Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Institute of Civil Aviation lists. Aviation universities in Russia

The aerospace industry of Russian industry is not in in better shape. Especially it concerns civil aviation. Therefore, aviation education becomes very important in the country’s development plans.

Young people graduating from secondary schools do not always know what to do with their lives next. Many people dream of connecting their destiny with astronautics or aviation, but are not sure of the correctness of this choice.

Operates in the Russian Federation a large number of aviation and flight educational institutions. The most significant are considered aviation institutes in Moscow. With access to the worldwide information network, everyone can find necessary information about any university in the country.

Aviation education in the Russian Federation

Studying at an aviation university is not easy, but it is prestigious. The requirements there are very high and the teaching staff is quite strong. Therefore, graduates are willingly hired by various companies.

Education in this area is very specific. It includes training students in the field of aviation technology, avionics (development of electronic on-board systems), aircraft propulsion systems, mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry, aerodynamics, geography and other applied sciences.

Training has a dual focus: civilian and military. A lot of class time is devoted to laboratory classes. This is where consolidation occurs. theoretical material in practice (design, assembly, testing).

Aviation institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Samara, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of our country train specialists in various professions. The demand for them has increased significantly in our century.

Aviation institutes in Moscow: which one to choose

There are several aviation universities in the capital. Among them are technical: MAI, MSTU GA; scientific research: VIAM, NIAT, CIAM named after. P.I. Baranov, GosNIIAS and military - Air Force Engineering Academy named after. NOT. Zhukovsky.

They offer higher education in various specialties. Graduates of technical and military universities can become engineers, technologists, designers (in the field of unmanned and manned aerial devices and their components), managers and economists in the aviation industry, or military personnel.

When making a decision regarding the choice of a particular institute, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements that a representative of each profession must meet. You need to weigh your strengths and capabilities, because your whole future life will depend on it.


The Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is located on Kronstadt Boulevard at number 20.

Includes 5 faculties:

  • mechanical,
  • aviation systems and complexes,
  • applied mathematics and computer technology,
  • air transport management,
  • correspondence

Courses are held annually vocational training in mathematics, physics, Russian language and aviation basics. Those who successfully complete the courses are issued corresponding certificates.

The Civil Aviation Institute in Moscow has 6 branches in different regions of the Russian Federation (Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Yegoryevsk, Kirsanov, Rylsk, Troitsk). The duration of study is 4-6 years, in the master's program - 1.5 years. Admission of applicants is carried out on a free and contractual basis.


The educational program of the Moscow Aviation Institute includes 12 faculties, 9 institutes (including military), 5 branches (Stupino, Khimki, Baikonur, Akhtubinsk, Zhukovsky).

The range of specialties at the university is very wide (more than 70), it is possible to get additional education, finish training courses. The presence of a technology park allows the institute to provide technological, research and development services.


The All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (Moscow, Radio St., 17) is rightfully considered the leading materials science center in the Russian Federation. It is here that materials used in the production of space and aviation equipment are developed.

The institute operates a training center consisting of master's, postgraduate, various courses and internships. We have our own production and testing center. Branches were opened in Gelendzhik, Voskresensk, Ulyanovsk.

Scientific schools organized at VIAM (12) are important in the field of materials science. Their work is highly appreciated by the international community.


The National Institute of Aviation Technologies (Moscow, Kirovogradskaya str., building 3) has been repeatedly awarded with state and international awards for successful research activities.

JSC NIAT employees are engaged in research, science, testing, examination (certification and attestation), production (parts, fasteners, technological equipment, etc.). They take an active part in the publication of magazines ("Aviation Industry", "Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Automation").

The management of the institute has created a scientific and educational center and an intellectual property department. There is a graduate school, academic and dissertation council.

You can learn more about all the specializations offered by aviation institutes in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation on the Internet portals of these higher educational institutions.

It is possible to postpone this proposal for later analysis as a worthy alternative to those mentioned on this resource. Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University") is discussed in much more detail among other materials on the current website. Probably, like the state universities of Ufa, this option trains masters of their craft of the “aviation” type.

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA)

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State technical university civil aviation (MSTU GA) (Irkutsk branch of the Federal State educational institution higher professional education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" (MSTU GA)) is discussed in detail by us in announcements and articles on our resource. It is possible to postpone this option for later analysis as a worthy alternative to similar ones on the topic in Russia. Like many other state universities in Irkutsk, this proposal trains good workers in the field of aviation.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau

We strongly recommend accepting this university as a replacement for similar ones on the list. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Kumertau () is described in much more detail and is formalized in the section on this list of universities. Like other state universities in Kumertau, this educational institution trains and graduates top-class specialists with a specialty in aviation.

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

Without any hesitation, look at this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones, often in the catalog. The St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation () is very sparsely provided for information, and is presented in a section on our resource. The same as the state universities of St. Petersburg, this option trains and graduates masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

The Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators (military institute) () is reviewed in more detail by us, and is presented in a section on the current portal. Unlike other state schools, Chelyabinsk-15 provides training for leaders on the topic of “aviation.” It is possible to study and adopt this offer as a replacement for similar ones in the catalog.

