Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ancient Slavic alphabet with translation into Russian. Az, Buki, Lead, Verb, Good... About the meaning of the ancient Slavic alphabet

A letter, like a rune, is fraught with a huge semantic and energetic repertoire of possibilities. It, in fact, is a code, a sacred sign of the presence of the unmanifested otherworldly in the manifested thisworldly, a kind of channel of interaction between them. Its influence is realized immediately on all semantic levels from micro to macro, including genetic and event, which allows us to most fully manage the semantic contours of our world, associated with the corresponding layers of reality.

The entire semantic series, as a single and multidimensional image, can be mastered only in the process of classes, and then - daily practice work with letters. Experience shows that an illiterate and superficial approach to the Letter and the Word is fatal: at the very least, it is fraught with problems at the event level. Therefore, the knowledge of the Letter and the Word (keys of access to the Force) must be treated with maximum responsibility and awareness. As Kozma Prutkov said: “It’s better not to joke with letters. You never know what word they will gather into.

Letter figurative name The meaning of the image
BUT Az God, who lives and creates on earth, is the creator. Originally, beginning, beginning, source, one, single form, what was first of all, man, the human I. Beyond the existing. One. The beginning of all beginnings, that is, AZA. Birth. Similarity form.
B Gods(Buki) A plurality, a superior form that prevails over something. Dominant, more. Divine, one source. Strictly ordered expansion, growth, perfection. To be, will be, future, higher. All-encompassing, all-encompassing.
AT Lead I learned wisdom, knowledge inside and out, on Earth and Heaven, a multitude gathered together, certainty, direction, direction, link, interconnection, fullness of everything with everything. Wisdom beyond comprehension. Direction inward, line, connection. To know, to know and to own. Motion.
G verbs Movement, actions, outflow, flow, direction, I convey, told, the trinity of transmitted information: thought + image + sound = WORD. Take action, speak. The element of fire, heat. Main.
D Good Symbol of purity, virtue. Spirit, life-giving force in the universe from which creation began. Growth, acquisition, accumulation, multitude, multiplication, abundance, beyond what is, creation, being above something, proclaiming, fullness and harmony of the created, uplift, prosperity, integrity. The Primordial Divine Spirit, that is, that which comes from the center of the Universe and denotes giving and descent. Do, given.
E There is Prosperity, presence, being, nature, nature. This is the Sign of the Trinity, the Form of the existence of being, being a binding image, power, being in a given reality, being in a manifested state, something that has volume and perception, visible and sensual. Earth life. five elements of life: Water. Metal, Fire, Earth, Wood. Energy.
Yo I am Many, diversity, diversity, reasoning, connection, connection.
F Stomach life, existence various forms life, the interconnection of a multitude, transformation, creation, change, origin and growth, movement, reaching a certain limit, beyond which new way to a new limit. Alive, living, having life.
W Earth Knowledge, what is included in certain system as component, then with which life contacts, touches, everything in itself generates, multidimensional, many-sided form of existence of life. Very, over. Spark, fuse, thin, fast, piercing, sharp. He conveys the moment of the beginning of the expansion of the Universe and the unfolding of creation, the beginning of time as a series of events of the appearance of life. piercing. Source outside. Strongly, strongly. Localization, border, completion, separation.
And Izhe The beginning of everything, the center of the universe, the desire to rise, to belong, to have. Connection, union, unity, harmony, balance, allied form, balancing, harmonizing the life of being. State. If, if and when.
Y Init Small part, clearance, flash, awakening.
To Colo, Kako Volume, three-dimensional unification in a person. Like, resemblance, resemblance, resemblance, resemblance. How is he. Essence, connection, unity, space.
L People Belonging, The sphere of man, which limits part of the space, the relationship between the heavenly and the earthly. Contact with a certain part of space, direction, aspiration, regularity.
M Think Birth , manifestation of Everything, to think, to reflect, to communicate, movement, a certain sequence of movement, information processing, transformation of any forms, transformation of one into another, change, improvement, generates another. Communication with God. Appeal to someone, transmission, source of transformation.
H Our We are an embodied image, ours, that is, that which exists with us, with us, within us, not beyond our perception. All known. What was known to our Ancestors. Kinship and closeness in Spirit. Start off.
O He A person, personality, sphere, association, someone, something, something, a shell, a basis that is in a special state, separated from the earthly, but already manifested for us. This area created and manifested. Belongs, likeness, outward direction, outside. Appearance, manifestation, form, structure.
P peace in which the Universe resides, the basis (of the universe), rest - be based on something, suspended state, inaction, immobility, stable balance, support. The Universe itself. Security.
R Rci Speak, utter speech, delimitation, dividing, clearly defining system, delimiting concepts according to uniformity, structure, form. Source of power, primordial energy, God's power. Repetition, cyclicality.
With Word Transferring knowledge. Sound information transmission structure, connection, vibration penetrating into various areas perception of the world, a materialized thought, that is, a thought embodied by vibration for existence. The process of gathering, settling, totality and concentration. Get your name. Receiving the information. A material entity that exists.
T Firmly Creation, confident, convinced, true. The measure of approval, a certain order, the inviolability of the position, indication, definition. Support, foundation, affirmation, sequence.
At UK After the letter message, call, foundations, connection; in front of the letter - interaction with someone or something, location next to something, a form of approaching someone or something, feel. The basis of knowledge, doctrine, outward direction, outside. Something coming out of the source. Decree, fasten, indicate, fasten. Fall down.
F Fert Significance, the very essence, pride, will, freedom, nobility. Glory, top, top.
X Hier Force. Universe. Intersection, a line of defining meanings, interconnecting heavenly and earthly structures for speech in a temporal extent, the world balance of the path, connecting. Storage.
C qi Purpose, purposefulness, the highest ultimate,
H Chervl Frontier, A trait known to creative people, delimitation of certain orders, creation of a frontier, border, a certain line, barrier, beauty, edge, division.
W Sha Going beyond certain boundaries, beyond certain images of perception, Silence, peace, space, a certain breadth, width, structure, space.
SCH State Protection, fencing, space limited by some boundary, limit, density, diversity.
Kommersant yer Firmness in the concept of affirming some kind of action, creation. The process of creation, creation, unfinished action.
S era Unity, connection, multitude, interaction.
b Yer Created, created, existing, natural. God given life. Already created, finished action.
E edo Touching the whole, for the purpose of knowledge. But at the same time we get only some part. A form of knowledge of a part of a whole. A fading, expiring movement.
YU Yun Light , Movement in a certain area outside the relationship with the main stream, contact, tangent relationship, related to something whole, or located outside a certain circle of things, knowledge, traditions. Rotation, young, new.
I Yat To comprehend, to have. Image. Divine connection, interaction of heavenly and earthly structures.

