Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to make a strong look. The influence of people with piercing eyes

With a glance, a person can convey his feelings: love and hatred, admiration or contempt, gratitude, regret, etc. Much has been said and written about the influence of the gaze, but little is mentioned about the power of the gaze and its secret power.

About five years ago I came across William Atkinson’s book “The Power of Thought in Business and Everyday life" I found much in this book interesting and useful, including the chapter (lecture) devoted to the power of the human gaze, the magnetic gaze. Surely many of you will find this knowledge useful, and you will decide to use it...

A person's gaze is one of the powerful means that can create an impression and influence on other people. It dazzles, attracts and enchants, facilitates penetration manipulative influences. The power of the gaze is capable of neutralizing aspirations that are directed at us with hostile intentions, be it evil person or wild animal. This view is usually called the “magnetic”, “odic” or “central view”.

Surely you have met people whose concentrated and determined gaze is barely bearable - it seems that he is looking right through you. With the power of their gaze, such people subjugate everyone. They know what a powerful influence their eyes produce, but they do not know how this influence occurs, because they see that their eyes are the same as the eyes of other people. However, they don’t need to know this, but those who decide to pay attention to developing the power of their gaze do.

The magnetic gaze carries stable and unyielding thought waves that are directed directly at the human brain. And it’s not for nothing that I call this look a central look - it should be directed to the central area of ​​a person’s face, to where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. In humans, in this place there is one of the most sensitive and receptive nerve centers, which is capable of perceiving attacks directed at it. energetic influences. This is the place that is commonly called the “third eye”. If you direct your gaze to this point, and at the same time send mental orders to a person or experience desires and feelings that you want to evoke in him, then they will be perceived by him and will certainly cause the reaction you need. But this should not be just a glance at a specific point, but a magnetic central gaze, which requires certain skills in its execution.

Development and training of gaze power

To train your magnetic gaze, do the following exercises:


On a sheet of white paper, draw a black circle the size of a fifty-kopeck coin and shade it. Fasten the sheet to the wall, and stand up or, better yet, sit down so that the point is at eye level at a distance of one and a half to two meters from the wall. Look at this black dot and imagine how your eyes emit two parallel rays that connect at this point. Be sure to imagine the movement of the outgoing energy that your eyes emit. Try to hypnotize this black circle. It is equally important not to blink or look away from this point and look at it for a minute. After resting, do a few more approaches.

You can diversify your actions. Move the paper to the right and direct your gaze straight ahead, then without turning your head, move your gaze to the right and also look steadily at the spot for one minute. Do this three to four times. Then, move the paper to the left of the original place, again look intently at the spot for one minute. Repeat this three to four times.

Do these exercises for three days, and then increase the looking time to two minutes. After another three days, increase the time to three minutes and so on, increasing the time by one minute every three days.

There are people who can stubbornly watch without blinking for 30 minutes, but I think it will be enough to increase this time to 10-15 minutes. One who can hold his gaze for 10 minutes will be able to direct the same strong and intense gaze as one who has reached 30 minutes.


Stand or sit in front of the mirror and look closely at the reflection of your eyes (all the same as in the first exercise). As before, the time should be increased gradually. As you do this exercise, you will notice the development of a characteristic expression in your eyes. Some people prefer this exercise to the previous one, but my opinion is best results you will achieve by combining both of these exercises.


Stand one meter away from a wall on which a piece of paper with a black spot is attached at eye level. Without taking your eyes off the spot, do circular movements head, left and right. By holding your gaze on one point while your eyes and head rotate, you develop the eye nerves and muscles. The exercise should first be done without tiring the eyes, very moderately.


This exercise is also designed to strengthen the nerves and muscles of the eyes. Stand with your back to the wall, looking straight at the opposite one, and begin to quickly move your eyes from one point of the wall to another - right, left, up, down, zigzag, in a circle (this exercise is similar to the usual gymnastics for the eyes which must be done every day and about which you can learn in detail from the article - “ Does your computer hurt your eyes?» ).


Place a candle on the table and light it. Sit opposite. Place your hands on the table so that the candle is between them. Look at the flame. Unlike the first exercise, now it is no longer your energy directed at the object, but the candle flame that fills your gaze radiant energy, nourishes your strength, gives your eyes power and warmth, strength and passion, severity and tenderness. Through the same channels (rays), but only in reverse direction there is a tangible movement of energy. Your eyes seem to absorb a special type of energy - plasma, which you will later use under other circumstances. Surely you have heard the expression “a light flashed in the eyes.” It is precisely this glow that your emerging magnetic gaze should acquire as a result of this exercise.

