education and

education of students

1.3. Environmental education 15

2. Formation of basic environmental

ideas and concepts when studying a natural history course


2.1. Basic ecological ideas in a natural history course


2.2. The use of environmental concepts and ideas in

studying a natural history course


2.3. Environmental problems of Kuban, the city of Krasnodar and their significance in environmental education and upbringing


3. Organization of environmental training in the course

natural history

3.1. Environmental education in science classes 38
3.2. Excursion as a form of environmental education 44

3.3. Extracurricular activities and its role in the formation of environmental


4. Role interdisciplinary connections in environmental

education of junior schoolchildren

Conclusion 74
Literature 77


The modern world stands at a decisive point, beyond which is the death of nature and civilization or the choice of a way to prevent an environmental catastrophe that threatens universal destruction. A radical change in this situation is necessary if humanity really wants to preserve its habitat and livelihoods. The international environmental movement of educators recognizes education in the field of the environment (environmental education) priority direction and encourages states and governments to consider it in the light of global ecological crisis and recommendations contained in the documents of the International Commission on Environment and Development.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”, adopted in 1992, provides for the creation of a system of continuous environmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the environmental culture of the people of each member of society. According to the recognition of the domestic and world community, the central factor in solving this problem is not technology or technology, but education in the broad sense of the word. Education itself should be viewed not simply as a process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities, but as the creation and preservation of a unified educational space.

Ecological knowledge and culture are formed in a person with early age. And in this regard, the importance of environmental education for junior schoolchildren is great. Therefore, the main goal of the thesis is to analyze the existing environmental education of junior schoolchildren and its implementation in the process of studying the course “Natural History”.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the content and basic principles of environmental education and upbringing of junior schoolchildren.

2. Conduct an analysis of the volume and structure of the basic environmental ideas and concepts that are formed in junior schoolchildren when studying the course “Natural History” and their use in practical activities.

3. To study the organization of environmental education for junior schoolchildren in a natural history course, to summarize existing experience.

4. Analyze the role of interdisciplinary connections in the environmental education of junior schoolchildren.

Environmental education and upbringing, continuous, comprehensive and compulsory, the formation of environmental ethics and culture on their basis is a condition and path to the humanization of relations between society and nature, the need to study and understand one’s living environment, its protection and conservation. This should be formed in a person from the very beginning early years, the ability and vital need to perceive nature and its creations as a great and irreplaceable asset and the essence of our life. They should become the basis for the training and education of every person, the younger generation in particular.

Working as a school teacher junior classes, in the process of constant communication with children, I have to face the urgent need for a more fundamental approach to solving the problem of environmental education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren. The literature studied indicates insufficient attention to this particular stage of environmental education.

1. Environmental education

and education of younger schoolchildren

Elementary School - the most important stage intensive accumulation of knowledge about the surrounding world, the development of multifaceted relationships of a primary school student to the natural and social environment, contributing to the development of personality and the formation of an ecological culture.

Origin modern trends environmental education in primary school can be attributed to the late sixties - early seventies of the twentieth century, when it experienced whole line serious changes, in particular, the introduction of syllabus new subject “Natural history” (Simonova, 1998). These transformations took place during the period of actualization of the problem of nature conservation, therefore, despite the intention of the course developers to create an integrated discipline of the natural science cycle, it reflected some issues of the relationship between man and the natural environment.

Primary natural science education with Russian school deep and strong traditions and a rich arsenal practical experience, has undergone significant renewal in recent years. Due to the urgency of this problem common approach no to its implementation. There are various programs and methods of teaching natural history, which take into account issues of environmental education and upbringing. In “Program and methodological materials primary school"(1999) offers programs from several authors, where the traditional natural history course is considered under different names. Let's analyze some of them.

The priority goal of modern primary education is the development of the child’s personality. This goal is achieved through the humanization of the learning process, through creating the potential for sustainable development of the child. Part of this potential is the course “Nature and People”, developed by Z.A. Klepinina (1999). In accordance with the goal, specific objectives of the course are determined.

The first task is to give students general knowledge about the world of people and the world of nature as the immediate environment of the child and about relationships in the systems “man - man”, “nature - nature”, “nature - man”.

The second task is aimed at improving cognitive and practical educational activities children.

The third challenge is to develop personal qualities child: scientific worldview, environmental, sanitary, hygienic and ethical culture, emotions, creativity, feelings of patriotism and so on.

The leading principles for selecting content and designing the course remain general didactic principles, as well as specific principles developed in the classical methodology of natural science. The implementation of a specific principle - environmental orientation - is carried out according to the scheme: the relationship “nature - man”, “man - nature” - the rules of the relationship of man to nature ( general rules nature conservation) – accessible environmental activities for children of this age(growing plants, feeding animals, collecting seeds and plants, distributing them among the population, caring for home plantings, etc.) - legal norms of nature conservation. These ideas are viewed as cause and effect, and lead to an understanding of the essence of the science of ecology. The implementation of the principle of environmental orientation in the presented system contributes to the formation of an environmental culture.

The program “The World around us” by N.V. Vinogradova, G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapova (1999) is an integrated course that has special meaning in developing in students a holistic view of the social and natural environment, a person’s place in it, his biological and social essence. The main goal of the subject is the formation of the student’s social experience, awareness elementary interaction in the system “man – nature – society”, education correct attitude to the environment and rules of behavior in it. This allows us to highlight the features of the subject “The World Around us”, which determine its compliance with modern didactic requirements primary education: accounting psychological characteristics younger schoolchildren, the need for an integrative approach to studying the world around them. Studying the subject allows us to establish closer connections between the knowledge of nature and social life, ensure real continuity and prospects for studying the surrounding world, and create conditions for a smoother and more expedient formation of moral and ethical attitudes.