Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Familiar attitude towards a person. Familiarity is swagger and obsession or ease of communication and concern for others

- (lat. familiaritas friendship, short acquaintance). Simple, familiar behavior with anyone. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FAMILIARITY lat. familiaritas. Familiar's circumvention. Explanation… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Liberty, shortness in addressing as with "one's own". Wed Why do you call me a young man, moaned the officer. What is familiarity? Damn it! Ant. Chekhov. Typhoid. Wed What is this familiar “you”?, what is this shortness? Leskov. Cathedral. 2, 6.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Familiarity, familiarity, ease, unceremoniousness, familiarity, liberty, amikoshonstvo, swagger Dictionary of Russian synonyms. familiarity impudence, liberty; familiarity, familiarity (colloquial), amikoshonstvo ... ... Synonym dictionary

familiarity- and, well. 1. outdated. Ease of handling. There is a manner as friendly and free as it is between good friends, and it is used between households. Fontenelle Razg. 125. 2. Excessive ease, arrogance. The adjutant wing of his ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

- (from the Latin familiaris family, close), arrogance, swagger in dealing with someone ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (from lat. familiaris family close), unceremonious, cheeky treatment of someone ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

FAMILIARITY, and, wives. 1. see familiar. 2. familiar behavior, deed. Allow, afford f. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Familiarity- (from the Latin familiaris family, close), arrogance, swagger in dealing with someone. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Liberty, shortness in handling as with one's own Wed. Why do you call me a young man, moaned the officer. What is familiarity? To hell! Ant. Chekhov. Typhoid. Wed What is this familiar you?, what is this shortness? Leskov. Cathedral. 2, 6. Cf. Farewell… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Familiarity- (from lat. familiaris "family, close") - too casual, cheeky appeal to the interlocutor, inadequate to relations with him. She never shunned low-ranking people, at least she did not shun them, and the countess more than once blamed her for ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


  • How to Become a Great Executive, Jeffrey J. Fox. In our time, a company will be profitable only when the spirit of cooperation reigns in it, when the leader sets clear goals, and every employee in his workplace cares about success ...

FAMILIARITY FAMILIARITY (from the Latin familiaris - family, close), arrogance, swagger in dealing with someone.

Modern Encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "FAMILY" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat. familiaritas friendship, short acquaintance). Simple, familiar behavior with anyone. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FAMILIARITY lat. familiaritas. Familiar's circumvention. Explanation… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Liberty, shortness in addressing as with "one's own". Wed Why do you call me a young man, moaned the officer. What is familiarity? Damn it! Ant. Chekhov. Typhoid. Wed What is this familiar “you”?, what is this shortness? Leskov. Cathedral. 2, 6.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    FAMILIARITY, familiarity, wives. 1. only units distraction noun to familiar. Familiarity of address. 2. only units Familiar appeal. "Familiarity is no good with these people." A. Turgenev. 3. A familiar act, a familiar gesture ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Familiarity, familiarity, ease, unceremoniousness, familiarity, liberty, amikoshonstvo, swagger Dictionary of Russian synonyms. familiarity impudence, liberty; familiarity, familiarity (colloquial), amikoshonstvo ... ... Synonym dictionary

    familiarity- and, well. 1. outdated. Ease of handling. There is a manner as friendly and free as it is between good friends, and it is used between households. Fontenelle Razg. 125. 2. Excessive ease, arrogance. The adjutant wing of his ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from lat. familiaris family close), unceremonious, cheeky treatment of someone ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FAMILIARITY, and, wives. 1. see familiar. 2. Familiar behavior, act. Allow, afford f. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Familiarity- (from the Latin familiaris family, close), arrogance, swagger in dealing with someone. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Liberty, shortness in handling as with one's own Wed. Why do you call me a young man, moaned the officer. What is familiarity? To hell! Ant. Chekhov. Typhoid. Wed What is this familiar you?, what is this shortness? Leskov. Cathedral. 2, 6. Cf. Farewell… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Familiarity- (from lat. familiaris "family, close") - too casual, cheeky appeal to the interlocutor, inadequate to relations with him. She never shunned low-ranking people, at least she did not shun them, and the countess more than once blamed her for ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


  • How to Become a Great Executive, Jeffrey J. Fox. In our time, a company will be profitable only when the spirit of cooperation reigns in it, when the leader sets clear goals, and every employee in his workplace cares about success ...

