Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Methods of successful telepathy. Development of telepathy

Incredible Facts

At least once in a lifetime, but each of us found ourselves in a situation where we would like to read the thoughts of another person.

No matter how closely and well we know a friend or native person what goes on in their head, we are not able to know. This aspect seems to be the ultimate goal of our knowledge of someone else.

But in fact, everything is somewhat different. After all, there is emotional intellect, empathy, with the help of which a person turns into a real telepath with high level sensitivity to the emotions of others.

Today, telepathy in its classical sense (that is, the ability to read a person's thoughts at a distance without the use of any devices) is considered a pseudoscientific delusion.

Suggestion, telepathy

As early as 1882, attempts began to prove the reality of telepathy. This was done by the then famous researcher and philosopher Frederick Myers, who studied the paranormal and wrote the book " human personality and her life after the death of the body". Since then, these attempts have not stopped for a moment. He also introduced the term "telepathy".

Experts in this field distinguish several types of telepathy, including:

- conscious and unconscious;

- latent (which this moment asleep, but may manifest in the future);

- retrocognitive (refers to events from the past);

- intuitive (refers to events from the present);

- precognitive (refers to events from the future);

- emotive (if emotions, sensations, mood, etc. are transmitted instead of thoughts);

- mental;

- touch;

- physical.

How to develop telepathy

astral feelings

Each of us is aware of the existence of five senses (taste, hearing, sight, touch, smell). However, a person, among other things, has two more types of feelings related to more subtle reasoning and understanding. While the five senses are directly connected to our physical body, there are also feelings connected to the human astral body.

astral body

Astral feelings are a kind of analogues of physical feelings only at the astral level. Such feelings are creativity, intuition and emotions.

Some may say that only physical feelings are true, and the rest is all nonsense. But just consider that our senses may well deceive us. For example, colors are certain impressions of specific light waves that do not exist separately.

Another example. Without telescopes and astronomy, human intelligence alone, even the most advanced and developed, would not be enough to conclude that the Earth is a sphere. It is impossible to prove it only with the help of feelings.

There are many things that a person does not see, but which are. These are bacteria, and radio waves, and X-rays etc. In other words, relying only on feelings, it is impossible to imagine complete picture peace.

About telepathy

Lost feelings

For a person who knows, astral feelings are an important addition to physical ones. It is easy for such a person to switch from physical body on the astral, not really feeling the difference between them.

To the five physical senses, one should also add a telepathic sense and a sense of the presence of another living being. These feelings are inherent in people and higher forms animals. However, modern man does not use them.

As a rule, a person calls it reasoning or logic, but in reality they do not help to increase our mental capacity or heighten the senses. Therefore, a person needs not to develop, but simply to rethink the feelings that are inherent in him from birth.


The first principle of telepathy is the existence of astral senses. The second says that our every thought is a vibration that our telepathic sense can catch. FROM scientific point vision, this is the reality of neuroimaging, and how machines can scan our brains to interpret the results, that is, to talk about how we feel and what we think.

Telepathy is the work of the sent message and its recipient, but at the level when the mental abilities of a person are so expanded that he can receive such waves.

How to develop telepathy?

So, you have set yourself the task of learning to read the thoughts of another person. Let's hope that the reason for setting such a goal is quite valid. Once you have this power, it is extremely important to use it wisely. Here are the steps you need to take:

How to learn telepathy

1) You must sincerely believe

You will never be able to do something if you do not believe in it with all your heart. If you want to learn telepathy, then you need to forget about all scientific reasoning on this topic. Your faith will help you make telepathy your reality.

2) You need to turn on the third eye chakra

In order to activate your center of intuition and understanding (the third eye), it is essential to balance your chakras. This is the center of all telepathic meaning. Unfortunately, in modern man, the third eye has fallen into disrepair and atrophied, turning into a pineal gland inside the brain. The very first and important steps things worth doing is meditating to clear your chakras and aura.

