Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Up to their ears in oge isolated circumstances.

Task number 9 is formulated approximately as follows:

This task is both difficult and simple at the same time. Difficult, because the topic “isolated members of the sentence” is one of the largest in terms of volume. Simple as you don't need to punctuate, you just need to find the sentence with separate members and indicate its number.

Whole theoretical material by separate members of the proposal(what it is, what they are, cases of their isolation, etc.) can be found on this site

I propose a response algorithm to make it easier to find sentences with detached members.

How to find a sentence with isolated members

    Separate members of the sentence are such minor members, which are distinguished by signs, that is, they are isolated. Therefore, immediately exclude from the data on the task of proposals those in which there are no punctuation marks.

    Remember that separate members are distinguished only by commas and very rarely by dashes. If the sentence does not contain these signs, but there are others (a colon, for example), then this sentence is not an answer.

    So, you have found a sentence that, as you think, has separate members in its composition. Now you need to find out if it is exactly the isolated member that you need to find by assignment.

    Separate definition we find as follows: it must answer the questions of definition (which one? Etc.), be expressed by participial phrase, adjective with dependent words, single or homogeneous definitions.


Girl, so passionate about reading a book attracted the attention of others.

(A separate definition is expressed by participial turnover).

Joyful, they did not notice fatigue. (Single isolated definition)

Joyful and enthusiastic, they did not notice fatigue. (Homogeneous isolated definitions).

Travel , captivating from the start, remained so to the end.

(A separate definition expressed by adjectives with dependent words).

    Now let's figure out how to find standalone application.

It must be remembered that an application is a definition expressed by a noun. So, in the turnover that you found, the main word must be a noun.

If the offer contains dash then turn to it Special attention, because the application is often separated by a dash.

Remember that the application is a definition, so it also answers the questions which one? and etc.


IS HE, shy person, spent the whole evening sitting on the sidelines.

Astrakhan - great fish kingdom appeared before his eyes.

    How to find an offer separate circumstance ?

First, remember the questions of circumstance (where? when? where? from where? why? why? how?)

Most often, isolated circumstances are expressed participle turnover or a single adverb.


He, gathering the rest of the force continued to move forward.

He told, smiling.

Remember that isolated circumstances will also be turns with the words: in spite of, notwithstanding, due to, in spite of, in spite of, due to and etc.


He left, despite the requests of others.

With the support of parents, he was able to cope with this task.

    Standalone add-ons are rarely offered in assignments, but they also need to be able to see in the text. How to determine that a given isolated member is an addition?

First, of course, on the issues of indirect cases.

Secondly, at standalone supplements there are always definite prepositions and nouns with prepositions. They need to be well remembered: except for, along with, beyond, including, in addition to, instead of, except for and etc .


Here, with a few exceptions gathered people who know each other well.

Mood, beyond usual, was just wonderful.

    Often in a task it is necessary not only to find a certain isolated member of a sentence, but homogeneous isolated members. This is not at all difficult to do. It's just that there should be two separate members at once (rarely - three), they always stand side by side or follow each other. If there is an alliance between them And, then according to the rule of punctuation marks with homogeneous members between there will be no comma turns, only before and after them.


Toys, made by the guys and carefully arranged by them on the tables, decorated the insert. (Here are two separate homogeneous definitions, expressed participle turnovers, connected by the union AND, so there is no comma between them).

Separate definitions and applications

Separate circumstances

Agreed definitions (adjective, participle)

Inconsistent definitions (noun with preposition)

(when changing the main, the dependent word does not change)

Separate applications.

Answers the questions WHO IS, WHAT IS? (expressed by noun)

(when changed, changes along with the main word)

Expressed by gerunds

Expressed by a noun with prepositions

1. Refers to a personal pronoun

Friends since childhood they never quarreled.

2. Found after the word being defined

Berries , collected by children were delicious.

3. Are in front of the word being defined and have the meaning of causality (being)

Exhausted by a hard road The boys quickly fell asleep.

