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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Proverbs about friends and friendship of peoples

Proverbs on the theme of friendship will never lose their relevance, and even in our time of revolutionary information technologies there is a place good old proverb about friendship, mutual assistance and fellowship.
It is beautiful to sing, tell stories and fairy tales, so that they listen to you with rapture, not everyone can do it. Another thing is a proverb or saying about fidelity, about the friendship of peoples, old friends in colloquial speech we often use them, and do not even notice it.

An untested friend that the nut is not split.
Not explored - friend; and known - two.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Friendly is not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

It is known that not every saying can be called a proverb or saying. A saying, as well as a saying, is a phrase invented by the people, its oral creativity. If you formulate it differently, you can call it a proverb short phrases, in used during a conversation, which are used to describe various life situations. on this page you will find the best Russian sayings and proverbs about friendship.

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich, the compiler of the well-known collection "Proverbs of the Russian Language", believed that the proverb is like a parable, only small. He argued that this is an opinion, a consideration and a wise hint created by the people and included in colloquial speech.

How the theme of friendship is revealed in proverbs.

Friendship is when people are comfortable being with each other, they have similar interests and views in certain situations. There is always trust between friends, a friend can not only praise, but also criticize, point out mistakes in actions. However, his negative feedback cannot offend or offend, that is the value of a friend - he always tells the truth. Our people have come up with a lot wise and instructive proverbs about friendship, sayings about the friendship of peoples and it is important to preserve and protect this greatest heritage. Be sure to introduce children to proverbs about friendship, comradely mutual assistance, learn them by heart.

Russian proverbs about friendship.
Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy.
Suddenly you won't be a friend.
There is no circle for a friend.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
Friends until a rainy day.
Look for friends, and enemies will be found.

If you have with any person appeared common interests, this does not mean that you will become friends. After all, friendship is something more, reunion on spiritual level. This type of relationship is characterized by depth and sincerity. A friend will instantly be able to catch your mood and even its reason, only with a glance, without further ado. He notices things that other people don't notice. And every friend will support you absolutely disinterestedly.
Rivers may run dry, mountains may crumble
but the friendship of peoples is eternal and indestructible.

Friendship of Peoples - stronger than the storm, brighter than the sun.

When an Uzbek sings, a Tajik sings along with him.
When a Tajik plays, an Uzbek dances.

Friendship of people creates a mountain of treasures.

The language of friendship does not need translation.

If it were not for friendship, then people would be lost.

Friendship and brotherhood are better than wealth.
The rhymed form of the proverb allows it to be remembered from the first time and for a long time. For almost any situation, there is a saying that can briefly and concisely describe the state of affairs. When communicating, it will come to mind only when there is a reason. Sayings often contain recommendations for further action under certain circumstances.

In the development of the child, the role of sayings and proverbs is great. To teach their kids begin when they already know how to talk, even if hesitantly. AT kindergarten And at school, children learn more and more of these sayings, using them not only in the classroom, but also in conversations among themselves, while imitating adults.

A large number of well-known and frequently used proverbs and sayings can be found on our website.

The best Russian proverbs about the friendship of peoples, the friendship of old friends. For children and adults.

December 2014 the visit of the director and teachers of the general education high school from the small and glorious town of Sønderborg in Denmark. As a result of the meeting in December, the project of cooperation "Dialogue of Cultures" was born. Having defined target audience students of grades 8-9 - project participants, we began to take our first steps in this direction: we exchanged addresses Email, registered on the portal, posted small presentations about themselves there and away we go…

After communicating online, we received an invitation from the Danish side to visit Denmark, the city of Sønderborg and get acquainted with the education of Denmark, the culture and way of life of the Danes. A team of 11 students and 2 teachers visited Denmark in November 2015. Everything was new and unexpected. Our children were delighted. The program was intense and largely interactive. Every day in Denmark was a day - a project. For example, in the Museum of the War of 1864 in Sønderborg, the guys were able to take part in the reconstruction of one of the battles, trying on the uniform of Danish soldiers, loading guns of that era and frying pancakes on an open fire and tasting them right there.

The return visit of Danish schoolchildren from Sønderborg to our gymnasium took place in April 2016. 18 Danish schoolchildren and 2 teachers visited our children's families. You ask: in what language did Danish schoolchildren communicate with the guys from our gymnasium? Of course, in English! And they not only talked, but also became friends, and I think that when they grow up and become adults, they will remember our beloved capital and a very warm welcome in Moscow families!