What do these exercises do?

Many rulers and leaders of the past owned this view and were indebted to it for the most part your success. Once you acquire a strong magnetic gaze, you will not exchange this gift for any wealth. Your gaze will become firm and decisive. You will be able to look anyone you interact with directly in the eye with confidence and without embarrassment.

You will be able to cast a gaze that few will be able to bear. Soon after regular practice, you will notice that people become confused and restless under the power of your eyes, and some will even experience signs of fear as soon as you focus your gaze on them for a few moments.

Whether you are a public speaker, a manager, an educator, or a police officer, any activity will greatly benefit from this art of looking. An entrepreneur, if he sufficiently possesses this view, will easily overcome harmful competition; in relations with customers, he will achieve benefits and receive significantly greater benefits than his competitor with a darting and nervous gaze. No criminal can resist the trained power of the investigator's gaze. The power of such a look is sometimes quite enough to bring an inveterate swindler to a sincere confession.

Your look will become more expressive, and your eyes will appear larger by increasing the distance between the eyelids.

Warnings and parting words

Make time for exercise certain time, develop your strength gradually and take your time.

While performing the exercises, you should not unnaturally widen your eyelids, blink or squint. And if your eyes get tired, rinse them with cool water and relief will appear. After just three to four days of exercise, you will notice that your eyes will get less tired.

It is worth distinguishing between a shamelessly arrogant gaze and a calmly intent one. The first is more characteristic of scoundrels than of decent people, while the second indicates a person with powerful psychic strength.

First you will find that your magnetic gaze confuses those you look at, confuses those with whom you come into contact, making them awkward and restless. But soon you will get used to the power of your own gaze, and you will use it carefully, without causing embarrassment to others, but at the same time, making a strong impression and impact on them.

The duration of the magnetic gaze largely depends on the situation in which you find yourself, but it should not be intent and provocative and certainly not too long. Remember that it is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with a very heavy and intent gaze. Staring too long can cause irritation, or your interlocutor may understand that you are trying to somehow influence him.

You can use the power of gaze all the time, but mainly it should be used in situations where you need to influence someone, evoke in a person certain feelings and sensations, and inspire the desires and thoughts you need. To do this, directing your gaze to the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose, you must experience those emotions and feelings that you want to arise in the person you are looking at. Therefore, the central view cannot always be the same. You can modify it while in different situations, making it most suitable for each specific case.

Avoid all kinds of talk regarding your exercises to develop the power of your gaze, since this will only cause suspicion among people and create a serious obstacle to your application of your knowledge. Keep your studies secret so that your strength will be demonstrated in deeds and not in words.

You should not be satisfied only with performing the exercises described above; achieving complete perfection of the power of your gaze is possible only through experiments with “living people”.

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At all times, people have attached great importance to looks. The power of the beloved’s attractive eyes was sung in poetry, and a gaze clouded by heavy thoughts or burning with rage can be seen in many male portraits.

The influence of people with piercing eyes

We often wonder why some people have strong influence on others. If they are endowed with power, wealth or strength, then everything is clear - they rely on things that are obvious to everyone.

But often people listen to the opinions of those on whom absolutely no one and nothing depends on the issue under discussion. Sometimes even those who have the right to make decisions fall under their influence. But if you take a closer look at everyone who attracts the attention of others, you will see that they all have one thing in common - a piercing gaze. A person’s eyes are the first thing the interlocutor pays attention to; they inspire trust or hostility, and nothing can change this impression.

What does “piercing gaze” mean?

Throughout human history Special attention always paid attention to everything connected with them. All world religions have ideas that higher power always watch every person throughout his life.

The sun was often called the "Eye of God." All great people - rulers, scientists and cultural figures - have a piercing gaze in their images, be it a statue or a portrait. But the artists gave them different levels of forward striving, wise awareness, anger or immense kindness, depending on their character and type of activity. This means that a piercing gaze carries powerful energy. for various purposes- it can attract, repel, cause fear or delight.

Innate “magic” or acquired skill?

There is a type of person about whom they say: “he has charisma”, “she is so charming”, “he is a born leader” and so on. Some people are certainly lucky to be born with such a gift.

