Biographies Characteristics Analysis

I am not a responsible person to do. Psychology

The personality psychology of a person who is successful, self-confident and satisfied with life implies a wide area of ​​responsibility. It is thanks to the fact that people themselves make decisions, build relationships, make choices, make mistakes and correct them, they manage to achieve a lot in their personal and professional fields. Such people are called strong personalities, they are consulted, they are authoritative, responsible people.

How to understand that a person is not formed responsibility? The psychology of the individual in this case will be distinguished by the desire not to solve problems, but to avoid them, blame other people for failures, pretend that nothing is happening, wait for the problem to be solved by itself, or someone will help to do it. Irresponsibility is accompanied by a habit of making promises and immediately forgetting about them, a discrepancy in words and deeds, and attempts to shift it onto other people.

Literally, this concept can be translated as “not giving an answer” to everything that happens in life. Considering that everyone lives their own life, then a person must also be responsible for everything that happens in it, and not blame other people, circumstances, friends, parents, country for the failures.

Being responsible means understanding your desires, thoughts and actions, setting goals and taking steps to achieve them, seeing what certain actions lead to, learning from mistakes, and drawing conclusions. Human psychology is so arranged that he is able to distinguish his responsibility from the responsibility of other people or circumstances. This means understanding that sometimes there is no way to influence the course of events and change plans. In this case, it is important not to be disappointed and not to give up, but to think about how you can correct the situation within the framework of your responsibility. You can learn how to form this feeling and make it firmly entrenched in character traits by reading this article.

People who are in a relationship can make promises to each other. When a person promises something, it means that he had motives to do it. No one forces people to promise and not to fulfill - they do it themselves. In the eyes of the people around them, not doing them makes a person irresponsible. It's about about those words that were spoken and almost immediately forgotten.

If you want to develop a sense of responsibility, you need to give up the habit of making promises that may not be kept. Remember everything that was once said, but not done. What were the reasons for this? You need to start by defining the motive - why were the promises made? Was the desire to do something for another real, sincere, or was it a need to show one's competence and significance? In the first case, these promises are most often fulfilled, in the second they can be quickly forgotten. Try not to promise right away, say what you think, leave yourself time to weigh everything and make a promise when you are sure that you can keep it.

Pay attention to relationships with others

It happens that a person does not realize his personal responsibility when he is used to the fact that other people decide everything for him. This often happens if, in childhood, parents made a choice for a child and solved his problems. The habit of living like this can remain in adulthood.

Stop those who are willing to do for you what you can handle yourself. It may be relatives or colleagues who want to feel the feeling self-importance or friends who lack communication. So the responsibility for your life can pass into the hands of other people and the consequences of decisions made by someone will no longer depend on you.

In order to form the habit of doing your own things, you need, firstly, to want to do what concerns you, and secondly, to convey to the people around you that from now on you yourself make decisions, make choices and solve your problems.

If a person does not have a developed sense of responsibility, he rarely thinks about tomorrow- such is the psychology of personality. He can't predict possible problems, to contribute to the present for the benefit of the future, not ready for the unexpected unpleasant surprises. In fact, he does not have an answer to what might happen to him tomorrow, does not know what to do and most often does not do anything, allowing other people to do it for him. This is how total irresponsibility develops.

To be responsible, you need to feel in control of your life. This is possible if you think clearly and understand everything that happens in it - the causes of events, relationships with others, their own role. Objective anxiety about the future and thoughts about tomorrow is planning that leads to action. If a person is responsible for them, then we can say that a sense of responsibility begins to develop in him.

Learn from your mistakes

Making mistakes is part of human psychology. Not taking responsibility is not understanding that negative experience will be repeated again and again until the strategy of behavior is changed.

If there is no habit of analyzing everything that happens, then the danger of repeating past mistakes remains. If there is no responsibility for what is happening, then erroneous thoughts arise that what happened was repeated due to someone else's fault - other people, conditions, evil fate.

In order to be responsible for your life, you need to remember well the negative consequences that wrong actions led to and in a similar situation, in order to avoid repeating the negative experience, act differently.

The more boldly a person takes responsibility for his life on himself, the easier he takes risks, because he hopes for his strengths character, feels confident, understands the reason and purpose of actions and the responsibility that he bears for them. He is not afraid to take risks, because he has enough resources to emerge victorious, and if not, then to learn from his mistakes and move on.

