Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Psychology preparing children for school. Psychological preparation of a child for school

Foreign universities are attractive because they are prestigious. A graduate of such an educational institution will definitely be competitive in the Russian labor market. Some students dream of working in one of the Western companies, and with a diploma from a good European university this is also possible.

It is believed that you can only enter one of the European universities if you have an oligarch dad or talent. In fact, our compatriots were able to penetrate foreign universities without such advantages. You just need to choose a university wisely.

Problems and first steps

You can’t just go and enroll in a foreign university overnight. Even in order to become a student at a Russian educational institution, preparation is needed. First of all, you should take into account the features of the foreign education system. In many universities there is nothing to do with 11th grade; an extra preparatory course is needed. The easiest way out is to study for a year domestic university, and then apply to the university of your dreams. There are also special courses, which prepare school graduates for admission to a foreign university.

Another problem is the language barrier. When entering a university in any country, you need to do more than just know the language. Universities require a standard certificate stating that the applicant knows the language at a high level. Not everywhere you can get by using standard English.

The third problem will be material support. Even if an applicant has received a grant for studying, he will have to live abroad on something. And this means that you need to already be quite independent. You can start the path to independence - writing coursework or tests pays well.

So, given the problems described above, you need to take a number of steps:

Select a country to study, a university and a department;
- learn more about the requirements for applicants;
- get acquainted with the teaching staff;
- learn about current research work carried out by the department;
- enroll in language classes;
- prepare financially.

All these steps are very important. For example, after familiarizing yourself with the teaching staff and current research works, you can think about applying to a university on a grant. A grant can be issued if the applicant is interested in problems that are already being addressed at the department.

By attending language courses, the future student prepares to take a specialized language proficiency test. You just need to remember that a standard hour a day is unlikely to be enough. You will have to devote time to the language at home, studying on your own. Otherwise, it is impossible to deeply immerse yourself in a foreign language and recognize it as if it were your own. These are the very first steps that an applicant must take. Without them, you won’t be able to get into a serious university.

The problem of choosing a country and university

Ideally, an educational institution is selected as follows:

You decide in which country you want to get an education;
- you choose a university and department;
- all you need to do next is prepare and submit documents.

However, this method is not available to all students for one simple reason - the training will probably be paid. Although sometimes a graduate manages to enter the university of his dreams with a grant, here it depends on your luck. Most often, applicants search for a university like this:

Choose universities that offer grants or high scholarships;
- prepare carefully;
- submit documents.

In order not to lose the opportunity to make your dream come true, it is better to first check all the decent universities in the country where you want to spend several years. If there are absolutely no opportunities for admission, then in this case it is worth looking for universities in other countries.

Grant admission

It is easier to enter a university with a grant for a master's degree or a doctorate. The requirements for such applicants are different. The applicant must have scientific works or research in a relevant field.

You can search for grants on the following websites, information is provided by:

The universities themselves;
- platforms for working with foreign students;
- government websites;
- Russian resources of large companies.

Sometimes Russian companies are willing to pay for the training of specialists abroad. As a rule, these are large organizations. However, you should not rely on such luck. It is better to take a closer look at the proposals of the universities themselves and foreign governments. The authorities may be interested in attracting students from other countries.

Admission to a university on credit

You can also go to university on credit. In fact, this is quite possible; banks willingly cooperate with such students. However, in order to receive funds for education, you do not need to immediately run to bank offices.

To begin with, the future student will have to go through the same path as an applicant entering with a grant or having money. That is, it is necessary:

Pass the language test;
- prepare for admission;
- submit documents;
- receive a certificate that the commission has been successfully completed;
- conclude an agreement on paid training.

Already with the agreement in hand and a package of documents, the student can go to the bank. Such applications are considered carefully, and a positive response from the bank is almost guaranteed. Desired borrowers for banks are students who enroll in business faculties. For example, MBA students will almost certainly get paid.

Unexpected demands from universities

You can expect from foreign universities the requirement to confirm your knowledge, for example, through additional testing. IN in some cases You will also have to take an additional course after graduation. However, sometimes the admission conditions can be puzzling. For example, it is known for sure that universities in the UK and Japan need confirmation of the financial solvency of students.

If you decide to become a student at a Japanese or English institution, you will almost certainly have to provide a bank statement. It must have a certain minimum amount that will be considered an “airbag”.

When a student enters a university in Turkey or the Czech Republic (as well as universities in some other countries), he may be offered to learn the language for a year in specialized courses. This optimal solution, because in these courses the applicant will become familiar not only with the language base, but also with special terms. They will be useful when passing the commission.

Language exams

Many universities require proof of language proficiency for admission. As a rule, this is a certificate with a certain validity period. Some certificates do not expire and are always valid. Language tests are almost always paid; some types of testing are carried out only a couple of times a year. The most popular exams are conducted online, making life easier for applicants.

You should prepare thoroughly for testing. The test covers all aspects of language proficiency, including writing and colloquial speech. For example, you can ask, . Almost all types of language exams are similar to the most popular test.

There are several common tests that students take before admission:

- “TestDaF” (DSH).

TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT - English language tests. The first two tests are almost similar; TOEFL can be considered the American equivalent of IELTS. Before preparing to enter a university, it is better to clarify which certificate will be preferable. Certificates are valid for 2 years after passing the exam. Selected universities require that no more than one and a half years have passed after passing the exam at the time of admission. The GMAT is taken by applicants entering business faculties like MBA. The results of this test are valid for 5 years.

The DELE certificate has no validity period and is accepted by all universities in Spain. "TestDaF" is a test for knowledge of the German language. A DALF certificate will be required for applicants entering educational institutions in France (for example, the Sorbonne), and CELI test results are needed for admission to Italian universities.

There are also other specialized tests. For example, all universities in Japan accept Nihongo Noryoku Shiken certificates. Test by Japanese language takes place only twice a year. The certificate is only valid for 2 years, then you need to be tested again.

Final Steps

Sending documents to the university

If you have chosen a country and a university, have the results of the language test in hand and are ready to storm the university of your dreams, then all that remains is to prepare and send a package of documents. It is impossible to find in any manual the exact and full list documents for admission to a foreign university, because each educational institution has its own requirements. However, some papers are required in most cases. So, you will probably need:

- a copy of the education document, certified by a notary and translated into a foreign language;
- language certificate;
- autobiography in foreign language;
- several letters of recommendation in a foreign language;
- documents on financial position;
- A completed application form.

You can use a certificate, diploma or certificate from a university as a document of education. Schoolchildren who have not yet completed their studies have the opportunity to take an extract from the transcript. As for the transcript, this paper can cause some problems. After all, not every school gives it. If the educational institution does not provide a transcript, you will have to prepare it yourself.

Not all universities require financial documents from applicants. It was already said earlier that an account statement will definitely be needed when applying to universities in England and Japan.