A striking example is the memorable face of an unknown girl with a piercing gaze. The photo above leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. But often people specifically work on themselves and make a lot of effort to highlight their strengths and hide flaws. In particular, politicians and famous speakers take lessons acting, improve diction and posture. They have a special culture of movement; many of them develop a strong, confident handshake and a sincere, endearing smile with the help of special exercises. The same can be said about developing the power of gaze.

How to learn a piercing gaze?

This look is often called “central” because it is important to direct it to the center of the person’s face, the top of the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. It is here that we have one powerful nerve center that perceives the energy directed at it.

This place is called the “third eye” in various spiritual practices. And when the gaze is directed to this point on the interlocutor’s face, mental orders or suggestions certain emotions and desires will lead to the goal - will cause an appropriate reaction. An important condition is that you need to not just look at the bridge of a person’s nose, but rather direct a magnetic “central gaze.” Of course, not everyone has such a skill; this requires certain skills. To develop them, you need to perform simple exercises every day.

How to make your eyes piercing?

In the morning, after all daily procedures, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at the central part of your face in the reflection. Then you should focus on your feelings and sincerely, mentally directing a ray of light into the “third eye”, wish Have a good day, success or achieving some specific results during the day. Then “switch places” with the reflection and mentally accept, expressing your gratitude with a return glance. To complete the second exercise, you will need a candle; any candle, tea or even a souvenir candle, will do to decorate the cake. Need a quiet calm atmosphere look at the candle flame, mentally exchanging energy with it, looking closely at the fire. You can start with one minute, gradually increasing the time. These exercises will allow you to develop a piercing gaze and teach you to focus on the flow of outgoing energy to achieve results. The third exercise is aimed at developing the ability to hold your gaze at one point for a long time without blinking. You need to draw a circle with a diameter of about 1 cm on a sheet of A4 paper, fix the sheet at face level and look at this circle from a distance of 2 m. It is important to imagine how energy emanates from the eyes. You cannot blink or look away from the circle for a minute, gradually increasing the time.

In what cases can a piercing gaze be used?

The ability to control your gaze will be useful in all areas of life. The seller can win over the buyer, attract his attention to his product and, finally, convince him to make a purchasing decision. You can instill a desire to possess something by experiencing pleasure from it. Of course, this technique will only be effective in conjunction with competent body language and a properly structured conversation. Parents, using a piercing gaze, can convey their emotions to the child: delight, admiration for his successes or, conversely, dissatisfaction, even anger in case of bad behavior. This method in a family works the better, the stronger the emotional ties. And there is no way to express feelings in words or actions as often as the child needs. For example, a baby is worried at a matinee in the garden, his mother cannot take him by the hand and suggest words that he forgot - but he feels a piercing loving gaze and calms down. Or a schoolboy shouts too loudly while playing with friends, and reprimanding him means undermining his authority in the company. One dissatisfied glance - and the child behaves more quietly. Often the power of a piercing gaze is used unconsciously in important life situations.

The magic of the gaze in the relationship between a man and a woman

Popular wisdom says: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” They reflect the true feelings of people, which is why they have been given such importance for a long time. In ancient times, it was considered indecent to look directly into the eyes of elders or strangers, and as a sign of respect they “kept their eyes down.” Girls were forbidden to look at men; many nations still have a tradition of covering a woman’s face outside the home. This is due to the great attraction women's eyes. At all times, a girl’s piercing gaze meant sympathy, interest and an offer of acquaintance. There are entire rituals, “games with the eyes,” that every daughter of Eve knows and uses from birth. For example, by looking sideways, she intrigues a man, and a “shooting” gaze sparks his curiosity.

What does a man's gaze mean?

Often, what means interest for a woman is viewed by representatives of the stronger sex as a challenge. They are used to evaluating the world from the point of view of danger, and a man’s direct, piercing gaze has often been a manifestation of aggression since cave times.

But that doesn't mean they don't use it to attract attention. Vice versa! A man is a hunter by nature, and a gaze directed at a woman is a kind of “declaration of intent.”

In order to effectively use the power of your gaze, you need to learn to control your emotions. If a person experiences positive emotions, then there is nothing wrong with sharing them with others when his eyes radiate joy and warmth. But it is impossible to calm someone down with a look when experiencing anger, irritation or fear.

Gaze is of great importance in intersexual communication. Many women claim that they fall in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand a woman’s persistent gaze, expressing his determination in it, in further communication she will unconsciously show more respect for him.