1. Refers to a proper name Lukic , without a hat, with disheveled hair, ran ahead.

2. Refers to a personal pronoun

She is, in a long elegant dress, went out to the guests.

1. Refers to a personal pronoun

I , like a true friend, couldn't quit it.

2. Located after the word being defined

Sergey , experienced scout, led the team.

3.Related to common noun and clarifies it (can be replaced by the words NAMELY)

Other brothers , Martyn and Prokhor are similar to their mother to the smallest detail.

4. One-word applications are attached to a noun with a hyphen.

Several came to see Alexey off. fisherman neighbors.

1. Regardless of location.

greeting the morning , echoed from all sides birds.

The stream ran, sparkling and murmuring.

2. The gerund is not isolated as an adverb

He read lying down.

3. The circumstances expressed by phraseological units are not isolated.

He ran headlong.

owing to, owing to, thanks to, in spite of, in spite of, according to

Despite the warningthey still went to the mountains.

Thanks to our efforts, we got the first prize.

Separate add-ons - these are additions that are highlighted intonation and punctuation. Additions answer questions of indirect cases.Separate additions are expressed:

nouns with prepositionsor prepositional combinations

except, instead of, besides, beyond, except for, excluding, including, along with etc.

with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion, substitution, i.e.restrictive or expansion meaning.

For example: Here, except a small table with a mirror, a stool and rags, there was no other furniture, and, instead of a lamp or candle , a bright fan-shaped light burned. Mr Hopkins, along with with other people in gray helmets, stood motionless.


  1. We read carefullyall offers.
  2. We analyze the punctuation marks.
  3. We select all "suspicious" punctuation marks.
  4. Determine the nature of the complication in the sentence

1. Among sentences 14–18, find a sentence with a separate circumstance.

(14) But he did not even look back. (15) I saw that he recognized me, but did not want to recognize the person whom he considered best friend who betrayed him, leaving him to the mercy of fate. (16) This meeting was unpleasant for him ...

(17) I was ashamed. (18) The whole next day I thought about Sharik, tried to convince myself that I was not very to blame for what had happened: where could I take him then, because I myself did not know where to stumble.

2. Among sentences 17–20, find a sentence with a non-separated common agreed definition.

(17) Then the woman squatted down and stroked her head, handed her a bun, and the dog began to eat, looking at the woman every now and then: she was afraid that she would leave. (18) The woman kept stroking the dog and quietly and sadly said something to the sadly trembling animal. (19) Then she took out a liver pie from her bag, put it in front of the dog and quickly, without looking back, went.

(20) The dog, leaving a half-eaten pie, ran after the woman, whined, she stopped in confusion.

(3) The boys hurriedly leaned towards the ground, made snowballs and threw them at the wall of the new house: there, on the rough concrete wall, a squirrel was climbing.

(4) The boys had fun, shot snowballs at the wall, and the squirrel climbed higher and higher in bold short jerks, to the very roof, clinging to who knows what. (5) The taiga was nearby, squirrels often ran into the village, but they easily ran back through the trees, but this one was not lucky, she probably ran across the ground when she was noticed, rushed to the house and now climbed the wall, defenseless against blows snowballs. (6) Snow shells, like cannonballs, exploded next to the squirrel with a dull snort, she trembled with her whole small body, pressed her fluffy tail against the wall, as if helping herself even to them.

4. Among sentences 16–24, find the sentence with standalone application.

(16) So today the lesson was “Marine coelenterates”. (17) Polyps are given in the textbook, Coral reefs and jellyfish. (18) And Natalya also reported about echinoderms. (19) And she didn’t just throw words, took chalk and drew everything on the board. (20) Of course, “five”!

(21) Teacher Clara Nilovna says:

- (22) I see that you liked your friend's answer. (23) But who is stopping you from studying like this? (24) Why is Loskutikova interested in the life of the sea, but you, people born on the sea, seem to not care about this life?