Branch "Vzlet" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MA I) (national research university) in Akhtubinsk (Branch "Vzlet" of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)" in Akhtubinsk) was discussed in more detail by us in one of the notes on the current portal. Like many others state institutions In Akhtubinsk, this educational institution provides training for managers on the topic of aviation. We propose to consider this option and other state institutions of Akhtubinsk as an alternative to similar ones mentioned here.

Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Ishimbay

Like many other state universities in Ishimbay, this educational institution provides training for managers in the aviation field. The branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in the city of Ishimbay () is described in much more detail for you in one of the notes, under the heading "state universities of Ishimbay", on the list of universities. One can quite seriously take this university into consideration as a replacement for many others mentioned here.

The Tutaevsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov" () is very sparsely listed in one of the notes on a specific website. Reminiscent of the others state academies Tutaev this educational institution trains and graduates excellent specialists in the specialty "aviation". Without any hesitation, study and adopt this proposal and other Tutaev state academies, as an alternative to those similar in topic on the list.

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyova

Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov (Gavrilov-Yamsky branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P.A. Solovyov") has been very poorly reviewed by us among other materials on a specific site. We propose to study and adopt this university as a replacement for similar ones that are often mentioned here. Like other state academies of Gavrilov-Yam, this option accepts and prepares masters of their craft in the field of aviation.

Probably, like the Yeisk-1 state schools, this option trains masters of their craft in the field of aviation. This option can be seriously studied and adopted by other public schools Yeisk-1, as an alternative to many others in Russia. Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (Military Institute) named after Twice Hero Soviet Union USSR pilot-cosmonaut V.M. Komarov (branch) of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V.M. Komarov (branch) federal state military educational institution of higher professional education Military educational and scientific center Air Force" Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin") is given in detail and formalized in the section at the current meeting.

Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)

We suggest that other state universities in Voronezh consider this option as an alternative to similar ones that are often mentioned here. Military aviation engineering university(Voronezh) (Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh)" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) is very sparsely described in announcements and articles on a specific resource. Reminiscent of other state universities in Voronezh, this option trains managers in the aviation field.

Branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU)

This option, unlike other state universities in Sterlitamak, produces top-class specialists in the aviation profile. It is possible to accept this option at other state universities in Sterlitamak as an alternative to those mentioned on this resource. The branch of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University in Sterlitamak (UGATU) (Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ufa State Aviation Technical University" in Sterlitamak) was very poorly considered by us among other materials, the heading "State Universities of Sterlitamak", on the portal.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is Russia's leading higher educational institution for the training of civil aviation specialists, a center of science and culture, where training and advanced training of specialists is carried out, fundamental scientific research is carried out in a wide range of scientific, technical, humanitarian and economic areas. The university is one of the largest research centers. Fundamental scientific research and development work are carried out here in the interests of civil aviation and other industries on flight safety issues, Maintenance and repair of aviation equipment, radar and control air traffic, commercial operation of air transport, management of air transport production, methodology higher education. Educational and scientific laboratories equipped with the latest equipment, modern computers, stands, mock-ups, simulators, working samples of aviation and radio-electronic equipment, technical means training and knowledge control. The university has created and successfully operates student research units, in which students improve theoretical knowledge and acquire practical work skills; they are engaged in the design and construction of lungs aircraft, development and modernization of aviation equipment and radio-electronic systems. Olympiads and scientific and technical conferences for students are regularly held. Best works submit to Russian and international student competitions scientific works. University students often become laureates of such competitions. At the training airfield of the educational aviation technical center of the university in the area of ​​Sheremetyevo airport there are many types of aircraft and helicopters of Russian civil aviation (Il-86, Il-76, Il-62M, Tu-154M, Yak-40, An-24, Mi-2 , Mi-8). The UB ERTOS radio range is equipped with all types of ground-based radar systems and radio-technical landing aids. The university library (more than 1 million books) is provided with educational literature on the profile of all faculties, current problems of science and technology, and social sciences. It is one of the best libraries in Russia on aviation technology. Readers are offered comfortable reading rooms with electronic catalogs and duplicating equipment. The university has numerous sports sections. The sports complex includes a stadium with an athletics center and a football field, specialized halls for sports games, tennis courts, a ski lodge and a functional and health center. University teams and athletes have repeatedly become champions and prize-winners of Russia and Moscow among educational institutions

Aviation is not only about ease of transportation, high-tech transport and travel around the world; this is a calling. Modern Russian airlines are experiencing an acute shortage of qualified personnel. The times when schools and institutes lacked teachers and equipment are long gone. Today, everyone can receive a comprehensive aviation education by learning on modern aircraft and simulators. Each educational institution is also equipped with laboratories, workshops and modern classrooms. There are civil aviation institutes and flight schools in many regions of Russia. Let's take a closer look at them.

To obtain higher education in the aviation field, you should enroll in higher education flight school civil aviation or the relevant civil aviation institute. There are a lot of them in Russia. The most prestigious universities are located in the following cities:

  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Samara;
  • Kazan;
  • Chelyabinsk.