3) You need to find a person who will agree with you to practice telepathy

At the most early stages you really need to be in contact with a person who will share your desire to master telepathy. Try to practice together. It is important here to avoid deception, you do not need to force another to think about the presence telepathic abilities before it actually happens.

Telepathic abilities

How to start?

Work together, pass various easy tests.

Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Try to start with emotions (that is, your partner should be trying to communicate very strong emotions to you, such as pain, anger, sexual desire, enthusiasm, etc.).

Do not use complex and abstract thoughts in your work, as they are very subtle, and at the beginning of the practice you will not be able to catch them.

You can also try to "see" what your partner writes in a notebook, what he imagines.

Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions or images with the power of thought. Although there is no reliable evidence for the existence of telepathy, there is nothing stopping you from trying. Relax your body and mind, mentally imagine that the recipient is right in front of you, and focus on mentally sending a simple word or image to the recipient. Try to take turns receiving and sending signals with a close friend or relative and write down your progress in a diary. In a practical way, it may turn out that there is a strong mental connection between you and a friend!


Part 1


    Turn off your physical sensations. Try turning on white noise with headphones and wearing tinted glasses. Shift your focus away from physical sensations to maximize your focus on sending a telepathic message.

    • You and the recipient need to turn off their feelings. sensory deprivation help you focus on the message.
  1. Focus on simple way or word. At the very beginning, try something as simple as the item closest to you. Imagine it in full detail and focus only on it. think about appearance object, texture and sensations while touching such an object.

    • For example, imagine an apple. Mentally consider every detail of such an apple, imagine its taste and density. Think only of an apple.
  2. Send a message. Make up a clear mental image and imagine how it goes from your head to the mind of the recipient. Imagine that you are sitting opposite each other. To complete the transmission, imagine that you say “Apple” to him or name another selected item. Visualize an expression of awareness on the recipient's face that confirms that they have understood you.

    • It is important to understand the difference between focus and tension. Focus on your image, but stay relaxed.
    • Once you send a thought, put it out of your head and don't think about it again. Just imagine that you gave it to the recipient.
  3. Ask the recipient to write down the thought that comes to their mind. After sending a message, the recipient should remain relaxed and ready to receive this message, and then write down his thought on paper.

    • Before checking, also write down the thought you tried to send. This will help you get objective results by comparing records.
  4. Compare results. When both are ready, show each other your notes. Don't get frustrated if it doesn't work the first time. Try to clear your mind again and try to send another image.

    • Don't beat yourself up if you can't send a clear telepathic message. The fun is in the effort, not the end result!

Part 3

Train with a partner
  1. Alternately try to send and receive messages. Switch roles as you try and see which role you do best. You may be better at receiving messages and your friend is sending mental images.

There is a reasonable opinion that many thousands of years ago people could read minds, but over time this ability was lost. At present, only telepaths can do this, and there are very few such people. However, spouses who have lived together for a long time can read each other's thoughts, and mother and child communicate without words.

Is it possible to develop this ability in oneself? It is believed that the Babylonian sages specially took young children to study with them and developed the gift of telepathy in them. Ancient magicians achieved their goals by influencing others with the power of thought. Now we can say for sure: everyone can learn to read other people's thoughts. People are born with this ability, but only a few develop it.

All people are connected to the common energy field Earth. Telepaths are able to attract them to themselves and work on them.

Decide if you personally need to learn telepathy

You can learn to recognize the thoughts of others in a few months. But remember that, most likely, you will be disappointed. After all, you can accidentally find out that a loved one is cheating on you. Or the attitude of your friends towards you will not be sincere, but quite self-serving. It's always scary to know the truth. After all, all people lie dozens of times a day. Think about whether it will be good for you to live, knowing that there is only one lie around.

Fundamentals of learning telepathy

But if you decide that reading other people's thoughts is vital for you, the first thing you should learn is this. This will help special meditation. Sit comfortably, relax, put your hands on the solar plexus, feel the heartbeat. Inhale for four heartbeats, hold your breath for two beats, and exhale for four heartbeats. Feel how positive, bright, good, solar energy pervades your entire body.

