Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Famous dates in the world. Union of Lublin

History is a science that collects, studies, systematizes facts and events that occur or have happened at any time in the past of human civilization. True, there is an opinion that this is far from the most serious branch of knowledge. Partly because information about many facts raises doubts about their reliability. In addition, everyone can interpret the phenomena occurring in society as they like. But still, there are the most important historical events that cannot be erased from the chronicles of civilization, because they represent a certain foundation, that is, the basis of the life of society and human relationships. Some of them are worth special mention.

Chronicles of centuries

What are they, historical events that everyone should know? Ancient chronicles are full of endless wars, struggles for power between the rulers of various states and conspiracies of their confidants. The chronicles of millennia are replete with uprisings of the poor against the dominance of the rich. Almighty kings are overthrown during periods of bloody revolutions. And then some tyrants are replaced by others, if not dictators, then often individuals who do not disdain deception and betrayal in their own interests. There are enough bright leaders with strong character, who, partly for good reason, were later called great leaders and heroes. The names of many of them have been preserved by history, although a good half of humanity sometimes does not remember what and against whom they fought.

World conquerors often occupy a more honorable place in the memory of descendants than the discoverers of new continents, philosophers, scientists and artists. However, on the scale of civilization, it is creative discoveries that truly contribute to progress. The most important historical events of ancient times, perhaps, are: the conquest of fire, the domestication of animals and the breeding cultivated plants, invention of the wheel, writing and numbers. But who remembers the authors of these discoveries and revolutionary innovations? History does not keep their names.

The most famous person

Nobody knows whether this man actually lived, or his biography from the first to last word is pure water fiction. However, if he real personality or a myth, entire states rallied around his name and the most important historical events took place. Centuries-long wars and endless verbal battles were fought for and against his ideas, where supporters and opponents clashed in fierce battles. And even a chronicle new era counts down from the date of his birth.

Jesus Christ, as the lines testify Holy Scripture, was just the son of a simple carpenter from an unremarkable city in Israel called Nazareth. He is considered the founder of idealistic philosophy, which formed the basis of many religious cults. He was executed in Jerusalem as a criminal, for which he was subsequently deified.


Every nation builds its own history. In some ways it is similar to the chronicles of other states. However, it is definitely endowed with its own unique features. The culture of a nation is part of the country's history. It is closely connected with the events that occur in the political, state, economic and spiritual fields. It expresses the essence of a nation and human relationships. And each nation has its own most important historical events.

IN ancient period On the territory of Europe, civilizations such as the Hellenic and Roman arose, which subsequently gave others a lot in terms of the development of politics, philosophy, science, music, theater and sports. In the first millennium AD, other peoples moved to this continent. Among them are the Huns, Bulgarians, Khazars, Turks and Vikings. They created many states and civilizations that laid the foundations of modern world culture.

Discovery of America

History preserves the name of this great Spanish navigator, although he did not end up where he wanted to go. Until the end of his life, Christopher Columbus did not understand that the four expeditions that were carried out under his command with the blessing of the Catholic kings did not visit India at all. He landed on the island of San Salvador, swimming with his crew on three ships Atlantic Ocean, and saw the outlines of an unknown continent on October 12, 1492. This date is celebrated as the day of the discovery of America and refers to the main historical events that influenced the course of development of civilization.

The states of the New World, especially the United States, occupy key positions in politics and economics throughout last centuries, each year continuing to increase its influence on the course of events on the planet.

Formation of Rus'

Our state took shape over a long period of time, uniting from huge amount scattered tribes Eastern Slavs. Experiencing it for yourself strong influence Byzantium, a neighboring power, Rus' became Orthodox. This happened more than a thousand years ago. And the adoption of Christianity is rightfully considered a historical event that radically influenced the life of Russia. The new religion changed people's ideas, their views, cultural traditions, and aesthetic tastes. Before the times of the dominance of the Golden Horde, Rus' was considered an advanced, cultural, developed country and a significant state.

Battle of Kulikovo - a battle that took place in September 1380, ended in the defeat of the troops Tatar Khan Mamaia, although the Russian losses were also significant. But the victory greatly strengthened the authority and influence of the Moscow princes among neighboring peoples and contributed to the final liberation of Rus' from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. This is an achievement, just like military glory more later periods, including the defeat of Napoleon's troops in 1812, contributed to the formation of the spirit of the nation. Russians in the world are known for their love of freedom, desire for independence and ability to repel enemies.