When preparing documents, it is very important not to forget about the application deadlines. Indeed, in Europe, many universities finish accepting students by the end of July. If you hesitate, you may be late. Although being late in this case will give the applicant an extra year to prepare, so there is no need to despair.

When to get a visa?

Applicants often make mistakes when obtaining a visa. Some people start applying for a visa before they have even sent their documents to the university. In fact, there is a clear algorithm of actions that must be followed. A visa can be obtained without any problems only after the applicant has been enrolled in a university and the funds have been transferred to the educational institution’s bank account.

Only after this should:

Fill out a form on the embassy website;
- collect a package of documents for visiting the visa center.

The package of documents must include:

Payment confirmation document;
- document on enrollment;
- a receipt indicating that you have paid the visa fee;
- financial document.

An account statement is suitable as a financial document. Data from the sponsor's account is also considered. You will receive your student visa in about two weeks. Formally, the processing time for such applications is 15 days.

There is no need to rush to obtain a visa; you need to wait until the funds arrive in the university account, but it is also not recommended to delay. After all, you can get a place in a student dormitory only after receiving a visa. If you delay visiting the visa center, you may be left without a place to stay.

Where to live abroad?

You can live abroad in a student dormitory, on campus, in an apartment or with a family. There may not be a place on campus, and living in a dormitory does not suit students for some reasons. Renting an apartment is sometimes expensive, especially since there are not always available living spaces. For example, in London it is difficult to rent an apartment.

An excellent option for a student is living with a family. It may seem like homestays and renting are the same thing, but in fact there are major differences. Living with a family is cheaper, and this is only one of the advantages. Typically, families accept several students to live at once.

When you are with a family, you get a unique opportunity to observe the life of foreigners and their habits. Such experience is simply priceless.

What else do you need to consider?

There are little things that applicants do not pay attention to when applying. Then these shortcomings cause a lot of problems. For example, students dreaming of Paris need to be aware of the bureaucratic hoops that they have to go through when living in this city. France offers foreign students free education, but it also requires compliance with a number of formalities.

When traveling to a foreign country, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its norms and customs, otherwise there is a risk of finding yourself in an uncomfortable position. This applies to both Western and Eastern countries. It would be unwise to travel to a foreign country without knowing its culture.

Separately, it is worth mentioning language tests. Many prestigious educational institutions have a minimum passing score. The higher your score on the language test, the better. After all, you won’t be accepted into Harvard or Oxford with the same results that you can get into any average university. Therefore, preparation for language testing should be given Special attention. By the way, before taking the exam, it is recommended to look at the requirements for the minimum passing score for such an exam.

Is a prestigious university always the best choice?

Western psychologists in Lately explore the challenges faced by students at prestigious international famous universities like Yale or Oxford. Some of them concluded that a prestigious university is not always the best decision for a student. Such universities have several disadvantages. By enrolling in such an educational institution, you:

You find yourself in a highly competitive environment;
- you can’t count on help;
- you will experience psychological pressure;
- You will be required to meet high standards, including academic performance.

Most students are far from being the first in the group. There is always someone smarter, more capable, more talented. Of course, if you are a genius, then you have a direct path to a prestigious university. Then they will look up to you and feel envy. But the average student will always be catching up to someone ahead. Psychological dissatisfaction and competition lead to many students dropping out of university in their second or third year. Some people can’t stand it after the first course. Any of the prestigious universities has an intensive training program.

Psychologists called this phenomenon the “small fish in a big pond effect” - in other words, you can always be “eaten.” Entering average university, which is not popular and does not appear on the editorial pages of specialized publications, you, on the contrary, become “ big fish in a small pond" and get the benefits.

In such a university there is less competition, and students are more often ready to help a friend. Here you can stand out and even become the first. Having graduated from such a university, you will still receive advantages in the labor market. Some of the little-known universities occupy a solid place in international ratings. Which educational institution to choose is up to you to decide, but you should always remember the results of the study presented above.

Conditional offer and unconditional offer

If you are accepted into a university, you will receive an unconditional offer - this is a letter of unconditional admission. There is also a so-called conditional offer - conditional enrollment. Such letters are sent to applicants who may be enrolled, but subject to certain requirements.

Often, young people whose certificate of passing the language test has expired receive a letter of conditional admission. Sometimes the applicant is required to pass some kind of exam. In any case, conditional admission is not such a bad sign.

Universities available for admission

There are universities where you can study almost free of charge or for a nominal fee. Sometimes it is even cheaper for a student to enroll in one of the foreign universities than to study in hometown. These are not some run-of-the-mill educational institutions, but decent institutions like the Sorbonne and Charles University in Prague.

Charles University: the oldest university in Central Europe

This university is called the most prestigious higher education institution in the Czech Republic. And this is true, because Charles University is known all over the world. It was founded back in the 14th century, and today this university has as many as 17 faculties. Charles University is compared to Bologna, Sorbonne and Oxford. One of the advantages of the university is that you can study here completely free of charge with one amendment: the student must study in Czech.

There are English-language programs at Charles University, but they are paid. Therefore, you need to think carefully before applying. The Czech language is difficult, but you can still master it. Moreover, Charles University offers specialized one-year language courses. In such courses, the applicant receives everything necessary knowledge in order to successfully pass the exams.

Upon admission to Charles University, you will have to pass 2 to 4 exams in Czech. The minimum language proficiency level is B2. This is the so-called “high average level”. Institute of Language and vocational training at Charles University provides the necessary knowledge, level B2 is achievable in a year. Preparatory courses take into account the student’s future specialization.

Theoretically, you can prepare for exams on your own by mastering the language at home, but you won’t be able to gain any special knowledge. The applicant simply will not be able to take into account all the subtleties of the upcoming testing.

Sorbonne: the pride of France

There is a university in France whose name is known throughout the world. More precisely, it is not even a university, but a university system. We are talking about the Sorbonne - an educational institution that ranks with Oxford and Bologna. This is a prestigious university that is available to Russian students. France has free public education, so the doors of the Sorbonne are potentially open to everyone.

It is only important that the applicant is ready to go through the notorious French bureaucracy. Regarding the language exam, some Sorbonne programs are conducted in English. TOEFL and IELTS certificates are accepted here. To study French you need to obtain a DALF certificate.

Many Russians study at the Sorbonne. They say that it is easier to enroll in a master’s program here using the “ double diplomas" This is true, but future bachelors also have every chance to settle within the walls of this educational institution. There is a lot of information about the documents that are needed when entering this university, even on Russian websites. Some students managed to publish articles about their successful experience of entering the university. So, if desired, the applicant will find everything he needs to prepare.

Universities in Germany

In Germany there are dozens of higher educational institutions, where foreign students can study. Moreover, the state allocates quotas specifically for free education, but only if two conditions are met:

The applicant must have excellent knowledge of German;
- the level of knowledge of the applicant must correspond to the level of knowledge given by the German gymnasium.