A woman's look at a man is the primary test of his masculine qualities.

To quickly look away in such a situation and become embarrassed means admitting defeat. However, a woman must also be confident enough in her abilities to decide on such a test.

If the person you like averts your eyes, continue looking at him. If he looks at you again after that, it's sure sign sympathy. If at the same time a smile appears on his face, you can start the conversation without a doubt.

Which look is considered accidental and which is a conscious challenge? The normal time of eye contact, after which both people naturally avert their eyes, does not exceed 2–3 seconds. If a person looks at you longer, he probably has an interest in you.

View in the struggle for leadership

A glance is the most powerful non-verbal method of influence. It can subjugate a person and determine the nature of your further communication. However, can it be called a tool - something that we can consciously use for our own purposes? Can a person’s will break the instinctive desire to avert his eyes under a persistent and unbending gaze?

In nature, the strongest male will also have the most persistent gaze. You can often see how a large animal, having met the gaze of a smaller representative of its own species, turns away, as if yielding and submitting to it. Body size, muscle mass, jaw size and other traits certainly influence the non-bloody determination of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.

A look is a sure sign real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, the readiness to die in battle.

Man is a social being, therefore he is influenced not only by natural factors. This is morality, ethics, and social status. Thus, a long gaze in culture may simply be regarded as incorrect behavior, and that is why a shy desire to look away will arise in us. However, the main factor influencing the persistence of the gaze is will. This is what can make your gaze your greatest psychological weapon.

The importance of eye contact

How else does our perspective influence communication? The following facts are known in psychology:

  • People who make eye contact during conversations are perceived as more honest and open.
  • Lack of eye contact in a dialogue is interpreted by us as a lack of interest.
  • During a conversation, a good speaker always looks around the audience to establish eye contact with every. This makes his speech seem more convincing.
  • Eye contact when meeting someone is extremely important. An open and good-natured look forms 30% of a person’s primary attitude.
  • Quickly looking away during an acquaintance is read as instability of character and readiness to submit.

One thing follows from these facts: the strong-willed ability to hold gaze at the eyes of another person makes the image of the beholder stronger, more powerful and influential.

However, these rules cannot be called universal. Much depends both on the nature of the gaze and on the person. Someone will consider a long look as a sign of impoliteness, someone will start to get angry, someone will get scared.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of modesty and perseverance in the gaze, corresponding to the specific situation of communication with a person.

The main thing is not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. You can subjugate a person to your will with your gaze by inspiring respect and demonstrating a strong character, not aggression. The gaze should be calm, intent, without a shadow of pretense or shamelessness.

So is it possible to develop a strong outlook? The one that subdues and inspires respect? There are many dubious exercises on the Internet, such as looking at a candle flame and circles on paper. But the look is a continuation of yours internal state, and it will probably be different in sparring with a piece of paper and with a real person.

All exercises to strengthen your gaze will be meaningless if you cannot focus your mind on one subject while doing them. How do you want to influence others if you can't even influence yourself?

Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had exceptional influence on people

The persistence of your gaze is an indicator of the strength of your will and thoughts. To take control of your thoughts and increase your concentration, there is one proven exercise. Count slowly from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought distracts you from the process, start over. Every day, try to increase the duration of the count by a couple of units. Various techniques contribute to the same.

After you have achieved some success in controlling your thoughts, try practicing it in public. Select from the crowd faces that indicate less weak character than yours. Try to hold their gaze while keeping only one thought in your mind that blocks your desire to look away. “I’m uncomfortable”, “what awkward situation“,” “This is so stupid” - all these ideas simply should not reach your consciousness.

Once this is mastered, begin to be selective about the thoughts you hold during the competition. It should not only hide your psychological weaknesses, but also give strength to your look.

Concentrate on the desire to subjugate, to show strength, authority.

Developing a confident look is not an easy task, but once you cope with it, you will see how quickly the attitude of others towards you will change.

One of the greats said that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and he turned out to be completely right. A person always tries to pay attention to how other people look at him. After all, with the help of a glance you can find out about the thoughts of your interlocutor and understand the hints of a silent person. For some reason, this is rarely written about in the press and on the Internet, and research on interpretations different views impossible to find anywhere at all. In this material I will try to reveal the essence of this issue as fully as possible.

What does a look consist of?

A person’s gaze refers to the characteristics of the location of the eyes and some parts of the face located nearby. These include the forehead, skin, eyebrows, eyelids, and in some cases the nose and lips.