The era of scientific achievements

Classical science of the 19th century, paying tribute to its ancient roots, continued to remain largely metaphysical. However, the fundamental discoveries of the second half of the century revolutionized scientific minds. Here are some of them: cell theory in biology, the law of conservation of energy in physics, the theory of the development of the Earth in geology.

The idea of ​​a gradual change in the numerous species of flora and fauna existing on planet Earth has been in the air for a long time, but it finally took shape only in the 19th century in the works of the traveler and naturalist from England Charles Darwin. He published his book on the origin of species in 1859. At first it aroused vehement criticism, especially from religious leaders who saw the theory of the emergence of life without divine intervention as an encroachment on centuries-old moral principles.

The discoveries of the 19th century not only influenced the minds and worldviews of people, but prepared the ground and became the impetus for subsequent grandiose, large-scale and at the same time tragic historical events of the 20th century.

A century of revolutions, wars and tyrants

The next century was marked by numerous technical innovations, the development of aviation, the discovery of the secrets of the structure of the atom and the conquest of its energy, deciphering the DNA code, and the creation of computers.

The rapid development of industry and the economic redistribution of the world in the first half of the century became the fundamental reason that pitted the strongest states in the most brutal and bloody world wars, the beginning of which dates back to 1914 and 1939. In this century, the world heard the names of such great titans as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, who radically changed the course of the history of the planet.

Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, which put an end to the senseless bloodshed in 1945, became the beginning new era in world history.

Conquest of space

The idea of ​​human flights to other planets was expressed by progressive astronomers of the Middle Ages. The great scientist Isaac Newton developed theories that later formed the basis of astronautics. Jules Verne wrote science fiction novels about trips to the moon. Such dreams began to come true in April 1961, when manned space flight took place. And Yuri Gagarin became the first earthling to see the planet from a completely different angle.

Time cold war, which followed the bloody battles of the 20th century, caused not only an arms race that was absurd in its madness, but also a competition between the leading powers for influence beyond the borders of earth's atmosphere. Human space flight was complemented by the launches of interplanetary satellites and American landings on the Moon, the first of which took place in July 1969 as part of the Apollo program.

The advent of the Internet

The first signs of the imminent birth of the World Wide Web began to make themselves felt in the 50s of the turbulent last century. We can say that the impetus for its emergence was also the Cold War. Influential circles in the United States were very concerned about the appearance of intercontinental missiles in the USSR, so lightning-fast information transmission devices were urgently invented. For this purpose, computer network connections were used. The foundations of the Internet were laid by engineer Leonard Clayton. Later, the World Wide Web opened up tremendous opportunities for humanity to communicate and exchange information.

Here in summary story about those historical events that everyone should know. What will happen in the future to the inhabitants of the cozy but restless planet Earth, only the future will show.

Over the course of its history, the world has gone through a lot various events, which changed it and influenced the course of history. If they hadn't happened, our modern world would be completely different now. But history decreed otherwise.

Events that influenced the course of world history

Many researchers consider such events to be turning points in world history. Let's take a closer look at the ten most important of them.

1. Invention of the wheel. Surprisingly, it was its appearance that became the starting point for the rapid development of cities, Agriculture and population growth. Appearing back in the third millennium BC, it made it possible to more efficiently transport crops to cities, hunger ceased to threaten humanity, and the population began to increase. Thanks to roundabout, namely flywheels and blocks, it became possible to lift heavy stones, at a fast pace construction began to develop.

2. Plague epidemic. In less than seven months the population Western Europe decreased by almost half, causing irreparable damage to the socio-economic structure of the countries. Feudal system suffered a blow from which he could not recover. At the same time, people's views on such concepts as illness, death, as well as faith in God have changed greatly.

3. Discovery of America made Christopher Columbus one of the key figures in history. Thanks to him, people learned that there are others unknown lands, although before that everyone relied on geographical representations ancient Greeks. The Greatest Discovery, which completely changed people's understanding of the world, Columbus did not thanks to the latest technologies at that time, but only with the help of a compass, which was invented three centuries earlier.

4. Scientific revolution . The 16th-17th centuries were marked by the rampant Inquisition. Thousands of innocents were burned at the stake for “association with the devil and witchcraft.” And only in the 17th century was it possible to partially dispel superstitions, because scientists appeared who, with great difficulty, and sometimes at great cost, own life gave the world new knowledge.

