Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Once when my grandmother was on her knees. One day at afternoon tea

Using the read text, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern linguist G. Ya. Solganik: “The artist thinks in images, he draws, shows, depicts. This is the specificity of the language. fiction". Justify your answer by giving 2 examples from the text you read. Give examples with numbers the right suggestions or use quoting.

The theme of the message here in St. Petersburg: Do not let the past write the future. And within that information, we have given you many concepts. About you that you're listening to, about you sitting here in the chairs. In the context of the coming generation, you seem to have a certain feeling. We've talked about this many times, you can't think about what you've seen or what you know. You only have a concept based on what you've seen in the past, and so everything you think of when you talk about the evolution of "living in a better place" is just past actions getting better.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of G. Ya. Solganik.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on given text), Not Evaluated.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “- He will live,” Zybin repeated. - Will live!"

So you're thinking of a problem in the old energy, and you're thinking, "Well, that's understandable, so it's going to be new energy, and it's going to be new person". And that's exactly what you're wrong about! Darling, you are looking at a new paradigm of being. What happens when consciousness as a whole becomes more conscious? Concepts of reality begin to shift.

We used to say, "You don't know what you don't know." This message is called "Impossible Future". Those who are born on this planet will pick up this new energy, new consciousness and new attributes as soon as they come, but they will not succeed until they are raised by those who are here. But the new energy will cause newborns to accept what you never had.

Give in your essay 2 arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

And yet, the elegance of how you change today will change the planet tomorrow. The greatest with many attributes is a man who almost completely controls his "chemistry" and body, his Akash and own emotions. That is, dear, for the first time in the history of mankind, you begin to see what the masters could do. You have seen examples and you have stories about it. Now it's up to you. Those who do not “catch” the disease will “run” on their own and will never get out of balance. Can you imagine a life where you feel healthy all the time?

Darling, is this an "impossible" future? No, it's not. This is your legacy. It is a promise because you have come back into this new energy. You talk about healing, the ability to heal, the tools of healing, being a healer. What if you controlled your chemistry to the point where you could eradicate anything that wasn't on your balance sheet? Aren't you curious what you've seen from the masters of this planet? Many of them can walk between you, touch someone and trigger a healing time. And you think it would be great to have this healing power when you can only touch someone and they can heal themselves.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is a moral choice”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

How would you like to be in complete control of your fears? How would you like to, before you go to bed at night, train your brain at a time when your neurons mix in your brain, which you call "dream", and give instructions to your body that say: Today it will only be good things. You have just given body instructions to remove the nightmares. No matter what your Akash is trying to feed, no matter what happened in the past, nothing like this will happen in your dream.

Some of you feel like victims of dreams because you have no control over what happens when you sleep. Oh, but you can! Is this an impossible future or is it part of you as you become a Master more than you think possible?

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) On that day, on the seashore, Zybin nevertheless got a crab. (2) The crab was terribly large and flat, and, looking closely, one could see bumps and spines, some kind of seams, jagged scallops on it. (3) If you dry it, you will probably get a wonderful souvenir!

Dear, you can basically slow down aging if you believe if you start doing it! This is what old souls are destined for in this time and this new energy. It all starts to change and change dramatically, allowing you to do this and start to evolve. Are you one of those who have no energy? Some will say, "Well, Kryon, that sounds good, but I have a covenant with God in this life, and that covenant talks about this and that and that." Darling, you just created! The contract may be real when you get here.

You must because you are moving and changing. It is part of the evolving human spirit that understands that even your relationship with God will evolve. You don't have to wait until you get through the "veil" and come back to implement these things. This is complete control over yourself. It's just a muscle exercise. It starts slowly and then grows. And now there's something you don't expect. In fact, some will say that it usually doesn't work well when you do this or that. It has nothing to do with Spirit.

(4) The crab sat under the bed for a week. (5) He sat all in the same place, near the foot of the bed, and when someone leaned over him, he put forward a jagged claw with formidable impotence. (6) On the third day, foam appeared near the mustache, but when Zybin touched him, the crab painfully, to the point of blood, pinched his finger. (7) Then Zybin pushed the crab to the very wall with his foot - so he sat there at first, and then lay. (8) On the fifth day, his eyes turned white, but as soon as Zybin touched him, he threw forward the same terrible and helpless claw.

But it has to do with self-esteem. It's time to rewrite our chemistry own self-esteem! And also everything you do and what you consider to be a match, i.e. when you are a "clear match" in the right place in right time! How do you want to rewrite synchronicity? This can be achieved through a higher intuition, because it is the intuition that says: Come here, go there, do this, do that. Gone are the days when you wrote a contract for yourself that says: You are good at this, but bad at something else. Change it, create new system which reads: My intuition always leads me to the best solution, to the most generous outcome.

(9) Something like mold also appeared on the shell.

(10) On the seventh day, Zybin said to Lina in the morning:

- (11) That's it, I can't do it anymore - I'll let him out in the evening.

(12) She replied:

- (13) And I will go with you.

(14) They agreed to meet on the embankment.

(15) When it got dark and she went to the sea, he was already sitting and waiting for her. (16) The crab was in his hat. (17) 3ybin said:

It is mine. And once you go into the world, expect everything to work! You are rewriting an old program. How are you feeling right now? Do you think he is starting to change? Do you feel the splendor of your soul starting to burn away the old "façade" of the dark part of you and starting to shine like never before? This is not the teaching of Kryon. This is the teaching of all angelic beings and channels in the new energy on this planet. If you hear information about a channel that tells you that you are less than that, run away immediately.

It comes from an old source, and it does not show the splendor of the new man on earth. Compassion is a tool that you can re-record when you see the Earth and other people and animals. This is another message. It's an amazing, amazing concept about YOU as you start walking down a path you didn't even think you could take in this lifetime. God's love is starting to radiate much more than ever before. Do you feel it? And many will do it. Please note that it is accepted. The old energy will form a routine that you feel comfortable in and say that you will never get through it, that you are always a victim and nothing will work for you.

- (18) I never thought that such cattle was sitting in me! (19) Doom someone to a slow and painful death! (20) I would never have believed that I was capable of such a thing! (21) I thought: he will sit, fall asleep like a fish. (22) And I had to understand the pain ... (23) This should not be neglected ...