Only after accumulating a sufficient amount of this very energy, one can begin training to master such extrasensory ability as reading the thoughts of other people. Concentrate on the image of the person whose thoughts you want to read. Imagine this person very clearly. Then, in the same way, focus on your thoughts and send them to him to start a dialogue.

You ask your interlocutor a question and wait for an answer. As soon as you feel that you have received an answer, ask the person to become more accommodating. The next day, when you meet him, ask him for something, and you will see that he will gladly agree to help. You need to develop these skills daily and reinforce their actions in real life. So you will reveal your telepathic abilities.

Remember, you can learn telepathy only if you unconditionally believe in its existence. If you do not believe in telepathy, or even just doubt it, then learning telepathy will not work. Just waste your time...

There are a lot of ads on the Internet with offers to teach magic and discover psychic abilities. But this is not enough just desire. This desire must be passionate, man everything personal time must give to his dream. And when an experienced magician is next to him, a new specialist can turn out of a student.

You can and even need to train your telepathy skills constantly. Try to guess before entering the store how many people will be in the meat department. Mentally ask to turn around in front of a walking passerby. Constantly repeat such exercises, gain experience and thereby increase the level of your skills.

Soon it may seem to you that you rule the world. At this point, you should remember the golden rule not to hurt yourself in the first place. Know that you cannot manipulate people and invade their minds without asking, even with good intentions.

You can read some thoughts without telepathy

Not even, you can easily read people's minds. Anger, joy, surprise, fear, disgust are expressed in the same way by all people. the globe. Look at people, try to understand their reactions, style, way of thinking, feelings. This will help you develop insight. However, remember that often you will obviously not be delighted with the thoughts of others. This is the answer to the question of why we abandoned it over time. natural gift. Maybe if you are open to others, then they will not have secrets from you. We wish you more communication!

Most venerable esotericists and psychics claim that almost anyone can develop telepathic abilities. This superpower is inherent in the very nature of our consciousness and requires only competent release. If you engage in certain practices and exercises, then you can strengthen the potency for telepathy, but you need to understand that for the majority this process will be extended in time for many months and years, and only some lucky ones manage to “jump” a couple of steps in learning.

As in any activity associated with the development of mental or cognitive abilities, telepathy requires perseverance, bordering on manic persistence. Of course, there are people with obvious natural inclinations to telepathic perception, but this is not enough in itself. As practice shows, and psychics say, it is often the stubborn and purposeful people, while gifted citizens tend to give up classes halfway. Today we will talk about the development of telepathic abilities - is it possible to achieve an outstanding result in this field for ordinary person, and how to achieve it?

How to develop telepathy from scratch?

According to modern esoteric ideas, the world is a kind of process of exchanging energies and information, flowing into each other and growing together. This can be compared to the metabolism in human body, of course, with certain share simplification. Telepathy within the framework of such a comparison is a kind of energy-information exchange, along with many others. But unlike "natural" metabolic processes, it requires additional energy costs, since penetration into someone else's information matrix is, by definition, an energy-intensive task. To make this possible, you need to “modify” your body physically and mentally, first of all, by accumulating the necessary charge. This psycho-informational energy has many names, the most ancient and widespread of which is prana.

So let's consider basic exercises for the accumulation of prana, without which there is absolutely nothing to do on the path to achieving telepathic abilities. First, you need to master the breathing techniques of yoga, which are designed to free thinking from superficial and momentary, opening the way for imagination and freedom. The simplest prana exercise available at home is as follows: we lie down on a soft carpet or bed, we fold our hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe manipura chakra (at the top point of the solar plexus). We relax and get rid of the fuss, up to the appearance of a feeling of our own pulse. Then we adjust our own breathing to this rhythm: four beats - inhale, a pause for two beats, four beats - exhale, and again a pause for two heartbeats.

