Biographies Characteristics Analysis

No mood, what to do? How to deal with a bad mood? How to deal with bad habits: practical advice.

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Both too high and too low cholesterol levels can lead to health problems. Critically low - cancer, respiratory diseases, risk of death from injuries. High - atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia...

Angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, thrombosis - this is the price to pay for increased cholesterol levels in the blood. About the fact that heart disease vascular diseases occupy the first place among the causes of mortality, everyone knows. However, not everyone who is at risk of a heart attack or stroke realizes this. And they don’t even suspect it. How? Cardiologist Alexander TURENKO tells.

Why do the Japanese have healthy blood vessels, while Europeans have diseased ones?

There are three main dangers to the body: high blood pressure, smoking and high blood cholesterol. As evidenced by studies conducted in Japan in the 60s and 70s, elevated cholesterol levels are the most dangerous of all the above factors. It has been noted that the Japanese suffer less from coronary artery disease than other peoples, although many of them smoke and have high blood pressure. Apparently, the fact is that they are “saved” by low cholesterol levels in the blood. As for Americans and Europeans, including Ukrainians, they cannot boast of this. For example, in the late 90s, high blood cholesterol levels were reported in almost 100 million Americans. Moreover, 90% of the adult population surveyed did not know that controlling this indicator would make it possible to reduce the incidence of heart disease. According to the Institute of Cardiology named after. G.D. Strazheska, half of Ukrainians have blood cholesterol levels significantly higher than normal.

Reducing “bad” cholesterol and increasing “good” cholesterol

Now let's talk in more detail about the effect of cholesterol on human life processes. Wise nature does not create anything unnecessary. Therefore, cholesterol is necessary for our body, in particular, for the synthesis of bile, sex hormones, and the adrenal cortex. It makes up about 2% of body weight and is found in all organs and systems of the body: muscles, heart, liver, nervous system and especially in the brain, where it is most abundant. In case of stress or strain, the need for cholesterol increases.

80% of cholesterol is formed in the liver, the rest comes from food. In the body, cholesterol combines with fatty acids and creates lipoproteins with blood proteins - compounds important for life. Depending on the quality of these fatty compounds, cholesterol becomes beneficial or harmful to us. There are saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cholesterol becomes “bad” when it is combined with saturated acids, and “good” when it forms compounds from polyunsaturated ones. “Bad” cholesterol is easily deposited on the walls of blood vessels and contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots, and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.). “Good” cholesterol, on the contrary, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

To protect yourself from dangerous diseases, you need, firstly, to ensure that the level of cholesterol in the blood does not exceed the norm - from 100 to 180 mg (or 4-6 mmol) per 100 mg of blood (this can be determined using tests done in clinic). Secondly, it is necessary to prevent the increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body and stimulate the formation of “good cholesterol”. To do this, you need to know where this or that comes from. Saturated fats, from which “bad” cholesterol is formed, are most abundant in fatty meats, especially pork and beef, sausage, sausages, cream, hard cheeses, egg yolks, and offal (liver, kidneys, brain). Unsaturated fats, which form “good” cholesterol, are found in significant quantities in sea fish (mackerel, herring, cod, sardines, mackerel, red fish) and various oils. Now it becomes clear why the Japanese avoid vascular diseases - they eat a lot of seafood.

This fact convincingly indicates that every person is able to regulate the content of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in his body.

How to deal with "bad" cholesterol?

Therefore, if a biochemical blood test indicates elevated level cholesterol, you need:

Limit the consumption of meat products and sour cream.

Refuse pork, lamb, beef, give preference to poultry and veal.

Replace meat with soy as often as possible. The protein content of 1 kg of soybeans is equivalent to 2 kg of meat.

Be sure to include seafood in your diet: sea fish (3-4 times a week) and seaweed.

Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits (especially raw carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkins, eggplants, zucchini, beets, garlic, onions), as well as unrefined oil (sunflower, olive, soybean, corn).

Make sure that foods rich in fiber and pectins often appear on the dinner table: seeds, beans, peas, apples, grains (wheat, oats, peas, buckwheat, brown rice).

Don't forget about freshly squeezed juice, especially orange juice. Drinking one glass of orange juice daily for 6 weeks has been proven to reduce blood cholesterol levels by 20%.

Give preference to low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products.

It is better not to use margarine at all, especially for older people.

Consume foods that contain lecithin, a substance that lowers blood cholesterol levels. In particular, these are soybeans, beans, peas, wheat and its seeds, buckwheat, fish, egg yolks (however, do not overuse. No more than 2-3 eggs per week).

Arrange once a week fasting days: eat only apples (1.5 kg) or drink 5-6 glasses of apple or orange juice. Eat lean foods two days a week (Wednesday, Friday).

It is also useful to take spirulina - 4 g per day for 2 months. It helps not only to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, but also saturated fats, while the level of healthy unsaturated fats increases.