Relationship Psychology: Don't Let Others "Save" You

When a person is in stressful situation, is experiencing pain or anxiety, it may seem to him that his life does not depend on him. At such moments, other people can offer moral or feasible help. Relations with them should not interfere with realizing your share of responsibility in the most hopeless situation. You can only allow others to do something for yourself if there is an urgent need for it, or if there is no way to do it yourself. In other cases - when they try to make a decision for you, make a choice, teach you how to do the right thing - you need to make it clear that this is your area of ​​​​responsibility, and only you will decide what to do.

9 ways to increase your own responsibility - how to become a responsible person?

A responsibility- one of the most major human qualities . People endowed with this property are more likely to be hired, it is more pleasant not only to communicate with them, but in general to have at least some contact, because without the responsible person- this is an adult child, you cannot wait for help from him, he is eccentric and not able to answer for his actions and words.

How to become a responsible person?

Having become responsible for his life, a person gains freedom, begins to build his own happiness on his own, overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals.

  • The first rule is plan your day

Many large companies carry out time management training. It allows you to effectively distribute your time in such a way that it is enough for everything.

Americans and Germans are famous workaholics, but by Friday night everyone is on the golf courses. None of them stay up late at work and take work home. And all why? Because they have sing to do everything during working hours.

The theory of time management is suitable even for a housewife. With it, any person begins to truly value his time, learn to distribute it correctly, and not waste a single minute.

  • Train your memory

Is always pay attention to the little things for which your consciousness can cling. At first it will be difficult, but then you can easily remember what you ate last Monday and whether you really turned off the iron.

The ability to remember a large number of information is a very useful skill in life. After all good memory helps to track your mistakes in order to take them into account in the future.

  • Don't throw words to the wind

The responsible person first thinks can he complete the task? or comply the necessary conditions, and only then promises something. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can say that you will simply try or you will not be able to guarantee 100% compliance with the conditions.

  • Write down your plans and tasks because you can't remember everything

Then you never forget about a very important meeting or about serious negotiations. By the way, organizers were invented for these purposes.

  • Practice more organizational work

It does not matter what it will be - a picnic, a holiday or a school trip to another city. Take care of everything! The more events you arrange, the easier and faster you will get it, and the easier it will become for you to manage your life.

  • Never say phrases: “If it weren’t for work/weather/friends…”, “the leadership/government/doctors/oligarchs are to blame for everything…” and so on

Man is the master of his own life! He is able, if not to change his conditions of existence, then to change them. Every morning, repeat as a mantra: “I am the master of my life. I alone am responsible for what happens to me.” Believe what is said, because it is true!

  • Find a soul mate and develop with it in unison

It's easier to change together than alone. After all, even on a diet it is easier to sit if someone supports you. Share successes, recipes for overcoming difficulties, and compete in increasing your responsibility. it the best way motivates both of you.

In this case, it will be possible to tell a friend that yesterday you organized an excursion for 40 five-graders to the zoo, and the interlocutor will tell that she took on a complex project at work, and has almost completed it.

  • Always - act

Even in the most difficult situation do not lose yourself and look for ways out of the crisis. And if you seem to have no problems and everything is going smoothly, then do not stop there, but think about the next goal. Go ahead and aim for it.

  • change

Do not think that with age it is impossible to change. Amazing transformations happen even at 70. People are changing their lives become really happy and free. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute failures to fate. All or almost all problems are a consequence of our actions and mistakes that need to be analyzed and corrected.

Increasing responsibility means getting out of your comfort zones. And on this path, you will have to step over yourself more than once.

But it is absolutely necessary to overpower and take this step in order to reach the height of responsibility with increased responsibility. new level quality of life!

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Class hour "What does it mean to be a responsible person" in grade 8B

Class teacher Ekaterina Vladimirovna Orlova


Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Target: to promote the development of a sense of responsibility in schoolchildren, to promote the formation of children's skills to analyze their actions and character traits, to cultivate respect, tolerance for others, the formation communicative competence, the development of ingenuity, logical thinking.

Tasks :

- develop the ability to compare and various points view to draw conclusions and generalizations;

To form the ability for collective reasoning, a culture of communication and speech;

Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, the ability to defend their point of view.