- (24) Listen, Lina interrupted him, bending over the hat. - (25) Another day, and he would be ready.

The procedure is very comfortable and you sit there for so long that it will be very difficult to open that door. It depends on you. Free choice has always been king. Although in the vast majority of all parts we met people who meant something in this country, whether in positive or negative terms, today the character is completely insignificant, unimportant or doubtful. Thanks to this, in history, at least in those literary ones, people were busy, which no one ever remembered.

“Viktorka is a farmer’s daughter from Zernov,” he began to tell Viktorka in a book called Rizmuran Hunter’s Grandmother, and continued: “Her parents are buried long ago, my brother and sister live here, fifteen years ago Viktorka was a crimson girl, just like caviar, industrious as a bee, no one could wish for better women.”

(26) He rolled up his trousers to his knees and entered the water.

- (27) Yes, - he said. - (28) Of course! (29) But I can no longer. (30) Every bestiality has some natural limit. (31) And I crossed it.

(32) He leaned over the water and knocked over his hat. (33) Under the light of a flashlight, light winding shadows of the waves ran along the white underwater sand. (34) The crab fell on its back and remained so.

The first traces of Viktorka led to Zernov. It is located near České Skalice, on the road leading to Cherven Kostelec, which has 60 houses. In the neighborhood are Krasnaya Gora, Rymburk, as well as Ratiborice. However, Viktorka did not come from Zernov, she served here only with the farmer. Other traces were found by the publicist Stanisław Motl. He found them in old parish registers. In addition to his parents' names, he discovered that Victorka had siblings. Her sister was born. German, however, refers to two siblings in the grandmother, and behind the other, to the earth.

- (35) Dead, - said Lina, raising a discouraged look at Zybin.

- (36) Yes, - he agreed heavily. - (37) Late. (38) Yesterday... - (39) Look, look!

(40) First, the legs worked. (41) The crab turned over, slowly, with difficulty, got up. (42) I got up, resting and moving away. (43) He stood, big, clumsy, stood and gained strength. (44) And somehow all the white spots immediately disappeared.

Františka later married Olešnice. Viktorka began to study at Slatina nad Upou. She must have been very graceful, like a girl. In Grandmother, the hunter-ritsmur says that "it was like a raspberry or like a pod." She was quite tiny, she had round face and long black hair. She often wore a coat of arms, and on her head was a scarlet scarf tied around her waist. Boys could follow her - especially in rural classes, where she belonged to famous dancers. But she didn't even think about marriage. Such a girl, and when she still has a share in the farm, which can be expected, she will not remain under the hat, she understands herself, and Victor has a reputation throughout the area, and the courtiers give the door to her father and mother, many would like, and the daughter would come in full, but she did not want to understand it, only a good eye had her with her, the one who played the best dance and only with music.

- (45) He will live, - said Zybin firmly.

(46) Some small fish swam, flashed with a blue spark and burned out in the beam of a lantern, disappeared.

(47) Then the crab moved. (48) He walked awkwardly, thickly, like a tank. (49) Walked and staggered slightly. (50) I walked a little and stopped.

- (51) He will live, - repeated Zybin. - (52) Will live!

These soldiers were tasked with destroying the enemy formation; they moved in a rope in front of their own infantry. Viktorka served in Zhernov. She was twenty years old. It was my father's father that the groom's daughter was as bad as she was, and she rushed to her to decide that she would choose her groom and force her to marry him, but the girl was crying, so she would not let go her from her home, she was not missed, she was twenty years old, that she did not enjoy the world, and that God knew who would receive it and how it would happen. her beautiful face, he thought: You have enough time so that you can find a groom, but people spoke differently, telling them that Victor proudly waits for her to come to the carriage, prophesying that pride precedes the fall, which decides take responsibility, etc.

(According to Yu. Dombrovsky) *

* Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich (1909 - 1978) - Russian prose writer, poet, literary critic.


The Russian language is one of the richest and beautiful languages peace. There are enough words in it to name all objects and phenomena, to convey a wide variety of feelings, moods, experiences, resorting, if necessary, to special means of expression. Writers are the best at using these tools. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the statement of G.Ya. Solganik: “The artist thinks in images, he draws, shows, depicts. This is the specificity of the language of fiction. We will confirm this with examples from the text of Yuri Dombrovsky.

Viktorka's services for the farmer Antonin Shimek were in the room of the building. By the way: many years later this estate belonged to the Chapek family. The father of the famous Kaps, Josef and Karl, Dr. Antonin Capek was born in Zhernov. But don't pretend. At that time they were lying in the village of hunters, one of them began to follow Viktorka, when he went to the church, approached her, in the church he stood next to her and looked at the altar, and did not look at her. she was in the neighborhood and she went where she went, everywhere she followed her like a shadow, and people said about him that she had no good reason, and Victorka, when she entered between her friends and said, said: What does the soldier walk?

In sentences 36-39 ((36) Yes, he agreed heavily. - (37) Too late. (38) Just yesterday ... - (39) Look, look!.) Zybin's dialogue is presented in short monosyllabic sentences, which conveys the state hero: his thoughts are confused, he worries, hopes that the crab will survive - and his hopes are justified.

Sentence 5 uses an epithet for the word impotence - “terrible”, this epithet not only helps to describe the state of the crab, but also has a hidden connotation: Zybin feels like a killer and justifies the menacing crab trying to fight for his life.

After analyzing the text, we can confidently assert that the force of impact artistic text on the reader is enhanced when the author knows how to use the word in all its versatility and ambiguity.

15.2 We often do things in life, for which we then become ashamed. This shame is exacerbated when the mistake cannot be corrected. Zybin stopped in time, did not commit the irreparable, for which he would then be ashamed all his life. That's why he was so happy when the crab went to the water. Comforting himself, giving himself confidence, first of all, Zybin utters the final words: “He will live!”

In sentences 18-20, Zybin reflects on his act: “I never thought that such a beast is sitting in me! Doom someone to a slow and painful death! I would never have believed that I was capable of such a thing!” The hero suffers from his act. This means that the concept of "conscience" is not alien to him.