Medicines will help Pharmaceutical drugs that help regulate blood cholesterol levels:

Lecithin granules (take 1 tbsp twice a day for several weeks). Improves liver function and memory.

Imported hypocholesteric drugs: atorvastatin (analogs: Atoris, Storvas, Liprimar), simvastin (analogues: Vasilip, Sigmal, Thallidone) and the like. As well as domestic ones - Simvakor-Darnitsa and Lovastin-KMP, which are cheaper but just as effective. For example, taking 1 lovastine tablet per day for 6 weeks reduces blood cholesterol levels by 20%.

Domestic preparations Omega-3 and Epadol, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the formation of “good” cholesterol, are recommended for elderly people with coronary heart disease. They improve the quality of life and prolong it.

Chitosan-evalar - contains microcellulose, vitamin C, citric acid, which prevent the absorption of fats from the intestines into the blood, enhancing intestinal motility, removing them from the body.

Herbal remedies: holiver, hepatocline, artichoke, cholenorm and the like.

Cholesterol is necessary for our body

In the West, determining blood cholesterol levels has become a routine procedure. People monitor this indicator and shape their diet accordingly. Although it is the word “cholesterol” in public consciousness has acquired a clearly negative connotation; in fact, our body needs it. Cholesterol is a component cell membranes, a precursor of bile acids that regulate fat absorption. In addition, it promotes the synthesis of certain hormones.

Both too high and too low cholesterol levels can lead to health problems.

Critically low: cancer, respiratory diseases, risk of death from injuries.

High: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

The threat that too low cholesterol poses to us looks quite scary, but we can reassure readers: this happens very rarely. For most people, a biochemical blood test confirms the opposite picture: too much cholesterol. That is why nutritionists teach us to fight it.

Normally, our body regulates cholesterol levels itself, keeping it within approximately 5 mmol/l. However, an increase of already two units is a threatening condition. It has been proven that a cholesterol concentration of 7 mmol/l doubles the risk of death from coronary heart disease.

Cholesterol is carried in the body by proteins (proteins) different types: lipoproteins high density(LDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). HDL cholesterol is “good” cholesterol; it helps remove fats from tissues. And LDL cholesterol is “bad” cholesterol, which forms those notorious plaques on blood vessels. Therefore, when determining the level of cholesterol in the blood, the ratio of “good” and “bad” cholesterol should be established, and then it may turn out that, in general, a high level is not a cause for alarm.

Most people with high level cholesterol, to correct the situation, it is enough to change your diet. The first thing doctors recommend is to reduce fat intake. But you should distinguish between saturated fats (for example, butter), which increase cholesterol levels, and unsaturated fats (for example, vegetable oil), which do not cause harm and are needed by the body. Research has shown that by limiting your intake (not completely eliminating it) of saturated fat, you can reduce your cholesterol levels by 10-20 percent. In general, it should be remembered that cholesterol is found only in products of animal origin. Therefore, the post is good case fix something in your body.

Physical activity Studies show that people who have systematic physical activity have a predominance of LDL cholesterol, that is, “good” cholesterol.

Natural Medicines

If the anti-cholesterol diet does not help, doctors prescribe drug treatment. But you can try a few more natural remedies, which definitely will not harm, and will have an overall positive effect on health. The most famous herbal remedy that removes cholesterol from the body is garlic. Perhaps that is why our wise ancestors learned to eat lard with garlic. After all, the first is pure saturated fats, but the second “drives out” these fats.

Ukrainians discovered another natural medicine not so long ago: garlic. This is green tea. We know about its antioxidant properties and ability to remove radionuclides. But it also fights bad cholesterol no less successfully.

And the following information will probably console people who are looking for excuses for their “morbid passion”: alcohol can remove cholesterol from the body. Conversations at the level of amateur medicine that alcoholics supposedly have the purest blood vessels are not without meaning. However, these medications require very measured dosing. Because such a fight against cholesterol can cause much more harm to the cardiovascular system than cholesterol itself. And it would be funny, being careful of a stroke or sclerosis, to die from cirrhosis of the liver.

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Of course, you noticed, dear reader, that your effectiveness depends on your mood.

Are you cheerful, positive, easy-going? Are people drawn to you? Are you all right? In this case, you are effective. Everything works out for you. It's nice to do your own thing. A positive mood increases efficiency.

And the other side of the coin? Negative. When you are negative, they try not to communicate with you. Even those who love you. You scream, get angry, upset... They don’t want to deal with you. And you lose. Just imagine: even if your loved ones don’t want to communicate with you, what can we say about people who have a choice?

Obvious, isn't it? You are positive - and everything is fine. You are negative - and everything is bad. But many people don't want to understand this. Or they don’t know how to manage their mood. Efficiency Requires positive mood. You need to be able to create an external positive influence on yourself.

Let's point out a few the most important factors:

First factor. Affects mood the most focus of attention.