5. Among sentences 14–20, find a sentence with isolated circumstances.

(14) When I ran to him, Ugly was badly bitten. (15) He lay curled up in a ball, closing his only eye, and a trail of tears crossed his nose. (16) But what is surprising: while I was carrying him home, he wheezed, gasped, but tried to lick me with his soft, rough tongue. (17) I carried him home and most of all I was afraid to harm him even more. (18) Meanwhile, he tried to lick my ear. (19) I pressed him to me. (20) He touched his head to the palm of my hand, his golden eye turned in my direction, and I heard a purr.

6. Among sentences 1–5, find sentences complicated by a separate agreed common definition.

(1) The fog has not cleared yet; in it the outlines of a huge ship, slowly turning towards the mouth of the river, were extinguished. (2) Its folded sails came to life, scalloping, spreading out and covering the masts with impotent shields of huge folds; voices and footsteps were heard. (3) The coastal wind, trying to blow, lazily fiddled with the sails. (4) Finally, the heat of the sun produced the desired effect; the air pressure increased, easily dispelled the fog and poured out along the yards into scarlet forms full of roses. (5) Pink shadows glided over the whiteness of the masts and rigging, everything was white, except for the spread, smoothly moved sails of the color of deep joy.

(29) The brothers walked for a long time native land. (30) And once they stopped at the fork of three roads.

- (31) This sign from above is not accidental, - said the Elder. - (32) One Dream
each of us has his own, therefore, we are destined to go our own way. (33) It is getting dark, however. (34) We will spend the night here, and until the morning we will think about which way to go. (35) Waking up, the brothers sat silently for a long time
at the burnt out fire. (36) Everyone thought about his own, but everyone thought about one thing
and the same. (37) Doubts tormented their souls. (38) The brothers hugged goodbye and each went his own way.

8. Among sentences 20–29, find sentences with a separate agreed definition.

(20) They quickly reconciled, and somehow it turned out that immediately after that they ate this ice cream, dividing it in half. (21) Then she got married and left. (22) “I can’t take you with me,” she said. - (23) Do you understand? (24) I would really like to, but I can’t. (25) With her, he could not cry. (26) Black from the grief that suddenly fell on him, he left, deciding never to come again, but three days later he appeared again in the hope that all this horror about her departure was not true. (27) An alien aunt in a warm padded jacket cleaned the cages and shouted at the cubs. (28) Masha never yelled at anyone. (29) The bear cubs that grew up over the summer played on the stones and did not even notice Timofey, who pressed against the net.

9. Among sentences 34–37, find a sentence with a separate application.

(34) In a neighboring house, on the first floor, a boy was sick - he was bedridden. (35) He had a dachshund - a black firebrand on four legs. (36) Zhenechka stood under the window and heard the conversation between Kosta and the sick boy.

- (37) She is waiting for you, - said the patient.

10. Among sentences 49–52, find a sentence with separate applications.

(49)Yes! (50) It was her homeland, her mountains, the songs of the horns, the sound of her sea! (51) So that gray-haired man who helped her carry the basket home was Edvard Grieg, a true magician and great musician! (52) So this is the gift he promised to give her in ten years!

11.Among sentences 25–31, find a sentence with a separate, agreed-upon, non-spread definition.

(25) And then everyone went about their business, and we went. (26) We were silent. (27) And I thought how beautiful it is when spring is in the yard, everyone is smart, cheerful, and in blue-blue sky a beautiful ball flies away from us. (28) And I also thought, what a pity that I can’t, I don’t know how to tell Alyonka. (29) And if I could, Alyonka would still not understand, she’s small. (30) Here she is walking beside her, hushed, and the tears have not yet dried on her cheeks. (31) She probably feels sorry for her ball.

Task 9 of the OGE in the Russian language is built on working with isolated members of the sentence. Knowledge of punctuation is very important. The goal is to test the ability of students to see a complicated sentence, and also to distinguish how it is complicated.

How to prepare

In order to successfully pass the tests and get a good score, you will have to study the theory properly. You must not get confused in terminology. It is necessary to understand what is isolated and homogeneous members sentences, what is a complicated sentence, and what types of complications exist. Understand the difference between additions, definitions and circumstances.