When the crab lay helplessly on the shore, Zybin already thought that the crab was dead. It became very difficult for him (sentence number 36). This once again confirms that the hero of Yu. Dombrovsky has an understanding of such feelings as shame, pity, empathy.

Situation moral choice allows you to reveal the true essence of a person: some are guided by universal values, others - self-interest, selfishness, self-preservation instinct. Judging by the actions of Zybin, he still belongs to the first.

15.3 All human life consists of a constant choice, a choice between good and evil, between truth and lies, between mercy and indifference. Now these questions are no less relevant. At present, the problem of morality and moral choice is acute for modern man.

The hero of Y. Dombrovsky is tormented by his act: he wanted to dry a crab for a souvenir. But he could not step over himself: to commit an inhuman act is not his choice. When the crab lay helplessly on the shore, Zybin already thought that the crab was dead. It became very difficult for him. This once again confirms that the hero of Yu. Dombrovsky has an understanding of such feelings as conscience, shame, pity, empathy.

It is very important when the right moral guidelines formed by our politicians. A person who knows what suffering and pain is, who wants to protect his child, being at the head of the state, will not kindle the fire of war, because war will bring grief to other people.

The situation of moral choice makes it possible to reveal the true essence of a person: some are guided by universal human values, while others are guided by self-interest, selfishness, and the instinct of self-preservation. It should be remembered that for every act you will have to answer to yourself and others, and not only our life, but also the life of those who are close to us depends on what this choice will be.

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence of the text: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour." Text - Once, when she was on her knees, heartily conversing with God, grandfather, opening the door to the room, said in a hoarse voice: - Well, mother , the Lord visited us, - we are burning! - What are you! shouted the grandmother, throwing herself up from the floor, and both, stomping heavily, rushed into the darkness of the large front room. - Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress up guys! - my grandmother commanded in a strict, strong voice, and my grandfather howled softly: - And-and-s ... I ran out into the kitchen; the window to the courtyard sparkled like gold; yellow spots flowed and slid along the floor; barefoot uncle Yakov, putting on his boots, jumped on them, as if his soles were burning, and shouted: - It was through the frost on the glass that you could see how the roof of the workshop was burning, and behind its open door a curly fire swirled. AT good night its red flowers bloomed smokelessly; only a darkish cloud hovered very high above them, not preventing them from seeing the silver stream Milky Way. The snow glowed crimson, and the walls of the buildings trembled, swaying, as if aiming for a hot corner of the yard, where the fire played merrily, filling the wide cracks in the workshop wall with red, protruding from them like red-hot crooked nails. On the dark boards of the dry roof, quickly entangling it, golden, red ribbons wriggled; among them a thin pottery chimney protruded noisily and smoked with smoke; a quiet crackle, a silky rustle beat against the glass of the window; the fire kept growing; the workshop, decorated by him, became similar to the iconostasis in the church and invincibly lured closer to him. Throwing a heavy sheepskin coat over my head, putting my feet into someone's boots, I dragged myself out into the canopy, onto the porch and was stunned, blinded by the bright play of fire, deafened by the cries of my grandfather, Grigory, uncle, the crackle of the fire, frightened by the behavior of my grandmother: throwing an empty bag over my head, turning into a blanket, she ran straight into the fire and thrust herself into it, crying out: - Vitriol, fools! The vitriol will explode... - Grigory, hold her! howled the grandfather. - Oh, lost ... But the grandmother has already emerged, all smoking, shaking her head, bending over, carrying a bucket of vitriol oil on her outstretched arms. - Father, bring the horse out! - wheezing, coughing, she screamed. - Take it off your shoulders - I’m burning, or you can’t see it! .. Grigory tore off her smoldering blanket from her shoulders and, breaking in half, began to throw a shovel at the door of the workshop big clods snow; his uncle jumped about him with an ax in his hands; grandfather ran near grandmother, throwing snow at her; she thrust the bottle into a snowdrift, rushed to the gate, opened it, and, bowing to the people who had run in, said: - Barn, neighbors, defend! The fire will spread to the barn, to the hayloft - our everything will burn to the ground and yours will be taken care of! Chop the roof, hay - into the garden! Grigory, throw from above that you are throwing something on the ground! Jacob, don't fuss, give people axes, shovels! Brothers-neighbors, take it as friends - God will help you. She was as interesting as the fire; illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping pace everywhere, disposing of everything, seeing everything ... The roof of the workshop had already collapsed; the thin rafters of the rafters stuck up into the sky, smoking with smoke, sparkling with the gold of coals; inside the building, green, blue, red whirlwinds exploded with a howl and crackle, the flames were thrown out in sheaves into the yard, onto people crowding around a huge fire, throwing snow into it with shovels. Cauldrons boiled furiously in the fire, steam and smoke rose in a thick cloud, strange smells wafted around the yard, squeezing tears from the eyes; I got out from under the porch and got under the feet of my grandmother. - Get out! she called. “They’ll crush you, go away ...” A horseman in a copper cap with a comb burst into the yard. The red horse splashed with foam, and he, raising his hand with a whip high, yelled, threatening: - Break out! The bells rang merrily and hastily, everything was festively beautiful. Grandmother pushed me onto the porch: - Who am I talking to? Get away! It was impossible not to listen to her at that hour. I went into the kitchen, again clung to the glass of the window, but behind the dark crowd of people the fire was no longer visible - only copper helmets sparkled among the black winter hats and caps. The fire was quickly crushed to the ground, flooded, trampled, the police dispersed the people, and grandmother entered the kitchen ...

OGE assignment No. 10


1. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

Sure(1) it just seemed to me. But still, it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. Must be(2) and in fact, then I first thought about (3) which now occupied all my thoughts. So(4) I kept my secret from everyone.

introductory word .

I studied night flights, (1) when darkness begins immediately after the start and all the time, (2) while gaining altitude, (3) it seems, (4) you are groping along a dark corridor. Below, (5) at the airfield, (6) lights are shining brightly.

introductory word .

And then I realized (1) that if you free the boy from parole, (2) only a military man can take him off guard, (3) it’s necessary, (4) it means, (5) go look for a military man.

introductory word .