Of course, the latter can become a problem for a Russian graduate who has just left school. After all, according to German standards, he will not have enough 1 year. However, you can learn the language, as well as get all the missing knowledge, through Studiencolleg courses. This is preparatory annual program for foreign students. Courses in Germany are paid, but this investment will definitely pay off. After all, in the future it will be possible to study completely free of charge, the main thing is to find funds to live in the country. Frankfurt am Main is considered the most expensive city to live in.

University of Helsinki and other universities in Finland

In Finland you can get a free education or get a diploma for a nominal fee. This university regularly offers students grants for education. Probably the only drawback of the university is that almost all undergraduate programs are conducted here in Finnish. The language can be mastered in additional courses.

But the University of Helsinki is very attractive for masters with knowledge of English. Approximately 40 programs are available to future masters if they intend to enroll here. The most important thing is that it is possible to get a grant here. It’s also possible at this university.

In Finland, private universities offer expensive education, but public universities are relatively affordable. In some cases, the student will have to pay no more than $150 per semester. Living in the country will cost about $1,000 a month, if you don’t go too fancy.

University of Turku is another university in Finland where you can get higher education for free. Moreover, the programs here are conducted mainly in English, so the applicant does not need to learn any other language.

It is worth enrolling in a university in Finland for several reasons:

Many universities here recognize the Russian certificate;
- students can count on scholarships;
- students are allowed to earn extra money.

Advantages of universities in Austria

In Austria, most universities are fee-paying, but some institutions charge moderate fees. Studying here is cheaper than in Zurich or London. However, this is not the main advantage of Austrian universities. Teaching at universities is conducted mainly in German, so it is enough to pass the standard DSH test.

When entering, they do not look at the passing score. Universities also do not offer entrance exams. If a student has any shortcomings, he can then retake the exams at a convenient time. If you want to enroll without unnecessary stress, then Austrian universities are an ideal option.

In Austria, they deliberately decided not to hold exams for admission. After all, many students, after a semester of study, begin to realize that they have chosen the wrong specialty. If students had to constantly take exams, they would hardly change faculties. And the system adopted today facilitates the transition of a student from one faculty to another.

Universities of Poland, Lithuania and Estonia

Free education in Poland is available only to applicants who have a “Pole card”. If you still plan to enroll in one of the local universities, then in this case:

Choose a private educational institution;
- learn Polish.

Programs are mainly conducted on Polish language, the requirement for applicants upon admission is a level of knowledge not lower than B1. Some universities require level B2. Private universities in Poland are more accessible; tuition here is about 2-3 times cheaper than in public educational institutions.

In Lithuania, ISM University is worthy of attention. This is one of the most famous business schools, so you shouldn’t expect that studying will be free. You will have to pay about 1700-2000 euros per semester.

In Estonia, an applicant may be interested in the University of Tartu, which is known for being part of the Coimbra group. This university cooperates with five dozen other higher education institutions from 19 countries. The annual cost of studying at the University of Tartu can exceed 3,000 euros. But the student will receive a diploma from one of the most prestigious educational institutions.

Universities in the CIS countries are not so accessible; it is much easier for an applicant to enter a university in Germany or Austria. It is sometimes difficult to obtain a visa for countries such as Poland and Lithuania - there are too many requirements for entry. Moreover, living costs in these countries can be the same as in large German cities.

Online learning at a foreign university

At some universities you can get an education without leaving your home. Online learning is not uncommon today. In fact, a Russian student can easily graduate from either a Russian university remotely or from one of the most prestigious universities in Europe or America. The only difference will be in the difficulty of preparing for admission.

Benefits of Online Education

There are several reasons to choose distance learning:

Such education will be cheaper;
- the student will not need to take time off from work;
- You can study anywhere and at any time.

If you enroll in the most ordinary faculty, then you will have to live in the country where you are studying, or travel regularly to take exams. With distance education, this is excluded, therefore, you save time and money. A student does not have to think about where to live, where to get funds to live abroad and how to deal with bureaucratic hassles.

Online learning is ideal for busy people. If a person works and has a family, then traveling abroad can only be a dream. But this is not a reason to refuse quality education. European universities even offer advanced training courses. In America, some universities provide free programs training.

Prestigious universities also participate in the distance learning program. After the student passes the final exams, he will receive a full diploma. Online education is an opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and “crust” without unnecessary stress.

How is your studies going?

Typically, distance education groups consist of 15 students, although sometimes the number can be higher. Students listen to lectures, receive homework and even take exams. The student is provided with a library for classes, reading lists and much more.

End-of-semester exams can take place either online or in a physical classroom. IN the latter case you will have to travel to the university, and this is not always convenient. You can get a bachelor's or master's degree online, which is also how you study for an MBA, which only attracts managers. Distance education very beneficial for mothers, because it’s a complete punishment.

Admission to university online

Requirements for admission to a foreign university online depend only on the specific university. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. Usually everything goes according to the following scheme:

The applicant undergoes preliminary testing;
- the university sends documents to fill out if the person has passed the exams;
- the applicant fills out the documents and sends them back.

After the documents arrive at the university, the applicant is admitted. From this moment on, he is considered a full-fledged student of the university, he is immediately given access to electronic resources and university bases.

You can study online at universities in many countries, including American, Canadian and European universities. Educational institutions offer both long-term programs and short-term courses of one or two semesters. Taking such courses will quickly increase your competitiveness in the labor market, which is very important for a busy person. In any resume, mentioning a foreign university looks solid.

The quality of education received while still a student is, in fact, a marker of quality future life, and studying abroad adds to professional knowledge an impressive cultural background and excellent knowledge of several foreign languages. Studying abroad is not just a claim to high status or a desire for a prestigious specialty - it is an investment in your own future, justified and competent.

Studying abroad for Russian students usually comes down to taking into account the following indicators:

  • Quality of education and diploma status;
  • The need to speak a foreign language;
  • Cost of studying and living in the country;
  • Distance from home.

For different parts light, these indicators are different.

European countries have some of the highest quality of education and living standards. Studying abroad for Russian students who want to enroll in universities in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic involves bonuses - they do not need to know the language of the country in which they will study. In most cases, teaching is conducted in English, sometimes even in Russian, and for admission to many state universities you need to take a short 100-hour language course on site. Italy offers preferential programs, and France and Britain, although they require a language proficiency test and passing entrance exams, do not require you to go through a lot of bureaucratic procedures on site. Most of Europe is bound by the Schengen Agreement, which means that by studying, for example, in Poland or Spain, you can travel around the whole of Europe. There are no borders for sightseeing, travel and friendly contacts, and you will not need to obtain an additional visa. The flight from Munich to Moscow takes only a few hours - which means your family will be within easy reach.

Studying in America and Canada is a great chance not only to get a good specialty, but also to improve your level of English. The main areas that Russian students in these countries prefer to choose are biophysics, astronautics, computer science, electronics, culture and law. Upon admission to an American or Canadian university, an applicant automatically receives the right to work in the country, which can help those who set similar goals to gain a foothold abroad. And extra income won’t hurt anyone. Numerous programs (such as Work&Travel and others) allow you to live in the country for a relatively short time before entering a university and decide whether the local environment is suitable for further professional development.