Task 9 of the OGE in the Russian language may have several options. For example, it will be necessary to find one among several sentences, with separate homogeneous definitions and write its number. Or find one among several proposals, with a separate application. Then also indicate its serial number.

Don't worry and practice

The OGE options only seem complicated, the main thing is to know the theory well and not worry. Read the text carefully, remember the rules, look for the correct answer and mark it on the ticket. For self-study you can use online solutions with detailed analysis, this will greatly facilitate the preparation and make the tests simple and not at all scary, it will allow not only to better assimilate the material, but also to feel the atmosphere of a real exam.

All questions on the Russian language are developed federal institution pedagogical measurements and fully comply with school curriculum. The time allotted for solving the ticket is 235 minutes.

To prepare well and not experience problems on the exam, study the proposed options for tasks, take your gaps seriously and pay more attention to them.

Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a separate agreed common definition. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. The air smelled of water, grass, fog - in a word, it smelled of an early beautiful summer morning. (L. Tolstoy) 2. The dark sky above the illuminated street seemed like a black, heavy canopy. (I. Bunin) 3. Dry grass swirled in the air , foliage plucked from trees, and small branches. (Arseniev)

Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a non-isolated agreed common definition. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. Through the glass door, Meresyev could see the entire dimly lit corridor darkened by lamps. (Field) 2. A wharf appeared in the distance - a small red house built on a barge. (Kuprin) 3. And the brook, pushing in the stones, hurries, calls, somewhere far away, to unknown expanses. (Bunin)

  • Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a separate, uncommon circumstance.
  • 1. Far away, on the other side, in impenetrable darkness, several bright red lights burned in all directions. (Chekhov) 2. Over the field, sagging low, lazily groaning wires. (Tvardovsky) 3. Falling leaves whisper, saying goodbye forever. (Paustovsky)

Among sentences 1-3, find a sentence with a common application. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. You, as the initiator, must play a major role. 2. The guard of the fishermen and their unchanging friend, the lighthouse burns permanently at the post. 3. In vain we tried to attach ourselves to the trucks following in the direction of Meshchera.

Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a separate common application related to a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. V.K. Arseniev made many trips through the taiga of Primorye, the Sikhote-Alin mountain, Kamchatka - little-explored places in our Motherland. 2. A great scientist, he was engaged in all branches geographical science studied flora and fauna. 3. He published over sixty works. 4. These books, readable by people of all ages, many times and in large editions were published by us and translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a separate qualifying member. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. In silence, leaning on the saddle with his hand, he dismounts sullenly from the horse. (Pushkin) 2. The highway went south, passing the villages, which were visible either to the right or to the left of the road. (Field) 3. Below, at the foot of the pines, it is already dark and deaf. 4. Misha lowered his head and, not immediately, answered quietly. (Bitter)
  • Among sentences 1-5, find sentences with a separate common circumstance. Write the number of this offer.
  • 1. Kovalenko sat, bending down, and was silent. (Chekhov) 2. In the country house, very unsightly in appearance, with low ceilings, with uneven slit floors, there were three rooms. (Chekhov) 3. A minute later, the platform trembled and, puffing with steam knocked down from frost, a locomotive rolled. (Tolstoy) 4. Exhausted, dirty, wet, we finally reached the shore. (Tolstoy) 5. Peace has come, warming the earth, carrying away artillery smoke. (Svetlov)

Among sentences 1-3, find sentences with a separate common circumstance, expressed by a participle turnover. Write the number of this offer.

  • 1. Contrary to our fears, grandmother willingly let us go to the distant forest for mushrooms. 2. In my long life I have seen travelers who, despite their age, have not lost their old age to a ripe old age. (S. - Mikitov) 3. A crowd of Cossacks spoke loudly, in several voices, on the shore. (Tolstoy) 4. Khor sat down on a bench and, calmly stroking his curly beard, entered into a conversation with me. (Turgenev)