In my free hours, I went to the barn to chop wood, (1) wanting to be alone with myself. Life, (2) I remember, (3) seemed to me more and more boring, (4) tough, (5) established forever in those forms and relationships, (6) as I saw it from day to day.

introductory word .

Alyoshka, (1) you look, (2) - the grandfather points out, (3) - no way, (4) relatives appeared at someone else's gate.

Probably (5) - Alyosha answers and moves on.

introductory construction .

Lie down, (1) show mercy! Our veterinarian has no jurisdiction over such matters. He horse-drawn for us. This hare, (2) one can say, (3) my savior: I owe him my life, (4) I must show gratitude, (5) and you say quit!

7. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

8. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory construction .

Once, after the freeze-up, news spread around the village, (1) as if geese were swimming in the polynya and did not fly away. Geese are large, (2) they are not afraid of people, (3) these birds, (4) must be, (5) domestic. In the evening, (6) when I was sledding with the guys, (7) alarming cries were heard from the other side of the river.

9. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

Tomorrow! And if today the fire takes over the forest, (1) which comes to the very water?

They, (2) probably, (3) will be removed by rescuers. Or maybe (4) the fire will still stop, (5) - Alik said hesitantly.

10. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

Bim, (1) firstly, (2) said hello: wagged his tail, (3) but with a sadness, (4) bowing his head first to one side, (5) then to the other. This, (6) in addition, (7) also meant the question: “And what kind of person are you?”

11. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory construction .

This time they were the first, (1) no one had touched or crushed the berry before them, (2) but it had grown miraculously, (3) in a rare year, (4) according to Uncle Mitya, (5) such harvest. Now Sanya knew (6) what it was - the bushes were bursting with berries.

12. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

And in himself, (1) it turns out, (2) he did not know and did not suspect much: this, (3) for example, (4) an inhumanly strong and huge feeling, (5) trying to contain all the radiance and all the movement of the world, (6) all its inexplicable beauty and passion, (7) all its fullness.

13. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory construction .

I ran out onto the path, (1) the dog bent terribly, (2) looked at me with a green look of hungry eyes and jumped into the forest, (3) tail between his legs. Her posture, (4) no doubt, (5) was not a dog, (6) and, (7) when I whistled, (8) she wildly rushed into the bushes.

14. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

Indeed, (1) a fishing boat appeared in the channel, (2) skirting the island. This was Taras. He swam, (3) standing on his feet, (4) and deftly controlled one oar. When he swam closer, (5) I noticed, (6) to my surprise, (7) a swan swimming in front of the boat.

15. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory word .

You (3) mean (4) stole them?

OGE assignment No. 10


1. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that represents the commacirculation .

I will take the berries to the city, (1) I will sell and buy you a gingerbread.

Horse, (2) woman?

Horse, (3) horse. He himself is white-white, (4) and his mane is pink, (5) his tail is pink, (6) his eyes are pink, (7) his hooves are also pink.


2. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commascirculation .

Dasha patted him lightly by the withers and said:

Take, (1) Bim, (2) take.

3. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commascirculation .

With him, (1) Asenka, (2) it will be, (3) of course, (4) more convenient, (5) than with me: he will fight off the dogs, (6) and will not let the boys offend.

4. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commascirculation .

No, (1) brother, (2) I pulled them off the stall in the bazaar. Nobody slowed down.

You (3) mean (4) stole them?


5. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commascirculation .

Once, (1) when grandmother was on her knees, (2) conversing heartily with God, (3) grandfather, (4) opening the door to the room, (5) said in a hoarse voice:

Well, (6) mother, (7) the Lord visited us, (8) - we are burning!


6. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commascirculation .

In my youth, I also had similar thoughts, (1) driving me crazy. But this, (2) dear sir, (3) is nonsense.


7. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that represents the commacirculation .

Here's to you! grandfather was surprised. - And at a draw bench the owner showed up. If I had known this master, (1) I would have bowed to him from the waist and shook his hand. Then the grandfather looked at Alyosha and asked:

And you do not know this master, (2) granddaughters?

Answers to task 10

1 – 1,2,4

1 – 2

2 – 3,4

2 – 1,2

3 – 4,5

3 – 1,2

4 – 2,3

4 – 1,2

5 – 4,5

5 – 6,7

6 – 2,3

6 – 2,3

7 – 3,4

7 - 2

8 – 4,5

9 – 2,3,4

10 – 1,2,6,7

11 – 4,5

12 – 1,2,3,4

13 – 4,5

14 – 1,6,7

OGE assignment No. 10
1. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
Of course, (1) it only seemed to me. But still, it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. It must be (2) and indeed then I first thought about (3) what now occupied all my thoughts. So, (4) I kept my secret from everyone.

2. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
I studied night flights, (1) when darkness begins immediately after the start and all the time, (2) while gaining altitude, (3) it seems, (4) you are groping along a dark corridor. Below, (5) at the airfield, (6) lights are shining brightly.

3. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
And then I realized (1) that if you free the boy from parole, (2) only a military man can take him off guard, (3) it’s necessary, (4) it means, (5) go look for a military man.

4. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
In my free hours, I went to the barn to chop wood, (1) wanting to be alone with myself. Life, (2) I remember, (3) seemed to me more and more boring, (4) tough, (5) established forever in those forms and relationships, (6) as I saw it from day to day.

5. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
- Alyoshka, (1) you look, (2) - the grandfather points out, (3) - no way, (4) relatives appeared at someone else's gate.
- Probably, (5) - Alyosha answers and moves on.

6. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.
Lie down, (1) show mercy! Our veterinarian has no jurisdiction over such matters. He horse-drawn for us. This hare, (2) one can say, (3) my savior: I owe him my life, (4) I must show gratitude, (5) and you say quit!

7. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.

8. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.
Once, after the freeze-up, news spread around the village, (1) as if geese were swimming in the polynya and did not fly away. Geese are large, (2) they are not afraid of people, (3) these birds, (4) must be, (5) domestic. In the evening, (6) when I was sledding with the guys, (7) alarming cries were heard from the other side of the river.

9. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
Tomorrow! And if today the fire takes over the forest, (1) which comes to the very water?
- They, (2) probably, (3) will be removed by rescuers. Or maybe (4) the fire will still stop, (5) - Alik said hesitantly.

10. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
Bim, (1) firstly, (2) said hello: wagged his tail, (3) but with a sadness, (4) bowing his head first to one side, (5) then to the other. This, (6) in addition, (7) also meant the question: “And what kind of person are you?”

11. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.
This time they were the first, (1) no one had touched or crushed the berry before them, (2) but it had grown miraculously, (3) in a rare year, (4) according to Uncle Mitya, (5) such harvest. Now Sanya knew (6) what it was - the bushes were bursting with berries.

12. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
And in himself, (1) it turns out, (2) he did not know and did not suspect much: this, (3) for example, (4) an inhumanly strong and huge feeling, (5) trying to contain all the radiance and all the movement of the world, (6) all its inexplicable beauty and passion, (7) all its fullness.

13. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.
I ran out onto the path, (1) the dog bent terribly, (2) looked at me with a green look of hungry eyes and jumped into the forest, (3) tail between his legs. Her posture, (4) no doubt, (5) was not a dog, (6) and, (7) when I whistled, (8) she wildly rushed into the bushes.

14. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.
Indeed, (1) a fishing boat appeared in the channel, (2) skirting the island. This was Taras. He swam, (3) standing on his feet, (4) and deftly controlled one oar. When he swam closer, (5) I noticed, (6) to my surprise, (7) a swan swimming in front of the boat.

15. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.

OGE assignment No. 10
1. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that indicates the comma when referring.
- I will take the berries to the city, (1) I will sell and buy you a gingerbread.
- Horse, (2) woman?
- Horse, (3) horse. He himself is white-white, (4) and his mane is pink, (5) his tail is pink, (6) his eyes are pink, (7) his hooves are also pink.

2. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.
Dasha patted him lightly by the withers and said:
- Take it, (1) Bim, (2) take it.
Dasha's voice is soft, (3) sincere, (4) quiet and, (5) it seemed, (6) calm, (7) her hands are warm and gentle, (8) affectionate.

3. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.
- With him, (1) Asenka, (2) it will be, (3) of course, (4) more convenient, (5) than with me: he will fight off dogs, (6) and will not let the boys offend.

4. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.
- No, (1) brother, (2) I pulled them off the stall in the market. Nobody slowed down.
- You (3) mean (4) stole them?

5. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.
Once, (1) when grandmother was on her knees, (2) conversing heartily with God, (3) grandfather, (4) opening the door to the room, (5) said in a hoarse voice:
- Well, (6) mother, (7) the Lord visited us, (8) - we are burning!

6. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.
In my youth, I also had similar thoughts, (1) driving me crazy. But this, (2) dear sir, (3) is nonsense.

7. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that indicates the comma when referring.
- Here's to you! grandfather was surprised. - And at a draw bench the owner showed up. If I had known this master, (1) I would have bowed to him from the waist and shook his hand. Then the grandfather looked at Alyosha and asked:
- Do you know this master, (2) granddaughters?

Answers to task 10

Introductory words

continuation of lesson number 20


This material is helpful for students.

  • Grade 8 (in the process of studying the topic - OFFERS WITH SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES)
  • Grade 9 (to prepare for the GIA)
  • Grade 11 (to prepare for the exam)

In the course of preparing for the USE and GIA, it is useful not only to solve tests, but also to consider the finished material - sentences with highlighted syntactic constructions.

Read the theory.


1. Circumstance - minor member proposals, which

  • denotes place, time, cause, mode of action, etc. and answers the questions where? where? where? when? why? as? in spite of what? and etc.
  • expressed by adverbs, nouns with prepositions, participles, participles.

2. Separate circumstances - circumstances that, in oral speech are pronounced with a special intonation and are distinguished by commas in writing.

3. Distinguish!

gerund as Part of speech answers the questions doing what? having done what?

Circumstance as minor part of the sentence expressed by a single gerund and participle turnover, answers the question as?


Read excerpts from A.M. Gorky's story "Childhood".

The gerund participle, which is part of a separate circumstance, is highlighted in large bold type.

The verb from which a question is asked to a separate circumstance is highlighted in large print.

Using theory, try to prove that the highlighted syntactic construction is not separate definition, not separate addition, a a separate CIRCUMSTANCE, expressed by a single gerund or participle turnover.

The more you consider ready-made examples, the more correctly and quickly you will orient yourself in search of PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES, which means you will save time for other tasks on the GIA and the Unified State Examination.


In order to make the content of the fragments more understandable, we advise you to read the information about the main characters of A.M. Gorky's story "Childhood".


Alyosha Peshkov is the central character of the story.

Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin - grandfather of Alyosha Peshkov, owner of a dyeing workshop

Akulina Ivanovna is the grandmother of Alyosha Peshkov.

Varvara is the mother of Alyosha Peshkov.

Uncles Mikhail and Yakov, aunt Natalia

Alyosha's cousins: Sasha uncle Yakov and Sasha uncle Mikhail

Grigory Ivanovich is a master in the dyeing establishment of grandfather Kashirin.

Ivan Tsyganok is a foundling, a worker in the workshop of grandfather Kashirin.

Good Deed - guest.

Resident - tenant, tenant. To lodge - to occupy housing in someone else's house, apartment.


Uncle Yakov lovingly tuned the guitar, and SETTING, SPEAK always the same words:
- Well, I'll start!
SHAKE curls, he was BENDING over the guitar, bending his neck like a goose; his round, carefree face became sleepy; living, elusive eyes faded in an oily mist...
His music demanded intense silence; like a hurried stream it ran from somewhere far away, seeped through the floor and walls and, WAVING THE HEART, EXTRACTED an incomprehensible feeling, sad and restless. Under this music, one felt sorry for everyone and oneself, the big ones seemed to be small too, and everyone SIT motionless, SHUDDING in thoughtful silence.