The project is ongoing and, moreover, the international cooperation Gymnasium No. 1507 with other countries has expanded. In February 2017, 20 Chinese schoolchildren and 2 teachers from the Sixth City School of Harbin came to our gymnasium. The guests were in Moscow for only 3 days, but managed not only to spend a busy day in our gymnasium (Museum of the 43rd Army, joint lessons and Russian folk games, fairy tale "The Nutcracker" on English language and much more), but also got to know our favorite city (Christ the Savior Cathedral, Red Square and the territory of the Kremlin, Kolomenskoye and Arbat). Together they were able to touch the beautiful at the Conservatory and visit Moscow universities (the Russian Language Institute named after A.S. Pushkin and Moscow State University) with a further aim to study in Russia. Undoubtedly, such exchanges school groups extremely interesting and informative for both parties and serve the purpose of intercultural interaction between partner schools in the field of education, science and culture!

I can't help but mention the following important step- the signing of a framework agreement on cooperation between gymnasium No. 1507 and the 6th city school of Harbin, within the framework of which a return visit of our gymnasium students to the PRC is planned in August, an exchange of groups of teachers from partner schools to get acquainted with the education systems of the two countries and share experience, joint online projects and teleconferences.

All of the above is done in parallel with the study of Russian and Chinese in our partner schools, which allows you to get to know the culture and traditions of China and Russia much better and deeper.

We have big plans for the advancement of our high school students in the study of the countries of the West and the East, but more on that later...

P.S. After the departure of the Danish schoolchildren at the end of the last academic year, I somehow went into the class of the guys who hosted Danes in their families and visited Denmark, and saw on the blackboard confirmation that the project had taken place and was successfully implemented. Classroom teacher 8E class Mikhail Anatolyevich asked the children to draw on a sheet of A4 format, which was successful and remembered in the past academic year. On the EVERYONE I saw Denmark in the picture, smiled and thought that everything was not in vain ....

People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time. In the name of friendship, feats and disinterested deeds were performed, for the sake of friendship they fought and died. But it is almost impossible to characterize this word in a few sentences, because each person puts something of his own into its meaning.

Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts, feelings and needs of two people. We put into this word fidelity and the desire to always come to the rescue, empathy and joy for the happiness of a loved one, as for ourselves.

A friend must be sincere in his feelings, there is no place for flattery and hypocrisy. Even when the truth can hurt, only a friend will find the strength to say it in person, without concealing anything.

Between friends there is no place for envy and rivalry. Only a true friend will rejoice for the other as well as for himself.

But friendship is a fragile crystal bowl. It must be protected from careless offensive words, from outbursts of irritation and anger. Of course, true friendship cannot be broken by a simple quarrel or quarrel, but it is also not necessary to triple the tests for strength. After all, having a true friend is amazing gift. It is a miracle to know that you are not alone in the world and there is someone who will always lend his shoulder and stand next to you, will not turn away in the face of trouble or difficulties.

Is it necessary to try to be better for a friend, because true friend accept us for who we are? Of course, it is necessary. Still, friendship is based on mutual assistance and mutual bestowal. If one side only gives, and the other only receives, without contributing anything in return, then such a relationship is very far from true friendship. For the sake of a friend, you definitely need to become better, kinder and more attentive. A friend is a mirror of ourselves. You should not expect loyalty and devotion from a friend if we ourselves cannot boast of such traits.

True friendship is a great value in life, and happy is the one who has a friend.

Composition reasoning Friendship

John Chrysostom: "Better to be in darkness than without a friend."

I believe that a person in life has always had at least one true friend. Yes, lives diverge and it is not always possible to be close to each other and support, but in the heart this person is always with you. And even if you do not communicate for a very long time, due to certain circumstances, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: “What would my friend advise me, what would he do?” Why is this happening? It seems to me, because he can be trusted with a lot, all the most intimate, even his life. A friend becomes a part of you, and without him you no longer feel the way you are now.

Friendship is a wealth that many people want to own. She makes you understand that you are not alone, that you will not be left alone with your misfortune, and sharing the joys with someone is even greater happiness.

If the friendship is real, it will never go away. It will go along with you for many years and everything will be the same as it was 10 and 20 years ago. Your friend will be happy to communicate with you, support, advise and worry about you, even if you are far from each other.

The quote from John Chrysostom, which is given at the beginning, fully answers the question: “Why is friendship important and necessary?” After all, for the sake of a friend, you can sacrifice everything. It is impossible to live without a friend, because this person is a reflection of yourself. You know everything about him, and he knows about you - this is a trust that is hard to win.

Also, it is worth noting that friendships cannot be considered only in this framework. Of course, there is also love, but love for the person himself on a spiritual level; respect, that is, some kind of equality and recognition of each other. There is no perfect friendship, there will always be disagreements, without them it is impossible to build good relations. Therefore, it has been tested for years, and if the test is passed, then you are a happy person.