For example, I was talking to one person. He was in a bad mood. He says: " Here, the situation is a disaster" Constantly repeats the word catastrophe. And I say: “ Look carefully at the situation! Wonderful situation" And he continues: “ What are you talking about... A disaster!" But he pays attention only to 1-2 facets of the situation. It seems to him that the whole situation is like this. But there are many more facets. Any situation has many facets. Which one you pay attention to will be your mood. Everything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Nietzsche

Crisis in Chinese written in two hieroglyphs - danger and opportunity. John Kennedy Let's take specific example. The man lost money. What does he pay attention to? " Ahhhh... Nightmare! Lost money!" He is in a very bad mood. But he can focus on something else. Yes, I lost it. But it wasn’t all the money! There's still some left. And there is a job that brings money, which he can then lose :)

It's like in classic example about the glass. He sees a half-empty glass. But a person could get sick. But he just lost money. This means that he will now become more careful. It will be safer to store them. And this is an incentive to start earning more.

Focus on what makes you happy. And you will be in a good mood. Turn to the negative and your mood will deteriorate.

Second factor. Eat folk wisdom: « The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" But - not only to the heart of a man. To a woman’s heart too. If a woman ate a delicious cake, chocolate, and slept well... Her mood will be good. If she slept little... She's hungry... She doesn't feel well... And her back hurts, for example... Yes, yes, she will be in a bad mood. Sometimes it is not at all easy for a woman to cope with bad mood.

Your mood depends on your physiological state. The body is in good condition - almost a guarantee Have a good mood. Therefore, the second lever for obtaining a positive mood: energy, health, healthy lifestyle, good nutrition.

Third factor. And again folk wisdom. She says: " Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain" We depend on other people. A person’s psychological state is the arithmetic average of the psychological state of the people with whom he most often communicates.

That's why look at your surroundings. Who's there? Losers, victims, bummers? Do they whine that everything is bad for them? And you turned on the TV to take your mind off them. And there – crime is rising... The birth rate is falling... Viruses are coming... Global warming threatens... Famine is approaching... Decline everywhere and in everything?

And what mood will you be in? You won't be in a good mood in such an environment. Who will you go with... We get our mood from the people around us. Join in the mood with people who are happy, good, positive. To do this, read interviews with such people. Read articles, books. Watch inspiring positive films and videos. Watch the film " The Pursuit of Happyness" It will give you both motivation and mood.

Let's do a little summary. Your mood depends on 3 factors:

  • what do you focus your attention on?
  • from physiology - how you feel
  • from the environment, people around

And what influences your mood most - read in next chapter. A good mood prolongs life

Happiness improves health and increases life expectancy, scientists from the University of Illinois in the USA have proven, confirming the findings of their colleagues from Cornell University.

An analysis of more than 160 studies found that the connection between in a healthy way life and increased life expectancy are even stronger than the relationship between excess weight and decreased life expectancy.

A good mood also helps you recover faster after training. And those who often experience anger or stress get sick more often and die earlier.

“Happiness is not a magic wand, but the evidence strongly suggests that happiness reduces your chances of getting sick or dying,” said study leader Professor Ed Diener. “Being happy and avoiding anger and depression is just as important as having good eating habits and getting exercise.”

Scientists have collected eight various types long-term studies and experiments, including those involving both humans and animals.

For example, over the course of 40 years of one study, out of 5,000 students, the most pessimistic ones died in their youth.

Another study of 180 Catholic nuns found that those who spoke positively about their early life in their autobiographies lived longer. Exercise: Everything that happens to you not according to plan and with a “minus” sign - start explaining it in three different ways. Each method should begin with the words: This means that.... (and then substitute any positive explanation). Do this for at least 7 days. Celebrate every time you succeed and write a post about it on Facebook. This way you will teach your friends to be more positive. Every time something happens with a minus sign, find three other events in your life with a huge plus sign. And say them out loud, starting with the words “BUT...” For example, you lost your wallet. But you got a promotion at work. But you are healthy. But you will soon go very interesting film. This allows you to balance the “minus” with the “plus” and you will no longer feel that everything is so bad... Do this for at least 7 days.


A good mood is kindness and wisdom together. George Meredith, eminent English writer

If you want life to smile at you, first give it a good mood. Benedict Spinoza

The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood. Michel de Montaigne


When a pessimist takes an odd number of socks out of the washing machine, he thinks: “Damn, there’s not enough socks...”. And the optimist: “Oh, cool, a spare sock!”

It is the pessimist who goes bald, and the optimist who becomes more hydrodynamic.

A case in a family of optimists. - Dad, I smoke, drink, swear, I lost my car at cards, my girlfriend is pregnant by me, and I also got an A in school! - Mother, our son is such a great fellow! Got an A in school!!!

More bad news for pessimists. According to the latest Dutch research, optimists live longer.

I would like to start today’s article with popular quote: “Everything we do should bring us joy. If we do something without this feeling, then it will not benefit us.”

Sounds nice, doesn't it? But, unfortunately, everywhere and everywhere we are faced with injustice, irritability, anger, aggression, and we don’t always get what we want. When what is expected moves further and further away from reality, it is easy to become depressed. How does a bad mood affect us?