GETTING BEAUTIFUL, PULLING UP YOUR YELLOW SHIRTS, Gypsies carefully, exactly on nails WALKING WALKED out to the middle of the kitchen; his swarthy cheeks turned red and, SMILING embarrassedly, he asked:
- Only more often, Yakov Vasilyich!
The guitar rang furiously, heels rattled in fractions, dishes rattled on the table and in the closet, and in the middle of the kitchen Gypsy was on fire, RELING like a kite, Waving your arms like wings, imperceptibly MOVING legs; GIKNUV, SHATTED on the floor and FLASHED like a golden swift, LIGHTING everything around with the brilliance of silk, and silk, shuddering and flowing, as if BURNING and MELTING.
The gypsy danced tirelessly, selflessly, and it seemed that if you open the door to freedom, he would go dancing along the street, around the city, no one knows where ...

Grandmother did not dance, but seemed to be telling something. Here she goes quietly THOUGHT, ROCKING, LOOKING around from under the arm, her whole large body swaying indecisively, her feet feeling the way cautiously. STOPPED, suddenly frightened of something, his face trembled, frowned, and immediately lit up with a kind, friendly smile. ROCKED to the side GIVING way to someone, LEADING someone away with a hand; LOWING YOUR HEAD, Frozen, LISTENING, SMILY more and more fun- and suddenly she was torn off, spun in a whirlwind, she all became slimmer, taller, and it was already impossible to take her eyes off her - she became so violently beautiful and sweet in these moments of a wonderful return to youth!

Everything was strange and disturbing. I did not know another life, but I vaguely remembered that my father and mother did not live like this: they had other speeches, other fun, they always walked and sat nearby, close. They often and for a long time LAUGHED in the evenings, SITTING at the window sang loudly; people gathered in the street, looking at them. The upturned faces of the people reminded me funny of the dirty plates after dinner. There was little laughing here, and it was not always clear what they were laughing at. They often shouted at each other, threatened one another with something, secretly whispered in the corners. The children were quiet, inconspicuous; they are nailed to the ground like dust by rain. I felt like a stranger in the house, and all this life excites me with dozens of injections, SETTING UP suspiciously, FORCING to look closely at everything with intense attention.

My friendship with Ivan grew all the time; grandmother was busy with housework from sunrise until late at night, and I hung around Gypsy almost all day. He still put his hand under the rod when grandfather flogged me, and the next day, SHOWING swollen fingers, COMPLAINTED to me:
- No, it's all useless! It's not easier for you, but for me - look here! I won't do it again, you!
And next time again took unnecessary pain.
- You didn't want to, did you?
- I didn’t want to, but I put it in ... So somehow, imperceptibly ...

He (Grigory Ivanovich) got to his feet, tall, emaciated, resembling the image of a saint, bowed to his grandmother and began to ask her in an unusually thick voice:
- Akulina Ivanovna, do me a favor, take a walk once! As it used to be, she used to go out with Maxim Savvateev. Comfort!
- What are you, light, what are you, sir Grigory Ivanovich? - LAUGHING and SHRIPPING, THE GRANDMA SAID. - Where can I dance? Just make people laugh...
But everyone began to ask her, and suddenly she got up young, straightened her skirt, STRAIGHTENED, throwing up a heavy head, and went through the kitchen, SCREAMING:
- And laugh, ino, on health! Come on, Yasha, shake up the music!
My uncle threw himself up, drew himself up, closed his eyes and played more slowly; The gypsy stopped for a minute and, JUMPING, WENT squatting around my grandmother, and she SWIMMED on the floor silently, as if through air, spreading his hands, raising eyebrows, LOOKING into the distance with dark eyes.

Grigory Ivanovich, LEADING me by the hand to the workshop, SAID:
“Maybe grandpa won’t whip you today,” he looks kindly...
In a workshop, SITTING me on a pile of wool prepared in dye and carefully wrapping it up to my shoulders, is he, SNIFFING the steam rising from the cauldrons thoughtfully said:
- I, dear, have known my grandfather for thirty-seven years, at the beginning of the case I saw and at the end I look. We used to be friends with him, we started this business together, invented it. He's smart, grandpa! So he made himself the master, but I failed ... Orphans' life is difficult. Your father, Maxim Savvateevich, was a trump card, he understood everything - for that grandfather did not love him, did not recognize him.
It was nice to hear the kind words...

I lie on a wide bed, four times wrapped in a heavy blanket, and listen to how my grandmother PRAYS to God, STANDING ON YOUR KNEES, CLUTCHING ONE HAND TO YOUR CHEST, another slowly and infrequently being baptized. Frost shoots in the yard; greenish moonlight LOOKING through the patterned - in the ice - window glass, well ILLUMINATED a kind, nosy face and IGNITING dark eyes with phosphorescent fire. silk head, COVERING GRANDMA'S HAIR, SHINES, as if forged, the dark dress moves, RIDES from the shoulders, spreading across the floor.
ENDING THE Prayer, grandmother will silently UNDRESS, neatly fold her clothes on a chest in the corner and go to the bed, and I pretend to be fast asleep.

I really liked my grandmother's god, so close to her, and I often asked her:
- Tell me about God!
She SPEAK about him especially: very quietly, strangely stretching out the words, CLOSING his eyes and without fail SITTING; rises, sits down, throws a handkerchief over his bare-haired head and turns him on for a long time until you fall asleep ...
TALKING about god, heaven, angels, she BECOME SMALL and MEEK, her face became younger, her moist eyes streamed especially warm light. I took heavy satin braids in my hands, wrapped them around my neck and, NOT MOVING, sensitively LISTENED to endless, never boring stories.

One day when she was on her knees, heartfelt conversation with God, grandfather, OPENING the door to the room, in a hoarse voice SAID:
- Well, mother, the Lord visited us - we are burning!
- What are you! SCREAMED GRANDMA, JUMPING OFF THE FLOOR, and both heavily STOMPING Rushed into the darkness of the great front room.
- Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress up guys! Grandmother commanded in a strict, strong voice, and grandfather howled softly:
- I-i-s...

Through the frost on the windows one could see how the roof of the workshop was burning, and behind open door her curly fire swirls. ...the fire kept growing... Throwing a heavy coat over your head, SUNOV feet in someone's boots, I WALKED out into the canopy, onto the porch, and was stunned, blinded by the bright play of fire, deafened by the cries of my grandfather, Grigory, uncle, the crackling of the fire, frightened by the behavior of my grandmother: Throwing an empty bag over your head, TURNING UP with a horse blanket, she RUN straight into the fire and PUSHED into it, SCREAMING:
- Vitriol, fools! The vitriol will explode...
- Gregory, hold her! howled the grandfather. - Oh, it's gone...
But the grandmother has already surfaced, all SMOKING, shaking your head, BENDING, CARRYING a bucket of vitriol oil at outstretched arms.
- Father, bring the horse out! - Wheezing, coughing, she SCREAMED. - Take it off your shoulders, - I’m burning, or you can’t see it! ..