5. The advent of electricity. Electricity just became the fruit scientific research, although they knew about him back in Ancient Greece. But by historical standards, it was invented and reinterpreted not so long ago, only 200 years ago and, as usual, faced active rejection by the church, but now we cannot imagine our life without it.

6. Vaccine. This invention saved millions human lives and continues to do so to this day. Now it is difficult to imagine our world if it were not for the invention of Louis Pasteur. Thanks to him o terrible diseases we only know from history.

7. First World War . 19-year-old Serbian high school student Gavrila Princip did not even suspect that his single shot in Sarajevo would lead to a complete reorganization of the world - four empires disappeared from the map of Europe at once, dozens of new states appeared in their place, tens of millions of dead were left on the battlefields, no less was There were at least 50 million wounded and civilian casualties. There was a catastrophic decline in living standards everywhere. During these years, European fascism was born, which would later become another bloody page in world history.

8. The Second World War. Many states were involved in it - again, millions were killed, cities were destroyed, wiped off the face of the Earth, terrible crimes against humanity, which the world had never known before. Terrible weapons of mass destruction have been invented.

9. Atomic bomb . Its invention and testing showed humanity that it could disappear from the face of the Earth in a matter of minutes. The world shuddered and thought about tomorrow. Since then, humanity has repeatedly found itself on the verge of nuclear war, but so far wisdom has prevailed.

10. Space exploration- a real breakthrough in the history of mankind. Research is still ongoing, we already know a lot of new things, and many unexpected discoveries are still ahead.

These, in our opinion, are important events in world history, thanks to which we now enjoy the benefits of civilization, do not die from terrible diseases, but still rarely think about the fragility of the world.

2-4 million years - the beginning of the separation of humans from the animal world (the use of sticks and stones by Australopithecines).

X-III millennium BC – Neolithic revolution.

III millennium BC – 476 AD – era ancient civilizations(states).

776 BC – first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

773 BC - According to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus.

594 BC – reforms of the Athenian archon Solon, the first known reforms in human history.

336-323 BC. – the reign and military campaigns of Alexander the Great.

395-1453 – Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium

476 - fall of the Roman Empire, transition from ancient history to the history of the Middle Ages.

800 – Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome.

862 – the beginning of ancient Russian statehood, the Rurik dynasty (862-1598).

988 – adoption of Christianity Ancient Russia under Vladimir I (980-1015).

1054 – split of Christianity into Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

1147 – foundation of Moscow.

1206-1242 – Mongol military expansion under the leadership of Genghis Khan and his successors.

1243-1480 - Mongol-Tatar yoke over Russian lands.

1480 – “standing on the Ugra”, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1517 – the beginning of the Reformation after the theses of Martin Luther.

1547 - coronation of Ivan IV Vasilyevich into the kingdom, the beginning of reforms in the Moscow state.

1605-1613 – Time of Troubles in Russia (1613-1917 - reign of the Romanov dynasty).

1649 – legal registration serfdom in Russia by the Council Code.

1640-1688 - English bourgeois revolution.

1682-1725 – reign of Peter the Great (emperor since 1721).

1703 – foundation of the city of St. Petersburg.

1776 – declaration of independence of the United States of America.

1789-1799 – French bourgeois revolution.

1812, September 7 - Battle of Borodino, the decisive battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon.

1861-1865 – Civil War in USA.

1871 – completion of the unification of Germany.

1929-1933 – global economic crisis.

1933 – A. Hitler came to power, “ new course» F.D. Roosevelt.

1992-1998 – radical socio-economic reforms in Russia.

1993 – creation of the European Union.

2008-2011 – global economic crisis.

Literature for the entire textbook.

* Vasiliev L.S. General history: (textbook: 6 volumes). - M.: graduate School, 2007.

* Story international relations: main stages from antiquity to the present day: textbook. - M.: Logos, 2007.

* History of Russia: from ancient times to beginning of the XXI century (textbook). Under. ed. member-corr. RAS A.N. Sakharov.- M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2009.

* History of mankind: (in 8 volumes). - Ed. Z.Ya. De Laata.- Paris, UNESCO; M.: MAGISTR-PRESS, 2003.

* Krasnyak O.A. The World History: (a unified idea of ​​the patterns historical development countries of the West and East from ancient times to the present day). - M.: URSS: Publishing House LKI, 2008.

* National history: Tutorial For technical universities/ Ed. V.V. Fortunatova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.

* Platova E.E., Ovodenko A.A. Story foreign economic relations in questions and answers. – St. Petersburg, 2005.