The Asian, eastern direction has always been not as popular as the western one, but in last years the resulting “skew” began to level out. Studying in China and Japan primarily attracts those who see their future in working with electronics, technology, and industry. This direction is popular among all lovers oriental culture. Often educational programs for Russians are aimed at deepening knowledge in the field of language and Eastern culture, which is very popular in our country. We can safely say that such specialists will be the most in demand in the future - after all, the eastern vector of Russia’s development involves increased cooperation with Asian countries. This means that we will need specialists who can ensure this communication.

Educational programs South America are not as rich as European ones: local universities are not yet quite up to the world level. But there are exceptions: universities in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais are considered among the most prestigious in the world. Private education is well developed in South American countries, with a number of private Catholic universities especially notable. Foreign students who come to study at universities in South America, as a rule, choose areas related to technology. Life here is very unique, but undoubtedly interesting, and the warm climate, exotic nature and abundance of attractions will provide interesting leisure time.

How to choose?

In an effort to study abroad, an applicant, as a rule, begins to dream about a specific country - this is main mistake. Still, we are talking about education, choosing a specialty, that is, the foundation of life. So you need to choose a place where this education is of the highest quality, where there is (and is taught at a high level!) the specialty of your dreams. If it’s in Milan, then it’s worth going to Milan; in Paris means Paris. Well, if you have dreamed all your life of moving to the UK, where this niche is not developed, well, perhaps you will move someday - when the opportunity arises.

Not everywhere there is a quota for foreign students, and not all universities have a liberal attitude towards language knowledge. Therefore, if you have problems in one of these areas, you should clarify whether you will be able to study in your chosen field and what status your diploma will have.

Underwater rocks

Not all aspects of life while studying abroad represent some semblance of earthly paradise. The following problems may arise:

  • Social adaptation - the formation of a new social circle.
  • The need to change your lifestyle, nutrition, behavior.
  • Bureaucratic difficulties.
  • Medical service.

What's the plus?

Despite all the shortcomings, education abroad can provide enormous benefits. The advantages of such study include the following points:

  • Prestigious specialty and international class diploma.
  • Possibility of travel.
  • The opportunity for internships and work abroad, to which, after graduation, the right to work in the country will be added.
  • Acquisition of extensive cultural baggage.
  • Excellent knowledge of foreign languages.

Education abroad is a great way to broaden your horizons, reach a new level, and become a citizen of the world.

Education abroad- the blue dream of many Russian students. The reasons for this lie in dissatisfaction with the domestic education system, and, alas, there are reasons for this. Contrary to stereotypes, enrolling in a foreign university is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare for it. And first you need to decide on the country of education and budget.
Higher education abroad built differently depending on the region - in Eastern Europe, universities are not much different from Russia, if you take it further west - there are much more differences. Huge surprises await students in English-speaking countries - the USA, Great Britain and Australia - their educational sector is commercial, although this does not mean that without money the path here is closed - top universities offer scholarships that cover up to 100% of expenses.

Why do they go to study abroad?

  • Effective organization of the educational process
  • Many people know that the higher education system abroad is better, but few know why - usually it's just a glance at the neighboring meadow, which always seems greener. In fact, education abroad is really more effective. First of all, this concerns the USA and Great Britain - it is in these countries that the most prestigious universities. But they became prestigious not because someone called them so, but because of the achievements of their graduates. Unlike Russian universities, where teachers often practice a formal and bureaucratic system, and the goal of students is often to get away with exams, they go to Western universities specifically to study and do it with complete dedication. The prospects for teachers there are also much brighter, so they are not concerned about low salaries, but about passing on their knowledge to students. It is this atmosphere of motivation and mutual desire that greatly increases the likelihood that you will leave university not only with a diploma, but also with a head full of knowledge.
  • International recognition of diploma
  • If an engineering degree from a university near your home does not in fact make you a world-class engineer, then a degree obtained in Europe or the USA opens up new horizons on your career path. The labor market is well aware of education systems various countries, therefore, a “crust” obtained at random does not guarantee a good position even in Russia, and even more so abroad. With a foreign diploma, it is easier to build a career both at home and abroad.
  • Opportunity to stay and work in the country
  • A foreign diploma increases your chances of staying in the country for a long time as a professional by a hundredfold. Despite the widespread belief that “no one needs you there,” this is not at all true: for example, Denmark has launched a special program to “catch” successful graduates and their subsequent employment in Danish companies; US universities are actively helping to ensure that graduates find their place in life and offer several options for starting a career, and engineers with a diploma from French polytechnics are snapped up by the world's most successful companies.
  • Higher starting salary
  • For those who do not plan to leave their homeland, a foreign diploma can serve even better. Russian employers are tearing away holders of foreign diplomas, luring them with more favorable conditions and high salaries. Therefore, when investing in a foreign diploma, you can be sure that they will be returned with interest.
  • Invaluable experience
  • Well, in addition to the diploma itself, anyone who goes to study abroad has the opportunity to get something that money cannot buy - this is the experience of life and interaction in new environment. Education abroad, even if it is a month-long English course, really changes consciousness, teaches you to communicate with people of different cultures and mentalities, and makes visible new facets of the global picture of the world.

    Language courses abroad

    Learning a foreign language where it is spoken is the most effective and quick way master it. Foreign language schools offer the most effective teaching methods, which involve complete immersion in the language environment. Students use a foreign language not only in class, but also in their free time - with new acquaintances, with their host family, in public transport, in museums and restaurants - everywhere.
    Language courses abroad involve more than just mastering a foreign language. This includes regional studies, intercultural communications, and exchange of experience with students from different countries, this is an opportunity to visit historical places, theater premieres, sports competitions and interesting exhibitions. Language schools help their students feel part of the city and enjoy the country's cultural program. In 4-6 weeks abroad, students make a “language breakthrough”, which, when studying at home, can sometimes take years to achieve.

    Preparing for admission to a foreign university

    Practice shows that most foreign applicants need to take special preparatory courses at the university to enter foreign universities. This is due to the difference in education systems in each country, so many foreigners need educational reorientation and language training to successfully pass the competition.
    Such training programs are conducted in many foreign universities and help the future student adapt to the unusual rhythm of life and environment, as well as prepare for further studies at the university. As a rule, the basis of the course is the study special items in a foreign language. After completing such courses, many foreign universities enroll their students in the first year automatically, that is, without entrance exams or competition.