An infrequent decrease in mood (stress) helps a person better adapt to changing circumstances, and find the strength to respond correctly to a given situation. But if such situations occur constantly, stress becomes chronic. A man falls into depression , cries, gets offended, gets irritated with or without reason, his relationships with colleagues, friends, relatives deteriorate, he finds it difficult to competently resolve even the simplest everyday situation.

American scientists have found that with chronic low mood, there is a partial loss of contacts between individual brain cells. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to analyze the information he receives, process it, and he begins to act through emotions rather than through reason. They say about such people: “He’s a mess,” “First he does, and then he thinks.”

So, how can you stop in time and cope with a bad mood?

1. “The song helps us build and live”

Hold back negative emotions harmful. If you are alone in a room, try shouting or singing your resentment and irritation into space. For example, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaeveryone!” or “It didn’t work out again!”

You can even sing a couple of verses from your favorite song. Whether it’s fake or not, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to react correctly and express your emotions .

2. Smile

Improve mood possible with the help of facial expressions. Smile, even if your heart is not entirely happy. By smiling, you send a command of joy to your body, and the result will not take long to arrive. In a few minutes you will really feel that your mood has improved.

It helps very well to copy the gestures and movements of a person you like, who, in your opinion, is very optimistic and everything works out for him. It could be like a real man(for example, your colleague), and your favorite movie character.

3. Self-massage

  • Self-massage of the head relieves tension, calms, relieves fatigue, helps you feel protected and confident. Stroke your head with an open palm from the top of your head to your neck. You can simply comb your hair slowly and calmly with a comb or fine-toothed comb. Such massage also strengthens hair roots and improves skin nutrition.
  • Hand massage. Shake your brushes and rub your palms together. Pull each finger one at a time (gently). Then massage each finger from tip to base, do this procedure with each finger three times. Interlace your fingers and move them. If you feel the warmth spreading, it means you did everything right.

4. Correct breathing

To calm down and even out your mood, watch your inhalations and exhalations. When a person is nervous, his breathing becomes uneven and accelerated. Our happiness is that we have the power to control our breathing. By consciously adjusting our breathing, we can calm down and relax.

Breathing technique you need this: take a quick breath, followed by a long exhale. Repeat several times until you feel an improvement in your mood. And if you need to cheer up, do the opposite: inhale slowly and exhale quickly. Repeat several times.

5. Physical activity

Everyone knows that physical activity and sports improve your mood. During physical activity, the hormone of joy is produced - endorphin, which is responsible for pleasure and calm.

Find the most comfortable sports for yourself - run , fitness, belly dancing, yoga . If you have difficulty with time, try to walk at a calm pace for at least half an hour a day.

And walk more often in sunny weather. Thanks to the sun The body produces another hormone – serotonin. It helps you feel happier, stimulates your appetite and regulates your sleep.

6. Only communicate with nice people

How to deal with a bad mood?

If you feel that certain people you know make you feel more negative emotions than joy, if you receive more criticism from them than support, if they always use you (borrow money, ask for help, “cry into your vest,” steal your time for useless “chatter”) and give nothing in return, break up with them or reduce communication to a minimum.

Remember, you and only you have the right to choose your friends. If your work requires you to communicate with non- nice people– keep your conversation short and to the point.

Scientists have found that chatting with friends has a beneficial effect on psyche . The topics of communication can be different - from discussing the secretary’s new blouse to brainstorming“How to increase the family budget.” The main thing is that what is being discussed brings pleasure to all participants.

Women who regularly meet with friends feel happier and healthier than those who limit their communication. It's all about the hormone progesterone, it is produced in a woman's body during communication and is responsible for women's health in general and good mood in particular.

8. Respond only to constructive criticism

Undoubtedly, it is useful to admit your mistakes, because it is not for nothing that they say “Truth is born in a dispute.” But it so happened that many of our interlocutors they like to judge us without explanation, criticize us because of their bad mood or their hostile attitude. If you encounter such criticism in society, feel free to ignore it.

9. “Make lemonade out of lemons.”

In any unpleasant situation you can find something positive for yourself. Think of difficulties as an interesting labyrinth, through which you can get a prize. When life gives you sour lemons, make lemonade out of them.

Scientists have found that calm and positive people recover faster and get sick less often than those who are nervous about anything and take everything to heart. This is explained by the fact that the speed of recovery is influenced by the stress hormone – cortisol.

10. Proper planning of activities

Remember above we talked about the importance of communicating only with pleasant people? The same is true with activities. Be sure to include pleasant things in your daily routine - listening to your favorite music, calling a close friend, ordering from a pizzeria you love, playing with your children.

Yes, sometimes you want to object: “You’re spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, what kind of friends are you?” But, nevertheless, we should not go to the detriment of ourselves - ignoring pleasant things worsens the health of our psyche. Know how to pamper yourself!

