Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Multidimensional news from Master Kirael. Difficult decisions should be easier for you emotionally than usual.

I greet you again and again invite you to dialogue. IN last time You and I have begun to build your etheric connections, new etheric connections, fifth-dimensional connections. And mine main recommendation was - interact with fifth-dimensional Etheric Water, which will help your etheric bodies begin the transformation from four-dimensional bodies to fifth-dimensional bodies. It seems to me that many of you have taken the matter very seriously and have begun to follow my recommendations. For those who have not yet started working on changing their internal environments, I would like to recommend starting to get acquainted with fifth dimensional ether through fifth dimensional Etheric Water, which you will get if you charge water through symbol of Ethereal Water. You can pour water into any vessel and place it on the symbol of fifth-dimensional Etheric Water. You can cover the top of the vessel with this symbol. You can use vessels with water symbols glued to their outer walls. Here you can act in different ways. Choose the one that suits you best and that resonates most with you. And go ahead!


Also, last week, I recommended that you keep a diary. Diary of your changes. I would like you to find an opportunity to do the following. After you complete the week of September 4th to 10th, I recommend that you retire to a secluded place and read everything you wrote this week. You yourself will be wondering what really happened to you. You will not believe. How significant will all the events that you recorded in your Travel Notebook seem to you?

Yes, yes, this is - TRAVEL NOTEBOOK, it marks the milestones, events of your development, your Path, your Journey in the week from September 4 to 10. For those who for some reason have not joined the camp of new writers, I strongly recommend doing this this week from 11 to 17 September. And to everyone who has already begun to record the outstanding, distinctive moments of their existence, their earthly life, I recommend CONTINUE TO KEEP YOUR TRAVEL DIARY.

It is no coincidence that you started doing this on September 4th. This is due to the circumstances of existence and the circumstances of the current development of your world. Your world, to which you belong, is built into a certain space-time continuum (STC), is now changing radically. New and unique opportunities are opening up for your multidimensional growth. This is also connected with the world around you, the Cosmos, and even more with you, with your THE INNER PEACE. In your inner world by the will of fate something that was previously invisible to your human eye begins to appear, to your earthly vision. And it is in the week from September 11 to 17 that you will begin to record with your ordinary earthly vision the moments of your personal entry into the world of multidimensionality. This world lives in you, you have been with it for a long time, close connection, but until now you have not distinguished this world from the ordinary, ordinary world to which you are accustomed. Now the decisive moment has come for new transformations in you. YOU ARE READY TO START ACCEPTING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL PRESENCE AND MULTI-SPATIAL STRUCTURE. Yes Yes, YOU ARE READY! And this explains the fact that you and I began to work with your etheric bodies, which are system-forming for your multidimensional-multidimensional growth. And you and I need to consolidate the success that we achieved in the week from September 4 to 10, namely, to perform again active writers of your multidimensional life-being, accompanying the daily saturation of your body, physical body pure fifth dimensional Etheric Water and continuing to keep journal entries.

It seems to me that such a diet of drinking will be pleasant for you and ... it is useful, since it will miraculously help you advance in your multidimensional-multidimensional development. And as you keep your Travel Diary, this growth will become more and more obvious to you, and you, taking the left analytical hemisphere of your brain, your Mind, as an ally, will come to very logical conclusions about the benefits of daily taking charged Ethereal Water.

I see that enthusiasm is growing in some of you, and among you there are a certain share skeptics. I don't want to convince you any more. I just suggest you start taking action. The most effective action is movement. Not expressing this or that opinion, not proving or challenging one’s rightness, but action-movement. Perform a simple action: pour water into a vessel in the evening, place the vessel on the symbol of the fifth-dimensional Etheric Water, and start drinking this water the next day. Also, keep a diary where you will write down all the outstanding adventures, incidents, and events that happen to you during the day. Even the smallest ones... The main thing is that they will stand out from the usual course of your life.






I hug you with my multidimensional wings and press you to my heart.

See you!

Always with you,

With love and in love

The Consequences Tarot deck was developed by renowned tarot reader Waite and has been popular for over a century. With the help of Tarot readings, you can find out your own future and choose the path that will lead you to success.

Working with a deck of Tarot cards that came to us from distant India will allow you to plunge into fantasy world predictions. Any card is a time capsule in your hands, capable of telling you what awaits you in the future. However, working with maps is not just a description of future events. This is an analysis and choice of the right path, based on the layout of three cards showing your past, present and future.

Experts on the site recommend that everyone carefully look at the presented maps and analyze the forecast, correlating it with their life. Amazing and mysterious world the future, represented by cards, will help you prepare for the changes and events awaiting you.


Aries this week will be summing up interim results of activities and making a choice further path development. The Hermit card suggests that you are thinking about the future, look for Right way to achieving success. “Hierophant” is the direct actions that you will perform. Your authority will help you achieve your plans.

The “Death” card promises the completion of the next part of the journey and your readiness to let go of past events. As you open new doors, don't forget to leave the past behind you. Tarot readers recommend not returning to him, so as not to jeopardize your own well-being.


For Taurus, the coming week is filled with active actions aimed at resolving issues related to the business sphere. The Hanged Man card means your endurance and patience, your readiness for new steps. “The Chariot” suggests that Taurus will have a lot of fuss associated with establishing new contacts and possible business trips away from home.