* Sadokhin A.P. History of world culture: textbook for universities. - M.: Unity, 2010.

* Wells G.D. General history of world civilization. - 2nd ed. - M.: Eksmo, 2007.

* Fortunatov V.V. Domestic history: Textbook for humanitarian universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

* Fortunatov V.V. Codes national history. A manual for tested graduates (USE), applicants and university students. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

* Fortunatov V.V. Russian history in faces. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

* Fortunatov V.V. Russian history in aphorisms. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.

* Fortunatov V.V. History of world civilizations. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.

* Yakovlev I.A. History of humanity: the history of relations between man and nature as a civilizational process. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2006.

Dvornichenko A. Yu. Russian history from ancient times to the fall of autocracy. Textbook.- M.: Publishing house “The Whole World”, 2010- P.172.

Both victories of Alexander Nevsky are included in the list of Days Military glory Russia, which is officially approved by the Russian government.

It seems remarkable that during the RTR television project “Name of Russia” in 2008, Alexander Nevsky took first place among Russian television viewers.

Some authors believe that it was not possible to take the Bastille a lot of work and the warden was executed for no reason. But other French people and others believe that the revolution began with a beautiful and symbolic action.

Konotopov M.V., Smetanin S.I. History of the Russian economy. M.: Paleotype: Logos, 2004. pp. 51-52.

Mironov B.N. Social history Russia during the imperial period (XVIII-early XX centuries): Genesis of personality, democratic family, civil society And rule of law. SPb.: Dm. Bulanin, 1999. T. 1, 2. 548+ 566 p. 3rd ed. SPb.: Dm. Bulanin, 2003.

Dvornichenko A.Yu. Russian history from ancient times to the fall of the autocracy. - M.: Ves Mir, 2010. - P.447.

Cm.: State security Russia: History and modernity / Edited by. ed. R. N. Baiguzina.- M.: “Russian Political Encyclopedia” (ROSSPEN), 2004.- P.507-514.

65 years old Great Victory. In six volumes / Under general ed.. S.E. Naryshkina, A.V. Torkunova-M.: "MGIMO-University", 2010.

See: Soviet foreign policy during the Cold War (1945-1985). New reading. M., 1995.- P. 210.

The secrecy has been removed. Losses of the USSR Armed Forces in wars, hostilities and military conflicts. Statistical research. M.: Military Publishing House, 1993. pp. 407–409.

Story Russian state dates back more than 12 centuries. Over the course of centuries, events took place that became turning points on the scale of a huge country. Top 10 important dates in Russian history collected in our top ten today.

Of course, such a list cannot be called exhaustive - in the richest Russian history there are more than one hundred significant days. However, we suggest starting small and turning to the current top ten.

September 8, 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo (Battle of the Don or Mamayevo)

This battle between the army of Dmitry Donskoy and the army of Mamai is considered a turning point in more than two hundred years Tatar-Mongol yoke. The crushing defeat dealt a blow to the military and political dominance of the Horde. According to legend, the battle was preceded by a duel between the Russian hero Peresvet and the Pecheneg Chelubey.

November 24, 1480 – Fall of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The Mongol yoke was established in Rus' in 1243 and remained unshakable for 237 years. At the end of November 1480, the Great Stand on the Ugra River ended, marking the victory of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III over the Khan of the Great Horde, Akhmat.

October 26, 1612 – Liberation of the Kremlin from invaders

On this day the participants people's militia under the leadership of the legendary Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, they liberate the Kremlin from the Polish-Swedish invaders. Among those who left the Kremlin was the nun Martha with her son Mikhail Romanov, who in 1613 was proclaimed the new Russian sovereign.

June 27, 1709 – Battle of Poltava

The largest battle Northern War ended in a decisive victory for the Russian army. From that moment on, Sweden's authority as one of the leading military powers in Europe was over. But the power of the renewed Russian army was demonstrated to the whole world.

August 26, 1812 - Battle of Borodino

The largest battle of the Patriotic War lasted 12 hours. Both armies lost 25-30% of their strength. The battle was conceived by Napoleon as a general one, and the goal was a crushing defeat Russian army. However, the battle ended ingloriously for the French, despite the Russian retreat, and became the beginning of the end of the Napoleonic campaign.

February 19, 1861 – abolition of Russian serfdom

The freedom of the peasants was secured by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander II, who was popularly nicknamed the Liberator. By the time the manifesto was published, the share of serfs in the Russian population was about 37%.