Today, university education programs include time-tested methods and modern European teaching technologies. The list of subjects that future graduates will encounter includes general and humanities disciplines, foreign languages, physical training, as well as highly specialized subjects.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA) is one of the most prestigious universities countries.

Future specialists, bachelors, and graduate students can get an education here. Here they learn how to full-time for 5 years, and part-time (5.5 years). Students who already have specialized secondary aviation education or higher education behind them are trained in a shortened form. The institute offers a wide range of specializations including piloting, maintenance, flight control and management, and security. Cadets are provided with food and dormitory; The institute has a military department. The branches of the UI GA are several schools located in Sasovo, Omsk and Krasny Kut.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA)

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is a large research university. Here, not only the training of students takes place, but also the design and development of the latest achievements in the aviation, rocket and space spheres. You can study for a fee or free of charge, full-time and part-time. Special preparation courses for admission are organized for applicants.

MAI faculties include not only specialized disciplines and areas: there are opportunities for teaching social engineering, foreign languages, applied mathematics and physics. The remaining faculties graduate specialists in the field of radio electronics, management, computer science, aviation components, etc. A dormitory has been created for nonresident students. Military department is also present at the university.

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

State Technological Institute named after. Tsiolkovsky, or MATI, trains students in the development and operation of equipment for astronautics, as well as humanitarian fields. IN this moment The university merges with Moscow Aviation Institute. The forms of education correspond to the previous institutes; there are training courses for schoolchildren and graduates, and a military department.

State aerospace university in Samara has the status of a research educational institution. Future designers of aircraft and their components, engineers and technologists, specialists in the field of printing, economics, energy, etc. are trained here. The university has a branch located in the city of Tolyatti. The university has the opportunity to receive correspondence education, and also runs preparatory courses.

St. Petersburg is home to two venerable universities, one of which is dedicated mainly to aerospace instrumentation, and the second to civil aviation. The lists of faculties and specialties here are similar to similar universities in the country.

The cost of paid training depends on the specific institute and faculty. At MAI, for example, the first year of study will cost at least 144,000 rubles for a full-time course and 59,000 rubles for a part-time course. In St. Petersburg, full-time training costs from 2000 USD. e. and from 1000 cu. e. it costs correspondence.

Samara State Aerospace University

How to enter an aviation university

The rules for admission to aviation institutes and universities are in some respects similar to admission to civilian institutions. Applicants take the Unified State Exam in the required subjects (most often the Russian language, mathematics and physics). In addition, a flight medical examination is required, during which a detailed examination of the health status of the future student is carried out. Passing the selection is possible only after passing the commission and a successful psychological interview.

If the scores are the same, applicants are selected based on their success in passing specialized subjects. Applicants who did not qualify for the budget can apply for paid study. Girls can also study at universities, but they are often not accepted for training to pilot aircraft.

Benefits upon admission may be provided to orphans and representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population. Widespread practice target direction, when the enterprise provides the applicant with a guarantee of employment upon graduation.

Secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of aviation

In addition to universities or institutes, numerous educational opportunities are provided aviation schools civil aviation in Russia. They are located in different cities, have options for admission based on grades 9 or 11, and have different lists of specialties of study. Leading secondary educational institutions in the aviation sector are located in the following cities of Russia:

  • Red Kut;
  • Omsk;
  • Buguruslan;
  • Sasovo.

The Omsk Flight Technical College, the Krasnokutsk School and the Sasovo School are part of the branches of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation, and the Buguruslan School operates under the control of the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Aviation. Such mergers of educational institutions help graduates of schools to enroll on a short-term basis at institutes or get a job in leading Russian companies and enterprises.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 9th grade train cadets for 3 years 10 months. This opportunity is provided by the Omsk Flight College. It offers several specialties: airplane and helicopter pilot (one of the few institutions that offer helicopter training), flight mechanic, aircraft mechanic, navigation and radio equipment engineer.

The school has about 1,000 students, including both full-time and part-time students. The selection process for college is very strict: as a rule, only half of the applicants successfully pass it. The cadets train on airplanes and the Mi-8 helicopter. For the successful development of the educational and methodological program, there is an airfield, hangars, warehouses, laboratories and workshops on the college territory - all for theoretical and practical classes.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 11th grade are presented in a wider range of options. Omsk College, mentioned above, provides the opportunity for admission after 11th grade. In addition to it, the Krasnokutsk School, a school for civil aviation pilots, operates in Russia. Education based on 11 classes lasts for a period of 2 years and 10 months. Future pilots train on 5 types of aircraft and various simulators. In total, about 300 people study in Krasny Kut. Cadets are provided with dormitory, food and uniform. There is an opportunity to study on a paid basis, the cost of which for the entire period will be more than 100,000 rubles.

Omsk Flight Technical College

Future commercial pilots receive full-time training in Buguruslan. The duration of study is standard for the specialty. Each year, the school enrolls about 320 people; most of cadets study for free, the rest - at their own expense. The college has a large fleet of aircraft, simulators and other elements of modern equipment. Paid training here costs a lot, more than 2.7 million rubles for the entire time.