The “Lovers” card of consequences promises Taurus a final choice based on rational judgments and conclusions drawn. Make decisions based on reason, as your intuition may let you down this week.


Significant changes await Gemini in the week from September 11 to 17. The Judgment card suggests that you need to shake yourself up and let go of the past, learn to be more tolerant of your surroundings and prepare for active action. The Tower card is a fall and debunking of your erroneous judgments. She talks about the collapse of your illusory ideas about reality and calls for active action to achieve well-being.

The “Lovers” card promises Gemini the active support of loved ones and partners who Hard time will lend you a helping hand. Do not reject their advice, which may be your only chance for success. Teamwork will bring success, but only with complete mutual understanding and trust.


This week Cancer will experience changes related to both the personal and business spheres. The Sun card means readiness for active actions and accomplishments that you had previously planned. “Tower” in your destiny plays the role of debunking the prevailing opinion and being sharp.

“The Chariot” promises a long road to recovery after a possible loss or severe shock, as well as a road to honor and success, which you will build on the ashes of loss of trust in loved ones or business partners.

a lion

Lviv is expecting a busy week due to... active work. The Sun card indicates that you are determined to succeed and you have every chance to show off your knowledge and skills, earn honor and a high position. “Judgment” is a call to action. Leos should be patient and move forward, as delay can negatively affect the performance of your work.

“Peace” speaks of the success of the actions taken, the honor and glory that you will earn through hard work. The card promises you a successful outcome and the completion of the next part of the journey. This is a card of pleasures and a celebration of life, at which you will be present as the main character.


Virgos have a difficult choice to make this week. The Hermit card suggests that you are at some distance from business and are thinking about your next steps. “Moderation” in your reading is about making informed decisions, choosing between two actions, and maintaining a balance that will help you achieve success.

The Judgment card calls for active and decisive action, revealing secrets and awareness of reality, which is not always pleasant. Experts recommend coming to terms with the inevitable and following the arguments of reason, so as not to take rash steps led by emotions.



The tarot forecast for Sagittarius this week is favorable. The Empress card indicates that you are sufficiently prepared for active action in all areas of life. Your success will depend on the correctness of the chosen path. “Hierophant” is your knowledge and inner strength, which you should direct to achieve your goals.

The “Strength” card means that you have an inner core and a real chance of becoming the first in your business if you believe in your own success and can abstract from the opinions of the people around you, many of whom are jealous of your popularity.


Capricorns are advised to exercise caution and keep their plans secret from strangers. The Justice card means that you are ready to take the difficult path to success, go through trials and earn the reward due to you. “Chariot” means that you have a lot of work and travel to do related to your activities.

The Tower card is a debunking of stereotypes and help from an influential person who will open your eyes to what is happening around you. You will be able to see the full picture and leave behind the affairs and people who slowed down your activities due to selfish motives.


The Tower card will be the starting point for you into a new life. You need to prepare for the inevitable changes in life and start new way with your head held high. Aquarius this week has all the prerequisites to realize their ideas. The “Strength” card speaks about this.

The Devil card calls for moderation and deliberate steps. There will be temptations in your life that will be quite difficult to resist, but thanks to inner strength you will be able to overcome your weaknesses and continue to implement your plans.


For Pisces, this week will be filled with surprises and sharp turns of fate. “Empress” reflects your inner state, composure and readiness for decisive action. The “Tower” will complete your affairs and open the doors to new aspirations and hopes. Pisces should learn

Forecast of possible emergency situations

(prepared on the basis of information from the Amur Center for Hydrometeorological Service, the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Amur region, the center of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, the Federal State budgetary institution"Avialesookhrana", Vladivostok branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NTSUKS)

  1. Meteorological forecast

region: Partly cloudy, light to moderate rain in places, thunderstorm. Foggy in places at night. Wind south, southeast 0-5 m/sec., in some places up to 12 m/sec. Temperature at night 9+14 degrees, in some places 0+5 degrees. During the day 19+24 degrees, in some places in the rain 11+16 degrees.

in Blagoveshchensk: Partly cloudy, light rain in the second half of the night, occasional rain during the day. Wind southeast 5-10 m/sec. Temperature at night 11+13 degrees, during the day 20+22 degrees.

  1. Predicted probability of emergencies caused by wildfires

A favorable forest fire situation is predicted to continue in the region.

According to Rosleskhoz, as of September 17, 2017, it is predicted:

III KPO - in the northern regions;

I-II KPO - in Tyndinsky and the rest of the region.

3. Road accidents

Road accidents are predicted throughout the region, including deaths.

The occurrence of an accident in 4 cars cannot be ruled out. federal highways: R-297 “Amur”, A-360 “Lena”, A-361 – access road to the border with China, access to the city of Blagoveshchensk.

The reason is non-compliance with the rules traffic, unsatisfactory condition of the road surface, weather conditions...

4. Biological and social emergencies

On the territory of the Amur Region there is a risk of emergency situations not exceeding a municipal nature:

Epidemiological situation:

The possibility of cases of acute intestinal infections occurring within the long-term average levels with a predominance of viral etiology cannot be excluded. Registration of seasonal incidence of enterovirus infection will continue. The incidence of salmonellosis in the population will remain at the same level.