    Options for entering a foreign university

    There are several ways to enroll abroad. Requirements for applicants vary depending on the country of the university and the program, but in general there are several options for admission to a foreign university:
    • for the 1st year of a bachelor's degree at the end of the 11th grade of a Russian school - universities in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Russia
    • for the 1st year of a bachelor's degree after graduating from school and the 1st year of a Russian university - universities in the USA, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Norway and several other European countries
    • for the 1st year of a bachelor's degree upon completion of preparatory courses or college - universities in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France
    • for any course under the transfer program for transfer from your university to a foreign one - all countries (depending on the agreement between universities)
    • for the 1st year of a master's program after completing a bachelor's program - all countries
    • for the 1st year of doctoral studies at the end of the master's program - all countries
    Each of the above admission options corresponds to a specific set of requirements, compliance with which is mandatory when considering the application by the selected educational institution.

    Process of admission abroad

    The education system of each country has its own distinctive features. Different countries and different universities have their own rules for admission, their own rules for processing documents, their own entrance requirements and deadlines for submitting applications. Without knowing these features, you can simply “fail” the entire process, while being a one hundred percent “passing” applicant.
    Everyone independently chooses for themselves how to prepare for admission: study all the intricacies of document preparation on their own or contact specialists. It is important to consider that this choice is made once in a lifetime and can affect your entire future.
    If you are not 100% sure that you can cope on your own and reach the victorious end, then we can offer our

    Alexander Ryzhakov

    With a diploma from a Canadian university, labor markets around the world open up for you, and at the same time, it is in Canada that you can create something of your own and be successful. If you want to succeed, remember the word 'Networking'. Once you master this art, you will achieve tremendous results in North America as a whole. Studying in Canada is interesting and rewarding. Humber College hosts various events and, if you have the time and desire, you can take part in them and feel the true atmosphere of Canadian education. Another advantage is the multinational composition of the student body. In my group there were both Canadians and representatives of the USA, Portugal, Japan and other countries. Such diversity gives brightness and dynamism to the knowledge gained."

    Daria Rogozhnikova

    The main difference between the Dutch education system is its focus on self-learning. This does not mean at all that the student is left to his own devices. You can get help or clarification from teachers at any time. For quite a long time I had to fight within myself the ban on expression own opinion in the process of writing academic essays and papers. In the Netherlands, the key phrase in academic essays is “I think”, and in class you are constantly asked “What do you think?”, and this approach is seriously different from what is practiced in Russian universities.

    My advice is to start collecting and preparing necessary documents in advance! It took me a couple of months to create from scratch a description of the disciplines and course literature I completed in Russia. If you plan to take a year to look for a job after graduation, I advise you not to miss out on internship opportunities while studying. This will significantly increase your chances of subsequent employment, since Dutch recruiters do not really trust work experience gained in their home country.

    Kristina Zaporozhets

    My specialty is called post-secondary business-marketing.

    The duration of this course is 4 semesters.

    You can go to study 3 times a year: September, January and May.

    Immediately before studying, each college student receives his own personal number and password. This is necessary so that everyone can log into their personal account on the college website and view all the necessary information, namely:

    • a list of subjects that will be available in the next semester;
    • homework;
    • advertisements of various kinds.

    What's most convenient is that every college event is sent to every student by email. And no one can miss anything. As for the schedule, each student can choose it himself. The main thing is that at the end of the semester the rating in each subject should not be lower than 50%.

    I'm in my second semester now. I have 6 subjects plus finance mathematics, which I study remotely. This means that I have a book with an assignment after each module. I have to complete it and send it to email to the instructor. He, accordingly, checks and, in turn, sends an assessment and any adjustments to my email. This is very convenient, since it is possible to complete tasks at a time that is convenient.

    Usually 1-2 subjects per day for 2-3 hours. Small breaks are given during the lesson for 10-15 minutes. All teachers treat each student with understanding, are always ready to help, and are easy-going. There is no inequality. On the contrary, Canadians even respect foreign students for their, so to speak, courage to go abroad, study in another language, and live without loved ones. What is interesting is that every student does not rush home from college to relax! Centennial has everything you need to study and relax!

    For example, for studying there are several libraries with a huge number of desks, computers, closed/open study rooms, and printers. You can borrow a laptop for 4 hours completely free of charge and use it within the educational institution.

    All those books that you need to buy for your studies can be purchased from the College Bookstore. There is also a gym, basketball, football, table tennis, fitness, and spa.

    What really surprised me were the places to sleep! In fact, there are such kind of couches in the most peaceful place of the college, where you can lie down and relax! And in the student center there is a room with game consoles. And moreover, of course, those who are over 19 years old can drink alcoholic drinks within a certain room called Bar. It’s like the slogan: “It’s better to drink in college than somewhere on the street!” =)

    The college constantly hosts events, meetings regarding immigration, work, etc. As for food, there is a cafeteria where you can buy various types of food from Indian and Chinese cuisine, fast food from Subway, coffee and donuts from Tim Hortons, and you can also heat up what you brought with you in the microwave. In general, the college is open until 22-00. Therefore, you can have plenty of exercise, socialize and find new friends from almost 100 countries of the world!

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    Kristina Turlakova

    Studying in England was a real gift of fate for me, which radically changed my life. While still studying for a bachelor's degree, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to continue my master's studies abroad. I chose to study in England because UK universities are considered one of the best in the world. It is quite difficult to enter the university directly, so I decided to enroll in the ONCAMPUS Pre-Masters program at Birkbeck University in London. Task preparatory course was to prepare students for studying at English language, gradually including study complex subjects and academic writing skills: coursework and essay. The requirements for admission to the Pre-Masters are significantly lower than to the Master's program, so you can enroll in the preparatory program with low grades and a relatively weak command of the English language.

    After completing the Pre-Masters, I had an advantage in admission, and some universities allowed me to enroll in master’s programs without exams. During my preparatory program, I spent a long time choosing the university I would like to attend. I needed an educational institution that would have a strong business school with a specialty in management.

    I was choosing between Queen's universities Mary University of London and University of Westminster. I liked Westminster Business School better and am very happy with my choice. The duration of the master's degree is one year and it was the most intense year of my life. I believe that without the Pre-Masters program it would have been much more difficult for me. The program was clearly aimed at developing practical skills in the business industry. The teachers are very friendly, they will always help and advise. Very often guest speakers came - people working in the business industry and having extensive professional experience. Graduates with diplomas from English universities are in great demand in the world; the starting salary is significantly higher than that of others.

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    Maya Zyuzina

    1st year student at Lindenwood University

    I attended Lindenwood University through a scholarship program that covers 50% of my study abroad. To participate in the program, you had to pass the TOEFL with at least 61 points, and also have good grades for the last 3 years of school. I am a student majoring in World History. If a student is studying in the humanities, then he must take 2 science subjects, and if the student mainly studies science, then he must take 2 humanitarian subjects. In addition to the main subjects, I can take electives - additional courses from different areas of knowledge. Or you can become a double major, then you have the opportunity to get 2 degrees at once.