This technique will require some effort in training, usually 2-3 sessions. Breathing according to this scheme should be synchronized with visualization, as energy (prana) from the infinite open space absorbed by the relaxed body. It is better to start with visualization with multi-colored rays, and then this process can take the form of falling petals, sunfish or other free association artifact of your psyche. Prana, as it were, flows down into the chakra on exhalation. solar plexus, and if everything is done correctly, a feeling of warmth will appear, often pulsating. This technique will lay a good foundation for the future development of telepathic and other psychic abilities, but it must be mastered very clearly.

Telepathy - how to develop?

From this basic stage, the development of telepathic abilities actually begins. We just need to make the extracted energy work in the direction we need. No matter how paradoxical it may seem to someone, you need to learn how to share energy. In this case, the ancient yogic method of healing minor ailments helps. To do this with the help of prana, you need to lay hands on (for example, with a headache) and imagine how warm radiant energy flows to the sufferer. It is not worth venturing into serious illnesses, since this requires both greater strength and significant spiritual purity, which is difficult to achieve. modern man while living in society. At the end of the return of prana, you need to vigorously shake your palms, as if to relieve all negativity and residual tension.

The next stage is called mental breathing and consists of a certain practice: while inhaling and exhaling, you need to visualize and really feel how the air penetrates into the pores of the body. This will allow you to develop hypersensitivity, up to a conscious sensation of how the smallest hairs on the body fluctuate during inhalation and exhalation. This practice echoes and connects with the "extraction" of energy-prana, which allows you to achieve a meditative state. That is, this trance is not accidental, but intellectually verified, constructed. It is with him that real psychic abilities begin, and telepathic ones, as well.

The next basic step to real telepathy is the development of self-control. In addition to the fact that without it it is difficult to achieve the necessary concentration, also the loss of control over higher psychic abilities fraught with negative consequences for all participants in the process. To learn how to manage emotions, you should regularly reflect on abstract topics without experiencing any biased feelings. The subject of such mental exercises can be the thoughts of philosophers, films, books, real life situations. You need to learn not to get emotionally involved in this process, both in a negative way and in a positive way. No hostility and anger, but sympathy with empathy is also not needed. The positive, one way or another, will itself find a passage into thinking, but the negative must be dealt with mercilessly at the start of extrasensory experiences.

The first experience of telepathy and the disclosure of opportunities

You need to start with a decent, whole and good man. Therefore, go through your surroundings, analyze, but do not rush to a too obvious candidate - maybe you just like this person for some reason, and is not so whole. Next, you should consider a certain act or gesture with which you could theoretically help this person. Let it not be so clearly defined, on initial stage enough vague but strong intentions. Then you need to visualize the physical image of the recipient as clearly as possible, without necessarily imagining what he is doing at the moment. From these two mental efforts, a connection must be born, which often manifests itself somatically, for example, by warm waves through the body or, conversely, by cold in the lower back.

You need to be ready for the first disappointments and failures, because your telepathic experience is small, and the person himself can be tuned in to something else emotionally important, capturing his whole soul. But one day the first hint of two-way communication should appear, which should be as benevolent and altruistic as possible. Important point, during contact, stimulants are strictly prohibited, including alcohol, tea and coffee, and even more so narcotic substances. Everything should happen against the backdrop of a good, even slightly elated mood, emotional serenity, and without a selfish desire to get hold of any information.

You can fully reveal your telepathic potential only in constant dialogue, trying and making mistakes, sharing energy and sometimes being disappointed in your abilities. It is quite difficult to describe a telepathic dialogue, although there are many examples of this kind of experience recorded by venerable esotericists. Development involves the use of subject techniques, the complication of breathing, etc. practices, and which the neophyte at the beginning of the path does not particularly need to know. If, as a result of the basic preparation process and the first experiences, you felt a hint of images and words transmitted at a distance, then further way in in a certain sense predetermined - only forward to the heights of mastery. But there are also natural dangers here, because the selfish, and even deliberately malicious use of superpowers violates the universal law of karma. To balance all the risks, you need to constantly grow spiritually and improve the soul - then telepathy will only bring benefits.