As a result of active tourist migration of the population, there is a possibility of import infectious diseases posing a threat to human health and requiring measures for sanitary protection of the territory.

The entire territory of the region is dangerous for tick-borne rickettsiosis and tick-borne borreliosis, 16 districts are endemic (dangerous) for tick-borne viral encephalitis: Arkharinsky, Bureysky, Zeysky, Magdagachinsky, Mazanovsky, Romnensky, Svobodnensky, Selemdzhinsky, Skovorodinsky, Tyndinsky, Shimanovsky districts, Zeya , Svobodny, Tynda, Shimanovsk, ZATO Uglegorsk.

Epizootic situation:

The season of activity of carriers (ticks and mouse-like rodents) of natural focal infections (tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borelliosis, tick-borne rickettsiosis, granulocytic anaplasmosis, monitary ehrlichiosis, tularemia, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis, yersiniosis, HFRS) continues, and therefore the registration of victims will continue from tick bites. An increase in infection with natural focal infections cannot be ruled out.

5. Situation on water bodies

The risk of accidents at water bodies (reservoirs, crossings) remains.

There remains a risk of isolated incidents occurring at water bodies. The main causes of death on water are: non-compliance with safety rules on water bodies, swimming while intoxicated.

During the period of navigation on the rivers of the region, isolated emergency situations on small vessels associated with violations of navigation rules, as well as on functioning crossings, due to wear and tear of equipment and violation of the rules of use (operation) of crossings, cannot be excluded.

The reason is a violation of safety rules at water bodies.

6. Hydrological situation

In the next 24 hours, no significant changes are expected on the Upper Amur; on the Middle Amur and the river. Zeya - drop in water levels to 0.2 m. On the river. Selemdzha near the village. Norsk - no significant changes..

7. Man-made fires

The risk of man-made fires, including those resulting in loss of life, remains in the housing stock and at social, cultural and industrial facilities. The greatest risk is in the private residential sector of the housing stock. Main reasons: violation of rules fire safety, careless handling of fire.

The occurrence of man-made fires due to the use of gas-cylinder equipment (autogen, household gas, gas burners), including explosions, cannot be ruled out. Reasons: violation of instructions for use of gas equipment, technical malfunction.

8. Situation at housing and communal services and energy facilities

(source of emergencies – accidents at housing and communal services and energy facilities)

In connection with the conduct of hydraulic tests in the region, there remains a risk of accidents and emergencies, not higher than those of a municipal nature, with a probability of 0.1, associated with emergency situations at heat supply facilities (source - wear and tear of equipment, human factor).

The risk of accidents at energy supply facilities also increases; the greatest risk is in areas where high percent wear and tear of utility networks: Bureysky, Mazanovsky, Mikhailovsky, Oktyabrsky, Tyndinsky, Shimanovsky districts, urban districts: Belogorsk, Raichikhinsk, Progress.

Drivers must obey the speed limit dangerous areas roads, pedestrians must be careful when crossing highways and railway tracks. Observe fire safety rules, exclude the use of faulty electrical appliances and uninsulated wiring. Check the serviceability of the shut-off valves of gas cylinders; if necessary, contact the duty service of the city gas authority.

Judge for yourself: the sky has been taken over by the Trapezoid configuration with the participation of the Karmic Lunar Nodes, Jupiter, Venus and the Black Moon. The impact will last for several days, and will manifest itself with particular force from Wednesday to Friday, when Venus will be in exact conjunction with the Ascending Node.

Yes, illusions and delusions will be present, as will temptations. But many of us will be lucky with creative self-realization, finding a romantic relationship, solving financial issues and finding a generous patron.

Resolution of judicial conflicts is likely, but here you need to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the substitution of the law with the letter of the law or some kind of setup.

From the point of view of spiritual searches and enrichment, Monday and Tuesday will be interesting. The White Moon and Neptune will be in square during this period. Therefore, we will have to strain ourselves and critically perceive both the information that they try to slip under our noses and our feelings of an irrational nature.

Stabilization of the emotional outburst and a return to old hobbies in love relationships, as well as the specification of financial focus, will occur on Wednesday thanks to the trine of Saturn and Venus.

On Thursday and Friday, in addition to the Trapezoid, we will be severely affected by the square of the Sun and Saturn. There are likely to be disappointments, obstacles in our affairs, difficulties in implementing creative plans and loss of strength. You will have to fight spleen, apathy and depression.

And, nevertheless, no matter how gray the prospect may seem to us, Friday will bring us the opportunity not only to get out of difficult situations, but also gifts from fate: sextile Venus - Jupiter, especially, echoing the data of the individual horoscope, will fulfill most of our wishes and will bring happiness and a sense of integrity into our lives.

Compared to Thursday and Friday, Saturday will seem stormy and quick to change events and meetings. It is on this day that Mars is in conjunction with Mercury.

Our intellect gains strength, power and magical energy, our speech becomes a powerful weapon, and the creativity of communications is the key to the implementation of projects and a necessary condition for maintaining world peace.

We will have to fight false ideas, religious ideas, ignorance and outdated stereotypes. The substitution of concepts will require us to be focused and insightful in understanding what is happening and to update outdated criteria.