    American education is distinguished by detailed study of the subject. In each semester you take 5-6 subjects, but you study these subjects in great detail, which allows you to really understand the subject, its essence and purpose. The essence American education- self-education: the student reads textbooks at home, studies, prepares for the lesson, and during the lesson they, together with the teacher, analyze the material they have read. The teacher explains that it is not clear, the teacher is a consultant. There are no lectures here that are familiar to us, and the main thing is the ability to analyze and assume, and not memorize or cram, as is customary with us. So I have to relearn. Learning is difficult, but interesting.

    Another positive thing about education in the USA is that if, after studying for six months, you realize that you don’t like your major, you can change more, or add new courses, or remove them. The teachers are wonderful, competent, try to diversify the lesson, help the student in any situation, explain the material clearly, you can work with them as tutors at any time. You can take various sports classes. Right now I am doing fitness, and next semester I am planning Art of dance, where I will study different types of dances and their history.

    The university has many foreign students from all over the world, people are very positive, responsive, smiling, ready to help you at any time, which really surprised me. I live in a dorm, in a room with one girl, and we share a bathroom with two other girls. Everything is clean, no problems. There are two canteens on campus, with a large selection of food.

    If you are finishing school and thinking about studying in the US, fear not! But know that you will have to study all day long and do a lot of homework. Although learning is hard, it is interesting, and you will spend your energy on the things you need.

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    Nikita Maksimov, 22 years old

    What do I like about university? All! As soon as I arrived at the university, my eyes began to run wild. Everything here is like in movies, pictures and books: students lie on the grass, eat, communicate, read books. The large university campus is located next to the park, and a stream splits the university buildings into two halves. Somewhere nearby, guys are playing volleyball. Once a month, the university hosts a free BBQ where all students can gather and enjoy lunch together.

    I'm studying to become a psychologist in Australia. Initially, there is a colossal difference in the education systems of Russia and Australia. In Russia, I completed a bachelor's degree in economics, although, to be honest, there is not much knowledge left in the field of economics. This is not because I am stupid or lazy, but because the education system is radically different. In Russia, you can skip classes for a whole semester, prepare for the exam, get your C grade and relax. Here in Australia, you feel that the teacher’s job is to give you knowledge and understanding of the subject. I've only been studying for 1 semester, but I feel like I'm much more best psychologist here than an economist in Russia.

    There is a lot of practice in our training: students are divided into groups and given exciting tasks to consolidate their acquired knowledge. Each teacher has his own methodology for conducting classes and awarding points. For example, a teacher of the subject health behavior gave us a take-home test every week during the semester, consisting of ten questions, in which you can use the Internet, textbooks and other sources. For each solved test, we earned certain “credits,” which are awarded as we complete the subject. Therefore, to successfully pass the semester, you can only work hard in classes, repeat the material at home, and write a good final test.

    The teachers here behave professionally, setting a model of behavior and an example to follow. They are always ready to answer any question and help with any problem. From the first semester we are already taught how to “be psychologists”. What to do, what not to do, how to look at the client, how to maintain posture, how to communicate the time, and so on. What did I take in my first semester of economics? Theory, theory, and theory again... In my opinion, it is the attitude of teachers and the style of teaching that are the key components of successful educational system university.

    Initially, I chose to study in the cities of Perth or Melbourne. Perth - quiet city in the western part of the mainland. Melbourne is cultural capital Australia, where concerts, festivals and other events constantly take place. The location of the city played a role in my choice. From Melbourne, cities such as Sydney, Canberra and the Gold Coast are within an hour's flight distance. Due to the huge number of parks, gardens and boulevards, Melbourne is often called the “Garden City”, and the state of Victoria has been known as the “Garden State” since the 19th century. Having lived in Russia for 22 years, you understand that our cities sometimes lack the color green, which I more than find here.

    Upon completion of my studies, I plan to work either as a private psychologist or as a children’s psychologist. Working with children will not let you get bored, and working as a private psychologist promises a more interesting career advancement.

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    Sergey Zemchikhin

    I want to get a prestigious European business education and Holland provides an opportunity not only to gain relevant knowledge that is in demand on the labor market, but also to undergo an internship and gain work experience in a European company. For a person studying international business, this is a big plus...

    How to get into one of the Ivy League universities, where it is better to prepare for the language exam, what you should write in a motivation letter and what you should not say in an interview, how to choose the right MBA school. The editors of “Theories and Practices” have prepared several instructions on how to prepare for admission to a foreign university, receive a grant and go to study abroad.

    Step 1: Situation Analysis

    When it is already clear that there is a need for foreign education, but there is no money for it, then it is worth deciding on the known variables. Items that should be checked first: availability of higher education, knowledge of foreign languages, achievements in the chosen field and work experience.

    They are most willing to give grants for master's and postgraduate studies, and less willing to give grants for undergraduate studies. In addition, grants can be obtained for short-term research programs, summer language courses, participation in visiting schools and seminars. Most scholarships are offered to foreign students for master's studies. foreign universities. It is also possible to find a grant for obtaining a bachelor's degree, but in 90% of cases such a grant will cover either half of the cost of study in the first year, or will provide an annual discount throughout the entire period of study. Largest quantity offers are available to those who have a master's degree, have been involved in research during their studies, have achieved certain results and have secured the support of a supervisor at their home university and have connections with research groups abroad.

    Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will allow you to participate in more programs. Fluency in English is a mandatory requirement for almost all programs, even those that offer scholarships to study at Russian universities. Knowledge of any other language will distinguish the candidate from competitors and will allow him to choose from a larger list of universities and countries. Typically, studies in master's programs (and even more so in postgraduate programs) in Europe are conducted in English, but knowledge of the language of the country to which the candidate is going to go is at least entry level- these are extra points.

    In the next round, it is worth checking the quality of the diploma received. For programs that are aimed at leaders, such as Chevening, the Fulbright program, Edmund Muskie, special attention is paid to the quality of the diploma and the experience of the candidate. Program organizers do not care whether the candidates have a diploma with honors (especially since in other countries there is no such thing as a “diploma with honors”), but it is extremely important for them to know whether the candidate always received the highest score or agreed to any grade. In internal university grants there is no strict requirement to have only the highest grades, however, when choosing between two applicants for a scholarship, preference will most likely be given to the one with GPA in the diploma above.

    Also, when considering the application, attention will be paid to work experience and participation in volunteer programs. It is important that volunteer activity is in a field other than professional. Organizers usually give preference to versatile individuals with a wide range of interests and activities. Another of the main requirements of the Chevening program is at least two years of work experience in the chosen specialty. When participating in the British Council scholarship program, you do not need to provide documented proof of work experience. However, the jury at each of the presentations of their program never tires of noting that those who are disingenuous on one point or another are immediately visible. In addition to work, experience in volunteer programs is important.

    Oksana Sytnik

    PhD student at Universidad de Cádiz, Erasmus Mundus grant holder 2011–2014, Erasmus Mundus Master Grant 2009–2011:

    “The idea of ​​studying abroad came to me completely spontaneously. One day I received a letter from my teacher with a proposal: “There is such a program, it’s called Erasmus Mundus. Would you like to try? I tried. And completed the Erasmus Mundus Master in WCM Water and Coastal Management, the first semester in Plymouth (UK), the second and third in Cadiz (Spain) and the Algarve (Portugal).