Sasovo also provides training for civil aviation pilots and information equipment technicians. Previously, this school was considered especially prestigious due to its proximity to the capital. Its current condition is also good: the school is well equipped with everything necessary. You can study for a fee or for free.

All Russian aviation schools, in addition to the general training course for cadets, provide paid services. This could be retraining of personnel, various courses including teaching in English. Each of them is equipped with a dining room and catering unit; cadets are given free meals three times a day. In addition, colleges are equipped with assembly halls, sports complexes with various halls and sections, and dormitories.

Cadets on the territory of schools are required to comply with a strict daily routine and rules of behavior, leave the territory at a set time for a certain period, and meet the requirements in study and everyday life. Orphans and socially vulnerable cadets are provided with financial assistance, social scholarships, and allowances for the purchase of things necessary for study. Students budget departments receive a scholarship.

Sasovo Flight School

The rules for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions are the same. First of all, the average score of the certificate after 9 or 11 grades is taken into account. Among them, mathematics, physics, Russian and foreign languages, in that order, are of particular importance. In case of dispute, grades in these subjects will be the deciding factor for admission. Passing marks may vary from college to college. They are high in Sasovo, Omsk and slightly lower in Krasny Kut and Buguruslan.

No less important factor How to enter a Russian flight school involves a psychological interview and a medical commission. The timing of its implementation is strictly established, since the duration of each certificate may be different. There is a fee for passing the commission. Usually it can be completed either at the educational institution itself or at another medical institution adapted for this purpose. The studies include a comprehensive examination of doctors: dentist, psychiatrist, narcologist, venereologist, radiologist, surgeon, etc. In addition, blood, urine, stool tests are taken, X-rays, ECG, etc. Successful completion of the commission is one of the most important conditions enrollment in any aviation school.

For admission to both a college and a Russian university, the applicant’s application, identification documents, a certificate, and the results of the Unified State Examination in higher education are required. In addition, you will need an insurance card, military ID and medical insurance.

Employment after graduation from institutes and schools

Graduates of aviation educational institutions have a chance to get a job in their specialty in airlines, factories in the production of aircraft, helicopter and space equipment and air hubs. The chances of employment as pilots increase with a sufficient number of flight hours and a high level of foreign language proficiency.

Finding employment after graduation can be difficult, despite the fact that Russian enterprises require employees. As a rule, each secondary school cooperates with a number of organizations and companies that regularly send lists of vacancies. Many graduates choose to continue their specialized studies at the institute or go to military service.

Employment statistics for graduates are carefully maintained by each school and can be posted on open access. Meetings with alumni and company representatives are held regularly.

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Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA)(formerly Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers - MIIGA listen)) is a state higher educational institution in Moscow in the Golovinsky district. Founded in . The leading higher educational institution in Russia for training aviation operational specialists for civil aviation. MSTU GA is the base of the Educational and Methodological Association of Russian Universities in the field of operation of aviation and space technology.

In October 2012, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Mikhail Sokolov instructed the Federal Air Transport Agency to work on the issue of joining the MSTU GA to the Moscow State University of Transport (MGUPS) as part of the creation on the basis of MGUPS Federal University transport in the Central Federal District. However, experts in the aviation field unanimously speak out about negative consequences similar reorganization.


In the early 70s, the leadership of the Ministry of Civil Aviation decided to create the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (MIIGA) in Moscow, since the largest Moscow air hub in the country was developing especially quickly, and the task of increasing the number and quality of training of aviation specialists could no longer cope with the existing then in Moscow there was a branch of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers with correspondence courses, which at the time of the creation of MIIGA had more than 20 years of history. Back in 1948, a training and consultation point (UCP) of KIIGA was opened in Moscow for part-time students working at the Moscow aviation hub. In October 1951, this UKP was transformed into the Moscow extramural KIIGA, located on the territory of today's air terminal on Leningradsky Prospekt. The department was headed by a participant of the Great Patriotic War, experienced organizer M.A. Ryzhevsky. In September 1961, the Moscow correspondence department was transformed into the Moscow branch of KIIGA for correspondence education. M.A. Ryzhevsky was appointed director of the branch.

On April 16, 1971, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the organization of the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers” was signed. On its basis, on May 17, 1971, an order was issued by the Minister of Civil Aviation B.P. Bugaev with the same name. The order of the Minister of Civil Aviation prescribed: 1. To organize, from June 1, 1971, on the basis of the Moscow branch of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (MIIGA) for the training of engineering personnel in full-time and correspondence forms training. 2. Organize the following faculties and departments within the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers: a) faculties: general technical, mechanical, electrical and radio technical; b) departments: Marxism-Leninism, general technical disciplines, higher mathematics and mechanics, physics and chemistry, foreign languages, electrical engineering and aviation electrical equipment, aviation instruments and computer technology, radio engineering, radio engineering devices, theory and design of aircraft and aircraft engines, technical operation and repair of aircraft and motorized vehicles.