Old Church Slavonic alphabet existed many hundreds of years ago, back in the days Ancient Russia. It was in this language that our ancestors spoke, and it got its name "alphabet" because of the combination of two letters "az" and "beeches", which mean the first letters of our alphabet "A" and "B".

Slavic writing was previously disclosed in the articles Letter and Slavic alphabet. Now let's look at one of the interesting facts.

The events that led to the emergence Slavic alphabet, date back to 862, when Christianity was first talked about in Russia. At that time, Prince Vsevolod was in power, who ordered to send his ambassadors to Byzantium to Emperor Michael, in order to ask him to send preachers of the Christian faith to Great Moravia. The reason for such a request was that the people could not independently understand the essence of Christianity, since all the Holy Scriptures were written in Latin.

To somehow help the Slavs, Byzantine emperor Michael sent two brothers to Russia - Methodius and Cyril. The second of the brothers received his name "Cyril" after he took monastic vows. The choice fell on Cyril and Methodius for a reason. The brothers were born in Sopouni (the Greek version of "Thessaloniki") in the family of a military leader. For that time they had very a good education, moreover, Cyril studied at the imperial court of Michael the Third, and spoke four languages: Arabic, Greek, Slavic and Jewish. Cyril's real name is Konstantin, and for his ability to initiate others into all the secrets of philosophy, he received the nickname Konstantin the Philosopher.