With the latter, the trine of Venus and Uranus will help us a lot, which on Sunday will create an atmosphere of friendliness, freedom, independence and will influence our creativity and adventurism.

Creative individuals and gifted people will immediately feel its influence. Vivid events in art, science and politics are likely. Some will be lucky in love and creativity, while others will be lucky in games.

The most active people this week will be Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Difficulties will have to be overcome by Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.


11.09.2017 3:54 - 11.09.2017 22:29

13.09.2017 21:35 - 14.09.2017 1:12

16.09.2017 0:23 - 16.09.2017 4:09

The Moon without a course is calculated for Moscow (GMT+3), to find out when the Moon will be without a course in your city, compare your time with Moscow (i.e. subtract or add the difference with Moscow).

Find out what a period of the Moon without a course (or an idle Moon) is, why it is so important to monitor the onset of such periods and how to use them. Moon dates without course for 2017

Online Flash Mob “Preparing for the Autumn Equinox”

According to the Vedic tradition, Maha Navratri is celebrated on the autumn equinox.

The name Navratri consists of the words “Nava” (nine) and “Ratri” (night). The word "maha" means "big".

This year, Maha Navratri is celebrated from September 21 to 29.

Navratri is a time when we can restart something in our lives again.

If you meditate for 9 days of Navratri, the positive effects will be felt for a long time.

During Maha Navratri, even astrological defects can be corrected by performing rituals and doing meditations.

At the flash mob we will tell you:

  • meaning of Navratri festival,
  • what to do every day of this period,
  • how to spend this time for the benefit of yourself and the Universe.

Live meeting time: September 20 at 19:30 Moscow time

Registration will be required + gifts for each participant.

just now 70% discount here:

11 September

A good day for an active business life, shopping (it's time to update your autumn wardrobe!) and solving household issues. But don’t start new projects, put them off until the end of the week.

12-th of September

Schedule business and friendly meetings for this day that, for some reason, have been postponed for a long time. In the evening, carefully read the label when taking medications and avoid traveling by water.

September 13

The day is suitable for household chores: fix the faucet in the kitchen or buy a blanket under which you can hide comfortably while it rains outside. But it’s better to keep your mouth shut, so you can easily avoid conflicts and quarrels.

September 14

An inharmonious relationship between the Sun and Saturn can lead to difficulties in communicating with children and promoting creative initiatives. It is better to devote this day to economic and financial issues.

September 15th

The day is favorable for shopping, important business meetings and creativity (it's time to sign up for the courses you've been planning to take for so long!). But spend the evening on the couch, so you definitely won’t get involved in another adventure.

16 of September

The combination of Mercury and Mars enhances mental activity, but can contribute to excessive fussiness and talkativeness. Breathe deeply! During the day, go for a walk in the autumn park, and before bed, perform relaxing asanas.

September 17

The day is favorable for active recreation and supports any endeavors. So go in for sports in the morning, and finish the presentation of your new project in the afternoon. The evening is perfect for a romantic date

« Online Workshop “Amulets and amulets. Magic recipes" in 2 parts"

Home amulets protect and increase wealth.

They keep you away from problems, helping to build a full house.

Therefore, it would be reckless to neglect rituals and spells.

Rituals call on the primordial powers of mother earth, which are sometimes forgotten in a big city.

We are waiting for you at the online workshop“Amulets and amulets. Magic recipes” in 2 parts!

only now 65% discount here:

And now more details on the zodiac signs:


Creative solutions to financial issues will make your wallet heavier, and generosity and charitable support will help you realize creative projects. Various romantic adventures, wishes come true and surprises from fate are expected.
Expect them on September 16 and 17.
Dedicate time and energy to household chores - September 14 and 15.


Don’t rely on outside charitable support, decide boldly financial difficulties, revealing your talents and capabilities. Use your intuition when traveling, personal and business communications. And reap the fruits of your creativity with your family.
The most active business period is September 14 and 15.
Get creative at home and feel happiness with your family on September 16th and 17th.


More than ever, you need clarity in your personal affairs and in your profession. Therefore, rely on the power of your intellect, but check the information that you intend to use. Fight lies, deceptions and deceptions. Success in business, travel
And contacts are more than likely - September 16 and 17.
Be honest and vigilant - September 12 and 13.

An intelligent approach to identifying the causes of hidden fears and psychological pressures will help you find psychological stability and heal your nerves. Your mood will change, and, as if by magic, your financial situation will change.
Financial luck will come to you on September 16 and 17.
You can take care of personal matters on September 14 and 15.

Despite autumn and rainy weather, you are at the peak of activity and in the prime of your creative powers. Use the circumstances and realize your wildest ideas, transform your image and the surrounding space, gaining recognition and love from your loved ones.
Love and happiness, as well as creative success, will come to you on September 16 and 17.
Be socially active – September 12th and 13th.


Intellectual assaults and implementation of your decisions await you. Follow the creative tendency and be constructive. In addition, success in secret financial transactions and a secret romance are more than likely.
Be honest and courageous in professional field– September 12 and 13.
Happiness in love or tax-free profits will come to you on September 16 and 17.