At the beginning of July 1971, the first intake of first-year full-time applicants, male only, was announced to acquire the following specialties in 5 years and 6 months of study: operation of aircraft and aircraft engines, technical operation of aviation radio equipment, technical operation of aviation instruments and electrical equipment of aircraft. Since September 1, 1971, 77 students of the preparatory department and 143 applicants who passed competitive entrance exams were enrolled in the first year of the full-time department.

In the first year of its formation, 2,503 students studied at the institute, of which 220 were full-time students and 2,283 were part-time students. There were 77 full-time teachers, including 7 doctors and 34 candidates of science. 8 teachers had the academic title of professor, 29 teachers had the title of associate professor, and in total, 78% of teachers had academic titles and degrees. 69% were under 50 years old, 80% had more than 5 years of teaching experience.

In June 1972, an independent correspondence faculty was created, and the correspondence mechanical and electrical and radio engineering faculties were transformed into full-time faculties. An important event For the formation and development of the institute in subsequent years, there was a meeting of the Board of the Moscow State Academy of the USSR on February 10, 1972, which, after hearing the report of the rector of MIIGA on the state and prospects for the development of the institute, decided to provide full support to MIIGA in the creation of a modern educational and laboratory base and its rapid development. For educational purposes, the institute began to be allocated airplanes, helicopters and the necessary equipment, funds for the construction of a new educational building next to the institute and a residential building for teachers and staff. Based on the decisions of the Board, the Institute Council reviewed the promising structure of MIIGA, approved a plan for the development of research work and the creation of a scientific and experimental base. It was decided to open a graduate school. In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the institute began retraining of industry management personnel. On February 15, 1972, by order of the minister, advanced training courses for civil aviation command and management personnel were included in MIIGA.

In August 1972, students were recruited for two more newly opened specialties full-time education: electronic computers; automated control systems.

On September 1, 1974, the institute began training economic engineers in the specialty "Organization and planning of production in civil engineering", and a year later a third full-time faculty was organized - the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering. In February 1977, the institute graduated its first full-time aviation engineers at the mechanical and electrical and radio engineering faculties, and in June the first graduates of the faculty of automation and computer engineering defended their diploma projects. Every third graduation project was completed at the request of airline companies. A total of 246 students graduated from the full-time department, of which 106 received diplomas with honors. 292 people graduated from the correspondence faculty that year and 96 of them also received diplomas with honors. Research work was further developed. Since 1978, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has approved the main directions of scientific research for MIIGA, which undoubtedly created favorable conditions for the concentration of efforts scientific personnel and the resources of the institute to solve major, promising problems and the most pressing tasks of civil aviation.

A noticeable increase occurred in inventive and rationalization work. There were 4 public patent bureaus operating at the institute. The collection “Rationalization proposals used in MIIGA” began to be published. For high achievements in the All-Union Public Review of Rationalization and Inventive Work, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Moscow State Academy of the USSR in 1976 awarded MIIGA with the Challenge Red Banner. By the end of the 70s, two groups of heads of territorial civil aviation departments and their first deputies, one group of directors of civil engineering plants, and several groups of employees of the central office of the Moscow Civil Aviation were trained at advanced training courses for civil aviation management personnel. In June 1981, MIIGA celebrated its tenth anniversary. By this time, the institute had 4 faculties and 27 departments. 285 teachers worked within its walls, including 26 doctors and 170 candidates of science, 4,400 students studied, of which about 2,000 were full-time department. Over the ten years of its activity, the institute graduated 3,890 engineers, 80 people graduated from graduate school, 22 teachers became candidates of science, 4 teachers defended doctoral dissertations. 14 teachers were awarded the academic title of professor and 50 teachers - associate professor. The Institute was rightfully proud of the fact that prominent scientists worked there: three Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (I.S. Golubev, I.M. Sindeev, B.E. Avchinnikov), three Lenin Prize Laureates (V.F. Roshchin , P.A. Agadzhanov, A.I. Utkin).

The main objectives of the university for the period of development were: improving the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of the educational process management system, comprehensively improving the work on personnel selection and advanced training of teaching staff, strengthening connections between the educational process and science and production, creating computer-based automated teaching systems, mastering new aviation technology, wider implementation of scientific research results into practice.

Carrying out the transition to new curricula in 1983, the Institute Council and the administration Special attention turned to students for study basic sciences, developing their economic thinking and skills as production organizers, using computer-assisted teaching methods. The principle of combining experience and youth remained fundamental in the selection of teachers. In the 80s on pedagogical work Many graduates of the institute came, who later became candidates and doctors of science.

The active development of the institute was facilitated by the assistance of the Moscow State University and industry enterprises in equipping its training base with new types of aircraft (Tu-154M, Il-62M, Il-86, etc.), aviation and radio-electronic equipment, computers and technical training aids. In July 1986, a faculty was created to retrain management personnel to work in Aeroflot representative offices abroad. The faculty included: the department of international air services, the department language training foreign personnel, advanced training courses for foreign economic activity, industry research laboratory. The leading employees of the Moscow State University, employees of the Central University of Medical Sciences, GosNIIGA, CMEA, MVS, teachers of the Academy of National Economy and MGIMO were involved in the work at the faculty. At the turn of the 80s–90s the most important task Institute began the transition to multi-level training of specialists. An educational and professional bachelor's training program in the field of "Operation of Aviation and Space Technology" was developed, and a list of master's training programs was approved. In 1992, on the basis of MIIGA, an educational and methodological association (UMA) of Russian universities was created in three operational specialties.