    My choice of this specialty is not accidental. I come from the seaside city of Novorossiysk, graduated from the oceanology department of the Russian State Humanitarian University in St. Petersburg with a degree in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Thus, as an Erasmus Mundus PhD student, I continued my chosen direction related to marine sciences, environmental protection and coastal management.

    During my studies in the master's program, I had numerous fieldwork with access to the open sea and trips to the mountains, laboratory research on biological diversity, computer modelling coastal and riverbed processes, participation in thematic seminars and conferences. However, the most memorable thing was the scientific diving course organized during my second semester at the University of Cadiz. Those who had no experience of underwater diving had an extraordinary opportunity not only to open a license for subsequent diving, but also to see with their own eyes the universe of the sea, and much more: to understand how this universe functions, what wonders it hides within itself.”

    Step 2: Define Claims

    Having decided on the initial data, you can begin to search for programs and try on a candidate for each of them, analyzing whether it fits the criteria that the organizers impose on candidates and the level of aspirations and interests of the candidate himself. First you need to decide at what level to continue your education. It is logical to apply for a master’s degree with a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma, choosing a program of a narrower specialization or choosing a related discipline: in this case, the candidate’s experience in this specialty and the ability to justify his decision to change his field of activity and certain achievements will play in his favor. Achievements should be rather formal - those that can be documented: victories in competitions, publications in scientific journals.

    Master's students may apply to continue their studies in graduate school (or a PhD program) or another master's program. To apply for a PhD, you must have experience research activities and certain achievements that will speak for themselves, and for master’s studies - a serious reason for changing your specialty. PhDs or holders PhD degrees can afford to submit documents to participate in a research program - postgraduate.

    Having decided at what level to continue studying, it is worth thinking about the country. You should start from knowledge of foreign languages, from experience of interaction with the country and from the programs that these countries offer to candidates who are not EU citizens. Russian citizens There are many grant programs available in the USA, Germany, France, China, and Japan.

    It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some programs organized by foundations have one of the requirements that the scholarship recipient must return to their home country after graduation. When choosing a program, you should understand that some of them will not allow you to immigrate to another country.

    Natalya Ravdina

    supervisor educational projects British Council:

    “One of the important requirements of the Chevening scholarship program is the condition of returning to your home country after completing your studies. This condition is due to the interest of countries providing scholarships in developing cooperation with strong partners. Studying abroad opens up incredible opportunities for creating connections in the professional community, laying the foundation for joint business and cultural exchanges. Bringing fellows back to their home country certainly makes it easier for these partnerships to develop and help them flourish.

    There are different grants that have different obligations for the people who receive them. The Chevening Scholarship, administered by the British Council, assumes that the successful candidate, having completed a course of study in the UK, will return to Russia, where he will apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Therefore, for those wishing to emigrate, this is probably not the most suitable way.”

    Step 3: Search for programs

    You need to look for programs in four places: on the websites of foundations or organizations that administer scholarship programs, on the websites of specific foreign universities, on the website of the Global Education program. It is also worth following the information that passes through your home university.

    Almost all universities have a Scholarships section, which presents opportunities to cover costs associated with studying. Thus, there is a Student financial services section at Harvard Law School, a Scholarships page on the University of Melbourne website, and a limited number of scholarships are provided by the Technical University of Denmark. Typically, all universities have different requirements: some cover tuition costs only partially, some fully, and some even include a small monthly stipend for personal expenses. It is on university websites that you are more likely to find scholarships for studying at the undergraduate level. It is also usually on the websites of educational institutions that positions for training in PhD programs or recruitment are presented research group to work on a specific, most often very highly specialized, problem.

    In addition to foreign universities, Russian universities also provide scholarships. Every year, the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences holds a competition together with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation for training in cultural management under a double degree program: a Russian advanced diploma and a British master's degree from the University of Manchester. Many Russian universities are partners of foreign universities and organize joint programs for their students. graduate School Economics cooperates with several foreign universities, and MGIMO partners with the Technological University of Monterrey, Free University Berlin, Humboldt University, Potsdam University and others.

    Natalia Garanina

    student of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder:

    “It all started with working on my diploma. The fact is that I received three educations at the same time: the main day education - in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", the evening one - "International Management" and, on the basis of the evening one, an additional one - "Translator in the field of professional communications" When choosing a topic for my thesis, I didn’t experience any particular problems, since I wanted to write something that combined mathematics and marketing. As a result, I took up the topic “Mathematical methods for assessing the effectiveness of advertising.”

    However, there was either no literature on this topic at all, or it was in English (thank God, this did not cause me any special problems). And it was then that I realized that this topic is more relevant abroad. I decided that I should write my master’s thesis outside of my homeland. Then I found a very interesting specialty at a university in Paris - Quantiave Methods in Economics. I started looking for ways to get there. I found out that the specialty is supported by Erasmus Mundus, as well as the consortium. The consortium has offered a limited number of scholarships that will be distributed to each of the universities. They are available to all students (EU and non-EU). Each scholarship is worth half the cost of tuition. I decided to enlist support (mainly financial) from both sides and began preparing a package of documents.

    The main attention had to be paid to writing a motivation letter: why do you need a scholarship, program, specialty? I wrote everything as it is. The commission rated my application as type A, which means accepted with a scholarship. However, it later became clear that QEM was not funded by Erasmus in this particular year. And training, even despite the tough competition, costs 4,000 euros. And this does not include housing and transportation costs. In the end, the commission wrote to me that it gives 2000 from the consortium, that is, it pays only half the cost of training. I didn’t want to take money from my parents, and I myself wasn’t working at that time; I barely had enough time for education. The foundation’s employees wrote me letters for a long time, right up to the start of classes, with links to other scholarships that I could try my luck to win.”

    Step 4: collecting and preparing documents

    Submitting documents is the most important step in the entire procedure for obtaining a grant. Experts get acquainted with candidates, having in hand only a standard package of documents, to which, in rare cases, you can attach a photograph. Before you start collecting documents, it is worth studying the list of what is required for each specific program. Usually these are copies of documents on higher education and their certified translation, certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages, CV and motivation letter. Sometimes organizers ask to attach documents about general secondary education, a translation of a dissertation, a list of publications in scientific journals, a GMAT certificate, and possibly something else.

    Fellows, that for scholarships such as DAAD, it is not only important to comply with all paperwork requirements, but also arrange the documents in the exact order in which they are listed on the program website. Sometimes an interview for a scholarship is simply not provided, and the organizers select scholarship recipients based only on the documents submitted by the candidates.