Excessive familiarity leads to neglect.

Ancient aphorism

Familiarity as a personality trait is a tendency to show an inappropriately cheeky, overly casual appeal to someone, inadequate to the relationship with him.

A very popular singer was supposed to perform at a corporate party. One of the employees of the company made his way to his hotel and says: “A thousand apologies. I will be concise. Please do a good deed - come to my table tonight and say in front of everyone: “Hi, Vasya” and pat me on the shoulder. I will be with my girl-friend. Can you imagine how the authority in her eyes will increase when she sees that the pop star is my friend? The singer thought for a second and said: “An unusual request, but I will show male solidarity. Deal". In the evening, as agreed, he comes to the table and says: “Hi, Vasya!” and pats him kindly on the shoulder. Vasya scornfully pulls his hand away and says: “No familiarity. I hired you to sing, so go to the orchestra. If you sing well, so be it, pour a hundred grams.

Familiarity comes as a united front along with arrogance, familiarity, rudeness and bad manners. realizing that best protection- attack, familiarity suddenly rushes to the attack, seizes the initiative from his counterpart and, not allowing him to open his mouth, decides his selfish goals, and then also leaves the "battlefield" with lightning speed. Such a "cavalry attack" requires the appropriate weapon: compressed phrases, slang words, nicknames, dubious jokes, condescending gestures.

Familiarity has no mandate for friendship. She is an impostor, a false friend, covering up the owner's self-interest and deceit. In the absence of any permission from the other person, she imitates friendship, playing a whole performance in front of those around her, what kind of relatives and friends she has. warm relationship with him. Recall Nozdrev - the hero of the poem by N. V. Gogol " Dead Souls". At their first meeting, in just half an hour, Chichikov found out about himself that he was a fetyuk, a pig, a scoundrel and rubbish. Here is their meeting in a tavern: “The chairman appears at the door with Chichikov. The dispute ended. The players turned around. Chichikov bows affably to everyone. Suddenly Nozdryov, wrenching his hand with the bribe, jumps up and, opening his arms wide, shouts loudly: “Bah! Ba! What fates?! Chichikov stopped in amazement. _- “And we have been talking about you all morning ...” Nozdryov continues, heading towards him. - Look, I say, if we don’t meet ... Quietly to the chairman: “What is his last name?” "Chichikov," replied the chairman. “Look, I say, if we don’t meet Chichikov! - Nozdryov unceremoniously hits the bewildered Chichikov on the shoulder. The officials giggle. - Well, kiss me, my soul! - says Nozdryov and, embracing Chichikov, kisses him tightly ... "

Familiarity creates an impression of superficiality and packing in others. The appearance is created that it is too open, sincere person, a kind of shirt - a guy, neglecting conventions, frankly communicates with other people, not hiding a stone in his bosom. However, this, as a rule, is the upper layer of the “lake” of the soul, at the depth of which the passion for lust for power is hidden. Voice communication for familiarity - one continuous manipulation of the consciousness of others. And at the very bottom of the lake, in the silt, greed, deceit, treachery, hypocrisy and deceit can lie, waiting in the wings to emerge.

Familiarity is a terrorist who takes the interlocutor hostage. It may turn out that a hostage stricken with Stockholm syndrome will also protect his captor. Familiarity coming from above from the authorities is a kind of rudeness. Russian publicist Yakov Krotov writes: “Familiarity is a sign of power. A priest in a hierarchically rigid church pokes a parishioner, but he doesn't poked a bishop! Yes, and the parishioner pokes not the richest, not the president pokes. And familiarity with analysis is rudeness. The main thing is that familiarity is appropriate where, as the Romans used to say, there is “pater familias” – where there is someone who is a father. The father has the right to say "you" to his son, because - and if - the father took care of his son, sacrificed something for the sake of his son, became not a stranger to his son. Fatherhood is creativity. If a stranger pokes us, we are rightly offended. But if we are poked by a person who hands us a check for a million dollars, we will tolerate it. If a person with whom we are formally unfamiliar is poking, but this is a celebrity, then we consider such familiarity an honor.