Work continues to open new specialties. In 1993, the first intake of students for the specialty "Applied Mathematics" was made. Scientific work moved to a higher level of organization. The main directions of scientific research were adjusted in accordance with the profile academic work Institute. The number of students participating in research has increased. The results of scientific work were successfully exhibited at international and national exhibitions. University scientists spoke at various scientific congresses, conferences and symposiums in Australia, England, Belgium, Hungary, Holland, Canada, Korea, Colombia, China, Peru, Poland, USA, Thailand, Turkey, France, Germany, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Japan.

By the mid-80s, the institute had formed 8 large scientific schools, headed by professors, doctors of science V.I. Vasiliev, V.G. Vorobyov, A.I. Kozlov, V.I. Kriventsev, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.N. Smirnov, V.P. Frolov, V.G. Tsipenko.

The research results of these schools have found practical implementation in the implementation of work on organizing machine-to-machine exchange in information and computer networks of civil aviation; optimization of operating processes and automated means of control of aviation and radio-electronic equipment of aircraft; creation of theoretical foundations and practical methods application of radio polarimetry in the detection and discrimination of low-contrast, slow-moving radar targets; reducing fuel costs by optimizing aircraft flight trajectories; creation automated system control of switchgear of on-board electrical systems; managing the efficiency of the process of technical operation of aircraft and developing programs for their maintenance and repair according to their condition; creation of lattice (polyplane) folding wings; mathematical modeling of aircraft flight dynamics under normal and special flight conditions, as well as the creation of unconventional helicopter-helicopter aircraft.

Under the guidance of leading scientists of the institute, a lot of fundamental and applied research was carried out, the results of which were reflected in many textbooks, monographs and scientific articles. Their numerous students successfully defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations. Since 1981, the university has regularly held all-Union, republican and international scientific conferences, collections of scientific works are published. During the period of development of the university, the number of specialized councils for the defense of dissertations has increased. If in 1980 the institute had only 1 candidate council, then in 1996 there were already 3 doctoral councils (in 6 specialties) and one candidate council (in 3 specialties).

Success in the development of the university is largely related to the development of its material base. In 1987, the first stage of the new educational and laboratory complex (ULC) of the institute on Kronstadt Boulevard was put into operation; construction was completely completed in 1989. The new educational and laboratory complex has become the beauty and pride of the institute. It is located on an area of ​​18 hectares in the garden and park area of ​​Moscow, surrounded by the Golovinsky ponds system. The buildings, with a total area of ​​37 thousand m2, house excellent classrooms and laboratories, display classrooms equipped with modern computer technology, a library with a storage for 800 thousand books, equipped with a computer information retrieval system. The ULC has: a cinema and concert hall with 600 seats, equipped with modern film and video projection equipment, acoustic and lighting systems; a multifunctional sports and recreation complex for basketball, volleyball, tennis, rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, weightlifting and wrestling. The space between the building complex and Golovinsky Ponds is occupied by the university stadium, which includes a football field with running tracks and athletics sectors, a gymnastics ground, tennis courts, a hockey stadium, and a ski track. Hockey stadium thanks to artificial turf in summer period turns into a complex game types sports

Simultaneously with the construction of the training center, a lot of work was carried out to equip the training ATB, the ERTOS training base and the mechanization facilities base with modern aviation equipment and means for its maintenance.

According to the rating assessment of universities by the State Committee for Higher Education in October 1991, MIIGA took 3rd place among the sectoral universities of transport in Russia. A significant event in the life of the university was its certification in April 1992. Solution certification commission It was unanimous - to certify the university and recommend that the relevant authorities consider the issue of assigning it the status of a “technical university”. In July 1993, by order of the Chairman of the State Committee for Higher Education, the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (MIIGA) was renamed the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA).

New specialties continued to open. In 1996, the training of engineers in the specialty “Safety” was opened technological processes and production." In 2002, training began in the specialty “Public Relations”. A new faculty of management and public communications has been created.

On November 2, 2007, Deputy General Director of JSC Aeroflot, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Law Boris Petrovich Eliseev, became the rector of the university. Together with him she began managing the university new shift young leaders, half of whom are its graduates.