The course of the hour of communication

I. Communication of the topic and purpose of the hour of communication.

Good afternoon, I'm glad to see you all together. Shake hands with your neighbor as it is done in the whole civilized world before serious work as a friendly gesture.

Today we will Classroom hour on the topic that was proposed at our previous meeting. As a topic, I would like to propose a statement French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

To be human means to feel one's responsibility to people. .

How do you understand this statement? (guys saying)

II. Introduction to the topic

When you were young, your actions were largely dictated by those who cared for you. You ate when your parents gave you food, you went where you were led, i.e. you are completely dependent on your parents. Now you have matured, acquired the necessary skills, gradually becoming more independent, you have the obligation to go to school, do homework. Soon you will become adults and will be fully responsible for yourself and for others.

How you learn to make choices today will determine your ability to responsibly

approach life in the future.

I want to bring to your attention a story.

What do you think that answered the loser successful person? (children's statements)

“Clearly,” the successful person replied, “you are primarily inclined to blame circumstances for your failures, so you do not strive to improve yourself. And until you learn to take responsibility for your actions on yourself, instead of shifting it to others, you will remain a loser.

III. Main part

Your statements turned out to be almost the same as the successful person answered.

But no less difficult for a person is the ability to keep his word. No wonder in one Russian proverb: “If you don’t give a word, be strong, but if you give a word, hold on»
And how many cases when you easily promise me to do something to each other. And the day comes ... and it turns out that nothing is being done.

Now I will give you some situations.

1 Situation: On Health Day, the guys in the class agree on who will be in the team, who is responsible for filming, who is for other things. On the appointed day, out of 21 students, 16 come, what the rest are doing is unknown (and this is a school day), and even the team members had to be called by the guys by phone. Why do you think this happened? Why is the class in last place? (children's statements).

How can you call the act of the guys who let the rest down?

2 Situation: A group of students must go to certain time for profile tests. The children were warned about the start time of the tests by the head teacher and the class teacher. Everyone calmly listened, they promised to come, but only half of the guys came at the appointed time, the rest, who remained at home, did not consider it necessary to answer class teacher on the phone call. Why do you think?

How can you characterize such an act? (children's statements).

3 Situation: For a month, the students agreed that on a certain day they would go bowling with the whole class. The day before, 4 people were warned that they would not be able to go, according to a number of different serious reasons. The rest were silent. At the appointed time, it turned out that 11 people out of 21 came to the bowling alley. In your opinion, what character trait does this act indicate?

How can this action be called? (statements).

- What is responsibility? When does this feeling occur? ( A responsibility It is the duty to be responsible for one's actions, actions.)

What character traits are characteristic of a responsible person? The words are written on the board , which represent different traits character of a person. Leave only those that are characteristic of a responsible person.

(honesty, courage, cowardice, insincerity, sociability and isolation, kindness and malevolence, attentiveness and indifference, diligence and laziness, fear of difficulties, activity.)

How fish behave in the river flow ? (floats with the flow and against the flow, i.e. actively)

What happens to a log floating on the surface? (Answers)

In what case can the same thing happen with a fish as with a log (Answers)

You can live the years of your childhood and youth actively, like a fish, or passively, like a log. Fish that live in the river are able to swim both with the flow and against it.

If she stops moving, she is swept away by the current.

But floating in opposite side, the fish can overcome the force of the stream and even reach the headwaters of the river. The log, on the other hand, has no choice: in the end, it will end up where the stream takes it.

And let's ask ourselves: do we create our own future or go with the flow, like a log on a river?

Do you think you are going with the flow or creating your future, can anyone honestly and responsibly say so? (Children's statements).

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What does each of you need to become responsible person? (Learn to be responsible for your actions).

serious attitude life begins with a conscious decision to take responsibility. We make such a decision more than once, we make it many times during our lives.

The responsible person is the one who controls himself and his behavior. Therefore, each of you must learn to take responsibility for your actions, deeds, behavior. If you do not learn this, then your life will change according to the will of other people.

At the heart of each act is a responsible or irresponsible attitude to the current situation. Our well-being, relationships with others, and sometimes even human life depend on our actions.