As for the second brother, Methodius, he took a different path and began his activity with military service. He also tried himself as the ruler of one of the regions, which was inhabited by the Slavs. In 860, Methodius, together with his brother Cyril, went to the Khazars to spread Christianity in their lands, as well as to discuss some important agreements.

Writing in those years was very bad. In order to somehow convey the essence of Christianity to the common people, and not to teach them Latin, Cyril and his brother had to create their own written signs Slavic language. Slavic variant Holy Scriptures was simply necessary to achieve people's understanding of the Christian faith. As a result, Cyril and Methodius created the first Old Slavonic alphabet in 863.

There are two versions of the alphabet - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Even today, historians argue about which of these options belongs to Cyril, and which one appeared a little later. After creating the alphabet, Methodius and Cyril set about translating the entire Bible into Slavic. This alphabet gave a lot to the Slavs, and its value is enormous. After its appearance, people were able not only to competently speak their own language, but also to read books, form literary basis language. Many words survived today, and they can often be found in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

Symbol word

Even before the appearance of Cyril and Methodius in Russia, the Slavs had their own signs, with which they transmitted knowledge or messages. The Slavic alphabet contained letters that coincided with certain words. Even the word "Azbuka" itself came from a combination of two words "az" and "beeches", which mean the first two letters of the alphabet - "A" and "B".

The very first Slavic written symbols were scratched on the walls of the churches of Pereslavl, and they were depicted in the form of pictures. This event took place already in the IX century. Two hundred years later, the symbols appeared in Kyiv, on the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral. Now they tried to interpret the signs and even make a written translation.

A new stage in the formation and development of the alphabet was associated with the advent of printing. The first printed alphabet that appeared in Russia was already in 1574. The name of the person who published it is Ivan Fedorov. The first printed alphabet was called "Old Slavic alphabet".

Christianity and writing - what is the connection?

The Old Slavonic alphabet was of great importance for the Slavs, because thanks to it they were able to penetrate deeply into the Christian faith, to know its essence and even give it their heart. Most scientists agreed that if Cyril and Methodius had not created the first written alphabet, then Christianity in Russia would not have appeared, or at least not so quickly. The gap between the appearance of the alphabet and the adoption of Christianity is 125 years, and during these years there was a huge leap in self-knowledge. From polytheism, people came to faith in the One God, appeared in Russia holy books, people learned to read them, thanks to which Christianity spread with great speed.

The year of the creation of the alphabet among the Slavs is 863, and Christianity in Russia was adopted in 988. It was at that time Grand Duke Vladimir announced to his people that now everyone will believe in the One God, and any manifestation of polytheism will be severely punished.

What secret lies in the Old Slavonic symbols?

Some scholars are inclined to believe that in ancient signs the old Slavic alphabet concluded a special cipher, solving which you can get special religious and philosophical knowledge. All of them taken together represent a clearly folded complex system, which is built on the logic and mathematical calculations. There is also an opinion that the Slavic alphabet is not just a set of characters and individual elements, but a single inseparable system. The Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet was created according to uncial Greek writing system, and consisted of 43 letters. 24 letters were borrowed from the Greek unique, and the remaining 19 letters were created by Methodius and Cyril themselves. It was difficult to come up with new letters, but it was also necessary measure, since most of the Slavic sounds were not similar to the Greek language. Thus, Cyril either borrowed letters from other languages, or invented them himself, choosing a more convenient form for the Slavs.

"Higher" and "Lower" part of the Old Slavonic alphabet

As mentioned earlier, each letter had its own special meaning. That is why the Cyrillic alphabet is conditionally divided into two parts: higher and lower. The upper part began with the letter "az" (A) and ended with the letter "fet" (F). their names were people-oriented, as these words were understood by everyone. The lower part began with the letter "sha" and ended with the letter "Izhitsa". This set letters received such a definition because they were left without a cipher match, which means that in order to penetrate into them deep essence, it is necessary to carefully study and analyze all the nuances. The alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius is a real book on self-improvement, because in order to understand the meaning of all the letters and penetrate into their essence, one needed great patience, a large amount of knowledge and painstaking work.