Success will come in the professional sphere, in the public sphere and among your family. Beware of nervous tension on long business trips and during scientific tests or training. Tricks of fate are likely in court cases.
Be careful when traveling scientific research and at the trials - do not take wishful thinking - on September 12 and 13.
Success in society and popularity in your circle of friends will come to you on September 16 and 17.


Behind peace of mind for children and loved ones, you will have to shell out a certain amount, but you know very well that this game is worth the candle. Success in the professional sphere is likely, but only through strong partnerships.
Strengthen your partnerships - 9/11
To be at the peak of success in the professional sphere on September 16 and 17.


Take a closer look at the position of your partner, spouse and opponent, and take the information from their mouths as truth. Success, love and creative inspiration will come to you from abroad and in the process of fulfilling public duties. You will become popular!
Especially on September 16 and 17.
Be prepared to compromise with your partners and yourself – September 12 and 13.


A creative approach will provide you with financial stability. Use this period to strengthen your budget through contractual projects and through harmony in partnerships. Probable profit from creative projects and gifts from children.
Feel the creative impulses - September 11th.
Profit from creative self-realization– September 16 and 17.


Fortune is on your side – in partnerships – business and marital. The conclusion of marriage agreements or profitable contracts is likely. Be careful in financial transactions, especially those related to the implementation of your creative projects, children or love affairs.
Strengthen your health and put things in order at work – September 14 and 15.
You will feel love and mutual understanding in partnerships most vividly on September 16 and 17.


You need to focus on clarifying family problems. Try to face the truth and change something in your life. Various creative solutions are possible in romantic relationships, raising children and self-realization.
Seek the Truth – September 12 and 13 at family matters.
Relax, improve your health - September 16 and 17.

Online training “Vastu - Vedic system of harmonious arrangement of houses, apartments, gardens”

in 2 parts

The goal of Vastu is to create a harmonious living environment (at home, at work...) filled with energy so that we feel great, make the right decisions and live harmoniously.

Our house, garden, apartment can feed us with energy (prana) or protect us from the flow of prana. It all depends on how and where this house is built. Vastu gives answers on how to properly arrange apartments, offices, etc.

During the training you will learn the basic principles of Vastu and the basic methods for adjusting your home, office, etc.

Online training “Vastu - Vedic system of harmonious arrangement of houses, apartments, gardens” will be in 2 parts in September:

Part 1: Basic principles of Vastu. Vastu for furnishing apartments and houses. Basic adjustment methods.

Part 2: Vastu for offices, shops, gardens, land. Basic adjustment methods

Just now 70% discount here:

September 11, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to the influence of others.

Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, and to avoid the influence of others. It is undesirable to actively communicate or be in crowded places.

September 12, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. The best time to relax. Communication with nature is beneficial. In this laziness, it’s good to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, and how to support and strengthen these traditions.

Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to give in to vanity, talk less and listen more.

September 13, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. It's time to wake up hidden reserves, transformation of human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

September 14, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax.

The period is favorable for business negotiations - you will be able to achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

September 15, 2017, 25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations are repeated during these lunar days, returning like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and rework.

Contacts with people who are new or not too close are productive.

September 16, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Lunar eclipse at 22:04. Emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions.

Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess.

Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

September 17, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Today, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - this will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

"Invite an Angel into your life"

Many people ask questions:

  • Do I have angels?

  • And how to contact them?

  • And they will help me too?

  • And how to invite angels into your life?

  • And what role do angels play in our lives?

You will receive answers to these questions from the workshop. “Invite an Angel into your life”

Pavel Globa's weekly horoscope

Pavel Globa is one of the most successful astrologers in the CIS, because his forecasts are always hit the spot. To start and finish the coming week successfully, take the expert's advice seriously.

Pavel Globa recommends that all Zodiac Signs live this week as carefree as possible. Don't take problems as blows of fate. Everyone has them. Think of them as just another adventure.

This will make it easier to survive all adversity, because a person’s thoughts, not actions, are of decisive importance.


Aries this week will have four whole days in which luck will most likely be with you. This will be on September 12, 13, 16 and 17. On the other three days, you better not take risks, watch what you eat and what you do, because chronic diseases can make themselves felt. You will be able to overcome all troubles more easily than ever and solve them much faster than usual.

Fortunately or unfortunately, love should fade into the background for you, because there is simply no time for it. In some passive way, you can try to solve your love problems, but it’s better not to focus on it at all. It is quite possible that the problems will resolve themselves. It’s better to stay in the shadows, not demanding anything from your loved one and not trying to find a soul mate, especially on September 14th.


Thursday and Friday will be your luckiest days. The stars and planets will have a beneficial effect on your performance all week, so don’t put anything off until later.

Look for something new: new hobbies, sources of income, meet people. The main thing this week is not to overload your body with work. Work in moderation.

The most dangerous day this week is Monday. Watch how you dress and what you say on this day if you don’t want to get an extra headache.

Don't make empty promises during these seven days. You will have the opportunity to make this time carefree and very favorable, especially in the love sphere. Meet people, have as much fun as you can, and don't be alone. Devote as much time as possible to your family and significant other. If you are not yet in a relationship, start looking for the person you would like to have by your side forever.