    Irina Dobrynina

    Fellow of the research internship program for young scientists of the German Academic Exchange Service:

    “I received a scholarship from DAAD under the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists program of the German Academic Exchange Service.” I chose the program in accordance with my language knowledge: I only know German, and my English is at a conversational level. area of ​​mine scientific interests: ecology, climate, climate change, urban climate, urban ecology. In Germany, I worked on assessing the microclimatic conditions of Kassel and Voronezh. The scholarship was enough for everything and even more - after all, it was 1000 euros per month.

    I didn't have an interview. I sent all the documents in paper form to the Moscow representative office, where the experts make a decision. The competition takes place in two stages: first in Moscow and then in Bonn. I have documents - this is the only and important stage. You just need to comply with all the requirements stated on the site. If you are asked to submit your CV first and then a copy of your certificate, then that’s what you should do. Applications not completed in accordance with the requirements are simply discarded.

    Most scholarship applicants have the most big question- how to find a professor in a foreign country who will extend an invitation to work together. I had a professor from the very beginning - I met him through participation in international seminars. He came to our university, and that’s how we met. He started working with my teacher, I got involved. But as they tell me, finding a professor is not difficult. You just need to think about it in advance - about four months in advance.

    The DAAD website has a special search system, which works quite well. You can also look at the circulars of various international conferences. Just by reading a book, for example, you can find out that such and such a professor works in such and such a direction and write to him.

    Many professors are happy to work with talented young people from third world countries and Russia. As a result of such cooperation, consortia can be born, and consortia receive funding. A European scientist lives on grants, and most grants are geared towards international cooperation. After the internship, I, my supervisor in Russia, my supervisor in Germany, and several colleagues from Holland planned to create a scientific network.”

    Step 5: Interview

    The final stage in the pursuit of a scholarship is an interview. The interview or interview is most often conducted by large foundations that distribute grants. During the interview, it is important to demonstrate your interest in studying in general and the fellowship in particular, as well as convincingly talk about your previous experience, without contradicting your own application. The selection committee devotes the lion's share of its attention to how candidates can present themselves and how they talk about themselves. The veracity of what is written in the documents and the overall adequacy of the applicant are also checked.

    Usually 5% of candidates are invited for an interview if we're talking about about major grant programs. Typically the British Council receives around 600–800 applications for the Chevening Scholarship. The number of candidates invited for interviews depends on the number of scholarships available.

    Alexander Parolov

    Cass Business School student, British Chevening Award 2011/12:

    “First I entered British university, and then found out about the Chevening scholarship and applied. My parents were ready to give me the opportunity to study further because they believed that it would change my life. However, this does not change the general meaning, because agreements with the university can be reached without paying any fees - this will mean a conditional invitation.

    The vast majority, if not all, of the 2011 Chevening Scholars were not yet enrolled at university when the scholarship was awarded. An agreement already reached with the university is not a requirement, it can only serve as a small advantage and proof of activity, but nothing more. Therefore, as a general recommendation, I can say that it is better to start correspondence with universities in advance, so that by the time you submit documents for the chosen scholarship, you already have some history of correspondence with the university (possibly even an invitation), which does not require you to pay for tuition and at the same time will definitely highlight you from the general mass. Being a Fellow can speed up and simplify the process of obtaining final approval from universities - this fellowship is highly respected in the UK.

    The Chevening scholarship attracted me because it essentially remained the only option for a Russian student wishing to study for a master's degree in the UK - by that time I had already identified my preferred university and received a conditional invitation. I learned about the scholarship from a friend, and then saw the information on the website of this business school. After going to the British Council website, I learned that the scholarship not only covers a very large part of the costs of studying and living in the UK for young and ambitious leaders of their countries, but also makes serious demands on academic success, motivation and professional experience. Also, the scholarship holder must return to his home country after graduation to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and change some aspect of life for the better. The results of the research were clear: this scholarship is one of the most prestigious and difficult to obtain. I saw that I met the basic criteria and, despite my doubts, submitted the documents. Two months later, I already had an interview at the British Consulate in St. Petersburg, and three months later I was on a train that had been paid for for me to Moscow to sign an agreement on awarding a scholarship.

    I can say without a shadow of a doubt that document preparation is the most important step in the entire process of obtaining a grant or scholarship. The fact is that personal charm, competent and rich speech, intelligent behavior and neat appearance the jury will be able to see only if you go through the first stage of selection - the competition of documents. And here, as in any paper work (although now everything is usually in in electronic format), the most important thing is accuracy, literacy, brevity and clarity of thought. Regardless of the scholarship you choose, and whether you fill out paperwork or electronically, there should be no conflicts in the application form and/or motivation letter (for example: full-time study and full-time work in the same year) and grammatical errors, but there should be your achievements in all their glory, logical personal development with the correct chronology, desire receive a scholarship and an understanding of why you need it and why those who award this scholarship need it.

    The latter is especially important for a motivation letter, the importance of which in the overall package of documents can hardly be overestimated. Its writing should be approached as the most important stage of the entire selection, because it can be the ticket to the ship if the other parameters fall a little short. The motivation letter should be clear, not too long, easy to read, honest and smart - this is the point where you need to show that you have clearly defined your goals and understand how the scholarship will help you achieve them. Judging by what I heard, most candidates are eliminated precisely because they cannot formulate in writing or orally why they need all this and what they will do with all this later. Simple and difficult at the same time.

    When the first stage - the competition of documents - is completed, you can relax and be a little proud of yourself, but then you will have to get yourself together again, because the interview is also very important. All I can say is that in the case of my scholarship, 50 out of 650 candidates who applied were invited to an interview, but only 13 of them received the scholarship.

    I can try to list what, in my opinion, you should not do before, during and after the interview: you should not go to bed late, have a heavy breakfast in the morning, come back to back, behave arrogantly with an awareness of your own uniqueness, refer to mutual acquaintances and connections, flatter and compliment the jury, smile too much or laugh constantly, put your feet on the table and ask about the jury's impressions immediately after the end of the interview.

    First, read your application and letter again. If they call you to talk, it means they liked you, but what places in the profile may raise questions and clarifications? Identify them and prepare the correct answers. Think about what the purpose of your program is, to whom they give a scholarship or grant, for what? This will help you prepare for the conversation. I personally wrote down all possible questions on a piece of paper and looked at them in the morning before leaving the house. The second piece of advice is to wake yourself up in a good mood, because you have already achieved a lot and will soon gain experiences that others can only dream of. Therefore, smile, enjoy the process and radiate unobtrusive positivity - this is the key to success, I am firmly convinced of this. Don't worry about the circumstances of the interview itself: the environment is always inviting and very friendly, these people are here to learn about your dreams and aspirations, they work there because they like to help people. It is much more important to practice answering questions and walk to the interview site, weather permitting, of course. And lastly, the night before, don’t be too lazy to imagine your tomorrow’s triumph in rainbow colors. Let’s not underestimate the importance of visualization.”

    Icons: 1) Chananan, 2) Isabel Martínez Isabel, 3) Marcos Folio, 4) Ferran Brown, 5) Rflor - from the Noun Project.