Even if you are the most optimistic and lucky person in the world, you have probably more than once experienced one unpleasant state, which in everyday life is called very simply - a bad mood. Sometimes a perfect trifle can deprive us of a good mood. For example, someone’s unfriendly look, someone’s caustic or careless word addressed to us, any, even minor, obstacle in our desires or affairs. The weather also has an inordinately large influence on us. How to resist a bad mood?

The following 12 ways to combat pessimism have no downsides. side effects and do not require any significant material costs.


Are you depressed or feeling overwhelmed? Get up at dawn and your bad mood will pass. Unusual advice has scientific basis: There is a direct connection between natural light and biological rhythms. This thesis was formulated at the University of Oregon after a study of melatonin in the human body. Melatonin is a hormone whose production increases at night and decreases with the first rays of the morning sun. In the early morning, the intensity of light promotes the disappearance of the hormone, while artificial light does not have this effect. According to scientists from Oregon, maintaining an increased amount of melatonin in the body causes a bad mood.


John Stokes, professor Faculty of Medicine University, believes that one of the causes of mental depression may be “a constant feeling that a person must or is obliged to do something, an endless series of upcoming tasks that need to be completed.” In this case, a good prevention, in his opinion, can be putting things in order in your thoughts.

And for this, firstly, all matters must be arranged in order of importance, and each of them must have its own priority. Secondly, the deadlines and time for completing each task must be determined. We should also put things in order on our desk, removing from it everything unnecessary, everything that is not relevant to the matter that we will decide in the near future.

They say that Goethe sat down at his desk every day - strictly according to the clock - and after two hours of work, when the striking of the clock could be heard from the living room, he also stood up decisively because of it, despite the fact that some phrase or even a word in his manuscript remained unfinished. This rule helped him resist the depression from which he suffered so often in his younger years.


There is a Russian proverb: “In a birch forest you can have fun, in a pine forest you can pray, and in a spruce forest you can hang yourself.” You will ask why? Because the smells of birch and pine have a tonic and even healing effect on a person, while the smells of spruce or, for example, aspen, have a most depressing effect on the psyche.

Try pouring it into a spray bottle (for example, a cologne bottle) cold water and add one or two drops of your favorite perfume, then spray this mixture throughout the room. Not only will it become easier for you to breathe (due to the increase in humidity in the air), but your mood will also improve.

Dr. A. Andreenkov, director of the Center for Human Improvement, believes that people would achieve much more in their lives and would be much happier if they learned to use scents correctly. According to Andreenkov, every person should have their own perfume (for example, from aqueous or alcoholic infusions of herbs), both to increase their psychological and sexual attractiveness, and to create a good mood. The generally recognized catalysts for a good mood are the scents of lavender, jasmine, and roses.


The tactile senses are not only pleasant, but also useful. Massage and stroking promote the release of endorphins - physiologically active peptides, which, acting on the brain, cause feelings of pleasure.

They say that in India, when a husband comes home from work, the first thing the wife does is sit her husband in a chair and give him a foot massage (on the feet there are points associated with almost all vital important bodies person). After ten minutes, the husband no longer feels tired, and if at this time a delicious dinner is waiting for him on the table, then there is no trace of his bad mood.

The French magazine Elle gives its readers the following advice: “If you are in a bad mood, then wash your hair!” When you wash your hair, you will somehow massage active points, which can clear your mind or even relieve a headache. In addition, a clean scalp and washed, scented hair will contribute to a good mood, and, accordingly, your fresh and more attractive appearance.


An interesting experiment was conducted in one of the London hospitals. A monitor was installed in one of the rooms, on which programs and films of only humorous content were broadcast. The radio installed in the same ward broadcast programs of the same cheerful and entertaining content. Humorous magazines and books, collections of caricatures, comics and jokes were also brought to the ward. The results of this experiment are as follows: from patients who underwent a course of laughter therapy, not a single complaint was heard during their entire stay in the hospital, these patients had a good appetite, their wounds healed faster after surgery, and they recovered twice as quickly as those who who passed regular course treatment!

And here is an even more impressive example: the American Norman Cousins, having learned from doctors that he had only a few months to live, locked himself in a hotel room and, in order to somehow escape from difficult thoughts, began to watch comedy films for days on end, which he had rented in local video library. For three months, he reviewed all the comedies that were available in the city video libraries and among his friends.

And then he underwent a medical examination again. And the doctors couldn’t believe their eyes: the incurable disease disappeared without a trace! Laughter has conquered death!

If a bad mood is your frequent visitor, try to laugh as much as possible. Go to good comedy, visit an exhibition of cartoons, read a collection of humorous stories. Keep an “album of optimism” for yourself, where you paste the funniest caricatures and photographs that put you in an optimistic mood. Call a person endowed with the gift of wit, talk to him, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Whoever you get along with, you’ll get the hang of it.” An optimist will add to our faith in life, but a pessimist can only increase our despondency.


