Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ability to organize and motivate a team to quickly solve problems. Ability to bring people together

Henry Ford said that the question "Who should be the boss?" similar to the question "Who should be a tenor in a quartet?". Obviously a person who can sing in a tenor voice. A real leader is not afraid of responsibility and is ready to answer for the people who trust him.

Not every person is given to be a leader in the very best sense this word. Many are sure that being ahead of everyone is very prestigious, but in fact they are poorly aware of what a true leader should be like, what qualities he should have so that people would strive to follow him and would like to be like him.

Indeed, in essence, this person is like a beacon that indicates where people who trust him should move.

A leader can be a person whose interests are much broader than just his own, because he thinks extremely broadly - and, first of all, he is most interested in personal growth, development and self-realization of other people.

Qualities that a true leader must have

1. Clear awareness of your own goal

A real leader knows exactly and really realizes where and why he is going - because this gives him the opportunity to lead other people - his followers. Otherwise, he will be just a small unit of a large crowd.

2. Self-control, the ability to listen to your intuition

To know oneself well, the ability to understand what is happening inside oneself, the ability to understand and in right moment listen to own emotions, sensations, intuitions - really important quality real leader.

Are you surprised that so much attention is paid to ordinary feelings? In vain. It is they who help at the right time to correctly orientate in what is happening and in time to “notice” the chance that life carefully provides. A true leader cannot be manipulated, he cannot be led astray - because he clearly understands what he wants.

3. Adequate self-esteem

The leader must be calm, sober, and in his power. All these important qualities help him behave correctly in certain critical cases, and thanks to them, sometimes he can even take risks in some way, because in certain critical situations his decisiveness and courage are really increased.

Adequate self-confidence significantly expands the limits of the leader's capabilities, as a result of which he can acquire a new positive life experience. Usually such a person has a feeling own confidence much higher than that of his followers.

4. Moral readiness for reasonable risk

A real leader is ready to take risks not only in business, his own business, his own work, but also in his ordinary everyday life.

Moreover, he is absolutely not afraid to do this, and all because he is quite clearly aware that later he will have to pay a serious price for an initiative that is not shown in time. That is why he is ready in some cases to literally get ahead of possible events and consciously take a certain risk.

5. Honesty and reliability

Any leader is, in a sense, the bearer of certain general moral norms of a certain association of people, therefore his own worldview and actions must comply with the universal and moral norms familiar to us - justice, honesty, reliability, certain responsibility and clear consistency in their own actions and actions.

6. Motivational activity and adequate initiative

A true leader never waits for someone else to create a productive desire to work in him. He understands and clearly realizes that the entire responsibility for convincing himself to do something lies solely with him. Therefore, at first he tries to learn how to properly motivate himself, and later makes self-motivation a necessary and absolutely regular practice.

7. Active life position

It is she who helps the leader to correctly and adequately navigate in any situation. Thanks to her, he is always in the thick of any events, knows how to find out everything directly from the first mouth, and as a result of this, he is well informed about everything that happens and has an absolutely clear personal opinion on every occasion.

8. Ability to assemble people into a team

As a rule, constantly attracts people to him with his thoughts or ideas, certain ideals, as well as the power of his ability to convince, so he is going to certain group like-minded people, which becomes a close-knit team.

It is this skill common man is the most important ability, which subsequently determines his successful development as a leader. A competent setting of the right values ​​and rational control over the adherence of the followers themselves to these goals is an important quality of the leader himself.

9. Definition and clear vision of perspective

Agree that the person leading the team must know the direction in which he is going. Therefore, the most important organizational qualities of a true leader, among others, also include observation, determination and clear awareness the prospects for the specific activities of his team - the people who follow him. A true leader does not notice the obstacles that arise in his way, but he absolutely clearly and clearly sees the specific goal he is striving for.

10. Ability to organize and motivate a team to quickly solve the tasks

It's fundamental organizational quality true leader. It lies in the ability to competently and adequately distribute responsibilities between team members, as well as the ability to properly motivate and inspire people at the right time to complete specific tasks and coordinate work in case of real need.