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Director of the Volgograd Institute of Art Education Nikolai Taranov has many titles: calligrapher, doctor pedagogical sciences, candidate of art history, professor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. But few people know that he is still studying symbols. And while doing this, he went on the "detective trail" and made an amazing discovery. Who invented the Slavic alphabet?

It would seem that everyone knows this: Cyril and Methodius, whom the Orthodox Church calls equal to the apostles for this merit. But what kind of alphabet did Kirill come up with - Cyrillic or Glagolitic? (Methodius, this is known and proven, supported his brother in everything, but the “brain of the operation” and an educated person, who knew many languages, was precisely the monk Cyril). About this in scientific world there are still disputes. Some Slavic researchers say: “Cyrillic! It is named after the creator. Others object: “Glagolitsa! The first letter of this alphabet looks like a cross. Cyril is a monk. It's a sign". It is also alleged that before the work of Cyril, there was no written language in Russia. Professor Nikolai Taranov categorically disagrees with this. When did all these appear Slavic alphabet his decoding made an incredible discovery.

The assertion that there was no written language in Russia before Cyril and Methodius is based on a single document - the "Tale of the Letters" by the Chernorite Khrabr, found in Bulgaria, says Nikolai Taranov. - There are 73 lists from this scroll, and in different copies due to translation errors or scribal errors completely different versions key phrase for us. In one version: "the Slavs before Cyril did not have books", in another - "letters", but the author indicates: "they wrote with features and cuts." It is interesting that Arab travelers who visited Russia back in the 8th century, that is, even before Rurik and even more so before Cyril, described the funeral of one Russian prince: “After the funeral, his soldiers wrote something on a white tree (birch) in honor of the prince, and then, having mounted their horses, they departed. And in the "Life of Cyril", known to Russian Orthodox Church, we read: "In the city of Korsun, Kirill met a Rusyn (Russian), who had with him books written in Russian letters." Cyril (his mother was a Slav) took out some of his letters and with their help began to read those same Rusyn books. And these were not thin books. These were, as stated in the same "Life of Cyril", translated into Russian "Psalter" and "Gospel". There is a lot of evidence that Russia had its own alphabet long before Cyril. And Lomonosov spoke about the same thing. He cited the testimony of Rimsky as evidence. Pope VIII, a contemporary of Cyril, which states that Cyril did not invent these letters, but rediscovered them.

The question arises: why did Cyril create the Russian alphabet, if it already existed? The fact is that the monk Cyril had a task from the Moravian prince - to create for the Slavs an alphabet suitable for translating church books. Which he did. And the letters in which church books are now written (and in a modified form - our today's printed creations) are the work of Cyril, that is, Cyrillic.

Was the verb destroyed on purpose?

There are 22 points that prove that the Glagolitic was older than the Cyrillic, says Taranov. There is such a concept among archaeologists and philologists - a palimpsest. This is the name of an inscription made on top of another destroyed, most often scraped with a knife, inscription. In the Middle Ages, parchment made from the skin of a young lamb was quite expensive, and in order to save money, scribes often destroyed “unnecessary” records and documents, and wrote something new on a scraped sheet. So: everywhere in Russian palimpsests the Glagolitic alphabet is erased, and on top of it there are inscriptions in Cyrillic. There are no exceptions to this rule.

There are only five monuments written in the Glagolitic alphabet left in the world. The rest were destroyed. Moreover, in my opinion, the records in the Glagolitic alphabet were destroyed on purpose, - says Professor Nikolai Taranov. - Because the Glagolitic alphabet was not suitable for writing church books. The numerical value of the letters (and then the belief in numerology was very strong) in it was different than what was required in Christianity. Out of respect for the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril left in his alphabet the same names of the letters as they were. And they are very, very difficult for an alphabet "born" in the 9th century, as claimed. Even then, all languages ​​were striving for simplification; letters in all alphabets of that time denote only sounds. And only in the Slavic alphabet are the names of the letters: “Good”, “People”, “Think”, “Earth”, etc. And all because the Glagolitic is very ancient. It has many signs of pictographic writing.