Familiarity is often saturated with arrogance, drunken consciousness. Thinking that she knows someone very well, passing off the imaginary as the real, she gets burned when she meets arrogance and arrogance. Meager superficial ideas about a person prevent her from considering the reluctance to switch to a “short leg”, to cross the invisible Rubicon in a relationship that divides people into relatives and just acquaintances. Trying to get into the number of those close to the soul, she comes across coldness, arrogance, and, sometimes, direct pulling. The most unpleasant impression for familiarity is when it is put in its place in public. Goofing off in the eyes of others is the same as failing a scout. There is only one difference - for a scout, failure practically means death, and for familiarity, shame, shame and moral death.

After such failures, familiarity becomes more cautious, reasonable and not reckless. The plan of their "cavalry" attacks is carefully thought out, the opponent is given more attention. Based on the premise: “I don’t know him enough,” she thoroughly calculates the behavior of her counterpart, leaving him no chance to close, hide under the shell of distrust and alienation.

Familiarity can manifest itself in all areas of life, including long-dead geniuses. Vladimir Mayakovsky, in his poem “Terrifying Familiarity,” is indignant at the indescribable familiarity with which people treat the names of the greats: “Krem Kollontai. Young and cool." "Meyerhold Combs". Mochala a la Kachalov. "Hygienic braces named after Semashka". After that, honk into all the engines, invent a bag of ideas, it doesn't matter - they will ask about Meyerhold: - “Which one? Is that the one with the scallop?" I do not poke my head at the most honorable faces of the great. I am a soldier in the ranks of a billion. But I also appeal to you from all the great ones: “My dears, do not treat them familiarly!”

Petr Kovalev 2013

The Latin "familiaris" means "family", "home". Hence the "familiarity". The meaning of the word has changed over time. To early XVIII centuries in Russian, the word acquires negative connotation. latin root loses its former meaning. Familiarity now means inappropriate, obsessive ease, swagger.

Everyone's life is divided into one that is open to everyone, and one that remains behind closed doors, in the circle of family or close friends. A person who enters the inner, close circle has the right to some liberties in communication. Close person has the right to give you unsolicited advice, point out some shortcomings, for example, in clothes or appearance. Suppose a mother gives advice to her growing daughter about what clothes are preferable in a given situation. Is it familiarity? In most cases, no. After all, the daughter can also help her mother with the choice of clothes, focusing on her taste.

But it’s one thing when a close friend or family member advises you to adjust something in the way you dress, and it’s quite another when an unfamiliar person, slapping you on the shoulder, says something like: “Old man, this tie / jacket / sweater does not suit you ". Is it familiarity? Undoubtedly.

The concept of what is familiarity and what is not, of course, changes over time, as well as the rules of decency, family life. For example, now in most families, children do not call their parents “you”, which was completely natural a hundred years ago. If you go even further, you can find funny definitions of what familiarity is. This, for example, is described by Saltykov-Shchedrin in Poshekhonskaya Starina. The young man, greeting, gave the lady he was courting his hand - this was described as "unacceptable familiarity."

But back to today. There are things that can be discussed by a company of unfamiliar people or colleagues - the weather, politics, and so on. And obviously there are topics that normal person is unlikely to wish to discuss publicly and is unlikely to tolerate interference in these areas by anyone outside. And in Russia, it is customary for unfamiliar and unfamiliar people to “you”, switching to a less formal “you”, having got to know each other better and with the permission of the interlocutor.

The familiar person is unwilling to acknowledge the existence of these rules. He is cheeky and too easy to communicate. At the same time, sometimes it seems to him that his familiarity is something that is dictated by love and care. Not true.

By and large, he is indifferent to the interlocutor himself, and his reactions. He really wants to voice his only correct point of view, to introduce his own, the only acceptable rules for everyone. He is not at all embarrassed by the fact that he puts the interlocutor in an uncomfortable position by asking too personal questions, giving unsolicited advice. Easily switching to “you” even when communicating with a person older than himself, not to mention peers, he does not erase the boundaries, but creates new problems in communication. After all, he also needs to answer, and the ease of “poking” is far from acceptable for everyone.

A familiar person is simply badly brought up. Sometimes he is not hopeless and quite amenable to education. If he comprehends the boundaries of what is acceptable and permissible, then he can turn out to be a rather pleasant conversationalist.

"O times! About morals! ”, This phrase is relevant not only in the era of Cicero, but at all times, when the boundaries are erased in society not only in communication, but also in relation.