V. Reflection

In front of you are multi-colored emoticons. Choose the emoticon that corresponds to your attitude towards our conversation if:

1. I think the topic is important to me. There is something to think about. - Green

2. I will think about it, but not today…someday…maybe… Yellow

3. Everything we talked about is just empty words. They don't matter. I just wasted my time. Red

Thank you for your work!

Summing up the end of October, I regret to admit that I did not have enough responsibility. Unfortunately, I did not find a manual for the development of this quality for adults on the Internet. So I had to write the manual myself.

Hope it helps you too.

First, let's understand what is responsibility? The dictionary gives the following interpretation: "a subjective obligation to be responsible for actions and actions, as well as their consequences." In yoga, where one of the values ​​is awareness of life, I was told that the word "responsibility" comes from the root "Vedas" and means " I know what I'm doing ". It sounds nice, but linguists say that the root is veteo (advice), which goes to βουλή, which means will in ancient Greek. That's just the will - this is the ability to consciously manage your life. So the yoga instructor was close to the truth.

Learn to admit your mistakes. This is probably the most difficult. At that moment, when you are praised or thanked, it is pleasant for each of us. Only when we hear criticism or censure, we behave in a completely different way. It is very difficult not to become defensive, trying to make the other person to blame. But it’s much more correct to say “I’m sorry” and describe what exactly you repent of. This is where you develop an understanding of actions.

It's even harder to apologize if you've been caught lying. After all, then it will be necessary to tell the truth, and not just offer ways to resolve the situation.

Draw lines of responsibility. Obviously, you cannot be responsible for everyone and everything. Therefore, it is regularly worth thinking about, but where is the border? We are each responsible for ourselves first and foremost. Therefore, in this example, let's try to draw boundaries.
Let's try to answer the questions:

  • Who is responsible for my thoughts, actions, words? Definitely myself.
  • Who is responsible for my health? If he treats him irresponsibly for a long time, then the moment will come when the doctor will answer. And while I.
  • Who is responsible for my reputation? Me and my loved ones.
  • Who is responsible for my comfort? A married man will answer - my wife.
  • And so on.

It's not just about yourself that you should draw boundaries. In doing so, remember: “a lot of things are not in the zone of our influence, which means we cannot be responsible for them” . You cannot take responsibility for the consequences of an earthquake - you are not the Lord God. You are only responsible for how you spend the $10 - donate it or buy a new book.

Formulate rules and stick to them. Making decisions is always difficult. And often for a long time. That is why people came up with rules, laws, morality. But we are all different, some can do more, some less. Therefore, following other people's rules is not always true. Moreover, other people's rules often conflict not only with our idea of ​​what is right, but also with each other.

In conclusion, to paraphrase the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: We are responsible for what we have done».

Responsibility as a quality of personality - the ability to take on the burden of decision-making, to be held accountable for what has been done, to be responsible for what has been entrusted, to voluntarily accept punishment for incorrectly performed not only when the acceptance of responsibility is initiated by the “responsible subject” himself, but also when he is formally or informally entrusted with control over the manifestations of group activity and its consequences.

Responsibility is when, before the start of activity, the implementation of any event in his life, a person is ready for himself worst case scenario, to the worst ending. A responsible person, when planning any action, is ready to answer in any case, even if everything did not go according to his plan. Everything is collapsing, but he has already calculated this, so he is not very upset, taking responsibility for the fiasco of his plans.

Already in the book “The Tale of Bygone Years” (X century), the term “response” was used, which is close in meaning to the concept of responsibility. The word “responsibility” was introduced into scientific use by A. Ben in the book ‘Emotions and Will’ (1865). Liability was considered in conjunction with the issue of punishability, tk. any question that arises when discussing this term was a question of accusation, condemnation, punishment.

Life smiles on the responsible. John Steinbeck wrote: “To be human is to take on some responsibility, and not just fill space with oneself.” An irresponsible person has practically no chance of achieving anything significant, valuable for himself and people in life. It is no coincidence that women put responsibility in one of the first places among male qualities personality along with self-confidence and purposefulness. Many want to have power over people, enjoy its benefits, but at the same time they do not want to take any responsibility. A person who shifts responsibility to others voluntarily gives them power over himself. Psychological Dictionary calls the fear of responsibility "hypengiophobia". There is such a parable. A man came to one Teacher and asked: “Are you God?!” - Not. the Master answered meekly. Do you know more than anyone? - Not. the Master answered meekly. Are you smarter than everyone else? - Not. the Master answered meekly. “So why do you think you have the right to say something to people?! - We all go along the same road, and if I, or someone else saw a hole, then it is his duty to warn everyone else about it.