Everyone who plays sports or just exercises knows the extraordinary joy that comes with mild physical fatigue after a workout. Experts say that in order to maintain health and vigor, a person whose work is of a sedentary, mental nature, only needs to devote 30 minutes daily to physical exercise (not counting morning and evening exercises).

Vladimir Lenin, according to the testimony of many contemporaries, could work 18 hours a day. And at the same time, it should be noted, he did not look very tired and tortured. What helped him maintain strength and vigor? Judge for yourself: after every 45-60 minutes of work for desk the leader of the proletariat did physical exercises for 15 minutes - “charged up” with push-ups, squats, bending over, and jumping. Then he sat down to work again and an hour later he got up again and did exercises. After three hours of work, the exercise was already 30 minutes long, with mandatory water procedures (in Shushenskoye he went to the river to swim, in prison he undressed to the waist and dried himself with a wet towel).

Here’s another interesting example: at one of the enterprises in Kemerovo, a physical training break was introduced. Result: if earlier the workers of this enterprise assembled 99 parts per hour, then rested passively for 10 minutes, and despite this, over the next hour they assembled only 84 parts, then after the introduction of a physical training break they already produced 123 products per hour!


“When I rest, I grow dull,” said Benjamin Franklin. People most often get tired not from work or from lack of rest, but from the monotony of their activities and surroundings.

“A rolling stone will not be overgrown with moss,” says the proverb. Passivity is always flawed, be it mental, spiritual or physical passivity. Voltaire once admitted that creativity saved him from bad mood, debauchery and need. Creativity is perhaps the noblest way to transform heavy negative energy into creative energy. Any work that a person can call creative for himself (or make it so) instills strength and optimism in him, and relieves him of many unnecessary worries and worries.

“A person without a goal is a potential suicide,” warned Academician Pavlov. Aimlessness, as well as excessive multi-purposeness of a person’s life, sooner or later leads to a spiritual crisis, to the mental degradation of the individual.

Let's listen to the words of Charles Hughes, former Chief Justice Supreme Court United States: “People don’t die from overwork. People are dying from senseless waste of energy and worry.” In order not to die “from a senseless waste of energy,” let’s set ourselves a goal in life, a goal for the year and even a week, and we will try, to the extent possible, for the sake of our own spiritual and physical well-being, to achieve them.


You probably know the pleasant feeling of newness when you change the decor in your room, put up new wallpaper, lay down a new carpet. The same pleasant feeling will visit you when, for example, you change your hairstyle, clothing style, when, after many months of living in the city, you go to the village for a day or two, when after some business that took everything from you Lately, you suddenly switch to something exactly the opposite of it. This is how a person is designed that from time to time he needs changes - new colors, new sounds, new sensations. And here it is not at all necessary to buy a new furniture set every year. It is quite enough to rearrange the old furniture.


It is known that single men live less than married men, that those who retired and stopped working (i.e. being among people, communicating) die much earlier than those who, after retiring, continued to work. It has also been noticed that young people get sick more often, and older people quickly “give up” when they feel unnecessary to anyone, deprived of anyone’s attention.

A true friend is a source of good mood. When we share our grief with each other, we already half relieve ourselves of this painful burden. When there is no friend, we are forced to constantly carry our pain, our unclaimed impressions and thoughts within ourselves and from this we become even more unhappy and unsociable.

In Germany, one study found that older people who have a dog at home visit doctors half as often, are more cheerful and, as a result, live 3-5 years longer than their lonely peers. A dog is not only about certain worries, it is also a bundle of hot positive energy, your good mood and longevity.

So, if you don't have a friend, get yourself a dog. One way or another, you and she will have to leave the house, which means meeting people, talking at least with those who also have a dog. And this is already a good remedy against bad mood caused by a feeling of loneliness. And the walk itself fresh air can have the most beneficial effect on you.


In one maternity hospital, the following experiment was carried out: some premature babies were allowed to listen to Brahms’ “Lullaby”, while others were not. When comparing these groups of infants, it turned out that the “Brahms listeners” gained weight faster and were discharged home a week earlier.

Much has been said about the influence of music on the human psyche. Music can both heal and hurt human soul. According to Austrian psychologists, the most ideal cure for depression is the music of Bach and Mozart. Chopin's music is considered "enlightening", Baroque music is considered inspiring and inspiring dreams, Beethoven's music is considered to inspire confidence and courage (Bismarck once said that if he listened to Beethoven's "Eroica Symphony" every day, he might become a hero of heroes) .

Something should also be said about dancing and singing. Dance music itself is written in order to please our feet, and with them, their owners. It's not a bad idea to start the fight against a bad mood with a couple of pleasant dance tunes. Better yet, try to dance - not necessarily with someone, you can alone or with a chair, for example. Just make sure first that no one will take you by surprise while doing this difficult-to-explain activity.

And if dancing alone is not enough, try quietly singing along with the pop performer. However, why “quietly” and why just “sing along”? Sing something you especially love - with all your heart and at the top of your voice! - amuse yourself and amuse your neighbors behind the wall. What, tell me, is not double benefit?