February 27, 1917 – February Revolution

An armed uprising in February 1917 led to the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II. These events are considered the beginning Soviet period in the history of Russia. For the next 74 years, the state established new form board.

May 9, 1945 – Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany

End day of the Great Patriotic War was declared a national holiday immediately in 1945. Despite the fact that the first victory parade took place in the capital on Red Square on June 24, 1945, Russians celebrate Victory Day on May 9.

April 12, 1961 - Yuri Gagarin's flight into space

The first manned flight into space was not only the most important event in history scientific world, but also significantly strengthened the prestige of the USSR as a military space power. In the eyes of the whole world, the authority of the Americans was undermined; space flight became decisive for a number of states that wavered in their sympathies between the Union and the United States.

December 8, 1991 – Signing of the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS (Belovezhskaya Agreement)

The agreement was signed by three leaders: Boris Yeltsin, Stanislav Shushkevich and Leonid Kravchuk. This event can be considered the date of the final collapse of the USSR. By the end of 1991 Russian Federation was recognized by the international community and took the place of the USSR in the UN. It can be considered that from this moment the history of modern Russia began.

In the 11th grade, it is not necessary to know by heart all the dates from the textbook. It is enough to master the mandatory minimum, which, believe me, will be useful not only in the exam, but also in life.

So, your preparation for the OGE and Unified State Examination in History must necessarily include memorizing several of the most important dates in Russian history. Stay up to date major events in Russian history - and to make it easier to master them, you can, for example, write the entire minimum on cards and divide them by century. This simple step will allow you to begin to navigate history by period, and when you write everything on pieces of paper, you will unconsciously remember everything. In a similar way Your parents and grandparents also used it when there was no trace of any Unified State Examination or State Examination.

We can also advise you to say the most important dates in the history of Russia out loud and record it on a voice recorder. Listen to the resulting recordings several times a day, and best of all, in the morning, when the brain has just woken up and has not yet absorbed the usual daily dose of information.

But under no circumstances do we recommend that you try to memorize everything at once. Have pity on yourself, no one has ever managed to master the whole school curriculum on the history of Russia. The Unified State Examination and the State Examination Test are designed to test how well you know full course subject. So don’t even think about somehow deceiving the system or hoping for the students’ favorite “night before the exam,” as well as various cheat sheets and “answers to the State Examination and Unified State Examination in History 2015,” of which there are so many on the Internet.

With leaves last hope careless schoolchildren, state exams have always been strict, and every year the situation becomes even more difficult. Exams in the 9th and 11th grades are held not only under the strict supervision of experienced teachers, but also under the supervision of video cameras, and you know, it is almost impossible to outsmart the technology.

So get enough sleep, don’t be nervous, develop your memory and memorize 35 important dates in the history of Russia. Relying on yourself is the best thing that can help you in passing the Unified State Exam and GIA.

  1. 862 Beginning of the reign of Rurik
  2. 988 Baptism of Rus'
  3. 1147 First mention of Moscow
  4. 1237–1480 Mongol-Tatar yoke
  5. 1240 Battle of the Neva
  6. 1380 Battle of Kulikovo
  7. 1480 Standing on the Ugra River. Fall of the Mongol yoke
  8. 1547 Ivan the Terrible crowned king
  9. 1589 Establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia
  10. 1598-1613 Time of Troubles
  11. 1613 Election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom
  12. 1654 Pereyaslav Rada.
  13. 1670–1671 Revolt of Stepan Razin
  14. 1682–1725 Reign of Peter I
  15. 1700–1721 Northern War
  16. 1703 Founding of St. Petersburg
  17. 1709 Battle of Poltava
  18. 1755 Foundation of Moscow University
  19. 1762– 1796 Reign of Catherine II
  20. 1773– 1775 Peasants' War under the leadership of E. Pugachev
  21. 1812– 1813 Patriotic War
  22. 1812 Battle of Borodino
  23. 1825 Decembrist Revolt
  24. 1861 Abolition of serfdom
  25. 1905– 1907 First Russian Revolution
  26. 1914 Russia's entry into the First World War
  27. 1917 February Revolution. Overthrow of the autocracy
  28. 1917 October Revolution
  29. 1918– 1920 Civil War
  30. 1922 Formation of the USSR
  31. 1941– 1945 Great Patriotic War
  32. 1957 Launch of the first artificial satellite Earth
  33. 1961 Flight of Yu.A. Gagarin into space
  34. 1986 Chernobyl accident
  35. 1991 Collapse of the USSR