What is Friendship reasoning Grade 9

At certain moments life path many think about friendly participation, saving from loneliness. Our subconscious mind is wired to want to make friends with funny people capable of doing good, striving to help at any moment. The person who is able to provide real help is a true friend.

We are surrounded by many people, but true friends are very few. And so, the main quality of a friend is to be honest, sympathetic, sympathetic, ready to provide all possible assistance at any moment. A true comrade will give the last, not regretting it later.

Friendship is a feeling of giving warmth and support.

Ability to find a friend the right words. Help in Hard time. And find a way out together.

If you have a friend, then you need to maintain a relationship with him for life. Many different proverbs about friendship. For example: “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, “Friendship is known in trouble!”. We value in a friend positive traits character, we try to help ourselves. Friendship is not one-sided. Try to trust each other and do not skimp on any help.

Friends are easier to make at a young age and harder to make later. It is necessary to value, protect friendships, personal secrets, not to betray friendships. Not all friends' conversations are only about “pleasant” things in life, it is a real friend who reveals the truth to you on certain circumstances, not to flatter, to admit if you did something bad. Can forgive if a friend made a wrong step, stumbled! In time, it will stop and turn in the other direction.

Many people think that there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. But, in fact, it is possible and depends on moral character both genders and goals in life. In the work "Dink" by V. Oseeva, main character Dinka admits to "Khoholk" that she has more than friendly feelings for another guy. She did the real thing, like the most best friend. Her friendly deed is commendable. Although hearing these words, the friend felt pain.

I want everyone to be friends with each other. And there were friendly relations between countries and states. Then there will be peace. And peaceful relations are preservation natural resources, families and engaging in peaceful affairs and the development of modern technologies.

". An hour before the start of the concert program, various exhibitions and interactive platforms unfolded in the foyer.

The Birobidzhan Jewish community "Freud" had something to surprise the guests on this day. The exposition "Jewish Shtetl" was, perhaps, one of the most amazing at the festival. Those who wished could take a picture with a life-size puppet depicting Tevye the milkman. Nearby is a cart full of modest belongings, something like this was once the main means of transportation for the first builders of the JAO. An unusual participant in this exhibition was ... a live goat!

Students of the regional college of culture and arts helped the guests of the festival feel the atmosphere of the Jewish town and immerse themselves in its life. Here, friendly hostesses cooked dinner, washed. A shoemaker and a tailor were nearby. The boys busily scurried around the site, handing out the newspaper "Community". The townspeople were also waiting for a culinary master class, where those who wished could taste Jewish dishes, get acquainted with their recipes and even try to cook them themselves. And under the pen of the famous Birobidzhan artist Vladislav Tsap, the typical inhabitants of the Jewish town came to life.

– At this festival, we decided to move away from the traditional exhibition of Jewish studies and recreate the shtetl, bringing together three festival nominations – national cuisine, amateur creativity and arts and crafts and art, - says the chairman of the Birobidzhan Jewish community "Freud" Roman Leder. - We united our efforts, everyone contributed. We made a banner that depicts an old Jewish town. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, virtuoso violinist Alexander Borgardt was invited from Vladivostok, who charmed us with Jewish melodies. Center folk art helped us "get" a goat for the joy of the children. We found a cart to show how the settlers came to us. Students of the College of Culture helped us a lot, and Valery Gurevich even found somewhere an old Singer sewing machine. So we managed to reproduce the life of the Jewish town of the late XIX - early XX century.

Leaving the “Jewish Shtetl”, the guests went to the next “delicious” exposition, alluring with its aromas. " Hospitable Tajikistan”- this was the name of the culinary platform, where a lot of mouth-watering sweets for tea were presented. Near the tables crowded a lot of sweet-toothed children.

The attention of the townspeople was attracted by Korean and Armenian expositions introducing national costumes, household items, souvenirs, and art. Some of the guests even tried to try on hats different peoples peace. PSU students sewed national costumes for dolls for the festival. Nearby were presented coins and banknotes of various states.

And musician Alexander Plechko presented his collection of exotic national instruments - the Armenian duduk, the didgeridoo - a wind instrument of the Australian aborigines, the khulusyu - the Chinese flute, the kenu - the flute of the North American Indians, the shaman tambourine, the Armenian shvi flute and others. Nearby are the familiar balalaika, rattles, accordion, accordion.

Pupils of the children's art school regional center They also decided to take part in the exhibition - they captured the picturesque views of Birobidzhan and scenes from the life of Jews in their drawings.

After getting acquainted with the interactive national sites, everyone moved to concert hall. « We glorify unity in Russia"- so called creative program presented to the audience. According to the already established tradition, the head of the region, Alexander Levintal, presented state and regional awards to a large group of distinguished residents of the region, after which the concert began.