Non-serious, stupid, cowardly people shift the responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Reasonable person ready to take full responsibility. The growth of responsibility increases the weight of rights. Stupidity, like pride, does not like responsibility. Pride loves to control everything and everything, but at the same time not to bear any responsibility. In the vocabulary of a fool, the word "responsibility" is absent. A person can be tested for stupidity - if he is afraid of responsibility, then somewhere in the subconscious, stupidity has settled like a splinter. Responsibility implies the fulfillment of duties, and a fool prefers to talk only about rights. A reasonable person knows that any system has limitations. Without knowing the restrictions, you can make trouble with the rights. For example, without reading the instructions, you can put a cat in the microwave for drying and then wonder why she gave her soul to God. a wise man feels good about his responsibility and wants to know more about it. Therefore, he becomes a professional in his field. A fool, knowing only his rights, gets into various bad stories, having come across restrictive barriers in his clumsy work. A fool is a balcony without a railing. A responsibility - quality characteristic sage.

Taking responsibility for their choice, a person feels the joy of choosing the right path. He thinks: “I live as it should. My path is correct. I am responsible for everything in my life. All my problems are not the fault of others, but my wrong choice. But these are mine life lessons. I'm not afraid of mistakes. Go forward without hesitation or doubt." To take responsibility for one's own development, one's own life, is to start the movement towards success and godliness. Responsibility is the foundation of rationality, the basis of human consciousness.

A fat plus of responsibility is the feeling of an answer in the hearts of others, the emergence of mutual understanding. People respect responsibility and build deep relationships with it based on appreciation, reverence and love. The Vedas say that responsibility is the gateway to love. Love is when you choose one person and voluntarily accept full responsibility for him. Sergei Lazarev writes: “Deep down we are all really afraid of love, because it gives not only pleasure. It makes a person be moral, it makes you forgive and sacrifice, take care and educate. It forces us to change, and change is often accompanied by loss and suffering. Love makes us be responsible for loved ones, for the family, for all of humanity.”

Irresponsibility is no longer love, but exploitation, the use of another for one's own pleasure. Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice writes: "How little true happiness awaits a married couple who are united under the influence of passions that have proved stronger than the sense of responsibility and duty." For example, in family relationships A man must accept the responsibility to protect his wife in any difficult situations, take full financial responsibility for the family and emotional responsibility for the woman's mind. When she worries, worries, worries, he must emotionally calm her down. In other words, responsibility is an amazing quality of a person. On the one hand, a person is afraid of her, and on the other hand, it is thanks to her that he wins love, respect and closeness to each other. In China, there is an unwritten law according to which a person who saved another person is responsible for his life until its very end, because, having intervened in the decision of fate, the savior could no longer escape from the responsibility for this.

A responsible person is reliable, obligatory and respected. He is aware of personal responsibility for the line of his destiny, for the creation of his own Self, his life's hardships, failures and suffering. He is well aware that he is, in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, "the undeniable author of an event or thing." Responsibility should be interpreted as authorship. It helps to reveal creative potential personality, provides an opportunity to build right relationship with the outside world. Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote in The Military Pilot: “If, wanting to justify myself, I explain my troubles with evil fate, I submit myself to evil fate; if I attribute them to treason, I submit myself to treason; but when I take full responsibility on myself, I thereby defend my human capabilities.

Responsibility as a personality quality is friendly with conscientiousness and love of freedom. Reproaches, reproaches and scandals do not instill responsibility. The English writer Bernard Shaw rightly remarked: “Freedom means responsibility. That's why people are so afraid of her." As you know, it is impossible to live in society and be free from society. A person who thinks only about rights degrades. A responsible person is famous for a highly developed sense of duty, he conscientiously fulfills his duties and is not afraid to do freely. life choice. He understands that he writes life white, accepts the role of "prima" in all situations and circumstances of the existence of himself and his children. Responsibility in conjunction with caring is also a form of manifestation of love. Respecting the right of others to be different, he shows them love, sincerity and openness.

Petr Kovalev 2013