She was as interesting as the fire: illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, RAPING everywhere, MANAGING everything, SEEING everything.
Sharap ran out into the yard, LEAVING on hind legs, THROWING grandfather; fire struck his large eyes, they flashed red; the horse began to snore, rested its front legs; grandfather let go of the reins and JUMPED, SHOUTING:
- Mother, hold on!
She threw herself under the feet of the soaring horse, stood in front of him with a cross; the horse neighed plaintively, STRETCHED towards her, MOWING at the flame.
- You should not be scared! - Grandmother SAID in a bass voice, SLATTING him on the neck and GRABING the reins.- Ali, I will leave you in fear of this? Oh you mouse...
A little mouse, three times her size, dutifully followed her to the gate and snorted, Glancing at her red face.

Grigory tore off her smoldering blanket from her shoulders and, BREAKING in half, BECAME TO THROW with a shovel at the door of the workshop large clods of snow; uncle jumped around him with an ax in his hands, grandfather RUN near grandmother, Throwing snow at her; she thrust the bottle into a snowdrift, rushed to the gate, opened it, and, BOWING to the people who ran in, SAID:
- Barn, neighbors, defend! The fire will spread to the barn, to the hayloft - our everything will burn to the ground and yours will be taken care of! Chop the roof, hay - into the garden! Grigory, throw from above that you are throwing something on the ground! Jacob, don't fuss, give people axes, shovels! Brothers-neighbors, take it as friends - God will help you.

Hidden head under the pillow I LOOKED with one eye at the door; I wanted to jump out of the feather bed and run. It was hot, I was choking a thick heavy smell, REMINDING how Tsyganok was dying and streams of blood were spreading across the floor; some kind of tumor grew in the head or heart; everything that I saw in this house dragged through me, like a winter wagon train down the street, and crushed, destroyed ...
The door opened very slowly, grandmother crawled into the room, closed the door with her shoulder, leaned her back against it, and, Stretching out his hands to the blue light of the inextinguishable lamp, quietly, childishly plaintively, SAID:
- My little hands, my little hands hurt...


to be continued...

The work "Childhood", written by the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, is autobiographical. This is the first part of a trilogy about the hero's childhood life, which took place before the revolution.

The narrator begins the story of how his father died from a serious illness. From grief, the mother gave birth prematurely and the baby died. The narrator and his mother go to live with their grandfather's family.

There, the boy feels bad, the grandfather swears with his children and severely punishes his grandchildren. The narrator became friends with Ivan the Gypsy, who was distinguished by a good-natured disposition of character, and tried to help those around him. But soon the friend dies and the narrator is left alone in this unfriendly grandfather's family. The mother did not take part in the upbringing of the boy. The narrator was saved only by the kindness of the grandmother, who constantly pities and pampers the boy. Grandfather teaches his grandson to read and write.

Adult sons all the time demand from their grandfather to share the property that he was able to get from working in his workshop. But the old man is in no hurry to give them what they have acquired. He is dissatisfied with his children and forces the narrator's mother into a new arranged marriage. But the young woman refuses. Soon the narrator falls seriously ill, and his grandmother takes care of him and tells his grandson the story of the family.

The mother remarries a man the boy does not like and takes her son to live in new family. Grandmother begins to drink, and again the boy is left to his own devices. He starts school but can't get along with his classmates. Family life mother does not get along, and the narrator again moves to live with his grandfather, who is extremely stingy. The narrator has to earn his own living.

Soon, the boy's seriously ill mother arrives at his grandfather's house, where he soon dies. The grandfather is not going to continue to keep his grandson in his house and sends him to people to work and feed himself.

The work makes readers change their attitude towards own life, showing how difficult life was for the narrator.

Chapter 1

My memories start from the day my father died. At the time, I didn't quite understand what had happened. The mother, untidy, with a large belly, dishevelled, crawled on her knees around the dead man and wept.

I recently had a serious illness and was cared for by my grandmother, who came from Nizhny Novgorod. Now most of all I wanted to go away with her, but my grandmother suddenly rushed to her mother, who somehow began to scream in a new way. People who came running to the cry were told that childbirth had begun.

The second vivid memory is the cemetery and two frogs climbing onto the roof of the coffin. They were buried there.

And then we sailed on a ship to Novgorod to my grandfather, and I immediately did not like his house, like himself.

Chapter 2

The house was filled with people constantly quarreling with each other. My uncles, Mikhail and Yakov, stood out in particular. They demanded from the grandfather the division of property and the allocation of their share. They fought each other to the point of blood, the inhabitants of the house barely separated them. Grandmother washed off the blood, sewed up torn clothes and prayed to the Mother of God for the unlucky sons.

Grandfather forced me to learn prayers, but I didn't succeed well, and he promised to flog me. What it was, I didn't know then.

Whipped me for dyed in blue color holiday tablecloth. I resisted and was beaten until I lost consciousness.

Chapter 3

Of all the inhabitants of the house, I liked Grandma and Tsyganok. He was a foundling, however, his grandfather did not flog him, and his uncles respected him. Somehow, imperceptibly, we became close to him.

Tsyganok was a good worker and his uncles appreciated him for this. Everyone dreamed of getting it into their workshop when they separated from their grandfather's. And the old man was also fond of the fact that, returning from the market, Tsyganok brought provisions in the amount of three times more than they gave money.

Standing in the yard oak cross, which Yakov vowed to install on the grave of his wife. Tsyganok endured him, caught on the threshold. The uncles jumped back in fright, throwing the cross. The gypsy was crushed with all his weight, and he died.

Chapter 4

One day, when my grandmother was praying, my grandfather burst into the room screaming about the fire. Everyone started running out of the house. The workshop was on fire. Shouting that the vitriol would explode, the grandmother rushed into the fire, wrapping herself in a blanket, and took out a bucket bottle from there. She began to command people who put out the flames. Soon everything was extinguished.