“If you are not in a good mood,” said Sigmund Freud, “then look at something beautiful.” The famous Austrian psychologist knew that beauty pleases not only the eyes, but also the human heart. There is not so little beauty in the world, you just need to see it through the veil of everyday affairs and everyday life. As the British say, “there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.” The more sources of joy and beauty we discover around us, the happier our lives will be.

It is very useful, for example, to admire plants or beautiful scenery. Hospital patients who can see trees outside their window from their bed are discharged from the hospital earlier than those who can see a blank wall or highway through their window. Our eyes (and therefore our psyches) require a variety of shapes and colors. Soft, rounded shapes and warm, light colors have a particularly beneficial effect on us. Therefore, avoid piling up sharp corners and straight lines in your home - this artificial forms, which are almost never found in nature.

It’s good, of course, when we are surrounded by something harmonious and beautiful, but it’s even better when we ourselves are the source of beauty. Indeed, where does a good mood come from when you look in the mirror and see your unshaven or poorly groomed face, when you are wearing an old wrinkled suit, an unfashionable shirt the color of a fresh bruise, when your hairstyle is called “an explosion in a pasta factory”?! What paintings hang in your room? What color are the curtains, walls, carpets - dull gray? Cool blue? Heavy brown? Annoying red? Maybe it’s worth changing them to lighter and more cheerful ones - at least so that a rainy day does not seem too gloomy to us, and a sunny day becomes even brighter.


Marcus Aurelius said eighteen centuries ago: “Our life is as our thoughts are.” As soon as we think about something bad, the world around us immediately dims. Like, as you know, gives birth to like - bad thoughts attract evil. Bad thoughts about someone or something come back to us in the form of a bad mood, anger, stress, illness. So is it worth crying about your own or someone else’s imperfections, when there is an opportunity right now to make our life, if not happy, then at least bearable?

It is enough to think about something good - about your loved one, about the upcoming holiday, about your past and future victories. Such dreams are not a trifle at all, since every thought has the property of attracting what is desired. Good thoughts will instill faith in us, and then the universal law comes into force: “Faith leads to action, repetition leads to mastery, concentration leads to success.” In other words, success starts with good thoughts.

It happens that a certain problem prevents you from focusing on the good, which is simply impossible to brush aside. In this case, psychologists say, there are two ways to solve it. The first is to analyze the problem, evaluate the pros and cons possible options ways out of the current situation, and then choose one of them, the most optimal. As soon as a decision is made, immediately emotional stress will subside or disappear altogether.

The second way is to look at the problem from the point of view of eternity, for which any trouble, any grief is nothing. Remember the old saying: “I was worried that I had no shoes until I saw one without legs.” Go to the cemetery, walk among the graves, read the mournful epitaphs. Those who lie there will no longer need anything in this world - neither fame, nor money, nor shoes. We have the happiest opportunity to see the sun, listen to birds singing, love and breathe, enjoy that extraordinary, amazing and unexplained phenomenon what is called human life.

Prepared by Alexander KAZAKEVICH

“How significant are emotions and feelings!
These are the winds that inflate the sails of the ship;
they sometimes drown him, but without them he cannot swim.”

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of a person’s pleasant and unpleasant relationship to the world and to people, the process and results of it practical activities. A variety of manifestations of emotions are moods, affects, passions. Moods - weakly expressed emotional experiences, characterized by significant duration and poor awareness of the causes and factors that caused them.

It happens that you wake up in the morning with the feeling that something is wrong, you had a bad dream, you “got off on the wrong foot,” things are folded unevenly, the cat is yelling, the apartment is not cleaned. Well, where can a good mood come from? Scientists decided to study this phenomenon, which so poisons the lives of many people, and came to surprising conclusions. It turned out that, contrary to popular belief, women are more boring and grouchy than men. True, this pattern is observed only in the morning, in the first few hours after waking up. According to the study, 13% of women and 10% of men are in a bad mood during the first four hours of the morning. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that, in general, men suffer from sleep disorders less often than women, and therefore get better sleep.

At the same time, the majority of those who hate the whole world in the morning blame it on poor night sleep (40%), stress and depression (24%). Some people are prevented from getting enough sleep by pain in their back, which has been strained during the day, or by the snoring of a loved one sleeping peacefully next to them. It is not surprising that representatives of different sexes prefer to relax differently before bed. Men believe that a glass or two of strong drink helps with healthy, sound sleep, and the fair half of humanity relieves the stress accumulated during the day with the help of a good book or a hot bath.