A little less than half a century ago, probably, no one even thought that someday there would come a time when there would be no framework for young people in communication, in relationships, that there would come a time of permissiveness.

And this was not so long ago, when, communicating with each other, representatives of different generations, different sexes and social status, respected the tact, the rules of etiquette, young couples behaved modestly in public.

The modern generation does not know and does not appreciate the culture of communication. The society lacks the spirit of intelligence, the sense of tact, modesty, sincerity of communication. In pursuit of material wealth, people are increasingly using each other. In communication, one can increasingly observe the familiarity of one interlocutor in relation to another.

Let's look at the word - familiarity and determine its value. To do this, let us turn to the etymology of the word "familiarity".

The word comes from the Latin word " familiaris ”, You can translate it as “Home (th)”. it latin word rooted and entrenched in many languages ​​in precisely this spelling and meaning. However, with each era, with each new generation of society, the word has changed its meaning.

Many explanatory dictionaries interpret "familiarity" as arrogance, the desire to impose their friendship. Today, the word familiarity has a certain negative connotation, which it acquired back in the 17th century.

However, over time, familiarity as a word replaces several semantic meanings. Modern educated people interpret "familiarity" as swagger, obsession, emancipation, non-compliance with the established framework of communication, there is no subordination in communication.

Familiarity is very common among individuals group-owned different youth currents or among informal groups, in which adolescents more often fall due to their age.

Perhaps once in such a society, a person becomes familiar, or perhaps he simply lacks manners of education.

It is informal groups that spread propaganda among teenagers easy communication. This behavior of the participants depends on the ideology of the group. It cannot be argued that all informals are familiar.

Even in your environment there was a familiar person. The first thought is a person who addresses everyone by their last name, but this is an erroneous opinion.

Familiar- this is a person who violates the established social framework in communication, can afford unleashed communication. Such a manner of human behavior, as a result of poor upbringing.

For a familiar person, his style of communication will be considered correct. As a child, they simply didn’t teach him, and perhaps they didn’t even explain how to communicate with adults and that they should be addressed as “You”, what with a stranger, which you do not know, you should also communicate on "You". Observe a sense of tact even in the communication of close friends, family, relatives.

This ignoramus will prove that this style of his communication is a way to show his friendly attitude, location. Although in fact, he simply cannot and does not know how to communicate differently.

For most of us, a man with familiarity will cause a storm negative emotions and just push it away. Because with his tactlessness, he can calmly raise and discuss in detail some topics that are personal for each person. Each of us has our own personal life, about which we tell only the closest and dearest person.

How often do you come across strangers who give advice right and left, even if they were not asked about it and no matter what the person's problem is.

A familiar person is unceremonious, he believes that he can discuss and give advice to everyone, even those with whom he is not in a close circle of friends.

Agree, it is one thing when you are given advice by a person you know, with whom you have close, family, friendly relations. And a completely repulsive impression of oneself is created by a person who is impudent, unleashed, can intervene in a conversation with his thoughts.

A familiar person, does not trouble himself in anything. Since ancient times, it has been a rule that strangers refer to each other as "you" rather than "you". This uneducated, and for the most part ill-mannered person, neglects such a rule.

With his familiarity, he can, without shame or conscience, put the interlocutor in awkward situation and for him it will be considered the norm.
For him there are no other opinions, his opinion is one and only correct.

He often tries to pass off his manner of swagger as a feeling of concern for the interlocutor. But in fact, this shameless citizen does not care about a person. He is selfish by nature. He believes that he is always right and everyone should listen to his opinion.

It cannot be argued that all people with familiarity are hopeless. Some of them respond quite adequately to the reaction of others and can be influenced and educated.

Meeting such a person in your environment, only you yourself can conclude whether he takes care of you by giving his advice or simply behaves, unleashed trying to impose his opinion.


Unfortunately, the number of familiar personalities is currently increasing. They can be seen already from the school bench, when students can afford to be daring, to respond to teachers who have little work experience.

The problem of familiarity also follows from the way of life of the family. What kind of communication a child sees in a family between parents, the older generation, this style of communication he subconsciously chooses for himself in adulthood.

Treat with respect, with respect for elders, explain the rules and norms of communication with any person, perhaps then familiarity in our society will become much less. And the younger generation learn to observe a sense of tact in dealing with the elders.