Amateur artists presented dance, instrumental and song numbers of Ukrainian, Armenian, Tajik, Korean, Azerbaijani and Belarusian cultures. And the guest from Khabarovsk congratulated the audience in seven languages ​​and performed a medley of Tajik songs, which caused a storm of applause.

The festival was attended by Yulia Novikova and Alexandra Dragunova. Photo by Nathan Brandman

The second week of the intra-university Olympiad in surgery at the Volgograd Medical University continued with the endovideosurgical competition. Those wishing to compete in the intracorporeal imposition of individual interrupted sutures have tripled compared to last year. Moreover, this fact did not affect skill in any way. On the contrary, the judges noted the excellent preparation of students. There are two tests in the results of the competition: among experienced participants and beginners.

department operative surgery and topographic anatomy, headed by Alexander Vorobyov, has the opportunity to train students on a modern ETHICON endovideosurgical simulator using the necessary equipment - a monitor, a video block, a light guide, a laparoscope and specialized tools. The newcomers of the Surgical Club of the VolgGMU improved their skills in applying intracorporeal sutures for two months under the guidance of mentors from the section "Endovideosurgery".

Another event that took place in Yekaterinburg from December 7 to 8, as part of the strategy for holding surgical congresses federal districts implemented by the Russian Society of Surgeons, has become IICongress of Surgeons of the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation. The congress was attended by leading experts of the Russian Federation and countries former USSR, representatives of the general medical network of regions and federal centers Russia, scientists and practicing surgeons of the CIS countries.

The opening began with an address to the delegates by the President of the ROC, Academician I.I. Zatevakhin, Minister of Health Sverdlovsk region(CO) I.M. Trofimov, rector of the Ural State Medical University (USMU), corresponding member. RAS O.P. Kovtun, Chairman of the Medical Chamber of SO, MD F.I. Badaev and Chief Surgeon of the Ural Federal District, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.I. Prudkov.

On the basis of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University,V All-Russian Olympiad in pediatrics. Students of the Volgograd Medical University also took part in it, finishing fourth.

In total, 35 teams from medical schools different parts of our country (and this is about 180 participants) to compete for the title of the best in the difficult discipline of "pediatrics". VolgGMU delegation was made up of 6th year students Faculty of Pediatrics Maxim Gonik, Alexey Kulichkin, Olga Bitkova, Olga Salomatina, Svetlana Fetisova and Yulia Korneeva.

As part ofII All-Russian scientific and practical conference«Management in health care: challenges and risks of the 21st century” university students from Volgograd and young scientists presented their reports. In total, more than 40 researchers participated in three sections.

The first section was devoted to public health and healthcare and problems medical health. Participants presented their scientific work, the subject of study of which was the issue of mandatory and voluntary health insurance of the population, saving health and the problem of formation healthy lifestyle life. One of the interesting works was the study of Ekaterina Belskaya and Ekaterina Kochetkova, students of Volgograd State Medical University “Dynamics of staffing medical institutions Volgograd region compared to the Southern Federal District.

The Department of Public Health and Healthcare of VolgGMU prepared new program"Optimization of stationary medical care. Analysis, evaluation, ways to improve the efficiency of activities”, which is implemented as part of a continuous medical education(36 hours). The next cycle will take place from 18 to 22 December 2017.

We invite you to take part in the cycle of specialists-organizers of health care in hospitals of cities and districts of the Volgograd region.

After the first day of arm wrestling competitions, young men entered the fight. The team consists of 8 people. Four the best places. The boys competed in five weight categories.

In the lightweight category up to 60 kg, Dmitry Kuznetsov (Faculty of Medicine and Biology) took third place, Mukhamed Mashkaev (Faculty of Dentistry) took second place, and Artur Tyan (Faculty of Dentistry) took first place.

The ability to speak beautifully is useful for both professional speakers and just students. Why is it so important? Because in people's lives there is a moment when you have to speak to the public. Scientific Conference this or a presentation in front of a group - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to present yourself correctly.

Master class “Be sure. Speak beautifully” was held as part of the Lectorium project. Its creator and ideological inspirer is a 5th year student of the faculty social work and clinical psychology Ekaterina Bashilova, and the speaker of the event is Eldar Mustafayev, a 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine.

A scientific and practical seminar "The role and place of systemic pharmacotherapy in the treatment of trophic ulcers of venous origin", accredited by the Russian Society of Surgeons in the system of continuous medical education, was held for surgeons of polyclinics and hospitals in Volgograd.

E.A. E.A. Ponomarev. Eduard Alekseevich presented a number of meta-analyses on the problem of CVI, focusing on modern understanding pathogenesis and approaches to the treatment of CVI, DVT (deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities) and PTB (post-thrombotic disease).