Today, MSTU GA is the leading higher educational institution in Russia for training aviation operational specialists for civil aviation. Its structure includes 5 faculties, 9 industry research laboratories, and a Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Air Transport Personnel of the Russian Federation. The university has two branches in Irkutsk and Rostov-on-Don, as well as 5 aviation technical colleges in the cities of Yegoryevsk, Irkutsk, Kirsanov, Rylsk and Troitsk. In total, the university and its branches employ over 680 professors, associate professors and teachers, of which 330 people, including 56 doctors and 170 candidates of sciences, conduct training in higher professional education programs. The training of cadets in secondary vocational education programs is carried out by 350 teachers.

general characteristics

Panoramic photo of the main building of MSTU GA

MSTU GA is a vertically integrated educational complex built within the framework of the concept of development of transport education. The University has implemented the concept of lifelong learning (not one education for life, but education for life), and a system of continuous education has been built.

MSTU GA is registered in the ICAO system. This fact confirms that our educational programs are fully focused on the needs of civil aviation and meet the ICAO requirements for educational institutions.

MSTU GA is the base university of the Educational and Methodological Association (UMA) of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation for education in the field of operation of aviation and space technology. UMO includes 23 universities in Russia and 6 universities in the CIS countries, which allowed the university not only to prepare new educational standards in operational specialties, but also to involve leading specialists from civil aviation enterprises in this work. The most important aspect development of the whole system Russian education on modern stage is a transition to fundamentally new system training within the framework of 3rd generation standards, where 50% of the disciplines studied are determined by the needs of civil aviation enterprises, that is, the employer takes an active part in the development of basic educational programs. The transition to a level education system implies not only a two-level system of higher education (bachelor + specialist, master), but also the creation of conditions for research activities.

The scientific and educational complex of MSTU GA is innovative form network interaction of industry science, education and production. Similar forms of cooperation have also been implemented on the basis of branches of higher professional education in the Southern and Siberian federal districts. The results of such interaction can be judged, for example, by the total volume of research work performed and scientific services provided under contracts with enterprises and civil aviation organizations.

IN modern conditions The state places high demands on indicators characterizing the effectiveness of universities. The university is constantly working to improve the quality of recruitment of applicants; general and specialized (both for one specialty and for a separate airline) open days are held. MSTU GA teachers give open lectures in schools. As a result of such systematic work, interest in the university among applicants has increased significantly (with a declining number of schoolchildren), which affected not only the number of applications submitted, but also the growth of the average Unified State Examination score. So only for 4 recent years The graduation rate from Moscow schools has halved, while the demand for MSTU GA specialties has doubled (the number of applications submitted).

International partners

  • International Aviation Operations Foundation "AMFI"
  • Institute of Higher Education (Bolton)
  • National airline of Germany "Lufthansa"
  • International Institute training of aviation managers "AMTI" (Montreal)
  • China Institute of Civil Aviation (Tianjin)
  • University "Del Valle" (Cali)
  • International Research Center for Telecommunications and Radar (Delft)
  • Institute of Technology them. King Mongkut "KMITNB" (Bangkok)
  • University of Alaska (Anchorage)
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach)
  • Boeing Training Center (Seattle)
  • National school civil aviation "ENAC" (Toulouse)
  • National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space "ENSAE/SUP AERO" (Toulouse)
  • Technical University "Technikon" (Cape Town)


University departments

  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department of Humanities and Socio-Political Sciences (GiSPN)
  • Department of State Regulation and Law (GRiP)

Faculty of Mechanics

  • Department of technical operation of aircraft and motor vehicles (TE of aircraft and motor vehicles). The main educational programs for training bachelor engineers developed by the university in the direction 162300 “Technical operation of aircraft and engines” have won the title of “Best educational program in innovative Russia” for the second year in a row. (The project “The Best Educational Programs in Innovative Russia” is carried out under the auspices of the Guild of Experts in the Field of Vocational Education and the National Center for Public and Professional Accreditation. The best educational programs are selected as a result of a survey of the broad academic and professional community.)
  • Department of Aerodynamics, Aircraft Structures and Strength (AKPLA)
  • Department of Aircraft Engines (DLA)
  • Department of Aircraft and AD Repair (RLA and AD)
  • Department of Flight Safety and Life Operations (BP and ZhD)
  • Department of Technical Mechanics
  • Department of Descriptive Geometry and engineering graphics(NGG)

Faculty of Aviation Systems and Complexes (FASK)

  • Department of Air Traffic Control (ATC)
  • Department of technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight navigation systems (TEAES and PNK)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Aviation Electrical Equipment (ET and AEO)
  • Department of Technical Operation of Radio Equipment and Communications (TERTOS)
  • Department of Aviation Radio-Electronic Systems (ARES)
  • Department of Radio Engineering Devices (RTU)
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering (TRT)

Faculty of Management and Public Communications (FMOC)

  • Department of Management
  • Department of Public Relations (PR)
  • Department of Economics GA (EGA)
  • Department of Finance of Civil Aviation (FGA)
  • Department of Special Language Training
  • Department of Transportation Organization (OP)

Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (FPMVT)

  • Department computers, complexes, systems and networks (VMKSS)
  • Department of Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and Information Security (ORTZI)
  • Department of Applied Mathematics (PM)
  • Department of Higher Mathematics (VM)
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department Information Security telecommunication systems (BI)