Pictographic writing is a type of writing, the signs of which (pictograms) designate the object depicted by them. The latest finds of archaeologists speak in favor of this version. Thus, tablets were found with Slavic writing, whose age dates back to 5000 BC.

"Glagolitz was created by a genius"

All modern alphabets Europe are descended from the alphabet of the Phoenicians. In it, the letter A, we were told, stands for the head of a bull, which then turned upside down.

And the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote: “These letters are called Phoenician, although it is more correct to call them Pelasgic, since they were used by the Pelasgians,” says Nikolai Taranov. “Do you know who the Pelasgians are?” These are the ancestors of the Slavs, the Proto-Slavic tribes. The Phoenicians stood out among the surrounding swarthy black-haired tribes of farmers, Egyptians and Sumerians with fair skin and red hair. Yes, even with their passion for travel: they were excellent sailors.

In the 12th century BC, the Pelasgians took part in the Great Migration of Peoples, and some of their groups of desperate conquerors of new lands wandered very far. What gives the Volgograd professor a version: the Phoenicians were familiar with the Slavs and borrowed the alphabet from them. Otherwise, why did an alphabetic alphabet suddenly form next to Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform?

Here they say: "The Glagolitic was too decorative, complex, so it was gradually replaced by a more rational Cyrillic." But Glagolitic is not so bad, Professor Taranov is sure. — I studied the most early versions: the first letter of the Glagolitic alphabet does not mean a cross at all, but a person. That is why it is called "Az" - I. A person for himself is a starting point. And all the meanings of the letters in the Glagolitic alphabet are through the prism of human perception. I drew the first letter of this alphabet on transparent film. Look, if you put it on other letters of the Glagolitic alphabet, you get a pictogram! I believe that not every designer will come up with such a way that each grapheme falls into the grid. I am amazed at the artistic integrity of this alphabet. I think the unknown author of the Glagolitic alphabet was a genius! No other alphabet in the world has such a clear connection between a symbol and its digital and sacred meaning!

Glagolitic and numerology

Each sign in the Glagolitic alphabet has a sacred meaning and denotes a certain number.

The sign "Az" is a person, the number 1.
The sign “I know” is the number 2, the sign looks like eyes and a nose: “I see, so I know.”
The sign "Live" is the number 7, the life and reality of this world.
The sign "Zelo" is the number 8, the reality of a miracle and something supernatural: "too", "very" or "great".
The sign "Good" is the number 5, the only number that gives birth to its own kind or a decade: "Good begets good."
The sign "People" - the number 50, according to numerology - the world from where human souls come to us.
The sign "Our" - the number 70, symbolizes the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, that is, our world, given to us in sensations.
The sign "Omega" is the number 700, a certain divine world, the "Seventh Heaven".
The sign "Earth" - according to Taranov, means a picture: the Earth and the Moon are in the same orbit.

Sveta Evseeva-Fyodorova

Russian alphabet - absolutely unique phenomenon among all known ways letter writing. The alphabet differs from other alphabets not only in the almost perfect embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display "one sound - one letter". The alphabet also has content, I would even say, a whole message from the depths of time, which we, if we try a little, can read literally.

Acrophony (from the Greek ákros - extreme and phōnē - sound), words formed from initial letters words of the original phrase, read not by the alphabetic names of the letters, but as an ordinary word.

To begin with, let's recall the phrase familiar from childhood "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting" - an excellent algorithm for remembering the sequence of colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple). This is the so-called. acrophonic way: each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color. Words are not read by alphabetic letter names, but like a normal word.

Morse code with chants

However, acrophonic memorization is far from "toys". For example, after Morse's invention in 1838 of the famous code for telegraph messages, the problem of mass training of telegraph operators arose. Quickly memorizing Morse code turned out to be more difficult than the multiplication table. The solution was found: for the convenience of memorization, each Morse sign was opposed to a word starting with the letter that this sign conveys. For example, "dot-dash" became "watermelon" because "a" is transmitted. In short, acrophony provides a convenient memorization of the alphabet and, as a result, its fastest possible distribution.