11. The ability to quickly navigate in any situation

In fact, the leader main contributor complex process, he is literally in the center of events, where they interact and oppose various powers, which very often, for objective reasons, cannot independently control. Therefore, a true leader must feel the potential development of events, literally “feel the situation” and at the same time be able to instantly navigate in it so that his decision is exclusively correct.

12. Willingness to help and support your followers in difficult times

These qualities characterize a true leader as a Human. People begin to respect him even more for the fact that he always remembers their interests, and if he is also puzzled by what he can give them, and not by what he, as a leader, can get from them, then respect and love for him is simply will know no boundaries. A bad leader is one who does not notice the problems of his followers and does not consider it possible to support them in difficult situation especially when he can and is able to do so.

In addition to this extensive list leadership qualities a true leader must be able to thank and encourage his followers in time. This will help him much more successfully perform specific functions in organizing the management process.

How often have you met such people in your life? Most likely really rare. Sometimes life tests the strength of such comrades. They start like true leaders, but the tests, alas, never pass, because they are weak in character or they are not leaders at all, but just ordinary upstarts.

If suddenly you notice certain leadership inclinations in yourself, then you should know - positive traits need development, which means that you are able to overcome all the obstacles that arise, avoid the possible temptations of abuse of authority and become a real leader, but this is not achieved immediately. Don't be afraid to work on improving yourself!

Whatever we do in business, we deal with people. And these people, our employees, are our reflection. We attract people who we are. A productive person will attract productive, capable - capable, idler (if you have such a recruiter) - idlers.

There are exceptions, it happens that the leader himself can move mountains, works day and night and “in the morning” still manages to revive those who are “blown away” by morning. It sometimes happens that you want to pick up a “Kalashnikov assault rifle” and yet at that moment you realize that the reason for their failures is in yourself. They are you. I am them. And it is a sin to scold them, because it will turn out that you scold yourself, perhaps your past self, and yet yourself.
As a rule, we show emotions in relation to only those “jambs” of our employees that we ourselves once allowed.

Below is an instruction I wrote for the leaders of my organization (slightly "smoothed" for public access). If you like the ideas I have outlined, let your friends read this article. I sincerely want to make this world a little better.

Enjoy reading.


It will be at least strange to describe the whole technology of working with people and the technology of hiring personnel when all this has already been written and all this is in our office.

We have it in more simple form: in the form of courses adapted to the world of business by the VICE Public Organization.

We have it in a still-still-still simpler form, and, in my opinion, it doesn't get any easier. In the form of instructions written by me and my friends. These instructions are TWO PAGES. I don't think it's that much.

So, instructions are needed.
Still need a permanent and fast hiring, fast learning new employees and placement, a quick apprenticeship period, and all this interspersed with exams, checking the real product on the post and screening failed - exactly in that order, without skipping anything.

Let's add here a few more elements, qualities that any leader must possess in order to be a good leader, and which can be attributed to magic, to the supernatural ability, your talent... anything you want.

These are the elements, these are the qualities:

  1. The executive director must SEE - given to a person or not! It is the ID (executive director, hereinafter referred to as the ID; often this is CEO; any manager at the top of the management of the organization) and the head of the personnel department decide whether it is given to the candidate for a job by fate and life, for example, to sell or not even worth trying. It is given to him to lay bricks - or he should not be allowed even close to bricks, and even more so to people. Is it given to him to keep accounting or is it an empty idea to force this particular "accountant" to fill out a declaration of 4 lines.
  2. Communicate more with candidates and staff members. Understand their manufacturing process. LOOK, not listen, but look - can he do his job or not. Does he give a product or not. Is he here at all? Or it's just the body and its mental "machines" and the guy is stuck a couple of light-years away. Good! Does he do what you want and within the time frame that you have given him? It doesn't matter if he has instructions or not. You buy from him the result of his labor. Are you satisfied with its result? Are you ready to pay for such a result out of your (your) pocket? If you are not ready to pay out of your own pocket for “such” result, and yet, finding excuses, pay out of the pocket of the business owner, then you, along with this guy who does not give a product, are robbing him. Rob all those employees that give the product. What is right about this?
  3. It is very important to interest a person to receive the product. It is very important to give importance, to make important what it does and what it produces. It is very important to achieve from the employee the desire to break into a cake, but to get, produce what you want and what is determined by his duties. So it will work better.
  4. It is also important to pay for results in a timely manner. Most The best way to ruin the system of payment in the form of interest and make it hated and not accepted is a couple of times not to pay the interest earned on time. You take and, for one reason or another, pay everyone a little bit and only salaries, regardless of the person's real contribution. You do this because there is not enough money and because everyone needs money, everyone needs to live somehow. My congratulations! Now, the guy who brought you money and did not receive his interest will no longer work and you will not have any money or people at all (including those who had nothing to live on and you “helped” him; only he will run away first, accusing you of bad work).
  5. If the ED said “I will fire everyone who does not give a result in the first two weeks as a manager” - he must fire everyone who does not give a result after 2 weeks (I remind you that hiring should be massive and permanent). If the ID didn’t do it ONE time, didn’t do it the second time (he has his own cockroaches that make him love the proletariat; or maybe he is a communist; or maybe ... I don’t know who he is), well - no one else will work. What for? The ID is good, he will regret and understand.

No. Such an ID will have unhappy people and soon it will have no more people. They will find someone who will ask them, skin them, force them, train them, but achieve production and then pay on time.

People yell, grumble and criticize those who make them work.

But they run away from those they like and go after those who FORCE them to GET THE PRODUCT at any cost. In the depths of their souls, they instinctively understand that the one who hard and cruelly forces them to live is what they need. From their point of view, the one who can “hang” a neighbor because he had bad coffee in the morning is a leader and he must obey and follow him. A democrat who calls for honesty and rationality, who tries to achieve his goal through ethics and reason - will be pelted with rotten eggs and forgotten, and he will die a beggar, in a ditch, forgotten even by his friends. The tyrant, who hanged a third of the nation, will be erected monuments during his lifetime, they will worship, obey, work, receive money and will carry him in their arms. And he, a tyrant and a scoundrel, will build great empire whether it be a commercial organization or a government.

I am not calling you to be scoundrels and scum in order to succeed. I ask you to understand the society in which you live. So far it is exactly as I describe it. Look where our Democrats are now. I personally know Grigory Yavlinsky, Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Lukin, Boris Nadezhdin, ... I saw many and talked to many, even if it was a short conversation. But it was informal communication, allowing to understand a person. Okay, let's take G.A. Zyuganov. You know he's smart he is a social democrat. I spent one day with him, in principle, in an informal setting. Why is he or the Democrats not in power? Why are there no more (democrats) in the Duma? Why isn't there any democratic movement. their people do not support. And who is supported? Who are they following? You have received the answers. You have five.

  1. Manage people. Use people. Rearrange them like pieces on a chessboard. Move them. Use them, including for your personal purposes. If you use them, you have them. If you don't use them, they will spit on you, raise a rebellion and find a new owner who will simply use them. Yes, there's more. Someone, reading this order, will begin to be indignant and yell “how dare he treat people like that !!!”, “he treats us like cattle!” - Use it first. Mind-emotion-strength. The mind does not help, turn on the emotion (the force is already at the ready, you are already ready to cut off his head and he sees it), the emotion does not help - turn on the force. The force does not work - “cut off” his head - and he will follow you like a cute one and others, looking at this “bloody mess”, will say: “real boss, I’ll go to work.”
  2. Don't be nice and nice to your subordinates. Keyword MAKE them work. Get production out of them at any cost. Scandals, screams, protests and mass complaints... don't give a damn. Income statistics will save you. And personally, I (remember, I wrote this for my managers), looking at your high income statistics and a growing team, listening to numerous complaints, just smirk to myself and yawn and say ... uuu .., many ..., many .. certainly…. I'll figure it out and... I'll write you a bonus.
  3. Direct your attention and strength to those who are higher than you in position and who are stronger than you. If you want to be strong, strengthen the one who is stronger than you. Do you want to become powerful - strengthen the power of the one who is stronger than you and do not waste a second on the one who stands and complains about his miserable life. Then, having become powerful, you will send a candy to him by courier. Now, strengthen the one who is stronger. If you want to survive in this crazy world (and that world is crazy), do not try to load the problems and work of someone who is stronger than you. So, strengthen the one who is already strong.