Correspondence faculty

Scientific work

The university is carrying out many developments in scientific field. The university already today corresponds to the status of a national research university in terms of research activity indicators. Research work is carried out on a very wide range current problems and challenges facing civil aviation. A large series of works was carried out to assess the effect of corrosion damage on the fatigue life of aircraft airframe materials. The following were highly appreciated by customers:

  • development and operation of ultra-light aircraft;
  • impact study hazardous factors on flight safety;
  • application of combined reality technologies for an online reference book with three-dimensional models of aircraft components;
  • combined reality technologies for virtual visualization of the landing glide path based on GLONASS/GPS systems;
  • creation of modern computer system professional training of flight personnel, providing automated control over the training process in real time;
  • development of a strategy for optimizing costs for the acquisition of greenhouse gas emission allowances for the Aeroflot group (implementation of the 2008 EU ETS directive of the European Parliament);
  • study of aircraft stability and controllability under the influence of external disturbances.

Serious innovative developments include the work of scientists to create a modern computer system for professional training of flight personnel, providing automated control over the training process in real time, as well as the development of tactical and technical requirements for standard classroom to train and maintain the qualifications of air traffic control personnel. Cooperation with industry enterprises has made it possible to establish interaction in the innovation sphere, which is reflected in a significant increase in the number of contracts for research and development work. As of October 1 of this year alone, we have concluded 16 contracts with industry customers, while another 7 contracts are in the signing stage. MSTU GA scientists pay considerable attention to the problems of ensuring flight safety. Among the unique developments is a patent-protected method for ensuring ornithological safety of an airport, in which a number of airlines and airports in Russia have already shown interest. The developed methods make it possible, for example, using vibrations in the millimeter wave range to change microcirculation in the circulatory and nervous systems. These oscillations are most pronounced if a signal is used for modulation that corresponds to the cry of a bird - a predator.

Today, one of the most advanced developments is the hardware and software complex of augmented reality glasses. In October 2012, augmented reality glasses caused big interest at the press. Such goggles will help pilots in an extreme situation, when instruments and autopilot fail in conditions of zero visibility, to land the plane on the runway, thereby preserving the life and health of passengers.

In addition, these glasses have many uses. For example, a dispatcher at a control tower at an airport can see an approaching plane in the air many kilometers away. Or use in the educational process together with teaching aids, on the pages of which a two-dimensional bar code is applied. When opening the page of such a manual, the student will see in front of him a three-dimensional model of any object, be it an aircraft engine, an airplane, etc. This model can be viewed from any side by rotating the aid. Developments in this area are not only protected by patents, but are also priority areas of research work at the university. Big practical use have work related to ensuring the protection of engines from foreign objects entering them from the surface of the runway. The effect of solving this problem is to eliminate damage to the working blades of engine compressors by foreign objects.

Within the structure of the Research Center MSTU GA there is a Department of Scientific Work, which organizes research work within the framework of economic contracts and state budget research projects in 12 main areas of scientific research of the University. Main scientific directions are:

  • Efficiency of technical operation.
  • Airworthiness of the aircraft. Flight technical operation, reliability and strength of aircraft structures.
  • Repair and restoration of aircraft, fuel supply for civil aviation.
  • Diagnostics, strength, durability of aircraft engines.
  • Flight safety.
  • Qualimetric management of air transport safety.
  • Aviation radar.
  • Radio navigation support for flights.
  • Technical operation of aviation electrical systems and avionics.
  • Air transport production management.
  • Economics, organization and financing of investments in civil engineering.
  • Philosophical and methodological problems of the development of technology and man.

University students participate in scientific work. The university regularly holds scientific competitions, the Scientific Bulletin of MSTU GA is published monthly by series (including the series " Student Science"). Students and staff participate in various Russian and international scientific and technical conferences. Students regularly take part in the exhibition " Scientific and technical creativity youth" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Technical support

A major role in the quality of training of specialists is played by real aviation equipment, which is equipped at the University Aviation Training Center with its own fleet of aircraft. Operating aviation and radio-electronic equipment is also located there. Similar training centers are available in all branches of MSTU GA. The aircraft fleet numbers more than 60 units. A significant achievement of the University was the acquisition and commissioning for the educational process:

  • 7 engineering simulators that allow you to simulate the operation of various aircraft;
  • 2 Faroche simulators consisting of Airbus A320 cockpits, Boeing 737 cockpits and procedure simulators;
  • simulator for lighting equipment for civil aviation airports;
  • 2 complex system simulators "SINTEZ - TC", designed for training airfield and air traffic control personnel regional systems ATC.


Higher professional education

  • Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
  • Rostov branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

Secondary vocational education

  • Irkutsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation
  • Yegoryevsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation named after. V.P. Chkalova (since March 1, 2009)
  • Rylsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation
  • Trinity Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation
  • Kirsanov Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation



  • Irkutsk Aviation Technical College - branch of MSTU GA
  • Yegoryevsk Aviation Technical College - branch of MSTU GA
  • Rylsk Aviation Technical College - branch of MSTU GA
  • Troitsk Aviation Technical College - branch of MSTU GA
  • Kirsanov Aviation Technical College - branch of MSTU GA