Are the eyes the mirror of the soul?

The look may be different, but each of its options has one common feature– this is a reflection inner world person, his character and mood. For the most part, it is the latter that determines the type of look.

All positive or negative internal experiences of a person are expressed in her gaze. For this reason, if you need to give it a certain meaning, you should not try to do it with “technical” techniques, it is better to concentrate on your inner mood and the right expression the eye will arise by itself.

The interlocutor will not be able to consciously understand the whole essence of your look and explain its meaning for himself, but on a subconscious level the person perceives a certain message from your eyes and he will have appropriate reaction to yours emotional condition, projected through the gaze.

How to influence your interlocutor with your gaze

From the above, the conclusion follows: you can develop a certain scheme for yourself psychological influence at the interlocutor with the help of a glance.

  1. Determine the goal you want to achieve during the conversation.
  2. Set yourself in a certain mood to evoke the state that will be projected in your gaze.
  3. Look your interlocutor closely in the eyes.
  4. As a result, you will see his response.

Your counterpart’s subconscious will work instantly and he will only have to choose options for action on your emotional message.

How to awaken self-confidence. 50 simple rules Sergeeva Oksana Mikhailovna

Rule No. 11 Confidence in your gaze must come from within.

Rule No. 11

Confidence in your gaze must come from within.

What makes it different confident person from a person who lacks self-confidence? Of all the multitude distinctive features there is one that is paramount. This is a look. A person who is confident in himself has a special look. He is calm, direct, sincere. He has pride, but no arrogance. He has healthy self-esteem, but there is no narcissism or selfishness. He has faith in himself and knowledge of his own rightness, but there is no snobbery. There is intelligence in him, but there is no arrogance, there is irony, but there is no sarcasm, there is positivity, but there is no thoughtless euphoria, there is lightness, but there is no frivolity. You will recognize this look immediately. Often it is the eyes that betray people who are unsure of themselves. Outwardly, they may look quite confident, but in their eyes one can see fear, humility, timidity, and shyness. Is it possible to learn a look that shows confidence?

What exactly is the expression of our eyes? What does our gaze convey? This is a reflection of our inner world. We cannot look the way a confident person does if we ourselves do not believe in ourselves. A look is a kind of indicator of personality.

However, there are techniques that can help you develop a confident look. Go to the mirror and look at yourself. Look at your face, study your reflection. At the same time, try to remember all the good things, all the most important things you have ever done in life. Are there things you are proud of? Perhaps it is winning a student chess competition, perhaps you are proud of your culinary achievements, perhaps you are the best secretary in the world - you must find a few positions in yourself that you consider the most winning. It may turn out that you still have everything ahead of you - for example, you are just starting your professional path, have not yet received public recognition, but feel the strength to become good specialist in your business. Then your strength is believing in yourself and knowing your strengths. Look at yourself through the eyes of a person who is confident that victory will be in his hands. You will see how your eyes light up, your gaze becomes brighter and bolder. This is what the look of a confident person looks like.

But it’s one thing to look confidently at yourself in the mirror, and quite another to look at a stranger. It's much more complicated. But if you can feel confident on your own, then this means that you can do the same in the company of strangers. The mechanism is the same: if at some point in the conversation you begin to feel that your confidence is leaving you, remember those moments that made you stronger. Scroll through your head happy events, successful deeds, good results that you managed to achieve, and it will be much easier for you to feel inner confidence, A confident look will appear by itself.

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Rule No. 19 Confidence is played by the entourage “The king is played by the retinue,” says the famous theatrical wisdom. The same can be said about confidence. What makes us confident is what surrounds us. Let's talk about the things around you, people, distances and what role they play

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Rule No. 32 Inner confidence always attracts others. Oddly enough, in order to understand yourself, you need to understand others. Each person is a unique phenomenon. Everyone strives to achieve their goals. Everyone uses their own unique set of innate

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Rule No. 39 Self-confidence protects against envy and gossip Inner confidence is a quality that not many people possess. It gives a person undoubted superiority over others. With all this, it is correct enough not to expose it

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Rule No. 7 Develop self-confidence Although the wittiest writer Francois de La Rochefoucauld back in the 17th century. asserted that “confidence in life is like abstaining from food: I would eat more, but I’m afraid of getting sick,” he was not entirely right. In our difficult life, many need as much as possible