This can be expressed as:

  • make it so that he has more free time;
  • never burden him with problems;
  • don't make it wrong; take his wrong on yourself: “boss, you have nothing to do with it, it’s not you who are to blame for his “death” (maybe without quotes), it was I who slammed him, he dared to look askance in your direction.”
  • take on as much of his work as you can;

And study L. Ron Hubbard's article "The Responsibility of Leaders", it's about that. And you are in danger, having power or being around someone who is in power. They will not dare to kick him, but they will dare to dare you. You will be kicked, criticized, ridiculed and spat upon. You will not envy! But you are a LEADER and others will follow you.

The world is sweet! Watch TV, especially on weekends. The world is sweet. Everything in it shines and sparkles. But this is only external tinsel, behind which cruelty and violence are hidden. And in this world, as Hubbard wrote, only tigers survive, and even they have a hard time.

The ED is obliged to know and apply the above data and use them for any reason. And the ID must know that if the employee, having studied detailed instructions, describing all his work, and how he should produce something (provided proper learning), requires some more instructions, then nothing can help him. He has grade 4 brain cancer. Send him to "hospice", i.e. thank you. In fact, our society is a big “hospice” and you will add another poor fellow to this “hospice”, but you will have a chance to make this society a little healthier if you don’t have someone around who just does what puts spokes in the wheels of your company.

And God grant us - to achieve our goals and then, to get the same world without wars, crime and violence, where the able will flourish, and the honest will have rights. For now, we have what we have.

So, dear Executive Director, GO!!!

Link to my website:
The actual address of the company:
143909, Balashikha, st. Zvezdnaya, house 7, building 1,
office 517 Capital Prok building

27.02.2018 on the basis of the municipal government institution additional education"Center for Extracurricular Activities and Youth Policy" p. Stepnoye, the traditional regional competition "Leader-2018" was held. The goal of which was to create conditions for the self-realization of talented leaders of children's and youth public associations and bodies student government.

The event was attended by leaders of children's organizations and student self-government bodies educational institutions Stepnovsky district. Each stage of the selection of leaders was evaluated by the jury members. 9 pupils of district schools took part in the competition.

In the competition "I, my organization and my Motherland!", the participants presented the program of activities of their children's public association or student self-government, showed their ability to speak to an audience. The best became Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Sarkisov Georgy (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

The "Face of Russia" contest gave the participants an opportunity to show intellectual ability, as a result of which large quantity points were scored by Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6), Kornienko Tatyana (MKOU secondary school No. 9) and Kononenko Alena (MKOU secondary school No. 5).

In the competition "Protection social project» participants prepared and presented presentations. In their projects, the participants proved the relevance of the chosen problem, showed the algorithm for implementing their project and the presence of a qualitative result. The best were Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Sarkisov Georgy (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

In the variable block of the "Blitz Game" and "Catastrophe in the Ocean" competitions, the participants showed the ability to quickly find solutions in a new and unexpected situation. Deservingly showed their communication skills Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Sarkisov Georgy (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

The places were distributed according to the number of points as follows:

1st place - Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6);

2nd place - Epanova Lyudmila (MKOU secondary school No. 3);

3rd place - Kornienko Tatyana (MKOU secondary school No. 9).

1st place - Georgy Sarkisov (MKOU secondary school No. 2);

2nd place - Katsuba Panteley (MKOU secondary school No. 7);

3rd place - Alena Kononenko (MKOU secondary school No. 5).

In the correspondence competition, the participants had to create a Vkontakte page, promote it in in social networks, as well as post an essay on it on the topic: “The leader of our time: responsibility for oneself or for others?”.