The positive and creative energy of the cosmos will grow and become as positive as possible for Gemini towards the end of the week. On Saturday and Sunday you will be able to do everything that you will not have time to do in the first five days. At the same time, it is better to postpone new business for now. Do only what is most relevant to you. The astrologer advises you to eat healthy food September 12 is the most negative day of this week.

In love, you will have to start planning common affairs for the future. Old people may visit you fears, problems, but don’t be afraid of them. Now you just need to hold back all your emotions and focus on what is most important for the future time. Look to tomorrow, forgetting about the past, which will constantly remind you of itself.


The astrologer advises Cancer to start stocking up on vitamins for the future, as well as accumulating knowledge and learning something new. A change of environment, business and entertainment trips will have a good effect on you. September 11 is the most favorable day of the week. You just need to start doing something and then everything will go like clockwork. Monday is perfect for this. Friday, on the contrary, will be dangerous because the stars will stop helping you.

Both in love and at work, new acquaintances will help you survive adversity and find something inspiring for yourself. You will be charming, no doubt about it. Your self-confidence will become a lucky ticket, a pass to the world of love and financial success. Now is a very promising time to find your soulmate, but don't pretend that you're alone. Let people gravitate towards you to be infected by your optimism and good mood. Be witty and emotional - this will attract the opposite sex and help you out in difficult times.

a lion

Tuesday and Wednesday will be your luckiest days this week. To ensure your good health is not lost, take a long walk or go to the pool every day. Physical activity will help you overcome yourself in any area of ​​life, because your mood will be at its best.

Leo women can start a diet, and a man can start going to the gym, although healthy eating is equally suitable for both.

The main thing this week is to survive September 11th, more delicately. This day will be very difficult and dark. He will be devoid of positivity, so you will have some difficulty finding it yourself. This week it will be easier for you to manage financial affairs, and you will also be able to succeed in love. Don't miss your chance if the opportunity arises to go on a date with nice person. If you are in a relationship or married, then it's time to do things together.


September 12, Tuesday, will be the most dangerous day for you in these seven days. You may experience headaches and malaise. It's unlikely you'll be able to do anything about it on this day, but on other days you just need to do what you love and don't overwork yourself. People around you will snap at you, but if you are patient, they will reciprocate in the future. In any case, you will need high concentration at work and in business.

Focus on something new without forgetting about old projects at work. In love, especially September 11, 14 and 15, it’s better not to relax. This will be a very passionate week, especially for those who are just starting their love journey in relationships. If you have been married for a long time, then this week you will be able to find a new fuse for yourself, kindle a new fire.


Four whole days will be truly successful for you this week: September 12, 13, 16, 17. Try to end this week so that next Monday you don't have to do what you're doing now.

Difficult decisions should be much easier for you emotionally than usual. All the experience you have accumulated will provide you with serious support in these seven days, especially on the most negative of them - Thursday. The astrologer advises listening to intuition and the voice of the heart as often as possible, especially when it comes to love.

Do not rush to manage the relationship. Try to give your significant other more freedom, even if she or he wants to be in charge.

The time has come when it is necessary to fulfill the promises made earlier. Pay off those to whom you owe money, fulfill your destiny to the fullest. The time has come to free yourself from these shackles, and not look for new problems for yourself. Don't start anything yet.


Do not embark on adventures this week if you do not want to fail in love or finances. Develop healthy habits on which happiness is based.

Try to learn from your mistakes yourself, be careful, and constantly look for ways to improve your relationship with your other half. Don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands.

Thursday and Friday will be the most creative days for you, because the energy of the planets and stars will be the most positive. Be independent and give more freedom to your children, significant other, family and friends. Don't dictate your terms.

At work and in business, you will have to get rid of everything that prevents you from focusing on the result. It could be negative thoughts, self-doubt, or just apathy. Fight your fears.


The last two days of this difficult week will be the most successful for Sagittarius. The creative energy of the stars on September 16 and 17 will be the most obvious, the purest. Don't leave a single detail unattended in any area of ​​life. Absolutely everything is important now, so follow the clues from the Universe that will surround you everywhere. Set achievable goals and don't be afraid to work as a team with someone.

This week will be difficult, so do not forget that you have close people who you need to always remember. Only through diplomacy will you be able to keep everything as it is now. This applies to both work and love. Learn to put yourself in another person's shoes in order to interact with people correctly. Luck will be with you throughout the weekend, so on Saturday and Sunday you can be a little selfish.


Thursday will be the most dangerous day for you. This means that it will be possible to appear in this a short period of major health and mood problems. Your energy will decrease to such an extent that problems with luck may reach their climax.

After and until September 14, everything will be very calm and favorable. On Monday, September 11, the astrologer advises you to start looking for your soulmate and not be afraid of new business acquaintances. Expand your social circle.

Training will be very easy for you, so take full advantage of it. Capricorns who have not yet met their chosen one will finally be able to find their love. If you have not been on vacation since the beginning of summer, then it is better to relax this week or plan a vacation for the near future. If you don't do this, you can become like an emotional time bomb.


Tuesday and Wednesday - best time to implement all plans, even the most ambitious. Due to increased ambitions, Aquarius may have numerous quarrels with loved ones, colleagues, and business partners. The main thing is to just get through it all on Monday, the most dangerous day of this difficult week. Will make the situation worse for Aquarius possible problems with health.