Grandfather stroked grandmother on the head and was glad that she short time the Lord gives wisdom.

I had already gone to bed, when an inhuman howl was heard in the night. It was Aunt Natalya, Yakov's second wife, who gave birth. Grandmother went to help with childbirth, despite her burned hands.

By morning, Natalia had died.

Chapter 5

In the spring, the uncles separated, and the grandfather moved into a new house, renting almost all the rooms to the tenants. My grandmother and I lived in the attic, and tenants often ran to her for advice. She told me about her life and how she knitted lace from an early age.

Grandfather took it into his head to teach me to read and write, and science was easy for me. Grandfather beat me less and less often and often talked about the past. I liked these stories more than the Psalter - there were no more books. But he never talked about my father or my mother, because he was angry with her, who married against her father's will.

Chapter 6

The uncles demanded that the grandfather divide between them the mother's dowry. The grandfather objected.

Once Yakov came running with the news that a drunken Mikhail was going to break the doors and beat his father. My uncle was thrown out the gate, but since then there have been more and more fights involving him in our house. He came, crushed everything around and used foul language.

Grandmother tried to intervene, to reason with the raging Mikhail, but in one of these quarrels he broke her arm with a stake. The chiropractor was called. She turned out to be a little hunchbacked woman, and I, frightened that it was my grandmother's death, began to drive her out of the house.

Chapter 7

Grandparents prayed every day. Listening to them, I realized that their God was different. Babushkin was simple and understandable to me, he existed everywhere and his kindness lived in every creature, animate or not. Dedushkin was evil and punished for every atrocity, and all day long he did nothing but look out for human misconduct, so that later he would subtly punish him for the sin he had committed.

Grandmother prayed in a new way every day, and it was pleasant to listen to these words, there were almost no requests in them, but more doxology. She often spoke with God in her life.

Grandfather's morning began with the same prayers, which I learned by heart and every time I looked for an error in my grandfather's words, pointing them out to him. He lamented and soon found something to avenge me for.

Chapter 8

Grandfather bought a new house, more comfortable, but also full of guests. I especially liked the Good Deed, who was considered a freeloader in the house. At first, he did not want to communicate with me, but, having heard the tale of my grandmother, he changed his mind and we became friends. I often went to visit him. Good Deed was a chemist, although they called him a warlock in the house, and my grandfather punished me for every visit to his room.

As a result, my grandfather survived my friend, lying that my mother needed a room. This is how my friendship ended. amazing person, one of those people who remain strangers in their native country.

Chapter 9

After the Good Deed, I became friends with Uncle Peter. Once my brothers and I wanted to steal a puppy from a neighbor and they suggested that I distract him by spitting on his bald head. As a result, I was caught and taken to be raised by my grandfather, and the brothers played in the street.

Uncle Peter rejoiced at my act, and became unpleasant to me. We finally quarreled when I became friends with three neighbor guys. Our friendship lasted until the moment when their grandfather, the colonel, recognized them. I was punished.

Peter believed that I should have beaten the guys for what had happened. He hated everything masterful.

Soon he committed suicide, and we learned that he was part of a gang that robbed churches.

Chapter 10

Mother arrived. Grandfather was not happy with her. Grandma stood up. That day, for the first time, I saw my grandfather hugging her. And from this picture my soul became so warm that I, sobbing with joy, rushed to them. The sympathetic grandfather allowed the mother to stay.

The grandfather wanted to choose his wife's daughter himself and marry her off. She resisted, but when she found out that her grandfather was beating her grandmother, she changed her mind. Since then, the house has often gathered strangers. But the mother did not like the choice of the grandfather, and another scandal broke out in the house.

Chapter 11

After the scandal, my mother became the mistress of the house, it seemed, forcing out my grandfather. She decided to choose her husband according to her desire, and now she often left in the evenings, discharged.

I was assigned to a school, but I did not like the local rules.

And then I fell ill with smallpox and lay delirious for a long time in the attic, bound with bandages. Every day my grandmother came and told me about my mother and father, their marriage, my birth, and how Uncle Mikhail and Yakov wanted to kill my father from the world. Once, having drunk, they pushed him into the hole and beat his hands with boots so that he would not hold on to the edges of the hole. My father somehow got out later, and told the police that he fell into the water himself.

Chapter 12

One day I woke up healthy and hurried down to my mother. Near the door my legs gave out, and I crawled into the room. Everyone was alarmed, and an unfamiliar, unpleasant old woman began to give instructions on how to treat me.

I asked about her, and my grandfather replied that she was another grandmother of mine. And the mother pushed one of the guests, officer Yevgeny Maksimov, and introduced him as my father. I didn't like my new relatives.

Soon the mother got married and left for Moscow.

In autumn, my grandfather sold the house - my mother needed a dowry. We moved to the basement and grandfather said that from now on everyone should eat for their money. So we lived for two years until my stepfather and mother arrived. The stepfather squandered the dowry, but told everyone how his estate burned down with all the good.

My grandmother and I moved in with my stepfather. Here, too, there were quarrels, at school they did not like me because of poor clothes. The mother had already had one son, she was expecting a second. Once they were arguing, and I saw how my stepfather beats her, pregnant, with his foot in the chest. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the side.

Chapter 13

My grandmother and grandfather lived together again, I was with them. She wove lace, and her grandfather sold everything that was left, including clothes, to moneylenders. Then he invested money at interest and went bankrupt. Since then, he has become even more stingy, counting even tea leaves for tea leaves.

I also helped raise money by collecting rags and bones and stealing firewood. I gave the resulting trifle to my grandmother, and often she cried, counting my nickels in the palm of her hand. At school, everyone laughed at me even more.

The stepfather disappeared, the sick mother moved to us together with the newborn Nikolai. She died soon after.

A few days after the funeral, my grandfather refused to feed me and sent me "to the people."

No matter how hard and dark life is, there is always something bright in it. In an endless series of insults, pain, deaths, there are good, memorable moments for which it is worth living.

You can use this text for reader's diary

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  • former people
  • Childhood
  • Chelkash

Childhood. Picture for the story

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