It is best to present your point of view and reveal the problem in your essay by Alina Tagidneva (MKOU secondary school No. 6), but create your own page and talk about your childhood public organization near Ivanova Essenia (MOU secondary school No. 1 named after Hero Soviet Union P.I. Nikolaenko).

The winners were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes.

Sarkisov Georgy and Tagidneva Alina will represent the Stepnovsky district in Stavropol on March 23, 2018, in the final of the regional competition "Leader-2018".

We wish George and Alina success in the finals of the regional competition!

Organizing Committee of the MKU DO TsVR MP

Mikhail Baranov | ten October 2015

long stories

« best leader one that people don't even know exists. When the work is done, they say: they did it themselves.
Lao Tzu Leader - from English "leader" - going ahead. AT encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, the leader is the leader, the leader. And since he is a leader, he must have certain qualities and skills. Of course, first of all, a modern leader must have a huge stock energy. And I consider this the most important quality in our time, because now without strength and energy, nowhere. Everywhere is vanity, noise, din, and you get tired of it quickly. In addition, the leader must not only be energetic himself, but also charge those around him with this energy. It helps a lot and attracts people. For example, the energy of the famous American businessman Jack Welch was enormous, it energized others, and he in the best way put his plans into action.
The second, in my opinion, important quality is to have competitive advantages and be bold. AT modern society Without competition, it seems to me impossible to get anywhere. For example, recently I was at the Olympiad in geography, and I had to face huge competition. There were 25 people against me. At first I was a little scared that I would take the last place, but then I realized that I needed to gather all my knowledge. And it really helped me, I partially coped with the competition looming over me and took 11th place, which I am satisfied with. So that a modern leader must be competitive and not be afraid of difficulties, but rather fight them.
The well-known psychologist of the 20th century, Jacob Moreno, identified three main roles of a leader in society:
- A leader capable of leadership. Such a leader is characterized as calm, hardworking, rational, active and trustworthy.
- The leader is popular. Basically, these people are sociable, cheerful, authoritative and passionate about something.
- The leader of the "black sheep". These leaders are most often unattractive, indifferent and negative.
If this is the leader of a group, then he does not have to be its leader, then the relationship between the leader and the leader can be effective and harmonious for the life of the group, but it may be the other way around that there will often be conflicts between them. And in my opinion, the leader should be the leader so that there are no quarrels and conflicts.
For myself, I have identified four levels of leadership:
-Leader for himself. This is the first stage, which is the beginning of leadership. At this stage, you need to discipline and motivate yourself, as well as take responsibility for your own actions.
-Leader in the situation. This is leadership at the so-called micro level, when a person takes on only functions, but does not become a leader. Often this happens in extreme situations where you need to take responsibility.
-Team leader. The third stage of leadership. At this stage, a person forms his team and motivates it to achieve certain goals.
-Leader in the system. This is the last stage of leadership, in my opinion. A person becomes a leader for leaders. His goals are becoming more serious and global. At this stage, the leader must have many professional qualities.
I myself believe that I am only at the third level, since I am already the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
A modern leader must have communication skills, and here's what it takes:
An important leadership skill is communication. Nowadays, this skill occupies a key place for a person who wants to be a leader. He must find mutual language with other people in different situations.
Also, a modern leader must be able to convince, because it helps a lot to achieve the goal. To do this, he can use his, so to speak, "non-verbal intelligence", emotions, facial expressions and gestures.
A leader needs to be trustworthy. In order for a person to go over to the side of the leader, you need to use non-verbal skills such as posture, intonation, speech rate, and much more.
And it is very important that the leader can not only listen, but also hear. This means that the leader can not only speak, but also knows how to listen attentively enough. To do this, select interesting topic conversation, win over a person, and then let him speak out, while it is important to listen to him carefully, well, or to pretend (nod your head, insert remarks in the right places, ask questions).
And in the end I want to say that real leader everything must always be brought to the end. This is very important, because if you take on some business, you must be sure that you will bring it to the end, otherwise people will think that you are not a man of your word and will not trust you.
« If you are the first, then always be the first!”
Valery Chkalov