On September 12 and 13, you will need to put all your efforts into solving problems in love and at work. Learn to ask people for forgiveness if you don’t want to be completely alone by resurrection. There is nothing wrong with learning to admit your guilt, because we all make mistakes. Try to get plenty of rest on the weekend to reduce the risk of problematic situations.


Monday will be the most favorable day for you in the coming week. Then the positive energy will decline, and then return again. Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15, will be great for any new tasks or for finishing old ones.

In love, these three days will be ideal for declarations of feelings, for proposing marriage, for planning a wedding. In general, this week will be a time of romance and love.

If you want to succeed in business or at work, then do not strive to conclude agreements and negotiate. Do everything yourself, and only in the best possible way. Watch your health, because it's easy to get sick this week. This will unsettle you for a long time.

Increase your energy if you don’t want success to turn away from you - this is the astrologer’s main advice for this week. Fortune, like a magnet, is drawn to people who are positive and believe in themselves. Force yourself to believe in success, to see it in your thoughts and in your imagination.

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  • September 11, 2017

    V Dean. Definition. The Heavenly Emperor seated everyone in their places.

    Favorable: all types of activities for one's own benefit, looking for work, conducting wedding ceremonies, tailoring, household chores and gardening. Carry out personal plans and affairs. Make the most of the favorable energies of this day.
    Great day for signing contracts.

    Adversely: make accusations, enter into conflict. Don't gossip, don't slander.
    Day of the Ox. The Ox is happy with his place, the Goat has his own place, but not so profitable.
    Favorable day for the Ox, Snake, Rooster, Rat.

September 12, 2017

VI Zhi. Hold. The Heavenly Emperor controls 10,000 affairs and bestows heavenly blessings.

Favorable: all household chores, gardening, meetings with relatives, home parties and weddings, negotiations, contracts, planning.
Adversely: travel, moving, large purchases will be very expensive.
Tiger Day. The Tiger has received a heavenly blessing and is prospering; the Monkey is jealous.
Favorable day for Tiger, Horse, Dog, Pig.
Sha of the year 1

September 13, 2017

VII Po. Breaking. Dangerous day! Ursa Major portends disputes and conflicts.

Favorable: staying in nature, fishing, punishing criminals, sports, meditation, yoga, relaxation. Beware of injuries and empty scandals.
Adversely: all main activities. Avoid conflicts, do not schedule important things. You just have to get through this day.
Rabbit Day. The Rabbit is in conflict with the Rooster, we need to find a consensus, this is the best way out.
Favorable day for Rabbit, Goat, Pig, Dog.
Sha year 2

September 14, 2017

VIII Wei. Dangerous day! The wind is blowing furiously: great danger.

Favorable: retire from work, meet friends, relax and enjoy life.
Adversely: all basic activities - they will not bring good luck. Don't break into a closed door, it will open later. This is an unfavorable day for business meetings, signing contracts, opening new premises, and organizing weddings. It's better to do nothing.
Day of the Dragon. Partying with friends is the best alternative to danger.
Favorable day for Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Rooster.
Sha year 3

September 15, 2017

IX Cheng. Completion. The Heavenly Emperor records 10,000 cases in the archives.

Favorable: all types of activities: travel, job searches, gardening. Life began to boil again. Give maximum time to your business, and success is guaranteed.
A great day for any important matters.
Adversely: interfere in other people's affairs, give instructions and make comments.
Day of the Snake. The Snake is immersed in the boiling of life; the Pig’s challenges do not bother it.
A favorable day for the Snake, Ox, Rooster and Monkey.

September 16, 2017

X Show. Adoption. The Heavenly Emperor increases his treasures.

Favorable: trade, study, investing savings, organizing weddings, activities outside the home. Great day for active work. Take courses, buy useful things.
Adversely: travel, treatment, funeral. Postpone travel and doctor visits.
Day of the Horse. The horse accepts treasures earned through tireless labor. Learn from her, Rat!
Favorable day for Horse, Tiger, Dog, Goat.

September 17, 2017

XI Kai. Opening. The Heavenly Emperor's messenger is out of danger.

Favorable: study, art, business, visiting clubs, correspondence, e-mail, accounting, small trips.
Adversely: hard work, funerals, long journeys.
Day of the Goat. The Goat opens her own business, she is safe as an envoy of the Heavenly Emperor.
Favorable day for Goat, Rabbit, Pig, Horse.

General information.

Probably, the current week will go down in the chronicles of this fall as the week of Love, Creativity and Fulfillment of desires. At least the drawing of the astrological aspects makes me think so.

Judge for yourself: the sky has been taken over by the Trapezoid configuration with the participation of Karmic Lunar nodes, Jupiter, Venus and the Black Moon. The impact will last for several days, and will manifest itself with particular force from Wednesday to Friday, when Venus will be in exact conjunction with the Ascending Node.

Yes, illusions and delusions will be present, as will temptations. But many of us will be lucky with creative self-realization, finding a romantic relationship, solving financial issues and finding a generous patron.

Resolution of judicial conflicts is likely, but here you need to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the substitution of the law with the letter of the law or some kind of setup.