Among the major European alphabets, three are acrophonic to some extent: Greek, Hebrew, and Cyrillic (Glagolitic). In the Latin alphabet, this feature is completely absent, therefore, the Latin alphabet could appear only on the basis of already widespread writing, when there is no longer a need for acrophony.

Greek alphabet

In the Greek alphabet, the remnants of this phenomenon can be traced in the names of 14 of the 27 letters: alpha, beta (more correctly - vita), gamma, etc. However, these words do not mean anything in Greek and are slightly distorted derivatives of the Hebrew words “alef” (bull), “bet” (house), “gimel” (camel), etc. Hebrew still retains acrophony completely, which, by the way, contributes a lot fast learning immigrants in Israel. By the way, the comparison on the basis of acrophonicity directly indicates a certain borrowing of the Hebrew script by the Greeks.

Hebrew text

The Proto-Slavic alphabet also fully possesses the sign of acrophony, but differs significantly from Hebrew, as he writes in his book "ABC: a message to the Slavs" Russian chemist, musician, author of works in the field of history and linguistics Yaroslav Kesler. Among the Jews, all the names of letters are nouns in the singular and nominative case. But among the names of 29 letters of the Slavic alphabet - at least 7 verbs. Of these, 4 are in the imperative mood: two in the singular (rtsy, tsy) and two in the plural (think, live), one verb in indefinite form(yat), one - in the third person singular(is) and one - in the past tense (lead). Moreover, among the names of letters there are pronouns (kako, shta), and adverbs (firmly, zelo), and plural nouns (people, beeches).

In a normal connected conversation, one verb falls on average into three other parts of speech. In the names of the letters of the Proto-Slavic alphabet, such a sequence is observed, which directly indicates the coherent nature of the alphabetic names.

alphabetical message

Thus, the Proto-Slavic alphabet is a Message - a set of coding phrases that allow each sound language system give a one-to-one graphic correspondence (i.e., a letter).

And now - WARNING! Let's read the Message contained in the Proto-Slavic alphabet. Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - az, beeches, lead.

Russian alphabet - a coded message from time immemorial

AZ - "I".

BUKI (beeches) - "letters, letters".

VEDI (vede) - “knew”, perfect past tense from “lead” - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following:

"Az Buki Vedi" - "I know the letters"

Combined into phrases and all subsequent letters of the alphabet:

VERB - "word", and not only spoken, but also written.

GOOD - "property, acquired wealth."

IS (este) - the third person singular from the verb "to be".

“the verb is good” - “the word is a treasure”

LIVE - imperative mood, plural from "to live" - ​​"to live in labor, and not to vegetate."

ZELO - “diligently, with zeal” (cf. English zeal - stubborn, zealous, jealous - jealous, as well as the biblical name Zealot - “jealous”). Earth - "planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings."

And - the union "and".

IZHE - "those that, they are."

KAKO - “like”, “like”.

PEOPLE are "reasonable beings".

“live zealously, earth, and others like you” - “live, working hard, earthlings, and as befits people”

THINK - imperative mood, plural of "think, comprehend with the mind."

NASH - "our" in the usual sense.

OH - "one" in the meaning of "the only one."

POKOY (peace) - "the basis (of the universe)". Wed "to rest" - "to be based on something."

“think of our peace” - “comprehend our universe”

RTSY (rtsi) - imperative mood: "speak, utter, read aloud." Wed "speech".

WORD - "transmitting knowledge."

STRONGLY - "confidently, with conviction."

“Rtsy word firmly” - “carry knowledge with conviction”

UK - the basis of knowledge, doctrine. Wed science, teach, skill, custom.

FERT, f (b) ret - “fertilizes”.

HER - "divine, given from above" (cf. German herr - master, God, Greek "hiero" - divine, English hero - hero, and also Russian name God - Khors).

“Uk faret Kher” - “knowledge fertilizes the Almighty”, “knowledge is a gift of God”

TSY (qi, tsti) - "sharpen, penetrate, delve into, dare."