What's going on inside?
And a hurricane is raging inside: now melancholy will surge, now anger, now resentment. It was as if someone had brought together all the experiences at once, mixed them, and poured them into the soul, like a chaotic cocktail. Where did this condition come from? There are two options: outside or inside. If an unpleasant state is brought in from the outside, then most likely it is due to some objective circumstances: a minor quarrel, about which you, in principle, are not particularly worried. And yet it happened internal conflict: I want to be loved, but I damaged this, and now they don’t love me. Relationships that are significant to you have been lost. Outwardly, nothing serious seemed to have happened, but in inner world something is disturbing and it is connected with objective circumstances. Another case when a bad mood is associated with life circumstances: loss of job, illness of a child, negative mark on an exam, etc. There is a way out: if we cannot change the situation, then I must change my attitude towards this situation! If the source of my bad mood is myself, or external reasons was not found, then you will have to deal with your experiences and needs.

If no external causes are found
When we are in a bad mood, it can be difficult to immediately determine what it is connected with. Thoughts are confused, and you want to quickly get rid of the annoying state, rather than understand its origins. It’s easy to “get rid of” a bad mood only for a while, postponing “proceedings,” as they say, “for later.” But, if you still don’t understand the root of the problem, the gloomy state will easily return. As is known, the more “emotional” is responsible for the production of negative emotions. right hemisphere brain, whereas the left is more likely to give us positivity. At the same time rational left hemisphere is responsible for mental operations. This means that it will help to induce a positive state (or improve mood) mental activity. Bad mood, of unknown origin, can be caused by blocked needs. For example, when we wake up, we conclude that we want to eat and go to the refrigerator. By what criteria did we identify this particular need? Uneasy feeling in the lower abdomen? Is this really hunger? Perhaps it is fear, anxiety, unresolved problems for the past day - which we quickly block with food? Yes, we ate, created the appearance of a satisfied need, but this is only an appearance, and the real state of affairs is different. This is how we communicate with our body: it is one thing to us, and we are another to it. Here it is important to listen to yourself and ask yourself: “What do I really want?”

What will help you cope with a bad mood?

  1. Mental activity is an excellent cure for bad mood. Reading and intellectual games will be useful. What is important is not just the process of reading or playing, but thoughtfulness.
  2. Water will help relieve fatigue and irritation. After a tiring day, a salt bath or a contrast shower will help you relax. Water is an excellent remedy for negative emotions, and regular water procedures in the pool - a good prevention of bad mood.
  3. Dancing classes will help you make new friends, learn to control your body, master new motor skills, get rid of excess weight, and most importantly, active activities will lift your spirits.
  4. Take care of yourself. Physical exercise will have a great effect on your mood. Many studies have shown that endorphins and serotonins (pleasure hormones released during physical activity) have a positive effect on a person’s mood. Going to the gym will not only allow your body to get the necessary substances, but will also help you relax and take your mind off troubles.
  5. Creation. All negative energy It’s better to transform it into something beautiful, and if something beautiful doesn’t work out, then at least into something funny! You can take a large sheet of paper, paints, pencils, etc., and draw your bad mood in all its versatility, and then transform, change the drawing, do something with your bad mood (for example, set a dog on it, hide it in a bag, decorate it) flowers). Thus, by performing actions on paper, you, firstly, release the negative, and secondly, transform it into what you want.
  6. Organize a meeting with friends. Just don't call on the phone with complaints about hard life. This will only worsen your condition. It’s better to organize a fun party and not talk about your problems at all. You shouldn’t communicate at this moment with those who don’t mind whining themselves. Cheerful, unobtrusive communication will help distract you, and perhaps even dispel sadness. Social contacts can solve any problem, including a bad mood.
  7. It is better to leave routine work for later: now it will only cause irritation. It's better to do something active (cleaning the house, active sport). Move more. Physical activity speeds up metabolic processes in the body. Add exposure to the sun to physical activity and you will feel your mood improve.
  8. Go to the cinema or theater to watch a comedy. In a hall where everyone is full positive emotions, the infection process occurs, thus the state of the majority is transmitted to you. Visit an exhibition, museum, cinema, store.
  9. Do a good deed. By selflessly doing something useful for other people, we begin to feel better and our mood improves.
  10. Smile. If you can overcome yourself and smile even when you are in a bad mood, you will already turn the situation around for the better. You can also use a smile every day as a preventative against a bad mood.
  11. 11. Do something! Don't expect things to change on their own! Everything depends only on you!

If everything listed above has been tried and nothing has helped, then perhaps you should undergo a course of psychotherapy, which will help not only get rid of a bad mood, but also get to know yourself better.

You can even get a kind of buzz while sitting at home, going through dull thoughts, and whining about how bad everything is. But, being constantly in a bad mood, you run the risk of ruining your relationships with loved ones without doing anything. Besides, a sad person - uninteresting person. In the eyes of a bore there is not that tempting sparkle that attracts. The key to a good mood is activity, no matter what direction you direct it in. Some people think that being happy in our world is a selfish goal. Against, happy man more useful to society, as he is more open, friendly, responsive and ready to help others. In general, by helping yourself, you help other people.

Outbursts of depression and bad mood are thunderstorms that arise in our psyche in the same way as in nature. They arise, but always pass... But the main thing is not thunder and rain, but the sun, freshness and purity that will come later if we do not allow the elements to confuse us.
Good luck to you, and don't be sad!