From the point of view of spiritual searches and enrichment, Monday and Tuesday will be interesting. White moon and Neptune will be in square during this period. Therefore, we will have to strain ourselves and critically perceive both the information that they try to slip under our noses and our feelings of an irrational nature.

Stabilization emotional outburst and a return to old hobbies in love relationships, as well as the specification of financial focus - will occur on Wednesday - thanks to the trine of Saturn and Venus.

On Thursday and Friday, in addition to the Trapezoid, we will be severely affected by the square of the Sun and Saturn. There are likely to be disappointments, obstacles in our affairs, difficulties in implementing creative plans and loss of strength. You will have to fight spleen, apathy and depression.

And, nevertheless, no matter how gray the prospect may seem to us, Friday will bring us the opportunity not only to get out of difficult situations, but also gifts from fate: sextile Venus - Jupiter, especially, echoing the data of the individual horoscope, will fulfill most of our wishes and will bring happiness and a sense of integrity into our lives.

Compared to Thursday and Friday, Saturday will seem stormy and quick to change events and meetings. It is on this day that Mars is in conjunction with Mercury.

Our intellect gains strength, power and magical energy, our speech becomes powerful weapon, and the creativity of communications is the key to the implementation of projects and a necessary condition to maintain world peace.

We will have to fight misconceptions, religious ideas, ignorance and outdated stereotypes. The substitution of concepts will require us to be focused and insightful in understanding what is happening and to update outdated criteria.

With the latter, the trine of Venus and Uranus will help us a lot, which on Sunday will create an atmosphere of friendliness, freedom, independence and will influence our creativity and adventurism.

Creative individuals and gifted people will immediately feel its influence. Vivid events in art, science and politics are likely. Some will be lucky in love and creativity, while others will be lucky in games.

The most active people this week will be Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Difficulties will have to be overcome by Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Creative solutions to financial issues will make your wallet heavier, and generosity and charitable support will help you realize creative projects. Various romantic adventures, wishes come true and surprises from fate are expected. Expect them on September 16 and 17. Dedicate time and energy to household chores - September 14 and 15.

Do not rely on outside charitable support; boldly solve financial problems by revealing your talents and capabilities. Use your intuition when traveling, personal and business communications. And reap the fruits of your creativity with your family. The most active business period is September 14 and 15. Get creative at home and feel happiness with your family on September 16th and 17th.

More than ever, you need clarity in your personal affairs and in your profession. Therefore, rely on the power of your intellect, but check the information that you intend to use. Fight lies, deceptions and deceptions. Success in business, travel
And contacts are more than likely - September 16 and 17. Be honest and vigilant - September 12 and 13.

An intellectual approach to identifying the causes of hidden fears and psychological pressures will help you gain psychological stability and heal your nerves. Your mood will change, and, as if by magic, your financial situation will change. Financial luck will come to you on September 16 and 17. You can take care of personal matters on September 14 and 15.

A lion.
Despite autumn and rainy weather, you are at the peak of activity and in the prime of your creative powers. Use the circumstances and realize your wildest ideas, transform your image and the surrounding space, gaining recognition and love from your loved ones. Love and happiness, as well as creative success, will come to you on September 16 and 17. Be socially active – September 12th and 13th.

Intellectual assaults and implementation of your decisions await you. Follow the creative tendency and be constructive. In addition, success in secret financial transactions and a secret romance are more than likely. Be honest and courageous in the professional sphere - September 12 and 13. Happiness in love or tax-free profits will come to you on September 16 and 17.

Success will come in the professional sphere, in the public sphere and among your family. Beware of nervous tension on long business trips and during scientific tests or training. Tricks of fate are likely in court cases.
Be vigilant in travel, in scientific research and in processes - do not accept wishful thinking - on September 12 and 13.
Success in society and popularity in your circle of friends will come to you on September 16 and 17.

For peace of mind regarding your children and loved ones, you will have to pay a certain amount, but you know very well that this game is worth the candle. Success in the professional sphere is likely, but only through strong partnerships. Strengthen your partnerships - September 11th, To be at the peak of success in the professional sphere on September 16th and 17th.

Take a closer look at the position of your partner, spouse and opponent, and take the information from their mouths as truth. Success, love and creative inspiration will come to you from abroad and in the process of fulfilling public duties. You will become popular!
Especially on September 16 and 17.
Be prepared to compromise with your partners and yourself – September 12 and 13.

A creative approach will provide you with financial stability. Use this period to strengthen your budget through contractual projects and through harmony in partnerships. Profits from creative projects and gifts from children are likely.
Feel the creative impulses - September 11th.
Make a profit from creative self-realization - September 16 and 17.

Fortune is on your side – in partnerships – business and marital. The conclusion of marriage agreements or profitable contracts is likely. Be careful in financial transactions, especially those related to the implementation of your creative projects, children or love affairs.
Strengthen your health and put things in order at work – September 14 and 15.
You will feel love and mutual understanding in partnerships most vividly on September 16 and 17.

You need to focus on clarifying family problems. Try to face the truth and change something in your life. Various creative solutions are likely in romantic relationships, raising children and personal fulfillment. Seek the truth – September 12 and 13 in family matters. Relax, improve your health - September 16 and 17.