WORM (worm) - "one who sharpens, penetrates."

Sh (t) a (Sh, Sh) - “what” in the meaning of “to”.

Ъ, Ь (еръ / еръ, ъръ) are variants of one letter, meaning an indefinite short vowel close to “e”. The variant “b” arose later from “iъ” (this is how the letter “yat” was displayed in writing until the 20th century).

YUS (yus small) - "light", old Russian "yas". In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

YAT (yati) - "to comprehend, to have." (Compare "withdraw", "take", etc.).

“Tsy, worm, shta bra yus yati!” stands for "Dare, sharpen, worm, in order to comprehend the Light of Being!"

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical Message:

Az beeches vede. The verb is good. Live green, earth, and, like some people, think of our peace. Rtsy word firmly - uk feret Kher. Tsy, worm, shta bra yus yati!

And if you give this message a modern sound, it will turn out something like this:

I know letters. The letter is a treasure. Work hard, earthlings, as you should reasonable people. Comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: Knowledge is a gift from God! Dare, delve into, so that the Light of Existence can be comprehended!

alphabet prayer

There is another option for "deciphering" the Russian alphabet - Alphabet Prayer.

"Alphabet Prayer" (sometimes called "Explanatory ABCs") - a poetic alphabet, one of the earliest Slavic poems. It is a special form of presentation of religious truths, revealing various issues of Orthodox dogma in a poetic form convenient for memorization. It is an acrostic for the alphabet (the so-called abecedary).
The text was found among the manuscripts of the former Patriarchal Library in a collection that once belonged to Patriarch Nikon.

“I pray to God with this word”

With this word I pray to God:
God, Creator of all creatures,
Visible and invisible
the Lord Spirit, after the Living One,
Let the word breathe into my heart,
Hedgehog will be successful for everyone,
Living in the commandments of Ty.
The body is the lamp of life
Your law, the light of the paths,
Izhe is looking for the gospel words
I asks to accept Your gifts.
All turned to baptism,
Thy people are called at will,
Thy mercy, O God, they ask in earnest.
But now give me a lengthy word,
Father, Son and Most Holy Soul,
Asking for help from You.
Ruci, for I will lift up my own,
Receive strength and wisdom from You.
For you give strength to the worthy, and heal every hypostasis.
The hope of all the ends of the earth.
Pharaoh deliver me anger,
Cherubim give me thought and mind.
Ѡ, Honest Most Holy Trinity, shift my sorrow to joy.
Chastely let me start writing
Your miracles are wonderful,
I will perceive the strength of the six-winged.
I am now walking in the footsteps of the teacher, following his name and deed,
I will create the gospel word to the evangelicals, giving praise to the Trinity in the Godhead,
Every age sings younger, young and old in their mind,
The language is new, giving praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
To Him is honor and power and glory
from all creatures and breath
from all eternity and forever. Amen

The prayer was composed for better memory alphabet. Based on the first Slavic letters and our modern Russian alphabet arose.

All of the above is not fiction. This is our mother tongue!

And finally, from myself.

The word "LOVE" means "PEOPLE KNOW GOD"!

"LU" - "PEOPLE",

"BO" - "GOD",

"B" - "KNOW".

And the name of the city JERUSALEM can be deciphered as follows:

And - "like"

E - "thou"

Rus - "Russian"

Alim - "Olympus"

"Who art the Russian Olympus" = JERUSALEM!

Perhaps this interpretation of the name of the glorious city will cause professional historians not only to react with rejection, but also to study the simple question: could the name of Jerusalem "travel" on the map century after century? In other words, did it not happen that this name "Jerusalem" was called in different centuries different cities on the ground?

We better understand The significance of the Russian Alphabet, if we recall the words spoken in an interview with Academician Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev (1930-2002), the most prominent Russian Slavist:

“The alphabet is the same symbol of statehood as the Coat of Arms, Anthem, Banner.

The alphabet is a shrine of sovereign significance"

"In the days of doubt, in the days painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland, you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home. But it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!” From a poem in prose by I. S. Turgenev "Russian language" (1882)